The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 17, 1898, Image 5

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MCNOAV 1 Af|< ««*> mui % «*»—*»«m OMMJM «|. dUuiNMI. M*Mp* A AAA tUft A A A Art A*. VMMPWMAA • Georgia Railroad Bank AUGUSTA, GKOUGiA (otarsHt itttiHM naitma *». an, F AllJl F C-Alff Ala, •••••• Imami ■ ~~~ MftKVVft#-— *— is.. - 11 *■ * * fMM f* ftJMAAA I Aiwa A «-•«*«• Ik ' 1 a •jTITt JEL rffthk# | IP? Arfr-t flha— S»« swat fc*»» I nr* *'v-? >c- ja * DR. HENRY J. GODIN. EyM%ht Bptci*i'ftt, NH ft#*klffcs« fteftt I# #4kftlftl* tl#4kk CEO. S. HOOKEY PASSES AWAY. Al lUcnrrt •■< WafnMa Cliliaa (Hi Tt* CA MW •! M Ijft) H»W rtu MonMUf. IV 4#i(l t» unnnaM «f Ms <!••* |i m t«* tstti r«»r At 2 I- "» i«Mla»y. sit Nta k«#k#, H 9 »srwt €*#U## k#ftffc. ft#k##ftl ftal!##** 1 #f ft#ft* t#m |®t#*m*-M ui nty uiwy, riM*- ###| nan ##i iupmwiM. ruo*r»l fram *t P»ltk* » «hm h |W»- AMr nertiu-.f. The Death of fir. ttao. S. IMtty. %>*# tv 4#*ife of Mr. Om. ft, M«»ofc##, *■ kkl «fn*iv**'Nl is rr~ Ho**## has for *mrw lawn pmMnnnt lons And fcokorkM# Ms • 111 this <*«*i*- tittinit#. Hr w*lfc#4l In man* Voutcrf manh-MKt. minrn#D<Vrt And sis m« on2«*d (V rrifwrcl aa<| tuntMino* of All During Ills i>mc (if#. Mr Hr**## #n* *»#«<f t io-pti A.all> k —d l» Alth. Hr «aa n«vf |f|, ||«* vm r»bta»t nn-l itrunx nnd artivr until thr a right «*f *#•** AAsrrtrd llArlf. A Abort whil«* Ago, liSturr i »*Mt tl<*na nrrrr AAArrtrtl. Ilf had itan It# length And thr itAuarh <Jn»«*n. lu>vu*rrd p«r* cut And tru«* fnkrn4> lurnmndH by th<4N> nr#r An«l dmr to him. took to hit death couch. After a fortnight. MlOiout suffering i ,-. i n,.q| I >i tv mil th final jftummona. hA« com#. And hi* spirit ; About the Deceased: Mrorgr 8. H*M>krv was bom in Phil*! Adrlpb-# June 13. I*2# He was thr e a of AhthoftA? Ami Malm Hookey. Hr came to Augusta from I'hiladHtUia, when hr was IS years of age. to tak# chart* of the Augusta Gas light r»ki pany, which was thrn in Its infancy Hr was Identified with the company for 41 years as superintendent- Hr retir ed from the company shout four years ogo. He had U n diligent and sa\in* in life, am) at thr time of his death had accumulated a handsome property. Mr. Hookey wa* one of til. very best mechanic* In the country. He learned his trade In 1 (catling, I’a. He was one of the oldest I Ivins locomotive enrl neera in the world. tils Family Connection. Hla brother. Charles O. Hookey, of. Philadelphia, la here. There was al*. almut the venerable gentleman as life, took It* llight Mr. lieorge A. Hookey, | Frank CJ. Hookey. Joseph 8. Hookey. ■ his sons; Mr*. E. F Hweegaji, of Charleston, and Mr*. F. A. Power, of Atlanta, hi* daughter*, and Miss Ka- j tie Sweegan. of Charleston, hi* grand- j daughter. Hl* other son, Charb-s J. Hookey, of St. Ijtiius, and Ida brother. Anthony C. Hookey, of California, have been no tified by wire of the death. As elated the funeral will probably occur Wednesday morning. Deceased was a consistent member of St. Pat rick's. and the funeral will occur from that church. Funeral arrangements will tie ftnnouncctrt'fmorrow. OASTOTIIA. Be»r» th# j 9 ft* K'" 11 You Haw Always Boujtlt '*T IF YOU PAY MORE than we charge you for Jewelry or Silverware you pvy too much, for money cannot buy better qualities than we offer you. If you pay It sa than tve charge yon are sure to get lean iu quality—Satisfaction. new GOODS DAILY. fi. Mweiiert & C#., Jewelers. TAw • hM - rtr S a 0 11 ad**. VMgi A ftftkkfc Minister*. GETTER FROM MR. JONES WUt t|f Ukt RpffW Ait Drftt A AUttti. . tug Mwlhg at Laft*r "W» ta *a H*M I JAmmM Cm !