The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 29, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THUHbOAV 2 NO WAR PRICES “«-'**■ IW"" *33 »« ♦♦ •* Omm . « _ . • • r f* *# tmrmm *«#• 1 •**» * • * •»» ••Mnt* of o*r«T» t < OO •««#*• • MM if* • tow *§*jni *« **wy *•** I c<n yffu gii |0 AO (NNT *?•**! <*•* •* f U •• 5 (•OC*! t*f m Aufw*(f LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler. IJniHf !»%• Artiniton Hoiii AugMM. o*..lmm. 24, IOW M nifiMMl „ W« lw«« now M our «r*fOOOmi If** now •r*i« K *•#•«» Piano*, oboul WMOf* «o mutsn ni»oriilMo common! h«» SppMf## m iho vo#*- wu# mul iQ|j JmiMQili ____ .» .. Tn# ri**m of tno manufacturer* iKtl lbo mob* of IvwoW Pwm»P*T* un«»w«fd inotrwmont on th# morbol «• ••*"•** ond bon inonlorlbot Iho morit of lb«»o »D»iro moy bo by <rii <•• w 9 invtt* on intooction ami trwu of *%. claim for Ibo Stylo 21 Ivocott o quality of ton* ctoMcacy of '’touch and boauty of nr*lob unoquallod **«?**"?• In •- in Aium/mm» Tbo dalm Hi a broau ono. but wo moan It. and ask your ao«*«tanoo in so * "*'*"• "v^SSSSl'ftw. W. H. Borrott. ftacatvar. 710 Broadway. p. s. —Evoratto aro tbo only pianoa guaran- • | food for an unlimitod lima. i« nu»Tv» t*nr owmoianh. Cay* OWM ft. Mrt* *«*••« to Mm M« WmMWPMI toy* to (to to»* M A ftwuMrOA XMtoXfc totosffvy. bag tom <>to»l<X to 'to m»v»«mv •I mm to aagwvtatwkd 'to *•*«*»"»* 0M «f (to Oiargts lultoiwi • r ’ Mto klatol to mm tto» Mto *US UM IWtoMtl'M of MM'M'M •H tto Qwitt itof* lto «tu to as at»<*t to imp to « *** hto ft BfWth cavalry; ftMvd m> ft Cto***, Ktfifc niff; iMrtrf. »« rworgto rmrtm*kt* m»m m» •111 to* antoto owl iff iMtortrk, Mto Min pt***"* i« at UM® to) to*totf* 'to pm**™ ■ji ltl -r «• ralMv'bg (to troop* from Krttor torrka to 'to ito'r far Vwto ysptr* Til* ofhwr* in chaff* of tto (auanwlhg oat tom notfclM to 4o with MJtotoct of i«wi»i* to tM*®« tto MM* pad I'atted Maim an (hortitea for Mipplfr. and cguipmcnta f«rnlaA*d 'to uoopa at tto liaaa of II,Hr Mtff Into tto ffffll* That ina"*t aototo op «tvd*r tl>* jariadtodoa to tto general • otor* Md must to looped aftar by ito adja (apt laaatal aI tto MIA LADIES TIES SOMETHING NEW J. MILIEB WiLKEB THE HATTER. KNOX HATS WEEKLY CROP STATEMENT. Qaorgla Weather Haa Bee® Favorable to (he Partner. Atlanta Oa., dept M The rrop bulletin of the weather bureag for the laat week waa: "With the exception of ■tome rain oa the 81(1, Mud and IJrd. fair weathar lute prevailed during the week, wbieh ha* been very favorable to the farmer, enabling Mm to nave hay and pick cotton. While badly in jured in most section* by the protriu ted rain*, cotton *how* some lutproie ment. and »* being *ayetl a* rapidly a* possible. The corn crop will be tory poor and damag'd rottoa that was not wholly ruined has been, housed and a large amount of fine hay haa been aayed. Moat late crops are doing fairly well. Wee i* ready to haryeet. but owing to high water* It I* mpossble to dran off the ftelda, and much of It ha* been somewhat in jured." J. W. Baggett, of Oak Grove, Fla., had an attack of the measlea. nearly three yeura ago, and the disease left him with very severe pains In the chest ••I thought I would die,” he writes: "but to my great Joy I was saved by Chamberlain’s Pain Balm." Patna in the chest nearly always Indicate the approach of pneumonia, and by prompt applying this