The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 10, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY "““VSSTS *. ““~ Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUiTA, GEORGlA mm*** HtX#-**®#* #• #•* t»* v AWHi. ••*••* * ,IM " »- (Mft#CTtMt> - —— n i—i p—*fx * |v^e#, »iii io* ft mnH**K*. K'air'F *■»-*"■> .«—» IVy*i **-vg* il#*l *mmt* ll •*■*•l * QpticiaH OR. HENRY J. CODIN. flint IMHI4 (fwMf |* t* , NrtMk't'# I9«4*ft M:main in or oo oiT. IMA*v« A tin nM Cm .*sab# IN* iMt. M' #e % N>y* ji N<l fjp| f# ****** |l#wr rft #a f i#MMft#ftHftftft ftfti’Tftkig ft ft# EAt* git ff mi i lar-i f&NNff li* 4**' • Ift:'**- 1 ! 53# r*"* ■ * ***** *" ** n ** * ** fy flitnk* 1 liHi rts ft# 4 »»«* T%# Ifl* Tftir4 tfr ft#|Whi* to |At ail cm •**” «ft#t to W I* tk# twwft tti# «>!»«N»rt#ft*i for Mh rift**#* rs m#ti to rtcrlcr* tltMoivii ti 4 tft—, brf»»r#» tli# loti «»al«ritif aw t, (tc in#it of tin*' |lr*t lit Irrnsil «ist to may will fe* ftivcti tnncffn A Narrow Kcciff. m kfui « rla prillfli hv Ur* A4i f 5 Hart, of Ocot«m. H. D.: Wm !«h»n with « twd whkh ##Ul#4 on rojr lunri* mull nrt i«» •**! t«*rm**»- f»vr m* u |», Ntylltf I rotlld Hv# l»Ui • •tiort tint# I #*v* «n>#*4f yn to my Unvlor. 4#t#rmi<i*4 If ! roold not .UV with ms friend* <m earth, f mould meet nr •»—»« ■••«» *•*»'* »*>f husband rry f< r C«n»umptP*n. Cough* and Cold* I gave it a I rial. t'*>k in ail eight t»a ties. It Kaa i-«rtd me. ami thank (W, I Htn saved ami n«* a *ell and healthy wopian" Trial bodies Ito at Howard * WlUefa l*i us Hiara. Regular »!»<• A. Mix! d.iM. Guaranteed nr price te» funded. THE QUILI-OTINE. It Brings Death Slowly and Sensa tionally. U.ndoo. Oft. JO.—The Mfdical Jour nal publishes the report of Ur. Cinet. of Paris. aaaertlng lhai the guillotine dues not immediately kill the brain. The French doctor aaya the blood first comes from the large vessels of the neck acd there la hardly any drain up on the circulation in the cranium. The brain, he add*, finds nourishment for sn hour or two after decapitation, during which time the person decapi tated retains bis other senses of hear ing. smelling ard seeing. Absolute death. Dr. Cinet claims, does not ensue fur three hours. Thus, it la pointed out. guillotining. Instead of being spee dy. I* one of the roost prolonged and horrible forms of capital punishment. Moved first door above Dyer building. Ellis Res taurant. i IS IT WORTH ! ANYTHING TO YOU Square, honest dealings, prompt service, strict at tention to your orders and an earnest desire to satisfy yon, no matter at what cost. Add to thla our very large and complete stock of Watches, Diamonds, fins and medium grades Jewelry, Sterling Silver wear, Rich Cut Class, en abies us to offer vou in ducements worthy of your attention; ! Wm. Sclfeijert & Ci„ Jewelers. »# «As . lanrrt «•» «*■**•' *» »a»*g—m iimi « towel 1 WWgMMp WW* ? *»lto« f *AA *g|aaA MM* ftf j I Tji<M* to*# • Mxm $* * t I #iNM|ft|M Id •*# —M— —4 ##*»#*ft #•"*** j : fm awd - Imp J#*- Mi ii ift# —ft <M##ft#*Hft ■ *♦* .-•<•» A * i e|UW Ml % tCkAi •###*** "*ll*4l ”1 fcftftft ftftft ; ir# «• 4 M ft*4 Jf«ii Male *fi t*wm • ( . .I M . v h| liaf* trwffM*t' I 1U |li4 ■ Hrfuirntjl M 9 I A H# Mi ftMwtf ] LOMHb BW^IiFAIT. Tlm r«ytmt-t A a (lawotiwe Mail calls Owl l*e part meet N*wt •iM < ««iift«l ilk# Rail- Ife «««>•• MiidH wm «i#**r llrtiu>4. it • kerf worlMt All lid aaawli N> m*<nl Ati tafi fttc («f i jlwiidif mwrtitttg frwmrt mm e«w ctrtlc md kMiAft of olMf iilM rim mtrt ronkiftf HU| Oft it* fftfto kftr rf<iv#. yr«!ftnlfty ftMtfftlftE. ftn4 N#wt waa altiiog near by watch lag Iha 