The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 18, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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ruekOAY 4 THE IUCUSTI HFMID x-’i-Sk'. *: -*» 5 * mm •«** .•»**•» ='-**" ** #***■* ***»«. rtf »..* —'*—»«• ** *** »»- *** . A ( w „„ K»f *»*<»«***»• $-#•»*• * $ MMM 41 iff*. M I#*# •*•. % * * _ .< «& «sQej^s3> tU-MAt 1> ‘ft****!*- uStov SW-r HH I *!"»••** : MHi ... ***» ommm **’- ': |Ml<| —l«ff 1 • m «Hi HM» *WB niOlAli* ttMW' *t •*»«*« #**«** •** *• **• *'■**•• ***** .*,4 tmut* #*»• **—■*' , l* Mjimr ** iff* *»*'*— •*••** •** «fc* ctm*** T-.,.- »i «*• #*••# In Y«w* CHT• •A* tto H"** l *•* p,, m nf»k **•*•<« •**«*■ #»«•** ***** •*• **l*.* «... •*•#• **• • ton* If WIHIM '»• •*** ** to Aiivißiiseies. -I Aff.**tl**«* * '** panti** _ii iwtor — *• *■*»*«•'•«•*• Mart ml Tto HtnM *** •»« «*r MMf. »rr tollN*(»f4 »> UM fti* —*" »•»•» —■g"— •tore to Hi Ik* •n'**' «* ff®* l *** w*«k h* «toh yi>»r.| jEACH DAY bEEb mm -2_ 3 >1 «!V|» atio ii it ijln ih ioTit is te Mill** HERALD SOUVENIRS. Anyone pmeatint at The Herald (Hike the Souvenir Coupon which la printed below will receive a neat lit tle Souvenir Button Tree. If you want one apply early. MaU orders wilt be filled when accompanied by etampa to pay postage. TREE DISTRIBUTION. SOUVENIR COUPONS! r This Coup n, presented at The Herald Olfke, will be ex- j changed for a neat and hand some Herald Souvenir Hutton. , The distribution Is limited and will last only a few days. THE EXPANDING AMERICAN. Tomorrow bring "laifayelte Day" In the schools of Augusta and through- ' out our broad land, a few words on the expansion territorial expansion j question of his time and Ihe expan sion quest tun of the present year of grace, will not tie amiss. Reverting to the respectable and well-informed American ciUxen of Lafayette's day. how very little, as 11 seems now, did he have to discuss ou the subject, with other respectable and well-informed American rltlxens. Tlie new cltUens of the United State* of America, which had been constituted a nation by the action of the convention which a Mem bled at Philadelphia in 1782. bad but little to say of any country south of Georgia ur west of the Mississippi, It is quite probable that these Am ericans of a century ago indulged iu soru>' dreams of national expansion, hut how or when or where? Three na tions —Great Britain, Spain and France —owned the possession* adjoining mrs, and showed no disposition to yield a single foot. The Spanish were bettering ugly in regard to the hand ling of American goods at New Or lrtns. H is probable that the Ameri cans soon dropped the subject of ex pansion to talk about the weetber. But mark the change In 1803 the intelligent American, who had main tained iu 1788 that there was no con stitutional method whereby the United Uuuob could extend its boundaries rc- ms9ws- # iHipH. In m #»*•»■ 00 |»n'<iMri>i» t if MffMl. IMM m ** ssaffl lisp- MB*#* IlfNI <mn* mi* §§*• •» HP ** mm •#* * f%» TNI «-'-■#** m * t***'* IM* *♦ %# fuf fMPMfiMk' #B fMNPMi* I #*®*® 0* it* #| '•#-****#*•4l 1% ||f m>'WfWl ; »B» 4 iNfffnp If « 000 «# to .*§ f^Mfi A «* * mm* - **m| If 9009 mm MMI ff ft-Wfi f|%* 0090 Imk ft*## &*-«*•■♦ # <***4 «$» In fir BMP Iff #» IfSMff* in# *•* -|M#. ##* # BBt§tlßt fMf •ms t**#« ifiMKftft f ffifMf mi fff ! , ,|g| Atkf MM ffM fffMf-fPMNMi *«'4 HU If If If*? VHMf ff|Mlf4ff iMfffl' 1 ff%f» «Mff A fi pf- i»%if f* Iflfiff ft #%if f iff Huff «f 4 f tiff iI ! f tuitn ff • Iff **4 ifilfNl MM 1 * «fe** iMfiiMfttff flfi .tiwfynii fft ttfMffNi fHi Ifi >«fji T t fit Iffffiif iff ff■- inmif fiff Ml Iffiitninrti ft if iff fffi, #*fft I Iff, ifK iflfMff if jjwfftf iff fHM «l n*rtff, iff iff f»tfM (MBfl iff ftfi Iciliiii- Titift OMynt Mf»aM«fNM iff fUffi If i ffMfff if iff ifpf lif pwp»Pfiffi, |ff't iff ifttitfif ft fM ■fuf'f fittif if iitffli uflidlij iff cff’iff Iff. iff fbi •fflfi if if Mi? iff Issi Mffi l*i «**•#• • mMfif **■? 