The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 29, 1898, Image 5

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TMUAAOAV AND A HALF— N w ith eleven c«nU to »p«r« can bo bought with tho mortiy that buyer* of $6 Shoot uv< ovory timo they purchftte « ptlr of El-/ wolf's or Crootott'i flnt thoot from ut. OUR PKICE S 3 39 -s Gontlomon. too them in our windows. Thty are boautioo. MULHERIN’S 846 Broad Street. Hggl OPticiaH DR. HENRY Jf. CODIN. acetylem: aas in wasajm. Cly t* M* I I|k)r4 lit l I or tIeUMr. W*h**fc. I*4. B#p». ]* mm W#. Iwsall lie ft rat Hfv to tie totkl to It dtatin« nag of tieing tie fit »t tig Mod by fa* Tw# l*(U?Alll8ftlWA w.- - _ _ aw. *wa —. r-tatA *k„ Blf* A*W IT OS Kietl ww w w * •*» and Wikwli Vail** Om rwmpnnv aad Mr Knapp** a Ohicngw I, _ , (l # m Aftt* n*ta< g*» *rM*<n In** fea«* d*. M*4 «o make t*a taper l*a*at ®f iWktm* a city. mi, ta aappta «t mat gas vlth arttylm* la all A* numerous eHlaa la «ba Indl aaa ga* fMW where th* Dietrich *yn dlraia baa a monopoly of lb* •uppl” i of Batura! and artifk-tal pu Tba change bar* *lll be a thorough on* ' 4 heavy nit in rat#* *lil tollow tb*, lot rod notion of tb* n** (a* and Pr*a *..... r | f .k boo* * to displace not oalp coal gaa but etectricPy ta ram ! ni#i < la I eccuanat!! ion The change la to h* Hf*» ted at owed. SENTENCED AGAIN. Alabama Negro Mtirdarcr to Fang Nat. tb. Birmingham. Ala . rt*pt ».-Tor tb* an ond itm** ib* death eentencc *»» y. aterday i>aaa*d upon Y. C Hugh*'**, tbr'Miro murderer. and unles* Gov ernor John*! on lnt*rf*r*a lb* amuroc* of tb* law wilt b* rerrted out Novem ber II next at high noon. Hughe* was convicted in the criminal Court of the murder of Lubi Kelly. « nr gi n woman, at Btaoamac. In Ibt. at.'* wa* aei)|enc*d t<> he hanged on Novem ber *4 of the name year. An app-al w»* taken to the supreme c-ourt. and in fteptember. Hughe*, with four other prisoners. made their eecape by rutting through the roof of the Jail and let ting themeelvea down with blanket*. NoiijUif wh* ever I. .*ard of the fugi tive until a few week* ago. wh.rt Hughe* wa* arrested In Eaet Alabama, living under an a**umed name. A me nieeable trait in the negro which aroun ed vuapielon and ultimately result d In hi* rearreat wa* hi* quiet demeanor and exceptionally good conduct. He had married and alao became a dev.rut member of the church, lived quietly at hi* home and seldom ever allowed him »*lf In any settled community- Inqui ries wera made by the officer* of the law and after some correspondence with the sheriff's office In thl* city, Hughe* was arrested and brought hack, lie at first denied his identity, hut af ter teeing fully Identified acknowledg ed that he was the right man. i IS IT WORTH | ANYTHING TO YOU Square, honest dealings, prompt service, strict at tention to your orders and an earnest desire to satisfy you, no matter at what cost. Add to thie cur very large and complete etcck of Welches, Diamonds, fine and medii.m grades Jewelry, Sterling Silver weer, Rich Out Claes, en ables us to offer you ducements worthy of your attention. ! Wat. Mwiinrt & Cit., Jewelers. titHt> »N > Jt DUOMKNT Wrcbl— Ciimpasy MgfcHawad Wp* v«*m va •* bated IbMiaa *ep* f» «wsatPsMna* Mm 11 WsiMto #fftssii to i A#B y v% M-W * ’ 4sf A(" f AA**® fISMRI IMBBMNMBNb Yto i Ivti /totottto mml Mv ini tow tot Jttotpfti. H I, •tots* to warm to' I |ar!n Ills fsssilt *«i 4 to*rt tot Ms mm 3 toto ut rniMtoiatoii 4 ito Hat* IsJUtoJ j j f-S 4 V fofftt, Haft I * f Alt' IS a* ! r> pmniii