The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 12, 1898, Image 8

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WSONK«OAY Children's Perfect Fitting Clothes! perfect fttttaff CWN* tor «*• l®r» «mi« *o MU« Hi ttw* Port. Htvt you INI #-pf C# #w*t* w# *r« *•«*«« At §2 ftO. §3.00 «nd up lo §ll.OO. or ouf i#** o©uW»* bftMJtd Mo, •to 16. At to* M»m* It.OON Our prtrp for «h# c*t*bf»(#d Stir iinw«i«t« mart* of Atorrfoym MaorAA* Kftnd mad* button hot*** tarpn collar* i**t tHa amali boy***dotacbad and hifh turnover collar* for tt*a bi* boy*. Ivrrythtnf corract In Boy •’ wtir at thi* *tor« (2^J/U^rr& A.OA. t*C#JM>NAI- Mm * M am— * •» , a a nwiw*. «f h»* b*t A** «*• f M R*t*C ft# t* 1 ,k * h**«*» * * Xi*n a mn» •« •* *> P*MM* Jl, cw* 4# Or* T*rt, M ftt Ik* EhMftrr* m w **.«*, «i x** tffwi t* •< o. Pt**».f |». *F Colli— *1 AM— * A- ! *k* Afttkfttna * •; t II C K—• aft r—lt«—a** a a* tk* Arllngi«*> r J, rw* *f Cnrt War** a at tk* ArtMfio* J A Rfi— of Hr— |« *i ik« Arttscto* * r. Haim of darlA—il i* •• «* AftlOftto* ‘ ** Mias Mamie Rail Una returned from K*« York ~ ~ «,! «» < Albert la Left* d JD* T wk - ** •* «k* PUasftft I, . ■ Mi P, L. U—k as rfci—irhM, a at Ik* Plante*#> 1, C. Womlm* <f iMtlaori' !• at tk* M—!**• A T, fa.oa ul Haiku. On .* at tk* Pknim William Morn o t Phlladelpkta I* At Ik* Artintum H r Trmpe of CkaiUßon I* *< tk* ArHufttno J T. Bcbroed*r of Baltimore I* »l tk* Arlington A. f I<**b. of Birmingham Ala, I* at fV t'lantawA ' Mr W S Krower rotan>*d from Mn ran kit tipi II A HR***. of lyxilarllt*, Kjr, ’» •I Ik* ll»t|l*f V •** •' ’ It W Bufrhdrd Of (Spartanburg la •t Ik* ArIBNttAA. * M m K 4C |<,hi**on, of BrAufort, I* I* Ik* ettj* today Janu. - A RaailUoa. of Dayton. 0.. D At th* P'aßter*. H. C. t'Htford And wlfr, of Ckleafo. Ar* At tk* WA—rr*. J Ball** Onrdon. of Bom*. Oa.. 1* a gur*t at Ik* Planter*. C. L. MrClrndun. of the Coats Thread.. company, la at Ih* Planter* J W H*ard of tk* Darky randy company, of Balilmor*. la at Ik* Plant er* Mrs Isadora tM*y and Mrs Owen Moor* aro visiting frl*nd* In Ma con. Dr S. B. Swlgert and Mra. Swlgert of Ridge Springs 8. C. are in the city today Tke friend* of Mra. Mantle Olbhep will be pleaaed to hear tktaf she I* bel ter today. Mr. A. J. Sallnua earn* np fro*; Charleaton last- night aad la the gueal of Mra A. OR Vg#*». M P. Hgckermaa. representing th* Ilfoddon So»|)> company. *P Boston Is registered fft tt'AMPthritPhl: , W. C Ruaaelt, of Pelerabtirg. Va.. la (he Flantera. Mr. Ituasell la agen*. ir th* S A. I*, at the above place lion. William Liffle. renmor from this senatorial district, hts wife and child, arc atopplng at the Arling ton The following New Yorkers are stop ping at the ArUngton: Julius Welsa J. O. Clark, H. P. Clenworth. W. A. Wil liams B. D. Kvatis, solicitor general of the middle circuit Georgia court, is at tha Plnnler*. Mr. Evans Is a candidate for judgeehip of the circuit. Miss Jessie Poul left yesterday tor Latrtonvllle, where she goes to act as bridesmaid at the marriage of her brother. Mr Charlie Paul, lo MU* Ag gie Chance, which occurs today. Mr and Mrs Clias. H ltaystea 1 are ot the Planters. Mr. Ha.vstead is manager of the "Remember the Maine" company, which shows here 10- nlght. Mr. Haystead was cighlent years ago advance agent for Rose Eytlnge. who played here ot the old Masonic opera house, lie says that :l,r chow tonight is "Jam up." Macun News: Mrs. John Hill of Washington and Miss Doughty of Au gusta are the two charming guests of Mrs Mintw Wimberly, on College street. Mrs. Hill Is very popular In Macon, where she frequently visits her sister, Mra. Wimberly, and Miss Doughty Is a acted beauty of Augusta, a city celebrated for the beauty of fts women. New Dutch and Kippered Herrings at Lamkin & Co.’a. TO f)|Vf! »AIR Aogtaata IJgM la*—try JPMHi *• Rata——*4 f W A*vm*(* f**«in t§f«»«rt 'MW it** film *O4 ISIW* ***4 Wwiii «*# T—«4§r »« 4**%a IMW tv W»«* mat fpjft y*M| TtkATT fV) iVfT^T, Kmrh mLn hmm >—w4 1} W!• t |_ ■w—Mfct* MTimflti **f I*l *§•!• TV r*»m«k6»y win rt»4Hir«f to fIR. tIARTZOO INJI'RI D Was llama ln>a HU Wheel this Dor—ag. 1 Ah—l a«»a I—ay Mr. I. D. Mart- I «ar tnjarvd «a Hr- vt *ti—» He i was ruuag Hi* wk*H JuM la Don* »f ltSir**r » tuml'ur* *•••»*. tt»« a n*«ro I man. *h<> *aa ailempung ta catch a ra>. ran tarn him j Mr. Hans— »aa thrown *»-.l*nll) t*» Ike «i und. He aaa earned Into lb* atora and IW. W H. O—gW a*nt t«w. t t>f\ Ixurhir lh«l pftUrwt * rft-iiaki ~* bad Wn dtat-e-atet by tk* fall f§n4 th*! h «M iHvmly Urutard Aftet Using tk* injur *1 member and doing «n he cirtitd for Ik* aufferer Dr. ; nought" moved hla pat-eai to kla hum- I §1 lot Hr«M§«l . At t */! ». rounf» Mr Hnr:«t>f wmm \ teat I.l* as easily a* could he expected Th® Ellis Restaurant has moved first door abova Dyar building. annual melting Of lutual Real Latatc and Building Association last Mtht. Th* annual meeting of the Mutual I it> at Katate and Building Association waa held last night. The former hoard of dlrei torn and offle era wer* r*-electe<l. A S per e»nt dividend was declared. I Mr. C. K Coffin I* president, and Mr. W. C. June*, secretary and treasurer, of Ih* association. Smith A Wesson pistols from fS to M. 50. Several good bicycle* for sale very eheap. Good watches from $1.21 lo S6O 00 at D*wl* 3- Schaul. Rellabl* Pawnbroker, under the Arlington, EIGHT OF THEM. Offenders and l-'lnes at Court of the Rrcarder Today The following I*l h section offenders were tried and tim'd by the recorder this morning: John Norris, $2 so. James Day, $4.00. Gov. Brown, $2.51). Joseph Co*. SI.OO. Joe Crawford. $1 60. Harper Williams. SI.OO. Robert Weeks. $15.00. Andrew Palmer, $2.50. We have moved to the Ellis Restaurant stand at 71 7 Broad street. Will be glad to serve all, old and new customers. INN RESTAURANT. CITY COURT. Slim Attendance Before Judge Eve This Morning. A slim attendance greeted His Honor Judge Eve at city court this morning, only two cases being sentenced. J. P. Thomason received a three months' sentence for vngnmey. ,lim Henderson, found guilty of lar ceny from the house, will serve on the county chsingnng for six months. Only steel lined ond burglar proof safes used. Money loaned on anything of value at a low rate of Interest. Wa terbury alarm clocks. 75 cents. Lewis J. Schaul. Reliable Pawnbroker. wTc. T. U. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman s Christian Temperance Union will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock at St. John's lecture room. All the members are earnestly requested to be present. The public Is cordially in vited to attend. „ _ . LETTERS FROM BOYS IN CUBA 10|| ) Pvft |I9 T, niPd !