The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 29, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 TNE lUCUSTI HEMID gy yM**** ****** •***•» #M>« ?*«• M» »««» *«*•* j 9L* teg*. «***«* J * f»m * •-*»»»■:*»* * _ ~*• kM.tjfFM * »*- -»» wf* .<* ' ■» '■ * * **■ ■ ama***** sm »W*»» •ftM*** ****** ®** * M T r .. - | (> i «mrrt r**” ~ xMro*** * . 4 M I] »*** •»•. **« tout## «IMU» 'l«MU*li*. ; fH (,I,la «MM •**» *" J ••■* * »•• mm ~ ___ m* , •Ml**# MM' |» *>«■•'•«* ™ you Mlt 1 »W» **# w * Atil , AHM ( # tetotei to*##*# at •*• * ,— "* l **■**' m .Jtm MUM* M*** tmm u mo** ** •"**• *—* *** "Tmhoi ai «*• «»—« r>M>^* I t *«« »*« CWf -A* ••**** ® ><l f*,t» fk«*«4* •<*« * < * ■•* f UN DAY'5* S S $ 5 WiU to iF«m» ) 5 of OmdThng* C thi dui* u * mwtfO Tbe MoraM t* 10 *•***'** 4 l T -‘ -■-• i« —aufsriwra «.»'* pTNa mm «* «*** 11 “ "* H **' ’* Mri«*ai a* mm*. I%r llrfmW b» kef* M» **lp «® M Jl ■P<»l T Iftd *® "• ** d MW'i 1 ** n (to baadk a* every (tMN • b.. to MU (M> ««• •*(►«•' •^ r * M bt* MlMMtol rnwd oc !»*»«*««• ***** *, M | Unto to to* * Mb'* « tort*)** •■** ■«*••**• !*(•"»•• ***** 6 Mr Mum throat* •*** ***•“' ■pton Mir oho* Baslf. Tto Hmto to Imps •Mtmo •» • twipM •• • ctoM and kHmiMM Jounal aod It imoli too highly 4uguto» sod Mr .-RU*»* to attempt l« *■«>•’* pat>>lr tap part aid h» M»rlto« «• ***** lJ pahltoh oar oihrr wet of newsM*!**- Remember (Mt •trrryihtog th«t hf lp» Aapuca hclpo you. Oar Wood W. C. Cony >IIM lao yaara ago today B»pU®Mr SMh. B fl ..i. (a told to own * 000. MO horaaa _ pearly ono-half of tha whola nuo»- tM«r in extataoca. Thr more buaHina that Augiiaia gora a« a who** th* mow boalon-. thrrr will bo U» go around. Tt>f Ir.auguralioo of white prtmarlra will br the brat movrnuMit tor Augua ia alma the canal waa build The Herald la not only the largeat newspaper publtahed In Augueta, but | t to (be beet. You get both quantity and quality when you aubacrlbe for The Herald. Angoata * Merry Makere ehoutd aend a reprrw ntnttve delegation to MaeonV jubilee. Auguata had no more nppreo.ta tiva gueete tbau thoae from Macon du ring our gala wt-efc. The busteet man kn Angnata cannot 6* too buey to spare a little Um * ,0 any movement that will help the city. Wtiat will help the city ag a who e will help you Individually. ' AH application* for the poaltlon of registry cleric* for the elrclion must be handed In to the clerk Of council by noon of Monday, October 3. The registry clerks are elected by council. Augusta's Board of Trade should send a delegation along with the may or and councilman to Impress upon the war department the advantages of the city as a ramp for United States t-oops. An nriny camp will mean much to Augusta's business Interests this fail. KJessrs. Brown and Martin In the First ward and Messrs. Klllott and Matt toon In the Fifth ward, all candl dates for couscil. are too c.ever and patriotic u set of ettixeus uot to prefer a primary as the fairest way of us certainltig fbe choice of »t majority of their white fellow-oitlr.ens ns to whom they desire to rtpreaect them in the next council, ■ r- -"- -rr. frU trnm 1 RW* I ## #« iMMMNI .... .