The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 03, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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MONDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL ttfitaijiMi* *wn iota*- utilMN «* mm Omm ■*•«*» AlWhr*f«< iff Nwl “ CITY ICE COMPANY. fIAMMfVti vrt %tn* tm»# tltoMM# «M |Mlj< 09094 PMW6 MW I■■ . sa ee •*» •»** tok*% IMMM l**#4e# a* e* w » Fv»«B Jews*# MUM* •* *• ae 9* **4 *•“ pMUfT* **|> ctottoWf Maw ptoi »e letto MU •• m OMM |i> I Mi'Ml * M gMtotW CMfeMP F#f MMM* OHM IWP|P®*2 »n«» gaw IMM •, •• *• *» • tot M. r. mM .... • * *•* p4a»»" »m—i PM* • MMI ♦ < lAWMW* MM «MmMM •*••**** *»toto trim-" «mm» ,» ,*, »« .. « •* * «mmu CHMMIAm** •* **•* l«*M§ p mm. »-"MM4 * « **•* •**■** Mm* »* * ■■*■ 40 m •• *ff* **•*• IMP f*6»* *• •• es a* •• W •• •• ] •»•••> •#« *• Nto dMIK *•»#■»** »♦ **. \j*jß **_ ** * uvr arrnrv MflUp. IMtt Mill » »**A *’*’“* pin Aral* ** ** Jr * sganSMMI I* *M ** •- IMPI **»»*#* «*MM »•* J totototo ewaaw** 7# to7»* *•*• •"■‘♦M {%Hli #w***g* *B7to *♦-»*» *» to““ ** Mil MM MM*i M •*■ __ MM .. H H .«_«« •« *»'«• «« •* ••“"*** pM Mai i<M(i MMMM' '•* TW ” Mm# Mm «* ... •• #* ■w Motto H I I iMipL Mil HP Molto It M*M |MM MM «••• * '** Vt nUDWABIi. tl.lM «*ra ton# 9*419. • A.* *•* Mm . RmM% «*»• M» * #.,#•» Mm . n *». I to— tong# mMMM • IL 9* MM * H e* M luMMi Ml It 1* Vt HSIMMXKM. M»»l ft l'M MMM Oran tier tl* *• * MiWM .. .. .. ..3 t-l niMMiiitir % it it MiftiM > OrlilMlb. 11l * K Mptllf •• • •'* Urtlli •• !• .# *• ** ***• |j or»»n»Titw* #*# %i jR pr *» *»« ** ® jernm *• khk N I i ii i* * iota r. Kta#. It tot* ■ C .. .. » » l • POOL Mll-tt. OrtwlH. MM rMa M i#—i P *• CMrIWIU. It #Mi M »M»I. pi Mm.-It Ht.vo*. MimIUMM IMMIIM . ~»• «•«•** MTOU* I #rut« «f tM« MM. *• l»fMi .. .. t l*t Mil if it* Mm imMm . • i Citnt. t*t • M CMtoi. ** A •>!*• I». *• *•* prM* if it# Wit ••**•* fMo. T. Kin# M H H iMr«!»« ..**-* jn p Kir# HAA iMMtli# .. I M I.rntti*~ i l * *■* j n . p. KMf. «Mm«M Omnfli .. .. I t-t Jno r. Kin#, a m.h ■ C w* laMml .. .. .. .. .» •••> •• •• ~' J *•*> f- ‘H’ *• mm ■* *** .. 4 liland . *. ... m. «» •■ ,•■_ • *** SOO. »• Kli# tt iMrt Mnpirlor . t 1-1 rUNTM. Amrririn •hintnM l*M •• •• * I* 4 Charirr <Wfc dri# *'lHii .. *I * W«ahln#tM AflU AhM«l> •» •• *• * AltMl’i <f«pr|. f ,. .. <• ** «• •• * *' 4 »-l p*rt>n»M .. * Cmin Mpnnl cnttan. P •• ** Ainrrlrin MUMP hIMM M«M .. .. 1 l-t MMUrr Oil* (inAtMl tl»«4 1 Am'rtian Inaii 1 ' tIMM *»•« .. .. 4 lalrraailnMl WMi h* •• •• * jUl.n'i carMlnal* Mill ....... I Alim • tailciliii «*•« •• •• •• •• 4 India Mur •• * ''' Ind.a blur W**l .. 4 b'ln#lHiii> M**l ■; -•• * Martha WaMta#toa M**t * *-* Uarnrr a radlani* 4 l-Mrtir Oaka. ***** * *■* TICKS. Mampahlrr .. AmoakMß A C A J® l '* Atnoihra# A Amoikraa C * *' 4 Radproclty • n t ” ' *'* PLAIP HOMESPUKS. aty Mill* * * J** Paui yard. *«o4 « lf»f.K 4 J ' 4 ahtninfa *«»f| . ± r r f ” ? J*T L«*ll drrai aljlaf ***(! ••, 3 w St. Clair drraa tiyla* 4 Orran aolldi .. .. :. .. .. * ®‘ 4 Martha WaaWh#t>Jti fatylaa <• .. I S- 4 tllarrllanaou* hi aaMa. lift I weight 1* M*b 4 *t Jaaetta « yard* Plain .. .a •» .. •• s l -* •Thorndike B .. tt •• «« .. .» •• 4 ** 4 Hirrutea .. .. .-m .• .. •• *• ? 4-4 * Pelham. 32 ha' lto bo* 16 F. O. F.. 3« ball# to bo* IS E. G. P-. 3U balla to lb 1" 1-2 MusroKee * 4 '* 27 Inch 4 1-2 yd. plaid*, best make I 1-4 Simpson allk flnlab foulards 64* -4 Paclflc mournliuf* 64*64 4 1-2 China alike 61*64 I 1-6 * Rorkport .. y •• * 4 ‘5 Slater «4*64 3 1-2 Cancord, 66x60 .. .. . 