The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 29, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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At •* MM «M* •* ••* •Mfagi.w. It f«- MM* A ** #*** L4M**t A# lAH» **fc» *» I #*4#*;* *■*"’*# 4MI #IW*A 5 * A* M’VlflftPP 1 •* g M****** ***•■• f “ • W> ■»i SWNg Hunt 4. .ae» 4a*4 a* 4sii*# PSB® j •*•» • MW** •*•* •A ll * Mt* •'" n * lrt | •HP MMMA.iI •>: #*• *•* <*■ IMWM I • m iMmcm «m Mm* M Im A* Mr* j A M» #***4B** t» •» kMNtotoM***** to BK* km***#* ■ pgtonM»«* A • #'**##» *■ ■ to*#** >Hit MM* 4# HAM *l*MMI* Ml to*** lAMM M *4*44 fltoto II to WNM AM { 'Mmmw » MM A* • ■>»' Ms M •*<*■* MM> WM tffc# tpiif *#i ##t # INI 1M fH# j Ht Ift# gmtwM IMA «# tdMMi IMM! f Jtt- -t t %« ■-iMA Ht #Hfc* # I •AIM <MN»# Mpil •#** ®iM *• | AtinAtii*i j *— ! *#♦% <mm> Him WMMi j •ma*§ mm «* mi aMM. m# fAMWMAM ft* «#»*# m*M j |# MMtf tV MMM | «** to** «A • MHH A# t-AMM I * I IwtMM 4fc* ••*** «**• ***** ; s* n«#♦ A#-1 niMf-m *** |p««| *%#* • 9iu MM# §*** ••• VaM #r<M AAtUI 't%M fM t -MM# wIM* P j IMmmA «# Mia# idfcttotf" •* * »«P V H *** A#s4 t%* AMI 9i> 'V < tA'i -w p#T LPT *»*# IMp***'”’" AAtMAp mAMP m»«IMAP * * fa . _ , <,,. • .umJ fas## inm* a iMt f * • A AAV TIMmaP ImAAPMI PM PPA'M *PP* fAPV* MM**** aPa aP ivff.#fi» ii 'tpw ■■ **® T " fg%* .*» »#f IIP' P VAPIIAP * ■’'••• ■ A ■Mis #**f IfMI lA4h Iflgpwf PWA M n toM IMmBPPPNI • ImAl'A'Am AVili i# I *’■ vHA a PMApw ** lil l #v% *»l lA* (#§w( PA IIPav it# frrttr Vt »»rm*« Pfe»» anil a,#, r PutoiMMA4 AJTA AAV * [#Bm Ut| id ir M<» •**>'* » mi WMito n*»M« >! ItMtnarkaMM (•***•• Sir*. >1 h* 1 C*’ l** f s l*tolntl#M. III,! t!i«h<-* 1h Mtlr.MDl lh*l IN* ruflll , .hi,), M*m<4 on tor lun*» •*>- na. i,p., j f s , r a ituifi! h It) H* ’ I mi)/ umrirwn bn) |ir* *««*r Hr l«»M tor ttot *to wM» • vlrflm i* com •wnttHMl MMI iha I n« mrilrlto cwttM car, tor Hn draifM (uiimlH Dr. j Kln« a M,» Ixamur l« CMMMM«nt>. fhMt ,h.' a i,.i!ta, and to i' r tto fitrt 4mm* ***** **iHi*it w l *** u^"> . and Miter *« oil r„Mnl Dru« Ht.dre. U*m* txitito* 9* "*»»» and RIVAL FOR THE L. A. W. The A»*rtcMO Mating CydiaU 1 I'Mlon Organize. Trrnttwt, X J »*'pt ».—Th* *m»r, leap lUrlnz OH lata' »'nto« *aa form-. *d today aa an «j>poa*tt<m raring aaa«»- rlatloti to the <* Amrrlmn Wh. i lm,n at a meeting told tote, at whi< h a number <>f the atar raocra took I* C Bald «*a made chairman and r K. Mpoon.i aecreiary. An asartitlvM rommltte*. i-onaiatlng of dp>e.ner. Bald. Hat. h.lder and Arthur ttordlner. »»» ag pointed, and another meeting will be held In Philadelphia oh Wednesday evening, when further *ter>* will to ta! en to perfect tto organlaatton of the union. A profxattlon to exclude col* ©red i idem was voted down. An agreement » aa prepared for circu lation among cyclists before the races of today at tto Interstate fair, and a motion was adopted that those who did not algo the agreement before the rar-j Ing began could only become memton of the union through formal applies*, Won. * Those who were at tto meeting and Who signed the agreement wcie B. C.} Bald. A’rihur Uanllner, Tom trooper, j Jay Eaton. Orlando Bteveus, H. F. Tar-, rill, J B. Anderson. W. E. Becker, it. B #tev*na, John Zimmerman, H. T. j Barrow, W. J WJgtaot*, Jkmea J. le,gue, John Ruel, R A. B- !