(W>m gngtod p$ w%nm ||||Mi| .. ». t , im |,gfj|if 4 i “ ■■■ f t|Mi A *‘ AP rr ' , '#®* l! '*R|P’*R “ ' HMHI' AiRPIRHMP* ®^*' y ** w HttfWMl I *Lh wmm l ■ Mi IM HR*** It**** j Imm M MMM m*n *m» isw» «f »*• I>MM gs to* ; ggm mm toW# • MM (to** *• M* IttoUTilM 1 *M» •• •«* *•* *•* gW. MSI *M* toMM M M •»*» - A. mm mm rs lt I• «• III* IHHRRHHiftMI tR IRlMD**** # Hn* Hi iTHPRWr p** I I* fMNI *«• *tgt«“tWT«iirt tto I‘WlWgtf •* OSMgtg »*•••*» giginr-* flto m iwlto'p y*M. gg* fywg* (to* svswsd hatoh It* *be * *■ t ’ (to fwIMSWH* Itototo (M l«*w*tt*4 , nu(tot*( stthito m* gp(h«*es ,it fto* age handrrd *wd e(gh* V* l r f awttototo •gww.tad to* tot* (ha** M* »* (jintoatton St jgg*M*. b f* iigwe It * < »th **. • I Ohrtottowi II Mmmw* t •Ml | CgH»» •» The** M« ferty (M*g ««w*to»(* whose ; *gd « M-g«to» ThMW grs Iwtfwtto toa4ee*» »M* | torttots g*e eadsg* gradwgteg wtolto th • ’ (Mtow* «* tb* rewtotwtog gwtoher •(* net •f*4i*t** <»!••? TV IttrtUnl* of pir«ft<» aC tk* j dig*r*«t towdegts gf* dtv«tod «» W ' lows- Farmer* M merrhMls M tow j iera H. ghygtoton* I*, baakvr* I ' book lug per* I; g*M-h«n.>-» #. gtanufi iurr*» 1: )odg>• I; dealtott t; than i asrg agent* «. (eaeher* I. real atom* ; deal'-r* f, drama**™ J. police |, Nr<l 1 ewglwoer 1, pee*- t. Pnllon men I. bantu arr I. rapttnlto* I; can tract ora J. i edlioru f; gaa com pa nr men t. Man The religious siatlattr* nr* aspects’ > | gratifying aa they show that fully Ml par rant of the young mm attend n* j cofoga are «hut. h memhrr* Aa aanai. the farmers anna are tnrg • I ly in thr majority (OMITHINtt TO TMIHC IMOT Atlanta, Havannah Macon. Colum- I but. Thomasvill*. Augusta, and a wore i of other good ell lan In Oeorgta are making giant* and apprugtr tat ions and dotng everything poaalble to tmprea* upon the government the advantages of their section tor army camps. There nr* just *> many good town* In South Carolina that arc doing the tame. And yet If one were to ask the Individual citlxen of these towns why hi* city wa* a good place for an army ramp, he would prolighly hesitate some time before answering. If I* something he reels la a general sort of way. but has not the definite Information at his fin ger-tip*. Why not think about your town clearly and definitely. Its resources, Its statistic*. Its capabilities and ndus tras, so that every man. wherever he I*, ran give a good account of his home town and fellow cltiiens, when called upon? This Is the kind of Information that the government wants and the kind that tells. IMPORTANCE OF INULIIH COMPOSITION From The Fall Malt Gaiette. 1 submit that an Important part of our purpose In teaching a boy his mo ther tongue and acquainting him with Its Herature should he to make hm capable of using it, capable of expres sing himself with fair ease and precis ion and at least that amount of grace wlifh precision gives. Aud since thought and language act and react upon each other, and precision of lan guage aud orderliness In writing helps precision and sequence of thought, by teaching a hoy lo handle language we are teaching him to think, Therefore side by side with the study of the masterpiece* of literature, which must serve as models, he should from the first practice composition on his own account. Trivial as his per formances are hound to he. he should learn to think out his own thoughts, to arrange them, lo set them forth In sentences, paragraphs, r.