The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 14, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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PWM H# *%**m*%On* m McitliU U»*H Adi. MBMI • gm# #s*> * : tM#u#<» I ***os &* k*4 »**•* ~*** MW ragrgr# nfcpiisra** Mft ra#®ratw§ «#'"'• glgga tn njfa.iji ax* IW * ■•• "*» ##•# #**•#' ##0440141 4# furaMi* ** %• Pra 111 mm §*** 'Yom*m9 YP P*** §*a* * **#*■%** lira **%.* ***** “*# PB-sikj w 9 ■ * ■ ir **** IMS >#<# MM f tok t* |wi Hi* ftmt *a - v*'*-# 4#4 IMM 9m9*mf Pt* ###> #mmi§ ##ra#ii4ra *#l## i —# tmp*™* «i to MN> k* ton • ***« ** #» *****&s a»Pb ' rniit t v i (M> *m *99*** mm 9m ra#»ra*# vt Ytpmm f rail tPi 09ma9 *» 0* s*• *• * •-■■■*• f%§ throw m # Mptf PgptlMWrara? <NMp %#»«#***# lIWKpPMp |«HW ##*** (MM t#W I######* #MMI PIH P4MHMMP igfflra •«.**. to**#* »• tofTMtol «m «r »* **•«# 9*+***m 9mm ira*rara •» wmm* 9m j fipppMl Mt Hi Mpi * **» *•? raMM# * • *“* |l |i gp iMpPsP raMI Hp»#r iwwiiH ip Ip mm* m ***4k9t* km -w raws 9d *** g tmt <9a**m * #■»#*»*•? ** * ra#**#*#* mp* ii gwst rap g# i mm HP mm* lira mmm #fl mrm*m*4 mm * <«"»'*' ■»•*••* * *•* It i, M i ls -11 —n m t|MM» Min tM **y. MM ton** i«WtfM4 *• !»**• 1* It |g #'kW*tokkg T * k.*' if*l '** HgfMfW’r <•»*•#'* >*r»lt <wj tan *•*■« tor MA TW» Mgk ynMM« tolk*r* •»* ***** •*ifrt»‘4 to 'M»» W<a to>% Tl*i *r* »••*■ a* Mttf. tfctwwk tola • (W. fcattßM, to**» ***«. m paralMM It to a» Itoi* *•*«■•»» l» •*< toto tom fmr Vtoto ttoto* to* tolM |to* »lto aW, 1 to 4 to* wNtoy tta «*ltor totu* «M tkfWtoto to >»*•> 0t tkm to*4 at Ito •fcto* m ftoto •«** alto* r*» toll* Imp I*4 PI IS •! 4iliitlM ••(PflPtlfMi IIP pnpr imfp mm ct» rnmrnmm Yam mm- m pm*i ***** 4m4 «wi*l hp # « • 4mp Tbaaa ftaMM*' atato *i* (w *it w ar» a*T«t. tornw«. »«t§«uut Ito *«»*• of ta« unihMimi or tolaa fii*M ally* tolifc »»■ iaio* fntia taltatoatokiary Itoutoatttoi la a rnM to Ito toMHt. Tto emu* to tfeto etaa* am Min Ito pm air Wtitiac* ito* to am >!■**» ia#ii tail* nr awi taat (toy to am rato or arttag tkat ton* an* nalwa to ttotr *a**lal »*aa*tofil. to Vila, atro etoa* abnolwlrly Mllvdr, wtta, aa4 Ihr aoral von r»rr ran or fcvainl. Tto maa of nhnm yov to aot lypron to a < hump all kind* of a tod. a pin toadnrt ’uaaiir or a drtvrilag idiot Tk« san who oppnaoa yon to not aliaplp MUtakrn. but U only oar mnoir from a ilbtortag apr to raatrartor than a amir, anxild float up atrran If to drnword and raa arvrr kopo to tore a ration*! Mr* la hi* bead unlma yoa korr a koto la bto brad and fat It tkcra THS FALL OF MANILA —THE ATTACK OK FORT SAK AKTOKIO ABAD F— HARFKRB WEEKLY, AttKl . * URAWISO «* T. Dft TW««rF. to V *ato**llTomJbrp'r-» W*U*. »J > A>lfcß copyrigb!, im, by ncMt«a* «k t* ux. YPmm&ppm&tmmtk- YP** Ml I —■ i---- Lt r *Mi Ii inipii mm lujnp to# mmm i i mam in m/mmt ** •** < ii* ♦ hp ** * I §m9P99mSmkpg «•%-.