The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 30, 1898, Image 7

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FRIDAY COAL-COAL COAL mnotitr «mi tnmi t** *it*» , i *•* A«ft Jm*oO It Hi M«T OftAOtt or ftkyM CtM**4 ItMtO C 'CsJ Jo i * • AalK' •' «#• Hf’i'.'l *'■» t A f ft* f «» , . “ciTY ICE COMPANY. • tni HMJt.% or A »«•*% | *b*mmo |wf * ; H** * tfl* A*'® ' -«'#<• A »*< *#*•• Hi #%# Ml lit ft# 000*b0*0 Mfcttti# i • ft# jpMI A fMMMI ftftft mm**** m Imp* #m-«4 i M *§*■«*■» l#«ftfftfti frit Ml **T%ttlft Wll’ * a. , I <. tYjpf. Wlltif i ‘l'if BAh r tic At nli bfOWf, || t s f ||tg nf r £*nr* i iti cist Ur* «< light*'' K.r sprang at oaf* (a *r»# •>'t.r »r c«*». I'm alra.4 —prise* pat ty* I Imr da a i tag In> a perf** • ch'-d wltrra a ball la In amt 100 By ik( «a|. Taan. ye t four pt *• »ta. IH gi»* yon the third »*>J th# tfth at l.ady Hnlmwood'a nw ns* If y *« tike ” -torn priii Hi ($ to twHJwr o*o** tott««rrrtr ‘ Mi<) Kvr.riiA afjNilM, * M<*al fartaialy. why not V "Why a«tr Buafd ( lona ttaa uior* than half angry no*. "Rsmsm you are totally unlit for Una life of hurry and fat tgue and eh* ctlemml. You look III: you are 111 —, mr hurt Jual had abundant proof of that. If you go on In ihta fathlitt you wilt do yourself some serious mtw’hltf. W’bat haa come over you? Whan you Farr a young girl In your Brat season, you could give up panic* philosophi cally enough and now—now —'* "Now that I am old enough lo knew belter. I will not forego a single eve- Bing * amuaement. yon would *ay?” Eve had grown very white again: her lipa were quivering. "Even no. tage moralist. You aee. I'm painfuty conscious that, being eo old. ] shall here few more opporiunrtiea of danclrg. and moat needs make the moat of those that remain.” "Even at the risk of killing your self*” "Heve you never heard of a abort life and a merry tn#? You needn't trouble youraelf to »*aume that dlanp provlng air, air. I don't mean to nlng into an aged Invalid before necessity compel* roe. Juat to gratify prudent persona like youreelf!” In aueh airy faabiona did *he bear down bia argumenta—being, indeed.for tbe moment really gay. alnce had not this business of “the attack” ah* never gave It any more definite name —tided her safely over those terrible blank spaces? She insisted on returning to mmgle at once with the crowd; and when Betty, an hour later, ventured a low voiced remonstrance, grounded on her friend's air of suppressed suffering, she was repulsed with: "My dear It’s not civil to tell people they are too ugly to be abroad. If I had s cough which disturbed the com pany's peace of mind, I would retire at once.” (Thank heaven- my ail ments have never taken such tangible form!” she thought to herself.) “But In this free country I presume a wo man may be permitted to look as ill as she likes.” When Major fivrrnrd stepped out of his hansom at I-ady Holmwoud's door the following evening, he fell eertaUi nilsetably certain —of finding Eve among her guests. There had been strong and serious purpose