*• j Tticmpann and Ed'vard Blout. These men gpcolntod themselves a committee at lame to circulate among the remainder of the sixty-three pro-j fesrlonala «|lf'od for today's ratjea an 1 appeal to them to sign the agree ment. Tbe Interstate fair association this afternoon paid the fines of the racing men suspended by the League of Ant*' arican Wheelmen, and the rate* werai run under League of American Wheel-! men auspices. In paying the tines of the racing men the fair asosclation was actuated by a desire to prevent the possibility of-he League of American Wheelmen placing the track on the, blacht list. The racing men were not| consulted In the matter, th* •fair aaao-, elation at the. same time making It j clear that It had no part in whatever! steps might be taken by the men tow- j ard starting a rival aaociation to the League of American Wheelmen. Gardiner and others say they are out ] of the League of American Wheelmen for good and that the American Rac ing Cyclists' Union will become a per manent organization. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. THE BERT RAT.VE In the world for Tuis, Bruise*. Sore*. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblain*, Corn*, and all Skin Eruptions ami positively cutes Plies, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re funded. Price 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY HOWAItL & WILLET. |w r &‘iCavareu BEJHS & 1 \ 1 1 v *- • « fc yU'W If rMr» tn tagtfi I imiMaT** maw toaga n • Mp»#v v PphaHlVa ** Am A*to' ■ 4Wa*AA wnm $Z t pm ■ ■ ViMA m P >'W| lit:. Via iAAk 4W # MOB'.nOF If ; I Ja#A4l PPpP MM ikwf* ■; |MAMAAP*vv vppaaaaaH |AA AMI lAVPAA P • AAA. f AAMPfVNA fctftM •• AA»A> "AIfVAIAAV ] Ahw.'to t9*| ■) Ml A AAMNAI Pi AtAAP PAA M AN* A4MA4I iPW ApwAH fArrtt"f fiilwtr- Mr* a mw Si |V IP (#ViA |W laat a . M r s llm m r |(g|g yf (|^t J sh? 1 Mut# ifUDivt' Udm !|aM «•! MP •u*%>V9* pAf tw mmm ' j « . itoftgt «-ff law* w c< fc In aafjr r»f *tV Pull Klv«r « ftrlmv ir iyrtrui# nart Id# (itinttfit Wwtvft UM, «iui tht ikAUamfll (MiAßtMtt'V Has ImuH J,M,« I Mr J#rom# Ji*nv. wh* wtt th« In* •unmt'ir Of Id# KHtril uinr l nk« , }|\ \uf ufiA, ht# gun# to AUralr. Phim to h.u CAO lit himd h* VIII I CM, At# dial# Frclovt InAfMN itHr CVtAtry. rs IV9# Y*»rli, hiA taruM All his thr<Hifhout lb** M(«tr that «'hll4r«#i uA* Per 14 fetn ul Aft# must ttul Ov rro* i*U>>’9 , d In fictorlm, j Ttirrr j.iris »* ••«>#(# fatal §oH* fi’Dlß la at y«ar In an«l aiiottl ?h# vtlrira land quairiM tmor# than 2w f#et <lwp) , in (iivat Blitaln and lit-land. And tbfjf •.auaed th# loss of I.Jaj live*. ‘ I The long strike of rar|Mtot*ra and other aorkmen on a building at Cfcl ' rare ended by the oarnur revoking the cuhlia* t of one contractof and giving It to anotb«i Tlie striker* Immediately returned to work. I About th* great lakes ar* M.OOO union longal.utemen The men take the < on us. t fur unloading the teaaida. their agent* deal with the orwner or master and are that the men do their wntdt promptly and In good shape. There la no friction. ... ... "If you wutklngmsn were not ao alu pi<t, nut apparently blind to yuur In terest* amt -your powers, the grievance* you cite might be easily corrected. Of course you must first nearly under stand yuur own esse and then proceed to apply the remedy tn your henda. Eight houra a day, higher wage*, bet ter home*, the happiness v hletl the De-i (laratlon of Ind'-pendence says shall, accompany life and liberty, the com fort* and luxuries of clvllxatlon —your own creations—are your* ts you wit! but reach out and take them."