The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 06, 1898, Image 5

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TMURtOAV Vertex Vertex Peerless** School** * ’ i Shoes** CHILDREN.S MISSES* I SI.OO sios Th* word Vemx ftxam the *ep~ the Highest point. Thit'i why w« *4O our greet hoc d School Shoes the vertes Ui* they tttich the taghc* point In Artistic shoe menu Ucturmf they ere the topmast value in **rvK«4bfe Imlc Mks shoes —ft has never been our pleasure to after s better Shoe st any price. PERFECT SHAPE FITTING RETAINING Made by expert Shoe Makers, ver tex Shoes bt perfectly. Chrome Vici Leather only be mg used— , They retain their shape. MOTHERS, try them once, and wc’U stake our reputation on it that Vertex Shoes will be the popu lar Shoe for your little ones in fu ture. OUR OUR FAITH GUARANTEE The enthusiam wc display is due solely to the great faith we have in the Vertex line, and so strong is this faith that we give an absolute guarantee that these Shoes will meet your expectations. If they do not just name your loss —wc will pay it in cash. i IS IT WORTH ! ANYTHING TO YOU ! Fquarr, ho.ivtl dealing*. , prompt **r»ic*, *trict at | tendon to your orders and an earnest desire to ' satisfy you, no matter at l wbat cost i Add to this our very large and complete etock { of Watcbee, Diamonds, j fine and medium grades Jewelry, Sterling Silver -1 wear, Rich Cut Class, en- I tbles us to otter you in [ ducements worthy of your attention. I ; We Sclieiierl & Co., I Jewelers. Gus Ferguson, Hi*' celebrated took, will barbecue for Trinity churclt, col ored. tomorrow, at the corner of .lack eon and Taylor streets. This will be a hen barbecue. Dinner any time after 11:30 a. m. DR. HENRY J. CODIN. Office. Pariof* and Salesroom, 9351 Broad, next door to Planter* Hotel. Independent Candidate. I Rome, Ga„ Oct. 6. —lt is rumored. | that a political sensation of no small [dim nslons will lie sprung in Rome within the next few days by Hon. Sca j born Wright, who will enter the field I as an independent candidate for Con i gress against Judge Maddox and will I make a quick and thorough canvass of I the entire district. This rumor is not. a new one, but i cpmes mere direct this time than on any prevjous occasion. It Is said that | Mr. Wright bus no particular love for j OongrcHsman Maddox, and has never (lost an occasion to criticise or try to debat him whenever (he opportunity presented itself. On the (itli of June, at the primary '.lection, Mr. Wright was at the polls the entire day, and though an avowed Populist did everything ho could to prevent hie nomination. THU AUOX7STA HXBALD. SHOWER OF ROSES FOR LEE IN NEW FORK ! ** |Mt |C !h( CjMMRRtt St " sßitk* Hum. smm *t Hw44i Ifc4 tmmmi 4# I % *+% cm % **Wks** ~Ti«Mirr»l| ’#**«** s4m» m» Itp< 44 40*444444! ji 04 49 #l(44*4* |oa»*** * : M44* Wmm * wto& st ftSMH* Wp I I tbupwi 9Si SMI 4* *MS# *4» 4(044* ' ; *4444 444144 fMMMh M MMI r ll •••*•»• : v« tftps Aftw * %■!—if" * spawns a *"* ,, 9*M* t I ?!*• siMiiMtSPMMh 4§*44 ♦* * *44 4,t K fn.# iW * ,t||T 00 iMfe i «t imSs ••• Mb*. Httitt 4»I1X»4 4*4 «44p9*»4 '%• 4*M - , 4 M l H |t f -a * a i »* t y- aw s** —» | »I|'S iMtIH SJPftWIiW *4* p-eftnMl ***** Mb* tmt 4s44Hfc**fe Mft*j •iMRwShNp MM* fltMtMb ltd HgM* **4i : wifi «M IS* HHHI MS# f**««*4»*l (*4044 404W1 *%#■»* *w|M tS* 40 * *4 • Ml •**« dII mtmi ***** (Mbb*4 ClfibNNfe* teft* IfcrftNftf *#»** IMMI 404(0. !