* Tb# H A*—**. O. ,M D-D * *«B I ftikkftftftk I gfwHl Riff PfV4MM AgAtti l# I Aattaata I*« Ml « ha IM««* mhmA Ltr. I Nwia# Ass i># mi AMaPIa Hsv 4**g !an vsrit dAVa*, It is tv MVa *** ttw* AtisAts v( )At«*r Hum iviAiiw r 1. or I rrhsps Jswusry. Raliard, IsigAA And | ?Ak ■ hol4 of tkl* MiAtrrr for ttictr oryas* s isoli«ms snd ftv<* do MAAtt«*f* A gtisb rstlt witl ittrn kuti iradt *<nm n will ook f«*r VcVtAli >n At IV Ml si .4 tv teflaiatarr, and tbs otokw ssi they will ftr.’fNl lit retting It Wilt t • The (Inks hove {••rtnad a I«ka) un* ! |,in Vis oltli Ofty 1 iuuii‘t neniers. It ha. a bright future t»fore It. Mr ' Marcus, a firmer employe of L<rvy'« Hons, of Augusta, la a member. By j the way, one <4 the central attarctbma j Irf Atlanta to, the uaat nimdh Is Mr navis, of A usual*. I ,-aaaot ilisttnauish . this Mr. Darla for others of that name from any trade or calling he folhnved. so will mily **> he I* lhe gentleman | *ho former I > ornamented the billiard J room of the Arlington. The railroad men held a big meetlna ! here Holiday. All the big chief* were . here, among them our old friend. Frank Hargeant In his address he IMI idly pro. | claimed that tin- Bremen must take .some Immediate steps to away with the | dusky individual who spade* al tl* j left hand of the autocratic engineer. It has the rotating In me of an affair that will be drawn to a focua soon, and 1 you can look for It In Augusta. The, fed- ration was composed of aliout as i ! fine a liody Of men aa I ever sa-.v eon-! gresated. It la surely going to accn-n --. plish something, and that. too. In face : nf the fact that the engineers have sir- I jen the oranixalkm the marble heatt. 1 Well, I see Richmond has elected I {three delegates to the legislature, viz.: Messrs. Calvin, Hammond and Reyn- > i lds. Wonder how they will run the gauntlet of the la'-or committees? ! Let it be understood lam casting no , boutonnieres, nor am I seeking favors. I but am Inclined to think some of the : member* mentioned I can place. I will I put It this way: Mr. Hammond. | doubtful, exceedingly doubtful, about ] voting for labor bills: Mr. Calvin, I nm sure, will be strictly conscientious in all his actw; and Reynolds—well, I am banking on Joe. You *-*e, Joe, he's been a "tourist,” and know* something of the wants of the |«tople. It would give me pleasure to see him come out for the people: lie would make a ebam- I lon of which th • working people would feel proud. However, we will await de velopments. JEROME JONES. The Ellis Restaurant has moved first door above Dyer building. SACRED HEART FAIR. To Be Held in January to Raise Funds For New Church. At a meeting- of the parishioners of the Hatred Hea,rt church lost night It was decided that the fair to be given for lhe purpose of raising funds for the new church, should be held the last week in January lasting through the first week in Fe'/ruary. The ladies In chaise of the fair will begin canvassing scon, and are deter mined to make It a signal success. Free Pills. Send your address to H. K. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get « free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy In action and are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they have been improved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to lie purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, hut by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invig orate the system. Regular -dr.e 2Ge. per I,ox. Sold by Howard & Wlllet, drug gists. liIEUT. RANDOLPH RIDGEIiY OF THE HUGH M'CUIiIiOUGH (A I*- 'fttßMM. R All **i A ****** | * yw vwMit«4i • ttifep §m W 0 # •#***** lib ib* liiAkfb «iv##kM#A k i m**s I«hm m pbi bit ampnl «b bibib if I [bib ib* bub# ‘ fV## bin* tVAAki Mah* b«*b"fib | b b|l# tV* b* bAMM#. I A(A*IA b.** | *ifA bnli#*t- * .. *4 Aaaraaa | |j* m*m4 Mb 1, .'s in «%«iviib*f ## lb# bn* llf Aob *<« AiliAAbk. At lb# lAAk I 4m#aah*ib#b M Na« kUibb bm I bbVb • «IjMlb###ll# AA bi*lAi##iti|v , A' |iiwiit by b#t ban brill #****# A [ ibAb II fttpar * fe>* nm tuft A## A# lb#* W I l|fll# v*«H >wM »** lbn yaNifAfl ik> I I (A' *-'■*#«& <r*f tmm mb**# k*4 gi##b #Tkb*## j n» b bn# of lb# nf f#4b#»k •M# rgwifbn# •*• if ii!■*#■■# Wbb# a* * «Vp but it AavVaa# * Akbifitt# •b#i link t»ff>k# <1*1? Abb i f aAhpia nm n#* * but## f Ini. aa4 lb# nki#f fVnk# nb «b#4f r-kAblbA Al t#Mtb fbk if# *»•# ,wMn4 Mi RaniMbb blbgti#? *, O a* rnitlik vlvdia in ff fary 1 Tmrf ynlilMy (WH#IW #Pf Ml* l inf . i On MNAb#r nbit* kb lb# itfArilr# *b*P I' AAtlllttm. Ab# l«* •tw nk«MkAb#nbV «ki Ib# ,« TV in mt# Vr from Mil Mr»»4#b tllAt A#t ib t«JAAfi* tb# AbtWf# #9tm#i n#2l mdi IrmriAilk A* ui tud hx 9 ! mnf u» hrr rtnm# Aoi a ban## over (o 4v (’(AitcihtVQ, bki tbf# dAM#r of Mag •#•#• Ib Quirk A* A n«»ti RiinHcy look In lb# #AltAAUofi (kr *iir of thr rorfirl am! rut th# UA«#r \iH>thrf liar «i« ihnmn, nhirh *m kki thr rooArlli* Wk>n wa» pollri ion# fn w hrr p#rl | lou# poititiob into #•!#, arrp iwr* Ueul Rblgrlef Is A »*« oY "»« i-hyslque and received a medal at An napolti for ricrtlrnrr In Atolrtir aperia llr ll priinrrri for a ftyhlrr oa both aide* of the bouse Ml* moth er descended from Cadwallader Ooldefl, cine of ih* colonial'governor of New i York, and ta a niece of Admiral < Khlnd. who fought on the Federal aide : -luring th* Civil War. and whose ship, the Keoduk. was blown up In Char leston harbor. Admiral Rhlnd also, at a subsequent lime, commanded the powder ship which was sent against Fort Fisher, at Wlfmmgtnn HU mother 1s also a niece of General Montgomery Gardner, a veteran of ; both the Mexican and Civil war*, and as gallant a soldier ax ever drew a sword. Hl* paternal ancestry Include# some of the most plettmaque acd romantic figure* in the history of this country. The old Maryland families, the Kidgt leys, the Sterrltts and the Hollings worths. have been prominent In ev ery