* (Mto toto«(MNHi P 99dk*mto*4 f CHHB *•" '• ; ggptfMto*>& t*tofc£ gp '9> »9 #MPk 4Mfl PMNP (Nk : tee* p*f . • ■** »*oa«k# W-* *a» * s 2 - I mm*mt m& I 4aa*m m*mm* #i*« • iirtiMii nMI Mi j atowstMh*dMato*"*** M***topa**f ; to*a kla* tt*aaaii>« (ton raa I tto*.*’ yna paony* tor takai Jtoa ka*n tMto top •» ♦ to toa I a*toto ta >aa I •a* in tom mi aatoM pada at ***** *4 _ i aroototno: nan **mn kad toad a*to *tl tto tian k*«ai>potl*r, **** »#*n4 ft-rttog a*** dM ant ran* tor aaytkiat I t kn**totoa to**n toattoa rs l.*dt* to | Ptakkaatto t* *yr* tab** t waapaaod. nan i «f ISM ttomtor. torn toanm «d Uai j aad tordtoy I aai a avtl p* m a I qppplil ulmp l# h*+* liito## a9m *mYN>t 9m**m IMI I MM «MM» *4 tft* MMf . llßUhi ItoMWM PMPIi #t HkMMli ! , |,||| n itoEdk'-rfol iihnllHMp (Mml ##* H* I > i||Mi H>. Met##* tdfMNI- Wli.. If f«M» m*9 mo*rn* Ml HfcP kWH* M I n %f Hi VltM MMI M 4m hifMMi •! : ' t.*»* Hi— i f«# 4K# •4Nf ; l— pMIipH db# m&*'fm fra# #f <*rg# I# ill raiii A pprij d mm* #—« I li# toff# M'#«n# I# lira I—•!•s#* ■ toMwi# ivtiiim ii#p#i ft *m flM#f ram | baton Tto Utoattd pnanr of ttooo j, ft- ;ofto4t-, tto iMN| gMllitlN to €*•<•**»• to prr-Mapkarinaa. aad aiakn* a nato f#Hr t##••#. ill §mttpp9m mm 4 s,*».m*m. j >»*p#i iwiralMig liMi'B. 4#U it»4 4#i<«l4 *4 lustily. TIN# it •o kttot ikat ! *•> am at toam dtotarly fanriaattod ! ttoom Ito toan of fkn In - ik* innatlag »na»o»ti» I toy arm aa ,y*r aa atatattr aprti of rarkaa'torat 1 Rir« .ikia* tkat aa* am aortmunly drupktfnl aa* toamaly nr of rakatlal Itaatoy. Thry tn'kad aot of pmot pNanam. iaauofariina or toorflt. toil of rarrarta lac >op and raptoto. Tto dna -1 k*ya tkat 'tor rod* aa* Ito mmlag r»t ttttln darilar*. |a*l lon yard tor ’ may blag aad lb* mndrat aMn*ata.a ftoarry a*r* rarlablag bnaotl** o**r abirb 'toy tadulgrd la rmylablat Irsarpon* Tto amtor thry draak aa* tto arrtar of lb* god* abirb. If <ra*. • boo Id gty* itotn lamaortaJUr tmauty aad vigor, and ttoy ai* aotb .mg that aa* aot a* good or lattvt than aaitoMlal »#ai Ttoy aimpiy plrtamd la lb* hrlpbtfto rotor* a par* dlan that n«« to tt* gu**t*. at ao murk P*r glv* all 'to rmntur* rota fon* rn>oyrd hf tkn mythtnlogkai d* I itim THU ATJOIJPTA HUBAX*D 'fife# #m4 i mtum Ml At Up MM*# ] I iunjui Ms iiNH— §m-mm* m mm* §9* Ml [ nipi hi ~it %-* #«!» -mu ***• Ym* ****** j I Mt* $/*'**&. mmiiMra#it omomttk | [ Mpi'iifc jgixiiir Mi, ipW'HMH** ** 4Mra i i wmmm, *■*»* *nra ♦#* #** #• [ tottodp B #• to# ##*♦ # B^p**wn* I Ito tog A* iatoba (bMtotoig ***** I * | iii>#Tiiiii<iri# ««*(• *>M4 #■#• | MMMl—ii* am ***** to* * *m**T mam mm* j K 4iw* (MtoMMi •## *o(l***** *9&>'*****m *** \ F : tip »%,# ***** **mt*m*im* P ***** #•■ | f ipipi pi p#p# lira Irara It • ****9** «# | I ppMiitftf j pi# •## ra ppra* *m p#raf *4 { j **mo**m*m9* raMprararai Y9m** it # i MMuraM **mnmm*mt 