underlying his cousin s light gjtecrh. t .. «W«SM»SM'*we* to* I'WWH'H mm j •Mgwam smw it pmmmm- was titsssgi 00b 900* I ; .rumi- *%*% tfti Ml fWI M om mmi igp* m ##»• 0000 1 *oooo9*** * i ** ft# *' M» in mm*9oo*o Mi A* ] mm**** llHM |#** **»«**• ******* j *l# Mai <nf <li Mi »•* ft nmihl 1 iiHftNP' 9 o*oo Mi mi# wnnmi# 0 # j im# MMI A 'Ab Rp#i bi ji> l 90 0m immmmm i #0 • % n f **&** Av-w # ob* ** h'li ** *b j **£ Ms mh nm • ♦♦»•%#■*'*# { —* ** n * lr * . *** .***. _* m T 4 tm a>*>««< wwmww p»« isitg t# orftHft » ts #f •! ?%** «• I ] '#% §M' * * ft** m ••• •<# f • i H* INHA t MpM -1- . iffßi jxwj #WP> i ft! a# MHmrb# 'Mi " *l# Mr !>##•* - I MM W9oi 90U000 ##| [ ’ Amiri* fIMNNI As# AM# I 01' «% HAAf WPPVHMMIkt T##A •* ] ‘ Ala ANf# AA# lift i AM| mnf yir utAAR #-»fMAA tAtft •A# Hit I# t MrtprA Ml H#N A# a Mil' ‘ AImMH M AMf **■ aA#»# aA A I H#aa At * maAHH* ffrv AHAAAy Nrt' | “A §HM|f |*wl t A## A## A*-’ hS I«A •## *MI #r > %ai la A*• AA * A# Ki Ai Ar «l w% AA ’ •## A AMMI Hi A fifty MAA 0900 0090 00*m AM 0000* Iwws .Mb' dtamt h**d Hi** Hh a> *htag otertww* I sßgll he A pßwßf folkswsd ■ a BwwMsit * «S sa ' sa howr la tha maa who** h«art aaam rf is atasd stiff Hi hvwathisua wwfttwg th# las late ftawY IM- my hwskMid ksoaf a s a s s •. • "Poor thing aha nwM her (Me* hai«* from tie firal hart whom It aaatna aha had rowawHad wMhwwt (all tag asy of ua that bar haart wwa all wroMg. And yat ow the day of her {death ah* roda tn the park wear to Baa dean with bar huahand. aad dtaed «>u» *' up «here tiefors aomlag na to tha Hu! m wood da see' Of roars* oa* feats immraaely for him. hat It's dlflcalt to he vary sorry for a woman who deltb era tel y threw away her Ilf* —for tha laka of a few paruaa." This la Mem. t’otteraffa verdict- • g carte is* allowed ho fat Juat hy tha bw- Jorlfy of Eva Altoaby's Brqcslataatee Alionby himself, whflr atlaalcg his wife terribly, eaaaot altogrthar shut hit eyas to the r#« kit senes* of the hr- Uavlor which deprived him of her; la him. too. a ir 'ogntiioo of bar folly has done something to softan tha edge of grief. Thar*- are. however, a few snft henrtad pareott* —among them Major Kversrd and little Baity- who. In all bar errors notwithstanding. Bod II easy to mourn poor Eve. And these give that "folly." rightly condemned of their less tndulgaot fellows, another and gentler Bias.-Tha Armwy. CASTOR IA For Infants and Childran. The Kind You Havi Always Bought Biguatura at HENN ONITES GATHER. There Will Be An Assembly of Five Thousand of Them. Bloomington. 111., Sept. 29. One : of the most interesting religious gath erings this year In the west will be the annunf conference of Mennonltes ) which ts to sswmble on the Rock : Creek Fair Grounds next week. It Is the conference of that denomination ; for the atates of lUlnoia, Ohio. Indiana, j lowa and Nebraska, It will consist * of one thousand delegates and fully four thousand visitors. The confer ence will dose next Sunday night. There will be a choir of four hundred trained voices. The annual confer