-—Rev. j Father McOiynn. About 160 dele gains, representing 107, local unions, attended the tenth an-; tical convention of the Brotherhood of Carpent-rg and Joiners la New York laßt week. Patrick Grimes, of the plan- | terera' union, who Is president of the 1 Building Trades' Council, recommended that the organised carpenter? Atari a fund ."or opening co-operative shops to give employment to unemployed mem ber*. The sum of 31 a member, he said, would give the ample ( funda to start a number of such shop* Thus the mem-j bera of the union would be their own) employer*. The International Typographical Un ion will hold Its forty-fourth session In Syracuse, N. Y., helping October 10. "We now occupy the proud position of. being In numbers the greatest labor j organisation in America,” said the president of that organlzstlonn the oth er day. “Notwithstanding my strong ground In opposition to a political ty pographical union, I am nevertheless convinced we ahould direct more at tention to the study of questions re lating to the social and economic ncmena which confronts us at every turn. We cannot hope to lmpt<«s pub lie opinion unless we participate in po litical discussion. The average paying piemberanlp for the last two years Is •js.Fui. Receipt* for the two years am -' ounted to an increase of $35,737,741 over I he* preceding two yean*. There w«H expended In strike benefit* $a7,75Z.“*6 for the two years. Burial ben efits for the same period were $46,170." God is the foundation all else is afloat, _ ~ f _ .0 -. THE HHJ^-AJLaO luAtoga m«t ittot a !**• ST Am* a ** tv •* ! | «at« Unanr 4mr* Pmap P iPh !, mP 7 | I AH# ii ##** §1 mm mm «# MM ***** ** [ * Rmi mNNAMApRA «MV% Ap fflP# * **•■* * ■* l **, Mmmm iiiiimpm •»*« **•*•*»*«• Vafc.#R I 'f|p# Iwfp Hi AVpM |WPR A## IWA (faMPi R#A#V fM* AMOIMRR#* Rr'diMi Hr# IIrA r AA IiRR mm PPAPMPA itpww tv via pM* «p % pnv% pnaa# ***m IP A «|MM fhhHP Via h ifi it MM i nfMfcf. #* •*•#* ••!**• tto isa* ■ tog ggp* gwggg a Mgtos fge* ' ggsggM Mg tfc» If* MMh to* to eaagtgMg A *<s IJmi •MHfphVi'* VaihA* tpa vhm IHPPA MM fAMPMHPPP flgww ||R#% ii Ai f V AAAf■toti Pm P MHMPf **Vp *iP» I ivvi i m Umm mm**** I Inma pr**tip tiA tPhai almpv a 9PM 1 9iA AIAP# (PPA Ms v ® P AvAt* IInP A« «ai Ah MM VR* > j,. # VumM Mh»« iIM i#W|Rl I VNM : aavMtoigg Mr IR* IMtMfctoM to »«• j |e eaagtMgd gtMgt tto tggitM** toMMa to . i isi S«4 m tog It Rsh%m** Mtw** that (to AgMMgMM* **•••*♦ Mto gto toto I <to <Mtol toaggggto M Pltoldto* * tiapjwiP Pit iM PiMi liP PPPPHm N#iPi la fpW PPP Wiai Miii pP ta* HhppPPPPPi wpAppat wfi ts AtoV*#4 11* fc ih VWM* liTgßp* ” Ml## tit #VP% |Mapi «# Via itaPM M lUM r EJimull mrnm*9 M ▼phi. 1 M Vi«A w tilM t# ««> «iA< Aid n I fc| f f m -Mr hi*»*A iIAM t%# WMV|MKAA I VfMi )4 iAhV !• IMP •#« Atwi Pf iaidtß la Aaf M fia iWHPiPMNMI phAPt. I tto to«fa toga* to g** •• «*#* •«»* li# Ii aHkPPviP |4» a" iad Ha#i pM «M ii# 4«at Aha#lP P#a ha rtvrvP f gtr« ##al 4Mw If Ml fPaP Ml# <HvflhHl * in. ifcgi ii© p M |f a# ii# MmMMPP plait lAvtavd as i***« «hoi IIPPPPPPP *hP *• ***** tojirHl #ini PP.PPP.PPP M IPa |MAAt and fiaap trill if UP Pt UhN «w»paA» t« IA vatd liAt PPM*** iMtPa iPV® AffPPi .trjntSrsrt* as7Z AnvUftS tViatti mfß(A|t liR riwa in fa targto t*W to IR* to add llooal rs*k ii I Th, a**to persons daetnrto that tka art'ial toritouto Wit* to ik* Broam nisei naa fH6#g Mr Brown a*ld tofo.