liniment on a flannel cloth —which should be bound on the cheat —an attack of pneumonia may be pre vented. It Is always prompt and ef fectual. For sale at 25 and 50 cents tier bottle by Alexander Drug & Seed Co., IE. H. Parr Of Bell Tower Drug Store. To Reward Mr. tiros*. Washington, Go.. Sept. 2» It la proposed to present Hev. J. ts, Grois, who waa chiefly luatmuiendal In bringing about prohibition, wth a gold metlul aud a purse Mr. Gross gave ug his whole time to It. and (tumped the county, often making three speeches a day. Our goods bought eight and Wo sdl them tight. Law Kin & Cu> .. MGiVS Oft LA T HIT. A Oamgtoa Artto a Hty Wtok Take* Mw T*wa. Ttoto i>n>( Aupama (®»i®i« Mto' tod Ito p(*aeara at kawwtag ft Ml I Jaaan tatoa to Mend la Marwa win to I pwd to i*a® tto* to baa awl win a | pupa Mar oiaaapb ta Ultoaa. HM p-»» I eaffad Tto Mgnal of I a torts to® tod a aaorawefo! (todsu to®. Tto Orsgtoctaa say# Wat® all Ito p*npl* toraad •**■*? ftoH Conlfftf * ntjglit 9# tft* ' * If# tOflWtlMf tlt#f fPVWM Miift ••***# I ftlMl aw4tTft tw r Ml otwfluf 009* * | mmmtm. Tiff WII )*m*f * Mm* 'a Tto fltgaal as LI torts. agd ito* wa* »m«ia my sgmsthlag Mi Ito tnla that sypaatsd ta tto patrtoU* :»dhrt» of Itoatra pose®, to tto Kmc**' crowd*® and tto Ptaadad HoKilMif vtga displayed tolora tto t-egtaalSg of tbs first act Tto gtgaai of Liberty I* based upon dramatic tarMeau ta tto recaal Mar Mtth flyaia. Il open* with a stos of Ito *®ssr»<ic general s palace la Havana, foiSowed by tto arrival la tto harbor of tto hgttlgpAlp Maine Stirring ereats follow la all of which U. Dunbar of tto Maine M tto hero By a aerlee of foriullooa etrcoawUacto be rcachaa tto poet of danger )<ut la tie minute of aa«d. and aftar ba dla poae® of tha rlllalns la the rusMffhary summary way of tha Marled Yankee •altaff. he Ulka like oaa whose ma ternal tonal powers have beea highly cultivated under the direction of the poet lie defeats torellla’s atotnpt to mnrder him Ihwarta Ike perpto of Maotenello tto tnhumaa Bpnnlsb Cap tain, to capture Gracia atatar of Car denaa. a Cuban patriot, arrived ftlth Me hloetaekets 100 I ate do prevent tha cowardly killing of Cnrdanna by Man- Mtello. bat laat la lima to wltneaa the blowing ap of Ike Mato*, to (aka oath of vengeance and lo glee tha battle-cry Remember the Maine!' This part was asrellanUy taken by Mr Joaaoy. The blta of the evening were ecored by Mtaa Howard and Mr. Crnlp. respec tively correspondent* of The New York Barth and The London Graphic. They etirpaaaed Verna'a newspaper men In ludicrous portrayals, and Craig's rapid Iran onion from fear aud Kngllslt cockneylam, when therr waa no dauger. to Intrepidity and American slang when there waa real danger, wnh both effective and amusing Tha other characters acted their part* well.’* To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggists refund the money If It tails to cure. (sc. Tit* genuine ha* L. ft, U on each tablet. Apples Will Be High. There are a number of people In Augusta who are not only fond of ap ples. but eat them n golarly and reli giously for reason*. This winter they will hate to pay high pri ce# for the fruit, and be dissatisfied with the Quality of what he buys. This has been distinctively an off year with the apple grower*. Everywhere the crop seems to have been more or less of a failure. “Up