ence of tbe denomination, with 200 delegates, was held thirty-two years ago on the same spot in the barn of the Rev. John Slrubhar. Last year the conference was at Hamilton, O. The Rev. John Sprunger of Baran, Indiana, will preside over the confer ence. Mr. .lames E. Ferrel, of Burnt House. W. Va., has discarded all other dlarrhoe medicines and now handles only Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and JXari huea Remedy. He ha* used It In his family and sold it to his customers for years, atid bos no hesitation in saying that It Is the best remedy for colic and diarrhoea, he bus ever known. 11 not only K.lves relief, but effect* a permanent cure. It Is also pleasant and safe to take, making It an Ideal remedy for bowel complaints. .For sale by Al exander nrug k Seed Co., Part of Bell Tower Drug Store. THE JLTTOXXBTJk. -ErETtALD > TEI TABLE COSSIF > Hi# MM * A In «§«'*«* 009 00 *”*' s ! aPNAhmamaa 00900 A Hnn aMRMHHi# A|i Inmhi *.'• HRV abbrAb*'## I*l W 4 M # *i» 000 a# **** A »*>* «> WOOO9 fuv 0000. of9bb A### A AHMAiA #f laHMiA 000*0* H# MW* AMi A A wani 0000bbb *'#*mh#nbb# ImW# I# HMMHI *om 000 #i»» 00 #•# M*MH# *OOO %,obo *0 000090 00* *OOO 0b *o* •A* «A rn *0 0900 00 090/0 m tM» mmo 0/00 omm a mm* * #»w*hm 14# HwmMl mmmm 9mm Hi A ViM#tt * 000 0m ob* HwAti HAM Am *Aw mam aAm H mmMAMwM Ml AwmmAMM iA'M - *• * AIM v** ’ - ** t AaM lA# AwHAmp#? A ftt*WMW ate the a mm «MB- aw (Mag l •. ——l tmnfitr srvth a*a% as ha M a irnti-1 •* im< n • *mms»4 <— 4eta.mi.iia* sa4 aaataa always m»r*4 hgi TTsmrr is* iitai « have hsea tmmmtt t,i_ iplan if they aida't see a(heta trying la gal Ihaai ff (H 9H*Mft!#r«!i» VfittM fwrf Imli# ll j mm A# tMMMIt mhf Om m*t |,yf of whit* M*l*« The Fveaeh rsysitav as gepaiiea Wi se has snai* 'hewer.'' bat Ih* 4epalv * aif* M left la ra*l.a tl with tavalvar j A, he* tn mi rualwgi-'aa bat whaa •; man maw home aad Had* hi* wife with a aervoas headache, he a apt t* caleh 11. For lhe next few day* H'luma *f preey, llrhley. •atnpam «nd ..threw will have lo give wsy '» Irlah, Rogw A roe In and Iheir csnnpalriot*. While BaiKer sroraa Ihe Bryann<*ai and Doanally rwa*t* the Clevelandlte*. j chivalry .hould Impel the republican* to leave Ih* poor deamersts sdunc. There Is only one way tn a*‘|olre Wisdom, but when It come* In making a of hlmaelf. a man <-an have Ida chop-* of a thousand different ways. I Russell Hage amusea himself playing with kllten*. He may think that t* an tnexpenalva sport, but many a man haa lost a good deal <m the "kitty." The mem tar* of the peace commis sion are having a go*«l deal to say on thatr way to Paria. probably preparing for ninety <]*ya of diplomatic reticence after they ggt there. tn the Phtllpplnea the common-law marriage haa bean mar. common than any other hind. They need a few cheap Hamburg preacher* down there, with hack dtlvar* to pull In the trade. A Weekly paper advocating the elec tion of Mr Beurdsley. t*M>ull*t nom inee for congress, ssy* that he I* '■es pecially In love wtth poultry.” Are we to