3 1-4 Rome 66x60 3 l” 4 Edwards .. 3 J -2 Keystone 3 4 "2 Fifth Avenue 3 4 * 4 KEARSKY’S. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearney 3 1-4 Kincaid and other* 9 1-4 LIME. CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime 70aS5 Rosendale cement 11.46 Portland cement .. .. .. 32.76 to Louisville cement In paper sacks ..11.00 plaster In bbla 11.76 HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 13.00 Painted buckets, per do* 31.10 2 H B B cedar pall*, per do* .. ~ 31.76 3 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 32.00 Tubs painted, per nest 31.75 Rope, Manila, per pouiyi .. .. .. » 1-2 Rope, Sisal, Per pound .1 .. .. .. .. 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallo Nalls, wire 31.75 base Nails, cut 31-<6 base Shovels. Ames, per do* .. .. 311*311 SO Shovel*, diamond, per 9«r. .. .. 37.00 Shovel*, riveted back, per do*. .. 34.75 Flow bfcdes * base TNI ftt»T QAAOCft OP - OOAL - AT tm | alt» it [ tti mwr*«4 | m* , m mm f* • ♦it 11 1 »| 9m§ mm ***** *** Aft m m •» •» ftj lTr-» mm M, sms 0m m **** BJl] «nv*« pm m » «•«« «• I• 4 [itMl »1j orn m m m m’ m, . w M l \ ftnur tl 00*mk |M# 000 m *• ** ** HU gHMb 900 IMHI m ** ** *t •* tt tt j '■‘ttmti-n 0m 9m 0m B tNfli li SA ® mmtm t“ ItHMI wl 000* 0m # 9m* pmm m *** i iMl# '‘•mm* 0m Ml ** m »•*••• •# it ! f v*i« mm9* 0m 0m »« . . ## •# m H •• ■ Ait tttt Aivt lit I 00f 0m m •* m •• , At# itttut. Is*, 4 099 090 99 m fi ■ *m* 099000 m fit & ft# #Mf „tt9o \ 10*rnm o*m immmtt 0m 9m, », # 90*0 [H«m ttfiiiMii t pm it .. 9* 1 9*mm 909 «». Him lint, ti of*To Otitltlitit 90m 0m mm 9 tMMtit ftfifj. | \*o it #»%t W tiritf 900 09000 \ iUmtfiii ra m$ ,»W #•# I tTt »«• *♦ .* .. « IN iftaoiti riytllf • !#• M „ „ |ti tti! .**oo** nmnnhlN ••• f ft BMt M M H ii I 0909999% A ts t, MB *« •• a« Mi ••• ' AUttlt ii liM a* M M a* li #•* j ahmnm vk vmv *, it# Past* 6 t-lt WM M >, ~.. MB ~, j jcshambM Fa im .. .. IM ... '<* .laiwbw 4 IT* HP .. .. I*6 ... I )*** „* 6 IT> IMS •• .* .. .. 6#6 ... ? 3#ar*wi #• MV »* .. .. .. «. It# ... i*Cnta*a»M Fa-Pa ........ ** ... • lumlmlM PA I**# a a a# V ... *—Of #M*M (Ull.Vf>AD RONM. ; GnaißtA Ft, tt A ftk# O* c.tetir#M R R A ftk# Co |Pa IF# .. «• .. .. «« .. tl# ... rttrMlr. c hmbm* M Am | mi* tat Pa >m wi ... I 4 MrU'tif. ('damlas A A a BUS'S. 24 r*. Hl* 11l ... 1 Au#uaM Ma It R.. I’* UM 6# ■C. H R. Hankins Ob. Csllat oral Trail l*A IHT .. ..It M ! Southern Railway 11, ItM , VT M Central of Oe«r#ta Railway, Ist row sol *WI. »*A IM* .... M *• C. a* ii. tat pe»f to IV 4V Central of Ooorpa Hallway. U pref turotnea. It** .. .... 1# 34 C. r» «l lat praf In I*4l .. .. • * f). I, A F.. lit m. Fi. IM# .. ll# I*7 Moult Georgia and Florida. 2d Fa. I to* 1«# ... | South Oeorsla and Florida. 1.1 r*. list IM ... i Oc*M Mteamatlp Ca., tat Fa 24 r* in* im FACTORT FWMI., Enterprise Ml#. Co., tat Pa IM3 103 ... miller Ms«. Co. Ist Pa. IMI . 10# ... Vtbley Mt# Ca. I*l Pa. I*o3 .100 ... Ga. R. R A H. Co. Block .. I*7 3M Ftuuthuiaatern R. R. tttach .. ** 100 Augusts and Havannah stock . M lo* - GRAIN AND rROVIFIONB. Oats, white, sacked .. .. .. .. ~ H ’ uata mixed, sarked .. ...... .. .. 14 Cora, white, sarked .. 5# Corn, mixed .. 4* Meal, bolted, per bushel .. ~ ~*7H Flour, common .. ~ ~ ~ .. .. I 60 Flour, fancy extra 1.75 Flour, aecoud paient .. .. «• ~ .. 4 00 Flour, standard patent .. .. ■■ .. 