In Virginia, whero they bad a magnificent crop last year," said a Broad atreet dealer today, "this year there will bardly be enough to meet the home consump tion. In the west the crop Is practi cally nothing, aud In New York State, the greatest of apple producing sec tions, the reports are that the crop Is a half one. We get most of our supply from New York. ftrices promise to range high as a result of the small yield. We are now gelling $3.50 a barrel for apples which last year at this time sold for $3.50 and the quality not so good." New Window. A large plate glass window Is being placed in one of, J. It. White & t'o.'s windows In place of the one iccently broken. OAIBTOniA. , h „ AHravs Bought THE Jh.U»T7ST.A. HBIBAi-D DENOUNGED IN I BITTER TERMS fmtmmt taiAao* huff*! fw* St t«ao4 mo* MOM* MO IhN# lO***m *W ikoiifif r- arfStS^i iMt Mfiiif OMfo S4MI fcsiadftftfcft ft# wKSaMf SMS 4 I*. ■[ o| jk |||uw| a*r - f ft# -o*4 *So * *te MM r 100 bSitf PMM^* I ** w* ftMHNwftft wft# *## ftoß4i#*i HM (PVftfcMMftMV l j 0»i« odMI »s» mrnmm* «• *»« w, MSM mM yiMtoti «M **• noon •*] a imm*. *oa Ttutaow* 'ON ywaff •MWOHO*. Ml OOMM •**! safari*4 is* o*iw* *4 MmmNo •#*• ih* pasty o*mmO4 g*4 l«M* •I N« Mm IW (0* Mo******** m 4 «**»» j MMm. Mo Mm >« mOII IM Ntt-' , , ta< T ... TT ._' •«>|| 010 f**j yOIROI W» mM *• s**4 M *' iM«wrt«»tiT i* »#*< • m N f*o*t* j Mm* mow mm mo*Wl«'*» ■»*- ** i nilwr Ml S* ML MM* Nr Ihe •»’ j WssrtM n*MW j —I. r%O *wrt M*t woMtr*t*<*« •* *•- IprMHrm nun mm* lM N«k •T * | with mMmM *» mmM» M '*W’»l* r ** : I *mm. moM *• omt* mmM M UlorW - «M *miMmOm§ ••* OMPbO *• Nr**« Tlm ISH ftMit fti* ms* •%** its* **m iwm •« ’*"* m mt |M»W oOw* *• i*N *W. *n* mN» N IM» < «<t<M*r» rMMwr of WO *•»**• «<mU4 *• M M*«t <4 ormatM to *M» OH| 'M Mil MIIMU *0 fc*M‘ i p»ir m— r»iy t* «* «W m r, ».| !«••*? *«•»• ••* «Mn»lM * »• rtgar* (or »t»|7 pn>o.M »»*» •** ji nuttlf MMM*n<4 iN»i ik* f* r, » * w*if»rt. • to dNimt »««» ««r* tlkowtM W **• rmrr *n m 0i« tri'tim to *M m* Mia tfc* MOMitw of »ll* MMMMIMIm wmmiM'v irrwaMt tUI or *o Mot »•*•■ *o«»i (.•iloo* tor H'oMn of ilw lo«Ul«iur •o* roatXy na<m. • In «li« of IM# roMIMUti 1 of *»"M i rrpuE Inin mftditi for 'MIMm ** rtil* ***tml. »» or** tMot tk* rn ""’ lN l«r to *ll »M It* power tn mm to It th*l lb* r*puklleoM* of OH* county or* rtf Mn*4. •. 4_ “tillto** I «C. W MTAtJfMKRR. Cfc»lro*«. ■a. W WIMMKRLY. "J. W. OIUIRRT. ”W. H. M NBAU •T. H. THAIO -R. R BATTar, -O. J RTOTT - To toot prwot ill* ri port «#» % •nrprlc*. Tb* mdnptlon of thr roport e*ita*4 mm h talk *r.d *o»* »»nn *r- C.imrnt* J. C. Or**a. polor**, oppowd th* adoption. likawM* Blipon MrTl*r. Mr. Jam** D*v*rn ro*» to know who thr re port referred to. Thalrmon Craig tald th* po*tmen*r of AuguiU Mr. IHTern then wentrd to know on authority the charge had b*<*» made. Mr. Tweedy Ihen »ald that h* en dowed thr report without the 9tal lloga' flame. Chairman Wimberly got In » few worde, saying: "I think action should at once be ta ken In thla mailer. If T do detest a man, It to one who runs with the hares and holds wltjj the honnds. The post master of Angtists has not trested the party right. He haa not shown the re publicanism that he ought to. I don't Hesitate to take the position ! do and don't see bow you can go on with 'hat man on the committee and still be a good party man.” Simon McTier, assistant Janitor at '.he postofflee, made a speech. Ho said the party should not consid er promises on the outside. "I believe Mr Stallings Is a good republican snrt we should not act hastily In till* mat ter.