-suys. to dis cover by degrees whul is meant by proportion, balauce, weight, uiul how ! a sentence aud how a paragraph eau ! he given the right amount of etupha jis In short. I submit that from the : I’ilel Rngllvh composition liolds a most important place In any intelli gent study of Kugltoh and that to ig nore it is to ignore perhaps the prin cipal benefit derived front the study of 1 the great models ut literature. cr-ct wn a XJQXJ&T A FYT't' at r> rtttt DHsndvnt \IKIUT TOWN, ffefliv i% «* *>**♦ m *4* «%* #•** jwnjiM |Ri> 4Mpi # NRIR taum**** ♦' HHNH NN§ iNMPHi AM A(p ii > a i MjNMtfA ***** *** ** *+ *m mmti* fSt-irf J "f iIMH v* •%* tlHi fMNMtocnn ■■■ 4 «ff # ißrißikMf At .MHnwA *i 4 #* , 1 H i T- * * f #«nmp imiitr* r* AiNlßt Imhl tinr> *m INA Apf#* iAmi »i jA'i' nt f IflHAtfANl UNH ’'TNrifcic%y S#*irMn4 f.flA III#I# taKT Hi . T| yf -g- f A AIH lIHH ##f iffHtf' ##M I r • *»# Npift# tl** VA# 9 bT# #ll |ir *"*4%**4 rnst AiMVn t . , ~yp| In ftto> WM'iTl# ter tel HfR TV • ter#l 1 oew* to •toeegl M to* •»»•* **M •• j | j up, 44,4 toagmaito botoaM aft ato* Tlmm* HIM au was eadag *** «*b* •towto Me tr od -|~M awiget.M toto* mmmtf ' • j in wa*? you *..tWMi •• M*N to* “K* ape*!*” (toM *M*» —'W 1 >*a ; 4,(144* « IMIto t«Mt*»*< *«** w n*„i Kogttoh **4 mm to»W* [ tow toato* (. * (to, |,{] 4 * *4 towry ew a wstkuM ; oat A»qto* (Ml M ***T Hit tnm Ao i mton wtou *w Nh (toe tostoll w* '■ * - bargirg l*to to**** (to*w W Iwkra a ! wwatoM* (tod (M* (w-bwlog bito Tk* 4rt,rr b Mg** w»* Pm* to* M bed . a Mistake In deMevrtng » toad a* ,«•! aa up.rr Onn see. Whew he I aM bark (He drwlrr (toH "tor, f sikl M**4 *hto My <••«•*** ! Tea drtoY eeeto t*W* la toarn • (la tala lb* « d»M f*mt tooaey fvte diMH ap the tdegd ■»*» j**M •• i m (werhed (h* dne* mopped end stod- I -')gr. - '■■■—■, (Mr*'* <to* thing I** , .earned aipe* l'*t* b##W With yon ' What to Mr enld th* dealer "fre I earn'd that *4ght**» ht»«4r*<l pound* auto* • (on. Mr. ———■ hetotstsd n moment and (bail s*ld •TH* g#« »P na thr wagon j and uy ta deliver coni at th* right pin il**'" "Itoaginetloa goes * long wny.' *nid 1 a prominent Auguata d«* tor. wboe* •perlnUy to the eye and throat, to b« Observer yen*rday “lto( ma il Inn rate I bad a .as* th* other <tay and I dua l know whether to attribute II to some physical pern Itortiy Or to what the btpootlale call (010 etiaa. -non It wae like this: *•1 was called on to perform a trl fllng but usually very painful opera tion on a gentlemen s eye, and before 1 began 1 need cocaine freely on the membrane The Job was done In a few minute* and the pattern never winced. He said he felt nothing and wa* aatoo lulled when it wa. oil over When I re lumed to my office, I discover. .! to my great surprise, that the bottle I thought filled with eoralne had nothing In It hut distilled water. 1 had picked up the wrong vial by mistake, but some how the water did the work Just a. well a* the drug. How do ! explain It? I don't explain It at all. Here are the facta; you may draw you own conclu sions, but. a* I aald. Imagination go,» a long waya.'’ Moat all of the boys know handsome Jack Spalding, who travels for a Arm of Bt. I-onto lithographers, and does a good business In Augusta. A few (toys ago. when here, he told the following: "A leading buMnesn house In gave me an order for a quantity of due stationery snd some bank checks. He cxprAsly stipulated that the work should contain a vignette portrait of his deceased wife and handed me a photograph of a very beautiful woman to use as copy. "It was tns wish, he aald, to have her fare before him whenever he