4it f, rrnt <St*fe*c iffd ftrlpioft hi# OHwUk If) of hriilhtt HftHden » 1 t tmrr «c« an #«f»kwt»n pi# « of thr KtoY# stow In itl fimikiii «o 4 «h# Iff-fihfifrf ill to tfe# (tlfvr f«it {Nirt# of th# rtwmtmm* A fir# ftlarm * mm* mni in from box 71 and tb# »f> H tb# #Nkt n«» fir# mm* vhilbt#. but I Sb«i b(«hml b#iiHmaltif th# bfttkfiit I that got away and Yawing all nort# of I th ng* tfitnet gaaoliftg ciovn ta |cn* j» DAYS MOCE A lONTM. Argued Walter Heath and the Result W as Casa to Court. Walter Heath, a small hoy. caused trouble last afternoon by arguing with anothi r boy that 3* days make a i Heath. Soon Walter was uttering aoroe pro- I sane words as a clincher to hla argu ment regarding the thirty-trtgbt days. I a gentleman living near beard the roar |snd complained to Walter's mother. , Mr*, llimth became angry, as ahe ad iatU on her own ataiemeul. and struck I the gentleman tn the face The result I van a rase being made against mother J and son. which waa tried today at re | corder's court. The met her admitted that she had allowed her anger to get ! the better of her Judgment. Hoth ' were fined 13.39. which was at onre paid. NEW 'PHONES. Augusta Telephone and Electric Com* pany. <7s—Augusta Electric Pupply To. M 2— Augusta Southern Railroad, President's office. 707- p. If. Brandte. Meat market. 4JS_W. If. Brigham, Wholesale gro cer. <73—George Cochkos. 332—G. A. Cunningham. Jr., Resi dence. <O7—L. o. Doughty, Cotton factor. 343—E. W. Dodge. 7gg_W. R. (flaiebrook. Residence. Ml—Miss Sadie Harris. 576 —<1. W Hall. 7Sl—John K. Holmes & Co. S22—W. C. Jones. 2S«— W. M. Jackson. 487—J. V. ackson. Residence. ( l. 371—Dr. A. J. Kilpatrick. 776 S. Lesser. Residence. . A 424 —I>. J. Looney. 4 281-Mahoney & Armstrong ' 266—North Augusta I .am! Co. ' , OS6—W. P. Padgett, Haloon. ~ 172—1.. F. Padgett. Furniture.' ■ 587 — Plats. 373—L. C. Steinbeck & Co. 291—Tutt A* Boylston. H73_W. R. Walton, Farm. 381— Whitlker McGowan. KEnETUJER THE fIAINE Opens Here For a Three Days Engage ment on Wednesday. This morning the sale of scats for Remember the Maine opened. This show, which is gaining a big reputa tion, will be here for three days, com mencing Wednesday. It has been playing for high price* over the coun try, but to allow everybody to see it, Manager Cohen lias reduc<d the ad min:ioli to popular prices. The scenic , H' ct of Hie show Is magnificent. The nll val battles, tropical scenes and bom bardments are wonderful, and the spectacular parts throughout are well worth seeing. To know that Lincoln .1, Carter has charge is to guarantee the show. THS AUOUOTA IIFBALP. 10 Kill ’EM: TO LIVE AGAIN fti* ttttltiif Ail fHH (MMb* | lift Hm tbM •» Nm IlMflN ftf nmm #mm) Iftrprt? «f ft mwlftl #Nbiw Urn bw m*f* Urn T. It Mr* M.i »n Wftitrt I* !Altar*# M «* <* i A p4 loAft It tmtftft. Mr M* 9biw#t W. M#htfifti, Mr W P H#U#y Mr. [ M’ftHftg n |r . Mr Pfftftti R H# I bur## ft #4 Mtm Tb# dlifßMltlftft of th# roiftml.i#h»ik* I |»k f g»r%#r»l kv«l bill# pmpo# d by fb# ; rliy ftdftMftbMrftdoft. #wrb ft* #xl#ft4-* tut tw Hty limit# rHftftgtog th# tim# *of #4#* ii*»fi of rtty *dh#r». giving tb# < artlftg Mayor v#to f#»w#r. #tr,. *i#M to | ho## Ml with so Th# rfiftlftltfWkiOll* w#t# th# mol a fofllr of : (Hit out loft All of that# f»r#*#f*i wwr# found to hr of»|Muw#d to ft raftUf***«»## of th# raM mlaalrw* ft# at prr#ai #<va#tfltit#d ti* d#r thr aiata low* imm «#<t two f*mr aft#. Th# trgtslfttiQ* #c»#«t#4 by thr lOUftt Club. U wa# 4aridrd. fti- Several pointed out that the Übrral | (Tub was pledged to Ihla and that out j vide of any merits or