The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 13, 1898, Image 8

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TMUPmOAY ;A WINNER**** All lh« world 1 OVr* A WslinAf you'll b« cUmmkl «• such if you w«*r Cloth#* that art cut right mada right *V OOOU JLDOEMhNTu Good U*U (•in you to buy good Cloth*# becoming Clothed they COdt no mora than tha ordinary- buy Sack tfcuJt* #t«Hf J» *>nf ] th Mrmmmtmi j D f. i v Mjkug : ifr^m f Uni 11 This week we place on sale Three Special styles in Men's Suits. They're the greatest vahie we know oU^ Men's Blue and Black Serge Sack Suits single and double breasted, Lined with fine Italian cloth—turned Ivory Buttons sewed with silk —real value sl6-50, at $12.50 Men's Sack Suits—Black unfinished Worsted single and double breasted— florentine Serge lined—Turned Ivory Buttons—hand made button holes— hand padded collars. Thoroughly made —real value #20.00, at $15.00 Men’s Suits—Fine English Vicunas and wide wale Serge—Double breasted Silk faced to button holes Every seam stayed with linen—sewed with pure dye Silk, finest Italian and Serge linings - hand made throughout—real value 25.00, at $20.00 We’ve linked “low prices" with "high quality.” Btyle and economy meet you at our door j »*<!*'*•* A HOT AT HER. Unkiow n Negro nan Fired at Jose phine Scott, Colored. Officer Boston reported at police headquarters last night that an un known negro man had fired a pistol at a negro woman by name of Josephine Scott. The shooting occurred in front of Monroe Hall's tailor shop. The man. after shooting at the woman, made off. She docs not know who he is. (jetting Around Dispensary. „ The latest attempt to evade that provision cf the dispensary law which prohibits the sale of whisky except by snthorixeil agents of the state Is the organization of "social clubs,” whose members, it seems, may buy liquors from the employe of the so-called club. There are "cards of admission" and there Is a "roll of members,” but the general impression is that the liquor is actually sold to the “members." The constables are expected to raid these establishments so that the question of their legality may be decided by the courts. The. legislature may be naked to amend the dispensary law to meet the preseti t trouble. —Exchange. LETTERS FROM SOLDIERS. Many Mothers Made Clad by Epistles From Their Boys In Cuba. The iirst large batch of mall re ceived from Cuba since the war was received last afternoon at the August* postofllce. The letters came in on the Southern train that arrived two hours late. All the letters were from sol dier's In Col. Ray's regiment, which Is now at Santiago. I« that regiment is Capt. John Twiggs’ company, which was recruited in Augusta. The letters were from the soldiers, who were glad dening the hearts of many mothers and other relatives by the epistles. Most of tl|e letters went info the gen eral delivery box at the post office. For several weeks anxious mothers have called at the postofllce asking if any letters from their boys in Cuba were at the office. They were gladden ed this morning by getting the letters. There were about 250 letters in all. They came via steamer to New York and from that place to this by the Southern. ■■■■■•— i Some bachelors voluntarily join the ranks of the Benedicts and others are drafted. . ANOTHER LETTER FROM CUBA, I iMfcjtt !§!