The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 13, 1898, Image 3

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TMUftftOAV V* *IUM* fymmm Hiftmn ffeM - MMft ftM®* IMM ## ■#»iHi»* 4h# %'•#" Pi #»**» t%» gftpftP pPPPfMi'i i %» ft## «f VP i | ts tuft****- ftfftw* »Jfe» 4MMMI In Kiii|- ft# ft* *wAwi» iH •%% : ftftft#* ft# IV 1 iv PPP #*»• Il'ftftftMtoaftt #ftftlftftftft ftH#l (ft* . flfr -wr ‘MV Hi hrtip Ip ft*** ft#ft* j fk» imMif ftftj#<4ftMft#ftii #ftft Ppp fKKpß#' -+m ftiftftft fta**#’** ft#*ftftft •#*!•* ; *•*»•«» #>*# ftlprft «** ft* ftftft'-*ft4 Pl(m pilpi ! %0 i Ah* >«*• » ** * < eum *%•!*•. «M * Owt **»"* m 4 wf Wstm '4N*#t fpHp. PPt> | ♦-(# IP #•** «» *•# **•«* f%mm m~* pH ft pPßpwv £- ft ft* fliftift## flFWftft Ift# *Ht Pi fttlftft In nWwr f'P>ll“t-rp ft# **|pp §P* jtft dm pft«. %$* «#•*# # ••tPiMf '*•# \+m ifc#t §* Ihv9«4 (■* t«vp Ift ft »#ftftft «4 W *• * rip %*•#»*** i**r# pm pm »» • ft Ap pifi i» p ctft iftftM ft mi tiftft im ••ft* ft^«n mPI ftft iV fppjftpftft ■pjgrj PvCfttf'it P PftC ppm i ft tipi ip ft*# ftfti p fftftfkmm m' fc**Htft ift# Iwfl tNftMft tft lift fftftti (ft i eft# #s•*##* pm iv vi# ppfft j if# fftfaftiilt m ftp^-ppPijimft W* hava tha chaapaat art# bMt upaclal ord#f Rtitaurant In town. Como and ba convinr#d. INN RESTAURANT. 71 ? Broad fltraat. INC WEATtIIJt. a h*i awn* fmm .'*)* *# >u> A”ga*tk o*-. TtwnW Or* M, 3MH. ofik* Wh .In) is Unit#* !»•*•** OmnAMt MM)*|< !•* •ATX fi,i«r». Ifi At k'nn rading M • «M H. 1«M Washington forwragl far Or t)iMa Fair tMi|M n 4 KrMa; •r ia riirriw rortlm («fiM Ur kgbi «||h< o*rtnhJ# •<■4*- W * *h.r C* - * fofWMl far O*or|i> f,ir tadikt m 4 friar; llfki »»rt •Mr «*od« Uitl krrrtM for AhamU »«4 *♦* lillty, F»tr lufllrAt mJ Friday. THK RIVER The riser at It m «aa > 1 fraL a fan of t.f Aral tvr tltr part 30 hoar*. WRATHRR C'OKfHTJONS Th* alarm yratrnlay ofrr Aont A Oa |au ha* H*«iwanf to th* aouth* rra *hor* of Ltkr M rblita, »hll* th* haroni.t-r haa rtwn rapid If onr Ut llnrkf mountain r*ctna; tb*rc la atao p altxhi d*pr*wMou fa th* *aat Oalf T*mp*ratur** ha Pa fall*a dfflihdir •vrr th* arvatara rovttrf. mtddla arid rpi»r Ataottr atataa. »hll* rool*r ar*ath*r pravalla thromrhatit th* .South with light front* raportad thU morn tna from Kaaaa* City. Omaha. Wath fnp. D. C., tmd N*ta York rlty. Kana villa raports a minimum tamparaturr of a dagraea. which la th* toarcat la th* South. A haary rainfall of 1.58 Inch** of rurr*d at Bt. Paul, la th* paat !« hour* tng*lh*r with a minimum wind raloa. Ity of 2* mile* from tba northweat. Rucklan’a Aralca Salve. THK BEST SALVE in th* world for Tut*. Brul»ea. Snraa. Ulcara, Salt |ih*um, Favar Sore*. Tettar, Chappad Hand*. Chilblain*. Com*, and all Skin Eruptlona and poalMv*ly curaa Pllaa. or no pay required. It la guaranteed to give perfect aatlsfactlon or money re funded. Price IS rent* per ho* FOR BALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. ANOTHRR CHANQE. Two of the Firemen Transferred Today. Today another change occurred among the member* of the fire depart ment In the city. Mr. Berry Johnson, of No. 3. was transferred to No. 4. Me. Alfred Tudor, of No. t.Sra* brought down to No. 3. This rhange was made for convenience, ns it now places the two men nearer their respective homes. Come to the Inn Restau rant at 717 Broad Street and get one of Chef Shef field’s Dinners. To Try film. Julius Johnson, a negro of Tybee, h?.d an altercation with one rs the members of the battery or artillery on the island Saturday and gave him ft virions stab with a knife. He wr.s ar rested and this morning Mayor Butler went down to the Island to try him and perhaps turn him over to the state courts. If the negro is found guilty he will bf brought to the city and placed In Jail.