6.36 Flour, fancy patent 4.75 Wheat bran, 10*-lb sacks *0 Fine feed. 100-lb Hacks 90 Hay—native, per ton 12.00 Hay— I Timothy, per ton 12.00 Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 llama—choice sugar cured .. .. lOallH Smoked rib aides f Dry salt riba * l.ard. pur* leaf. In tierce* 5% Lard, kettle, rendered In tlerceA * 1-4 Sugar, granulated Mi son ETUI NO ABOUT VAN WYCK He Is Said to He a Smarter Man Than His Brother. “'Oub” VanWyck, as the Tammanylte* call him. is a darker horse than his laxither, Bob, was last fall and a hotter I have been told 600 times how much smarter than Bob Gus I*. Gu* I* sim ple snd democratic In his wsys. He wears a big silk hat In token of his judgeship, but aside from thßt he is as easy-going as you please. He talks like a .Southerner, and Is a graduate of the Cnlverslty of North Carolina. He studied law In Richmond and met his wife there. She Is a queenly southern woman and a suclal leader In Brooklyn. He has been a Justice of the supreme court fourteen years, and was a can didate for renumtnatton this fall. He is a strict organisation democrat and twice was chairman of the King's county democratic committee. He loves politic* and prefers the activities of campaigning rather than the quiet life of a Justice. He Is fifty-two. PROTESTS STILL COME. Against Transferring the Title of “Daughter of the Confederacy.'* RlcJipnond, V#., Oct. I.—Lee Camp. Confederate Veterans. of Virginia, adopted resolutions last night, protes ting against the naming of anyone as the "Daughter of the Confederacy,’’ to succeed Miss Winnie Davis, and calling on the Grand Camp, which meets next week at Culpepper, to put an official ve to on the movement for a new "Daugh ter of the Confederacy.” The Freneh furniture polish sold Alexander Drug* Store makes old fuf- I nlture took tike new. 5 THB -A.TJOTJHTJk. HBRALD tow tacag f li'inaw f •* Mb #■»*'# «# 46H 4 * *'a* % ' 000000 #* 909 **0(0 0 im am#*’ . 009 mm IS *9 A *'**oo »«►-*# 0 I mm** 90 00*-, *o* AMI feNHMI §B» \ A'l l iVnAH II AM# Am#AA MA MMivt i fIMM 90*9*mm9H 090090. # *•»**•• N 99- # s \*mm mm*** MM 000 _ m |n** « mm m 10m * w9* mm m 0* mmm I Am# A an* m* 9mm <»>•'.'# wn# aannip | c%4## ANA ail AA# f-iAAiA’ -099900 00*0 111 a* s i* {A* Amman im 90m Aa ! *%Mp* 0090- AN **9ooo 99099 o*o9 *#«*o 1 0m* pmm 0900 **** 909900 *##• | ' 90*m 01099100 100 mm 0999. 0m A ! #• rMMi# 090% 00909 09' *9»m 0990 90 * *+<* ■ j 5 mmmm* **■*■ mAh# pm* o%m * * ■■■** 009099* *9o* 009990 99m om9o 9*90 0009 9000999*9 *9mmoo *oos A **m*%\ I o*oooo. 99 19000(0*90** ** A #*-*♦ \ to# *ln« Am AAA 90000991 ■. AiM# 99 AMHi iAm 19 9900 00 *909 19 00*9909*900 *A§A j i d t, mm iam m *** m m I §imp fw# %9* * # ( %f soom 9 amM t+m* » M tft' * *009%' ’ 1 00§ ppilm t MbAAV 09 *Mm *A#*sA# a* * IWm #rir>Ti# *« f#*— aa*miT [ AAA A. AMA 0909904 -09090 tAA tfM#A 00 %9m 90909 09* MMMMhA At MMMMM Imw M. AAA *#"* NAAAtff AA AA* maaml Mm ANMnm# mav Mama tmi * mm 1 ICM t At 00 MPPVMAAt 00 IM# o*s* * «► *2* | 9NmH# AA# AANAAM 090900 AY# • MAf *A iA» y»f» aa Ma Im. I If m* •# MVfe fAAv t*#A *AAt MM# MV** Aa# Amma AA lAm IfMAi A mm#mm, A AW# | . AMI ADA tv# fAm MAMMA ATM AtyTMA AfemrMAMNMM. I Nil 090900 *A# »A 9O I [ a-ia> aa t Nam# aky Nam Namha It | am# 99 00090099 so4mm 909*\ t #l# A## ; A## Ia 00> IfAMAAAAt- AA# N AAMM 09099 AMtAA H#At AtAAA «wk r Jf IlkirT V AMI#M t* M* * *p • w I•tv T iA* • k#a# |vi# ««At ’’f my f r~* * |(f!NNA tram • r. dstk m IV* evasua# Hit t fbe aaa* tponona "Mr M«a»*tra. lay »mrt». after to*- Vlag aiiawia i ata tw aiay wtok •kef*, bad IMHr to go to fmwarg, pwtog to Use #» .