§*£§ talUrf It## IfttM ■ tkla ihtf a #JI f VMrt in fhp**ftM# Cl Rftftftß tiuMi *## Wto Imi mm M>«— •• M» Mm I »m I imbwl i* mm ask pm* *m mm mm • n#m »<*•>* mt t»jMM Imm Th**» *** mmm MMi «M Ml mm m •W to ***** m mm ***«■* mm «a jhav* MMI Ml * I mm mum •• 'UMiilUl j>• cW «nm tmm *»■•■■ mm mm | Mm* IMipO •» MM mm *4 IM « tM «mim»* M n*M m ***** N*» ]»<**•• IMuMM MM4 MM*m* ato*t»t Iwhaa Mto WWIt MM* 4mw IMM IlHi tt « «**•» 4*41 toMto M to* M4MMI to (Ml (M MM MM* I tof to I MM IM r*M Ml MNhtog MM* Ihto a <M»I* MM Ml |M* KM IMM *MM Ml : aM# mi I nan ? f *** •* n - I *»•»♦ n##* omrim# Anams ft#** ## *• * | %% # f .ft# % ft## ftftf -* > #* mm mm* mm ml H» imm mt* immi am • » mmmm MmMU «m IMI MMM. IMP «MmM mMM Mi MMI •• ***_ 1 !•«* Mi to M Ml to* Mm* m 4 thtto about fM th'** WfM* to* MMM M 4 IM* a*4 MM4 MM f***a#» *U«M* ** wtatou to Hack ► R*. M MMHvmi. . MMi Mil MM IWMMM Till IM**» »* ! M •fftt# lo ##a a*k4 ** »ft fKMftftft ftM##9#pftft* , #ft m ten •». m w imMm U toy* ** •** MflM* Hum IM* ttoß#4 BMMto mm fmm mm .Mmm Mima t h*** Mi Malt fw t amAL Mom* mm •111 toTH* AM MM* *4 to*# ml lb* <l*ar *l4 «*M* a t OmWM. a»4 11 laa Mu h*ar4 trMM AAMt la Ha I -4a | Kill mmm have to cteaa M«m* I will m*i final Alt Ml M**to# Mi tatolly atoto. tar I Mai life* i »*• IM*i ! taiiaa Iran MMn* lia* i Ml* iMr I thtmrm ml Mwiag inn iMraa a«a a la Mr pwat. it«(4AA Hit (M but MMan oa Alt. y«w MaafcAAA aa4 tltMi J. R H-atona. f> s wut will* kmaar A**l tIAM but aM a*Ab aoar ond f**!ta« Ma 4 j If. __ 1 hla l*M*r Maa raaataaA Mr lira Ha l rah llncaoa, taMo H'n al *** fMruedj a**AAa ffar huibaad la a ®*un»r «f K*> a raalAMAi *”nASON»C FAlk. 1 adit* *MoW IN Hava Charge of Iha IMffvraat Hoot Ma. Al a AMtltoa Meld yaairnlajr by th* oflrf-ra of lb* Maa«alf ran lb* fol* toalna ladle* tarre appointed in rharga of Iba vnrioA* t*x»th* Col rhiaa and Aina*. Mr*. W. K. Miller. Candy. Mr* Hrnry Cohan. Fanry nWr. Mr* J. W. Hollln*a arorth. iMdlea* and gtnUf na'n furalahlOK good*. Mm J. W L#*y. Toy*. Mr*. K. C. Goodrl.4i. Flower*, Ml** Oaotgla Kalea A roontfy atom. Mr*. Bu«ie Whelaaa. Chatk room. Mlaa Madella Bjirro**. IN ADOUSTA. nan Came Mere to Hodge slorm That Never Came. One of Savannnaha traveling men ta In the city today. He haa been In one or two of the big atorni* down there and when the weather man pre dicted one a day or no alnee our drum i mer caught the llrat train out of th* city. He felt rather peculiar when he eaw that he had been dodging a etorm that never hit Savannnh, but he atlll think* "»n nunee of prevention i» worth • pound of cure.” TRAINS LATE. Oeorgla, Coast Line and Southern Behind Time. The Georgia train due here at 8: IS o’clock thie morning was fortyrflvo minutes late arriving. The delay va» due to a freight blocking the track. The Atlantic Coast Line train was twenty-five minutes late. The Southern, due here at 4:20 last afternoon, was two hours late. Mlsalonarv Union. The fourth quarterly meeting of the Woman's Missionary Union will be held nt St. John * church tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The ladies of all the city churches ere Invited to be present. MISS ETHEL PARKS, Sec. Mrs. C. E. Weßner, Pres. Pretty Souvenirs. One of Augusta's traveling men re turned today from Macon, where he has been in attendance at the great. Ju bilee. He says everybody Is having a great time. Some of .the souvenirs are beautiful, he says, ami one or two