demerits of the • oromtestnn the party would make a mistake If It did not aland by Ha prom ises (o atmHeh these bodies as they raw exist as contrary to the best pub jlir policy. I There waa an protest against this I view, and M waa soon apparent that the only matter about which there | was any room for difference of opinion 1 waa as to the advisability of amend ling the state law so aa to give the city council more effective control of th* ji omtnlssluaa. The proposition waa ad j vaoeed that If Jhe city council were to I have the commission* subject to It the best thkig to do would be to allow ' i mind! to create the commission by ordinance. This led_ to a question as to the power of the city council to 'create such bodies and give them some lor all of tim power and privilege* con ferred upon them under the existing atata law. ! City Attorney Adorns was asked ! for his views on thla phase of the mrtt -1 ter. Aa far na can be ascertained, Mr. Adams was of the opinion that i there might be some question raised aa to the authority of the city council to delegate certain power* to commis sions created by Itself without specific state legislation granting It full right to rlo so. As a result of the discussion the statement is made Atiat it was de cided to pass bills abolishing the commissions, parks and trees, water, police, fire, public works, and tax as sessors and receivers. A bill is to be prepared by the city attorney, giving to the city council the right, If it sees fit to do so, to cre ate such commissions as it may seem proper, and to grant to them such powers and privileges as It may deem best to delegate. Under this bill, which wil be passed by the legislature, (he commissions will be entirely un der the control of council. It will create them or not. as It *«♦« fit, and elect tbeir members, who will be sub ject to removal by the creating body. The commissions proposed will not. be coordinate, although it is propose* to grant them considerable privilege in order to make them valuable work ing adjuncts with the city council. They will be what one man termed “assistant aldermen, whose services will be of much value and who will In ail probability become permanent fix tures in the administration of city business.” This solution Is said by some to be u very happy decision, meeting the ob jections of those opposed to the pres-, ent system and placating the large el ement who contend that the idea of the commissions is good and that they should be retained with amendments. The Ellis Restaurant has moved first door above Dyer building. Little Deeds of Kindness. “Clara, dear, you don’t seem to no tice whether your hair gets gray or not.” “No, d«-er Isabel; l know you will keep nse posted.” MMMIMMHMMHIIMIMftNnMftIiHftHIMMMMM I iaftft #•'»> M*H * Pain Killer.l * M*# ■ tft**# #* *NMM* I *■**». Mb #*• ft***# ft*## ft# 1 I I ttigvi aigasw*** <•<*••» I •M«A. ■ft" 11111 at *w m aa *■«« »!»** I**— 4 »■"ETJL _ j* __ Wm . W* M 1 ftftftft Y ftAVti MMHHHMMMMftMMftME.'MMMftRMRMHM BOYS DIG UP ; BIG DIAMONDS. TV rvt# tilt Tiff Mrtrk Ik farl. I ttow IN AW» at tws •«ttaff” (M AM ■ # j fgift #MMk *v? ill# fttVMtonft'A#. t>ta# ft j __ _ 4 a Ik.— kA * f ; tali iff ft ft# t# Aftria* *###fftl ! fvftf# pft#i ft##* ifttftMlwft* 1 oft 111# M# j | imiwm fMMtoftfe lY(t« #n# ft Ift ftftl## ! ' m ift#! ft wr*t! ftft ft ftftffH tftNkft Ift j ftf Ift* ftdf#, _ |||a* ft||# of tftfwt* «R*rlftft #f : ! tmsNtlft to iturrrT - - iftftftf iftlttft* » _ _ I ~ _ kM>atM # fvt ftftfttlt f ftp (#* !«'.