r> tpeMl'y tol totoH i. MtfvtotlcNl ut • tot Idtoto. llmtoto toto *«• to tott tto tutotoft vishi tfttsi tMM toM vtKSt (ttof tod 4*tt» ■ ; §si<is WMIt »«fti Wi»f% ••• AMTto j sMirtly • «*»«»> to tto««to ttot ttorr I «sshi s gnmif ff bss r * ttot tto t riMrttol | f*«N* -"*f> eottkl lito to rstoto Tto Cto ifto W II HM to ? t ftfW Vtpnft<d Utot MltiMl ttoft tdilps j aaa impirlHa. but Mr Hobaaa bad a 1 lotip talk *Hb tb* bea t of tb* WHa -1 |.aa* «*apt Marrtlt and coavtarcd kirn j that tb* work rowld be done gad u 1 wag aadrcicuud that a evsatrarl bad ' h*«a anew for tb* fatalaa as tl>* Cabm I >ed fbat Mr Hc tmap bad air bag* aad * inatumu ready tar tb* work (haaodora Wat mm expiaiMd (hat | tb# Colon lie* aioioat eiMtty «a b»r j h*an» *ada wftb a larp* portMß of b*r I Irsgtb protrudteg over d<#f> a-atar. fib* ha. beea pronounced structural It tatart baring received ao fatal la> I jyrtea to bev bull, aod It la rathe* a 1 frat of eaglneerlng than tba work of ! „ wrecking master to right, twtar her arouo4 astf ftvf bff btioynßry tootiff!) ! Ml that she can be Boated into a ptoce Have Yow a Sob. Brothrr | Husband or lover In the Army or Sa* I vy * Mall him today a IS rents package r-f Allen’s fvcH-Rtir. a powder for the feci. All who march, walk or stand I,| It. It cure# arhMig. tired. Mte. swoileß sweating feet, and make* hot. tight «>r new shoes easy. Feet c*n’t I Mister, get nor* or eallou* where Alien’* I Foot-Kane t* used ta.sno teattmonials. I All diuggist* and ah«»e store* sell It jftsmple sent FitEK Address Alien B. Olmsted, I* Roy. N T. TO kl-CLAIM It VYonld Produce 50. 000,000 Bushels of Corn. Moron, Oa.. kept. 2*. Between Ma j coo and How ktnsvllle lie atMiut SOO.isio j scree of sw amp land*. The soil lieltig alluvial. I* moat productive. I'lacn It II nm and cotlun and othc*r Ibing* will ] i.rcjw moat luxurloualy. Of this fruitful section Macon la the natuial commer cial entrepot. I Sup|Hi*o It should Ice well drained, j and a grand canal cut through. *0 i that the danger of overflow should be ! minimised and the whole region plant j i-d in corn. How many bushels w ould It produce? Some of the farmer* in the region, taking chance* a* to overflow and standing water, now raise from seventy-five to one hundred bushels to 1 hi- acre. At this rate, taking the maximum. 20,000,000 bushels could be produced with Mxi-on a* the natural market, Thlß would add very greatly to the business of the city. But with these lands drained and a canal cut through utillariK the Ocmul gee river, when possible, and shorten ing distances, there is an immense amount of hard and *uft timber, oy-j press, cottonwood, gum. hickory, black j walnut, poplar, oak. and other varieties I that could be floated right off the hanks of the river and capnal, to say i nothnlg of the ullllxatlon m the creeks. I “Mat-on business men.” said a prom inent eitlsen yesterday, “should see to it that these swamp I: nds arc reclaim ed and that suc h a system of drainage and canalization be instituted as would: I make these 200,000 acres with their tim i her and field pnxSucts contributory to] the commercial and industrial life of I the city. We could actually live off these swamp lands If we would under take their scientific reclamation. The hctler they are drained the better for the general health. A swamp Is a blessing if the people know how to deal with it. These 200,000 acres would' not need fertilization for many years. It would be well for the Legislature tn pass an enabling net *0 