•!** *••*«<«» «f •■«• He did ael to wen to. *• anwe iwper* fatotor *4*l*4. He m mm that tint a* a msw. Ha »•» ewwHwitod t«* #« sway tor tk» awk* a# tkna* wka [ware |*l6. { I • Afi«r | Aa# Ait aa< onartniv | fowr gay* »k# torelar Anally wrrtred Darla* thee* towr toys toy com paw-1 ton* t kinking II ail tor lb* tom. and | ktodly anil.o»* t# rail*** toy eu#e»- [ mg*, gt# the arorat tain# they could Ido- put hot Mow** around my tael i They th.nisht they wwru dofna right. [ hut It ha# the effect of gawtro) lag my ifoot and raagsrlng their atoputailow Itoriaanry "Thera wn* nothin* left f<w Hw doc tor to do hot pul them off aha he pi there. Before he got through with am-, putatlng them hi* chtorototrm «*▼* out I sod 1 cam* hack to ronecl.amnra* • bile he waa atHI engaged In anwtng them rdf. After such an eapeiieme n sick man generally wants aoto* deli cate food. We hag none—nothing hut. baron and bean*. "In two montaw I waa wall and up and a* strong aa aver, but I had I tot my feet. I waa o* strong a* any man| before then, and had carried from IM to 10 pound* along the trail May * I 1 started for Dawson and atayed there till June 2#. Then I came down the river by steamer to *t. Michael’s, and there took the atesmer Rt. Rwul for Kan Franclaeo, where I got my artl-j ftctal leg*. Then I ram* on to Chi-; ragex ”1 am going to the Klondike again this winter so as to be there Irt time for the clean-up next spring—that la. washing the gold out of the earth that, has been excavated during the winter. To show how short the summer season la, we found there In summer aolldi Ice under the twelve or eighteen) Inches of moss that covers the earth." A FRENCH DUEL The Result of a Slanderous Society Edßor. fhirls, France, Oct. t.—A duel be tween Charles Ernest Paulmler and M. Turot. of La Lantern* (newapaperl. waa fought this morning, rapier* being) the wotH»°us uted. Turot was thrice wounded In the thigh, and Fhtulmler waa slightly wounded on the Up. Mad ame Paulmler, on September 3, went to the office of La Lantern* and twice shot M. Olivier, the secretary-editor, because, she asserted, the paper gross ly slandered herself and husband In as serting that their household consisted of three persons, the third being the former mistress of M. Paulmler. The latter subsequently challenged M. Tu rot, who was the writer of the article referred to. The charges made are In dignantly denied by both husband and wire. REED TcTsPEAK. After a Summer’s Rest He Will Take the htump. Washington. Oct. I.—Speaker Reed, has notified the republican qpngres gresalonal committee that he will start West in a few days to participate in the campaign In Illinois. He may also be heard In Ohio and Indiana. Ever since the adjournment of con gress the speaker has been .quietly rest ing at hts summer cottage at Grand Beach, Me. His summer this year has been by far the most quiet that he has experienced during his twenty-two years as congressman, for he has not delivered a single campaign speech. Mr, Reed has received requests from all parts of the sountry to participate on the stump, bufSi feels that his ser vices are more needed in Illinois, where the campaign Is being more sharply waged than in other states. Japanese Pile Cure surely cures. 