The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 15, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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"BUTTERY IT FULL OF COLD. ft* Iftf* m *li »### iHUII Y|» MM**** ' ftft#*ftft4 in AMAft nm |mhb4m • •* inf «#• in* •### *•'**•**( “ ##* mi tfti# ft®* immMNwi ii 4 S&ISKKr I *•• Lr A#* « -.«§ t *%■•' S 4 2 i IflW *q#* ft w»f ft np*iii»f , >n «## Hi*# l '* t **#»“ l|p ftN##*f ftH#ftfft twill ft## iN ftftftftt... ’flinrt tilt 1 f*f!|f§| (yf h« *o* # ■>* ftftl toss A It OHffm mi tlM* ll*> *••• riMas • irmw! Iwl 0t ftn i)m«& > . «l®l»t h# Kay f #V#! V .*« UfeM .10.1. ...I •" •««.« !•««- __ » tlr rknid* About f o’rloHl ft frn* fit! &#ftr ftrin wirt ll tfe« 4r«Wrtß| ot T‘ , ranlaln hid IMlßlbiT’ hIoVQ «fli Hftd lb# tentrf full In. H«* then bali ibftt If lb# n»#n who d.otH tbftt iwi* would #t#p two JUK# I lo ’ll iTOftt ill l iftow iriiiir'twu *°»s r;\^~rr;jr ward * Tit«a b*' order of Captain Bradlety ftll lb# t#nt» #ie#pl thuM of lb# *»m { oan «er# Uk#o down and rolled up! to th«* middle of iti** Aflat the trots t.'ir :ak'ji duso Ikt torn of fend thr# rkrer* for M-nUmant* Morri* sod lx»n(ratreel, and ttirsr were gireo with a will. Then aotne’rtit of fered three rheer* for Captain Hradley and Lieutenant Beatlia, and this »a* met with hlaara and groan* At 'tap* ona-huodred and sixty men, roaipoilm the battery, retired, wrapped In their blanket*, and lying on the cold damp ground. * Tope are sounded at nine o'clock but It waa punt the midnight hour before quiet reigned In the company street, and then ll wit only through the efforts of the officer of the day. from the Third Georgia regiment.-that that lire men were induced to be quiet. From 'lap*' uhtll then the Interval was filled with yetis, the claUtlng of tin pans, songs and parodied on the situs- ] tlon. “One of the parodies was an up to date adaptation of the bugle call at •reveille': "Can't go lo sleep, "Can't go to sleep, "Can't go to sleep tonight. "Got no tents to sleep In. “Got no tents to sleep in. "And can't go to sleep touight. "There waa more than a sound of revelry by night that night. We could ! not sleep. Our teeth rhattered and ■ we were desperately funny. The j night was made as. nearly hideous ua It could be made in a strictly unpoet lc sense until the officer from the, Third regiment appeared upon the scene and persuaded the men to let, up. j "To sum the matter up, let roe tell you. It would have been a hot time If it hadn't been such a d d cold time.” During the past few days the men of Battery A have been making things lively about Griffin and Camp North ern Yesterday they rigged up a gun the component parts of which were the wheels of a sulky and two sections of a stove pipe. The stove pipe was stuffed with cotton and thp outfit drawn bv the men. A temporary captain chosen by tbe men rode at the head of the battery mounted on an an cient donkey. A circus was parading In Griffin at the time and the men of Battery A joined in the procession, following close behind the down. in front of the gun marched two men, hearing a placard upon which these words were inscribed: "This cannon went through the campaign of Cblca tmuiga Park. 1898." The Move pipe gun U notv packed in the company street. Pain Killer. ft ##ftft**ft# ftftvMft ftl liMtfl fttMSftftft ft#% aei ftt#n ft#** ftk* i—ft* ftoimih tmwmmt 4HH#ft ••ftiffeftVtft* ftivftiiftift M ftftftft (Ml ftftftH fftftriftMMft fMMMftftft ftft ft##4 • * ftft* ftMft # *•# ftftMft#gMftft. s*t«MM e*v«tr ' ftl ft| ft* 4ft ftMMft ##f ftftft MMPMft TW ft W*9 I MjtftftfNft