that bond* might be lasted fur canal und drainage purposes. The Increase of taxable val ue* would bo very great.” Finest and freshest table butter al ways on hand at Laiukin & Co.’s. When a chameleon is blindfolded It loses ail power of changing its color and its entire body remains of a uni form tint. .Ml «*•-». a # rl| AUOPBTA HlPit ALP. AUGUSTA'S FREE NIGHT SCHOOLS I Ut* ItoitUtjtitt |l tto j #tttoi Mi! Ik tt§4 blBMNfc to toto to MMawfet (ffflto Im*| to* mm 4*«to Itototoi* pr tip* f vsuM wf IMM(w*®* wM* * *to ** Wbp* ****'-R* #Mto# ito to*to* to to 4to,| I to' Ito** • -tototo to ttto *ilto l* •to*- I *mm Ito to* toto* toto to to** towto* | futo'-* to to*’* '*4 ftVMH IM* to* 8 * to to * | * to M II U tto«to tto to toiANm * rtHßHirto toINN4 to ( •to toto ito* to toton-Mf towllliMf-llto ftftftto toW wltoto to In# to IT* AltoMtf • toft itoto tot* tototoi l 81 Ito to mill Mtooto ft toil ft* 111 to of leamisg I* that of the Y M. C. A .j skill Will Ope* October I This ta a! »<• tialxrr Pm Imb ••»# ••"•■J '.«g« o* the Y M, C. A., the trhoßl. will nri Kiih b large a I mniiscf. Aai ! able turps us lutrseion hae h#*-n *a : gaged, aad will awke tb* ia»titutk> a I • ucer •• Prof. I L Oahora* the prta-1 ripal of Oaßorae'* Hwllieu C«dlege «!’l| [he pctaelpal'Yjf the arhooi. aad w IT he aevkffod hy Prof* O. P- Bu»l*r and! (Alex Whitney , Thear night schools ar* tree* so alt ] -»h<> may Mrs to attend, ao watt oil j fr ad* stand* not in th# way of gain , ing an education In Augomn - •varsity hen united. ; Th*y lisped to Have a I in* season * Work Ihla Yanr. Atb#na. <** . 8«q)t 2*. The colic** ! hoy* are pulling together more hrtr- I moaiouslr this aewnon than last and | it I* *xp*ct*d tt will msult In a eerie* :of victor!** for baseball aad football tram*. More Interest, 100. '.a being ta ken in th* I lies ary *ocl*tlm. while lire j two college publication* have the strongest talent In the make up of th*lr respective worker*. The flrtt Issue of the college weekly. Red and ' Black, will appear Saturday and the monthly magaiine, Th* Georgian, will appear next week. The Dillard Drug company Ira* been I placed In ihe hands of a receiver. Dr. E. R. Klnnebrew being the receiver The assets are J7.4W1 and liabilities about IS.ttOO. The concern will pay I out. Th« ’varsity football team play their first game in Athena on the Bth of October, when they meet Clemson college. OAHTOHIA. a .k. jr Tim Ami Yitt Hun limit Bougtit ROME’S BUCOET OF NEWS. A Big Flour Mill Will Soon Be Started There. Rome, Ga . Sept 29. Rome capi talists, headed by John Ramey, will build a hundred-barrel-per-day Tour mill here. It will also grind five hundred bushels of meal per day. Th* latest improved machinery will be put In. and it will be a model mill. Rome enjoy* the same milllng-ln-tran sit freights as does the city of Chatta nooga. John L. Seay of Rome returned last night from San Francisco via New Or j;ana. He had a thrilling experience in getting through the qoarantine, and was for twenty-four hours without any food. The Floyd county democratic execu tive committee will meet on Saturday to appoint workers to get out the full democratic vote. Only steel lined and burglar proof rates used. Money loaned on anything c? value at a low rate of interest. Wa- j terbury alarm clocks, 75 cents. Lewis Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. Catholic Orphanage Complete ’. Washington. Ga., Sept 29. The Pill liolir"orphanage, which lias just been finished, will be (brown dpen to