The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 11, 1898, Image 8

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TUtIOAV Children’s Perfect Fitting Clothes! •tyttoK perfect ftttm# CletbM for th# •ojr» ccmu on mu* m IM« atm. H«ft you mn»h iti# >p*«c« ttuiit wo ore NMinr ** f' ***' 11,00 «nd to t« 11.00, or our B«>y •' «Jo«W» bfMttrO Bwti>, b#b 9 to I6< Bt lh# som# pfiwi. 11.001* our ortoo for the eotobrnted Htitr mod* of AOerfoyto Mociro*"* hlMOd O%O<JO OuttOO fvrikp#'- B#s* r tiGor* t»*f th« •mall t*oy» driarhad end h*ph lutnovar collar* for tlw IX# lori> Ivory to lop correct In ftoyi' wMr Pt this itotr //r THE KNIGHTS HIVE THE TOWN TV Grait Nra4r Ttrfat l p la MttkVrt A Pn«< INk.«m Bamm I v*» y r*w «f v»*w, tp Agr~-*~‘rll Oran M TV* H»r*H I Bllilin cat It • tohai Jerwas lew »«• to ik* mmmtm tw* ttomaaad year* aw la tkka etof M*T *• ’h» Haight* Tewpqr AU alfkt **4 #•* If thto aaeralag a*a*T <*••• hmdla* !»• I* ik* *ttf ul «>«v i l '"* «» “** **t#rl*g froa Ifc* «ma*4l*l .qburha caw* M lac<>4 wttk car# kaMUa IkMaaad* »»d tfcwa—<» «f ***>p‘* Tkar* r<>*td am ka» h##g a a*' beautiful 4*/ Ik* ****l«’ The aaa roaa «*ff lt» kUa kill* aed lb# >kv vaa ipm wn* Mk» * «k»ad w*> **** aaywb*r*. while a *nti ri|- r ~ Iweea* lc»a*r*4 ifc* warn ra«j lane of 9ka m. Tk# hour <4 aa rad* araa Ml far I*# oVtorh ab 4 from •art* dawn crurk'tr aad #*#rythlm* wore cm Ir at ik* verb me b«i>iq«an.n of ik* 4lfl*fvnt commandert* « Ac tampan t-d hr lb# alrcia. of Bouaa's March "Tk* Oar* aai Blrl|i#» Vor #*#r ' Ifc* *• red* made down fW'lt avrito* U> pitiable* aad atrwi tb# ■aiprnsloa bftdaq fklf Albsfbcuy cit# Prompt* p tan •'clack General Go bi a tk** It' ><ia»ma::t and th* great farad* .(afkft * Tk aarrtm algaaltsed mrm IWMtire of today'* pa rad* d**(dt« tj>e ’ftMfo* of President M> Kinl**., ocA#ral .Wti aalar and Then | Rous, **lt ~ , , PARTY UM AITERNOON riMtcr T rm.y CU«rt*lii» MU Friend*. Mr*. Wlllt* levy's lovely home was yesterday thrown open to tin* friend* of Master 1 racy Levy In birnur of but birthday. Beautiful rootw *nd other flower* *nd many aoflly-ahatWl <»n die* made *n exquisite nettlnK for the bright fsce# and pretty coiiumn of the little lad* and lassies. at id from three until seven merriment and laugbcci reigned (ttpremr. Mtirh fun was de rived from one of the game* of the af ternoon. "The New Woman," In partti-iilar, who *u draaaed by all the ch|)dmt. tfle one gaining the begt- a fir, t receiving a hamUotne dull The fleet lirUe wan draw n for by Mia* flay It* flttaugrlo* and Mlaa MargutfU* ISVf Y»* by MU* I-fry, White (he lujujif was drawn for by Ml** Marian Marlin pad Mia* Louiae Alexander hA* noil by MU* Marlin. • The boy'a fliat prlae wa* deawn for by Maater* Joe Laney. Harper David son and Alee Arrington and wa» won by Maater Joe lainey. The boy*’ booby was drawn for by Mutcra Abe Uvy and Gasper Hulbert and won by Maa ter Abe Levy. After the game* dainty refreshments were served: Present were: Misses Marian Mnr tln, Gay De Beaugrine. Unite Alexan der, Sadie Cohen, Marguerite Levy, Hannah Belle