The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 01, 1898, Image 3

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ftATUftOAV QUARRELED OVER I QUID. AM W«# ft(M AMlMii tft# tmm it l««<* t<—HOl •»•*«**■#»'*•*«» •*>*!—< IM MfM WPmm %ivmmm. ***** ftxwnflHi t* *t m tjani ta#* *ms** *#*■«* **m m&mm d m 4 ft* "OHM mm* HMM#N V*9 !#>•* to Itottotg #1 $4Rf (fto# I *-**# #***•§, ftftftl flft* ft** ft** ap m+*** 9m ir%n toHtoft ftp* (*■*• Mmh pptotoMtot# «Mt I tol if t mm* ft ftßftft % „ |p (HMftftWft *4 • 999*999 *999999** toft* #♦♦*-* ftirUrrr IP*Tt # 99990999* W* *•* «#»* Ma iftiWftoi I iiiMigtoftkiWlto *9*r mg»i p%>m (pp »*w«n>Mi ft#* §omm t*mmm i iiiijfiiTTl *M Mi M t* t**» m|MM tor *•* mmw t*MMI to * '•#*■» Wtoto> toM tWttffrti to* 14# MMWftoto >«•>•••* *to M |, i„ va<* MwMto «tort (to# to** PM* Mto toto* ito> k T >«M (tor mm» IWa* krtrrtr tor* rtto*rtotnwl to It* jpfc* ffinrfl.iff to to* totototort to Mi iff. J (•*#■*• kale* (to •*» » tor* iiwIMI to* tort rttotto totort #4 tin mhl tvftlft kw m*n*m 99*9 9m* mp mn t*• mm m »*• Mm Mi ***** mm puLjtmg 9m mmm'M Mil M* #»•• toftfttftg <*• *ft# rIWMiH mH* 11 * # * |,i pwrtlk fi»*t«f Itoftft. MM **M f»*r ft #ft#w. W*l I•* * - w%m tfeat If la 4 tot# Wit * it 4 ftftlkH a wav |V|(*f» fnS lowml |»wl ## ttMcy ftrtdg* liltw •#** 4»«»i MmM livtttl A iwiit pocvwt ti*w ftPi ii«*ift ft tofft* ftftt#k#f k £**•#- Jitfftfti*® IJ. 4m*ma*4 m*m mmk tft Ift* «f»uft<t l>vtftn (tttot) torvHl aid r»ft MMNHI ttof (it In | |)to fftil*ft (Bum ftt cmn ft# |c Mu# ft?r*M ll* *aM **** iMft ftwnm ll* fttfttol «H*t ft* •#* ♦«*•»'** fh* rlUffhlflN #bfO til* n*##W*l |nr 11 |t#ar<t IWiftft ft#k for to ftftfCO ftiii i*r*ft#r«t fttfttrd tbftt ft# 4*4 fioi bftv* any Onriiftft bf*ftftft ftii4 tb* »*» w*lk*4 oft. VIM b* noUe*4 tb«*m ftftftln 4*t*»**4 w* «• tb* ftrrmn4 aod thinn mm* runninft toward f<«iufb Botmiary Th#r* •«* no on# fi#ar tb* ni*ti wbtn tb* fell. It# ifttd b* fttartrd over and ao!ii*On* fltfonpfHt hint and told bim to wait for »tint*bodjr rlw to go to to tb* firni. Stephen Joirpll. oolnrHl. m n*xt liron. rd<R that h* waa In th>* rhurrh varii watting for prayer to be t>vrr. ao he rould gn In. A crowd rame In the yard and commenced to look through the windows. The dea con ran them out and when he looked at them he aaw Dunn and deceased fussing These two walked aside from the others and seemed to he looking for rocks. He saw Dunn raise his hand and strike the deceased and raw the deceased sink down He couldn't see a knife in the hand of ei ther one. He went Inside the church and got the deacon to come out and said someone was fighting. When they reached the crowd that had gathered, the deceased was struggling on the ground. He never heard him say any thing. but mumble, and aomeone said he was saying a prayer. To the best of his knowledge the deceased lived shout three-quarters of an hour after the blow whs struck. I)r. Morgan stated that the knife entered the shoulder about 1 1-3 in ches below the collar bone of the left’ shoulder, making a gash about two Inches wide., m