«• hitir | * ft «Sttts»i#4 out Oft# ft| tftr ftofi# of ißdlfti* vftlftft* Jaine* K*hor. **f N« i«S »**«•» sirwet. ‘ tftr## rirttitrirKn# to 4l*tovff tftftl ift# of rrfu## ft## • 4*14 M ft##* (don# aloft## I Ketone and bis (vgnpanioas. George Kesmig. eleven years old. of No <W < Park a venue; Alton Ruserll. 1« years <>to. of No tfi kevmth avenue, and (ieorge Cunneo. IS year* old. of No. TM Willow fvenue, mere sluing close together „n the heap early last week, idly shaking out anuie of the refuse, when there rolled at their feet at V era I I blue and green atona. The hoya thought at first the atones ' were of glasa. They dug on day after dey for more, but found none until Thursday, when they dug out alxleen Mooes, green, red and blue in color. On Friday among four other atnitca taken from the heap there appeared a white one thr moat heamlßtl of all. Kehoe. who had unearthed the white stone, took his find to n Jeweler. The other stonea found before had been di vided among the boya, save one, sold to a Jeweler’s clerk for $5. The others bad been given to 14- vcar-o'T Lillian Meehan, of Sk Willow irrrace. Other* wsre giveo to Mamie, the 14-yenr-old daiighler of Detective I owen Wuinn. of police hiwdqunrterg. reside* cpimtUte the Meehans. I Young Keboe called at Jeweler Emil C. Rogge'a, No. 317 Washington street, Into Friday afternoon. Mr. Itogge was not In. but n clerk pronounced the while stone a diamond of 1 1-6 carat* and worth at least SIOO. Jeweler Rogge had the boy summon ed before Recorder Stanton on the sue-* pi, lon that the diamond had been sto len. When the Imy told his story, howevpr, the recorder released him, and will turn ever the diamond to him tomorrow should the owner not claim it. The stock used by the mill I* waste paper obtained from big New York dry goods houses and from various brok ers’ offices. Several years (go the engineer of the mill found a diamond of nearly two 'ratals weight. This had been among some waste received from Tiffany Ac Co., who rewarded tha engineer for Its recovery. In future all refuse will be sifted and a board fence will also bo erected around the "diamond fields,” as the dump 1b now known, IN' ITS ADVANCED and chronic form a cold In the head is known as Nasal Catarrh and is the recognised source of other diseases. Having stood the test of continued successful use, Ely s Cream Halm IS recognized as n specific for membranal diseases In the nasal pass ages, and you make a great mistake in not resorting to this treatment In your own case. To test It a trial size for 10 cents or the large for SO cent* Is mail ed by Ely Brother*, 56 Warren Street, New York. Druggists keep it. East night at Ht. Luke’s church, on Crawford avenue, In West E'nd, a re vival began, which bids fair to be pro ductive of much good. The pastor, tho Itev. F. P. Spencer, who has Just re covered from a severe spell of sickness, preached the opening sermon. Ills subject was the “Model Horn",” and It,, handled It hr Ills itHiinl entertaining manner. Tire blind singer who has been en gaged to Mill .It niudiictlng tile revival will sing several solus din ing the week and this will draj.v a large crowd. Several ministers from adjacent cities will and Mr. Spefrrer In conducting this meeting, and thCTpeople of West End may look forward, to hearing some fine sermons. Y - . i . ... WHITE MM'S TOWN THERE NMttMi h %aa iXtlft thr Ya n»p* (to %(Ma •Naawaipik \m *•» •s#• mm* at *f» tMkftMMl ft#- ft (ftßftftft** IMftVftfMl ftlt-ft j <fta*# ftftftft*a#«4 ftft* ft Ift# ftftvft j |mi lift ftftftrft tuft# ft* «ftft ♦ nftft'ft Hftft [ fft#ft*ftft# a ft* ft ftft* (ft# fft irt rrMnj tft 1 st if# iftiftti 7 ftfit# ft## ft**## ] | mm** Wft ***** «ft* tAftpft# ; ( 'TftJh cA i « ftft »ft>i -.