-a Ik* tola f »* kU plaat naa *nr ! niag Si pwr rent <M * <'«m»* , *i atoefc to ! |IHAAAA Til# vrut’d Irak# tka #fiy «r«*tih IhPPh hr a bftlv of P |m*i* cent eatntug caygeu*, ** WM n # r, * i ’ i |y gtrea out hr th* *m*« olflrlal* th*f I the purchase price to Ike Ilfo »n plant vav II 3PP.POP. I nr Janr## P fertt-I. of Mwrnt | M#*A», W. Vi,, hn# dlnrarPvd #ll «th#f 1 iDurrho* nudldW and Aovr h»H‘ll fc , nil t 'haftilirf lain*! CrH»’. f?lM»l#rA and l»i«rrti(iN Ptvvdy. H# Mr v##d It in hi# family and *dd It to hil rtmlmri' R I #,,* %toaf*#« and ha# r*i Malt#tkm in nj,yinn that It P th# hr«t r#invdy f *r itdk and diarrlrva. h# Haa **v#r hn*»# n. ft ih*« PPdA «!'#• relief. »mt HlWta a titorm#*»toi»t (PM. It <• *l*° fPHPt h* l ** Use to take, making 9t an hb-al rem. lr f.,r tmwel i umplalnto Tor sale by Al !,sender Drug * Seed Co., Pan of Bell Tuwar Drug Store. FRANCE FAVORS SRAIN. siKh «• (he Sesllmenl lu Diplomatic Circle* at Paris. Parle, Sept. 17. —While the rc«*ptl»n acccrded the I’nlted Stale* peace com nilaai(.i) here was all that could be de sired and while the French foreign of* gee hu* taken greet peins to treat the precisely In the same manner, It mu»t be admitted that th* general atmos phere of Pari*, specially In dlplomailc clrclea, doc* not Ipcllne toward* Am erica. H ia the general Impreaalon that the American commlasloner# hare Instrurticna to provide for the reten tion "M —M -A Pm -» 1.0. ~X "and for the commlaaloc to pre- S0(1. * *u»u is,* Lilt* ilUUllttiMiP lv» tend to negotiate Is a farce." said a prominent diploma!. He continued: •America will put beraelf. diplomati cally, in the wrong when ahe exceda the provisions of the protocal, which both nation* signed, l know the Span iards have become piepared to make concessions, but If the Americans’ In structions are of an uncompromising nature, which ia generally believed here, you m.iy reat assured that the work of the commlalaon will ba futile. The Spaniards will retire and America a ill, at least have to threaten the re sumption of hostilities before she can gain her point." The commission met for the flint time since appointment, as a body, to day In the drawing room of the Con tinental hotel. As the Joint commis sion is not a deliberative body, it pos sibly will not organize with a presd ng mebber from either commission. Thhs Is deemed in some quarters to be the wiser plan as tending to promote closer working relations between the two commissions and facilitating ul-, timate adjustment. This, however, is not positive. Robbed the Grave. A startling Incident, of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia was the subject, l» narrated by him as follows: ”1 was In a most dreadful ronditlon. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually In buck and side*, no appetite —gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given him up. Fortun ately, a friend advised trying •Electric Bittris;’ and to my grenl Joy and •sur prise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. J continued their use for three Weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved mydife and robbed the grave of another victim.” No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at Howard & Wlllet's. NOTICE! On 4ful «fter (hit (litl Sutiw-ftber* to the Augkit'a Eichtinfe of th# Southern 801 l Telephone And Teltfriph Comp Any vein be given Free connection to the (olloeinf ptec#*; BATH. A. C-. KOCKFIBLO. A. C-, CHANITKVILLS. A. C-. JOHNiTOH. 