cmfwyp vhgkqj elaa Inches wide. It ranged downward and Inward, penetrating the left lung and severing the left pulmonary ar-! tery. A clot of blood immediately formed which somewhat stopped the flow of blood and prolonged tl£ life of the man. That a tremendous, quantity of blood was lost and that the end came from a hemorrhage. The jury rendered a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a hemorrhage from the left lung, the re-j suit of a stab Inflicted by David Dunn. The remains will be burled by the city. There arc several witnesses which | were not. sworn, ss their testimony , corroborated that delivered. Tor /g^^CaXorrU ELY’S CREAM BALM In a ponitlvr cure, j Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. M| cents st Dm "(flats or by mail; samples 10c. by mail. ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Su.New York City. OUR SOUTHERN MILLS! Best and Newest Production on Sale at the Lowest Price Store. J 100 Holla Georgia made superior Carpets at 30c yd. These goods look as well and will last longer than any Eastern Carpet at $1 yard. 10c per foot for the Ruga, same quality. 20 yard* AiKEN MILL BLEACHING, am# «• printfcK *I.OO. (O ymrtto BEA SMWnNO for fl. JOOO pftlr Lac# CurUint, forood MlO, ftt Mi Aoc#m* on in do<i«f. You can always r#ty on m*9**& *• bait Vfttua for your dim# or dollar at P. D. HORKAN & COM PAN Y’S NOT DAUGHTER OF CONFEOERICT Tit! b lb (tetoral opiil# A Hit Kim Hill Aft tb#! l#« ###! m$ fW % H*i«Mft He** it My M vbf >•**#»* treat AI! ovrf tb* toHtvCb tb* ftftft •#** fuagbi m ktirtlf to* »to Ito 0»»*» bftlTM ftftftd* ft bl*« o*l tb* f ftbf Of 90t ’ oft# to ftt# lb* till# Tb# ftftftfttfft mmimfmtm •*#** fta•ftif!Ml | e•''l , **Pfi®*t* ,! * tb# till* tfttttftft tt fta f oft* ftitd f*# if mmp vtil 90m fbtdr uftw*i to « » It Hl* into* Major C?, A (A* it he r. t iwatwaarte* e* , .|h. imi wa. n*. .a l made follow lag .tatwment -j ip,ok H upmuto tor Ml*. Hill to have by*a rortW’tlf qu*t«ert aad am ronfid-nt * g t * a.ttua ber .1* Ola. ia* title awi Ike koenr of lb* Daughter of tka CwM*ni<T died with Mto Wib- Bie Dari. "If hereafter the I*. C V dealre a father waa killed la aa •vid.-nce to are that the daughter did got give the la ( amp lil*. wa* equally oppoecd. "There could he hut one Daughter of the Confederacy aad ahe ta dead I do aot wt»h to criticae the a< tk»a. of a lad* but cannot nndettuand .Mlea Hill's action All of the veterans are unaalmoua In staling that they will be unwilling for anyone to bear the tl- ( tin Mias Davis had " Home of the opinions e*pressed are ’as follows: B. H Smith —"1 really believe the newspapers have misquot'd Miss Hill. I do not think ahe would lay ber»elf open to auch ertUeiftns. The Idea of a new daughter for the lost eause la absurd The wttle died with the ( death of the owner, and cannot be claimed by anyone else." B. T. igiwe “I do not think any one has a right to the title of Daugh ter of the Confederacy since the death of Miss Davis. *1 think MD* Hill hn»] been put forward by her friend.