** Wimberly’s Warm Speech. Editor Wimberly waa on his tent tn a moment. He trained his gnus on McTier and the postmaster. He said: "Mr. Stallings got hts appointment at the hands of the republican party. I know he made promises. He prom ised to do everything and has done nothing. He has done everything but what he promised. I thought McTier was on the fence, but I am surprised at him. At the meeting a few weeks ago all voted to sustain the president but Mr. Stallings. He said lie wanted ro be reroVUed us voting against him." He then rend a letler lie said lu« bad received from I‘oettnaHer SialliuK* In which certain promises were made re siding others to lie given alien ap pointed postmaster. Coni inning, lie -■aid that Mr. Stallings hiid come tU him In Washington and said i Mat he would kill himself if he dlil not gel the post mastership. He called (lie postmaster a traitor and stated that slued getting Into office he bad ".-lip ped the collar and joined the Thills* i M m ; y,.,-- *MHmifp%y*i tfc* *-..a e-nm •ilMl% # tJ« «* pngi|iMMpf mmm wtutHf : p%t<*N# inm mmtmw ‘** # *j f t**** % a * »■ ; w«**W* MM »*e»y* _N» 1 tm • W**»M* ... A fpMMM Mt fpA® *M* f •■'»*« ffkNMlitMl TnT^s? 1,«. f « on wi rutlmflh AH fIMMU | * ;11 * • H* Mm MM IM* |*M MM* M mi M*V » *m£ * •*# T *“• •&**(& fIMHi W* I . |. M ft- __ fc Iftft* WK* 1 iftftMlft < ftft4 } *A lUBr-g*- N. fX,HM Jmo II Imw •«••*, < ulMrt*r M NntMl M*Mlst»r Jm**BM IdTMM, Jsm>| UafN. P*<*UBM»- tar gt M**m>m*M. AJI (Mas* *mtu*s will taatlfy lIMI fc* mtllMpl «•** ■ty>h*M .ajr* I p*fd for R I w»»ri* •«< truii Mia with a aalt with * •irtng IM* to tM* tglpaf 1 •* **h*o* *d of MrTMr.** -f'A.r Mb 4 Matter Me rtlwiM of } "Mow.” mM ClliAms Craig. "yoM must cMretee M*tw***i anllNßi nit* Mr- KWtoy which will poo support To* root dodge To* MM bo I* OMM *M* or (he other," CHamptow** IN. AtalMag* J C. flraan oppoa**! any ssKlos ta that elliet. H* nil If ws» so Übm I ta wrangle *1 say that Mr falling* ha* upheld thr tapubUcMMS ta Richmond county, ha continue!*. Tt»cl«‘ Paul last* made • scathing speech against thr^pos*master "What ts th# use la carry as a man who is a traitor to th* party fha sal* "Cut him off. cut him off! I know that RtalliM* promts** Judsou I#oUM that h* would pension the Augusut rtputili casa. fOil out aa you would ,a (mH. or ha wii* hit* you bc>H»d yOUX Thins* •ere getting escecdlngJy |u trreyiJng and Simon Mt Tlar and npaiyt —jfr' Stallings upholder* had by now decided to -7 nothin* ggalut the majority. It pattey, a colored rapobl.caa. tot In hf* oar: •'Rfilllng* certainly docelrrd In*- —■ yes. deceived me moat fearfully. Ha tpado promise* to me that be never kept.” Several other* had a word or two to any. and Chairman Craig was the last m*n to get In hi* little »peech at a late hour, •■Just Playing Them.” •He elated that It was a matter of history that he had opposed Mr. Stal lings In th# postmastership rmca. He also said that Lyon*. TNverau* and othera had conferred with the post master about his looking out for offi ces for his supporters and Stalling* fad said (said Craig) to the other*: "That was my game. 1 wav