The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 05, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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6 Wednesday COAL—COAL COAL tWMiMIf 4W *rtMl ***»*«• •* M/UhWW •h** o*w A««N«< «• *« »*<* **. “ CITY ICE COMPANY. 41 CM *M lAMAI t* fmmm ’■< K»»i ao# %**•*'«<** |gft A» « *4* 2 •*•>■>**• ftftrrr#* P#-. ■■**■»■>* .»«••* MAM MM ■■ —■»» ****** ■ m ># ** »•*»’ 9«mm Mnw tr~~~ • «t *. ** *■* **» |#{*y?d tWt) ivdlfit Wh4#i'» 1 ttiro gtoohrow lawk ***dd Mm goto** . *•»*• »* », .ftftft *J r*»ltog< paa taMHJ «#»•*<»* ***** ** Oft#ftMfeft* f#* ### % A f#9Mftft#ft IS ** |M»tiS# * ***» * fSsutK r*mmm • 1 *■**,* ■ftMffftft (## ♦#*## *4 *•# ** t.T Am** « .. - .. mm «•** ta* OAmmmm.... »•***• flff*ftft ft##*## |Mi ** ** **♦* ii . ! HOH ml 9990909 #*> «# *• .s** ****** ** zz ! Eft* • « •« # M *’ ’*•** ; f*|#### f t INI .*•*## «9 *-* Mt' * Hi** * '*• *•*»*% *.W r^ pans ~ * I ytr fffftCll Mftfcft*ri Snyv M* «.#< tMHMI If if# it* *** * s«i» v *** tMli» itsf » JJf • Snim > iiumii m t* •*’»! ■*»* t 99- *99. - ■ >— _ __ IfcewiflS ffrri•*»— 4» ****■#• *9OO #* ** *♦•’ ” #Mftt»n mi aw— w «**#• .** S’ Hr | €%##* ft##### #•## **#§•# * i P - * *“• | "•* * ••*■■* *"*■■ ** m ' m . m IPS «• »•. , *1 ** ** ** **** j m«*as imm iniif M#ff #** **• ■A M* fttwft IP»M * •» *. ** *♦ ****** a» «i t« M fas ftip Pj* atm. a i*p fa* 9mmm p *» at «*•!********** •*»^22* £*ata#ia, i#> tame, *1 g - •** •** ■I n !*»*• wy. »«'lm • • •* *a*» . tt*. *«> «*»••■ nr* *«# »• w n«i»*w*i u* t, I nkwltM * » • ' 4 H ilr*n.«>< nw 1-4 H 1 9 JKI ** 1,1 j«*i» p kam a y **mfM »• imm y. KIM *» w* *> * .. •> • • • A* <4* »* •»'*•!. r*» 4**- 4 »4,Mk'lHJ*(l44. HmMinwi ln»4| .. ***• 44 I* 4* V ii, t|J|. , fnH *4 «»• »**»»• yM*'* >* ** | *'* rrn l of 14* » • 4*c4** •• - • «-4 CM-*. 1+ * « « C*M., » « Air.~ H-r. »• » Pn4' «l 11* W«4» .. .. •• •• B '•* JM r. KIP« B B nfclfllM •> * lit« P HIM 4-4 A A iM*«IM a. 4 »-• U>n»J»l» 4-4 * *** ,jvm j* fim iMKtmh Otprpt .... I I*9 » * ,Btb * * i,.* Jrnn P K»«*. * *»*fc *» •* l*i«"4 .. ■• * * * j*o. P- lUa« Jl iMcki *ep*n®4 •• * PA I AML . Am*rtm* AplM* HIM-a v • 4-4 »4*rrtm*eli #8 • - * J * Chartrr iHfll 441*9 .. * V»»hhi*tM» AiA <»••*♦» • 1 -> •• •• • All-ri * if*4.-V4 .1 til A«.»l*w .. 4 1-4 Ptmp**« ■ M INPMM* . a. at aa a. * Cmlm Hpnm a e»<*» M* ••- 4t , AmrtK«n l*4tp' ***44 .. a. 4 1-1 Rllttr Oil* ' 44-|44 aa aa ..4 AniMiran Jn<Vi* 1 '> ,u ** M *4* •• •• 4 lntrm*lt»*Al Mai In PtM .. .. 4 Allan * mrotti*!* Mt4i .. aa a* a- 4 Allan * Uli»l* 44«44 * Indtn hlur J *‘4 India blur *4*44 4 Rttnctant'a «4*«4 ~ ~ .. 4 Martha Wa»hl*i*«n»> W««4 S 4-4 il*rn*r'a radianta 44*44 .* •• « Charier U*ka. * *'* TICKS. H*mp*hlm 4'-* Amraknaa A C A 1* 1-* Amnrhraa A a *• Amo«k«a« C.a.• •• tv ff,. •• J paclpuH-ltj ••<).,••, • •• 7 *•* PI.AID HOMKPPU^P. city Mill* * *■* Pour yard. fri*4 32 iiuA ••.it*** •• 4 3-4 Lodi Dhlrlln** .a,,-- * J' 4 Lodi drr»« atylty .. .. .. 5 » « St Clair draw aiffe* .. .. a. .. 4 Ocran aolld* .. .. .. ■■ ■■ * ® 3 ~ 4 Marthn Wa*bU<f' 4> ffhct** .a .. S >-4 Mtarrllanrou* 4>ra#la. Rftrt -t‘ > weight '....H;.. , W »*3aia :.J ]*aetta « yard* plat* .. .. .