The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 06, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 NO WAR PRICES ®Mv*r ONiE# I ***' W|l«li#« • • • * 14’99 H*trprvi# • ♦♦ •* ♦* CcMm » . • • • y* ** ** t«ffe mitm l»»r%h #rtac(Btof • • • •/ © of OinMi • I 00 otuh. I lorn** »« * f«w 4ay« to ovy mmfmM *»•. j tn; M v« yo« 25 to 5o ©•» «■•»»« on mU pmxnaioi ui*«» •look of OM»mo«wt« *n Aa#u%m LEWIS J. SCHAUL, jeweler UmWr UM Artngton Hot*L - Eferen Pianos - M ir« MMO( T«MT*t< rail «n lAOO tott tmk unit MA* MM# fMUR »*t* t***t AUK PR»* *rWnm GUARANTEED -FOB~ Unlimited Time . W* Mai*. **»f tb* baw Ft fiNf* M *B* i f*< ti *r»* •»» T‘A.s* Mil MrUl • tf%m •* a*4 W*' * IS THIB FAIR? la**MU>« te«b • W* * A A AUW * ClDtu At lUHlkt AAt rifcl VO* *I«M. __ _ . Oil* trn a «at«, m *rHO to* Aft f stale*** ASrAUUNO AMD Tt'MINU BY AKTurra. Tbomas & Barton, W. H Barrett. Receiver. 710 Broadway, Augusta, Ga. TO KICK ’EM OUT AT «H EARIiY DATE Spaniards Pleadli* For Delay io Laavlaa Cab*. # Tkc Trouble* That Ar« Confronting Oca. Hlamu Today. (By AMorlilrd Prm to Tbr Herald ) Ha Vann, vta Key Weal, Oct, Bis hundred men, machlnleU, black smith? (killed workmen and laborer*, have none on a atrlke at the Havana araenal. refusing to work unleae they ate paid for Bra month* arrear* of want * Their atrlke began on Mon day and no aettlement baa yet been made. The Spanish rrulaer Conde de Vsn adlto. the *unboat Galicia and the tor pedo boat Nueva Bapana are on the atodk* at the navy yard undergoing elaborate repair*, preparatory to their trip to Spain The araenat atrlke la likely to delay the evacuation *u far aa the navy la concerned tiuleas the difference* are noon nettled, a* the veaela lu their preaent condition are quite unequal to a aea voyage at thla time of (he year. The Spanish author ttles continue to dtoiare their Inability to evacuate the laland entirely before the eud of February. The Washington government, through the American commissioner*, continues to Insist on prompt evacuation The Spaniards aay also, as a reason for delay, that in addition to the lack of vesels, a large proportion of their soldier* are too weak and Ml to undertake the voyage at the winter aeasoti. Oou. Blanco la licet on all Bides with grave problems requiring a cash solu tion. Unfortunately the Madrid gov ernment Is unprepared to meet them and the captain general Is thus placed In a very delicate position. On the one hand Is the navy yard strike; on the other are the troops clamoring for back pay. Last week Gen Blanco Issued orders ’ disbanding all the provisional regi ments In eertatn plsces as. for In stance. at Sanctl Splrltus. The troops refused to disband unless first they re ceived their arrears of pay. Many of them went over to the Cuban ranks. In France, coal soils for $9.65 a ton. NECKWEAR. F. C. Turpin Company has received the latest thing in Neckwear, Ascots, Chal tiiiy,4-in-hands and Tecks 818 BROADWAY 818 THE GUARD SEVEREIiY STABBED. (aft. Anpl. 11l VirtH. all Ha © Ltitty u Dm. Bay am a Marta BA*, tea All* at Aaa taaa a* Pan* on a Tb* Aitcaota aretaotl b*f* |M<■**«l ****** fate aMI aih nail is* Agwta an * aiA aw A tobaL* wwatara taAit TaaaaAay Cayt Artgat. of tka ri*t; taard at Bataan, »*» aaamty at** bad bp wtww a**a*w* aßb*uT* It la ttMWMbt Aa *lll