—Savannah Press. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought The new trailing paquin skirt that faddish women wear will never be come popular in Kansas City. Hold ing up trains is a bit too common out them OUR SOUTHERN MILLS! 100 Rolls Georgia made superior Carpets at 30c yd. These goods look aa well and will last longer than any Eastern Carpet at $1 yard. 10c per foot for the Rugs, same qyality. ~ AIK t N MILL Bit ACHING. «•"•«£** XX 1000 L ‘" *' 90 CMII un lh* dollar. Yow ran always r*ly on boat valu# for your or u»i a a _ _ - A P. D. HORKAN & COMPANY’S IN ASOCIALWAY |§i %i#' The W Who W k!4. ll* wool »• »h* wkc I* lh» manMMg Tk* toll at Ik* drum** »*• hcotd Hut h* fikkkktf kt Ik* g»l* »i»k h** ftft«Mift#T ft kt«# •«** • mm<9 H# ftftft ffttl of III# ftiwt ftfttM* t km# Tfeat jrmjfli l» #» r#ft4? I» mmmvm. And, pr.>ud of ike dank at hu raker Afi<l th* th»vnm» us gold <•" hi* ■ftftftMftkh I I !V> 4 #m# frwi th# ftftr In lh# #%*"niii#— Th# m#ft4oft» #i>*inhi#*l with #now, Th# 4mm# ind th# httftl## w### And lh* *t*l*» of Ibe soldier* were He wH»’wr*PP*d IK lh* "*■ of hi* cook- When they laid him aaay In lh* With th* illtltditg star* Us * captain Replacing lh* rhevron* of g’dd. Wuh lh* h*ro*g wh*» »l**p y n hill* H* ll** with lh* fl*g gl hi* h*ad. But. blind with Ihe year* of her w**p- Ing. Hi* mother yet mourn* for b*r dead. Th* auldp-r# who fall In the luitll# May feel hut a moment of pain. But Ihe women who wail In Ihe hom«- steada Must dwell with the ghost* <rf «he plain. MINNA IRVING, in Boat on Pilot. . A Patriotic Dinner. A pr*tly patriotic dinner I* to l*e giv en goon by a woman In New York, who wishes t» pay a compliment to a frl -nd of h>r* who wa* on board the \ankpe during Ihe war. and who aaw *omc "pretty fighting ” fihe ha* all her table decoration* ar ranged In her mind, and they promise to be moat original. There are to be twenty at dinner. The table will be In oval shape, and In she centre, made of spun rugae and macaroon#, will be a miniature battleship—the Yankee. Bailors and officer* will bo of chocolate. Coming from this novel centre-piece will be sailor#' hat-banda with the names of Ihe different ship# w hh h took part In the war, stretched over the ta blecloth and reaching to each plat -. JCach girl will have before h -r a bunch of flowers of the national colors, ai d tied With red, white and blue ribbon*. The men will receive jh favor* small papier-mache dolls dressed a* sallota. which, when th*’ h ad is polled off. will be found to hold cigarettes of lh« fin est quality. The menu of the dinner will >o w,tru ed in the meat patriotic terms "»<h course being called after one nr another hero of IhP war. The Ice-cream eoursr promise* to cre ate 'he greatest surprise, as whi n It makes Its appearance -V) the table it will disclose a squad of twenty llough Riders, with Colonel Roosevelt and Col onel Wood at their head.