displayed by him certainly substan tiate his testimony. .Sigma Nu Convention. Yesterday the Sigma Nu convention was held in Macon. Quite a large at tendance was present and a great time was spent by the Greek letter boys. The convention ended with a big ban quet. There ere -'several members of the fraternity In Augusta, one or two being in attendance at the convention. Miss Isabelle Graham has returned from a visit to Maryland and Virginia. TUI #OOUOT# MKRALD. bfllM g. 4k OMt UtttH i ‘if 11 tt* "I* nia( Maba 4*4**Alt : |»fM» 4PNWH#* **«**<*< **** lii 4, •« i. ♦. •« « • Thm MMI MKPPW a mm* H*## * t**** *** ***** m mm** Ann### ** ' * mJmm f*fft hmM Wnt#p»H»f f*» Jit> 1' io;i *4 iHIi rTr *#tl %0 tt**# •I tip* !#««*••<*# u»l »LAVB AUCTION. pl>n» Aallw'4 PlAMda W 4 04 M MAvAAAaM. OM F»|*»f Tb* laa* Af'Al ala** e*HM® b*»a »< A bAlf b*M**a tM* •AF"MMMM4f. PM ** r " vaaaab Tb* alavaa mmrn tb* A*AA *w» «4 FMar* SafMf. a fMaar**AA* •Ad pwAtMat ftgA** M *Mai toy *a l~kil*diigbta mm t»*r t»M<* M •* day **■ AwAiwatad aa ba*ta« MraA tM* bas«*«4 ml Faaat* Katobi*. tb* a»tr**w rmdav and aatMor, Ml* fMAtty aa®* •*» Maapw bat b* HMtltrl A ftavtaA* tA taAto AAd #4a»*a IMA bto gtandfa b*r Ma)or Jb>r* l»u W of MoaKb Parol (A*. OA eaAdtPtAA tMAA M* eboAld tab* «b* hitter'* aatta* Ratter» l|trt-f*l* !*•)** for •aatbll eg g<4 bit* tat* fl tiaArtel aiAbatlt** It M *atd b* •“< fin wan ta a atngt* bead hsar d**c*B. aaala** soar king* Maid by Mia opfo* A*At. Finally to meet hi* toaaaa B«tl*r fnrred to **4* MM ala*** Tbera »*r* MM of tbaa* la all. Til'' a*M tank threw toy* aad b*4ted |M«4 B«t --|e> bad rbrawn • good time to *All A year Uu*r hla »*avo*s would not have b**a worth • dollar a head But th* aal* would ha** b**a more profit*- hla bad It not bee* announced a* one of It* condition* that no dlrtaloA of fbmitMa would h* jßrmltt*d Hen**, la ord*r to aratw a good alar* b*y*r* often had to tah* with him taflrm or aged relative*. Gut of thla limtta* tioa grew a orewrorabl* tragedy. Tom Pat* a well known Vicksburg trader, bought at tha sal* a man. hla two ala tan, and hi* wife, with 'he guarantee that they ehouid not be separated. Dtaregardtng this. Pat* aold the aMtera --on* to Pat Some** a brother trader, and th* other to* a resident of SL l/Olll* What legal right* a negro had In the aouth were well protected stonier* a-a* told of the guarantee and he wnt the girl back to Phi* and demanded hi* money A quarrel wa* the result and Homer* wa* abut dead. Ten dav» later hM nephew hilled Pat# and died from wounda received. The feud wai kept up until every male bearing the name of Pate wa* wiped out. and then the war liberated the aMtera, who were alive In St. Louis in 1887 The Best Time to Kkk a nan. Perk and Quirk were walking along the crowded street, feeling very kindly toward themselves ond the reat of hu manity. say* the Chicago Tiraes-Her ald. Just as they reached the middle of a crossing one of those aggravating individuals who wqlk one way and look another stepped directly in front of a cable car which was rounding the corner. Of course car had no fen der on It. Nearly everybody In the vi cinity yelled, and naturally the be wildered man looked in the wroeg di rection. Quirk didn’t yell, though. He jump ed to the side of t\ie track, grabbed the man by the cellar ar.d yanked him elear of the traeks and almost out ot his chocs. Then t)r gave him