- and that thia waa not her personal ac tion.” Wm Dunbar —*'l believe the lady mutt have been misquoted by the newspaper*. The idea of anyone eiso 1 having the title is Impossible and foolish* Krnra what I hear. Miss Hill, Is a woman of culture and thinks she must have been mlarepreiented.” C. A. Doolittle ‘‘l am positively opposed to any such Idea as letting the mantel fall on another. There can he no other Daughter of the Confedera cy. Miss Davis Inherited the title from birth and It died with her. Havej nothing against Miss Kill, hut she has no right to the title." 1,. W. Kent - "Cannot understand the acton taken by Mlkb Hill. Think the opinion of all camps should he se-! cured on the subject.” Dr. Burrows ”T do not think Miss | Hill has any right to the title. If there is to be another daughter, I can suggest several more worthy. The title passed away with (he death of Miss Davis like the title of the presi dent was ended with death. The memory of the title should stay as something especially uniqne.” These quotations will show what is the sentiment of the veterans. Miss Hill will certain!" not. get the title with the unanimous consent of the veterans. St. John’s Church. Bt. John's Church. —Oreen street, be : tween Seventh and Eighth streets.— Rev. Thos. R. Kendall, pastor. Sunday school 9:30 a. m., Charles G. Goodrich, superintendent: preaching by pastor 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Epworth League devotional meeting 7 p. m. AN strangers and others without church engagements especially invited. Paints for every purpose and ala-, hastine for pretty walls at Alexander Drug Store. YIIJB JLTTO’OBTJI Mm¥tJLUl> E. S THOMAS OF MEMPHIS III* Htok VltolH l* Urtl T. M. C. A. FkuJral Ihrcim. I •I* bftl Affttf ft#9# v#«t b ffl. •if «»fiftft4v*ft Lift*##*, II f ft Imb l*to» ft ftftri#*4 «ft P#r ] I {»• ftl iMftd HMMt fttftlif m*m - Th* m<tm Airntt# la Mr, H ft , Ttniftiir of Krm.tMk T*#ft. 9 rtHftft IMftlliifti, at l|r T M (*. ,% „ j l*lft*# ft#' l ICH)i|l inriiu'r r.l lift* j Mr TTicftftifti Imml ftrr#f>l*dl tfc# pofttflMi •std *o#M ftrrit* fe#r* B*tl , lM| M rr Tft#ftftftT Mr Tboiuan hft* |w#ft w»ii#lwl ftiih (ft# M*iftfdii# Y M C ft. In ft »t ml Ur piiilik** tr» (ft* oft* li# • ill irmfijr ft### fur ftMft* (lift# fnifti ftrftat ran ft# l*nrft#4 to ft vri! ftikftllft#4 lo Mil (ft# f#* , ittitft of |4) jroArftl trftlft*# of tft# )ovb( turn of (ft# Aaftorlfttloft. Mr Tftoftiftft to ftl |»rr##f»i In Knov* ; IT* ft i«t r#r#i«# ft t mtm •#!« oin* U ' 1h« |«.»i(ion of |4>r»4«*t dlrrrto* nf| III# Atnoriftiloo ftft# b#*ii ft rtfflftrf lit III# tor#! AMMrUikMi. ftlar* l>*r#rlor, Tipu n n#v#r#d ftU ronn*r(lon. ft* ftooft ft# tft# n*« dlr#rtor ftfttft thins* In ftftftp* ft# will firftfttils# xrm s fiimhim rlpftfttp# and push forward tft#! athloti# fta?«tr# of (ft# AftorUtloft. Thr I of th# rliio#i. ftoft#v#r, ft ?•# •Ir#*#dv ft##ti arrftiift#d tod will hard , 1/ ft# rlilDfCtl. Th# r#suUr cliff will ni*#f on Tu#ft* • day. Thursday and Saturday night# at ft IS o'rlo*h.#nd !