Ata. ll* la a**tA alt*- llbaA by tit* t*taaA>ta. Ttaa atßrtat* at Bayaaao ataAa *»*»*- jat arraat* I*. ’ oAtaaa lit 81, Halt Tb»» kata baa* Milav pataataa* «*w - *at*a Iha yßt* **aa la bfltav*a aa aa Aiapdeaa *i a**ilitaf ll* bat* ta | )*•** lb* I*laa4 Aaarta# lb* aar **t bat nafMli rat araaA. Win arrvatad ba *aa a* a ak b b*A. fro** abb b ba wa* ta—**<■ t« Iba latt Ityalif oftaina ar**tt* btai es any raaba* to* «lta tb* atabbNa* TVoaM* of tbi* dtftftff ba* b**« faaretl Mae mm* t uaa a* Bayaawt A «eaat*b ****** at racaatly aabad lair Aatrtt** eaWrtiM U*a*ral tin«>k> wflM tbal It «aa la*p«a**tbt# to furnish lb I* until ib* Ayaniab waA •*araat#4 lb* blaal and that ta tb* ■waatiew tb* ttpaatarda tauat look ta tb* Apaaiab aalborlUa* for protection Tb# Bayaaao are*rr*aeaa Itarreaatt tba apbcabaaatoa •»<«« tb* Spaa lab at Baa Jilt trbar* alaillar or*ttr raaraa ba*a bappaavd dnrtag tb* laat fra day* ’Tb* t'oilad ■>*<*• ymtil authorities now at Rio Pedr** trill b* r*ady to ratabllab an oAe* here at tb* **r<lc*t opportunity The remainder of On. Ernst’* bri gade the HI it noth Pennsylvania and the Third Wiaewialti. now at Cayey. baa received order* to proceed to ponce oa Friday twit ll will lake four days to make the trip At Ponce they will embark for tha United State* arriving there between the SOtb and 25tb. Since the cassation of hoatllltlen a large percentage of alckness among these rsginwnta baa b*-4i largely due to Inactivity and lack of intereat, with severe guard and patrol duty. The men are overjoyed at the prospect of returning to the United State* Seven or sight old mortars formerly on the city fortifications were sold by tbs Spanish authorities and removed to the dock for shipment. The American commission objected to the removal as Ihe sale wa* declared off. Th* mortar* will be replaced. It la aald Captain General Marhlaa, who baa served Spain long and faith fully and baa never known defeat or aurrender. will leave the laland before the formal delivery to the American government. The feeling which prompts this raolutlon I* fully appre ciated by the Americana here. Mlaa Kllaabeth White, recently of New York, hna opened a dancing school \n Library Hall. Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons for children.and adult classes at COO o'clock on evenings of same days. LEAtIUE RESULTS. Two Games Played Yesterday In National League. Two games were played on the Na tional league diamonds yesterday. They were: At Brooklyn— n. If. E. Brooklyn 1 * 1 Washington 6 1 Batteries: Yeager and Smith; Wey htng and Farrell. At St. Louis— St. Louis .. .. * 12 ® Pittsburg * U 1 Batteries: Maupln and Clements; Cronin, Tannehlll and Svhriver. a — ____ m , Won. Lost. P. C. Boston ..97 45 .693 Baltimore ..91 49 .645 Cincinnati 90 57 .61! Cleveland 77 61 .553 Chicago »t 65 .555 NeW York 73 70 .510 Philadelphia 70 63 .507 Pittsburg 69 72 .459 Louisville.. 65 77 .453 Brooklyn .. .. •• •• ..61 S 5 .410 Washington 50 93 . 350 St. Louts 23 105 . 266 Now’ there is likely to be trouble In Milwaukee over the christening of the battleship Wisconsin. Of course water will receive no consideration whatever, but the her men will naturally feel that they deserve some representation. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to $8.50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1 25 to $50.00 at Lewis J. Bchaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. TTTTC W.XTOXTBTW. TTHTRA-XX) (DAT QUAY 1 IS BADDY MIXED. | limn hMMid tilt Hal* Ii 1 U*k MtMMb : tba** la BvblMMfip *•*• ttoa r> ** Ha* ta 9bt* tmi MB I (Ms **mm tilt •*! ¥**** *# WNw# I 9*m**m9*** • ; ** ****** j II Imp tUf"*** PP****'^ Uimmmi* *iomm ipßßt MPi ****** IfMßt ||Mi *** *Mt*f BWBiP I• * f | | M tiwiiXi*-r PI, !** 1 * «* tfli 1 •ii PMBPMNI 9mm m | ißPM»’lli M9fl 9***o* (T«s# * %mr : I ***m% (M !!•- PPP ***o9* ** <m| Hf li tit* ***• ; •HI •** *m** li *l* **** fm** , tti**& lit Wo* ii • ******* ■* i*i«| ■ I < t BiMMP 9r P* JNNI •Wl M ip I** *l* * ii* ti* *m* ' Ti# Ht*i <|p#p i*i*t tMMi *• !s**• | I it*#. ****** <i#i# i**%&** i# w9f § m* *• daar l«Aa Olaa tjaare* at*.*** •** ta* It t# |at a ata*ata la ■**•* •*♦•■*• Hand aw a aa>* far BA.*** *ad t taut •t*a aad tatatb ” Tb* aaat datad ii a* Mi**» “I bat* at Hub* a MB* tbara# of M* l ’ I *«*b paw la tab# b a*t far ta* It j !*taad# lll*.lit ha A«a*>< it. aad arb *aur fat «tt etll Mb* lift *ll J* I i arUl tar year baab I b**a IbM** ' [ Waar iaraop haada ftfiaaa baadtad I i *bara» nf Noe io ut pharb. abkA I j •111 «b**d* t*<o Me a* *ooa a* IB*j ! tap baot la J*tu*i I* raarbad Tba*. ta ta >»f I altt aatl tb* Itwf atari : im aad pay ad »b» ladaMadaaa* Tb* ‘ jiararp haada uacht to po ta par »•»•> J la atatp dap* Wk*a they ara par I tb* Moeb* allMb* *> i*aat firtp. It I wHI pay a ataall dlfidAad aaat yaat 1 ft**** ant* aw aa rwatpt of (hi* E • I tuppna* lb*b* I* anaw rlr l rolar ta Ih# M** bo'Ahr* rtpimllf a hat a*« doa* at tb* awetlßA II tbar* la pl*a*a a*a4 aw aa* '* The neat dated Heptember » l»7, asks permission to make an overdraft of $1 bon to he rwirlid nail. Novem ber It rrsti further 'tm ran carry It a* aa overdraft or aend w»# a dee Mil here * The nest, dated Kept ember ft IWT. rend* "Tour Isdtar H to hand Th* arrange ment about th* Block Is Mttgfhcto* ry" Also the following all figged by Quay; October **. BUT. lnclosed I send yon a power of attorney to transfer a thousand share* of Consolidated Jer sey stock Please wire me oa re ceipt." Certificate "A." "October I*. IWT. My Oear Hop kins- I earloa* certificate No. A. ltM. for the thousand tbaree of Consolida ted Traction company of New Jersey, according to promise. Please wire me at rtewickley. Pa on the receipt. I will be at Hew Irk ley over tomorrow, Friday, going there in the afternoon. Will be at Beaver. I see two hun dred share* of Jersey sold yesterday at ST. I suppose It wa* mine. I think you ran get that and better for all of It.” "November 27. 1*97 —Hear Hopkins. I Incline note and $62,867.25 at your request. 1 presume it Is for the 500 or Met. If so. 1 think Monet must have forgotten to cash the dividend of $1.25 per ahare. I have your telegram saying the bonds are low again How much of the stock Is sold? We will leave here on or before the Ist of Oe cetnber; most likely will be home by then." "December 14, 1887 Dear John Yours to hand. I will let you know be fore drawing on you. Please write me and give me statement of my ac count. What do you hear about Met. t thought when I bought this stock if would go very much higher than it Is, but I atn commencing to fee! like let ting It go, to take on again at lower figures. There are no war notes at present and the action of the Spanish government and the president's tpca sage will be quieting aud pacific." Cheapness Explained. "December 7. 