infer that the gentleman la chicken hearted? (0-year filled gold watch** In ladle*’ and gent*' »l*e* with Elgin or Wal tham movement from V <M to 112.50. Guarantees wtth each wavh at Lsrwla J. Schaut a, Reliable Pawnbroker on Jackson street. OrlaT EXCITErtENT. Caused By the Race Riot In the Pant, 111,, nines. Pans. Ills., Sept. 29. lntense ex citement prevails here today as a re sult of last night’s street riot between the Imported negro miners and the un ion miners. The principal streets are filled with miners snd the citizens are armed to the teeth. The negro ar rested last night, who attempted to take Policeman Bmtth’s life by attack ing him with a knife, and whose arrest started the riot, failed to appear in court today for trial. A mine opera tor, Geo. V. Penwell, who gave ball for the negro, also failed to appeal . Warrants were issued today for all the negroes concerned in the riot. Pistols, Double Barrel Guns—Pistol*, Harrington A RtchXrdsOii Brand ii> w pistols, S2.!W; Harrington A Richardson second band pistols, ti.oo. American double action pistol, SI.OO Aiullar, Man dolin and Banjo Strings, 2 for 5 cents, at L,. J. bchaul, Rcliablo Pawnbroker. Good IUCK BAKING POWDER. 15 Ttft B£5T. k - - <*# MU tn Inf Aotfrvr , M At M# «vt FOR RENT [S* H 000**9 AMA VmaMHhfmb m ****** . ! -ft mu V't**• # fmmm* a* ■»* ***• —Mi MM , 0 ****** • ,« *4 |A Ml; Aft! irfttß 1. t fAWRMM* • „ w |l A ; I itm Trr ft it Bit iimn b «••«*••• M ob Al ««il om***m om*. i ****** « •**. H • AM A» ..jw j Mftit, | _wr» •«•••*»« I# il I MS <'#v %*• b {HIMMMBf iw Ml Al J A tHin #«#*•#•« *m m***4 J«a#A , TH«f Mat AMR A# #iNMMN"4 fi#A o*9 0 Clarence H- ClArk. FDD RENT J S WUITtCg Hfll'lf UK ITCM I BIIU.VU fTIIkCB WM Heat Mtwt. t* fw«w* M «• Bit |:«k Birnff. A ffafia M ~ || A IC Kill* *<rw»l. | imm ~ .. .. •• * iU Kill* iuvsi. I t weu .. .. ~ h.g gSf (|r<eWe *ff**(. k'MOIW* *• •. F* Sg Ills fleeeWe IH reel. * ev.ori* ~MB tIM flreewe street. I rv-MWs ~, ~lk •• u> Feww >• k street • »mm I Ug Walker iWeei. » MMW« s .... 1|««n Avcwue i r<»a* .. .. »* •• Chafe. « twsn » *• | Mmi. «m>*. » mtss U W !ho„m * Hill. • —me « * Room la trftr.lib kaalio**- oyyiiKa |» Bev.nrh » » IB gvvwnlh alrwet » " I !BB z~~r.S id:. n. B :: *• ' 7% H#y«>“l4« »t«AI •* •• •• •* 9 90 18 Mr. Old Sort.. A 2 ” Ml Hrowd afreet •II ftroad aftwal •] J? *? ,«71 Rnuid at reel ** jus Broad *»reet « •• •• •• J " Broad " " U» »r..*d alr**t - * « CM nr<uui alreet .. **” 143 Elba •* *® tin till* alreel •• • • • • Mart of dyalrabty situated Rr.Mil *ty*et afore. r*r«*l*Hy adapted f° r dr*«wnvaklgg MiahllshMggt. Tha abova Hat will bs changed from day to day, John. W. Dickey Real Estate Agent. FOR RENT LIST CHANGED DAILY. MS Lincoln, 5 rooms ll v 6O 333 Telfair. S roosts 20,00 1335 Jones. 