• op#n to #ll ro*m hfis aiohMtig m foil vr>*mh*r#hlp I Th# btisln### mdi'i rtA## wilt m##t on Monday, Wntoctoy #nd Friday #t #n!ugft at d oVlork. and last on* hour. I Th# cl a mi* I* oo#n to all ni#n holding . full m#mh#r*hip tlcktt. Th# Student# #l### will m##t on Tu##d#y, Thur#dry and Saturday aft#r- ( noons a t on hour moat conv*nl#nt to j the student#. Th# cU#* I# for student#} only. Hoy# rl###e* will In* conducted on ; Monday and Wedncailay from i to ♦*. | and on Saturday morning from 10 to I*2. Kor hoy# only. Cheap Kxcuralon to Washlnßton. 1) C.. Via Southern Railway. rin account of th«* Protctant Kpiiuo |,al General Ctnv.ntlott. the S.iU*tirrn Railway will aril round trio ticket, from Aufpi.ta to Wnahlnyton for oti» first class far. on October 3. 4, and 5, limited to return October 30th. Kor schedules. Pullman reservations, et.. apply to J. B HEYWARD. T. P. A. N». 7 '* Broa dstrc#t. Augusta. G». Real Rstate Transfers. Beal "Slate continues to change hands. This m< ruing Mr. John W. H old three cottages on the south side of T lfslr, between Lincoln and Houston street, to Mrs. John !>. Butt. The sum r.-allied was J 2.840. TlW*prop erty belong to Ellen Rupp. ( Asbury M. E. Church.—Rev. Wm. Dunbar, pastor. Preaching at 11 a- m. and c 3« P. m. by lhe pastor, and Sunday school at 5:30. Rv#ryfoody invited to come. pTTTYTTTTTTT^ So Lots of So Flower Bulbs °s So lor Indoor and outdoor culture. ! Cemetery lots esn't be more (it- -J , liiiKly beautilied. bet our Hull) So Slid Flower Seed Catalogue. It i- c/ y Free. J C Keep Your C Garden Growing q) (_ Manv things can be planted now. f° Cabbage, Turnip, Radish. Beets, " U :■ pinach, Kale, Mustard, Lettuce, cx r* Carrots and other Seeds. ) p Alexander Seed Co. n.Ti Bro»d Street. BLANKETB--North Carolina and Tennesaee made for 26 per cent leas than Eaatern makes. DRESS GOODS—AII the Newest weaves and colorings of Domes* tic and foreign novelties and trimmings. Tk amt! srylo fir tit LUST lOXIY 1 KILLING AT MILLEN Vgr* ArrMoitf 999 ft Ml. BH Parix «C Ttai I‘Uf*- ft Flat#! Ttoftt M fta 9M*| I aftilti brat Oft la Hatltr o H>#< I C*j#4 lor ftrll mMortnf oft ll* <Vft ] firfti ifftia tft at ft*f# ftt • o’ctoMi i I I Mi nmraui g rr |#wfi < aa at Id* r*i il ; * t**mbita# agfttr ftt Mlttoa last algftt : H#tl Ml lot Oft tft* flight train to#t nig ftl aad AfTltfd ftt Ml lira ftt Miltoii at II ft nrlorft H# NnY4 . than of tft* hltUag H* did aot i*ftm j i yft# name of tft# 9*mm h>ltl#4 | Tft* d#od a»«n to a a*grt> aad nork- { #4 for Mr thrift! * Wat tor#, of tfta* j plmt* Mr Waflftr* coodftefa ft toorr ftt 1 Milt#n At ftftoMi 1# oVkrt !•»' night I tft# n*gro a## In a rmm In tft* Miltoft * ftfgri and mmm «*;rhtftg Mr *Tl«*d farfcftf, o* that ptoc* ualoftd • gtatot. | Mr Farftaf had who* tronftto in j tirg tft* aft*lto (mm of tft# weapon and . ;a# ertm att#mi>t*d to aaatoi him., often tft# fdafot riplndcd. tft* fttH *»- | taring (ft# o#grt» * ft#ad. hilling him. instantly An ii>qu#»( **# ft*l4 today. Tb* i»,ifl#r waa purely ftccid#ntat. aftf# j it atit 11*11, front all ft* could toarn Khun* o#r** mad# ftt tliia *nd of tft # ! (in# in