simply playing the men to get the office." "I will make an affidavit to that state ment.” Craig added. Three Opposed notions. The matter was put to a vote then, and with the e*cep«on of the nay vote of Tweedy, MeTler and Green, the mol tlon that Mr. W. H. Stallings bo dropped from the district, county and state committees, iwas carried by SS votes. Four Specialties inPRDVEMENTS Being Made by Mr. J. 11. Hohrman at His Restaurant. Mr. J. H. Mohrman i* making exten sive preparations to have the most clc xant regtaurunt and case in this section us tlie country. He is sparing neither pains nor order to accom plish tills end. 1 1 - Oaidcllc's FamilyiAJnig Stoic has ev erything for housekeepers' uss to make | homes bright and clean. Go to this | store for your \van*m tn this line. The grade, of Dalmatlah Insect Powder 1 sold by Gardelle W the finest in the | state. See stew ad.« Witt IMPROVE STATE SCHOOLS f < 4tlM ill '• WMwM IN Mi stems w* *m# Mgw* i sgwneese ■ ddip *§# ipi T, f*P ! w«#‘ j I r iiniwf r ***** * mmata f mmm mmm •* •••** "• w •*<***] mmm ia %# mpf«*mi#4 k$ ll># I T Aat Marti y a d he #t»*u t»l |ir lifwm illlfHilt ItfVti tt4 fU* I i« organic* tfc# itetftrt ***•• m\ villa*# tm mmm pmrpmm t»4 «# Mt g ,o>al in mh* cscaad 1-4 of per taut, before emh laa o*wy cun h# mad* : tb* eowaaut us tww-third# nf the , tan to Mg aarurad ». Th# laglelaiut* «6ou!d ri« th*| m hoot term of the slat*, prescribing ,Im* number es aaduth* or days tsfekbj •hail rouatttuu tk* flee term for the i year,. Try «»**• aad -anson's L0f163 -Nai* brans M*rbasad Jsv* wwituv paa. Thay an am ..... M.««*iy th* nasst grnwa. Tnay * >u ; «»t )w tm asoi* 'has lawjr srad* goods ar* so** st W. w» _ *r* solr *o*o'• Nr Ana—**. Teas SHEWMAKIS 005PEL MEETINOS. Seri** of Heel togs Bring Maid at AocoMd Whrittiaw church. I Tie a**rte* <»f meetyur» to the Maraud <*krt*ttau church an growing to later e« aa *ach aerate* **■«•* ••* gwe. Last nlgti* Kev. M. R EhigUndi preached hetnre a Ra»g» gudlaoca Mod tuaached a grand annum on Chirst. th* Ught «>f th* World." H* held th* audience In almost breathless allrncaj throughout his sermon At times ha grew very eloquent, hearing his mogre-| i gut inn up to tl«s enjoyment of higher. | hopes and stronger fatth tn the Men J tt Nassreth- _ . Mr. Kngland t# foreeful. earnest and Imrreaelv*. Many people at the clone of the ser muii went and t smpllmeutod him on w» nohle an effort to present the i lalroa of the world * Redeemer. The pastor of this ehurrh. the Rev. | Mr. Jacks, is making every effort l'» bring the lovara of Christ t» a more «red n«arnes* to r*rh other hy union. meetings. Already dividing tine* have; disappeared and true believer* In all I the church#* unit# their voloea In song, in prayer, in praise and in rejoicing together. Kev. Thomas Walker will preach to night and a large audience will ll»ten to thla well known and well beloved minister of Kollock Street Baptist church. No doubt ir the srfdlences continue to Increase, standing room in this church will be at a premium tonight. Go early If you dealt* a comfortable aoat Our constant aim will be to please our patrons, iwth in goods and prices. Lam kin & Co. BEgINESS WAS LKIHT. The Recorder W« Not,Detained Long at Court. Business was light with the recorder today The court session was brief and the fines few. L. O. Schaux was fined 12-aO for a drunk. I Henry Sullivan was charged with fighting. The evidence was not enough to convict. He was dismissed. Dick Williamson had gone to hie hoarding house Intoxicated. He was fined s!