put pen to paper, and, while the lilea was peculiar, it Impressed me as being ra ther pretty and touching. Well, we made n handsome job of It,and sent on the goods. •About six months later I was again in the same place, and my customer sent for me. He seemed nervous and embarrassed, and. after beating around the hush a while, he asked me wheth er we had preserved the stones from which his stationery was printed. I replied that we had. but expressed some surprise that he should want more so soon, for he had ordered enough for Severn! years’ moderate use. •• It isn’t that exactly,’ he said. Hush ing. i have plenty on hand yet—but < oui.l you put a new picture In that de sign, do you think? •••Oh, certainly,’ I replied, trying to he sympathetic. T suppose it awakens sad memories, and gives yon needless pain. Whose picture will !'ui snhstl tnte your own?’ • No. I believe not,’ he said, J! he ll lave. well, the fact is,’ he broke out, | desperately. ‘l'm married again, and 1 think I’d belter use my present 1 wile». __ g ,v<ua |> '.-( Ml -aaw**- HERALD PRIZE LETTERS • nNplf*t-- OTEH RESORTS. Ittfidi im, in f** u»w m 4 Df«#• *t I «ptei «N#i# **®te m **9o til# * A**# 4Mlßite* fteM#!# * **** *** #*c- to «** *-**•# ♦*9 tte 000H0 0000 Mturgi # -■* i i ##|N# * *OO 9$ ftKMfIN #**' 00m fi# 00m m* ] 9two *9 00 ! «te* 000009 t 0000 *o* 09 j m I 0000 m 00000* 0 9 m*mo I# wmm 0000* 00*00 *9 m*9o* *9OOOO 00* *9O - f 00 00009 RW9 «te *Ate r»#iin.ite Iff MM t *OOO f j |fj||fr-f rn to*-# 000 000000 1 I 00 000 *ooo*oo 0 $»6000 •*9 to Hto *■' ■■ l<* toto# till 00 *• n * 0* o*oo* 90*0m . 000' f 00m so9ooos •# 0* omm i M| (tto owe MtoSt WW'Mea* •**«»», mmm** 9 om 9 #fts"f ##> m*"** I *** 9 *9O SOOO4O o*ooo9 I mtmmm mm*, m |»* to 00m0000 l 00 i * '*000099 I m tot, )M mm* *y- T.“Tirf#ltf ft- *o**9o 0 T-i# 00* m 0 i "-#-f gto tot***** 000*0 000 9*o*o 90 mo* «pt# 0 Ilf# f Ms#tof tor ###># 00 *9o*oo f-iipto'H'lt fipg 0010 mm 900 WOO *o*oo tMl' i mmm * 9 00* *o* •h# * o*o*ooo *9 0000 * M 4 *, , .94 | iwto.'l 1 giM ##§# HI j (BN* jjttof m# ff Nff (mw-"Vs I #|to* *•#•’' * ■‘9**o . If' 7* * tang' r » pmt****9 1# *m+9 *** ite tei to 1 , toM*## iHt **>mm At (te • ••vmp ;rktottoiit 00* ###'" 009 Utolß# *0 m- t n**o •HA •MteMteMNl •tillWl **R ** ' i»f# fteiiitto, te# 000* 1 mvw**9 0* o*o 09* toitNte Tte mm* *OO 9000900 •‘teter f to**i*i« • Imhk la tori* # |»i-*-to*ft* ** t j • * tout*' Ml IM# 000 t '-Ml#to4#k At Itel 90 j f*m«9m*o 0 lfto#g RtofMl tei I# m 9 fftoftlL yM te tetoh #1 H# f#H tollh A I (iW4 11 u>i#g|‘ m lit chi Hit »«kgtii g'fMiii*' ** Haymgii rllrfcl ?r i«in f*to tokjr |*crt cHtell* •4 tte terf I tel Mi ns mr Wte IN ftetot, ## to## #ll #tew# I# ttte w*9 ll###! Hi **9 a | hu,j, 1# # lit #Ol f#r tent H# rtrr* ; if *¥*r te# an) u* »M «te * wtlb kia M lat ok* ate* (wt*r**i*d •nd pi - - -tod I# (wstws hba. b*( ah further efforts to Had out autaethlM about hi* past life were met with faN : After asking hftn many questiova 1 nanrnhu (be nnMry tberaateoHa f Amll> asked btm If there wars any la ■ereotlna or rnmaatk *Uoe la tk* vt rlalty. Ilia c.umenan. * suddaaly 111 up and tasting a asar<bln* glance at my (••■- h- mi h -<1 In lb* atormatlve. His maannev tnaplred m«- t<* seek further informs Hon < oacerntng the auhject and after *»me dellberallen on his pari be ,< (4 t,i,. of a cave Pine mil*a dtolart fn a A uninhabited sect loa that hare a