50 cents and 31. Alexander Drug Store .sells it. ' GooD ItfCK BAKING POWDER, 15 THE ?S5T.j .... Ht«he«* of A't to Leaves* iRf FftttVf. mi ini a tit FOB DENT 1 » itoftMil $ A ATAfi#*M 0909 9009009099 AA W 0999 AAmA# M*fMW'| Mp# r 4MI 9***o9 tyy rf%t~T • fAr «am «« « m*o »• M 0 «• AMMA 9*9900 9 9000999 M sail# AM ffltWT MfVhl t 9000909 k ** m* M M AM *000*990. II tANAAA gt f# #• 99 *m M M |AB9 *O AIftMA Wm# A 9*00999 •* *#o |tit ffAtijl W|f I fWAAMA *« (#•» # # #|f* NtMA# MltMMt, ♦ >swMM **•«•••* M M ( AM CMAtf# 099*00 * t fMMAMA *• *• «* 00 M j A ATAtiM A mmHAMMA 099 90090 Jh-mm l pivtßPt ■ 99 99 AA# A M MM 9*||< *T* m it! 9 rti <MUJrIIT. ■ AN Amma#. Thu hat a lit ha rhaw#** t*«m 4h# 6a toy Clarence E* Clark. Rdh) Batata, *■> RraaV M FOR RENT J, I* WMfTft# MOM— ON UIMM BROAD ITHKIT. MEJ }iV ng 1 ftfhft f# rmt TOO eg g# g. 91 *9 IM Mly Blfwtot. I ro«M aa aa «. $9 *9 m Kim 94T09t. I f»W»i 1« tt i tit MH« 4%r*9X t 1 rmrnm* .. •# ». l im flr*vH* oir*9i \ >uim „ ..MM ilSt OVfMM *(Wt’ t MIXIIi a. a. ».SS 4Jt Fmwtrli t ror*** ** „ tt .44 m Waller »trr«*( I .. .... n tt W'Mlitvß Avfiuf. t r*wcM *• ** If-tt Chafe, Avenu# * fwaa 74 44 Moat# Kano, t room 72 5# House on Hill. * M.4# Roams la dealrabl* toeatloas. OYJTH'Bt" lSt aa a# aa aa •• •t* » 5 122 ftevenih ytraet .. .. .. •• 4 <7 |*l aw Rang* .. .. n •» •• •• •• » 0 * law Rang* .. * *• 4 law Ragge • ** 724 Reynold, atraal ** •* FTQI6BB— r,« ftrnad street.. * JJ lit Jtr. nl afreet .. J 3 J* 473 Broad *7ra»t .. *• ” 423 Itroad *® •* 424 B-oad •* ** #27 Broad *7r#et ~ .. .. •• •• »• *29 Broad street *F M *3O Broad 763 Kills street 43 944 Ellis street M Part of desirably altuated Broad street attire, especially adapted for dressmaking establishment. The shove Hat will 7>* changed from day to day. John. W. Dickey Keal Estate Agent. FOR RENT LIST CHANNEL DAILY. 515 Lincoln, 5 room* 11.RO 333 Telfair, 8 rooms 20,00 1336 Jones, 7 rooms 25.00 *33 Ellis 1 2 - 60 335 Walker, 8 rooms. .. .. I*- 00 BTO&HS. • Cor. 9th and Barnes *IO.OO 304 Mclntosh 10.00 637 Broad 29-90 656 Broad 27-10 J. B. White houses, Broad street. J. B. White houses. Jones street Get prices at office. L. F. VERDERY, The Renting Agent. | T o Rent i Store and Residence at 1265 and 1207 Broad street of the best stands in the city for a good Grocery Store, or in fact, ahjr business. The House has six ((U sood rooms, a good yard, and is eery donrenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. CALL ION lugutu Iriwing Co * C.XFOAT HkltH I fftl .!■ Hi Am ® i - % a. .•** f | j BELLE OE G E O H G I A Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. I— CALL poß—- AUQUSTA BEER. REAL ESTATE. FOR RENT ; ALEXANDER A JOHNSON I 467 flnrnr Frame—# tegg .. .. 44 6* ‘ 6*l tlr.«n»- Frame—4 r-w.m. .... 54 *• HI Orswßv Hytek—# ranmg „ .. 64 43 536 47,11*--Fram* t rooms .. .. 15 64 52# nil*-Franta— 7 rooms .. 2#.*a Im2 M< IKttoti Frame- 4 moms ~ 3* ** #6 Jtmea-Rrl.k 7 rragna .. ..Ml# 21* Kills street. * moats .. .. .. II 4# | 136 Telfair straot I rooms tt *4 , 314 Walker afreet. * rooaw 14 4* ! 661 Walker afreet. 6 rooms I* 44 644 Frawtrk street. 6 roam* •* •• If 14 Mllladgvvillr It*Ad. 4* acre* sad f room dawlllng. taaraa, #9 Chnfw avenue 7 rooms .... IS 44 ; 1 1486 Rates afreet. 4 robot* .. .. 19.44 : lMin-mcrville. 7 rooms aad 4 arras » 6# 914 Jackson. 4 rooms .« •• .. ~ 27-s#' ftorkb i 716 Broad street .* .