American war. Hl* great uncle. Cspt. flterrlu, commanded the Amer ican ship Enterprise In Ibe Tripolitan war. and in an encounter with a big rcssalr he made her haul down h r CJlors, but bpr hull was found to be so riddled with shot and shell as to ten der her worthless, so he threw h- r guns overboard and ael her adrift, j The pirate's loss was fifty nun killed and wounded; the Americans lost not a man. Afterwards, during the French war, j Bterrltt commanded the Constellation, which, after u spirited engagement with the big ship L'lmigent, compelled her to strike her color*. While the battle was raging It became »o hot at the guns that one of the grnnera de serted his post and refused to return, whereupon Slerrlt ran him through v/ith his sword. Colonel Sterrlt, a younger brother of the naval officer, commanded the Fifth Maryland regi ment that gallantly distinguished It self at the battle of North Point. The most dashing horseman in the Mexican army was Riilgelcy’s grand father. Captain Randolph Rldgeley, and his marveloua feats of skill and daring earned for him the sobriquet of le beau sabreur. It is related of him that on one occasion, while riding in front of Barnutn’s hotel, in Baltimore, he suddenly put spurs to his horses acd dashed up one side of the long flight of steps and down the other, escaping unhurt. Another tlmft he was out riding with some gay com panions near Fort McHenry, each of whom was trying to excel the others In feats of horsemanship. An empty coal cart happened to be passing, when one of the party rede toward it and cleared it at a bound. This was a bowshot in riding beyond anything that had been attempted up to that time, and all eyes turned to Ridgeley to see what he would do. Without a moment’s hesitation he put spurs to his horse and made him leap Into the cart and leap out again while the cart was in motion. None ventured to fol low, and afterwards he was acknowl edged champion. After the death of Ringgold at Palo Alta, during the war with Mexico, he H«*>y P |§#fVM» LnUiHb wiv a Law hmrnm W% fee TBB JCOOTfeTA HERALD. ■xkHiMHfnf o|# fl| • *4 *l4*" Ik## »«£ ft# A#it<»k4«t t* •## y#kk#k##k kk ♦»ikn»k* #Qk#o •l*li k !W* fe *** • «k |#tkkiA h# ib# #•# ; mm Imp immi AkAM##*# #rm m #•#* * «M*kp* ti# 9mm m # •«* mm h#»| j |m«wiiw klifpMl #• «h# .|ii#kN<w##. •4*fitftkg hM • l#9*ih*i mmm mm ih#, tmm th# «#»»** <4 #hkk hk kk #m«4 ikkiilii^ hi Hkii#!#* * h»»# rntm «h# v 4 th# •##* *#kkkkipt mt ih# *l* ** fHMf #**9 kk# * fc#* kM## •# r ** IA Ihk <%###••• pkll*' s *# •* w A#kn» |hkf k««k# A 9k*A#A ii (• #4* ##***'*#• |»# Qfrtimi WlhMl. fttiyM Wm M.I r~#gr nil t Imr |m| t#4 jhr i 4 *A #4*4 k 11 * ( %««f*kk 0M 1# *’###■##» Mkk * III# * j 'AtT rut #hkk a •At I# r t *m#A4l if Kin nfcfeb th# I# r »4*m * *** »AA *k 'v ti 4 rat* It Ah ilk hi# kkMT ** Al f#k #kt - | . , ■ ion lA kU llcloHial •.MIMS a*4 f*p*<*4 u»* »*"•*•> • t*r j>fc to xrn#AtM !•#■ AMiM#* , y4#f# W- -* ■ + - - .. 