romantic efory wMb whlrb few war* ramfUar. fMilgent tnqutir ftHe-i t# gain the story of the cave ih*f gay. ••Ut hr pjomtac.l lh*t If I »n(M keen II a ae*-r*t until aft"* our trip he would pilot *b* tkm th* ne«i day, Hl* I wop oaltloit was met »Hh antlclpaled pleas ure on my pact and he soon bade me good-day. promising to meet me I hers at an early hour the next mornlqg with th* necessary implements tor the trip Height and early nex, morning I found my friend gt our meeting place' and we at one* proceeded on -ur lour ney. After much trudging ov.-r the paths, that grew more and more rug ged. we reached the entrance to the, 1 ave. Ii was certainty desolate looking enough to b* romantic. The only thing | (hat gave tt any cheertnea* wa* a lim pid little mountain stream running by the entrance, tippling over the stones und pebbles and losing itself In a curv ed network of vine* some distance be low Ughting an oil lamp the old man i pulled aside s thick network of vines 1 snd entered, bidding mo follow. Th* I vines flew hack to their natural P«sl i tton and all was darkness save the ’ tltckcrtng ray* of (he otl lamp. How i uncanny! A thick. Hlltny moisture had covered the side* of the cave and the air was cold ami damp as though in n, tomb. At that m.>n>ent a monster bat flapped past my head and, blinded by the light, atruck itsalf heavily against the wall and fell quivering and dying at my feci. At hist 1 felt averse to ox i pl iring the cavs, but my anxiety to .earn the story tt contained overcame what fears l had entertained and at a command from my companion we ad vanced Into whkt germed to t«- the very heart of the mountain. After we hud gone some distance the passage grew wider and finally, after some hun dred yards bad hern traversed, we en tered what appeared to be a Isige room, hewn by Nature’s own hands. The top wall high and remarkably smooth for stone, v hitq the aides were very rugged. My gutdi held the otl lamp high above our heads snd we tr gall a closer Inspection of the room. Scarcely h«i! we gone ten feet when my atten tion was attracted by a china dish. Which l picked up. and, blushing the dust and accumulated dirt from It, re vealed the fact that It »na of ancient make. Now my curiosity knew no bounds and 1 rather demanded than asked the old man the story of the WATCH THIS SPACE “The Merchant who has goods to sell and who believes in the goods, is not afraid to invite your inspection. 11 he doesn’t its a reflection on THE GOODS*” . I - Si# 1 totot'A. * * ' 9*o* "te fr'njr'T to* * 90009 fcMte «-4M# * mr* a omo* to * A *9 toMtototetolA to* teN- • tote #Ssto #** #1 <♦ tei jjjte te ; 000* te *M*0 t 9m Kite* 000 m*&* «te te>* **mm PteN 90*00* t *>##"# te to | w**mnmw wuiriwi l j I ill 900000 m pmmm** ■%•# m*m *#i« !##• *te m*m*nm*9 m*om mm* mm 90*0*900 * ’Rto tote# 1 # . m , 90*0*900 HM'*# totoi MOM MftS ***** ***** *** t r ?Z. ’ sag |U4> gs«psea«eS* (ft (M(t dak tw*j Van (MM B» NhMM ****.. *r I •tot tksesnPsos t(ta tMsi smsM* ana * Mssrn Matas V ********* **?