« •• •« #* ~51.4#9 ; tt# Broad street .. - l.tH i 640 Broad street .. *■ *. •• «. ,* *d j IU Broad afreet .. .. ....... 699 j 1 647 Broad street •• .. !*• 2979 Broad street •» »• •• .. .. •• #99 _ 1799 Broad street .. ** 174# Broad street t s * 1796 Broad >t«ft •• 4:! ® 934 Broad **' 440 Broad •• •• • **’ 220 Mclntosh street *< 303 Mdnfosh 44 ®° Reynolds .. 4*® 317 Jackson 4 *® , OFFICES. 705 Broad afreet, front. 712 Bread. Montgomery Building, sin- ; #te office* and suites. 715 Broad ..3169 938 Broad street 209 940 Broad afreet ,M Office# and sleeping rooms In Chris Gray’s building, corner Seventh and Broad afreet*. Numerous office* and sleeping rooms In all parts of city. List at office. Alexander &JolinsoDi 705 Broad Street. FOR SALE 1 have for sale very desirable bnild (ng ’ot located in ihe centre of one of the handi*oiuest blocks In tli# city. M ill sell Fame very cheap. Just the place for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA, NO. 1J37 GREENE STREET. FOR RENT. NO. 819 ELLIS STREET. BUILDING three stories high, containing elevator, etc. Especially desirable for wholesale business. Price 350.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, Real Estate Agent, B. R. MITCHELL, ALEX. MCDONALD Supt. of Con. Sec. & Gen. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. 1 Electric Supplier—Speaking Tub-s, etc., etc. Repairs to all Electrical apparatus. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Bell’Phone 1602. - - - Btrowger 676. • #JW .« n.. ~ wmmm ■ RhiLjMtthf Charlakioo 1K Carolmi .»«••*« # #»*»#*♦*#•*••*• UH MM* MPNM *m *m_ w* . * %mOKO- iH'iM . rT ««. *-- * r *■ A%iA 99 90990 | I ff f#i»MMAM •#» . *m*o> - I *too9oo*9Rß*-+* ***** ** 9mm | i*£& i>^**** ! I * jBHiM»» I ILi MAPMw 66 V**F* : M.AAMM j I • 9099990009999 mm*** Al 90000* 9*40099 j JZL *■ <•*«» 6*ya , -m *aE Ii mamma**» ..--*•***. ~J JNjf I CTSKmi NMN .. * LMMM# INf MMtotmto INmPMA MMM* I * B#aMP« »•* 9aHN«•*•«'* j *********** f ISB *•••**• * 9MAA4AMM# ***;»♦*»**■*!, **** | 1# BanMA>»> MMV64 fiv VMI MS** Zs JiMAI • BMiM i■■ ii 111' •••* I«•• #■#•• ' IBM *0099499999 #•*•«#* »”• * AA»#» »#%■##.■ * 9990*049 m*+~ j A PiA f 4%49 \ * Pam .-t **•+ ** i U4Mma fM * BHiiMkvv* *•♦*•#•*•* f *##* ■ 040090 j * a L♦ » ■ VMt AMMA I ty f||| tor -wAnA_.. "lu jTTiM<F~i't TI9 Nt j * rt“e|lTif m arnto !6*itt. •j f 40990 *jn<i pwjti . ‘ IMM*N MMa •Aha mm. I l#H a#na» j 9 §099009** * MtotAH.... IMjAH I * oM999ooom*** (mm* •+•—* §—# -» * 11 AAaAI I i A# jjMMlA«»#«Bap | I #i 99 *9910 9mm 0 *#***• ••*>** 49m j 90999009*04 HI •»*•» 09** N» All |AMA j '«A A Ah> Im I 900 0*900049009 0 %ommm*rn4 9m m 1 1 0*9*0 «A * *.T o*4 1 0% MW WAA 094 009*999 90*9 90% *oo*'9-f% lM>fN| o*o 09* Amwm>^ mrnm m w*# , 99*09 0*0000949 999* 900999 W#J (RAW* N* r*m SLOL lu tl ADRTIt MMHNa a m t l CJIiAAi M»a—A* 090*009. 09 BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. N C MtaTTtK. ftovatvaa. a#m- 4 4 fRtAK Amm# lAh» CtAMA K C 5949 CfAAA Mia*# a **•» V pt* t«# r Mat I to. o*o *•* i *+»*•* \ 4* Ft# I lAfftva t/*ae» 'FV l-#M I* B |m m .. Aatoaaaa .# I rail *• IS It | M 3,,., I Waver , f Mill 9 ,M *: I M ttj Autaa ...-I 1 Mll » V;W FstVftli... Fva#>«<#■ .alt WH-Mj • DIM l* Ohm Itrwi f 4 *8 tl tl i > 9 U 1.4* 1# htoaa'6 ce*V# ft 4 14 tl V» I t Iti I #Hi .< IfchACA 4:l*a Bj I 1 44 jAi Wean t’nloa a 44F 6 to toi... WalhaUa ...