% •• •• * 1-® Thorndike I* •• ••, •• •• •• * 3-4 Herculr* •• <• •• •• •• •• * 4-4 J Cr*»c'nt *• ■ 4-4 jyiliain. M hal Ho box .. .. .. .. 14 F G. F.. SO ball* io box .. .. .. 14 K G. P-. 21' ball* to lb 1? l-S Muacogce B S 1-3 IT Imb 4 1-3 yd. plaid.", beat make -4 Simnaon nllk nnlelt foulards 64x Paclflc mourning* *4x64 t 1-2 China silk* «ix« 4 4 1-4 Mlddletord 8 Bnckport •• ® 4 '3 Slater *txfit 1 3 I*3 Concord, Wx6o 3 1-4 Rome 3 1-4 Edward* » 1-2 Keystone 3 1-2 Fifth Avenue 3 1-4 KKARHKTft. Heavy Columbia, heavy Kearsey S 1-4 Kincaid and other* 3 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime ionßs Rosendale cement |1.45 Portland CPment $2.75 to 8.25 Louisville cement in paper sacks ..SI.OO Plaster In bbl* $1.75 HARDWARE. Well bucket*, per do* IS.OO Painted buoKet*. per do* sl.lO 2 H B B cedar pail*, per dox .. .. $1.75 S H B B cedar patle, per do* .. .. $2.00 Tub* painted, per nest $1.75 Rope, Manila, per pound 9 1-2 Rope, Sisal, per pound 7c Rope, cotton, per pounct .. .. lOcallc Nalls, wire.. .. •• sl-75 base Nails, cut ..... $1 t 5 base Shovels. Ames, per do* .. .. sllasll.M) Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. $7.00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. . $4.75 Plow blades * 3-2 base THI HEAT GRAOStt OF OOAI. [AT m« Mm» At '' Manana •«# Mg* gaa An* „|ll - ftj Wiiit 4NM| in# *€WH.. fWf 4wi m id* yf If ft irmu 9mm fmn $m »*« H if I|f .ij)Bii'» mm** sm* ifei , »r#» j* ** § |N| ’ , om>6 WHO $m 9% *m m m •****• i * • | NiHii sfr*9ok $m It*# »«**»**» il j jflfrr #*.smm |mmh #•«• «« n§l ® n ******** •>+**, MR# Ml #§ ** «»' ■i’s WMR YR> m ¥smmm sm* IMS M*9t tM MtaMl Ml I tti'Wi** fa# §'■ IHNtI ** I iNMMi N# # fMMt f|N«M> 1# j« • fe * ,t«* ■ amni mhi tin , , m _ m # gg m m »»HNI pPf M# ** *• *• H •• iJM# IMMMN# Um I §4# ## It H «* # I4MMI ffi IL MV MM ** 14Mt» ImNMMMI fNi. E M# M# yy »« • # ’ A #MM *>*e >—lift gw# 4ml, .< s*aM iMN# ##MM f ilIRMt* 4 IP# IN >*t M* «lv#N% M 1, I M • m I, 9 M f#A | |#|y»; #.«»%» #anC fNt#ft#t-' - 9# J## W fNflM# M*d A—lll IDmmmm sna gang ••*•.... , ttt «#*] . gwa!4 1 . a | gyn -a ttg tis AMheaea (41M,.. t» 1 iMggMg 9KL mH4 a* •• aa ~ sgg Amtumtm *• IM .. .... t% I An*tarts 4 s|r*. (Ml » » m M I f A*a4Mt* i t (4kf7 ~ ~|M .„ 1* I >«a • • «• tail „ .. a« 111 .a* A-taata It IMt .. !! !. It* ", Mr*st*t Fa hA . CaHMsMBS • t-r* IMT „ ~ t*4 „. Macats 4 Hfa ltd* ,* ~ tag ..• ] |ae%MMnA** 4l**dbg gg : CTutrtaratn* 4*A tag* .*,.., ,* a? ••. | nAII.ROAIt MNM. ■Wrgta R R. 4 I'M Os R. R. A Bull O* I r* m tig IClMrioU*. CettMtiMs A A*- I #»*!#, Ie« l*. I«M I*f ... josarw-tta. CMuirMa A Au Itsst. 3d ra. w* in j Aiiwll Aa R R . t‘t 1*31,, M |C. R R- H*«klß< Cm. Colt At - j Southern Railway C». MW .!..N M Cemtr*l M tlaor*t* Railway. Ist ronaol mart. I*, tau .... M M iC. at O. lat pref I* * 4# Central of Ot-orgta Kail way. i $4 pees theme*. 1*45 .. IS 14 Ip. <rf (1 I*l pref t* . I*4* .. . I • 111. ■. A r., I*4 n». s**. 1944 .. 145 I4T I South Oe -rgta and Florida, 2d Tm. I4M 14S ... i South Georgia and rtortAa \Sd Tm. l«aa 141 ... 