Koppel; Masters Vin cent La in bark. Sol Cohen. J. Harper Davidson. Abe Levy, Ralph Arrington, Clarence Levy, Pickens Dugas. Boyd Rivera, William Wirt Fry. Gasper Hul bert, Alec Arrlnglon, Joe Limey, Will Sherman, Elmore Bntey, and Joe Levy. DEATH OF MRS. BARKER. Ceased Away at Her Home on D'Antignat Street. Mrs. Mary Elisabeth Barker wife of M». Albert Barker, died at 2:30 o'clock, at her home oa d’Antlqnac s -t, this morning, after an Illness of only one week caused by feve,. Mrs. Ba. kei was a native of flat ba ilor*, Indies, and Had only been n resident of Augusta for ene year She was thlity-flve years of age. and was n conscientious Christian, a member of Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, and a devoted wife uni mother She leaves to mourn her loss a husband and two children, to whom is extended much symivathy In thefl* sad bereave ment. '' The fun ml occur* at 3 o'clock to morrow mo'ning from Asbury church. CVt’PT VHIUU IS RLAIMM >5. Halt tfca at Arwf (MB*#* to AwaMad. ( Tin* f¥M t’dfa# f**f falfafifafa III* Vf’ « fpf ffTtOi | ttffafafaiS Rpftfafa 111 f®K* M4# lof ll* f-llfaf OH ffaAfafa pflfflMl ; rplfy like (fkPftift* of tfa# faffafaf' **faA« »f t« j »M iftNT ***** •*# «i **• ***** *• Clo litirlil Monti W*l»fi nnlvtMi • I tr i- ttlW> f rtm <fc* w«f (VfpflVfftl 1 #■* * J as that f Ik# > t ,iid Vp 4PH| «|» (o*fei (It |#fiiinit nhvilai Hi A j fear ttofa. It* kaa haww *»a**t*d ***c - leaf .twt no further maaaaa* kaa h**o J r*m**d from klw, 1 (CftfCCdrcr* Mac** Ik* Hts aad I Chattanooga kaa h**a aad*r war aad Mha ftp* tor rarrjriM lb* water will ba test omt cm anna a* ik# **a#t aaaoaat gtfM ba# br*a aarwrtala*d. Tk* Matnd tor drlttag Ik* iriltoa jamaad Ik* ba*la waa tot to f*api ITa .arc faafrday TkU work will < bar* la b* r> m|d*<*d la tea day* aad j work will beer la at owe*. Tk* (Mim* a»d bailer* are betas pr*. I pared for iraacportel’oa aad *aa be j iwnred at abort kotlre to lb* all* d*- latrad. Only on* day'* work will b* rt~ qnlred lo lay lb* pip* from ifc* apriat to tb* bit main lb* work at lb* other end raa be compiled la abort order. ••possums/* Tk# Flral of Ihe Season Seen Today. Ttir amwadlnw. wild frmpea and peraimmoa* nra now getting tip* and be allgbl old ntmaauiaa with ibetr young one* nr* feaailn* royally. All ilt:rlag th* *umin*r bard time* barn been aiarlag lb* family In th* fnce. bat cow ihe layer* of fnl are congre aallng about their abort riba. The negro with bin brag dog and ir laly a*# la foraging through Ibe for e*t aflar the aweet fla cored den I ten and tinny a barrel by the rhlmney of Urn but haa Its grinning Inhahllam fattening for Ibe wlnt«w mopning’a meal. Today the Aral 'poanume of the aea- 1 con acre aeen In Ihr rMy and were readily aold by the owner*. AUTUMNAL REUNION. Notice to the Congregation of St. John's Church. Wednesday evening, 12th Innt.. at 8 o'clock, the congregation of ftt. John' church la requested to come together In a social reunion Memlwra of the congregation seeing this are urged to jhe present. After « brief service In church, light refreshment# will