44 p#k A my fr wd d( imTT »*» tbt hktt I# **f Wlk bf* #f th# t *k(#4 * ‘rtaw '#•>**- «hbh tabtnl. Mbtar-tv i rkrr*##*l A • wmihi * «•* w A it*k#kHt Mil Mikk #»«*» Ik «»# 1 Jftt Jilin* (ha korfifaty d*ad While {waving Ihruugh Win iuujLijur umift cm# «*f kl# UallHl at the bran* of Mis* Ttlll# K»»- aalt a youag lad* whom he had fre- UsentD visited and informed her of his desperate rohd'tlon N.ver bral iqilng to - mint (be ra*t of the danger {she would encounter on s** h a mission -off she went in quest of Ih* breve - soldier l-ofi Just at sunset she found : hint faint and un-rst-i-i-ii Itaw the loss of blood. Trnderl* she raised hla head and placed It on her grm, when ihe night earoe there would l*e a bar# i possibility of hla recovery. Rh# called to a federal surgeon wbn happened to he passing and implored him to dress hi* wound* and have him removed In a place where he could re relv* proper attention. The snrgeon said that her pat taut was suffering from physical exhaustion as well as psln and the lo*s of hiood, and If his deep continued through the night : I here would he hare possibility of Ids recovery. Here was a pr-d'eament. Her po dlUm. with her arms supporting Jds huad. was becotidug painful In the ex treme. tieslde the dangr of a defense less woman staying all night on a bat tlefield in the jKiisesslon of a hosllle army, was truly alarming, hut the brave girl uever faltered In her de votion. She kept her lonely vigil to the end and when morning catne'she raw her patient moved to the hospita ble home of Mr. Robert Y. Conrad, at Winchester, when after months of careful nursing lie was restored to perfect health. But (he experience cost him four Inches of his left leg. While serving on General Jobal Early's staff at Monacacy Junction. Captain Ridgely performed a feat of horsemanship that rivaled in dexterity and courage the finest exploits of his Illustrious father. In attempting to cut off the retreat of General Lew Wallace, the eonfederales marched down the railroad track, encountering us they went a large creek, spanned by a bridge about forty feet high, with a trestle about one hundred feet in length on either side. There were just two narrow planks in the centre for a footpath, hut when Captain Rldgeley reached it superbly mounted on a Virginia thoroughbred, at the bead of the column, he went, over like it hiid amidst the wildest cheering of the troops. With such a family record for dar ing deeds to sustain, strange it would he if young Randolph should fail to show fighting qualities of the highest order, Atul furthermore, his anxiety to ho in a fight was removed entirely, for the little McCullough was in the thickest of what there was at Mahiia. When she strode in by the side of Dewey’s flagship, her bows were del uged by a huge wave, Jaused by the explosion of a submarine mine, which was intended to lift her Into eternity, and which was the first gun of the battle. When the German cruiser Irene was cutting up shines and crossing Dewey's “line of fire,’’ the McCullough put a shot across her bows with one of her 6-pounder rapid fires, and called her down in a hurry. The McCullough has made two cap tures since the war began, or rather four- the America;! slilp, Abbey, which was trying to Ton the blockade with guns and ammunition for the insurg ents, and the Spanish gunboat i.uytie, with two transports and 3,000 Span- Ilxpcrts lln Hied. ft**t Hi# *»**#• »fi •• M«tf for All pffRWI tIHMI tM G«J00 $&sU rnm!m%t JStSXZ ** »»» jr y***.