th* name of th# man. ; but It could not ft* ft»am*d. at the episcopal CHI'RCH. Who WHI OffklaU and W her# They W ill <Nik late Tomorrow Rev. J. J. I«aiiter will officiate at .the morning rtfflt* at 81, Paul** at 'll o'eloefc. Kev. Hunter Davltl*un has resumed hi* charge at the Church of the Good hh#f>h#rd. Rev. John Porter will offdate at the fTiureh of the Heavenly Real. In Grovetown Rev. 8. B. Carpenter will officiate at ■ the Church of the Atonement. Mr F. P Bullock will couduct the: service* at St. Mary’*, colored, church. MR. HOWARD TINSLKY. ha* Accepted the Position as Organist at St Patrick’* Church. Mr, Howard* Tinsley has accepted the position of organist at St. Patrick's church. This I* a high compliment to Mr. Tlttsley'a musical ability, and one worthily bestowed. Mr Tinsley will assume charge of the choir to moriow. - Augusta Real Estate and Building Association to George P. King, lot on HHn>er street, consideration $3. (bo. P. King to lrlih-Amerlcan Im provement com puny, lot on Harper at reel. (hot). Ellen Rupp to Mis. Catherine Butt, property on south side of Telfair street between Houston and Lincoln, consid eration, $2,840. ANNUAL BANQUET Tendered Industrial Aid Society as the Kimball. The annual banquet tendered at the Kimball to the employes of the Indus trial Aid Association was in every way a success. The party from Augusta, numbering thirly-flve. left at 8:05 Fri day morning. Upon their arrival In Atlanta they wefe greeted - by repre sentatives from Macon, Savannah, Griffin, and Birmingham, Ala... The party repaired to the Klmtyill, where a sumptuous dinner was served, and that was followed by a trolley ride. The banquet was from nine o'clock to eleven. GETTING A MOVE ON. This Is the Annual Moving Day in Augusta. October first.. That means proving day in Augusta. Of course a great many people have been changing their residences for a c.eek or so past, but today themajori ty are on the move. The persons en gaged in the tmsUiess of moving oth ers are experiencing a boom In busi ness and the streets are filled with ve hicles on which repose household goods. Many persons will sleep under new roots torrfght. MAT COME . HOME MONDAY. (irareU F.iilraM Ho vat Tnia I* Atltau la Briag M4lar» Ot th* AwgwotD Cwtorttortto Hwww. May Affftt Tmm «i fta* caa ft* toarn *4 ftl thto j land of tft* tin*, tft# eftan**# ft** (fta* i tft* Augusta aotdirra of tft* ttorofk4 (toorgta itgiat* at mil ft# ft*r* sty Mem- : day atr4 tft*r* ia • rftanr* of tftatr l tromlftf i< a urns Tft I# to ftaaad ou I tft* fart that tft* (laorgtft railroad, la 1 ■ '“■oafwifta* to • v*t#gfaai aaftt up to At* ] I taut a today four puao#ng#r marft*#. a i baggage r narft and a altaprr to rtm* j I tty III# ho)a bog#. Tft* mod odrltl* (did fttt ftgou #tartly uh#a (ft* onldi**u ■ j mould toftt# Atlanta, hut thought tft*y | might do ao intuorrofr |L that a# It may. tftoa* og tft* **• rogimtu** ar* makttia pr#pu fa'iogr to ftitr# tft* hoys a grand uvl , i «*!tl# horn# Too large tahtoa hnve been placed In tft# pernory and urheo