>. Ben Chfeks had choked his wife. The Judge sentenced him to fifteen day# on the public works. OASTOHtIA. Be«« tb* /f 11,8 Kinll V°n Have Always Bought rr Alligator. The alligator that was seen for sale on the streets yesterday was purchased by Colonel Dyer and wilt be on exhibi tion ai Hie park, ns ati addition to Hie zoo. New cottage and dwelling offered for rent in t-< rnt-a-w ai d column by L. F. I Verdcry this afternoon. |fee* > * MPA faTfiTwiTr* }pad> ■***» ilk,* | ■ * M fti #4> i i «# SSL «hI # Hvifll # «n# I . IV* Mil the finest Creamery Butter. We s*U ’he tin*at Morh* and Jav*. We sell the finest New Crop Tear We »«ll the Finest ! Patent F our and they cost you no more than lower grade goods ar* told at. Give us a trial order. SHEW MAKES * \ V.’ t h«e* qft Mm*4 Us fvl’t* >v mt 4m* famm* N#m MAfMftf#) * &*tkh Hess A«| HoHaihl HfMltftl 4 . v I e c - t' ibtlatt N«qd<>f M g Kitnt>f>rt Hstt'ttfi MuchmrvM Iff OM h oil #4 flMlMNl i l%4Nl *fl Oil (,r*gfi Turll* lldtk * And Avtfyihifty that Iflf Ml cifAMM (f fOC tsfM AhOuW l*M V«. KEENAN & CO. WANT m. | Ay* mo l#wn> *tim na# «v# ##' n m * fftfh »*■****• «* fftN *fc#% | #*. ■*».VMW* MftfcMlWftftil * t ift»f IMNft* . ti T#t || a I 'H A W—€!•» I PHifflf#' -HUftPi* M w On# 'll. H*"—O##. I ’ I**’— b ifu AT ION WANTED wAimtiv-A foainns* am wahk -1 w*rmmA& #t «I*til <hf«, 1 M*d mat*; p<v»rrf#4. | * A«Mrv»* M HtrtM uitet. W ,%KTld> 4 itn ’ ATI* *N All It A 1 HO At* trifk ftifviwin. fc#v# I## AHrtH C. #1 W#m*- *— - j NAWTKTV RT noon STKAPr AND epmpatmit ywattg stss, f,tac a. I.A ar aaalstant he. <* k* * prr 1 trad oat. us p»f eotteg* Lab»r. ear* Hstald- Mwpt It WAJfTKD- B TA TOC WO LADY. A place aa stenographer or a few hmte*' : work a day. Gan give good rerommend-' atlona. AddrSaa Mtenograpbar. cara *f HefMld. WANTRiy-KMI’UiTMBNT AT O.W» | a* ouliarter, .hipping <k i k or "any - j !thing." eleven jteara tramqmrtatlun »*-] , |iertence. rapid pmunnn. und to hard i work, ft-t.reneee, g- uthern Kxpr»*« I Cn. and other*: out aide work preferred: j iage. AM; living aalary to atart on. Ad-; drea*. P. D. Q. t»re Herald. Mept. WANTED POSITION AS BOOK"! KBEPISR «r nffle* work of any kind: rlty reference* Addreaa Wm D. John- I .on. Hits rtlov.r atrret. Mei»l * I WANTKD-BT A YOUNG MAN. AGH IT, situation of any kind and can ! come well recommended. Addrca# F. , W.. 1! Marbury street, city. Sept. 30. • ; —i ; WANTED POSITION AS ROOK* I KKBPBR or amlntant Iwsikkeeper hy I man of experience. Apply 8. W„ care Herald. «Wt. AFTER WORK. WORK, WORK. ANY kind at any price: clerk, office work. ' ete. Well recommended. Address "Work," Herald. HELP WANTED AGENTS WANTED—for DR. DRUM MOND'S Lightning Remedies for Rheumatism ; SSOO for an locurabt* cose; restore, stiff Joint*, drawn cord* and hardened muscle*, ts your dealer ha* not got these remedies, we will send the Tull month'* treatment of two large bottles on receipt of $5. DRUMMOND MEDICINE CO.. S* Nassau St., New York- Oct 3 WANTED—A FIR-ST CLASS VEST MAKER- Apply to Ruben, the Tailor. 1437 Main street, Columbia, S. C. Sep*. 