— Edith Law rence, in Harper s Bagar, Three Autumn Costumes. Three pretty autumn waiking cos tumes, which are said to be correct models for the “'smart woman.” are shown bt one of the Importing tailors' establishments. The first is a dressy afternoon costume of reddish purple cloth. The material is finely tucked from top to bottom, each tuck being sewn on the material.. The lsidice is prettily crossed over to the left side, where it is fastened with a shaped band of cherry-tinted velvet, passing through a fancy buckle. The bodice is cut out below the neck to introduce a chemi sette of white mousseline and ltas re vers of white moire embroidered with cream cord. A big black hat trimmed with black velvet and black wings ac companies the costume. The second costume is of gray cloth ajid has a bolero which meets at the i Best and Newest Production on Sale at the Lowest Price Store. WltTl tha j T*-e ,!"*?. »l~ f «*** tw A KeiatHal HwifhiHl. I LwM ahrht hmaiifal Hilt Oar; <h« | th. atewe at • •witli.nt and r*|-i)aha* I i**.pt|.w Mra Ma-.h Mmliw entar i taming In h«*«* «f Mm liarthn J-hn- I .|na'l gwaata. Mia* <’*•<lam*n n* K*n* turky and Mm Wh.iv. at hiltman. {Tft# ftnmn4« tff# j with Jftftftttv’fHF lantfft* iM th# H■!«•!»** W| , | pt'rfi#* nf IxKtttr Th# htfiil *»m * j rp Ti\p4 h#r gu##l# Ift *fi * «*f | !h# ftUttVl# tnr whir h »!»• I# [ Ffl, ft Iftv#ti4#r krorafk* trlmm# ! ft Hh I rftil ftftr*. Ml## Martha J«»hn#tu«i. th# Iwautlful ouffß of th# rarnlvftl «*• Uitlr#4 in ft go#n of or.hkl allh oiiM I *ll vrr irlt»«v>ftn«# Mi## wrII i#u#4ftliHHl h#r r#|Mit«Uon Tor mi# b#ftit* jljr In • ftoira of fftttftft or#r M*’* 11<»« Mlin. «mV Mi## lift.*# ftftft I*jv**ly , tr> r»»## rotor#* lull# mod #»lli Thry It* ( for th# <x t a Hh th# r#d ftii-l fthlti* cdor# of th# iftmivftl «iul ftith i Si«t## itftg#- Am* im th# not#d im#tt# ; I were; Mi** Doughty, of Auguata. Mia* I Jackwm. of Atlanta. Mia* 11***' of Hi-arta; Mia* Oerrard, of Cotumhu*. ! an,| Mia* Isabel Thomha. of Athena, all of whom arr Mia* Johnalon'a malda <•( | honor.—Macon New*. With the Hal band Craze. One of the wo tat eaae* of hatband j < rage on record wag to he seen tin a ! suburban train the other morning, aay* j an exchange. The hat waa a giddy llula I .aiittr, th” wearer wa* a woman long paat middle-age. and thoae hlnd her. to whom only ihe T’- 8." of (he band'* gilt latter* werw. vlalhle. j could Itui marvel at the patriotlam In | apirlng aueh a liat and such a larnd UP aueh ft woman. They wondered which of the government boat* wu* the Chosen vaaaal. Hut pteaently the woman turned her head: the rest of the gilt letter* came Into view, and very ap propriately the legend read: "U. M. H. 8. Solace.” To Hang Portiere* Portiere* should lie on rings and move easily and quickly over the pole, the arrangement* of the cords that draw tfiem aside Instantaneously twins preferred. Their design should he sim ple, sol hi color* ttf neutral tint being th” most acceptable. They should not hang in a doorway where the doom are Open and set hack. They sometimes cover acceptably a door that rnuot he closed, but otherwise they replace a door that Is removed. Their texture, w'hlle thick, should he soft and pliable, hanging In easy folds. Mrs. J. B. Cummins has gtme to New Yolk. Mrs. B. H. Whitney is spending car nival week In Macon. Miss Jennie Hsrte Blbley has return ed to Mexico, after a visit to the Miss es Carroll. a Our Evergreen Lawn o Grass Seed 3 The best and most popular Lawn Grass Seed sold In the South. To 3 make a fine green sward sow now —This will beauti y your ceme- I cry Jo’s and front yards. We D carrv a line fine of LAWN M<»- WEBM— if you will need one give -* us a call. . , _ We are headquarters for Heed 3 Rye Heed Wheat. Heed Oat-, Heed 3 Barley, Ouion Sets and Garden Heed*. 