1897. *Dear John: As to the Met. scrip the reason for Its cheapness I* that It bears no Interest until next October, and that the com pany has the option to pay iu cash or stork. .The option is with the com pany. not with the holderss of the stock. Should It go to the bad, it will be continued. If the stock goes above par and remains so, the compa ny will pay the money. Mr. Huhn tells me, at it seems to me that under the circumstances 92 Or 93 is a very full price for It.” About Sugar. “December 10. Dear John—l have 1,000 shares of sugar that Huhn bought at 142, which 1 wish to pay for and take over to the Peoples. I have bought it for keep, but don't wish the stock to be placed In my name just yet, as I will sell If I can get it any lower. Get vid of the Met. scrip and Consolidated Jersey stock its rapidly as you can al the figures fixed.'' Here was offered a receipt dated De cember 24, 1897, as follows: "Received by the Peoples Bank, $129,510.05 for a thousand Shares of sugar trnst certificates transferred to ttie name of John S. Hopkins, etc. (Signed) "Geo. A. Huhn & Sons.” tt Came High. The next letter, dated December 10. ■A. SS? trs \ V ■jf I PPMHMPi *H*s *M MHOT ** PIMMPi PPf» |»t« ' bp—M Iba m*4 ** *** •ftif# *** w *” | liNfc# t|n»fc IHn* * t# " IMW f nf {|m» mi 4-0 |i ft •ll! iff* •Meat >UM—- •» b* ha* •*■"** Jwm wr HJtMff wf m •*•** _jk ... <*-~ * V V-•* * —A ft %* 9*B 'll |Sf’•L*"' ##3r|* (W 1 hjRBffPF S ! J>mt 9*** ••4 it*f fi * k j tis# n#t •til itoVi i|vir* mi •»«’•••* I iNn i|t mse is ffeM Is? I wait tab* n*«w «* nun in*** r«* about tt Th*f* as» Ibre# kewdfed more (fare* of (sj**Ai(4»e-l J*? irtuff With Moatgrwfferk which D**i j will »etl la *44IIHMI to ywar pee*eft Hnklltif, I aaw tk* bbed* bate ad vaeewit (* n *t three Hundred enlitr. and Ike stork ought’to gw «p TIM h*»t 4at#4 |M*4mb*f 17. Ifji r»>4>* ,j, Dgar Jwka-Tfce *(4*nt»*4l»s h i Hal kUtfift akall s*li If* <’<m*oH4«4A| Tran tow of Pit taker* at 42 1-4 agwin-t I Hat NT MW. and If aoM at tkM price there I* a margin of N*2 "N Tfci » will ke sent to you With th* pro ceed* nf the N# share* will Nwve a credit to nr on your book* of about $10,000.” The I tortda Trip. The oe*t «lal*d If* l**- •" u fo *‘ lows • -I go to Florida tomorrow to be ab sent two or three week* My post office addreae wit) be Han Lor*, my telegraph Fort Pierce I wrote last night, hut without my ageclaclee I could not rend the letter and thought maybe you could no*. 1 have 16** ,hares of Heaver Consolidated pre ferred,, t* Montgomuyr- <><" proceeds will par a.fiote of *47 non. The balance will come to you and with the proceeds of the .300 Jersey Ktocks yon will have $40,000 to my credit. I look for lower price* an| on any additional break want you tb take tn,J»R«m a thousand Met and a sugar. J heard M< Mane* has met with an accident and hope he 1* getting along all right. Remem ber me kindly to hint.” Money to Hl* Credit. January SI. I*9B - According to my account. I ought to have about *3a -000 to my credit. lam buying one hundred M*rg*nfhaler st about 143 and will chock on yon for amount when purchased say *I4OOO. Also I wtah to buy and carry for me on margin about 1.000 ahare* U. O. I I want thla for a spurt, say two wceka "Your*, Quay. "February 18. 