8. C-, MM BellTeleplioDe&TeMCo., W. H. ADKINS. M«nA««r. X)HNSTON TLLEPHONt 00.. W. A. Gluts. Pioidrnt, Rf Al. OTITIL FOR RENT (Mr t*i4«i Wiy, i mo* *« .... tt m WAtUA Wtf, I > AfAA •• .... im tyi H«af .lieft, AwtoAO .« *« M fA-tl Md f 't(ii* tdff t. %*m sHgfno ,« gs t) fv f# I fl Wittto# f t«fc|tog HI Wffxe J *ftoß Atr«#t -M m a*4 i m #Atoi. HfnTf«t|ATH HAU-WIT. f tjg f* «to# 4. TiiA MAt vi M cMn«e4 t»Mi Ms 4# 4af. • ( Clarence E. Clark, MmA R,iat* * 1 *** Brtod to i FOli RENT J. B. WHITE M HobblW UN UI’FIR j Bit CAD STIIKKT. «U Broad air**t. ie room* .. ,« .. to ee W 4 Hay ft rooms .. .. .. l!l Kills alraat. S room# .. .. .. I* to 14M Rill* atraei. I e*saa ~ ~ ~ 3*4 (Irecne ,!•**! t »■ ••>«!)* .. a. 113* Un-cna atreel.' I S 3 to IM* Ore*n* #<.**«. T to 433 Penwlck alr -l. • to to p| Walker *lr**>. I room# .. .... to to W* nod law a Avanu*, I room* •« •• IK to Ckafa* A venue. I rooms .. .. .. , M-m>* Mann. S »••<•*** It. to | llouaa or, HDI. * loom* ... M-to 1 Uqoma In deslr aU* It calsoD*. , |or/ic«B- „ ! ItiO Seventh Btreel .. *. .. .. .* .*K ** !j-l Jgrventh •• * 3 Taw Haora - * M j 4 Kaw Hang* •** ! S I4»W Bang# /*••••# 731 Reynold* alr*«t ~ .. n gT' 'IIBH - Broad •» on LRJ Broad atreet •• .. •« •• •• ,*■ to *# CU Brand J® ■’* 833 Broad *?T Broad atreet * n to 4311 Bread #•** 430 Bread atreet .. 743 Rills j 419 EM* atreet ••••• S 0 °® Part Of desirably aitualed Bruad atreet store, especially adapted for dressmaking establishment. The above Hat will be changed from day to day. John. W. Dickey Real Haute Agent. FORRENT ÜBT CHANGED DAILY. BIS Lincoln, sThoms 11.50 333 Telfair. » rt|oma 20.00 1335 Jones, 7 rooms liB.OO 233 Kills .12.50 335 Walker, 8 rooms 18.00 BTORBS. Cor. 9th and Barnes 110,00 304 Mclntosh 10.00 637 Broad 20.00 650 Broad 27.10 J. B. White houses, Broad street. J. B. White houses, Jones atroet. Get prices at office. L. F. VERDERY. The Renting Agent. FOR RENT. NO. 849 1C LI. IS STREET, BUILDING three stories lilfph, containing elevator, dc. Especially desirable for wholeaulc business. Price ,150.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY. •If? Real Estate Agent. > T j No fewer tfiin 1173 persons have ‘been buried in Westminster Abbey. I t ANCLEV MILLS. S. C. TRENTON. A. C*. VAUCLUSK, A. C.* WARRENVILLE. S* C* IHI. MTATIL FOR RENT ALIXANDBR&JOHNSON i Aft OffAMPMK YV AP*A i Mn#AkA « »i P S ; set rt ■ ■ <#> rtA>#» t rrnmm ....MS* ■ A#4 tSfAASM- ■ •Vr#ril—♦ r#n w>j «. „ ts U Mill# fhy# MKigi. . % tmmmn (( •« fS AS ms run# t mmmaa • * si ss HAtl M < lA<a*#lk' S*#«#Mto # t«* MkA «« It SS [ $4 Javm##-"- ItfSfSi - V avmmAbs >• •« ts M ' tl* Ijltf f fWndM . • .« *• II SS i XT# tVIfAlf SV*#W« 4 t#MM •* *# •« tIH t Hi Sf'A f ll tof Aft Alta I »‘A.*AAA •• •* •« IS •• 4ft H*Aik## #V###t, S fMgnARA •• •• |ft ## ### »<r«rf. I row#* .. .* ft M 1 MilLSfffcvtlk* K«t4 Si A#f## *#4 t MR «S*4klltnA laAfSA, «##., IM. sumvmsaam». t rMN# m ...a I* m 11444 IS#t## ttrvfct, 4n* HM «« •* II IS •WMMrvlfcW t MMM and 4 acaaa to to ' 314 Jarhawn « r<na>* .. .. .. ~ It to MTV) B IB i TH Brnad *•<**« .. .. . H to* ! *M Hroad #tr*H .. *. .. .. »• •- I-to* M» Hroad street « .* .. .. .