■•*«# a M *#*#■! ** I ftftl ft# Rftfftt**** M tft#t ***** *** I .tn iftftitf Ift fftft l ftfti <W I H t ftftA Iftf’tfefti ftft# j >Mift#pttiiaft ft# tftlpi ft flftMftftf# *i ftft j : gt • If* .4*#' *4* ft ft# alka 11 a##”## PHl'* ( i • a###ft •* Mb##*' ’ #ftA 9## I : tft# ft#* I tfhk %«*#• t%# ********* ** 1 Mk mmmm.. mm* m mm m\ lift# tnmaMff fkftl in* ft ft ftft ftftl ft ; , fflfttfft-ni nr| U ##«»« tmgmm'm wm ft-** ***** i«#»t#ft4lftft s** 11. ftft# •###•* 9# ft#i*ft , | »ft ft ftaftft## m ftft*# »ll* pftMlilAftft *M# ftnftAiftA* ftf W**i*» tftlft* aft# ##ft ft# Tl»#f# I# ftftf*t* # *aftl* Ml Ift*« tft# | t*ft# tUI ft# it—> M»t#i «**»#* If ft*# I ftMkft (iftiiftiit ft# tftM# ifttft* <•## ] , r##kt# aatf»| jliif sty ftftft m* ■ *t*f* ift# ft# ft Of ftiw * Ww* j |feMfi#* fffy tft#fr ##*#.. j If ill in eftft ftr #»H ftftl ft# tft# •A* 1 - (to* m whlto pdaMTIM H to btotovad that IN party advovaun* H will oev■ lainiy toat aoibto* betotw (b* iwtotoal j pahltr. | ( balrmaa Charlton of tbn Denaorrat | lie Rxerttllva I’naaltliv ha* Mated j that 10 hla aalnd the while prtaaaf > . bad to- cane more of a aeeeaaity to Aa vannah than ever before. The jttam. 1 think la ripe, for varb a r ebaapr M said be ■ Ibe ptAdie here to iao disgusted with the, rorntpttoK of | the aegro role to Ibe past that It ’ will. 1 tolleee. gladly wrhoaie th* «>b !atltutton «f a system that will let the a hits enters of the towr who have i mid their taxes sad registered settle the matter A primary raa to arranged that will he fair to both tickets la the field. If there are two every whit# miie* raa have an opportunity lo ex ; preee hla sentiments and the majority will choose the randldatea whose eler tioa will then be assured without op I poßtikm. j "We hays got to come to white prt j merles for the settlement of our muni (rtpnl fights, and the sooner we adopt them the better. Personally. I would , like to eee steps to that end for the unit election. It would not only be a j great saving of money, but It I would say# ns from the humilia tion that past condition* naturally caused ” Mr. John Power*, another leader of the Liberal (Tub. said that he heartily favored the adoption of « white pri mary and felt netiafled that one could the arranged for the next cont Pet that would be fair to both faction* and es tablish a precedent that would not die. "I think,” he said. That people are wtary of the old way* of doing thing*; that they will welcome n change such a* this, and that once it la done there will never he a return to the ayateu) under which many hnndreda of ne groes were registered and voted for a cash consideration, and one might say were practically hoarded free for week* before an election. I ant satis fied that the trend of opinion among those at the head of the Liberal Club Is largely this way and it would not be surprising If something definite was done on this line. it. would not only be popular, but It would lie a move.