§■»»* »• im Hn<W» fl m nwwMni % nwn* |§ «Im» m t9mm T tmm thim fi* ***** mm mm m mm l upHl Imm T § Rk*# t WMMR • [ o«k4 mm* iHM| famm Bmmmmm fTiw§. F*2sMMi h—» mm m* p—f m| %mm 6iN6 im I dwpi ml umi mm hmm ****** mm l mm* *m mrnm mmm* [ mmm I ""fiiiit i» «|N» wm*k. *mmfm* *m* [—4s *l. Tk* |g*sfA* I—* —• •**■** 11«$§ tg» 4*mih *m4 m&m* 1 imtm •• * 0 < s -tm* l# IN****# tlwwi ftmm pWw ta* mm. at**!! l *' 1 ” [ t )ksg *** t ***■”* ’ mtm* ***** hht’* ifNMi unNiin* nm ***** 9tm****m m**4 •|p» niijlft i Hi • •i 1 ** 1 * *• i | m*m w%» ***** st*/n*H**t ** mmm*** t* t—» • | i*k* o— —mp l#ma* *tm •- \m %s****44*mm**m pm Hi t|*mTWw*§ fm» ti 4mr* tl»„ g» Tfiniaiaii hA t*u»* k>»*f. Mad— Motkia a—4 t—t —l* gig**—.* 'gllTiiltti h— —4 Mr lilt— •*» that R— gt*4 —MI WOltokt Atd**» “* at* a—* mMIi C—<■ Tms■■* m* a*t a— Tk* a*at ss•* y— —m* •* t* it— fwtk A gnu—g -mi *n ikr— - r—taikh h*t* a ha— >M— k—* If a ass g*ts ,kt b* g*t* ***y Wit* at t«—t— A ta— l* —sl *—*•**— sRk aro—Ml k*ro a—» •* t* —ty Tk— k* Is s*M t<* k* st*h gs» M aaolb** ms* bight —for* last Ptmr bny k* *a* —lt M y—r* »M M*B*f O—y SM btS MB* Igo a— know •feat was tk* ***it*r with kt— W* a— about ainetjr mil— ft— —kttb* "| ha** had v*yy mil* *‘rh***» and tkaak Ood for *l* gnod b*a 10 Tk* ft rat pise* w* war* stall—*d H'alma natal t* tk* gl*r* lb* find man waa It t! o*l “A I— t stamp will bring your letter* " Address t* B—kgi Mr. Tknwms kas tawny friend* ta tk* city wko ar* gtsd to hear from him Another I —ter, ! Jamaica. Cuba. B* *l. !«*• Dear Mother:—Tour loag-kmk— -for letter was Just r—rod yesterday sod I ws* I v*ry glad «o kesr from y— all. lt! was the Brst word I hats heard from I th* United Stales nines I left Ba»*n i nab, ftor w* n*rer see a —per here that tr* can road, or h**r a word from th* L’aitfd (hates. I waa also glad ta | hear that y— aro all well; as for rny aeir. I was wry alck for four or Av« day* about two weeks ago. but am wall a* usual. la y—rantlo*. I don’t know whether I had yellow fever of not, as I was stationed on a sugar insolation for or flve miles across the hay from Cal maoera and could not secure a physician until larula Reese (Jap Keeae’s brother) waa ' stricken with yellow fever and died, 'and ns we had alt been together a short while before he was taken, they sent for me and the rest id the men who were with me and put us In quarantine at On—tanamo for ten day*. Guantanamo 1* a city of about twenty thouaaud people, about twenty live roilce from where 1 was hut was nearly well when ihey came after me. After I got out of quarantine 1 waa sent here to Jamaica and Joined the rest of th* company, Jamaica la about ten miles from Guantanamo and 1* surrounded by mountains except one little gap where the railroad comes In, and the train comes twice a week, but If any one gets sick they run a special to bring the doetor up. We arc camped where Gen. Toral, the Spanish general who surrendered at Santiago, used to have his head quarters. and there Is a telephone from here to Guantanamo, where our headquarters are and the doctors and hospitals are. There 1b about one-half of our comtmny sick, but the most of It eeems to be chills and fever and they arc first np and then down. There is no one very bad off today. Pel* Checks waa very bad off Indeed yester day. but he Is better today. They keep quinine and cathartic pills here to doctor those that are not very bad off. Up to this time (here