*l 4 IT| ;JtM Fl 4 1 |L#a*e Atrtaa'FM I*l4. M<vU K«4 hail M#.» | g Regular #**•' " F Fkag htatlaa j #ll regular train* frato Aadetaaa 4* . Wathaßa hava right ta track over , ■ ran. o» Ih* asm* t laaa worth# la oy- j paatta glracttaa. uttleaa gtharwia* a#ve- ] Ifted by trala actor*. Will a l*o atop •« followtn# atattto* l to takr l*« o« paaaenger* I*hla* ■D L Jaara* a»4 tohdy hprtag* No U eoahaeta with Vuathara rail way No U at Aadrraon Na* I and 4 raaawt with toathar* ! railway Na*. 12 and IT si towara. i. R. AKBKRION, gup. rt a'rodent. ATLANTIC COAST LINE' PHDRTiarr AND Qt-ICIUBiT ROUTB Tu THE KAtrr AND_N«»RTH i gupwi L* - Augusta. Ga Ar j 7 66am 2:49pm U-“- Alk#a......Ar | I.ltow trllpm Lv...Denmark....Ar . 4:l7pm 4 tapm Lv.. Ovaagb’g—Ar J ti4tam ( *6pm Lv..K«mtrr. K. C...Ar | 4.29 am ; I Bpm Lv....F!or*«<'«....Ar j l #t» jn-Mpml Lv.. .Fayattevllla. ..Ar i l 14pm I 2 21am Ar Patershurg.Va Lv j 4 12pm « Wamj Ar Hlekmond....Lv I 4 12pm 7 41am Ar..Waahlnaton .Lv I 2.44 pm (:02am Ar Baltimore ...I.v t t'-Bpm | II 25atn| Ar.. Phlladrlphla. Lv |l2:o»pra j I 03pmi Ar... .New Turk....Lv 1 9:loam Pullman palace buffet aleeplr.g ear* from Macon and Augusta to New Tork without change It. A. BRAND. Gen Agt.. 723 Broad HI.. August*. Ga T. M EMERSON. Traffic Manager. H. M EMERSON. Gen. Psa*. Agt. CAROLINA AM) NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 4. 1*96. Eastern Time Standard. l eave August*. Southern Ry.. 9:30 P>m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:16 a m. Leave Chester. C. & N W. Ry 7:46 am. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stag* .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G W. HARPER. C. F. HARPER. President. G. P. A. The Happiest Families OF AUGUSTA ARE THOSE WHO USE Eagle Baking Powder, 25 Cents Pound. DON’T csk 10c. lb. Alum and Ammonia Bak ing Powder that kill your stom ach. DON'T USE 50c. lb. Baking Powders, whose price, according to price of mate rials today, is Just twice too high. 60c Powders kill your pocketbook. BUT EAGLE— tub Howard & fillet Drag Company Make IT. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE USE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO, BELL E O E QBOB6IA ftAttbtuh actoßtotrUNt S. C 1 G MIltM CO V»# ••####<*«** 6**45 9000*0^0 turn* 6M> Mb -«•• B**m» tNto CUnM 09*9* 0909 09409-' I |»m 9m* -99* 4 Pmiih It €%plt <44h WM * * * - Mb ■* ' 4m* I mjt * #<•* **** 400 m9* 409004% I*oloo |«M 9 9(9 ! "**» 9-> I* ****-* * t *'%>4to'‘| • * i-Mv'toi ’ CSmBI I #* f In>tr rr%<n f n 1 99*9000 RifMR I 4* i%*mr **m 0099 m $ * 499990*9 * *m+9 *l9oos sy> wm> *99 *mt ,9990 m 111 Tflßg"*" ■T F y>iir "f * i-' iAm |4* * *444909 $4 111 § • p»| *mm 9940940 1 t* # MMf*-' • tot *mo*9 1« Y *09909 940999 I ***** M 100 m 4*499 4*% 9900**1*4tM9 *54949 94*409 0494494 4 I {.# o*oooo9 4 44940 I * 90m*-■ , 419490 !#* 4 mm ...»4 ! -Mm*** 4* 4*90009* 4-0 999 I » ev ».-=« .. ..toftl j 90m III A* ** Ml4'in VIA **990400 : I|i mmm»* 9944494 0 490 4mm $99 % 09% ! f# *O9 -mm I * T *0%J9%444 : 4* 9 994 - v v As «%• Im 0 *O9 **m9 $4900 f m* w*4004%‘, 4 1 <9** f- * fMM'M»M*> # f%40 j A* PM'lwM'i# 444999 I • M 4 * ttM| 104 $4 0000' ■ 9 M#M i 44 $ **%% 40m 4* 4*904494 t .0044 * i. 9* 4 i * r - • ‘ * 940040 r*>nv99o —■ I 0 MgpMMI * AmM 0 00949 I I *9909*400* I 0*949 %Jm4of. 100444 * "•*» tvaabto. I to** •#%#* t *■#• :arfcg:::»tgs 1 444409 jNwNMAa #♦•»•##» *»*» •• IMpMI I mwmm IlMMfe **#*♦ <mm>B *lMmi ÜbMpfli I |#MMM 1999*110* *•• »«* •« • 944404 luMMI I 4 09*9 4*044*4 *oo* I ■ MMk. 0*904 < mimm 0 *99*99o** 9*99 %*m I y*»o •**900099 9soo 9***4 *00049*09 04 ! sm%oom44mm I m 09 MfHoif 40*— 4*44094 199 49 * 4* Im* m%9 Maß# i* MM# o*m 09 9000999 I % 409 449 0044% IJ , 34 SAht*> I. #IWMV titoie* Maagtoh »**ah Waaaga*. f, R. Into uaa, #F . V-***tok4«a • SOUTHERN RAILWAT. ** JtoCD^ W •mm w-a a-tN-rg^touah*. mulu lah« vua* "«•*#*«•• totahhi aa# tohav a Mato. W»«a Jyj A W> *****a»a«6- ihaMy. U*Sf i la pvuh, r car hy ... • •** *Ar tmSSS • ! U,, Ik. , D tWwA'aoik ...... 