another ferocious Jerk to set him out of the way of an express wagon, and getting him at proper range al the same time, he gave the poor man a kick that must have driven his spine up Into hts hat. And with th ’ kick Quirk roared: “Confound you! Keep your eyes open when you are on the street." Quirk looked unutterably savage, but Perk tottered to the curb, sat down and laughed until the tears came. Then he said: “You arc the only big enough Idiot on earth to save a man's life nud then k'ck him for It.” Plenty of Thieves. Newberry. S. C., seems to be Infested with thieves. Many of the most prom inent stores have suffered in conse quence. Nearly all of the goods that are purloined are token during store hours when clerks are not looking. Several arrests been made and a good many goods recovered. Jobs For Campaign Orators. New Orleans Picdvune-. Hobson is usin'ff thousands of wind bags in raising tlW'Spanish battleships. This offers employment to as many stump speakers lAttil their campaigns commence. . . . . A NEW ■AERIAL TRUCK. '**» t,tkiV4>H t§*t», tit hum *t i fSaWi till Wtt tm lAMbad aa to mm imum* My MMa» Nutoli. t* tjmiii Wt t*s# •*#*'«* & IMI UIMHS fcatoi mt ##K# ft tftNfct Ml {(MMI IMN HMMMMNI !*•# ! tfiirf •#- mm *•*•*«*# It • •!* • l ittSis *4 HunMN# ftftwi ftWM #t Ili »fttMfß9W# fti ft I ■ft- ftl'lMNMl# •* ftN**ft*ft*i f luftiftPiMffl lift'.* (MR *9O $ 1 ftp* sis ft ftftp m ■ | ts ft ||(ft. ftNPII ft • jNPrTton V’ I "■*” j \ww m wwr*** **mi**t ftfttj ftoirtl f llMifttHl * fte ffMa-)#) ftIHl P* ’ ■ j rftrrf It oft (ft lift flit thkmm : | ItcMl «rtt ft ftl» Tft# pfttftHt ft##* fftt' J !»*«* «C tmcmmltm * *• tll# j [ffttCft. HACK AT WO k. W bite l **|*kKti*c# I a*4f g sto»* A gate. Hat annah ftt IS. r~ Th* while lampsbotewww of totaa.aah h**e re turned to work at tbelr borne port tbta MMM for tie Oral Urn# ta three or i tmir year* They bar* not wot bed : before at bom* alar* th* labor troab.e I' eom* time ago Tha steaaaahlp Nal- It* la oow being tended with while 4- bor and othor ahlpa will nlan receive ■ argera at their bands Fonr gang* id five men anfh went to work Moa i day j Them la no hole limit ns Is th* oU ! days and the mm work from seven 14 tb* morning until on* In th* afternoon mad from two to atx. They are gntd ! from |2 Mtol3 to a day. The Irad-' era now nt work with the different gangs are Thomas Knox Richard Wheiaa. WORMS MrUormick. and J. Hatpin Three are all mm who have worked la cotton for yearn In* Ha van nah except during the past few sea- s*>99 * Jt la understood the men have gone bank to work ae Individuals and not as representativrs of the Woodmen* as repreamtatlve* of the Workmen * Uruevolent Aasoclation. of which they Ift* nil members. President Carr has been in favor of the men returning to work for aome time. Augusta Should Follow The Savannah authorities have fa ken In hand the cruelty to animals and the fait driving on atreets and fre quent caees are docketed. Augusta ehouid follow suit vigorous ly 00 both of these line* and alao in clude fast bicycle riding. The cruelty to animals shou.d especially be looked after. Our Good .Shooting. Ever since the battle of Manila, for eign governments have made efforts to -obtain from the United States the se cret of our wonderful proficiency In gunnery. After the battle of Santiago the Inquiries of the attache* became more numerous. It haa oow