have been hut two deaths In our company— Reese and another boy from Harris burg named Walter Gray, who died at the hospital night before last of pneu monia. I am feeling all right, and take quin ine every night to keep the fever off. We left Santiago the next day after l wrote you. From there we took a boat and came about sixty miles east from there to a place called Calmnn era, and there our company was split up: sixteen of us were left there and the balance came on here. From there T was sent with flve others to Tj)s Ca. nos until Reese died and (hen we were all sent her after coming out of quaf antioe. We have canned beef, bacon, onions, rice, canned tomatoes, beans. eoffeS, etc., to cat. but I can't eat the beef. There is a baker here and we have our flour baked into nice light bread. There are two or three cotvs here and T get. milk sometimes, hut It costs forty YMm AUOU9TA «JCRALD. 1 •«**.-*• *, m*** *%HNI m* * H** HHMfc; j• *— £*#* Hos #66 HP### **♦** :u wt #«4 # §* f«p mppi *&#s## 1 mmos mm* #•#*** HMH *0 IH#*# It ?#» mmm # p—HI hihhmh#h* «#■* **** Imm *4 m m <%•* §#*** ** ** ***** »««• f *m »ms% 9*m*rnm ***** HP' H# f smm* ********* ***** **■•* ***** ** *#• ' I *&* 4**** *•»*■§ o*mm ®*'#’ m* H Ik'**'#* ******** m ***** m ***** **m ##gr#*B# H*## <H# #ig|rt< m*m ***& # #»IWN ■i-tastk. MpMg—Tk ***** ***** W* ****** H f§k pm# ** ***** m* **** #** **4 U# P(§U» HP H#r ! fjf mm**** t m** ***: ttmwNP ## tHMplfiH ##( mm* *»p t**l**9 mr w*4** U* Cm**. mm 4 #ll **m wmimt wm *# t* ##*»N*4 Ifm# # rtt*r ***** tP#» •*^ i# mmmj. mm 4 UP## t» %#•! W H#Hw* r •• Ht I#H It. W# #H pl##tf *t if### H#M ##H •#§* m* mm mrm fc#t# *** H#»iH ***** mmf, . fit## **m #nmm H- At #f####f I H### ■ ## otH#f lH## t*#t I Hill f**m tm*m \ U> A#>##*# ****** (Hf W#ll. I #tl« ; Pate tet r|##» P»f UN# fNB*. •• * H### # #|MMMP# *o m*4 IHl# t# <;#*#!§»6l*> lo he ntliml ****** 4*9 ** o' P**! | Writ# ***** ##4 l#ll **o #ll IH ******. «ft 4 «k##4 *** ***** l#lr ##p#f§ tl ft# r I T —told siantp ibk but tk*ro I* k« ckg*c* to g*4 a *ta—k k*ro Aggro— a* boforo Tktrg Regiment. U. 8 V. tJ lOa H . Uu—t a—o. Cuk* I* R Arthur p ft.--Take car# of yowroel*** tk* ■ b**t you can. t think i at* all right, j and am very well satisfied. Your* P R A. j J Pttrtnla, Doubla Barret Gun* Ptstwls. , Harrington 4 Rbhaednn* Brand a*w . platots. 0 3*. Ilarrtngfog A Rkhardaon *e> <nd hand plat> ’ *3 4*. A»*rlcaj»| double acting pistol sl9* Uultar. Maa }d»Un and Banjo String#. I f«r 5 roatg at | t. j. Hr haul. Rellabl* Pawabruksr. ••REF<M*MS** IN CHINA. Mow They Have Started Out There to Better Things. Pekin. China. Oct. IS.—tftpwclsl CaMe INspaSeh to The New York Suu.) —An edict, has been laaued ordering the sup preWMoo of «h* native proa* and th*' punishment of the editor*. It also can- , ;< *l* (V new meth ala for the examine -1 lion of students lhal were promulgat -1 ed during the past y*ar. ! This Inst Step will be welcomed, aa j the new method* meant the depriving lof some hundred thousand students I from the fruit* of their labors. | The board of agriculture Is abolished 1 j and ll* president la degraded. All off!- I rials who petitioned for reforms at* i dismissed. J The final contract for the Mew- j (Thwang railway extension loan Of 2.-' 250.000 pounds has been signed by the director of railways, and the Hong- | Kong and Bhanghal hank. Shanghai, Oct. 13.