1898— I malted you check for *4.100 balance of lose on Met., at your request. 1 close my ac count and send statement and cancell ed check "A" with cashier * check for balance. I feared I had bitten Into my $45,000 I never tried to do a gen erous thing but that I didn't get in trouble. Yours tnilv, M. S. Quay." The next was a telegram dated Feb. U. 4898: ,) "Han Luce. Fla. John S. Hop klns—lf you buy and carry a thousand Met. for me. I will whnke the plum trec M. S. Quay.” Held to Answer. After a hearing ipsting three hours. Senator Quay and his’son aud Mr. Mc- Kee were bound over for appearance at the next term of court. Ball was fixed at $5,000 in each case. Davtd H. Lane, a local political loader, re newed the bond for that amount, which he had entered when the accus ed men were given a preliminary hear ing on Monday. The case now goes on the list for trial at the term of court, beginning in November. The testimony produced by District Attorney Graham was in the shape of about twenty letters and numerous tel egrams, covering a period from Sep tember. 1897. to February. 1898, ad dressed by Senator Quay to Cashier Hopkins, directing the purchase and sale of large blocks wnd arranging for the placing of murg’lhs; a letter from State Treasurer Haywood to the pres ident of the Peoples Bank: a letter and telegram from Haywood to the of the Peoples Bank. and a private memorandum book dFCashier Hopkins containing a numte of entries in which the names of tlie defendants fig ured. GIVE US liIBERTY OR DEATH ' Tlpt & i»f (If if Hd f**M*» li AdMAMpBa IMPy Aaaaaf that tba* MrW fhp*» Pap »a«tp* ■*•*## <t •# j Bißir -* * j~~ PPPB# P# TiP t|M ««Pi | «hp •%# PhHi# fam**** *ciidpi»i' ** n m» * «m#CM<4I f 4 it ba* wah»a am ta IP* Bawd bat toady pwbPNl to Hi«iP<ei • ####•! MNI PP •In#* |pii*i Hi* dttoitoM to mkth&r*m Ibrif iP* |PO#|V# Tit *mmm**«**i of ti* twm*** of loipret* jig mnfbm VP iP it P *cNop4tt# ataadalllL Tb* aadlaguia*4 (orrapttoa la firry braarb of tb* admMilatrattoa til* all ■Marin altb dtaftwl. * Oatlaou* Claud*. Tbara ar* other oiolnoua cloud* oa tb* bartaoa that la dlrata *arly trouW* with tb* Cuban**■ ho ar* aow openly prorlalnlaff I heir readlneaa to fight to fb* laat drop of blood for atwolut* ierkpetidenc*. Prominent ebkf* la tb* fn ■urgent army hat# Indicated tjbolr Intention, at soon aa tba forth coming election* are over, to coma to Havana and work atrenuoualy in behalf of Independence. In Ibla they are supported by th* ÜborlQg classes, or parifico* not Identi fied with the last uprlalng. three-fifths of wham. It may be safely estimated, profess their Intention of Joioing the Insurgent ranks In the strug gle for Independence and to fight the Americans If the lat % ter in any way oppose absolute freedom for the Island. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist* refund the money ts it fails to cure. 26c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. The European paper* all praise the promptness of the t T nlted State# in dispatching? war vessel* to Tien Tsin. It is said that the Powers may Joint ly occupy Pekin if the outrages con tinue. Some of those are given above. The lawyers representing the accused fought hard against the introduction of the latter, but it went in as evi dence nevertheless. The charge is one of conspiracy in the alleged misuse of publi ctnouex, in connection with John S. Hopkins, former cashier of the Peoples Bank of this city, who committed suicide soon after the failure of the bauk lit March lust. Ex-Slate Treasurer Haywood, for whom a warrant has been issued in connection with the conspiracy charge, was not in court, but it was promised that hr will be there on Friday to an swer to his accusers. „ WANT m m m *s -m« tfili f V Wf* 9 #»* #hm* ** *• mmtm - «B* PPp ** m*o 99*m *******9** ***** . | ffe-to# a # i <Bn»iji «fff PMP Imm * ' 9*#** m j SITUATION WANTf O I W&W***** *** #.r a *''%Pt■ WT t«• •s*'#s HiHMP *fcd to#** » &***** ** I* »##»#; I * to-fcytswf .»,»«*a«# !#•###• > |; I Tjfrr bTfidbi j flfß nUndti t i % -5 fR Ij| PF a Tin (Ft*(H« I wmif PMMRi# I# p (#»»#*» FPiPiyy dp I % nnlii#'-MP d#% ("*db (U s tp# papl «# ** W- I a (pMt'f PH «•(##» fUbi 1-3 I * a Pnatd fJUITIMd A <y*Mi WAIT I Aft. w aa* fltof uadaeatad# atfipb* I tag t» tofaiia„»<M**aa a.lfbilhtld iWiM# toPf l MiPt ***l^*, Wmm m t# ***** m %> ■**** « ****4 AfppMt *<t t*B*« tMMNMNI .•flPßdU'ito'Pl I (truing fdp (p ff*** • mHL HttP WAWTKO I m - PMi^gftl fplf >••■ mV***. ** ■ "t.*- J AdPvtM (• *m»P WPdP'rvnm. I I »p *# * *'-### HfippM On * } I 1 FOR SALE ifR*AH-tTtIAM AT M JAClaull PT. pvin RALA- HMAnUt PAKM. OKE I am fyusa «tt p Ruitg a hartwta. Ay- I ply v* C. Padua. Nr UM Paubaua at flat t TO RENT~ ~ ‘ fofi RgNT-ariißK w and hau. MAT <IT Hr at Apply Cvramarrlal 11.1*1 ■* oat I ITO pkjct oronr sao m rhoad ytepat. east h*l»a l>a < .apart A I’bm- I lap, ruoain* lAeuih la Bills straat. I’rk* llAluaader A JoAaaub. M( Hr ad Mrr*t Oct 1 Tt* RENT ttryMMiinHiCß «Tt»RK M* bfl Rye* if at oral—RTl par month, ar a tbubrt, Hi Riiii »tr**t. twi i roR Kf.VT A NMW HtH'Rl; tltl Owtatwtt straat. Are’ doors aaat of] Wr»dl*a« trrnr. eight mau and hat A pnaa»*alof» gtvea at Aura Apply j t# Oaraoe* fef. dark, 133 Hrrwd atrret. I Oct I If MISCELLANEOUS PHORTHANn AND TTPBWniTINO aaly A ■ par month at Dahora*’* Ruatoaa* coll*** Monday. W*dne*day | and Friday, at atcht. Com* or enti *ll «m. tirvat demand Par aivntigtapbar*. : Jua* IT If MIRA IU.IZAIiI.TII WHITE. RIS- , CENTUT of New Torb. will epan a dancing school In Library hail October: 3. Children's ciaaa. *:» p m . evening claM I p Hi. Oet 33 1M IIARKICTR CONCORD AND DEL AWARE; grape*. ju*t retailed at 01-j ovanl's, KM Broad street. Nov 1 PIANO I.KiotoNd. MRU IDA STONE WATRON, 713 REYNOLDS STKEET. • DANCINO RCHOOL-MWP BULLS gmllht *fho«l will be In *e#*h>n for children Tuesdays and Friday* *t 3:3* o'elhck. Adult* Monday* ami Thurs day* at R:UO at her purlor*. 43* K'dlmk street, northweat coiner Telfair. TMgln nlug October 11. • Special Notices: State, County and School Tax, iBqM i THE STATE. COt’NTY AND SCHOOL Tax I* now due. All parties liable for same are earnestly requested to make prompt payment. Office at court bouse. Hour* from • *. m. to t p. in. CHARLES 3. BOHLER, Tax Collector, Richmond County. 