- ment in the right direction that no one could reaconably protest against.” Many of (hose who have heen prom inent in the work of the Liberal Club are understood to entertain these opin ions. On the other side of the political di vide there Is said to be a strong senti men running in the same direction, although in the absence of organiatlon It might be late In finding cxpreeelon. Among the great mass of citizens who do not Join clubs and who are not In politics for office or offices for their friends, a white primary would un questionably command a large sup port. Municipal politics are not spt to o|>cn up for the next four weeks, but after that It Is to be expected that tha matter of a white primary will lie giv en serious consideration, with a fair prospect of soma proposition on this line resulting therefrom. We have moved to the Ellis Restaurant stand at 71 7 Broad street. Will be glad to serve all, old and new customers. INN RESTAURANT. The Kentucky court of nppeals de clares that separate cttis-fut- the races is lawful. This reverses (lie decision of the lower court. OASTOniA. B«»r«the _j? The Kind You Hate Always Bought rr Being Wholesale Dealers In *ll ftfnA d fiiti, mm Hjvy 44 #—of B fMf *49* d*ff m kmtm§ imm* Nm fad t»ftMfc£* ( i§ im tm+rr t*— ft nT R M 4£4-4 4M)T MR Mi M* Our Dixie SstM Hal lor yjID, wfwn cdK<rt iff ulttn( U.OO lor |(m MHftto (tlif FllhJ pfh« 4rm*l go hth uk * you aft «,iawtmkal you g)**aj m J wkn ouf MM! h- *4; jr> 'i M i.ii CL A MOltl gatoftaatoiai #*ft## ftftA#t ‘ft* l ' »«***<# ftf ft i A tft—4 « *w*\ <ft#< # ftftftkft## ftt |MO (Wftl'F't lv• * RV9# •##•# ft## »’ 1 1'gftjlH# Ift* ****** ft*™ l ” j i ?»»■ «*• n ft ft# ft* ft## *#f fk»ftftft**« j Tft# v»* ~ n ~f I ’»c indft# Ik ft ; r ••ium r!«a» ftftl tft ft# p—nn! trfti j ftiihlti all# or It# OUR BEAUTY SHOW AT BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE ci Y o BLIGH’S CRYSTAL PALACE POQBroadStreet. COAL & WOODI THE BEST | COAL & WOOD KAMOUS CANLI.i ai!uJ-AI« he* *r*>- ANTHRACITIC, KOG and NUT. WOOD — PINE. BLACKJACK. OAK AND HICKORY WOOD fy Prices as Low s> the lowest. R- I* RUSSELL. 1)21, Walker Sint, - f STAB'tISHtO IflStt. —”<c ' 4) 00RS .§ ■ A SH “” Blinds, .a , Mitt Work : OF EVERY DESCrUPTION- 1 YELLOW PINE LUMBER yA'U'irt : .sNCi#W .WU fQUIFPCt. to ITM’ I AT6ST.IM W'OVCMf "'.''' ■ 'oktiANirArmN* THctß^uGH“in ‘evefcr I FULL LINE IN STOL'K AND Ff<Cs*F f.SHIfTJENTC .vSS'JRf.I,I -SZ. pFtiCE6.CArAi.OGhfcS.rfC,bf ) 'oN atfWhtp*. S- •'] Perkins Manufacturing (Jg.luiiktk6AJ Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... Cord Good Dry Pine S or j Good Dry Pine, long, • • . $2./s pei Cord Special prices on three Cords or more. Best grade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices- R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. ttrowfj.i Thun, m Bell ' phoM 2151 • OCTOftf R IO 10 As I I.M» CARMVAL. • tww MtkkmetJumi %• leave IsO) feu INI PU»# Mr TiX*Fwevctot* bfl tkt* move i tag far Maveut where be gwae to gvs I eabPtoUaSM at Ith k ndtog eg bto Mr (Tmctos fry ml •'* toeve (egay [ |wr the atone dll to to tbs drear 1 ms Jet m* 9m age ad (be heads that | wtU atek* tamd* at iltai pi*»e» Jepeaaas Fsrstoimies There were toss at The IfersM edkee j tbte moralag (.eaeUfel sp»« tawes at ' Jiyaaee pet cite meet grows at Mr. J Jeawe Ito'tsri's glare Tb# pcveMA* i moae to* vevy large sad very Maai'l \ tow. I Mls sea polls Jourbal, Uoveteor stag# As Oonati aaya tba oaly aolitary Issue tofnr* the rauatry is free silver and be t» twins siralffH I ahead la bto state talking M to L to MW f«mts(. tan Of mm rdM beau ties art tab gama as 4 dlaaar mm. On# aI(M as wall sUawipt to paaaa th# rainbow, aa to daacrlM all tbsto good quailtlsa. Tbs way tbsy ars mm ins la a css I 100 Is thoao who Irtoog yarrhasa stss (hay caa ba bad fa* -g»t log nm a metuna." Balia* pur chase whew I hay can ba bad far aueb lew price# a* »• ara o-faring tbaaa. A* for glaaawara. croc bar*, lamp* Ac., tuna and laj.guaga faU aa to tail of tba woadara that wa aaU. Dow't foe* at that our aorw pci caa will kaap yaw aoal. Remember tba plaoa