visitors on Tuesdays and Wednesdays of each week, it will tie opened for tire first lime Tuesday. i Nazareth lias three hospitals, seven donvente and twelve schools under Eu ropean supervision. rW POWDER to to | III s |t% KtoVto r-4fptlM| fff MR*** •' -># » c - -V *ar* sßeer A* ting up >« OttMLAtt. i tltttde’ «f>er eh- viM cal* took after lb* |tu<ky hunter ’..unit ll«M* la «*d Bpan — I iilspiriTT the >• P rnv< ’ ,(u> * I ||j # hand IHa 1 fork* the rmdir t* the A limit* 1 Orvtom &*» ••**•» ktnAiy rs ( 11 vftl lit j4i».liß ,**ii ■1s1?. in it It* IN** A* I evitable la happily m l regarded a* a j■ appal .divine- Ip that ■■• marry. fine of Ihe plank* In the New Turk I ifa i.iii.ii itn uiiifitrtii at farst'ica wai: AVe dei la re In favor of the re|«.thm of ith«* l*t>illt»«plc%«N» Nitil Mr«ln«t th** t •»urn L Hpain of any maguerml laadw” Among other ep.mun.glng algn* of re- Ifnrrti In Cutai la (he fact that Blaa-u | has mopped bomha*tl. pns'la- InutUon* to the people. How he ever 1 aareeeded In ovenomlag that babli I* a bi r atery The Marla Ti-raa 1* worth ten lime* iimre money than It coal thla govern ment to eink all h«w aleler vr**el» The oegl time she get* into a scrap *iie will j give a belter ao-ont of hereelf. Whv ie>t send her over to Manila? It I* said that more than lO.Oim Span iard* now living In Porto lilco refu*<- to remain th-rc under Ameilcan author ity uud will return In H|*ln. Thl* *r rangement will eult lincb- Hum luet aa well a* If he had planned it himself. Keierhaxy. who rerenty ronfeaaad that he forged the most im|»>rtant of the documents In th- ennsplraey I against Irreyfua. now denies that he did anythin* of the kind. That fellow t* obvlouay mor«- kind* of a villain than any other man in France. LI Hung Fhang. who wa* deposed from office only « few wee! a ago. la again high In favor and may presenty be the biggest man In Thin* The one noticeable thing about thl* smooth old atatesman is th«t no matter how often h“ is thrown downatalr*. he always ulighta on his feel. “The old definition of an ambusaartor was that he was sent to lie abroad for the good of his country; well, We have changed that, and at the present time It !* clearly the duty of an tunbamia dor to hold his tognue abroad for the good of hi* country,” *«ld Whltelaw Held of the peace commlaalon at Pari*. A real duel hrt* been fought on the stage of a Lo* Angeles theatre by Ed ward M. Bell, nm- of the most tab-nte-1 actor* on the Anti l lean etage, iiut who w ill get drunk. . , Bell fotgot hi* liner, fought the duel erenc like a maniac and spoiled a first night. I! 1* raid that h“ wa* once en gaged to marry Mi»* Fiance* Fotsoin, now Mr*, drover Cleveland. The Intrepidity, us the Derviahe* »t the battle of Omdurmati wa* something wonderful. They were ehaolutey fear le»*. The London Mall *(ty» “iitiallv n<it more than three of It* defender* were left, and thev linked arm* that they might die together while lighting. 'J’wo of the three were *hot, whereupon the one survivor, flourishing a apear, advanced aguinHl 11 thousand tlfle*. To Whomilt Hay Concern. I liave been it. the drug business for twelve year-*, and during that tithe have Bon,] nearly allfjhe rough medicine* manufactured; .and from my personal knowledge of srioti remedies, I *ay that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other on the market. -w. M. Terry, Klkton. Kjr. S.dd liv AlexantV-r t>rug and Scr-d Co., C. it.'parr of 'licit Tower Drug Store. TO DIVIOE IHE OFFICES frt~*tT M (RMNi <mMs to tlf, sag 1 iriian —■—f ** «•» MMiM * m* A Iks* A «MtoSito Tito tov tototoM m MtotoMtot to 8 rwr ] I a$ ft to 8 4totowffto ! 