7 215,00 238 Ellis *2' so 335 Walker, 8 rooms I* 00 STORKS. Cor. 9th and Baines SIO.OO 304 Mclntosh 10.00 637 Broad 20 00 550 Broad 27 10 J. B. White houses. Broad street. J. B. White house*, Jone* street Get prices at offii^-. L. F. VERDERY. The Renting Agent. To Rent - % Ptor* and liasldrnco »f 1205 and 1207 Broad street. On# of th# best stands in ihe c ity for * good Grocery Store, or in i*<4. any business. The Home ba 1 . t«l «‘»“l room", * good yard, »nd‘ is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 308 Broad St. CAU. *o* lugutu Irewmg Co» IMimt tatKN B E Ii L E OW G It! OW O I A i £■ irW j v ■ m Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —< All t<»>— AUGUSTA BEER. REAL BBT A TO. FOR DENT ALEXANDERAJOHNSON •t: litMW Frame • Man .. .. * te M Uni rrit t m#nt .* *. H H •ft tlneee Mrkb- • rwww* .. *H Rltte Frame 1 rrman* .. ..MM Ud kill* Frame ; rnwa .. .. M.M MSI Mrlatwh-Dsan-> !••• .. M M M Jam- ttri-h : man .. ..MM ft* Kllle ntrwnt. • r.»nna .. .... It M -74 Telfair afreet, t rmrm* .. *• .. 18. M 2*S (gather *lrvet, • *• * 441 Walker atrvel. 6 MM MB Prsvkk atrvet. I m«M» .. .. 18-M Mtlledaevin.' H<oul M nrrv* and 7 room daeiltng. ham*, elf.. M*. 4* t*hafae avenue 1 n««ma w .... H *• 104 K«!c* alreet. 6 room* 14 M ■ 1,.- SuminervlUe, 7 r, vi*it aad t s; se ltd Jarkaon. * r«-»ma .. .. •• 37 *• NTORICb »• 714 Broad W-** •14 Broad etraet .. .. .. .. I** sfo Broad eirvet .. •• .. .. •" 4UI Broad atrvet 647 Broad .tree! - j-"* 1474 Broad street •™ DM Broad afreet .. .. »•• •• JJ |J*4 Broad street •• jj* 1744 Broad *» Broad 2" 440 Broad M> l«to«h j" sa3 Mrlntoah '» 422 -434 Reynold* 317 Jackson *• •* * w OFFICES. 746 Broad alreet, fr<mt 718 Broad. Montgomery Building. Ma rie office# and suite#. 715* Broad 414 Broad street *" StO Broad street •• ” omces and aleepMff room# l» Chrl* Gray's liulldlng. corner Seventh ana Itroad street*. Numerous offices and sleeping rooms W» ell parts of city. List at offle*. AlfiiaDflßr&Jolnsoi 705 Broad Street. FOR SALE ggy-| hsv* for ssl* very desirable build ing lot located in th* centre of one of the handsomest block* in tbe city. Will sell rsins very cheap. Just th* place for a handsome residence for your family. Good title*. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O HARA, NO. IJJ7 QRELNE STREET. FOR RENT. NO. 849 ELLIS STREET, BUILDING three stories high, contalnitig elevator, ctr Especially desirable foe wholesale business. Price *SO-<W per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent. TO BE SOLD AT 11.25. : • * J«*t received 500 Silk Umbrella* do : 1 be sold ill 31.25; also the beat line : of Woolens In the Market at tea sellable price*. F. G. MKIt- TINS, The Tailor atid Gents' Fur- : ■ nislier, oppoiste Planter*' Hotel. Chailnton I« UfOllm *#•**•• • **••♦•** Mk«»Mt»* It** § Soo*' t ** E ... jtkiif* lljjß ■**.• ?Jfis j-ww* • KnULpTT-w, »!■»,***_ til.. mmm »»«**4h • **M A* 1 • >wl. || | ». * m Hi f iIMPI u —“ mi o*ooooo * —j****^ * *Sm*m*m MB? *mSßnE*mmmm« - - iMH I' tsc • ■mmaaaAbf** • flulTiif -II mi 1 .—■ T* 11 *~ n- HLTIT* . I--J- I eKg * 1 - — ; 1 4h*M Mw» •Imm. MW «#■■> fir- tatM-kj** * EMMMigM*******.**"*l**** Itm£ Aggugly.**-.|.»». >• .Mi I #t • Myth M*m Amjsm *»*>— *°m pc *. —etf agtwhw Aalth Mi Ml gaMS aw A, Aw „ , (tn»N*e*MW M •"J!" .. MM *• AA. t *rd r f • fi«M* Ml hwhsMt ’’Hb* MM fm mi *m>sm Ssaw m «M*« mm. «*¥**»!m. *•*■. Mm ■,J.