*'* fc Tj* eeuM na-aaaafc ana aasn n^m^nM^^ •aae Me pa*a la* sea-e I auk. nod lb* yesMft MOM Tnskk inaua Os ue tea Me eunr-aueo -a wts aa her «(g *(*••* ■« n>n»i»g pi w i lata *4 her >M Tka ygfg—t Make! | 1 » ue i«i»t4wia and 4* •< »# *»■•*• 1 <4 ■atari nation Ik* uutMpm Mata of as-, tistloe Via Mat toM' bad a lartotgM eksyaed after bur Of rl*Ot (beta before past Vuatato# pt ta aa app«ora*ee| • t,4 rvs«M><-4 hkn allsotmaa la a n»*i«aj farvld sad ptvadtog usaaoer. abk-b. Were raufty fUxetved, Bat be was (Sill i aeutdaew* TV. rests! tbe si r*utg te mpi -1 ! ilia* of ihe man nfts knvsd Mabel j | kn>a aba a'ObM again bar* ta tear*. • lotag la (Tiartaamn she <ttapat*b*4 her > maid boom from there to gather a few j us her >-b-agtok* • man servant and same pecogsoey fuada and resumed kef. ymirney through ut pee Herath OkCtlM ' Travetlng ihraagb (be country in a . vered rmrsfllb*. living tbe Hfe as a m*mad, she came n* raa* Ibla rave •ml derided to moke a temporary bum* 1 there mites from civilisation and »x --rludrd from lb* aorta! world Here »be, lived many months Bui lb» loaf *hm from the hoar of tqw* had plerred her heart la the coed, sad her may cheeks h*«aa la fade and (wave In Ihetr strod the rtuet martis as suit -ring ud d epatc B*y by gay ab* nplll H natly. like a winter’s hlssl upon a llty, the Angel -*f Death fame and she pass ed away in her weird surrounding*.; with rr> mother s hand to romfnrt her iir her dying mtimenm. A crowding to her laat rrqu-at# ah# au laid to real near the hanks of th limpid stream ; that flowed quietly near the rave en trance, by the hand* of her faithful j ! companions, who hod shared her trtala and dlacomfltures The servant* relumed home, now' ■ desolate, for their mtatress' mother had ' also died broken hear!t-d and the fa-| ‘ ther and younger slater were traveling iln Rump*. Young Fmtalna, hroken hearted and deaiwrate had committed laulctde just a* hla vessel was leaving Charleston harbor and thua was the cqrtaln rung down In the loaf act of a [ tragical love drama in real life. The old man had flnlahed. Neither] | spoke for several minutes. It seemed that wr were In a sarreJ spot. th*l tomb of the heroine who had sacrlfleed her noble life for tbe love of a suacep-! tlble and ungrateful slater. I expe- 1 rienced a desire tn see the spot where this earthly angel lay. and picking up the oil lamp the old man piloted me i hack through the tunnm l and sum we i were once more In npen air. He at once proceeded to the spot (being fa miliar with It .a* many times had he visited tt with hla mother from whom he got the story before she died). The only thing that marked the spot was a small headstone placed there by the father upon hts return to America. A willow, whose weeping boughs had spread themselves over this lonely gtuve. hail sprung up beside it; little sparrows twitted as they sprung to and fro from bough to bough, their chirp ping low and mournful as If they, ton, were conscious of the sadness that had attended the life of the one who lay sweetly sleeping beneath them. We (taxed In silenee for several mtn utes at the lonely grave, and, turning we silently and sadly wended our way back over the rugged path to our homes. HAM BUSH. INTERESTING ITEMS. Tn Russia the proportionate number of births Ib nearly double that of France. Nearly all of the gold coin in clrcu latlon In the Sandwich Islands Is of onr mintage. The cue I of running u big ocean li ner from Liverpool to New York and j buck is something over ninety thpuß j ami dollars. The cemeteries around London cover j two thousand acres, and the land they j occupy represent a capital of one uiil- I lion dollars. „ . . . THIS IS IT HbMftftMM Mat »i f-«M iMMkd Baa. Mfta* l- FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS IRQ M.PIKES ALL BHAOCS $3.00 Just Arrlvsd. DORRS Tiiormf. Hits, t-urnnhinfv i / How Do Tour Do! RT* Go / Aru yoof (< ut gud f ton w C fail ta salt yak * ftetkg yM» ft**- C 1 MM OkfftMHKaMa / / and swab a* any ta taroa. Wa / C jkalMS Lui MS pHsk You gat l j / # » t \ kw factory jasi iasa*Ui S \ Nunnftlly's Candies \ f Frati igrba s a«*k Tbs f V ~i ~« .