3 Alexander Seed Co. #32 Broad Str«#t. => liell Telephone 2075. Hr’fft IT > TTPTTFT.A FTmAir BLANKETS—North Carolina and Tennessee made for 26 per cent lees than Eastern makes. DREBS GOODS—AII the Newest weaves and colorings of Domes tic and foreign novelties and trimmings. Tteomct ttfles fir lie LUST lOHIT THE PLACE TO HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED mr riff-lift tTI. Ift»« **•* *•** t»*ftft» +•#«■#« M»I * ft##* »«M» #ft«# •# ftftftft iHftlftft •Mrft • tft** ftftft M j C. H. HOWARD. JR. 5 ratoßßimoA t*M ® Atokß 008 Broad St. Mr#, Phr*«li Pwi«ft# Ift ftNftftNK tft* \u«»»l«n« 111 Ift•#“»»•* •ts f # ftftrni j f>|rf4iy Ml«# M#tlftl will r#tft»n to N#ft* f„rh |hi* ft##li t« rnntiikftr ft#r n*«Wn ! Mis* H-Mwlla M»r.Vi *lll leave next New York. For tun*-telling laThe p-qmlar fad at ■he hour, and a gurmbet of driving and ! wheeling fair ties nr.* made up daily for vtail* to the famous old palmist at the ! .aunty home. MR. W. O. SIMPAON. I Ilia the Place ol I-air C. H Rcavla Mlth Augusta R’y * tltctrk Co. Mr W O. Simpson of Kansas City. I* here Ho n.ll h* tonnartad with tb* Auguata Hallway and Electric eompany. taking tha place formerly A Had by tha late Mr. C. H. Renvla. Mr. Blmpson la wob omed to Augusta. DROPPED DEAD. ’ VYIIIIam Hartln (Med Suddenly ol Con leilliHt of the liralu William Martin, a colored man. drop ped dead yesterday on Met'artan at red. At the Inquest held the verdict re turned wa# that the deceased came to hi* death from congestion of the brain. (ien. Wheeler. Qenorsl Joe Wheeler, the hero of the Bpunlsh war, came near being ft South Carolinian, but like man” other of Booth Carolina blood, “went west.” and other sectlou* now claim bis life. Hl* mother waa horn lit Orangeburg county, about twelve miles below Swansea. She waa Mary Bob iison. catted “Polly.” She married years ago a Baptist minister of Orangeburg dis trict, known familiarly as Uncle Joe Wheeler. He had several children, but moved off and went to Georgia, where "Little Joe" was born. Phil llutto, near Nor ! way. on the Florida, Central and Pen insular railroad, now owns the place, i and it is still known In that section as "The Wheeler Place." Borne day It will he historic ground. A lady, long since married, who lives near Norway, corresponded with the eldest son for some time after they moved off. He was called Furman and what passed between them waa what we now call love letters, and she too was writing to “Cousin Furmah,” but In this case “cousin” was not a dangerous t?rm, and they broke off and her name was changed to Wheeler by the correspon dence. There Is a widow lady now llvdig near Swansea who can well remember the visits of "Cousin Joe Wheeler” to her mother’s home and neighborhood, to see relations, after he had emigra ted'from the state.—Lexington (8. C.) Dlipateh. Since the beginning of our war with Spain we venture to say that every reader of a newspaper has felt the need of a good atlas. Old geographies have been taken off their dusty shelves and searched for information regarding the location of the coun tries involved, but antiquated school hooks did not give satisfaction. The large, clear in The Standard War Atlas are so far ahead of any thing of the kind that they met with immediate popular favor. The Her ald controls the saje in this city. The Atlas cannot, he purchased at any store. Call at our office or send 30 cents for a copy. DEAD HEAD RIIM Rv Milk H*to %Mm» M#A* MattaMl »• \ katot* Vtlla* 0* I flf||k#V Ift Nft#>ft nf III# ftwllrvr ffcfY * t>|l f i f##|« K' n4tl< h. * toftjf •■•ft® • | . Tft# in unl»i Oft#4 hi it i U UHft WwrMftft i Ron c. & w. c A Cell) i m Th* Islsrrl I agio* o*4 