—Huang. ex-Chl nese consul at Singapore, and lately the minister-designate to Jutotn. has been arrested here by order of the dowager \ in ctmneciton with th* reform movement. Her majesty’s genera! prescription of the progressive* constitutes a reign of terror. The recent edicts were al Issued by her aole authority. ' The guarded comments of the native press Indicate that al Jexcept the high er officials are In sympathy with the reforms. Yuhama, Oct. 12. The Japanese Ifbv ernment has ordered the landing and Immediate march to Pekin of a force of bluejackets to protect the Japanese legation there. EXTRA SLEEPER Carried Out on Georgia Train to Macon Last Night. The Georgia night express that left last night carried out an extra sleeper to Macon on account of the large crowd that went over to attend the carnival. A large number also left on tne 8:15 train for that place. Ordered to Charleston. Washington. Oct. 12.—'The people of Charleston. S. C., are to have an oppor tunity to sea some of the warships, for 1 nt the Instance of Representative Elli ott, of South Carolina, Secretary Long yesterday gave orders for four ot the warships to go to Charleston to partic ipate in the jubilee exorcises there on the 24th inst. The vesaels named have made honorable record* during the war. They are the Witoalngton. which was in the lighting at j Cardenas, in which Bag'.ey was ki|4ed; the Nash ville. which fought at Kftenfuegoe; the Montgomery, which took part In the bombardment of the Santiago forts, and the Princeton. t OFFICER HERO ATTACKS WREN Itt f«PM»* Mm! tfcg tglkrf tlm* tin a §M| I ClMk s*—ft Mg* A Miff Mm—i * Tk«—i M«—— s•—. Th—** *#•**—.. fMMnaf We— m*** < '***■-■ c♦ |f**4 #w>4 !ft* fm • *' ms §mm*tm** m* u§# UrClhhl hi # PkiMyttW hut- f MUMThp ,-f t * f * #4 § ***■'* ftp-fs ||Nr f***'.-' i.* t ItP*M§f II #*# ##• §-»§m #p#f lif Tlry #§# Of#« i §#4* ********* • # r «#4 ms H#fnl##. fHiii# PM* *9*4 mtikrn IN4V«§### Wpm* T%# f ***mj m*4 I# TH# If♦#§l4 IflNfefef .. - .w — M wmomt n *mttrt f#ml Hi§f«P of hkm 4w*f —T* t** HU#f T%# mh*i cm* ## I##wn4 tlPtf# mm ** rn§* j «■»• for <## MMiii! o# n#rtr Wr*§ Til# #iif tnm*4s mi !P# tvlt know* gott— will k* gt*d to know that h* t* —t **rto—ly tttjwrod fro th* blow* of He—'* rlak Pto—pfit* Edam awd Eo*u«k Dairy Ck»— tro— *t laimktn A C*.‘*. HRVAN WANTS FMIMT BHf INDEPENDENCE RENEWED. A I elter to Horv*y Co— crolog tk* Ca— — tg* Chicago Oct. It—W. It H*r»*y. general manager of the way* and m—na commute*. No. 10*4 University building. Chicago. Is la receipt of th* follow ing letter from Col, William J. j Bry—. dated Jacksonville. Ft* My Dear Sir:—l encloae a pledge for j monthly contribution* to Ike cause of j bimetallism until October, I Sou. togetk er with the tnatnlment for this month, j I moot eordtnlly endoroe the plan adopted by the committee and am c—- fldent that it will reauK In the collee tlon of a large fund for the circulation of bimetallic literature. ftlnee your light la In the Internal of the "plain people"—to use Lieoln’a phra*e- or i the "common people." to borrow a bl bte term, we must appeal to them for the means of carrying on the contest. The financier* can contribute large sum to support the gold standard be cause the monopoly of money give* them great pecuniary profit. Surely, you can appeal with confidence to the millions who suffer from a rlalng dol lar and falling prices. Having brought freedom to Cuba, the American people can renew the struggle for the financial independence of the United State*. Yours truly. WM. J. BRYAN. MANNING HAS LIKELY BEATEN SENATOR MOSES. Close Vote in Sumter’s Third Sena torial Primary Election. Sumter, S. C., Cct. 12.