tft# aoldlera *if jr(v# they vll* h# given • royal apread i ha* will make (h#n»Torget attest viands |u hard u k and rough bacon A fi«*pti:«*b from Atlanta atataa the’ 'tb* men may I*# paid today or may not I get tftrfr n «m#y Iwfor# Monday On« |of .to offi* - ra stated this afternoon he though they would break camp Mon day night or Tuesday morning Mumps ha%# appeared at the lamp. ' land (time Util# uneaalneas la fell ou |that account There are now two pr* - i f enta In th camp hospital with thir , (Mseaac. In order to lessen th# danger, lor spreading th* disease th# men trUI { I Im* transferred at cnee to the general j hospital at Fort McPherson PRISON COMMISSION. Member, of That Body Spent Two Hour* Hare l-a»t Night. Them in hers of the Georgia prison commissioner* who have been touring ihe *tate for a site, so- * new , Kill - penitentiary, arrived in Augusta j last night over the George road in Maj, Scott'* private car. The car was attached lo ihe fast train that "d here m 'i 20. Supt Moore, of the Au gusta railway company, await-' the rornmlsalouera at the depot with a special of the street railway company. The time spent by the gentlemen In the city was with Col. Dyer and Judge Eve. They left at 11:30, Iheir ear be ing nttached to Ihe Georgia train. The commission Is composed of Judge J. S. Turner, of Eatonton: Gen. C. A. Evans, of Atlanta, and Mr. Jacob Beach, of Brunswick. FROM SANTIAGO. Two Relics on Exhibition In Show Window. In the show window of J. Miller Walker is a Spanish sword and ma chete with their leather cases. These relics of war were captured by the Americans at the surrender of San tiago and secured by Major J. M. Lee. The major sent them to Col. I). B. Dyer as a souvenir and ihe colonel lias them on exhibition. Philippine Emissaries. Washington, Oct. I.—Agonclllo and Lopez, the representatives of Aguln aldo, the E’hllipplne iusurgenl leader, ctlled at the White house today in company with Gen. Greene and had a private conference with Ihe President in the cabinet, room. ‘Cleanliness is Next lo Godliness” Is on old adage, and one to be respected. TO KEEPCLEAN VOL' NEED ' SOAP N Why use common soap when you can get u nice toilet soup for about (became money. We have a complete tire for you to eelect from, and can surely please you. Just received. Colgate’s Opoponax and Vioris; also Ranh’s Lgg White. The bests for 25 cent soap on the market. C. H. HOWARD, JR., CROUCH’B OLD BTAND, 908 Broad Btreet# I Hoisery and Gloves-*lO cents for Southern made School Hose, double knee and heel, fast black, value 25c. Men’a. Women's and Childrens Sizes $1 FOR THE BEBT KID GLOVE in AMERICA. TOOAV*# lASfcin A. ! Angus## »ks..* Pu*u*4a». (tot I I Y nmm Mtol* *, At*flt“#TA CIAIMtftfAHOI9, I Ptaan twitna .« •«•••*••** I tu I litrtft fed wedigarv ««• •*.« ftftt k# I fit ## It a g , M ,« «• f It tfta% I lew mi4»tH|p „ .. ftoalft-ff I kmusf » •« km ** •• #« lit# Ipttffvt fut44ftug »« •* •« •• •• ktpftAM Ift ai4 mtddltug «,, „ M M|aVM| mOf'RIPTC, j Week ending Ort, ?. l«at «»4 rot* ■re Nwpogdtog *#• etpfa toat yeur* tin; tat ? M«*ndat •• m m •• •» mw •••• Tuesday i. M •• •• •* « t#w •..» o WetdgMNMtoy • •• •• •• •• . 