Broh*« N**! In Central A hop# • Tha < 'Mitral railroad r*palf *h-»>. * bavs reratvrd th* ttr«,k** aroop* fa* '.wntly um>4 In *xra«atln« AM «" lh” , t 'ftart.sii.n and Wasjprn Caroltnv rati* I n4|< ) Thl , gi,t Ss» dug from enta and •earned dovn baton Vemaaaea t» i Whale lltatteh. where I* waa l>ul in t.» Inti up th ■ long traatla. i week In wan* way tha larg* lr<m I arm awung arroaa tha ira. k*. for aoote t unknown naaun. and collided wild a j freight train. The arm waa broken, the enam* II lea red .rs all ap»*r part, laetwdlng e*h -and the fotlowtng two or three «ra | w#r# <lftmi*#4 TH# #n«in##r fti»<t «r#m#n lm«l qwilft narrow aar-ape*. . , The broken angina la alar* In the re pair shop*. ' ' We Have the cheapest and best special order Restaurant in town. Come and be convinced. INN RESTAURANT. 7 I 7 Broad Street. A Ororgla Editor. Among Southern newspaper men, there I* no one better known than Howdre I’ll In lay lie I* president, I of The Herald Publishing Company, jof Augusta, <la., and la half owned of The Augusta Herald, a prosperous I and conservative afternoon dally, to which la accredited the laigeat clri -.i --1 lutlon of nil papers In the Tmlhj Georgia Congressional dlatrlet. Mr. Phlniay Is not yet thirty years of age, .and Is recognised aa a potent I factor In the politics of tlie atutc He has leprescnted his county In the Btute Legislature, and on the tloo of I the eapltol commanded attention at all times. He was graduated trom the Princeton University, and subse 'qurfcrlX was graduated from the IfatAo rd. University Low Hthool. i He was admitted to the Geotgia bur. ' t,ut has preferably devoted his time, |to newspaper work. Ills efforts In ; the latter line have Imen erowned !»vlth aurcess The Augusta Herald, while onlv (seven years old, Ims crowded old ca- I txhllslnd papets out of the field by 'its enterprise. Under tke guidance | I.f Its president and Its business man-1 (ager, T, J. Sheron, who with Mr. i Plilulxv owns the paper. It bus lie- , I come ihe most respected and wideiv | read pajier In Faster Georgia. Mr. phlnlzy's business eharacterls-1 tics are his conservatism and j clear judgment, and his pets ual ‘ traits of chatactei- ute many.-News paper Maker. CASTOHIA. Bear, tha a The Kind You Haw »l wm flought -t TRANSFERRED. •n#» Mr. Berry Johnson to No. 4- Hr. Alf Tudor to No. 3 Engine House. Mr. Berry Johnson was this morning transferred from No. •'! engine company to No. A. Mr. Alfred Tudor, from No, 4, goes to No. 3. The change was made as a conven ience to the men. Mr. Johnson lives in West End, and Mr. Tudor livks out In Woodlawn. A regular Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story comes from New- York. Wnt. t-.. Travis was an aristocrat ,a philanthro pist and connoisseur In art by day, and at night a successful burglar. Hoiaery and Glovea-10 cants for Southern made School Hoee, double knee and heel, feat black, value 25c. Men*e. Women's and Childrens Sizes $1 FOR THE BEST KID GLOVE in AMERICA. CORe IO AtAHYKTA. Mat* tilth a** *4 lb* f•• ft® «#* mil> I an •1 #4 Wei t) y« Tft# ll* ?»*4 MfftftfttftflMl H f , We II •• Tft* n4ft|-RU nf Ift# liririmit JktWlf VWV* B** Mftlftf HftMt* ftl ftf M fltftlMMft i -.1 I*V l«|!Mie Oft Rift 4t«MMi Mfti iki ft It || T «Mftg. Ihifftl P#iS ‘ll#%. J* I* M< ft Malt Tftt?4 fttiaeftft. dfieii j ” a Mease M#e llfftftftfti'# #’#ft nfti ft* ftMftftftftti* «!