he served In the parsonage. The occa sion promises to be a delightful on *o ! dally and productive of much good. In announcing the meeting Sunday morning the pastor said the object is: "To give thanks to oor Father for many blessings, better acquaintance and love renewing with one another and mutual encouragement In the Lord's work." Handshaking ajid good cheer will be prominent features of the occasion. THE PRESIDENT'S PARTY. It Passes Through Chicago En Route to Nebraska. Chlcpgo. 111., Oct. 11.— Mr. McKinley and the members of the cabinet passed through the outskirts of Chicago today bound for the Omaha exposition. No effort was made to extend a demon si ratlve greeting. A delegation of North west rn railway officials and members of the peace jubilee commit tee boarded the train near Western av enue and greeted the presidential party Informally. The train was quickly transferred to the Chicago and North western railway over which line the parly continued Us Journey. -* A Narrow Escape. "•his morning a negro driving a spirited horse had quite a narrow es cape. As be was driving down Eli* two drays started In from both sides of Mclntosh. The man could not stop his horse and came very ueat- death, as the tongue* of both drays ran Into the vehicle where he was sitting. For tunately he was not hit by them. COL. WHETS BIG MREST. ! TiVfc I f«Vi 4f»t ftUCkfiN IM ilftl ITnmr rTT t* ktrk a*tlb*d» • «I**. W* Mima k«| acoewnco IwMI f*#% __ m I MU. AHIMPH HkM fflflMl*# •I'l **#f I*v*« *w4 »* * | | I Ik I# ttflMMh •HIH MAA MW® MMuHMMk fUMM j | .tgii pt*W* HkH M WAttVNMI {mUfWAk CMHIdV “**• *** S ik tV# VHMpMW 0m PMkfV#**® ?ff ™ .now *- w - wfcw www wdj t _io fMVfH IJMI JfmWWwm wm ii* iimmw w * . . vmmmknM At« IHhp («4 Wf rMV ] i ffIiHMnwwMMNK ® MIIHmIwW ®f l wifm j M <f 111 *f« •Ttki Wt*#f IkWi HmbmM w*# j ftl g*f ff«» ft «s 4 THE INWAIW. rk* Cawfcrcorr Haa Tat Amawwted Any tfctwg Mtaneßfxdte. M 1.. - *• '! tt ***A a#e* I rial l« Tk* Journal from Walber. Mima, I j e •tv rrmfei air. #«o*eted to tab# J place today betw*** ibt milaa r la dlanc and India* OmMWaM Jmea.l wko arrteed fr.»in W*»hl*«t<m laall nigkt. will ad h# held After ih* #•»*•■" I t a*l yeoterday. It #aa toMbd *'*' I**l end runner# wltfc fl*w*rul lto«>*r'« ul-| timeiurn uittlt tb* toe«a< agree *en* by] ’rather AUdrato* mutn to tb* ag**ry. They were imported t«u*ay. but a b»*H a** *•• rnlttng na tb* lake and may prevent travel Cktef nv Mnulb wllb drew t* the ramp aortb of tb# *#>•«• ry crier tb* rounutl and other *blrf« went to their hnmee It la acid tb* Indiana are dlaptocard * .th that part inf ttaraa's ultimatum In wfcl-h b* threatens to rba.tla* th*m unl<->* they I mm* In and aubwiil They think II la I too warlike That will make no dlf- I rermx * however. Tb* term# are th* heat that ran l» made. and. unl*e* the Pillager* areept them, vleorouc effotta | will be made to bring mem to term# by fore* of a rove . ' Ckteagn, Oet It—Orde“a nr* r» five I at division headquarter* her* from Oenera! Baron. In twmmand of Ih* Im part men! of the lako and the Dabo tahs. to have th* fourth Infantry, at Fori Khendan. and the *e venter nth In fantry. at Pnluntboa tiarrarka, Ohio, In rradtneaa for Immediate nervlre *1 the oeen* of the Indian trouble In Minne sota. ', Minneapolis, Minn.. Oet. 11.