29 WANTED AT ONCE—A GOOD MID DLE-AGED woman who wants a home to come a.nd keep bouse and at* ! tend to several little children. Willing, : care Herald. Kept 29 FOR SALE CREAM —CREAM AT 24 JACKSON ST. FOR SALE—IOO-ACRE FARM, ONE mile from city limits, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jones, No. 124 Jackson St. Oct 1 IF YOU WANT TO OWN A HIGH GRADE hammerless shotgun, case nnil loading tools, at a trifling cost call at Hetnstreet’s. ftept 30 Sun TO RENT for RENT-1017 REYNOLDS ST., 6-room ttwYlling. Apply 911 Broad. Oct 1 FOR RENT—STORE 505 AND HALL WAY *O7 Broad. Apply Commercial Hotel. Oct 1 SEPTEMBER 79 Iff INWW fWNSMfcll I gft .i—tn mmm ##»■*«#-4#fc| ifi mmm ** # •*%■# {*mmcm #"*#i f mm Si. SR#- # t t~m ■ ~i> Sfc I ftt tm** m * - tisiiii-S 0% 1 lift ffjff ff fcfcvHA »•* H 1 I fl H ft# tm *'**■•■% MfCftMMM# MISCELL ANf OU» . SliiJliTtl a tit* A Wtt Tt IffHr Pt fTt %«# ■ mtt-p IS Si ftM# #i itmtmtrntm Mfti TTtSftT. ** ifcvfct CHftl if t-Alv At ***+ mmm mmmtm mt m*m**tm**» . twmm tt tt Bs~r A lt» R4V| SSCMTIET* : . HI 1 M sh H V Til M JTf I *¥ m H#** T«t%. •*# apt • twkwrosn mmjM ttt fthth* >fatm imrrr special Notices; stat* Cowaty sag Ik Man! Ta*. iM THU STAY I. OR'NTY AND Tfc# *§ ih»« 4*j*. AR iNirfftNi Uaft# fttf I mum* At# « MftntUy imAwl 9# wmmk* | nidiW. At «mux [ tow##*', H 3<irt ftmm ft a* t#. f# #p, ai. CffAHlaJS* A. t«o|ILKR I* i Tit ('•lftticf, HUJuotfftt Msrmis'i Preparatory hcMaol. IMI Kilt* Slrwl THE SIXTH ANNUAL SESSION OF [ this kiwi will cumswer* -a MONDAY. (ICYViHKfI *#•«»• m. Mpeels! pats* iM thorough lnurur - (ion given to each pupil. Foe full par (lffttlfl > -All 081 of •Mraa at UK Di ll* * treat % WM. H. STURM AN. A M . Frtn< tp*l. Npevial Notk# lAiadwny of IBdWHif County. Augus ta, tla lirril ANNUAL HKMKIN REOINS MONDAY, OCTOBER hf FuH rorp. 1 «f inatruetnr*. ('ouvyea tn An<t.nt and Moder* Language. M.tltemgtle* and the Physical Setrffior* Stenagra ! I>hy and Typewrtitng without extra ! charge. ißatructloß iu Military Thr* tl a *nd Atht.tlce. For Information. 1 addreaa Principal, Richmond Aead ! rmy. 7 PtrCt UOO.OOO IPerOt FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILUON DOLLARS on realty In Augusta, G*. Term* T per cent For further Informather aea their attorney at law. P- J. Sullivan. B*., or Mr P G. Burum. For th# Leglalature. MARTIN V. CALVIN, HENRY C. HAMMOND. JOSEPH 8. REYNOLDS. Will be aupporled. aa Democrat!# candidates, to represent Richmond county in the next legislature, at the election to be held on Wednesday. October S, I*9S. <• Richmond Academy. CANDIDATES FOR ADMISSION TO the Academy will be examined on Friday and Saturday (Sept. 30 and Oct. 1). beginning at 10 a. m. C. H. WITHROW, Principal, Sept. 29. i TO BE SOLD AT $1.25. : Just received 500 Silk Umbrellas to ; : be sold at $1.25; also the best line t : of Woolen* In the Market at r>-a- r ; sonable prieps. F. O. MER- I : TINS, The Tailor and Gents' Fur- t : niaher, oppolste Planters' Hotel. : > # *«•*•*• ****#**•** *ee* • *» B. R. MITCHELL. ALEX MrDONALD Supt, of Con. Sec. & G*u. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntfah Street. Electric Supplies —peaking Tub-s. ctc.,*tc. Repairs to *ll K'ectrlcal npparatns. Electric Light Wiring • specialty. Pe!i ’Phone lt»2. - - - Strowger Bid. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils* Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, (J*. Strowger Phone ;62.