1 (wrap Pleamahlp Co., lat s‘* I M Tm, UM IM ... | FACTORT RONDS. Enterprtae Mfg. Co , tot 6a. I 1183 . „ ,» ~ n. !M ••* ! PlMey Mfg y> ».. lat r*. I*M . is* |Sibley Mfl r*., Ist Fa 1903 .IM ... I jila. H R *B. Co. atork .. I*7 2tM ikiuthwostern R. K Stork .. 9* Mu I Augusta and Savannah alork .*9 100 GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. 'oat*, white,- aacked Si Oat*, mixed, sacked .. ...... .. ~ S 4 i Corn, w hite, aacked M Corn, mixed 4* Meal, bolted, per bushel 474 Flour, common ~ .. I M Flrur, fancy extra ~ .. 5.75 Flour, aecond patent 4.00 Flour, atandard patent .. 4.55 Flour, fancy patent ~ 4.75 Wheat bran. 100-lb sucks *0 Fine feed. 100-tli sack* 9(1 Hay—native, per ton 12.00 i Hay- Timothy, per ton 13.00 Hay—ehoiee, per ton 14.00 Hatne—choice sugar cured .. .. 10atl4 Smoked rib aide* 4 Dry null lib* • l-airt. pure leaf. In Ueree* 54 ; Lard, kettle, rendered In ttercee. 4 t-4 .Sugar, gtanulnted $4 WHISILER WON’T TEACH. Me Merely Promised to Visit the New Acadt my. London, Oct. 4. Mr. J. 0. McH. Whistler, the well known artist, wrote a letter to the Chronicle correcting a statemmt contained In a prospectus that i« circulating In Paris In reference to the “Academic Whlatler," of which he Is patron. The academy Is further designated as an Anglo-American school. Mr. Whistler assures the Chronlele that he has no Intention (o Instruct. He duly promised with hisfrietid Mac monnies, the American sculptor, to vis it the new academy. Only steel lined and burglar proof csfes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks. 75 cents. Lewis J Sehaut. Reliable Pawnbroker. Defended Mothers Honor. Mobile, Via., Oct. 4. Francis P. O'Connor. 17 years of age, a moulder’s apprentice, stabbed John Kitchen to the heart In defense of his mother's honor at his home this morning. Kitchen, who died instantly, was an oyster opener, and an all round touch character, having served two terms in the penitentiary. O'Connor surren dered to Ihe police immediately after ♦he killing. 'Public feeling Is on his side and it is not expected the law will hold him. For cemetery lots and front gardens nothtng is prettier than a green sward, which can be made by using Evergreen Lawn Orass Seed. Sold by the Alex ander Seed Co., 613 Broad street. the AUOtTOTA HJKKALD to It It IMIMPMI tt*f Mwlt** to9A Ago*** la * •»*•# ta ***** ••* «•#» ## mmm 90 M ********* % - atn id* fw### ltM9 f MMAVARtmAb VNo & ‘ Mi# i** *r * | —. Mgs. VNifWvM * fMhi i% ■ Mr«*r*add |Mh»*alWWtaSr«| RRe e«es*4 ttrat ah* eer Its* **<<►*** at • 4BMM««MA** IIMA* MdA **• TTnehilMTirm t*»e* 4HMt i««W to •” |ff#kjNf#i IN w "N* I in* l|| gg* %| -a j* ? » #l# 1 9 f &m j o§*ffo ff#lf4BN#f Nm# "* MPI iP f■ 1 mv iav* mn! 9*o 0m ilnn## l # mmm- 1 #1 TV —##MMI 090 §ooo* 00*- I IM Ml • ftf#M Ml tlNf 99*90* 00*9 j Mfti v*m • * t4#hMiiMf 9## MM*#, pwn I ift «a# 009 m •!! i®V fftlM - I HV® 0m 00/000*0*1 90 0 rs «#m* *»* j farw f i o*o 9Hai 90 Ini inn N# 9# I mum o*9 0* 99m mrmm to* •** *OO Ml • ••HMNTpi if#* Mi IM 909* I liaiiM 4MMf V#i f## 