—Oenernl ! Huron today wired Colonel Kturala, , Adjutant Oeneral In eharge of the De ! partment of th# Pakotaha. to send all I the remaining tble-bodlml noldlerc of the third left at Fort Hoelllng. Ther.* are not* only about twenty-live availa ble men, and those will be gent lo Walker tomorrow. "stole jewelry. Melt In Miller Colored. Arrested For Theft Today. Detectives Wiae and Sheron made a good and lurky catch thin morning In the orreKt of Melvin Miller, colored. Miller was employed by Mr*. rGeer on the corner of Elbert and Brood to lay gome carpet*. After he had gone she missed a diamond ring. The detective* were notified sml at once got on the trail. Miller lives lt» Hamburg and his room w«» at one# sen robed. . In a satchel were quite a collection of Articles which were taken to police headquarters The negro, who Is a medlum-siited boy, was found in Mrs. Moore's kitch en Mid carried at once to headquarters. He acknowledged hia crime and told where Iwo rings belonging to Mrs. Moore could be found. He disclaimed, however, knowing anything about a pearl pin which Is missing. Among the articles found were sil ver culf buttons, watch, pistol, shoe maker's tools and a number of clothes. M'ller claims, however, that these ar ticles are his and says the three rings, one of Mrs. Graham’s and two of Mrs. Moore’s were the only things he had stolen. Miller is from Summerville. S. C., but has been In this city quite a while. The stolen jewelry was quite valua ble. New York Futures. New York. Oct. 11.—Futures opened steady. October 5.15, November 5.18, December 5.25. January 5.28. Febru ary 5.33, March 5.37, April 6.42, May 5.46, June 5.#0. Recovering. The many friends of Mrs. Willie Barrett will be glad to know that she is recovering from her illness at Mrs. Stovall's on the Hill. Tff* AUOUBTA MimAXaP, HHMNIfcM, yrnp frraf* ( far™- »**«*» fT*» I I fat**#! fa* IH MM w* fmiN i faMiMMMki I® *V* f " t «M # ImOm 1 Aw ft fa* , I m M a, | ||| ■am am*. .. m. Jf » to Ai | to— to*. I Lil * j A K Mai 4 «t Umm «• •« I JkfUmfim I * «C*** *~m* * •* #^J I A'liAflMk H L Quit 4 IHllihi* n At tl»| (IMM44 I o It Hah*® 4 111 OHV4 I® fl® l®* J jMm rmAl *mr*** ** Hi** marmtm* o#«ji ftTTtirfiiiiit of Wis w»iMN>nn I® *1 Mf®- J 91 CAMMitiMI IfH y#<Kr4®f A T nf*9*wt*k <4 x+* rm% l® ®« tMw ArtltftoA B r. TtKNWWMM* <*f rHaflwafna t# at I Uka Ftaatar* | 11 J. Uft*t of mrn* Ctmk la M »flo| o—srrft W. T. Com lag of C%»rtm*am »* * jib* Arlington W. B Ounn of Mat bora «. C. la •» [th# CcmnMcc'al * H*l « Th*m*m pt Qrmmn*l4. 0. •». •I III# ArNtffna H Omtrt lb tin* of Oroewrttt* ta at the Arlington « it L Aldertnnn at flarannah ta st th* Commercial O*o. W I'nnningbam at I-eslagtoo ta at th* Arlington Mr. f. T. Ijorbhart will retnm to night from Atlanta Mr r Brabham at Brunaoa. 