**• 4*4 OW$ «444f*41b9 (•*: flMfl tS* .Kim up** ***** 44110 *O4 ** I i i * Taut Its* f •** toooif |oeffe «|»g»4o4 W*ml M «S*j • tw ««M «4W4 | i | »H SH €s•* j artl saw »«s4 tin** iNMMI tk* Shf* I •fMt%4i s*4 040049 m *S* •■4*ff*f* ‘ I Mg i* «t*n «tH «4»Ura«*MM* H* tSl* IHM* iStltgP ImM 9tMM t<* * 1 pik-Hl tit *%■*•»!*»*—ii Tint | ikt uph* immi fl** i *mi **h#Ml Hmmi imps | **4 mmtmrn felt iS*v **»•«• a*4 #s*m4m Ml m« - ««s4 IS* Smi sSspMwrm* t*s Sr*t 1 «S* ISI«p««S4p «t US to** **4j •s<s4 v#m* sttS *• wiisy st M —sii ' **#f4 _ . _ j s#» imp# »4m|m>4 Spfsy* IS* ] Irm mst »ijTStrl ms 4 IS# * fwtfMttSfcS** \ . S ipppimHl lUkSW*-* Af»k* siev*. Tin: nnarr ti*t.wTi ii <w* *r«»ie r«*! (vi, it. vkwrs kit I!bt#,, flk,V,k. TMlff. *.ii»r«<4 |lt»o> OiilKUliw nm* tM *ll Mil* *M »iwMll**ojr i*w* W** ,1 fee **| It 0* W»»**l«t M Mltyp JMl'f** t PStftpfftritaA ST fl***S*P IS* fnf»4*4 f*tftpp IS tPiti fNPf tfeMi f*OR •alx rt hdwami a wiiaaiT. to %**4 *fmf. S«. »nn*h O* Ort. 1--Tk» f immlt- In* b«< in* t« <i»ia» prr|«»«»u<in* to r»t*li'il*h dli ett Irodo kM»»ro Haiaa *tk and ttw ialaoda at itw Wcot lo dl*«. aad MOM’iaUr Cabo and ft* to Rlro mat laat ai«%i at Uw D* Hmu and <n«*c<l la a too hour* di~ umho of oar* aad *»*o"» •* •*» ,| X d ** rldad to iwb-dlvl4* lain a numbrr of • omialttMO. llm> m<*t Important of ohlcb are thoaa <m taanco and thr ao> Vr< tlon of detoaatra It la bahOTrd that »I.M* ol*l ha all that la oaadad to maat raonlmmaata. and Fhata la no dooM that that amoant (.n ha ralard la a fa*r hoar*’ canvaw among bualaaaa man. It I* propuH-d to amplojr tbraa man to *l*ll tba ialsad*. a* tha dlrort rapraaanlat!*** <*f tha bitaina* at*m. »arh to raral** a good M lar* for hta month'* aarrlra* and all tlpn iu. Kor amh It U aallmatad that S r dKi aril ba a Itbaral alloaraMt. 1 baa. man nrad ned naraaanrlljr ba ac tl*alv an gag ad la bualnaa*. tha Ida* baing mar*l* to aaeura tha a*nrl«*» of • «rlo rarognl*a<t a* rapab'a, anargalia and with sufllalaot hualnaan agprrlaiiaa to know tha *alua of tha Information thay will And at thalr banda abeii I hay raarh tha laland*. An Interpratar aan ha aacurad whan Havana I* raachad. and no troubla la ax part ad on that score. It la balloved that In four or five weak* toah tom nw ralal ripraaetilalive*. aa they will probably lie daalgnalad. will be able to *et a thorough Insight Into tba trade conditions existing In Cuba and Porto Rico ho far as the astabllahmcnt of hiiKineaa relation wllh houaea In Bav annah would ba concerned. Thu member of the committee are •anguine that Savannah, while not first In the (laid, will lose nothing by proceeding In this Intelligent way and that eventually whpn the lalanda set tle down to n normal state this port will enjoy a large and lucrative busi ness with them. A free assortment of finest California fruits received at I.amkl n A Co. s* The Treaty of Quebec By Associated Press to TJie Herald. Quebec, Canada, Oct. «.--The Inter national conference will adjourn next Monday, October 10, to meet again In Washington, November 1. That was the official announcement made by the commissioners last night, Senator Fairbanks, chairman of the American commission, was aaked what progress has been made and how much time the Washington session would probably require. "We have accomplished a considera ble amount of work." he said, "and there still remains much to be done." Hut beyond this Indefinite statement he v.ould not go. The Canadian people arc very anxlouß to have the commissioners return here to sign the treaty of if one is agreed upon. They think it ought to go out of the world as the treaty of Quebec. The Montgomery monument question was again revived by the appearance here of Mrs. Garrison, of Chicago, who