9»HM#i IM* * , OWOPO Mi *o** 09*0 90* §Ni ffN* • * | tasgihn mlf ov*oo*o IN# t+*ooo l 9V o*o 90* 900* m o*9** * 00*0 I t9M» #tv#m Mi 1900*0* Ms In 90 j N# lit itll< fiA ’ I •9k#P | '• * kdfj Vs I Ml I r mii IV Vft* lircNifflif I to (V (tniAtv Jolt toiot ftorsMUftf I (Vvnfia Mot# Nor to V oo Ito Moo 00* t«w* oo fc#f #4l# It toon ft InOft til# Mftft it I riotriH to to 111 Hl# a*M ftlM* va t I brought from Sew Turk City by • Frenchman a emmtry plnre near Manat RHhtt. I Wet** »<!*• from He had f*mr rfclidren for whom eh* eared She Mt* the man heat her and drove her o t Hi the wood* Her mem ory an to her nag name and the name of the Frearbmae »h* my* to blank The antborttiee are tarevtlgatlag her H la hnowa that a Frenchman tir ing near Monnt Bethel emplnya a •«» her of Italian* The woman Is about tk year* otd with dark hair and eym She appears to we derat* nd all that ta mid to har trait will make no reapoaae She will remain In the eounty )all un der medical treatment while the ptS etais are endenrortng to solre the mys tery. RrmarkaM# Rescue. Mrs Michael Curtain. Plainfield. 111., make* tha atatanaanl that ah* caught cold which settled on her lungs She wan treated for a month by her family phyntrlan. hut grew worse |<* told her that ah* was a hopeless victim of con sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King'* New Discovery for Consump tion: she bought a bottle, and to her delight found herself benefit led from the Aral dna* Hh- continued Its uae, and aftar taking six bottles, found herself sound and well; new dor* Her own houaework. and I* aa well as she ever was.~TVlal bottle* lOr of this Great Discovery at Howard A Wlllet'a Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents and I! 00. HR. PARR DIES IN ATHENS. Well Known Cltltes Die* After a Long Mine s. Athena O*.. Oct. 4. Mr. C. A. l’nrr, one of Athens' well known cttlxrns, died at his home Saturday afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. W. A. Chastlan. of the Christ ian church at 3 o'clock Sunday after noon. He had been confined to his tied for many months, and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Parr was about 45 years old. and leave* a wife and two little boy*. He was liked by everyone. Capt. W. D. O'Kurvell had n narrow ! escape from serious Injury, If not death, j yesterday. He was driving along Bald- I wtn street during a high wind, and a large pine wns blown down. Falling, tt tore up the re*r of the sulky. The tree was three feet In diameter, and falling one second earlier It would have ! crushed Mr. O’Farrell. The Populists will have u rally nt the couithouse tonight, and will tie ad dressed by thetr candidate for state senator from this district, Rev. R. W. Haynle, of Walton county. The members of Capt. J. H. Beussee's company (G) will be tendered an ele gant barbecue when they reach Athens. The address of welcome to them will lt« made by Capt. W. B. Burnett. The ‘majority of Athens business men are elated over the fact that a camp Is to be located here. It Is said that a location will t>e chosen southwest of Athens, and not far from the street ear line. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The many friends of Miss Annie Wooten wit be grieved to learn that she is quite sick at her home oar upper Greene street lUCK ftKir w T^e-rT. jA. 11 * k *- , of Alt to larvao in* Powtf. MMC fgJftATH. FOR RENT \S 99 ##**“• 900 «a#irt#MM» #| 09*0* fftl r - 9 fm.iMMlt „ m »«4M *. 9* ** i F Eli 9P»# oi*o*H, ft +o*o* PA A* AA |ft«# ! i g| r n-ij, T ft RNhMftMk * *A «. 9ft 9ft j i# fififit if » m*oo *a '•# a* *9.9/ Iftftft w•!«««! Wftf. ft 9*ooo «• •*«- » # MM A art VP W»y. I msm M MM m Rkrnag #4**»4. t.a*a ...... I* M \§ m wimf w m ftftfti# s*mm \ o**oo ftft ** ftNi iO9 *o*9 FHvfTtkiIRAPM otUJUtT •t* |V'N#i. tv# Mm ftiit 9m fftm# ttmm *O9 w ’ iif Clarence E. Clark, RCaal Estate ’ M 3 Rtoaaf it. FDR RENT J n WHITE * Ildl'lM ON L'PPEIt I Utt* >AD fTHHUr. . * ‘ aaa llroag gtrwt, I* r»#na .. » to j 944 Har *\r*+t, ft r»#M# *# *.**. 9* # CSS Klhft Itrvft. I'fliwßMi .# •• *t II •• 713 IDtlft itrvt, 7Vruo#i -* •• *• \» 9* S# lirecQp itrtet.V* room* •* .. ## list flriAlU BtffPl, I a* •• U U ; 1«M Clr«NF n+ etreet '* nmmrn *, ..14 # 4» Telfair. I r<»«n» .•***•: Ijj fpiirirk Nr**!, ft mMt»i .. •« IS W 331 Walker • p««ti»ft .. •••* M k ' \% >ftdl« wn Avrßit*. • m#M •* *• II # j chafe* Avenue. • rooms ** *• i Ignat* tala. 5 rwma 12 $• linos* on Hill. « **-•• Rooms In dealt*t.le locat tons. orricEß „ „ I3ft (ttvrßtli Pfreet *# f •# *• •• •• *” 7 18 Rtovrn'h slraet * ** | La* Bang* .. *■** 4 Law Rang. .. J » r. u< Rang* . " ? 755 Reyaolds atreet * * gTt-REB- *' 1 IM Broad street.. A .. ** M 2 Rrssl atreet «M Broad atreet •* ** 4U Bgoatf atreet •• •• •• *• •* BA| 42* «'o*d atreet , f* * 577 Broad atreet .„ V> * 429 Droftd fttreet t. •• #• •••• •••• 33 33 930 fin ad etreet .. ** •• *• •• a.lftJH 745 Etna street 419 Kill* street 00 Part of desirably situated Broad street store, especially adapted for dressmaking eatahllahment. The above Its* will b# changed from j day to day. John. W. Dickey H.. 1 E.tale Agent. T o Rent t ’ Flore amt Resldsnw at 1365 and 1267 Broad atreet. On* Of the beet stands in th* city tor a good Grocery Store, or in fact, any business. The House has six (tl) good rooms, a gqod yard, and is very convenient. Apply or Premises or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE hav« for sale %ery desirable bnild inn Jot located in the cent# of on® of the handsomest blocks in th« city, YV ill sell fame rery cheap. Just the plftce for a handsome residence for your family. Good titles. CALL ON MRS. JERRY O’HARA. NO. 13*7 QREENB STREET. FOR RENT. NO. 849 ELLIS STREET, BUILDING three stories high, containing elevator, etc. Especially desipable for wholesale business. Price $50.00 per month. JOHN W. DICKEY, a: Real Estate Agent. call ton lugutll tfewmg Co * CXfOHT ftfCftft t BELLE OF GEOHOI A T a*e| ' Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. L_rfttx roil—* AUGUSTA BEER. patronize “The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY'S is the Place Fiv« Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 21 4 Bth Street. GRIND OPERA HOUSE. WfDNCSDAV. OCTOBit J. STUART, THE HALE PATTI, Famvuodad by a Aron* ' -.mpaat of Ar- Uata, Present in* the Mswihtarmg Extravagant* 1402 1 The briffhtowt crftlum#. pretty ftirM ftnd nee ntusu»i g#tn«. e*#t# now cm Mi*. % > PORTNER’S < C HOFBHAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / [/ BRANDS OF / j Export i ? Beers j ? ARE THE BEST ( S A.