#»*v«t U hft »W«#»4 J Imi* ft* Gift If ftl. U fol ftjiifftM ft K4f#flf, niMf Q**r i**ft**» #T U. f“el J#« M ftllftatMi. <*ftl#f CNMIKy Oflirvr I, Col W<ft > IfttML JtH«* Mvenft. Htftrlt*- W <)rfi##lNirft rtlM WflMil rti rer, U (ftl. IU«»M R It##; Cfctf Kmtß##r <HB«#» M. (ftl o#«* r ft* (l#fftfr, ■ ®#f*ft (ftl ftllf#4 ft* i <iftr*t4. Ci|Nali Hid A##*»l»ftt Ad|f* ; (|f|{ (; o#ri- I'nH (ftrl H#i* fttwna** 11 j#u#r«l Yiniof • iitff CHir#r# •## j First tUTliteft I nil; at UJMani ' «l#f*#ti»! MaJ r'r#d#?klk ft Xuirni Ift’ o#ft##ftl. Major Ptitllft Mr«4# • QatirmniKT. M#Jor Bvatert H#w>#r. rhi#r CoftßiiMMir), Me) We’- t#r K. Wrl|H; OfdhMMi CHS* ##r. *M«J. Maltftev C. Buil#r. Jr.; rhl#l Hurfoi. Me). Junioi I* Poe#ll, Kb* x(n##r Ofl)< #t Mejni Wlllleni D. J *■ ft in# Th# rep#*try W##%er*. ' I*#l up «ek# to our h#*r*« * k»p*m #«* le**t>n can braver tv— From the way* of the tapaatry »caver* on th* other aide of tha sea A Ini va their bead* the pattern hangs. they study It with care: The while their finger* deftly wndt. , their ayes are fastened there. They tall thl* r urlou* thing, beside*, of the patient, plodding weaver; I He work* tin the wrong aide evermore. tiut work* far the right aide ever, i It la only when the weaving atop*, and the web i« loosed and turned. 'That he aee* hi* real handiwork—that III* marvelous skill Ip learned. Ah! the alght of It* delicate beauty. how It paya him for all hla coat; No rarer, daintier work than hla waa ever done by fowl. Then the master hrtngeth him golden hire, and glveth him pralae aa well. | And how happy the heart of the weav er t», no tongue but hi* own can tell. The year* of man are the looms of God, let down from the place of the *un. Wherein we are weaving alway, till the myatlc web I* done— Weaving blindly, but weaving surely, , each for himself hi* fate. We may not see howt the right side looks: we can only weave ami wait. But looking above for lit* pattern, no | weaver need have fear. Only let him look clear Inlo he-tven—j Ihe perfect puttem la there. If he It I see* the face cf our Savior for- ! ever anti always In sight. His toil shHli be s veet -i than honey. Ills weaving ia sure to he tight. J And when hi* tusk Is ended, itntl the web Is turned and stre'sn, He shall heat- the voice of thtAMaajer. It shall aay to him “well don And the white- winged angels of heaven, to bear him thence, shall come down: And God for Ills e.ages shall give him. not coin, but a golden crown. To Fruit Growers. The American Fruit Gro vels' Jour nal, published at Atlanta. Ga., and Chl t ago. 111., has Just published a special ••Han Jose Scale Edition," the subject being discussed by I’rof. Fi C. Jur.n son, Maryland state entomologist, and a number of other prominent authori ties. The addition contains the suc cessful experiments of Prof. Johnson in fumigating deciduous fruit trees and nursery stocy with hydrotranac add gas for thiH disease. The edition Is il lustrated from photographs of the -x --periment# made especially for the Am erican Fruit Growers' Journal. You cannot afford to he without a copy of this special edition, even though you are not now brought fiuv to fat o with this the alarming diseas - in your orchards. It may save you a thousand times the cost in the future. Bend ten cents fur a..copy of the edi tion of October 10th. AMEKTCAN FRUIT GROW Ell.S JOURNAL, Atlanta, Ga. A fine assortment of finest California fruits received at Lamkfn & Co. s. fit VflftPft Ift II R.AONAI. F A t»»*r at M .*#••!*•» I* m too* «• {} mi ftt&Ofttft I# •ft* j ft «* ift ftt tft* *ft « 4UM I* *1 'ft# J Y tliiilrf <|| ItUlf iinwfr ftft *1 tft# «4 ft*) V#M#P I# *f tft# at J "ft#*#? «4 S*** Y**Hl ftft *( ’ft# fttii Aimmtm ft •* ift# % vr;r «»•«# * n* i—*»»•• «>*• «ur*#r *f t lMftflfttl Ift *ft# ntSS 1 iWf'ftitt «i fttft Y**rti !