343 «««« 1 Thursday *• •• •• •• •• .. 3#t# ...* j Friday .. .. »?• Total t#T#3 Uv\ SAt.ES. MPINNKIIf HitIPMFMTd. j Hates Uptime** PtiipuMrnt. Uaturduy .. • 141 l« tlft Total .. I&41 Ift tut ORoftS RMCKIPTU. tig? IftH Met receipt a today .. .. .. Jt«t 3399 Tftr**ugft iiKtiu today la# It (Hoa* rwelpis today •• .. 296$ Ml? | STOCK AMU KBCRim. IIP? tMf gto* k In Augusts •• .. Ityj 1«I47 He* elple sine# Hrjif | .. ftTII COTTON LKTTKK. ! Aujniat#. O#.. Oct. 1. —4td##rp#ftl ( falM to icapond t«* th# rain arar# and wa# H»«-k Thto *v*a a fH##*p|x»tiiim«»i»t to th# huy#ra of y#at#rday, and th#y rraliard upon th#ir holding* #arly thia J (coming. Thr report ftkoftl aunahln# and ptoaaant vmi her following th# lo* 1 1 ml ttoina, and picking la going on ni<*e li'* Th# eatlmated r#r#lpta for l»oth to-j day and Monday at# In excraa of laat year’a. The amount <4 cotton In alght ihfa w##k fa 432JHW agalnat 36H.&3S bale* Iwat year. The Chronic!#'* weekly r#vl*w la ra-| iher b#artah, claiming that th# Tcxaa r rop la about picked and that th# proa i pacta for a good top crop ar# cncourag ; in*. Tht» cloning 4 to R point# fta*] lot* that of yeaterday. and within five point a of th# extreme low eat of th# week. The accepted eatlmatea are equal to a year’a crop, while the foreign prices for yarn# and aheetlnga are lower. PA INK, MURPHY A CO. 1 NJ9W YORK COTTON. Open. Ctoae. i January 5,89 5.28 3 February 5.34 5.33 S4l March 5.. W 5.37 38 April 5.42 43 May .. «. 5.47 5.48 47 j .Tune .# .. .... 5.80 5.60 57 , July 5.50 5.54 55 1 Ail gnat 5.58 #O, October 5.17 5.15 17 f November .. .. 521 5.18 10 Dec#m her 5.25 5.24 25 i Tone . Steady. Middling .. 5% LIVERPOOL COTTON. January «nd February 2.52 2.30 SI February and Marvh .. 2.63 2.61 62 March and April 3.00 2.62 63 1 April and May 3.01 2.63a3d May and Juno 3.01 3.01 Juno and July 3.02 3.01 02 July anil Aug 3.02 I Sept, and Oct 2.62 2.62 Oct. and Nov 2.61 2.61 Nov. and Doc 2,61 2.60 61 Doc. and Jan 2.62 2.60 61 PORT RECEIPTS. 1807 1898 Galveston 7344 13478 New Orleans 40X7 5508 Mobile 1200 2882 Savannah 9333 9214 Norfolk 5295 2401 New Yolk 9#5 Wilmington 3648 Boston 122 Philadelphia 125 GRAIN LETTER. Augusta, Ga., Oct. t.—Cables were V4d lower and car lots large, vvith es timates for next week lila-rul. The vis ible supply is also expect to show over a million Increase. This combination af fected prices, and make hie local bears bolder. Good lines of shorts were put out, and St. Louts also turned seller. The cash demand was also weaker. The final result was a break of %c. a bushel of the day for both options. PAINE. MURPHY & CO. ocroftft* i •Ttir pm» rkoviftokf • Ctoga. WMKAT *• 09990999 >• •• •• M •• •* $9% 99%% thp* ■ nslsh ~ •« MNft Mu* v. .« •• .« •• M M 99% 99% COMM -0990*99 .. „ {ft |ft taeeegftket ,« .« .« „ M 9% 99% Mft« ..h * * 99% 99% I «»4YW I*M«4w* •• .m M « M| I Mar .« M ,« •« •« J?H **% Ortets* 9 99 « «f I tktmft* .