-K FOR THEM. / RR. MITCHELL. ALEX. McDONALD Supt. of Con. Fee- * Geu. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. Electric Fopplief—'peaking Tnb«s, etc., etc. Repair* to ail Electrical apparatus. Electric Light Wiring a specialty. Bell’Phone 1602. - - - SStrowger 676. And rerv LOW PRICKS, barge stock. Alio pipe! VALVES and riTTINtiS. EN GINES, *OIL**S,MILLS and REPAIRS. Lombard Iron Works & Supply 00., AUGUSTA. GA. NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only Ey HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. aaS<m*-aa CharUsion IW Carolina ft ftft 9909 # o*99*9* * 9 000*9 9 ftft# *9*oooo 9 o*9o 090 990 jl® in»iN-fti t \tom \ * 00m*9*0' ■**;- * *-- ■ i f|T - | <NP# j * MM# 990990 mm #■»■« t IJPf * §*999*09990 - - ' *mm** 000*9 090*0^ I *MM 5 3&1 . ■- my | m * 999* ******** j * Wmmmmm*—*'.. . - 1 009*0 •-» ■.■mm j I ft 000*900*099 jd ii f &*& >99 90*0 90009 W 999 MMRft|... 1 *smn£ pP*#l#t t'-sv* j i ft* o*lo9oo ftMl# *1 9*99 [*o IBh aimfaa- ftJift iißi mm i * •#«*4HN i i'fi’il ■i MM . : i-<t S-'I’AA j I&9 *999*o*o*** • . «A*A AAA* I ftl#P# I if ft#*## ,#« a-A AAA V 4M5 f AM# AAA« ? tMHftftft j * fftMftj LI .1 . g*9(”]«MUIM| MU# mft *i I Mfift M##l •fcnl' l gsgatoMM . Mi 91 •# '* ■ « *f#9l** fi.. iJdiftft j I * *####,*«* •***, ? .*** fiyp 1 .T * jflmvaa i ~ w,...|#n l , I 4 ha to: I * ft*aA*AA,jF#. <*» »»»-l * l ‘f ahfse.l. tm., LAB**» 4*aahl •ftooi***««**««*«.see2 t KwA »#•*• ftiigij ■ ’ **»*» aaaaa* * is*3crrT.«...A#*;* I * ABaeatMa... «♦. ,»«. ««, tt JAAh A* gar*— - .j ... sFy* t At a At ••ath hsoa g**M*a *e*a *M* i *»*»-#•«•» int 4.- (. a a* *A yacM . 4 Isa* **eMaaetsA* A *tma*OaaA A* A> I i a#*#-* .* a *, L *♦ A 4 if A fa •*»* t aes* ******* ten aaa *«aafesM AaWABA I Far t*ty i*A*«**■» a Ataaea •* kA>* : ■ofah *»> sow as *** *Af ■■** }.< fldA.k# NhAAk ' ’*4a* 5A f • i.t* t naira t*oAe Manag— gaaaOM. Aa ki BXeXs» O r OaQßftlA BLUE BIDOC RAILROAD. 19 C« IMU7TI&. ft#r#*# - ItaMrt ftw*»#ft 99## 9## *. fte« ft j r»#ft« •*** Ofte# Oftftft x Oft# < Uft Mtm tjA . mu A Dty ta* s Stotiaa. IM* tag. »»»*«« 6 rnummi A II FII I Arrive lAtw Fa ! AII 19 to INI.. Andaman 41 I l*H M It ta | Mt 11 ... Daaeae „.J I 41 It It gn ;94 ta ... Aetna ....f ttoH tt It|A 5 ‘.lll . star- 4h>'*a at 15*l. « t IF 1 ad 14 CSrvry i ,u* e g f 4 Mtl tt 9 n l.a* 14 a CFtoTg *| 4 Dtt k* 9 tol | I* :<4 , tk.kAi A ..41 4»a tt * m 1 7 I• ■! j | 44 tgr Waotl t'aka .