9*m #• ] I itppM# if fturjrHra o*m*mm , )(|B «MMi rappM# rati #%— *4 tpra I i (p##Niii *m**m*m*m9. A# vi#ra ##*l ' I f***9pm *%******** pf np> (NMk i# —rara I | t#pM tpPP Ip P#tp i rap' »#••♦'**> ' HNan naanr pa to and* PtoMk ***»to , mao to tto Hand t(to#**« *«to* **A 1 ifnam tto praadtan m a-ma* to tto anattoM taatd tot* tma*a*a* <d *%. , i aatomitoa I* toaad to laaatodl torn* f Tto** nta ta to** ta* old *tary «*f tto ] 1 m*a *to mm atM* protaa* tto* *a* i *ntor mi bt* *attn onttHk Tto | aMakioat maa* ana* ndt'tp to **t j ; Mat a*** taad to tod a amdtt»* a** « I ato* In* prog*, taa a kaaa raa*m»i** lof nofkr On* da* okaa to ao* boot’. I :: mm a aatlaotoad of attom ap a ktH. . ito tail taatd «ata* oat *ad mmoat* i us apatot pnotod dwoa tto bIM Ito ( ; pro* md»d atntoly to r»*avor lto* j . a*yw* Oftoviaa a a**d Man'too* ia* j |in if# i tl*~ra 'T.. Pm #t «#l)r rafraHti# ifrac i P# Pi# ma lii#**#* PMP ralPri I# 4* •■■ prnmk* i# IP* mrm*9*m ft Pi sm* m . * #PP IP#*# #P# PiNtpjfly PMpprail* | i PTPt# i ill <•" *• pat lira #ra *f ratwi# iral iMili# , immimm* i**t rai» trait •• tPw in <«f lira prara imtif «914 t <4 PW-1 day Nto or taaat mtaaia *tkrat - IP j trout Ptoo Prvaa, — Tto 9mm »ottripp* Caro. Ttom la a* mm mritataa fra* '*<• : dmodtol malady. If yon 011 l *ady am ‘(to ngki moody. T«n am katlaa pain an iknnwt r*w body. y«ar ttw la oat at at a** na«* a» apartn*. aa uf* jnr am am ab Mm a tod udd. la Mrt am nimytoU) a**>i ap Btotrlr MM - ■ lata t* Ito «*My rnwtr Ibai 011 l g»*n y«i*a grumpy aad oam mtt' f. Ttoy art dtmrtly no yoor U*K. tMiyark and K.dr.) • luor up tto «tol» »r*trm and amka you M Üb* a a*o Ndog Ttoy am *ua»*om«*t la mm nr prim mraod* at. rat oat* ai Howard * Wllri a l*mg M«n. <>My M rant* P*r to.ul*. |No Oblmtloa*. Hans** City World. Tto i'attod Htat*« dor* aot wink Aguinaldo 111. but It would rnlm no nbjrrtloa* If n.ol*oo# latrodumd him (o Ik* Eaprrn Mnwagor of China. Tto King and (Jurm of Rntimaaia am lit lag a quirt lifa «l Hagatt. .o I Knittrrlaad. . •, - FREE is. FREE Tm* Wf#« almost *******• rawra. An External Tonic * Applied to the Skin Beautifies it as by Mafic. THE DISCOVERY £ AGE , A WMUN »AI TUB WtVBWIOi f ' >dl*y .11 § T^p* t* ontdito awd ■<•*» imp.itoil o* ** Mm yntoptottos L*» o*o* tod mbd aotll tto Ht— toll. Ito a«o too no* tVMMdytbm **t- «*Mto « *• A moms too Vmk i w». *Mawi tto pto Mr Mntr oumtoful tiumptoSMl Ttod< Tto no*# to totof •* lit**l* pl*<*. l iwomar ttoy hair md IMto**d tto ttttd pwto to*** tVyom*. Itoloos dkr... ormr tom atom mtot a**o tto idtw, toon* tto toi«*to Tto Mtou Itor* <oopM*tto took to* a onto rkbttouttag «•«*o*o Itor**►!*. *. anrtiMkl oad mryylnl nw all •kirk Ito I toad by it* tmlnml tuttoa »• T —“r tamog to tto WtAdO * *to .1!*. h b> to tto *k«a *v*t a yttalitoNi tfUTT It l*> iW !