8. C. Its at th* Com mere Ini Mlaarn .Sailt* and, Maml* Harper left I Oil* morning foe Macon. Mi*. John Burn* of Savannah t* th* guest of her mother. Mrs Wm Platt. Jo* A. Caspnnv. a large halt dealer, lof Charleston, k. C,, I* at the Arling ton. A number of Augustan* went to Ma con this morning to witness the carni val p, j Cameron and Mis* Cameron of Mew York aro at the Commer cial Mis* Viol* Heard of Mount Carmel. 8. C-. la a guest at the Arlington to day. 4 W H McCloud, a prominent rice ! planter near Beaufort, It at the Plan i tern. L. I* Brunson of Rrttnson. 8. 0., i* | mopping at th* Planter* for a few day*. Lewi* Beall and W. R Sims of Bos ton are registered at the Planter* to day. A Snowden and H. G. Wilcox, two New Yorkers, are registered at the Ar lington. W. T. Boyer, advance agent for the Wilson-Cleveland Minstrels, t* at the Planter*. J. T. Jones of the Chattanooga Med icine company. Is reglatered al the Ar lington. Mr. Fred L. Morse has returned from Marietta. O . and Is again located With Benson & Co. Janies A. Hamilton, proprietor of the Wllllaton Inn. at Williston. S. C.. Is at the Planters tpylay Mira Ella Smith, one of (he prettiest yvuitig ladle* of the younger set, will leave shortly for Atlanta to attend col lege t Mis* Katie Maud Smith, a charming young lady of thls t city Is visiting friends in Macon during this carnlvqj week. q Miss Rosa Fagan, one of Augusta’s most popular young [ladles, left today for Macon, where she will attend the carnival. Mrs, W. F. Eve and Miss Belle Walsh left this morning for Rome, where they go as delegates to the con vention of the Daughters of the Con federacy. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Eva Corlnne Harter to Mr. Claude Evans Tessier. to occur October 19, at" 8:30 p. m.. at the home of the bride, No. 1124 Broad. Smith & Wesson pistols from $5 to $8.50. Several good bicycles for sale very cheap. Good watches from $1,25 to $50.00 at Lewis J. Schaul, Reliable Pawnbroker, under the Arlington. DELIGHTFUL Entertainment Given By Mr. and firs. J. Walter Doar. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Doar enter tained quite a pleasant party of yoimg people last night at their home on lower Greene street. Singing and recitations were the order of the evening. Mr. Gus Speth entertained the party by some excellent reciUpg, It C. & Cl. FREIGHT WRECK If AH lIMRpMI §i * fils . Til flMifc 11" ##mi Ml amm %. fa* H# Ib #» amt'M- A4mb®M I m# ah®® IM®® ti®4 Mk i«mA« t M®w 'i to- fa fa A#* fl Alfa •••• 1 1 fa, Aaiifato -fafa MMMPBMM ppipw' I 'EM tlgK Itsfagr fa Itt# fa A* fa fafafaP® -fa JfAAfafa®® llfalfa In"®®"® ******* Ai fa fa®* fa I MfafafafaMl I fa# IffaM'fa faf Ml' ■■■ ’ iif ' * fa- fa w I faitfafa Ifafa tfapfal Pi® fafafa**®' ¥ rfatfa* Ltag aaa*l#4 Itom-eev Ik* Oaaat “J ££ Yrl WANTS ANOTHER DAY. 1». Pfcfl hart* N» Ilgam awd !>*»•*•'• * IMI to Ifrtvrm. 4•*»«»>,£ III# fisafiy HitJtoMßMi •A** lur* 1 I*r ft* in I* f | I iufei!** mi Mr. nm Mh. Ill# »WmC lam all# *>.»