« •• •• •« •. ft #f *99 tokaaiy .... .. .. „ „ .. ft t# t 99 UWto rirptor „ .. | ?t • 99 I ttocemher ... •« •• •• ft.flft 1 <1 I sipm iaftutnr I'o «1 * 1 m j Augusts, fla (tot I.—A (to• pituia* (ton «»r ike eork (u M sII stref w*fta mbui* %tn< ins that the tieora ftui(4*d kufdgp ilian they knew The drat ountftgglMl nas starteat M«mda>. when it wa# #e* : (cried dial th# Ituud# mamputotots o# ihe Tobacco Trust wef* si loftoiluftAl amt WOT. MrtlttHl out .*> ... h .rtkrr ThM .tart«l *h.wt •rllina * , ..mi.b-t- Miwt to t*. »lihdr«»n Tb. aiia.ll .rt Ituvoilunit tka afx Basra* ■Minn «hi- h fMuIUKI In a J.rlln. of s3* a .harr . ami th. Bnal ptiwu tndlrß nna fur’lMr d.'llnm Th.r- I. «om«- thina nMlm In IMnmafk. axl ta rural I I a by th. .mlr.m. iw«atnilatt«. tint <’« r.ia*. Truat a (.» >xr. »m. <• mat a W.tfflai from 1171 lo nothlac. finally Iwlna .tp<-1 out of fihtsir. Thta <l.- txmraitaatton afT-' t-il oth.r lal.vwota. liubto-r. whbh «aa hookrt for tt. aai atiai k* l. and fhr bank* tbioar oar .r Ihr I«xk aa ■ olaltrral and rrfuaMi lo mak. loan. (twr-< n Thu* thr .nllf. Truat*. and dn llio* all alone th. Hat f<>tlo«<Ml Th. .ymiMUh-Uc ef fc. t u|miii th. inllnaya and ottwr l.yttl matr an urltl*-. waa "onltfiwl lo on# or turn p-r r#n». In addltKm to th. ».n.rhl d«moralla.d Ttuota aaa th. I»tr of .I>- liroai bins vlactton r™ult*. Notwlth .tandlna thta. th. rontlnu«d aood vail way .arnmaa wvr. not alt<> i«- by 1 nv..t*>r. Th# hark atat#- ment aaa fairly favorabl. but Influ.n --t-Ml by Ihr l>rar. wh«» aarm to t># ta eomflat# control. PAINE Mt'RPHY * CTO. NEW YORKSTOC K* Opening closed Sugar * .. .. 1171% 116%1 Tobaeco .. .. ~ .* .. .* 1265* HI B. R. T « T » *2*4 C. B. y 11844 H3»* Missouri Parllh 32 31*4 Louisville and Nashville . 54t% 54*4 Manhattan *344 ; People’s Gas 143 1014% ! Union Pacific .. 32 T « I Rock Island 'OOV 90*4 Ist. Paul I®*'- IWUi .Southern Railroad pfd .. 33t* 33'4 ' Wealern Union 90*, 904% dtedsrecTrded Legal Document Put on File at Court House Today. The .'oilowing deeds were recorded In the clerk's office today: J. B. Walker, receiver, to J. H. jisnvry, two lots on south side of dll cox; cfinilderatlco (152. J Church ( f the Go.'d Shepherd to Ipo. W. Dickey, lot In Summerville; con sideration (425. Equitable Building and Lean Asso ciation to .1. B. Freyer, one acre land In Hephzihi h: colni'leratlon (130 Bond foi title. J. B. Mattox and Vlai thn J. .MaGox to Geo-ge McNutt. twn>- ty-flve acres of and; consldst'ailon, ftofl. AUGUSTA SOUTHERN RATTVROAD Commencing tomorrow morning, our trains will leave the depot, corner Washington and Reynolds street. OASTORIA. BMr , the Have Always Bought It Is now denied that the United States minister to Uruguay offered the protection of this government In case of war between Chili and Argentine. SPECIAL NOTICE. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE TO MY PA TRONS and the public that I have this day moved my office and resi dence to No. 505 Greene street, (cor ner of Centre). Office hours remain unchanged. THOMAS D. COLEMAN, M. D. WANTED—A JOB AS BUTLER OR hostler. Apply 214 Centre. Oct 3