4 lrs <mi Ito toft to Ito totopto <to imsbM* M> m HW'hM BS« b* lYfetMe j SAVA HR 15 IU.IND —— j M C l»H R» Cared by a* Op*Olsß far I'BSfßt I -TflMtot Tto H«toto ito *1 tto ito M- NyfttlMMl ftttol MBMI ¥**■ mm, ctofHtto* 4!«fN«««4 •to <ni ! I dfAH tot mrf anw4 ito wm atH* TA tto IMiftar to Tto ttomto Mi - I Ttolft* rm A** IA A** tout ltß MR A Alllß • pm*r togra. Mtto »Mfc m tAtarArt aa | I Inlt Ifft. CAIMto bf ’ 'IAfA ffftt Ha •totrlito aM IA (to itop* to or ftMwl I mm* MNitif to gif* ttA fwi't I ia ito Aoctf Ha# Nrtfc#fAnf* to ao# ! i oiihScf |( «tol to to aa Aaity ao to* I Una Ia (to** QAito Nlag |nii ia tto j mud pumthle use ll* <UMaw be raa |h* mnd but I bat lb# 4w on tai l do It BitlHMit par. N»w. b aeemt wrrl- I bit that a*< —-g ah)* MM prrenn I shall walk hta lifetime la darkaea* tar I the waal of a Is* dollar*, aad smtls llt aui mlound lo aa oraliat’s baser I aad itnrr arere be snrr .narnl la sat b I a tbtag? I aa. ealMlag vaur help la thl* ■ an**. The Kvi Herald seewa to b* *u<h a fa. tor la ibis runasaitr I IMblah the hoy inearly a taui said bit u*in*- was Briggs Taylor. Pl«a*e do ■ mmi.<thing la sour oaa good way for this poor creature aad you shall al ways retain a* a friend This ta not tb* only ..Mamuak-athMi at this bind that ha* beea received and an inquiry was immediately made-Tbe rlty ha* been overrun with vagabond* ■of all desrrlptlona. Many persons nor at all maimed are telling talc* of woe aad getting money, (ithen. hav* de liberately burned their limb* with add and told of aonie arc d*nl to keep from working A n»an aneweriag to the description of the one referred lo la the letter ba» been taken up several times bi’ the poilre. He saya hi* home I* in Edge field. He has been helped on hi* way each time. Th* hospital take* all eases that com* to them and If the negro can t>* cured aud will solicit their aid. he will be taken care of. In all probability, he has nol tred to gel assistance, or. ir so. has applied to the wrong author ities. Whenever a ease like thl# I* seen It should be sent to hospital aod If the person refute* to go, the rase should he reported to the police authorl tle*. ______ ~MACON EVENTS. Capl. Harris Has Been Promoted to Succeed Frank Uordon. Macon, Oa . B*pt 29. A private letter received here slates that Captain Harris, one of Ray’s Immune*, ba* been commissioned « major to succeed Major Frank Cordon, resigned. Major Harris distinguished hlm*elf at the Macon bar by his connection with the Nobles case. The infant daughter of Hr. Monk, chief of Macon’s Fire Department, died in Florida. Macon Ixrdge of Elks will take charge of all property und assets of the Commercial Club on Saturday, and lire latter club will then go out of ex istence. It ha* long bepn identified with tlie social life of Macon, but the Elk* propose to huid up a club that ■v if I more than take Its place in the city. Stands are being creeled In various parts of the city for the purpose of the carnival on Ihc 11th of October to the ltth. The big stand for Living Flag will crown Coleman’s Hill, and boxes and stands will be built on va rious street corners for the accommo dation of the sightseers. Ladies’ as sociations are arranging to run res taurants and eating places during tire carnival so as to make money for in stitution* anil causes to which they give tlreir time. A negro slabbed a member of the First Georgia three times Tlie soldier may die. Tlie resldenee of W. H. Opry, a for mer slier!lT or Bibb, wish badly damag ed by fire. We have the finest selection of Teas In the elty. Prices are right, too. Lam kin & Co. ALL READY R)R SCHOOL STRONG SUITS For the Boys! •to** in Ato to# 8 *a» #i*a*to *mmm «M m* mm (to* <*> <iiA§> — turn* tlf . «mb trill Wt* tof» *A# !