#*»** » i I* s TkSM. i f il**t *4 a*o Mb ikat lmm*di*t#lr ythilarMn* tod nanfitoa otommr oppUtd ft* •*••«. «dkr* I* tot ahwnH ;a»m#*Uai*ly. aad It •pmdlly tomato* M**m Itnmtto tbto. fnrrkto. pimpto. ktorbtooda. Huul. inmtoa. wru.kto, Mmr *f»**. mwgkom* MtliMoi. trupUuO*. and dtontoralbm* ** any kind. ® _ . la o*»to I bat all may to kmrftod hy fifitf Hmnni lb* fib"*— Pill #4#* Aunng tto pmoot mootk. glm to *U rad THE MISSES BELU 7* rwk Arw.. n*» twa eng. For Sal* in Augu«ta By Jamas Daly & Co. W\uw is tin* time to hul»s«rilH* "ianfvlfej One Year, - S I 00 10 Cent* a Copy flj®? yf . j HARPER’S WEEKLY during 1899 will contain complete, concise. and ac curate accounts of all noteworthy and interesting occurrences as they transpire in our own and in foreign lands. Eminent men of letters and distin guished artists will contribute to its columns, and its readers will have the most impartial and the best PICTORIAL HISTORY OF THE YEAR During 1899 HARPER'S WEEKLY will be especial ly rich in fiction, containing serial stories from the pen of H. O. Wells, author of “The War of the Worlds”; “The Conspirators,” by Robert W. Chambers; a romance of De Soto's last voyage, by E. S. Van Zile, and short fiction by authors of international fame. Articles by special correspon dents in our new possessions Manila, Honolulu, Cuba, and Puerto Rico, with other interesting matter, will fill the space left by contemporary events. Trial Subscription, Four Weeks Coal, Wood and Cedar Posts Blackjack Wood Sawed .... per Cord Good Dry Pine, long, • • . $2.7b per L.O Special prices on three Cords or more. Best giade Jellico and Hard Coal, including the celebrated Indian Mountain, at lowest prices. R. H. SIKES, 904 Marbury Street. „ , „„ . - Bell Phone 2101. hlrowiter Pb ati* 740 READ HERALD'S WANT ADS !rm M ttodr pn*t«m m* itTal tool* *f ttotr , I 'MWpk tto* Itoatr »to lynh ft** . and I* wnto tkat ttooo oto flMnd rod *w oto tim a* *y ft *a M#o Y*th may to !*■** I wtoi. ttoy •tWamdato totM* t« *ny nA don*, all daw p* t** 1 * *m ••** twMpi *a j jk wot* j**np nr *ii«*« i a. **•**• ***** as torbiog nod drditmtag Ttoprtmnflkt* , ,i|irtii* onto bliop* kail* and i ik»* kkol <4to ak mid to *mkrar*d by all tto Minna toll to** Ito pntU' k-d lto«r am ton*. ~l*<mi at toant, * | Tki* yal.yyt'r tot t* (to# to all dnMt*M I it. Tk* ba»A to* «*b*nUi»»tf *d Ik# ! iwtoortaam at a i *d (nrtapt*tO#*4 t*ik j tom a o ■ m«a may mqtdm toamy and kn*Mt <*- t*|wrtal rkaptmi am tto *am *4 t to* hair, tom In h*»* lutartnnl gomtk. I torn.ton oitob of ambing tk* knir pm 1 an* |«# oa' .ral Naif *»4 a*», **** to * Bpfi t'AfMTwf A I#® i#*4l"#rtiP# I# lonbdt mpawAMM hair ftm* thn Omo * mi and am** wtitowt Injury in tto akta Thi« tod will to mailrd to aay *dd»*a* to i "'►'K KK Trial JtnMka of M'.aidrrful (torn ! nlryka* Tootr ft** at parlor., or » **nt* I»mat of patting tod mailing! to