represented the Sons of the Revolution. She will see the American commission ers t*wd urge them to do what they can in the way of securing from the people of Quebec the privilege of erecting a monument in Ibis city. "This dog, madam, would be cheap at $100,” ."] would take him, but I am afraid my husband might object." "Madame, you can get another hus band much easier than a dog like that.” ~ ~.... ~. . RoVal BakifMj Powder lA*if Irani pur* CTMm «f MfUf. Safeguards the food against alum. *b> ii *«. -»« -**» COTTON HARO NIT IN THE 8188 SECTION Tfe JUmi Sum IHI Mwl Dip •g» Tim. Tba*# «« Pa • ****** tan* t« lb* Harm Cs 4» Oils 4 *— tM IHM' •Mm fen M 4 4 M 4 *fpr< <MI (M fP4- um TM (9Pti«*4 mrtmrn 4 Manw Mo 4PP4 apfivp 4 fl*tf««M Imp to «M 4l4rfi $0 fM fffp'4 MM 44t Wp»% pm as <b* Ml* and ...y Itot M *lll b* Mbaaub« Ut lb* !«•*•* U, invHlf Hl* e»tt» * tl I* r**WMb »rs nttb lb* lbr»M* ♦*» b**b lb* r*M lap Nblcb Ha UlMni la lb* gf*"»*<t IMM mat abMb «HI bawMbaf and baa I day bag*' bUw* naay. j Mr Has) pi lb* In* «$ llrari * ' Moor*. «*• «f tJw anna* proasiacat rat |l*a gran* Ml lb* rMf. any* that lb* 1 < rop I* badly dnaaagrd and all! pro** I to b* • ****** bam 111 *br f»r«n*r*. | Tba enttua abkb aa* op** and not i blowa ana? aaa d****a*d grvntly by the rm* *«i4 M on n. and at roam tbu win lend la «•>»« H to bring low qaably of lb* *dtna ablch ha. ba*a iwadaf •• bar ibo pant law dayn lt4A bfi|i twit tM 1 tftfDt da magi' to M will oawaa H to tavunae i rot 194. M* Moor*, la apoablag of lb* wai ter, said "Tb* farrnrra spy ibat tba rotion I* badly damag'd by tbr storm. Tb* vartou* aatlmat* II to op*» coltoa and aay that the loa* l* fri ’ m *• *° 51 ppr i rat. Much of th« opon roltoa • M blown oat of tb* bolls and aom* <4 Itsa* sarrWd *irtlr*ly away. Tb* cot ton which will b* gath*r*d during tha n«xt weak will b* of a *ery toforlor cn te The quality of tb* rottoa bad improvad »*ry materially up to tbi* tin*, bul tb* storm has glvrn K a great art barb. "Tb* raport from all tb* surround ing country la to tb* effect that the crop I* badly damaged and this of 'course will tend to shorten the crop " 11, «,•• asked about the price, and I rapiied: "There I* no Indication at the creseot time of a rlae In the plica :»f rot ton. but 1 think that It will ba obliged to go up ultimately." The eolle«lb»as have berm very poor and the mcrrhunW are growing un easy. They recognise the fact that tha low price of cotton mean* a loss to them und they are very much Interest ed in the outcome. Mr. W. A. Davla la alio of the opinion that the storm damaged the cotton to some extent. He ssul that h« does not see any In dication of the price going up. The collections at the bank are good con dderlng the low price of the fleecy staple, Farmers and merchants are still complaining of the low price received. Cotton merchants thl#k, however, that the price la Bure to go up. There is no certainty about It, however, and the farmers are disinclined to believe any reports they receive. Vacancies In the Third. Atlanta, (ia., Oet. B.