Cftftft* fuft, f*ii # ftftl# # V )|ftt"tl4 4ft Yftrtttvf ft t H'YMft MIN.MHLIA foMOMI. A Btg Agfe*y**t— #l Iki IkMtn fftftt K%ft##kftft *ftc* ft ft*ft#r»U» fcftoftm ft ; ihiMl tilt flftftftfftftl A WWftftftft Ilfftiof I# Cr * ftftflMl ##*» IflHft * * * mt Aft n->*, | mtd' fiuillft)) tl ft* *4 wmnw •«•«* Hlvftl niiawMr l «n*cift«vt» frm mt t ft« atliwtim nmUbi All will har* ft #bftft## Id •#• tft l # l t >fii«ht Door# iftrn •( ft CASTOR IA Tor Infant* and Children. Th KM Tot Hm Always Bought si turd on the Reporter*. ' "I had a strange dreset the other night,” Mid the Major. ■'Wb*t w*» MT** ”f went to heaven, and s* sn old newspaper man. waa Interested In their Journal up there. It wa» a mlsierabla thing: out a well written irtory in It, and I told St. Peter no.” "What did he aayT” "He aald, Ta not our fault. We nrver get any good reporters up here.’ ” —Gaiatln Torch. WINE OF CARDUI Aches Sn The Head. Kzu, Ttmnt Co., Texaj, January 30. 1 auffered from swimming and dtoiness in the head an 4 from sick headache, and couldn't get relief. Cine day I read an advertisement of Wine of Cardul I tried it, and began to feel better at once. By the time I tinlshed the bottle I was aU right * ANNIE FRAZIER. WneTdrd** 1 Headache* In women are symptoms and danger signals. Tl ey are warnings that something is seriously wrong—not In the head, but in those intricate delicate and sensitive organs that distinguish her sex. Here it is that the wrong must be righted. While headache and dizziness are signs of danger, it is such an easy matter to drive them out. Wine of Cardui does it by regu lating the menses. When regularity is established, the pains not only leave the head, but the sufferer finds herself feeling splen didly in every fibre. Her health comes back, and there is great satisfaction in knowing that life can be enjoyed to the full. Wine of Cardui is putting gladness and sunshine into many wc . men’s lives. It is curing their LADIES’ advisory department. troubles—not only bodily but For kStlc In co»e« reflulrlu* «pn- 1 .... ~ . ... 1 d*i direction*. nddreM.atvina.jrop- i marital. A really nealtny wo -1 toms, j LfldCw’ A Department, i .... , The €**n««>*i* Medicine »-•. i | S an inspiration and a i Cli»ttnno«*», Tenn. r — fascination. There is nothing else so beautiful. And Wine of Cardui puts it within every woman’s reach to be healthy. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for $1.03. WINE OF! CAR DU I •X'HBJ attotjbta hmbaxxi BOTH TYPHOID UNO MALARIA. T|g|e h Vhl a#TKf*e tfitf* Mi KgfitTSt * IdlK fn*»» lawtiM at i*» ne»*»s* i**- ftftftfti ft# I fMtoMßwftft Mt |N#ft4iftMHft tft# *• '"'**** • m *+'”* **• *** *' ** j nuM ,a ff j (4 | fin* ,*un4. |am ml , Cftl. Kftiiftr* tfttnli# tHftl If b# ft#4 tft# Iklfiitiiif lll** |»r#% of ttf*V44 I>#«* CV4- W. f* MW* •«* I ‘ Tiim •# tft» ••#■* • ftftv# ft##rft ftt»# 'irr##t am >uni «.f «ftrkst##ft ftt H«lllv»n'• for ft#tt#r qi*«rf#r# ftf»4 lb#! winter t#nl# #r# ftftM ron«trueful n»w llf ripi'tlf ft# . • Til# Will ftle# j the men floored t*nta and make ihem end too omtamo of | In all." CASTELLANfc'S PIN MONEY, j Anna (lotild's Husband Adding to Mia Bank Account. Ort. 14.