« m )«h flllV T NiV* j ideally the gaiety at the tHaaanad ! jatato* mH« Mi«n for t** ] rlty bwidqiMriif* «vfmnr 1 till# momine nh+m m «M r#c#*r»4 *toim Durtmr Mr K«rth» •****<+ Mr 4nim M to •*tm# »• tiftwrr.! Mm t H" fctiwity vlrH fit «ntt ff**t M# | wouht f»nr# •no»H*f toy. #t nr* »*«*« <in* i»to# * *rwit olif ] tim# when Mr. Nurtii rrtwmi. council jneenNa Several Hatter* ol Interest to B# DU- j CtiiMl ThU Afternoon* Thia aft.-rno.»n at 4tfl) the ritr father* I will aaarmble M the rounell chamber to attend to aeveml matter* at anufeet. Th* new city rod# wilt he stwntel for their approval, and Ihe float adop tion of It will proha hi y west. The petition of the Bamea atrert clt lam*. asking that th* cvmlract fur the ■ewer to be laid on that street, which was recently awarded to Mr Robtie, will be cancelled, a* they claim the »*w er 1* not needed and that the expense | will be too great on the property own er*; and the petition taking that the co*t of the payments tie reduced wlil come up for Anal action The rather* will probably be In act •ion for quit# i whilf. PAPERS FILED. Realty Transfer* Recorded at Clerk's Office Jamea L. Sibley to Mrs Mattie Sibley, et. al., one-fourth Inter est In 257 acre* of land on Sa vannah road, consideration love and affection. E. A. Hal lock to Edward Halloek, two lot* In Summerville, consid eration 1® Caroline H. Duga* by administra tion to Emily C. I)uga*. ptop erty on northwest corner of Reynold* and Lincoln streets ; consideiation - $1,9-41 WHEELER ON HAND. The Fourth Army Corps Turned Over to the General. Huntsville. Ala., Oct. 11.—General Joseph Wheeler arrived « few minutes pqst midnight to take command of the fourth army corps, succeeding General CflPPlnger. General Wheeler was met by a committee of citiaens headed by General Moore. He was escorted to the Huntsville hotel. He is in excellent health. He had many visitors today. General Wheeler’s cavalry division, destined for Oulum service, began to come in this morning, with the arrival of the sixth cavalry. Colonel Baldwin. The tenth came in two sections over the Nashville. Chattanooga amt St. Louis. Only two troops of the eighth cavalry are yet to rcime. Off For nacon. Quite a number of Augustans left this morning for Macon to enjoy the diamond jubilee of that progressive city. The Georgia train was crowded and a jolly crowd It was. Quite a number who did not go off intend to leave In the next day or so. *>idn’t See Andree Trondhjem, Norway, Oct. 11. — The German steam yacht Helgoland, with the members of Herr Leimer’s expedi tion. returned from Spitsbergen, hav ing reached 81 degrees north. They did not see Andree. but. had collected much zoological material. IHFRF ARC ! SMINOI.FS AND SHINGLES. Ikag d*#> ah# «*# fcmwd (J wdn # I 4tM«aal | fl JB pa aaa* «aapndbiaf| > wad Bh#a •#*•*•# kaad mwm , gam# to#»v vyyaaw daa#M #k| pa toBB Felt (pail *f Ba Paa Wwi.yto a at paai m Ba fcaß *t Mb Mm# pwtoMd# # BBb aaa* aadawa • waaadaWba* Ikaa am paanad mm apaßHfa |aßad aad i«s>wwa<d la nnmß | pat m gmaf wvaßßaai tva Bb Cyfaaa #aa#m Bhaa’t a# *«to* was# # warn | toarv patoaf k» m * baaa#. aaa# to kaa#k -aai Ba aaal towabto aaal ia##vw> g awf aaaaay «aa