«>* a■*<’ I*4 ... waMatia to 518 am PMI *-•**• Altle* Fll ,F*l. lIaJU N*4 tae.ll N*.4 I S. Raffular Mattoa. F Flag Matloa Alt rotator tram* from Aad*roar, ta to athalla hav* Gfftat I* track ***r traiaa «* tb* maos* etna* tooeta* M to jyeatla 41tVfUaa. ante** athaemto* ••••* IIM by train order*. _ j Will a too at ny at follow teg ata * too# t« take to or let off paarooger* Fhta ney *. Jaaaea sag Mndy dp tag* No 12 mmwli wttta taetkert rail ear No U at Aadrmtm. Na* I and 4 rang ad with Rnatkatx railway N<* tl and *7 at Heoaro t. B. ANDBKRON. Rmwr’atondaat. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. BHUItTftoT AND Qt’ICKWT ROUTtt TO THS BAST AND NORTH, t.toygtl Lv. Augusta. Oa .Ar | 7 55am 2 a**'»i Lv. .. Atfcea Ar | t 19am 4 Upm, Lv Denmark....Ar i 4 ITpm 4 togat. L* «r*agb'g....Ar I l;49am 4 9*pi»! Lv. Sumter. S. C...Ar I 4 2*am 1 15pm! Lr Ftoro«ro....Ar | * 2&am 10'Mpml Lv...Fayetteville ..Ar I 1 ttpm 2 21am Ar Peterahurg.V*. Lv | 4 12pm 4 eoam Ar.... Richmond ...Lv | I 12pm 7-4ixm' Ar.. Waahtngton..Lv ! 1 St'® * OJaml Ar... Baltimore. ...I,* I 2 25pn> II 25am! Ar .Philadelphia Lv |l2 o*pm 2:o3pmj Ar....N*w Tork....Lv j 130 am Pullman palar* buffet tleeplr.g car* from Macon and Augusta to N#«r Tork without change R. A. BRAND, Oen Agt., Til Broad St., Aaguata. On. T M KMKRSON, Traffic Manager, H II EMERSON. Gen. Pan*. Agt. Augusta. Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. trul. 189*. Lv. Auguata . .. »:30 a. nvi 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sander*vtlle . 1 l» p. ra.| t » p. m. Ar. Ti-nnllle .. .. 1:30 p.m.! »:21 p. m. Ar. .Macon *:*3 P m.| 1:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4.30 p m. Lv. Dublin ’l® " 0 «• m- Lv. Macon ~ .. 11:3* p. tn.!11:55 a. m. I.v Tennllte. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. tn. Lv. Sanderavllle. 5:25 a. vn.i 1:21 p. tn. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a- m. T:10 p. m. Kaatern Time. Close connection made at Tennnilie with Central It. R. for Macon, and wt It Wrtghtsville and Tennille R. R. for Dublin and Hawkinavllle. C. ML JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. Agt. James U. Jackson. Joseph H. Sands. RecelverA y MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. AlexaMer&Joln Agents Scottish American Mortgage Company, 705 Broad St. OCTOBER. 6 84515-A*s*f* AOftAftftt-JBk S. t t C. MILAN! CO ft## *###ft#ftftft# ♦ ft## 099* 9*90% 909 *'9o 0009009 o^9*o > |ft 009*009 JLlßiMft'T • ON#'#ft ft* *9#tft# *4 #R# ft* 9*900*0 ■+*■ **9oo ft*** e»A» ##*l j###. (0$ 9099*00 9k*ooo 0* 009999 90090*0 : (ft Hflt o*t* | 0* I#### it mm* ** y*m*m9oo^m 4# ft -ftft' m **ofm fttftftft So* 9*oto&9*ot o*9o I# s*** a• 000* * ■■ ft* 9*0*09 %o**m *'.sv. , t a *90*999 09900 # 009 0999 ftft# V ft# tnpfia k.«M9Te* r aT-AA*i3 09 ft ##K J» . ft> 'T# (ft ##ft##ft Mp# •# #nn#i|ft> ft t •%# }# tom*/*** 0 ran I ft# M## V |f ##j| » ft#»# ft f tl## ft# •##'## fjMft ft# 09099 * I ffff ; ft# o*9 Y#ftl 9009* ft# A *9 0* ■ ***o*o '"' n ««' 1 »i>#%## ##ft ##• %v»0 INIS# I# ft#A Iffkft 090990* 00 W9* # «# ftft ft»*#s 0 90099 ft# *#» «#*# 09* #ftftl ##ft ftft 0999 < #. P* fISPIpL. I* 0 00*0009*0 909900 Woooook iMMPft V ft fti»lmil 990. ftft# ft#’## 99 ’ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * !.**■ aaa Mtasu »*»*«* lAtaaaa lAt * M» • • 'p'' ~T "V-. U % a# I*, fata FGAFAg- jjja- 4 ft ft. iil i ®•#V 4 lift r frill ~p* ifß t rrar* u ’■CTTS: las »qwa 9e~W - • #mbmaaam|#s „ I * ftP IV 909' • fiiiraß - :.I(U IK *4 I 11|( 4 M a..foSwtotaS-a d*|F4 | JAP* fA* U(« 'w*i»«*3 * A . S IMf JA. • W##ft#ft I JWftl 9P9 - IT Ttlf e-.a-e. I f*fV ;S# r IS** '- • ice it# ftr ! «i#V a Mft I A #Bl ■! m 0 *# j If Jf ft ft# IlfAAftffl * • a 17# ft • tßU>#tt# ... j II Mft‘ 79p Aa" ha.aas’itog -j *»* •»» HIT: ill ■ Sew Tata L!.| » Ay, •a* ’A*. il'«s M taaur taar. I* X.elst.lXtg ... f 4*9 Ut4a4 %* ffCh »y":::' |JR ,?SS L« h»"haaaa . lMtot U 04a L» ttaastlla j'ltoa Tit, , l .. .. Tt *T At AwaOm 4 45 a L* thwaotoa .............l IWa tMg »■ - *Sa *BS d w •*: tt *a ■ am* u m p . U 41 » A a at *St ...... ill 44a* lF * ! a 4*9 *- ... I »»! 4 49* ■ 2 to y 4 *‘a “ Traka ' 94*9 4tos * mHSi s a*p 14a At Aoyast* . «*f 9 4*a Er■ AlMwllia »t i t ihp ’ apartaanart . It *a( * It* r* GutMaTr ooTTv r ' I*r Too* At tkwimoß ...... j tr>riu«a Lv CoTkaa. FC AF By (Tl A* 12 47 a “ favaaaak , i 4Ay 4*a gr JackaaavtUa 921 pi I 111 sLIKFIwu flTaggyt g Exrelteni dally pass, agar efvv bs'«*en FJaruta aad Few York h’us Aaa«Aa-w*»tun»to*aßd Liauted Solid V#*t:hol*d tram with dining ears aad Aral aiaa* noaoh** north nf t harlot t«. Puilmaa Rawing roof* aWyin*-ar» hetv —n Tnjpy. J^rkwin nil*. Havanas* Washington Pullman Btsisptag Car* begwetm chariot t# aad Ri-hmsa* Pullman drawing room .Ineptns -are hi* tween ttraeastvim aad Nortolk Close i-onnae ttua at N wfolk tor OLD POINT COMFORT, arrtvtag there ta lime far breakfast delta train. with Parlor oar*, hstween Charleston and Athsvtlia No*, tt and 95—U. 6. Faat Mail. Through Pullman drawing roam buffet steeping ear. be tween JarlmsnMU* mid New Turk and Pull man lietoui oars between Augusts sci Chaw lolls. Pullman sleeping ears between Jerk SouvlUs aad Ootnmbta, ea route dally tetween JacksoavfUf and Cinetnaatl, via AshaviUe NbanlT&JSnvjn , J. m. rrij* Third VP* Oen Mgr T N Washington. W A TURK 6 B HARItWIcrf. a p. A. Washington <J P A.. Allan tm GEORGIA - - RAILROAD. <*oth Meridian Tima.) Schedule Effective April 24. 1895. Pullman Sleepers between Macon and Now York. Through Pullman Sleepers between Aa* gust* and St. Lout* Lv Augusta ..I T:osam| l:20pm|10:80pia Ar Atlanta ...|l2:Sspm| »:20pm| 5 00am Ar Macao ....|ll.l6arii| I «:45am Ar Athens ....|l2:lspm| 7;30pml - Ar I - Ar Whits Pl'gPLOOpml I - Ar MlU'gsns .|10:10sm I 4:2oam Ar Waeh'ton ..|10:10am| 7:lopm| - Picayune train leaves Augusta dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Milledgevllle et 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augueta 5:11 a. m_ 7:45 a. m., 1:S0 p. m.. and 8:25 p. m. A. Q. JACKSON. O. P. A. JOE W, WHITE. T. P- A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule in Effect, March «, 187*. Eastern Time Standard. Leave"Augustn, Southern Ry.. 0:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a m. Arrive Lenoir. C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .... 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage'.. 7:30 p.m. G . w. harper; c. f. harpebT President. G. P- A.