—Th» P»rt# #<##• t#lt># th» Nlok iii| #t*i»i«diU'Tf» artl< I# L. nnrminf tb# rrrrflf rumor# »• lo lb# < #u## of thr #hrupt opfwiiloii of th# work of ttnlshliig th- much talk-.l of Ca»lellane-«T«uld l>al*—. <v» th*- Avenue li, is eje it.Mil—gt—’, which »»« originally Intended a* an authentic Imitation of the Petit Trianon of Marie Antoinette. •‘On# of our ro||##*um thp other night an Interruption In the work of a certain red marble palaen everyone la familiar with. Thl* la the reason giv en: The young gentleman who la build ing It. and who ha* a constant need of money, went one day, tl appear*, and AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. MR A*t ftpeliiybM IT T#P At* HISI MiftWf Ml VMnMrufter »%• «# »*** »WKI» <a*u»ia a*» • rftnw# i*##k* m M»# »U«»IM»4 f 4 Oft HAMuf i PiTCftCR if Hffs mua, fejHfu/r* •/ ”CABTORIA|* (At wm fUI (ftt far • Mtß.’l * v i <C»*/ysa irfT##dP. ffeia m tfttmaimd "CASTORtA** trkuk kaa hem mwi It the ftdMrf ts M<* Mcthtra of Ammat far m** (ftffff IM*« look carefully #i (At mpt W *# 4 # |1„ t -i M nJaerfrra kwalf -e m Iha tkf rr ZrZ Hi A 441 flit sisn<»lurc #/ wrmp* MT # M* m§ kaiM o*lkont 9 pm mt*w Pf ***** a 4*. #-. A ft# l * a- Tmff fttf, df K4i( o ft nftle tl. 4 ICI4 **Cr 41 t F Y 7 ##4«* ’ll* i Ai jD. Do Not Bo Deoeivod. I* ja _.. *L- l.f-% vmif rhilil (h* arrrtif insf lln fY*if f f\n ifijs. f f uHS Ill%> IU J ll '»» • iuha uj «•» * cHt ah ftbhii-h oH* f hr PAn 9k (nf ratify prfiflirft on it), llH» Wk cmlirnit t 4 I huh fvcfl He ilwi wd kiuiw, “The Kind Yon Have Always Bought” Es AA3 THE SIGNATURE OF i Insist on Having • The Kind Thit Never Failed You. in <i#rh am mamm* n #i—m tmti* #**< C)ooßS k §ash.noßlin Ds u - - Mill Work • YELLOW'PJNE LUMBER jCML -4 r«£ffea« a«C -4* *Aut t(|'»'wK *ui|irtatist ***t4 THORcraCN IN |vTS*l>l»AUrvrNt jr.f '* .tfy tu , N £ IN STOCK AND PROMPT SHIPMf RTS ASSURED !1P&» Sr'f** fk*<^^ r * , Ai.o|j‘4r- ; ir#<4pcN wmthtiri*. Ee ins Manufacturing CoAususiaGa Our Prices tell but half Th« Real Story of The Meril Contained in ereqr GARMENT we Sell 1 r x f * O our Rarments to appre \ All ,4/1 11C I SPP elate their true value. 1 Ull ill HD l Jet Examine the Insides. The skilled workmanship on every detail stands out in bold relief—a touch here and there—and the uni form finish throughout the garments are features of the utmost importance to give the wearer lasting sat isfaction. You pay no more for reliable Clothing. Why, take chances on inferior? Our Fall Styles in MEN’S and BOYS' CLOTHING An so rompleia tiiat tb* most fmldtou* drrMrr can b* ftratlfiw). $6.00, *7.50, *B.OO. *O.OO, *IO.OO, *12.00. *ls Xj. sylvesteb ii uoa i»*?t n KKT. found the hulldor*. «*k-d tb-ni for » commission of 4W tier cent upon all the work he ordered for which hi* wife was to jmy. •Thin** went elonx finely until the relative*, notably the brother* of th, lady In question, tiecam- aware of an extraordinary atalo of affair* and de manded the detail of a somewhat *>n laiK' d bill sent In by one of the con tractors. ‘Madame then declared *hr would ask the courts to reduce the bill* pre- I rented. Protestations became vi olent and finally one of the architect* owned up to the husband * commission. This threw cold water upon the trans atlantlques, and they renounced the | Idea of asking the court* for a diminu tion of the account between thetn selves. •Monsieur and Madame quarreled. Fi nally the relatives decided that the I work should be simply Interrupted and that I* why for some time the palace has been abandoned- If you pass lt--il Is close to L’Etoile— people will say it I Is the fault of (he strike. Do not believe , anything of the wort." Bucklen's Arnlci Salve. TUG PERT SALVE in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Kheiim, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Corns, and oil Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfecl satisfaction or money re funded. Price l!5 cents per box. FOB SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. Newspapers North and South. Greenville