—Capt 8, V. Sanford, of Co K. Third Georgia regi ment, hss spnt In his resignation, and, will return to hia work as superin tendent of public schools at Marietta. The resignation bis be<» accepted. Capt, Sanford's position Is thut he went into the army for actual service and he does not is his duty to remain In the service in time of peace anti do garrison duty. This makes a vacancy for Governor Atkinson to fill.' No one knows yet whom the governor will appoint. Se niority is not always followed. First Lieut. .1. E. Gilbert, of Perry, Is next in command of Co. F. Another vacancy In the Third Geor gia regiment was made yepterday by the death of Captain W. E. Sanders, of Forsyth, who has been In command of Co. L. In filling these two vacancies It is probable that the governor will follow his rule heretofore of promoting men from the lower ranks who have made good records. Two vacancies will cause a number of promotions from tha-t rank down wards to non-commissioned officers. French i’-as, Mushrooms and Su i-aines cheap at T.amkln & Co.'s. "When is a girl in the flower of her youth ?" "When she’s the pink of propriety, of course." "Ah, then, that must lie the time for men to pick and ehoose.” A PRINTER MADE MAYOR IN ATLANTA Tiff I** ll sass QatfftHy 4 Drt* tfSf Ulftth tM* ban***!*** M*M Mb* vnm ta Mat m taw* Mg* - Ms b* TM* M"*a*a * Attaw. «**, flu, * <HM* **»«# ha* **m.*m4 a gwaMtsaHwaff* of a*'«qanW i*w awa**wi*M Mat* In* atsff **M't *• !■*•** «ff wawMß* IBai *mawM* of uta »*»«*,«* n«a«MNi gffaat WmwinnNi. aa I Mutual »d a* gWB I »■*■»'***. Ml •bn*** Mg «U aM*tlf. Wawff* wa*a la a w< wnn»> rvaagaaMiar. It. baa *taMg* ass tba A* a* at a ) • atwal t *MMi Mat 4*gw*tMMM. tv o*M*tlfwtMMi wa* agtg ta g**a» Mniilg Iw*«mwb a* ••• a m«4wi mt Tb# Jiaiaal «4M-* TM* Journal #4 M*( *u»s*t aim. Mwt M'WguaM. a* ta* atn* ***»< wat M»i*arwU«B Mg TM* (Vamiaiu*. «M wb#a TM* j«*n*l aaw that MwiaaN ni being gi«*n tM* aaaaff *Mg «f tb* Wrk. tl tab up tba "Pnlr flag*' err. and d*maad*d and WOW for Wwwhrarg *qM#l •rn<atl«* oa tha board# tM maa other* I In.tad. The ether «n*a elected ar* aa (ullowa: Aldermen J. W. Kli patri k and «* W. Day; Cuaa rllmrw J. li. Harwatl. J. J. Maddox. Mid Holland. Juba S. Park*. A. P. Thumiuon, C. Q. Roy, J. W. Pop*; Treasurer T. J. Perplra; Comptroller 3. H. Goldsmith. Tax Collector K T. Payne; City Engineer It. M. Clayton; Clerk W. D. Greene; Commissioner of Public Work# D. O Wyllt; Marshal Jeff Tol bert; Sexton H. H. Barefleld. The water bond* are lust. Mu nicipal ownership of the city lighting plant win*. Australian Ballot. The Australian ballot worked like a charm. There was an In cident In the second ward which caused some comment. A blind man, Mr. Patten, entered the precinct to vote. He wa» escort ed to the door by a friend. The latter was compelled to atop at the door, and Mr. Patten waa then taken In charge by tha door manager, Mr. Dunson.who handed the blind voter into a booth, and the manager entered the booth with the voter to make up his ticket with him. The sight of two men tn otic booth seemed queer to those on the outside, and there was talk about the Incident until it was explained that the voted could not matte up his own ticket nnd had to call in assistance. It was suggested that the voted should have been allowed to call in a friend to help him make up his ticket instead of the manager, but no provision was made for tss, it seems, and the blind man voted the ticket prepared for him by Mr. Hudson. The Australian ballot is here to stay. . -B - BUM IH IKON in ms PR MB! ChMfi PrtoffM. but MX CMoOottWff 4 «4Mfm*#wUbbffl upon wtuc* wo bovo built • •*•*««*< PM I 4Mt» TPTMfTPIt otttiutlb o***a gMff n**M Ogtagb* M*»u**** gM» «*•» ten* an* baiaa* «a»*-a ass aM <#*•- Mvaa *gff»—a* <*fftff| p*a*g fo* *• *s**aMff b"t#M *a*a*. mblMp MtOßMa** -*^** iM ***»« t^Oiff pntrtf (a» •»s<■ g«ff tiffin p*a ti*» ffgaga <m aaaag P<• aaa MaaM r ->.. . s*u AM* MlAftl Mtlt MMdaaat fbwta* rommoomm t«4 •»**•*'•* * •***• MaffasM* »*4 pgnM*«4> at *■» tu4 §atM*Mn ffvwtg aaM ***tgaa t -* taMaaaa *44 MtTMfIP Mbffl ff**4b _ _ a**N s*•4** Mffani •MaaMMNtaaa* fM*»» **mm taaaffff *aa* ft* iff ff>o PM* t*U agaatt# «W* m 4 WffffM _** ** '*' ;J^,34 PAM. AMD M IWttM MTTM TM* Mas* MaDM«*4 Patau a A*»A« aa4 P*u»%a **o •*»*• *aff «•»•>' MM*< Pip- INUM4 «*ba iff ffMMM AM MA'AM CMffMMM MMM aa MT !