kw# a# mmtt fca qpak BBbda)t. UUSt F. DftjfN. Haapf | NQfaC IfaAO. | fto •*• Awai aa4 Tad Be#**log IMa Tag* I Tfcte m#> a tog the **p> 4vt«* «t a |«m# iiwtae 4ra* *■ r oagtag <• Do* Mtoe- I fffa g-oAfatfafa fafafat Hit fa fa fafaMM# ffa#A ®#r* t f m t fatfaf* «faAfa* fat •#4 tfa# famr*® •*#*- ‘ ] cfaM> fa-fa# fart tin fa. H rfafa fafafaf Jam® 1*• ffanfat faf W Ufa* fa Hmi t •*~t 9 fan fa fa® i iflkifafatfafa tfa# friW|M®t#®ifai fanfaAfa fa® ®**i Al ftMk I fr' • '■<:* * Vt a, fa §4 4 fa# \ I rarfa ftfa liiffaUfaj tfa* UfaHfafaT® fa#r%. j I Mot r 9 * Hi fa §T-f mfaTn fafafa fa# faMk tfatf * |#f MkCNk'fa® faf fall tfa tfa# faMfa fa# *fa#- riARRIAOE lOHORIfOVk. Htoa Aik* Cm* to to'#* tor. f. C. lan area of CkvHeeloa. The* «f A Ilea Farr to Mr F. IC, Imaaaa la aaaonarnd lor tomoen.w at aorqi at tbe Home ot tb# krkto, rot * I i wp* ct Bill* and Klkert streets Mr. I l#aa*#s. who la a popator yonag I I rkarietoatan mnaen*4 with tb* i Florida aad Ceafral railroad, arrived j Ila Ik* rtty tbte morn tag am>tap*aMl by hi# he# man Mr. K K Mtonslly 1 They are Ik* re*#• of tk* Plaatera RAY I AMIS CHARGE. ll# Hat at* th# Mar. and Stripes as Ih* Spanish lrs>» I [By Associated Prea* lo The Herald I • Mansaalllo. Oct. 11. The Hpanlard* | who have been garrtaoalag Manaantlio Imrve ker* at daybreak tomorrow on j board tbe steamer Porto Rico for CI-] rkfagua Col. Ray, tb* American ■ hr na« onr best efforts to make year purchases entirely satisfactory her#. MAHONBY & ARHSTRONG, COAL and WOOD STROWOER a»t. BELL 179*. Office and Yard No. 1 toacartan .Street commander, paid a final visit to the Spanish commander. Col. Parron, tbl* afternoon, and wished the Spaniards bon voyage. Tbe American troops then marched to tbe public square.! hoisted the Stars snd Stripes, and prft-' ceeded to tbe custom houre, where a similar ceremony waa performed. Our soldiers repaired to the postoffice and hoisted the American ensign. In tbe majority of Instance* the incumbents hold office oending the arrival here of Gen. Wood. fa Nothing In It. [By Associated Press to The Herald.] Washington, D. C.. Oct. 11. Adju tant General Corhin said today: “There is no thought of mustering out the Forty-Ninth lowa. The regiment Is now at Jacksonville and goiag Im mediately to Savannah and thence with Lee." Miss lielna Ferris is visiting friends in Macon. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION Special Notice. Headquarters Knights of Equity, Coun cil No. 2. Augusta. G«.. Oct. 11. 18SS. A MEETING OF THIS COUNCIL will be held at the office of BROTH ER W. H. M ALLSTER. 1021 Brontl street, 8 o'clock. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING. A full and prompt atten dance Is requested. A. A. EVANS. Commander. IV. H. McAlister, Record Keeper. LOST—A WHITE SILK WAIST BE TWEEN Calhoun street and Daly's store, on Mclntosh. A suttable reward if returned to 953 Broad street. FOR SALE—ROAN MARE. 7 YEARS old: sound, kind and gentle: any lady can drive. Also wagon, road cart end harness. Apply 523 Watkins street. Oct 12 WANTED IMMEDIATELY—A GOOD cootr. Apply at 627 Broad street. Oct U 1 CKfVtMRR i I TOOkYAtARtonA At«i< nTfa IVTttMI NNH*HT. I A fafafa#*fa. ofa .IM tl faSnOB MBfafaV* |i iMfafairtß ffaMfafafarfat ®Mfa. I I iriiMn ••*•*»* »* •* .