•# Awn# AMU*#: __ , m „ M fmMmtomo* * tTtapA Ato IA f ft#BHA ** *‘ m AAA KAMA - • rwM t AnMI mmm i aAMMA * lAil i jgrtr to tto tfttototo Aito to tto mmm a toMat m maa mm* tm *mmm* to to awni tot «t.tto to toto §ttot(to|d«BßitoißiA|fttoi»to ttoto ito toto Mama n umi ii imhi Mto S AAi i mtr*m ttoMI 8 fA ft A #aa#a ttto m,n iitTfrTlA* Utlt iH# Bto to fltot Atolftl# §i to #to am J. B. WHITE & CO.. CloUtill Dwnmi .tut: NWIMr fftMrtl—- (in. Mil 1 IBM *o* IWOAO stbi i t, 4,MAI ÜBCR Mie AW waiiumn kkMfc Th* last. but on* of our ••ml-annual Ch»llon|f Sales will b* crowned with an array of bantam* such at any store may ba proud of. Somr of the Special valuatara tha ratuitt of our own afforta carefully Planed for tha occasion ma n y waaks «*.O. Oth*r«. wa ara frank to confess, are rather accidental, merely attributable to our ability to taka quick advantage of the mexnected turns the markets taka at times. All in all It Is a wonderful collection of choice Shoes that will be sold at our new store this week for Fifteen different styles In Ladies’ Low * nd H*** Shoes and eight different styles of Men s. . These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while In the East. Agents for Hanan & Son. Stacy Adams & Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. Siffi pICyCLE >Ut I A Branches JJT ExP fRT Yy6kKM«:N. If you .ant two thing*, the highest #*U»ftrtlo« eng a aavlngof money, luat I make y..ur*«|f oft* ~f „ur customer*. W# van furnieh rider• with bicycle#. I 100, and th* beet in ihe market at 'h«t The reoent » per cent reduction ! «u a quarter hit. hut h#rt'i a |>roc«**#h*A of hoitu* rufi»: Columl»lM, moilel ( gji un. and y..ur lest rheme to get thl* popular model at any I*ll*. W# hav* three shop worn tonly) model 4«. ladie*’. we will let go at ♦*> *• On* iadler Hartford at Hi.kO and ladle* Vedette at 135 MO. ladiee' Jill at W«. and for boy* and non there l* nothtng on the market to compare «lth th* Keidal epe< lal at 125 on and Ihe Jack at »2* W: aeeond hand Cl* vela nds, Bam bier*, t 'rescenrs, Ml. urn* Victor*. Eldredg* and Kacyrlc*. from *l2 0# up, all Al ...lidlllon, and we let them go at any old price—Urey .lid not coat any thin*, were given lo u* by people who "anted to ride the STANDARD WHEEL OF TIIE WORLD, and only sold In Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. ESTABLISHED I»5«, f DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, S \ K —Rough and Dreßst4~~N ? i YELLOW PINE LUMBER < S AND MILL WORK °* DI‘CHII’TION. Y 7 Factory and Saw Mill cquip|.*d with latest improveiueut*. und V C tlon thorottjth tn svery department. Full line ... .lock, and prompt ship- 1 ? nients assured. Frio**, Catalogue*, *lc., upon Application. V ; Perkins Manufacturing Company, imsta, GaJ I^/WV'/V'/V>A#sA4/Nf>/'\/Vo*A^Ay/V'V Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed . • • . $3-!>0 per Cord Good Dry Fine er £ on j Good Dry Fine, long, . • • $2.7? per Cord Special prices on three Cords or more, , Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Stronger Then. 740 Bell Then* 2151. •tPTCMACA 9* A BAM4IAIN kiiiuil»lnuH«n <•« 4 M M Al. Him I lAfHiV BcycL&s BcTCk* '