4My ! At f. ntokto ..AA* *J£t As •w.«**tor#Tk* hy T*» Ilß* f4* A ooo*lo9 va.,., ***» * m 9 m • ”••• *,z% • ¥!!,.« .1. ififl BMf I * j>m9o*m4 ■ ••• * m•§ A, .52^-« tort- «*' CconuaßaaJga 4 J 4! »••* “S- :«S ?s: • SScr iHr 12: Lt tlr.whnt'. 1 Zr • ■ • j*~ Uaavltl* . - ... 44 44 >; » •»V | Ar" kl-ka-ad •*« 4 *» Ar «Mhlagraa _ | *4*V • raltadrtpto ■ kiUa { M* I a SSmfSSr | »•>! *to<khto.A *«.'«' iTaa nut) Hally. I. g Lv New VorluPß. KB. ... ’ 4 *j. UUkrt " huladrUlt 666 y 469* i - Pa.ntaofe 1 (hi, 6N* La. Raah'tna. to By . ; M«p II U* :Lv Rrehmoud . . ! llloat ItStm ‘L» IvijUli* i »»• 6Up ; Lv. Narfoik i 6 46 p , Ar Orveaihoe* <t c 4 Lv Mraenebr-ru 704 * 7Sp " Cberlqtla 9Be !9 By • Buck Hill 10 Be 11 OHp • Owner .... 10. lie II By • ’k'tiie.boro . tl 41 jt U 96* fßrUoit4eß' 12 46n.. 147 a ». t- lun.blaL’o day'*. .... 1 li>> 4 00* “ Jnkaavaaa #aa im 6<»* “ Trenton . ... 6W>l>! 626* ■ Gramt*villa Oisty: 7 ffa Ar 4ugu*ta .. .. 6_l4p 6 Otta Lr AnhanTia »Bj 6 OSy Lv Ipertemmrg II 40e| 4Uy Lr. Colltin. KC AG Ry 4on y' 7 Oua At Chnrlyatou 6 40 p( II 00 a ETooi-lto. F< ’ AP Uy | 11 M. 12 47 * " gaviumah f 441 p 406 a #r Jnckamrlll*. 9 24pi 4 14a Kir.-llei.t Unity pgatengar esrvtc# hrtwm Fii.ride eml Naw York Not 17 end 3»~ We-timtton end Inath wetter* Limited >oUd Ytd.ibuled trein with dintng cart and drat elate eoe-ht. north of Charlotta Pullman drawing room tleepin* ear. Uetwma Tamo*. J nekton rtlla, Serenneb. We/Uungton and New v»rk Pullman Kieepiag Cara Vwtwten t harlott* add Riobtaond. Pullman drawtag room .leeplnt eara to tween and Norfolk. Clow eonnaw tion at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMPORT, arriving thtre Is time fur breakfast. Solid t ram with Parlor eara, between Charletton nnd Atheville Not. 80 and 40—C. S. Fast Hail. Through Pullman drawing room buffet sleeping car, be* tween Jeekaonvillt and New York and Pull man tieotung eara between August* end Char lotte. Pullman sleeping rent between Jaek amville and Columbia, en route daily between Jacksonville and < laeibnntl, via A -heville FRANKS GANNON. J.K.CULF, Thmt VP. A Wen. Mgr T M Wyhlngtou W. A TUBK. s H. HAKDWK K. G. P A- Wathlngton. O. P- A- Atlanta GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) w Schedule Effective April 24, 1891. £ Pullman Sleeper* between Macon an# New York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Au gusto and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..I 7:o6am| »:20pm|10:30pta Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3opm| B:2opm| 6;00a» Ar Macoo ....|U:l6em| I 4:46am Ar Athens ~,.|12:16pm| 7:2opm - Ar I Ar White Pl’a|*l:oopm! I-■■• Ar Mlll’gvlTe .|10:10am| I 4:30*8* Ar Wash’ton ..|lo:loa.m| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves Augusta daily except Sunday at 5:15 p m., and ar rives at Milledgevllle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrlvs at Augusta s:l* a. m, 7:46 a. m.. 1:20 p. m.. and 8:26 p. ra. A. G. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE, T. P. A, . . M j