*: j ms yi -e-'cJ*M.vvt Sis VS ******* ft* RING. PIN STUD EARRINGS wwtmst bmpie. a* IN MAhthlll ioo ■each ===•= Earrings Are $2 Per Pair. SPECIAL CAUTION : f#» |M i i.iif#AA# inowter- k#rr*# Ik I •mmli vns •*»« tk4 ikkk#*» •#?«» j I*4NSA <# mm* HR* trig *14*'* I I *i- -i* » *** * * 9PJ rv|i|A: !*• fftfthi •AAXaAk* ** J* J#l y®' I AMt *tH r# fit* TH* «## ## •** "JJJ I Mkarf Kat *•.#•#*'» AAa k AAtufcci wiix j 4rmw* l wflkwAt ktftlf# MAIL ORDERS. A kMAAttfni kktek. i*#aaia# k«m«# I lAAkWkHI. AMNSAkTII iA A l**V> rl**A I**# I •dial w|il hr APAI t# •**J si#* 1 # #*i jT*** . I nf «#|9 iniiei l» mpmwm- *#i* . Viaiu.l SKlbAia. *be bias IM«* us 15*#' AstKrf laapm I) < tjrfl «#• #n’* M Nsmrßi inswwak mm iaawas eo4 Niljf •re The* see HuuraUtrmt sotwUlntes far arasme dumewd- M MW- t»rt»»* * rtlttUflnjMfte, < taail: «i» ge gdsrardess "la T ’%a ! i>i.- ciolt# .st tiw^no* I found (bora* IX ■ < srhir oat M«*#y sc—rOf f*(**dsd « f«n art hi i< represented. •ft#*Beware of Imitators."^ Address Mall --rd-es I* BARRIOS DIAnONDCO., • EDISON BUILDING. 42 AMO 44 B*OM> STStIT, New YOSIt Rrniwn lU* paper. iards aboard—and of which U. Ridge ly was plated la charge. Georgia tabes her regular plaee as the Mmplre Stale In rontrilniilng na , val herooa to the war with Spain, her -roll Inclining the well known names Inf Brumby, Atlanta: Hodgson. Ath -ena; Oliver. Hawkinsvllle; Dubose. , Sparta, apd Rldgely, Atigtisia. Mighty good material here for commodores and admirals. The Ellis Restaurant has moved first door above Dyer building. THU CIRCUS COMINCJ. The Dress Agent Dropped Into the herald Office This Morning The little girts and boy*-—and the parents and uncles and aunts over whom the little girls and boy* have I perfect Influence —aliout circus times— will be pleased to know that a great , big show i« coming. Mr. F. K. Boyle In in tbe city today, 'lie Is at the Planters. He is advance agent of the Adam Forcpaugh ami Sells Brothers' Circus. “Oh!" he said. "I haven't so much to tell now. Our advertising car is here today. We are billing the town. You can tell your folks the circus lit erature will he up right away.” “How Is business this year?’’ “Tip top. Oil, I don’t know much about 4-cents cotton. The show Is so big and so grand that It draws any how—cotton or no cotton, war or no war. It is, sincerely, irresistible. “You see, Mr. J. A. Builey, sole own er of the ‘Great Adam Korepaugh Show,’ has just concluded urrangc-S ments with Messrs. Ephriam. Eewls and, Peter Sells, by which the show known a* 'Sells Brothers’ Enormous Railroad Shows’ is consolidated with the Forepaug Show, thus making the new aggregation one of the most pow erful in the world. “The potential arenlc proprietors represented In the above-named enter prise-arid they are men of great wallh and enviable standing—have hut one definite purpose In view, and that Is to give a great deal more for the money than has ever before lieen at tempted, believing that the result, w ill he such an increase !