been de rided by the government <0 furnish such Information only in exchange for other Information equally as valuable. A Celestial Disorderly. Charley Hop, a Celestial, was brought into the station at noon today for being disorderly. j a INIERF.STINC) ITEMS. Tn shipping big orders of meat to En gland, Mr. Armour Is dnipg wnat he can to keep un the Britons’ historic reputation of beef-eate.'s. After Lieut. Osborn had been hurled last week his will was found requesting that his body be wrapped in the United States flag and cremated. There should be no great objection to paying Queen 1,11 for h?r thfone. The throne market has fallen off consider ably in the last few years. In addition to his bodily illness at. Havana, it is reported that Admiral Sampson is much distressed mentally over the attempt to fasten responsibil ty for the army suffering on him. The First National Bank of Hawaii, capital 31.000,000, will be established as soon as the steamship Gaelic, which left San Francisco yesterday, arrivas at Honolulu. Miss Clarice Barksdale will go over to Aiken tomorrow to participate tn a niusieale which takes place tomorrow evening. While there she will be the guest of Mrs. Badger. t fiMlhh pewiyt *sm tipMm •* r mufHaal lw tw Ml 4 NfMWto MAa rnttoa St# Kap« yaw Vt Kml «tpttwim * ! Swl ft* # mm mmmd (Slew erst H RgrWiwt wKal M pmmm* lib al wftagw «nl ”tf»M" ml mm* imtm ftrftog AA44H MS. 444 «• PwN#<l ft# mm* * aappi wtmh nlmh <#» «#4 « SmiotMi, CIIA# I 1 KUK Htoiiff 'iimiu.slu SumWfi IIINOF IN TVAMI'A RAIIb ; p* -'lftMftftftfttftlft # Htohiih t < fit «as W*ftl %' sf ft*** ftMtfMM OMi H# rtThflft## tftft H*4«# [ftt*ttftlft, W Vs, t»« ft* ft toUtNftl ' pwpfisg (ftftftft a4<l fv**'<l ft cftfttoi* Mtftt«#4 Ift *pmk Ml tft# M»M# w**+r Itftfttft pftff !• llisNof* *Vft #*ftt H* irftttW# Ift nil l , | fitorff UFQt’jT (I ft# #li frttflp' line ftkmf *ft# tftft#* **** ftW hmrirt | firmer woftM ftttft iM »® 4 ***} And the fArwKwa would hA aman-d IwtoA Ihetr lAvl athvov werv Other* would star* at him and he [coAld overhear remark. "If* * pile ibe has to walk.* wish I could hip [high.** Th* Mahon la an *d»pi at rtork-, repairing Mo* ot hla night# w.) spent at farmhoaaea where lh* hlehop usually paid for n night a lodging But cMoe'tm** tha farmers **uld refuse to take par Then the bishop would apy n rtork that was not runn ng and he would quickly repair It. to the de light of his boat. Others would has# broken umbrellas, which th* bishop 1 — 1 Wa use owr heat efforts to make your purchases entirely satisfactory i •tolf* MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG, COAL and WOOD . - STROW'GF.R jSi. BRLI. 1790. Office anti Yard No. 1 Macartan street would mend, and he did all sorts o! tinkering Jobs about the farms. Some dark nights, however, the bishop was not so lurky In getting a good bed In a farmer's house In which to sleep. At one place where he knocked for ad mission. he was Informed that the house was full and he could not sleep even on the floor. So the bishop Journeyed until he came to a dilapida ted looking barn. Into this he crept and of ne*v hay he made a bed on which be slept during tbs night, th cricket singing him into the land of dreams. Another night the btefcop had bad luck. He did not know whereto sleep. He fortunately came upon a schoolhons? in a lonely road. The janitor had left the back window open and