7 Per Ct $500,000 ? Pill FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MTLLTON DOLLARS on realty In Auguala, Ga. Tcrnts 7 per cent. For further information rea their attorney at law, P J. Sullivan, lie., or Mr. P. O. Bufum. Notice. THE PARTNERSHIP EXISTING t’N DER the name of Land & Smith, druggist#, 522 Ninth street. 1* dis solved by mutual agreement. The se nior partner. R. H. Lajid. w ill collect all debts and pay all liabilities. It. H. UND. .7AS. P. SMITH. Havng sold my Interest In the drug business to my partner. R. H. Land. I ask for him r continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore given the firm of Land & Smith. JAS. P. SMITH. Referring to above cards, I hereby give notice that I will continue the drug business at the old stand of I .arid & Smith, and assure the public that I will maintain in the future as in the pnst « first-class, up-to-date drug store, and respectfully ask for a continuance of the liberal patronage given the old firm. R. H. LAND. SPECIAL NOTICE. DR. R. H. STANLEY HAS MOVED HIS office and residence to Broad street, where he will he pleased to sec his friends Rnd patrons, Bel! ’phone No. 200. Tu,Thus,Sat. 2 wk ocroerw « *mm*** ****** M %NNNMP *** .in# < c«M || • "■** # f#* #*(► * ■■-4% *f» ■■&** %*** * *4RfIM &*-' #• P#> (M*#* i 9+ 0* ***** ** a## #► *w fh, r^*Do*: t. 1$ «***• t r rfSum i mfmm*m**&**' ****** #H# #- ##M| («• MF »b» t +*% ># w 9 dm# I# Ik## *** W* ***** ##H# S» T : s t WHOLESALE PAIN f W AKEHOISi OnctiiN cm* Atlantic Lta4 TWWvaa* b* tw IWtW* l**4 ta * —»*'* Oflf-hiN (ir AtUntic Li4Mfd Oft 4 (##<# « ii#4#w UniMF Mnnb ’* WHyfiwatatia One cif Dry Mineral Pimt o*f%mm*"*k • "***k ****** i*. Of## #b 4m. Ocm ctim Cn in it u prgß A lAaahprt’v Oil mi \ itnv ho Pure Ready Mixki> Paims fl 4 ffff Ml m***> PLASriCO. Tb* bwt Wad flawb. I#*!' la Aoabt •batA a y*»*«*» a* taaa at • «tt Bad r>* • *""4 «*, aaa a waaaaabt* aa* la teat THE HOWARD 1 • • IIILEI DRUG COMPANY. Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Waning, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits* finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING JBOILES 904 Broad Street. eTj.^rbeldinq PLUMBER, STEAM. GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO. 841 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES- A GOOD AUDIENCE Greeted ••1491’’ Last Evening" at' It* Fourth Appearance Here. Last night curtain at the Grand roll ed up on the fourth production of 1492. A large and enthusiastic audience greeted Stuart in his role of Isabella, and his acting was pronounced better than even that at the last production. The other members did their part* well, and the pretty lot of chorus girl* added much to the show. The living pictures were good, and the scenic effect of Columbia borne on the shoulders of four of the second Georgia boys with a background of tha sunken Spanish fleet was beautiful. When Stuart sang "Hot Times In th« Old Time Tonight,” it caught the house and all joined in the chorus. Many who had not seen Stuart be fore would not have believed he wa* n .mail, so perfect was his acting. If he had not ar ope time addressed the au dience in bis deep voice. Stuart and 1492 will always receive ;» welcome here. ’ 50-year filled gold watches In ladies* and gents' sizes with Elgin or Wal tham movement from $7.00 to $12.50. Guarantees with each watch at Lewis J. Schaul’s, Reliable Pawnbroker oa Jackson street.