* .. to— i tot Bruad atreet .. .. .. •• .. •• • to* j u: B «d *4 reel .. .. M 1*34 Broad Mire** *** | |T4t Bruad #•**•! .. •• •• •• *• •• # 117*4 Beua t street .. .. «» »• *• to* |:v4 Hroad atreet IM 434 Broad *4 1 444 Broad ' :-a M< tM<*k str*el .. to 3*3 tl Ini.ok I* *• 4r* 434 ttey mdda ~ .. .. .. .. I** 317 Jarkao* # orricw. 744 Broad airacl. front. 313 Broad. Montgom.r, Bulidln*. Sin gle oftl* e* *nd suite*. Tto I'* 4M Broad IM 44© Broad afreet ...... .. .. .* *. 144 (rdtcea anA aleepkng r-tis. In Chria j ilrsy's building, comer Seventh and ! Ilfuad slreet*. | Numerous offl<<s and sleeping raoma to i ell imrta of rtly. Uat at «>««•. Aleiansler&Jotmsoii 705 Broad Street. To Rent Plot* and Reaidanra at l3A3and ISB7 Broad itreet. On* al tbs beat stands in th* city fur a good Grocery Mura, or IB fact, any buainaw. Tba Houm has six (U) good room*, a good yard, and 1* very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE g*r I bav* foriala very desirable build in,, Jot located In the centra of one of tbe handsomret block* In th# city. Will sell tame very cheep. Juit the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good title* ■ CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1J37 CJRHHNH STREET. SOME PEOPLE DON’T LIKE PILLS. They want a quick actlne Medicine, acting ■lmply on tbo LIVER. Take B. H. P. For Ike Lot, SO Cent* Bottl*. Hf-I p will take out the yellows • ** • *• in your face. HH P Will take out the yellow* .11.1. in your fees. The Howard & Wills! Drei Co. Manufacturers H. If. J*. Hotel Sie. Claire, DKTHorr■, mat. Absolutely Fireproof, Thoroughly Modern, Central Location. H*a<lqu*rt*r* For Southerner*. Rates $3.50 to $.5.50 WM. P. BEYER, Proprietor. JHE HERALD JTANDARD IP fITUS It t# popular b#c#uM tt It *uit what th# ar#at tiow*lMP<tr-tßAdihg pubi c wiou. Th# Map# ar# i#r«# and cloar. and fully doubt# »h# iwc# of any oth#m pubUahod. Th#y ar# b#ault fully prtniod in fiv#cok>ra on hoavy map pap«r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find tha Alias an indiap#naabl# aid. It will h#»lp you to obnorvo th# daily change* In th# altuatU>n, and enabl# you to k##p pac# with history. You Need An ATLAS! V— (Jet the Latest and (Skat - * x Contents ol The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cub# • - 14x21 Inch#* Th# World - 21*28 Inch#* 4f9qn HtS PSJAVAA M *IA4MVI % AA#4Pi*. * Afci# Af#4 VAiitfiAfM ViMM* Watt Indins ... 14x21 Inch## North America - - 21 *2B inch** Mm. tag cakto Haa*. South America - - * 14x21 inch## , Mas.lag ,ak4» Hn*s. Philippine Islands •- - 11*14 Inch## Hawaiian Islands - • Il*l4lnch#s Europe ... 21 *2B inch## Spain and Portugal - - 14*21 inch## A»ia ... . I4*2| inches .showing *«« Tr*s»-Mkcrtos RaOr**# Africa ... 14*21 inch#« Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 *2B inches China - - - - 14x21 inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana. Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays. # and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It Is just out, and entirely new. . , . . _ The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents A FEW SAMPLES I. C. Levy’s son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, - - - GEORGIA REID HERALD'S WIT ADS from our exquisite stock of Furnishings will show the superiority of the qual ity and make of our goods, besides the swell style and rich effects of our neck wear, shirts, collars, cuffs, gloves, suspenders, um brellas and etc. Our new Fall stock is worth your inspection. 7