in through the window the bishop climbed. • 1 He slept for the night on the hard wooden floor. At one place where he stopped the family consisted of a fa : thm\ mother and six grown children, none of whom could read or write. The parents raid they were too poor to pay for the clothes for their children. The longest distance traveled In one day was 26 miles, but the average was 20 miles. Cities Are Preparing The different cities that have secured the location of army camps are busily engaged making ready for the troops Columbia has arranged to buy her pipes for water. Savannah has re ceived a cat load of hers and nearly all the places have to work on the comp sites. Augusta is not behind any of them and we only await arrival of the army officer to definitely settle the site before the work will be fin ished. , U Knows a Good Thing. Waco Times-Herald. There are no flies oa Mr. Day. He jumped the secretary of state's job for one of halt the length and twice the t'WAV .* lAMiITH r**TVf*H * •• •* m* H.. 1 *-!#»*« t# g|»y S 3«| Iftftfft M M M ~ I |ft "T-SSf 9 aa 4 | • lAMft ****** »**« ««*« ~• ■< > «# ftp**** y mm r*-«* m >• < • u«H MftMMM *« . , »i •« Ml jfttffpt nMtMftftMl «» *« ** « •* •« .ill# rtiqn# ntltfittfug *« »»** •* *• * m ** % #*lt HMftSMI ** ». mm *« aa*.. ! #!#«*«# i Tf*ftW# m e, aa ******** Itt HsM | ■■* nm assstoA—sa—AaseeaeMAs—ft JllaH “ Jwl|*Tft y Psst #SHMSNt Clf# Ift t#H# lift# f -0* ffttltT ~#ftl as , 4 ft## Ift# t| .....4- - ftft## 1# - -| ff —... 1.1.1—41 •ft ftft(ftft* r * ftft*|»*ft r fti# ftftiftf4«r »a. ifM T? Mf»«#iftr f •• tf«M I## Ttvfft! .. .. ftft M tr»U oßoftft nafiCEiPT® • lift? lift N#4 r##HpC» .. .. t%n rif TftnnHrft 1-iMF .. •• JJ rrocK and Rpc«inr». lift? ItM ftiork In Aufiiftift •• •• Kmtmipl* Mil# t .. 1«M! TX7U Th# Mtosrftuc quoUtloas, th# l»rtr#ft fkm* ft! Ip 9*9 strut «*# P»ln#, Murphy A Oft.l NMW TOR M COTTON. Jantitn •• •* f J A#ftl .. *. •• 5*J! a 4 J June “• November * |* iMtvmler .... *•”’ * ,k LfVBHPOOL COTTOK. January and Fctn-uary 2*J ,* 42 February and March .. I«T *•** March and April * ** April and May *'** 03 >lay and June J W »•*» July and Au| *-®‘ * Aug. and Svpt. .. *-•* 4* 3 ' ® g, t t and Oct *«» * «A*« O-l. and Nov 2-43 >•** Nov. and Dee 2 *-- - *- Dec. and Jan 2.42 2®- > r, poht kbcexpth s , ISST 1 -J* Galveston »««* «- 4 ‘ New Orleans M”Nle S 5 ***? Norfolk 49U New York 1«2 Wilmington ®J J ) CHICAGO PROVISIONS There will l*e no session of the Chi cago Board Wednesday, Oct. IS. WHEAT— October * 4‘' , * , '*'* May **’*-* December ft May 33,4 3 -* OATH— May PORK— . December January 9 -°‘ <JO^ LAUD— -K2 January «■»” 4 90 TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED —POSITION AS LOCOMO TIVE or stationary engineer. Plenty of experience and best of reference. Address W. H. S., care Herald. Oct 14 " MISS BELLE S-VITH'S DANCING school at her parlors, northwest cor ner Kollock and Telfair. Children Tues days and Fridays at 3:30; gentlem»n Mondays and Thursday at 8 o qlock., Oct 20 BUY YOUR CAKE AND BREAD from Augusta Work Exchange. By so doing you will aid a deserving wid ow to support six fatherless children. If you find the cakes gool, then buy; if not. let them alone. Oct 13 MUSIC ON PIANO AND GUITAR * taught by Miss M. E. Oakman. at No. 412 Walker street. Oct 14 WANTED —WORK BY AN INTELLI GENT l>oy after school hours. Ad dress E. E., care Herald. Oct 14