ttom* at a * dutaoaa. ul _ , t‘ori iapun.l yor* formally galbdtyd. Ad- Idtoa JHE HERALD JTANDARB )ffAR fITLAS It I# popular because It 4, *uit shhal the treat newspaper-reading publicj Th* lape if# large a*Kl dear. 9NPP 4Pp4 the «U#e of any atnrra publlahed. Thry are beauti fully printed In five colon on heavy map pape f IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find the Atla« an *ndl»p«naable aid. It will help you to obeerve the daily change* In the •ituat.on, and enable you to keep pace with history. You Need An ATLAS! v — Oct the Lotcftt and Beet A Contems of The Herald Standard War Adut: Cub* - 14x2» Inch** The World - 21*28 Inch** Atom tog tow*** ol ytoom «•*****. .*M» and lik|rtfb •**#• Wall Indies ... 14*21 inches Norfh America - - 2 1 *2B inches * No* lag .tW« Mto« M 1 South America - - - 14x21 Inches ig • a#ntng abk Ho#*. Philippine Islands - - 11x14 inches Hawaiian Islands - - I Ixl4 inches Europe - - 21 x2B inches Spain and Portugal - - 14x21 inches Asia ... - 14x21 inches Shear tog atm Tr*o*-Mk#rt*o KaMroad. Africa - - 14x21 Inches Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B Inches China - - “ - 14x21 inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of T*orto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It Is just out, and entirely new. . ... The Maps are clear and distinct, ana twice ; the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War | Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. ¥ )' HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may, order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by POmitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents 1 7ST TV FRANKC I»E6 / \ / \ famous / \ / \ 9 CushiflFh / \/ \ Shot; 1 / V PoeerWe \ 1 / \ only to a \ I / \h»rdHitter\ y \ Centre Bell\ [l \ Very fine \ 1 \ RightTwUtX A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS ■r JOHN A. THATCMtB fnahlon CAro-Ti r iwmplrm of Ohlo’M- Vd, wtmirr or st. 1,001. H»adlc»p•»;, Hi,, longest tournament on rworfl, mid the only l>tojr«r "ho « v «f Schaefer, Kloiaon, end Iv'-a In the Mine tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENTS. 100 DIAGRAMS ON 1-OUSMION SHOTS. SCMASNER’S STRAIGHT ftAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE ON BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURSINQ POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY ON CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS LIST OF CHAMPIONB OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT REOOROS, ETC. The author five* many valuable auiMFstiona to novtoea which *crvo to render clear the method* employed by the world’* expert*. It will show you HOW TO PLAY noth, 75 ccats. Flexible LeMhcr, st.oo. ii 44 paxes SIM. SieXieebe*. Seat, prepaid, >0 aay addrot. u» receipt ot price. Aipsta Evenlnj Herald 7