(lU%<ha h* gfA EM IMMI Mt f M in k Mull fwM ■*««#** • wrwpw t»w BLUK RIDOE RAILROAD. M C« MUTTTt 0m **rn* t*mm* mabAb®#! g'.H *N 4f Fk'*' CM CTaW * 0 4- * Mitngjg __ **“ J My. My- a *MU«M. HwU Mad ( *•*, am tmj IBmnwMmMRJMA**? it* l» 3 *} • W *• it :• I Mi Tl.-.. D*w**r ,».-B * tt H ** M fMM Awlwa ....J 3-MMI » t M I!*l7 . t"*g***M »IWli ** • ig Hl ■'hfvn Cvaag’g t*m ii m p «- j aa'lt AAoM’s MiMFi f| t l# •• p % i »’}t>.»?(MM aca t mu m * IM 1 * 2 2 I gieU |j: Wealt t’ntow .*j **M I tgi M... WqlhalM ...*I hi HI AM pm I |L*av* Am**!PM rM. j| 0 j- NIA-G R® ai W«.l '• iu*wiar gtatlM * FMg fcMHM All regutor tratoa from AXmu W Waihatl* havw rtghi »• •«***» •"** imlM at th* MM ti**» mavthg M <*• yowlt* glrwrtlM. unt**a oth*l «*»*• «P*«" m-d by (rata order# Will at*» atop •« foil"*h*g to taka «■ or lat off paa*o«**r. PhM m'a Jam * aad »andy gprMga No 11 •-••••aria a lib *vs(k*ia ■ way Na. II *1 Audarana Noa t and • c>>nncct with South**a Milway N«* 13 and *7 at hmcs- I J. R ANDKftMoN. guprrlat«hd*al. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. BHGRTKKT AND QGICKWT ROUT* TO TMM MABT AND NORTM._ ! t AMMI Lv Ga Ar 7 JAa m : j espm Lv...... Alkaa■.,•. ■Ar 7 liam «: 17pm Lv....Denmark Ar •:l7po f.Mpm Lv Orangb'g .Ar l:t*am I.Mpm Lv . Sumter, b. C. Ar 4 f»*m I Mpm Ls Ploiwnc* ..Ar I'Baa to:M|»r>! L*... Fay#• t*vlll*... Ar I Itpm i J Slam! Ar P*t*r»t'urg,V* Lv | liUpm l ouam Ar..,. Richmond....Lv I g.l*pm I Ltlaui Ar..Wa#hmgloo..Lv I 3:tdpM t Olam Ar... Baltimore. ...Lv ,3.25 pm ILMam Ar . Philadelphia.. Lv (U.Mpra 2 03pm Ar... New York •• ■Lv | Mara Pullman pnlae# buffet aleeplng car# from Macon and Augunta tn New York without chang*. ft. A. BRAND. Oen. Agt.. 72* Broad Bt.. Augusta. Ga. T M EMKHWJN. Traffic MiMiuger. H. M. EMERSON, Gen. Paaa. Agt. CAROLINA AND" NORTHWEST KRN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March *. H9I. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta. Southern Ry.. * 30 p m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry.. 7:tß a m. Ecave Chester. C. A N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir, C. A N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage . •• .. •• 2 00 P m - Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Staga .. 7: *0 p.m. G. W. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. “ A ' The Happiest Families OF AUGUSTA ARE THOSE WHO USE Eagle Baking Powder, 25 Cents Pound. DON'T USE 10c. lb. Alum and Ammonia Bak ing Powder that kill your stom ach. DON'T USE 50c. 11). Baking Powder*, whose price, according to price of mate rial* today, I* Just twice ton high. r,o< Powders kill your pocket book. HUY EAGLE— The Howard & Wiliel mi Company MAKE it. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE rsE— Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By UOWA.IID 0 WIDUCTT DRUG CO. BBiLLB OF QBOBQIA «rPTEMfMTR SO t, RAILWAY CO BBBMMH •*••*’)* b«M Mm* m#** b*MM" I* Jmi«a» a Mho* t* YA*nMM IMM* fpt giIMM * I" Mb** $• iMAMtMb n* It*** ** AyM >-a*4M j Bsa* M*4»* MMB MUb* 7* : v* t» 6bgFb(% ? b|i" A - t segaw Ata*<* I# f 900000 00J00 j ** €o*omm 00*** a# ******* 00/00 • omm* *%mm 10000* • i« Mb,piißmmb» »*sJL*«iiMib 1 ifmSb I P******** ** * m **' f * j*. • *-A. r .. bHpe4F, k fft| AIMMk »«»BBM«,it *IN»M ibsrt g*«M* M4M I II ♦ A *,*■ a <*v m la atbaa 4 IMM :pi |4y, . t Agog q, • mm v *"f— Ahiii*** Ttli tl* 7* ii, q* *M*e4* I* >, * |M4b hess YeMI •fa isgi— Dt***T* W** T-AJAlfift ; A* AIMS . ~ J*'«4W t* *M Mms : at Mamma * i (w* t * Mwgssab A tf*M A* path* ilavla MAS Iwb , As Sr* Sa tSM ii4M IM As Ar* * -Ml l|r As A<gMA . t Mas J UM* i a MTBBOm. * »V *at m* BAndng mmmm mm tasra l*mpJ>' ' * haaa llfffMf »||Ci 'I « Asa#** •Mw.-( (<*»—' t-MAMf UN*m i 4 *eW» Irfrth hJBfM » »'M* llggM AfMM ■SpMrrael IMB) Uml Affts* IhMft* . ,1 AMtpaa BbMA* IrMsvYhowShbh • •• ,|amm rt*M 1 I aavr are if rMVtffk*, •* »• -1 tkJMM | AIMM ! •*"»* ASffaßM •»•»’ b«a*M i 7-AM* - m ,nr,irf m Ini'll WNA haw k-»* nwaffi an*- Aftb *—m M JnM» »Bli l* »» aniMhffMhßi AffMMM •na Me t,imast* AM4 *e*A# SM aAgsgns* Irufisal. „ I * PA ~ ’ ' * r’T IUA , AM-.ArwMM.tM. * SOUTHERN RAILWA#. ** -5R- T , ium bua—c ■*■ >A end Am*- »—eWI» Mwarsn 6M *fSM*w* M) MM HE!!§liipL E I: irJIL- i • fll f. >.. X IkMd i«1 -a— jlj }J}J ': WH :::.v Ih Ia: t\ »«> ■»> k te&r tas I T »»"> At Kvuai i*4 . *** * **A v SaaSAra..-:: If- Jgt '■ Kfar.. 53: 12: - ■■■ - MltHr.B Ptllf Uattf. ? Barkis; iSffi' L» wHTui th. »y M«p U Ua Lv Kl.tiarml ■ ... HIMt Gain. iTtlurUl. » »S» «U» frEgfai.."lS! e: ST.= 38: 3tt : tfgL- *B* 88: ■((kllk*lu,l |ri D (tea 1 1 J» t (VluNrUi Aft tl** tM* : ear . ::::::::: i«l s: " OnUMMYtIIB be #•} P J 0 • Ar Augatta ■ _‘ >»P . pr XaStrHlii ,? 2* 1 in 1 * Lv h|Mr«Mi#ur« n * 16 p tr G.TIIMa~S.C AMMy .. i *6op 7Up a Ar Chari**tor 6 "4 H «*» Lv Caftea. AC.ApVby I H «*• >* • •' Savannah ; ♦«P *»• AT. JiMtuaiuvilta. . J “»« 4j. * •LtxriYii ((• hkbvicb. En-Ueut telly i»mm Ufa* rarrlea bafwaaa ffiortda aud Now York. „ otri emi flrbi oijMM MMM north m OtamH *Yuiinmn Cars batwaaa Chartolta nod Rtesmond , . Pullmsii drawlsg-rooiii eloeptag car* ha- Kr U .,‘ ,t ”^VoLDmNTLo^BT: ”gsr s:Er. 'r-trSS: b..w«* Mail Through n*u rJ*ejHmr oar* bofwoa* Ao*»*“ »ud GW ,SS¥ftfsK?n“tb’* 11 * u p. a wi»*mu|tosk__ GEORGIA - ■ RAILROAD. (•Oth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 18M. Pullman Bleeper# between Macon *n! New York. Through Pullman Slenpar# between Au gusta and St. Lnula. Lv"Augusta .. 7:o6*m| S:2opm|lo:*opta Ar Atlanta ... 12:S6pm| B:2opm| 6:ooam Ar Macon .... 11.16*rnj I 6:f6um Ar Athena .... 12:15pm| 7;Bopm| - Ar Golneavlllei*3:tspin| I Ar White Pi'n|M:OOpm| I"/' •••' Ar Mlll’gd'le .I10:10aml I 4:3oans Ar Wash'ton ~|lo:tonmj 7:lopm| Picayune train loaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar-. [lives «t Mlllcdgevtllo at 8:10 p. m. Train* arrive at Augunta 8:16 a. m, 7'4D a. m., 1:20 p. m.. and 8:26 p. m. A. G. JACKSON, O. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A,