• • -r. > 1 : f \ f Marti,n,alien* W no*. # / Are You Moving? # J Paint*, bums. I rim* Patuta, f C Hearth aud (ssutal Pwals, *m ) . J dow * a*, and puuy- so caa b* C j bad ltu« ua. / f Smoke *'Chicos. M C / Th* haat i rent* clear Ha- \ \ vanna Cigar tn lb*city. r j Aleiaider Dm Cmpui > S M BROAD RT. C PORTNER’S < ? HOFBRAUand S / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF / | Export i ? Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST < S ask for them. / MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Alßxanfier&Jolinson Agents Scottish American ' Mortgage Company* 705 Broad St SfPTtMBrR 20 It 000 00* 00000 te 00*** m 0 000 ms>£ toMtowi to **>o*o* *OO9 1009 to#to tote to* tetoPP*## 5 # ton## teMii# totell ttetopto te 00$ 009 9990*0 «t itetetete# tete## ftetoteto, ttotetto *teto ote Wte *9o#m. ** w## to**w 'MMftwk. • . lift- - L. A. Gardelle OtMitor If Ih# Pntkbi DRUGS AND MBDICINCB For Sale! Tte i" Itetoteto 11 H fteft 000 te tote# •te# itototo tetv* teNtel 00**9 twtoite'tolto 9te 90* 090 s9* P*tef *####« tototetoteite# !#• 0*909* 900 #•##** ' •ibtoto #Bto»tote< 9*9 te to*# te f%9*0090 909 *## Itetotete te 00 Mfkrb **•**• SKa. PM. kfttks awasM—lai I *| *uai g iMebaa. rgsvatag ta- a ta oeuuna I** f..t aro ••*«*(*« Eg J. Trouw Y.-ao# • Maa (V* aad AF* MroaMi ax reel ron fa-*k»*e far* iota* ****** #*4 Aa* «■»(*- [ 144 jx.xqw. | »** tt Iwi * Mab*a. !*•- i tototote tetote teto tete" i -,»»-.»* ag fuo* at abe ■. ft a 441 i > e sffaat (* b*t I mrftaa fv-atag- rusikfr g b>t (•*>•!(• B* ad tte tote* t totete# AkP» #rv#f#l 00* tete tote l #! tte fteto a., o** fg#« 4#:## m tte •gs #m##Mfr» rr *m imm 0 atat, t*-«g a jMtli* sd Hm M***a 00*9 |4i i mnu vtol te ot**** m toti I Imp atet toto 000990999 9*90*0*9 00009 te Georgia Railroad Bank PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lk St, A«l *t. o*. ifVf J (ME EYI rftTS *w *n dafrrts « tight, grlak* tk* yeegar gl'■■**■ ••*» W*b> ■Afrr* them- Lease* cat kHaynur bci— wlut. you waL FREE OF CHARGE. JZZSVSI COAL and WOOD FROM THE North August* Coal 4 Supply Co (juanllly rod quality l.uaraniard. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT BcU Fhun* -PA Struager •*& A The i Whitely Exerciser. ( A practical, ,imp!a*nd •dim ent Horae l.xereie r, ooee pxcialiy ad*t>t(d for ladi<*» and chddrcn. bu at ih* same lime can ha prolitubly used by the (trongest athlete. PRICES: 78c., ii.uu, si.aa BICYCLES CL RYE- I LAMJ-n f(0 up; VIK-J INLS. *3fi up; OKN-I DKONB, »1S up: THOM- 1 AS, ffkl up. Call and .«ee them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & Shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds SL TeleplioDeiSkS;.^ 3 I Ovate Leered Wire* Bilecl to New York Chicago and New Orieau*. Order* exec ited over our wire* for Cotton. Stocks Bonds. Grain and Pro. visions fur cosh or otl margin*. Local securities bought end sold. Referencee —National Exchange Bank of Augusta, or Mercantile Agencies. _ , , fel W\\ /TO [I J]