*® rtfaktl tfa I fJwbBBI Wfiffaifafaffa ** ** «.# ** ** *A ®■ Isa i HiffeM fawwi® «9#M®faffa m w m mh A I t |i«t* mkddwoa .... .... «... .«d KtoM t ggf#rf tow aaMdWM# .... .. . I M M t MMMMaa ...... ............ I i •( Ufa** wfafaMfaMfaf »•••»#«* •• *« - A i tfa | dtßMfafa mAMMltfafa a a BB •• .*• A *»® IPlfafafafa ••»«•#*«•* •«*•*.*A fa*AVl***# TAfafa#* a* .to m to to.ttoto A It ®Afai • kli* lUfT® W«faH ll illt'flfa f tfai, U |MM «t»| ffafato I «fafa®P#Mfaifafa FfafafaAfaA• 9fafaA l*Ml* Iflfa? t AM I Mfa tfaffafay •# a* S*®® %i'fal4fa» m* .. Mfa 7*W TVt«4«f ,« to #. a *• •• AMI MU W#fafaM«M®fay • a# a* •« a* a* W® T>W'to4BF »* #• aa .. •• f'O Kl MM t •• «» •• •• aa a* ®A®® I I***! •* «• •« ,i t . IffaAfa MM® —■ BAUM. PFIKSOtMt* KMIPkBJIT*. ■awa Bpaaer# ahipaseat. Katwrday ... MM ft >#*d M wbr . .. IKd I** Tuempy *> •• •* i | Total .. .. a»# MB «>to ORfNUI RBirBIPTB itar t*M 9®#9 9far#tf»9fa tofafay . * #• iZ*® fafaH Throuth Cfattfal tfa4®fa .# #• ®3 t® Offa* i >4#y •• #• Afait stock and receipt* If®? 1«M fit CM. fa tfa A«ft*l*»*» t*xlar . lAl4® 53AAT Itc. eipta atbee NS I .. IBW BB NEW YORK COTTON. ; January •• .. .. .. I I* February * » B ** iMsrrh » *7 4 w ■ May I « 5 *5 June .. .. .... .. .. .... I ll Joly •• .. .. .. .. »• * ... I to iyi Auguat •• •• •• •• .. .. I-B October Hi 3 I* November ~ .. .. .. .. .. 1-1* 3.21 December .« •• .. •• •« .. §.24 3.34 Tone Quiet Middling «-'» LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 2 «l 2 *2 February and March .. 2.(2 241 March and April .. .. • 2-(3 S.(W April and May 3 HO 3.51 «J May and June S4l 541 *2 Jure and July 02 3,02 03 July and Aug t.os * ®s Aug. and Hepl *■§* 04 5.»3 to Sept, and Oct. .. .. .. 2 *2 2.C,»Jd Oct and Nov 2.*2 2,«2 Nov. and Dec 5.0 ! *2 Dec. and Jan 2 *1 J.ti PORT RECEIPTS 1097 I*9* New Orleans 1774# ; :553 Mobile Ml* BN Savannah 12*40 1««*7 Charleston I**' New York 50 —— New York .... 3131 Boston 7'W) 254 Philadelphia .. 7«2 Estimated total 53910 7 20H CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— December •*% 64'4 ®4 T * ®5« CORN— October Dw'ember .. •• 2'j 7 4 30)4 May 32 OATS— October 2 1 *« May «ta PORK December "® n ‘ January *- 80 *”'* LARD— Deccm'>er 4.6> January .. 4.i2 4-*J SllrEJS — Oc’ober .. .. * 5.20 January 4.60 1-67 NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar 11® Ufa Tobaccv 125 B R T B4l <> li4l S C. B. <J 113% Ufa Misosurt Pacific 314. 32’i Louisville and Nashville : l'a Manhattan .. 92% i'-'l'i People's Gas 10»\ 1*9%, Union Pacific 21% *fa Rock leiard llOOlri lOO I^ St. Paul l° fi, s l l 'fa Southern Railway, pfd ..32% 32% Western Union 90% 90’* Gardelle, who always has the best in everything, makes no exception to the rule In hyacinth bulbs. He has just re ceived an assortment of the finest first grade bulbs—double. Roman and lily bulbs: also a mixture of lawn-grass, especially adapted lor this section. _