News. < The southern newspapers, we are glad to see, have, with some few ex ceptions, been much more kindly in their criticism of the conduct of the war than those of the north. Mr. McKinley Is really receiving more loyal support from southern democrats than from northern republicans. One reason for this is, we think, that the southern newspapers, as a rule, have much more well truth-telling and fairness than their northern conlemporar'es, most of whom seem to have no, scruple in printing a falsehood, direci or indi rect. T New Maple Sy(J)p, finest quality, In bulk and cans at Lam kin & Co.'s. WHOLESALE PAINT WAREHOUSE One-half car Atlantic Lead There can be no better Lead ta America. One-half car Atlantic Linseed Oil 4 cent# # gftilon. Better tbao djet|> W ettern OUt. One car Dry Mineral Paint Outhouses, Roofs, Fences, &e. Cheap as dirt. Ocbres. colors Dry anil io Oil Pratt & Lambert's Hard Oil and Varnishes Pure Ready Mixed Paints The very best made. Plastico. The best Wall Finish. you are in donbt about n painter we can al wavs find you a good one, and a reasonable one In prior THE HOWARD 5 WILLET DRUG COMPANY. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters, Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. August#, Ot. Htrowg«?r Phone JHE ||ERALp jjTANDARJ) yifAR HJJ.AS It It popular bocauft# it It lutt whit th# £r##t ntw»p«p«r-rtAdlng public want*. Ih* M#p# arc Itrg# And cl##r. And lulty doubl# th# Ml/# of tny other* published. They Are beauti fully printed In five color# on heavy map paper IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EO6RAPHY you will find the Atlas an >nditp#nt#bl# aid. It will help you to observo the dally chtngtt in th# #ituat.on, And enabl# you to ke#p pace with history. You Need An ATLAS! Oct the fjeitcat and Licit Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cuba - - 14x21 inches The World ... 21*28 Inches .tfte* lag « QfC*f ftf ftltMMft »e»*el». >*M« mmt lelefftarS IMee West Indies ... 14x21 Inches North America - 21 x2B Inches kb*, lag «M< ll***. South America - - 14x21 Inches hlMwlMg taMr M*ci. Philippine Islands - - 11*14 inches Hawaiian Islands - ** 11*14 inches Europe - 21 *2B inches Spam and Portugal - - 14x21 inches A S i a ... - 14*21 Inches Showing MW Tran*-Siberian Railroad. Africa - 14*21 inchas Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B Inchas China - - - - 14x21 Inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana. Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standaid of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may. order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents Bn- =—W A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS Bv JOHN *. THATCHIB Cu»hlon Carom Cliamplon of Oblo'M '» winner of H l.oul* Handicap tbe long«»i tournament on record, ami the only play.r who ever be*e Schaefer, Sloneoa, and Ive. In tnw ■am» tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT#. 100 DIAGRAMS OR 8 OUBHION SHOT#. SCHAiFER’B BTRAIGMT RAIL NURSE. EVERT BTYLB OF BALK-LINE GAME, ALL NURBINQ POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER QAME STORY OR CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS LIST OF CHAMPIONS OF AMHRIOA ANO TOURNAMENT RECORD#. ETO. The Author give* many TAlusbl# ■uggeAtfons to novice* which nerve to rendr.rvhjAr the method* employed by the world’s experts. It will *how you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, rs ceats. „ „ Flexible Leather, SI.OO. •tl paget. 6Ue, 5x 1% Inches. Sent, prepaid, to an, aUdreae on raeelpt of price. Aujosta Kvenißi flerali 7