• •* ’V ?,"tw Teh of I*m.-*llla R*. •*•« "r.a'ok’ f "lot.! >* -t h. hmwal W »i "rr.nk R lt..lrf«** at HMmoowl •• •: th# Arlb|l(>B j w KcM»» "at nttmt#— ■’ tha At tlngton . ... j |> t'awtho-w nf N » Y»ni m kt th# Ardv?loß W C Tli**ilMift- Oft., ft n* n. iftiiintw **# t*?ttftftftftftf (• *** A*ltn«t»n indlV. j S t’ritck <rf N*w Orv-tt, N ta »t tha Phtntaf* Mi** K J V...m*n .rs michtta. Kak. I* at the Plantar*. J It Jrrvl* and C. k Wren of A»- *M V v . Saw York I. th* #ce#t of the Arltnk'oo- J A H**aa *n»l Hot Uurge** -V At« lam* are *t the Aztitigton. Mr. and Mi*. N. H Pup* of Mash Ingion. G»., »•* •» ~K’ ’”5* ‘ flarvT I#. Mill# *f |l# rftvflftftrwi# asm minattel* ia •« th” Plantar* Mr*. Ahlioy A*hl>urn of Bloomfield \* j t* a gttaat of the Arlington. J W Btanlay. repra*.-rtlng * * -in company «f Utnclnn. il. Is M th» >*'“» t*r*. . .. Ml## ICU* McAllftt#r f»f H'hcl* (» st ending tom tim* with her »unt. Mr*. Helen Graar. , . . The Epworth League of fit Luke’s church will not mart i gain until after the revival clo**#L E. A People*, agent for the Loutr viile and Naahvllle txilroad, at -\tl»n ta, la at tha Arlington The revival at »t. l uka* •" West End la growing in l:.b re*t. and m do ing a deal of £o*>d. Mr. John Allen o’ No 4 engine com unity naa a liltle Indiep- *<’d yeatedm* Hi* )i> h#ti#r today. ftow#v#r. Mi. ij |g** H Howard (*• ft Mtti# lain* today, Ihe result of a kick receiv ed from i* home yeaierday, Frank Gulldem. ’. of New Yotk. rep rt—t-nitrig a hard aap? h ‘use In that city, ia registered at lh” I'binteri. Thos. W Oliver. Jr., formerly repre sentative of fictriven county In the stata leglslatuie. I* .it th - Planter*. Mis, Jerml • Utaav, « -ety love'.” and t-liarming young la b’ of Bt. Getrf«. H. is ..xpecteti Monday as the guest of Mis. C. D. Perkin* ' Tito following soldiers of the second Georgia passed through th* city onroulo to their homes In W*,ne*>oi,t last night; Bergt. W «>. Gresham. F. >’■ Hurst. 11. A. Attovay. The many frlen )* of Mr. 1 ’ " v Gerlh will regret to loa- n that oil nc , .uni of 111 health it - i»a» been obliged to give up hi* position at lit" W.umor. Among Augusta's voting singers or ptomlse there is nme vMce I* more gdtnirt-ii U-c I* l.ombard s. Miss L-inno d s vol.e is full, soft and rich and ‘s as lovely her own sweet fat -. Kite 1* a P"P» Mts. C. D- Perkin*. Mrs T V .Burke eaves today for Augusts. Mr*. It'll ho see* Join l.e r httsbgntl. who has m-eepted a podtloc . in, the Inman Co. They will be gristly missed by a host of friends tluouglit out the city.—Athena Banner. The normal school examination of the Lutheran (hutch Sunday school takes place litis evening. This examination i H provided by the state synod for those nit,, have studied the Bible thoroughly and raze fully for one year, with a view i,, preparing themselves for teaching. Those who pass the examination suc cessfully are given diplomas, and they then have the privilege of teaching in any of the Lutheran Sunday schools of the* state. Quite a large number of young ladles will be examined tonight The class has been studying hard, and no doubt a large number will receive diploma* tonight. General Boulanger's memory is to be careful!” preserved by some of his old adherents. One of these has succeed ed in constituting a committee for the purpose of taising funds to keep the General's lomb in the Exlilea Ceme tery at Brussels in a proper condition.