« patronage, with out any advance in prices, as will am ply justify the really titanic experi ment. Every other show in the coun try will he permitted to go its way un niotested and unnoticed. If great in fluences and effects result, they will come from inevitable popular compar ison, and those who tempt Jluit must abide the consequence. “(Tnder the arrangements made Hie Adam Forepaugh-SeSlis Brothers’ Consolidated will be the only one of Ik 2 UEpDOkC JE. D,COR B 114 E. D, CBOR A 4 D, C B OR A % kkkkNtA «k PtkHMkk## *tk * tk##4i ih# tH|l #kk##f#f#ek ks •hl#h It I# exuugftt^mmJ |a kakh lkV4oljp kVkt •# INktHf larmap fn# Ikr NwWkil tk# khkkdAkt Mpywifukiik #kk clf#k# liktl, m 4 th# koM kMkdm**#. tiki* tlim kkd 4##%#l MM kkkpkfkhif Nk #%#n ******* 9h# o»hr. tk ohkli##y#k»# • IlikM *k4 pwtkt ! •»* «*### *** ** hkfWk. "* l t ***» tk##. Th### I# ft |» #T. wu Ruftlin thAf hA* kkt ft ft* rlkrt #o«w» In N itriiffa*' s |fftf9 »<■*s# am k* ImMla ttmnluk# Q# f #k K«ihkfift# l*#fd»tA, Hfltlft. Vk»tA H«v ld»%T>lt#«l V#fftttlA. * •#!# ft** fAkl*« <^‘* buixuii)U«. Hmwrr ih# c»tft#tro|»h# WHAT’S IN A NAME? ful. painstaking labor and thought and attention. There's no 9. n this. Almost any one could do it. They simply don’t try. It sso much easier to take conditions as they are than to try to improve them. Therefore the leaders are few. So It ha* come to be said: If you want E x s®!* e in, • Serviceable Clothing, with Style and Qual ity at Economical prices go to L C. LEVY’S SOS i CO., Tailor-Fit Clothiers. - - Augusta. Ga. SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN! Known from Maine to California as the BEST Jffigr that material and good workmanship can pro- CASHIN, GOULEY S VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. AUENTS FOR HANAN & SON. ;' y - if£TA BUSHED ,eSS - ~J aooRS.oASHAN, Blinds HlfS U - Mill Work us IPS- of every DEScfy.eTi.aiß. YELLOW PINE LUMBER: * «..; „!•« : r cHSANi-zr.-r-I.ofr mopi-jiMt''.)!, e very ej.epartmen i-, j FULL LINE IN STOCK AMD PROMPT SHIPMENTS 'ASSURED, .UPON APPtICATION .•S Perkins Manufacturing 6o Augusta Ga. ARB YOU iUtXY ENOUGH TO HAVE A HOOT FOR THESE SHOES ? Jjgvtftv hufijfTd |V»i»» Hfif SfMlftpW StlTWs wxxih (rent THRfcfc TO FtVf DOt t ARS BACH four chotee hr 12.00 Lott Shoe* <n4 High Shoo -*■ *8 iht igwtii ihdpct <nd colors- rm them in our window, LADIES, 4 you wear any <4 the above liin. you can uv< i pretty penny by übt( -i4vjnU(i a 4 thu uk n t ftff| |4 lf M ks th# Ml? ks ! f*«!t 0 kifk, . *«kkp*kk. If t Id# fth * t 4Tf d*- # ■-**! *f*e kP f»f 4 ; § ts m kikkikk. Ak4 PftHlkft thkl. 'th# r c««fk4 Ik •hfttn»p#ftf#*# ***** |ih#v# I# kkt# <ak# k#kh tukkftk. # _ j /«►»••»»* *■* n a jid§v iff i r»Akll# «h «k#r# kf# thfk# ggu j HMhl>«#l!r'i gad Ha |. !!•! turn*** trfkiy Mftrkr>h. ft#k#k ftkk j fed-nijij j i j ktink*' fr th# »> ttlkftiy !l#» iff Itfr Hgpfftltiftft hfkidl#* | Shftk#x|i#kr# r##r#A#ftt# warn** ft* tudsrrnc»tlhly tityl Aftd pAI# ftAflkftft , h Aliiefi to mm ts A>)t*'t ih## If it’s a good name there’s a great deal •nil* . x. The reputation that our garments have achieved doesn’t come in a day. or a year, or two years, and is not the result of accident or chance, but of care- OCTOBCR IT