••* i.t,nb *f g*a* TTsamaA pa**#*a# la tv* a 4***»a4 •nMwOMM Hun ,b*.*. Off ba IM flat Mavtiaat garMaqaa PMf OM prwa* a**ai #*•# •itJM ••* mflfl . -.J Win An t' as PMni MaffM «mm*M flu ta All »d» §•*• mu hn»"M MAgtt*A flag Plant Paa*a aa4 TMat*. w***b fIU •*• ffa I'liMi'A* nf Miry-tr *l—T —f* »“ *-* *— * l ' fi ” •*•••* llj IfunAiuA* <4 Mat* arb-ml Malta. M***tb |g M tg P. *<M Iff* *t • •• *• *- MS Tnrux m»* • M<«b 0«a4» Mawa amriA Mb oio §» a»s» .. »'• .«_«»»« »» «« MM ti«n4*nta «*f a*n#'« a*4 iw*n* miw*m mt* *a4 ath Mttaff Vnn* ****** g* a* i* )g. am v* tag .. •• •» •• • —•••••••• •• »• «•••••• tM 41 it ggfeibiaff OMMi muni ****** «••«.•• •• •* »••••••*•••• J* M*ir*MMi fflM*t* *«pa*ati Itab *■•* . .. .. .. .. •• •• -• »• •• •tab RiM** t'Mousr , „ .. •• «... ,< .. •• •• -« •• »• •••• W $iM tmtm «n 4 a;**** al» tM* t«t*a* *M*«*a . .. .. •••Ofli* x m Dark** s*4 AlptaM all tMa MUM abapea m* * " J. B. WHITE l CO. Mill Disarm! - ' I , " 11 ' * ■ it** mmw Pont*— r— — , M A KAMAIt W m Wil 11RNHHR1 2535 » U fc »«g MMOAO ffTXIXT —| Tho Iffii but on* of our ••mi-onnuol Ch*H*n§o ssysr l^** ?ss£ are fr*nk to conf*ffff. *r* rMther ooctftontol* in*roty Attributable to our ability to ta . k Jf ''flnOf AM the unexpected turns the n ?* rk * t J tak ®.* -L.?.* B **.,• in all It is * wonderful collection of choice Shoee that will be sold at our new store this week for V $1.99 s Fifteen different styles In Ladies* Low and H K’h Shoes and eight different styles of Moti. These are genuine bargains purchased by our Mr. Couley while in the East. . Agents for Henan & Son. Stacy Adams A. Co., Edwin C. Burt and Ziegler Bros. If you want two thine*, the higheet agtlgfacUnn and a *a»lne JJJ* make youraelf on. of our euatomera. W. tan fuml.h rtder. with b'craSaa. too. and th. bo.t In the mart... at that. The re vent * per cent rQuetta, waa a quarter hit. but her. 1 , a prove. *h.n of home run.: Columbia.. m,«1.l «, *50.00. and your laat chanc. to gafthla popular model at * ny “*** three .hop worn tonly) modal «. ladle.’. ee will let, go a * **° J?"* Hartford at MS 00 and ladle*' Vedette at MS 00, ladle. Jill at *». andl for boy. and men there i. nothing on th. market to compare with «• ***** .peclal at 125.00 and the J.rk at »'.>* 00: aaooad h.ud (level.ndi, tambl.r., Cmoenta. Bte.rn., Victor.. Kldredge and Racyclee ,ro ,'". ,“ p ' condition, and we let them go at any old prlee-thry dld not co.t “* thing, were given to u. by people who wanted to tide the &TA.NDAUD WHEEL uV THE WOULD, and only .old in Augu.ta a* DEVENEY, HOOD & CO' Bicycle Department. . ■ f lf IJr>li t* A . ,4-. 4 G AvtfUj j WI- —a ~ -V. rst -BosHfo ->85% —■ -'-V::* f 'BiooßS.'Sash.noßunds \\Wp U ° - Mill Work s SMI YELLOW PINE LUMBER P I *'i r oVf »UD SAW V.ILt EQtltH’Cb W.IIH'U-rfST ,MPfOVEMf '..Tj AHI IllSfi’tffft .:lffcg,'jffli?StlOM THORO'J" H IN E VcHV jPCPAftTM f t(T jPi TUIL LINE IN STUCK AND PROMPT SHIPMENTS ASSUPEE RRICES.'-r A tAI OGUCofUTC ,'OPOM ASPUCATION fe i [Perkins Manufacturing GgAl.gulia Ga_ Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... P er Cord Good Dry Pine per Cord Good Dry Pine, long, . • • per Coid Special prices on three Cords or more. , Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. Strowger 'Rhone 748 - Be “ ’ l,hone 2151, OCTO4C* 4 /’ —-a. -SqrcLßS SItJCLE ' W&M tiO RIE s/7^fv