—The third primary for state senator from this county waa held today nod though In tense Interest was taken by the frienda of both candidates, the election passed off without incident at all the pre cincts. A 1 the precincts but one have been beard from and this will Increase Mr. Manning's majority. The returns are as follows: Manning, 764; Moaes, 659. GEN. WOOD S REPORT. The Sick Cases and the Deaths at Santiago (By Associated Press to The Herald.) Washington, Oct. 12. A dispatch from Gen. Wood, commanding at San tiago. says there are 681 fever cases and 1.159 sick in the command. Deaths —William Lewis. Co. B, Ninth United States volunteers, typhoid; Charles Simmons. Co. F, United States volun teers, endcarditls; Berton F. Denny, Co. B, Third United States volunteers, acute entertis. CASTORIA. Beam the •* Kind You. Hare Always Bought T" Khartum, which it took Genual Kit chener tyro years to roach, in conse quence of the sirdar's thoroughness, IS within less thaa days of London. 1 3 MEN I >fm t t» *—> I—»*> m a iiirthi iifti *m* IM# g— pft *— no 11 *« o# pH### it «MMk| 9*— #k -Toft 9wr* «M#M «k—» ft* #aft|isft Rfip ft®—P-ft-TH-k #—• mm ftt* k*H ko Mu f—p—t # **«•>*§»«— #1 9*o*44* ********* m4rn& 4*4* l##H **44#**** HI #*##*H#*#% Mg *44 44*4* INhP • 4*444 **4f444 4* **444 H» ft 4m 44 *44 ! ( HA* f Dt(»CN. HftfUftf J^i^Ma^iraSftgt UST OF At»t KITtSED Lrmts tv*"** *-■■■*-* I# I## #m#i*4H## *9 4mmmmm. Uktnmm t„irr 1 A Iff* ******* A4M**. Hi# Ompi* 4ffe , f M*ft*)T f*§totk% §| f g #| .g | , Tlt jk W« yj __ Ilm J|,J—|MbFkfl # )** f Ml# 1C Mia# KM. Mi## AH*# §gijMM mrmh M W*«* Mi## Utt K urraf MH# AAD* MttrHvli, Mr# j Jg—Mr#. Mii»#ft# Mr* V> «§ , n n l<# rn*mw p*mum. M«#» M«(*** *.>«t»4*r Mim Hi!!# MHilM## Ml** ♦'»•»»* m* ft9##rl. Ml# JMk* Mr# ; Affti *«ittH ' W Mr# Wl!!l#Ofe WM»htn§! *fi. Mi##- ! «*,.|4hm Wrtm, MN# M*tll» Wll'li# w«. I Mr#' wuii#r WtinlM*rt|, Mi## 14# I \\ j-i- *, i I "£> - Mr# Uurrlla liullft OKNTI.KMKN * IJWT. I A —R*v■ A. It. At)—. p—J ftaswoMirr. J fc Hl*' k. f_Wilti* Coblmnn*. W H Cwil -m. W t ium owr k**t *ffort» t* make yaw purchase* —tiroly *at>*f—toey bar*. MAhONtY & .*** ARHSTRONO, COAL and WOOD STROWOLR ill. SELL 17*6. office aod Yard No. 1 Macarta* street Lutker Child*. . C. Cadle. John Clem on*. Jo# Corker. J> —Paerhall Dunn. Hamp Da—Ol. Prof Albert fMeksoo. Tho». J. Davi* K—L. It. Rdm—da T. Charlie Fraaer, J, L. Pride*. O—J. T. Goins. Jos. Gay. H—lSanaon Howard. Julius Hillman, Rev. J. Harwell House. C. W. Hol liday. Dr. David Harrlgan. j—n*o. William Jones. Thomas Jor dan. 8. C. Jackson, Jamea W. Jordan, Jame* Johnson. Bam Jennings. Prod Johnson. K—G. A. Keelin. W. H. Kirkland. M. Kaphan. L—O. T. Long, S. K. Lowe#, Boale Uwmm. M—G. W. Morgan, Bam Miller. Rev. Jessie Mayer. J. T. Mackay. L. J. Murphy. N—J. Tugler Nobis. O— K. W. Ostram. K. L .Osborn. PJ. C. Patterson, Kuston Pembleton. A W. Pierce. R—J. H. Rucker. J. J. Riggins. S—William Stephens, Willie Smith, Gilbert Smith. S D. Shearer. George Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. John Sherman. T—w. N. Thomas. IT—\\m. Upright. W'_B er t Wtllidon. Bolt Williams. MI SC ELI . A N EOl r B. Augusta Wood Yard. Musical Direc tor Amateur Musical Club. Secretary Fair and Race Track. W. H. STALLINGS, P. M. John H. Forbes Dead. (By Assoeiated Press to The Herald.) Boston, Oct. 12—John M. Forbes, sr., president of the board of directors of the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy railroad, died at Milton today. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION Special Notice. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 12. 1898. DURING MY ABSENCE FOR A short time. Dr. W. H. Doughty. Jr., will attend to my business. W. H. DOUGHTY. MISS BELLE SMITH'S DANCING school at her parlors, northwest cor ner Kollock and Telfair. Children, men Mondays and Thursdays a.t S o'clock. Oct 20 ROOMS TO KENT AT 141 BROAD street. Oct 15 . oerrost# r# tooa >5 rumei *i fUMHtfITy f ******* *l# Hm t? *|y ja iHH f t UlUrtf ***mm *m*4 ws4****p •*••*• **#*..• I I IHttri t*m ml*4l*m* »«»* lt M » • M-HI IHMf IMH 1 44**4*p *• *• .«• »• *> 4J#| 444 I T#4#l H**** .. « •«,, IMH3 IIJM I $41,0 IHklttßl. gIIIFMPVT*. —t*s W*l***ro Shipro-nt. —turftar ... ISM 77 2*44 Monday . .. 1174 M* at Twnwhty ~ •• Iftß* y*s 3*M Tutsi .. .. Uftl <m lltll oomta Ricciprs 1 art taw I N*t itotSM baity ~ •• Ilf! I7D j TkriMfft e*(t— today .. •• 4* 4* Utm* aesroto** tnftfty .. .. IW t*o ftTtXTK AND RBCEIFTft. I**T Itt I SiMk In Augusts .. .. 2 end M*M Ibrolyu Slur* Kept, t .. l*lftl* 74**t OOTTOJt LETTKIt Attiwtt, (!«.. Ort It.- Th#*> «• !.**• , f th!u# Rtv I# *%r*mk4* lo til# I fii#r fl . I Urorpenl rahlrs war* a Shade better ; than yroteeday. Ik* beat feature leini Inn advance nf S-2Sd in i| v, lf with sate* lof 15,4** New York showed 1 to 4 pain's In- I provement on the first roll, hut et-*.) I> ff gradually to taat night's where it has Since held steady. The weather report * aro favantW* and retlept* are large, but w* do not advocate selling cotton at present tour range, except for quirk scalping tusn*. PAINE. MURPHY d CO. The following qindallons. the dosing Iprices taken at t p m . aro over thi I.'s»•<.ial wire* of Paine. Mutphy A Co.t NEW YORK CtITTGN. open. Clone. January 5« '•.» 1 February 5 »* »•« March 5 40 5.9* May • • • .. ■• •• .. .. 5.4* i June .. •• •• •• k-5 5 k. 49 I August ~ .. .. 5 5» 5.57 I October .. .. •• 5.14 6.1* I November 5 2* 5.19 i December 5.29 5.24 Ti*ie . Steady Middling .. .. 54k Liverpool ctyrmN. January <nd February 2 S 2 2.W February and March .. 3 00 2 S3a3<J March and April . .. .. 3.00 3 00 April and May 3.02 2.01 May and June 2.52 3.02 June and July 3.03 2.03 93 July and Aug 3.04 3.0! M Aug. and Sept 3.05 3.01 Sept, and Oct 3.00 3.0) Oct. and Nov 3 00 2.»7 Nov. and Dec 2.53 2.82 d Dec. and Jan 2 62 2.02 53 PORT RECEIPTS. 1*97 18)4 Galveston 14092 21R61 New Orleans 11051 11779 Mobile 604 2332 Savannah 11698 10270 Charleston 5212 2079 Norfolk .. •• .. .. 4647 4043 New York 513 Wilmington 3106 3601 Boston 763 116 i Philadelphia 175 113 Estimated total 40810 60159 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— Otober * s ’4 *l*B December 65 65*4 May 64’4 *3*4 CORN— October December 30% 30^4 May 227, 32% OATS— October —'4 May 23% 23 FORK— December I*® January LAKD_ 4 71 October ’ December t- s * January 4 - 90 4 - 8^ SIDB7S — October 5 27 December ~ 4 January 4 ,0 4,6 ‘