9* • i>4i i % ffMf^ftfiHiif ns «mi m imrKToiiii trial fiiilopfi*** l If • nr*m* f#f» uiofp fvHHNwfi I® ft infi- ” iff w* riiht d<*« fi tt> til# fk< ’* f# flil't that *r mrm Hill IMfiiMl ant «IIUMm al HMtora rmrry 7 nr for rontofot* wk.rfc oafki to nil** «< limn*, •oil toll- Horn wot* fur waiatariuml >ml» for Ik* NtoklM of uhlrh lb* *0(1111 ha* mmmrf im4ril ifrutiir IH* «ml«i ihlt, Tln> OmnrUl* (Tm*l Ban tell* u IktorniiM »•<>** at a farm** •nr that alar* «*lrk writ illiwtratn lb# i-oodlttna of many of thm throMdkout thr aotilk. Hla a* ful low: A rrrtata farmar la Tataa not a hatxlml ml In from (Imnrllle tat down aril It kla faalljr to kmbfaat They aat la eUlra nuuir la Indiana; tba tab!** waa mad* la 81. Ijoola; lb* it tab** arm mad* la N*w ork; On* knl**a, fork* and *|>uun* w*r* Import ed from Knytoud: lb* btorttlt* were made of floor from Kanaa*. shortened with lard from Missouri, rooked on a KtOVf* n>A(l«* In t'blrayo; and hla coffea was nerved with sugar from l»nl*l ana. When hreakfa*t waa ove* h* drove to town In a wagon made In Ohio. HU wife swept the floor with a broom from Cincinnati, took up the dust with a pan made In Vermont with u brush made In Rhode Island. The farmer bought a plow made In Illluola, a cultivator made In Mtchlgau. hoe* and rake* made In Indiana, and a rea per made In Chicago H* took these home and set them out on a vacant lot exposed to the rain and sunshine, where they were ruined In oue year. That farmer 1* always complaining of bard tltnes. This story 1* not exaggerated. The prosperity of the south depends upon Its manufactories. "Take care of the factories and the factorise will take care of yon" has proven true In the north and It wilt l> ro ''« tr '"‘ to ,he south. If Ottr people wilt erect them. OXEN IN THE COTTON BOWB. A most successful farmer, M. P. l<e- Orand of Alabama, has presented some views regarding his practice in renting bis lands to negro tenants, that tony prove of Interest lo Rich mond county and adjacent cotton raisers and farmers. Mr. UtOrand Is lord of many acres, and he rents all of It to negroes on the usual terms, except In one respect the mule Is barred. His tenants use oxen, and they never fall to hand over rent money promptly. And these ate the reasons of this unusual procedure on their part: The ox grazes at night and requires no corn; tether him In a grassy spot and all the food he re quires Is at hand and without cost. With an ox a negro tenant will cul.% vate all the land be has the ability to work. And at odd times he cannot mount the ox and ride away on useless er rands or pleasure trips and sap his strength or distract hint from duty '.n the cotton field or the corn. At uight he does not ride lo the distant church es or elsewhere and sacrifice the time for sleep. On Sundays he does not gallop off to the big meeting, Saturday evenings t do not find Ultn in town, for be will not undertake the walk, ami he has no other means of getting there. The result is that the tenant with the ox is mote contented, etUdi’s btucr | MWAftk i>b(|fc*fef * *.4 MMI I IwHiMMf Hi AMU mm hi wms ♦ #*#• * ! twi Ik## # #M4fc# #**♦?» 9m sMkr IMi AMI IP# *HO ta#« --«##is-S# Hlf I* .#o* [gw|» I Ml # *-.*#! mm IMMI IlHdr ; d# ##P’*## I# 9Mt9tloo * |j I*|RINM# MlPl 9m f «dp dUMi I Hi (Qnpmvhhi ■*# d in#A -m# wt m i Hi. «mmm msm ? ftii 1 ptiuk at iviftfi HrMt** #‘* • **»■• **>.!'■♦# IH#4P4mi Ml AM. M#| iNMdf* ### ****** m |« |p I Wk# # i#ri nnM# •#1 # ’*#* iwi# mhM' * MMiMMANdC Ml|HI MM HtM Mm Ml# «M*t» : u |»f# mm 0 *Mi# f#ll f TI? tSftfftfy a, t* **• mill■>"-*>#if* Ma# I I b»»n In |#il •« ll<**#«ti tm i«mmi <«« i AwaUto* (tuaM Is to*ni» 4. ton MUw Helen wrm low totoy dutog gnad to tohrr* to think atowt matrttouny. laMtoxi t* talrndming tto <>**rbead trolley xrtore tto tmdergroxMl is fust aa rtoap and t«a yartro Dtrttor *t«am Tto rtyrano d* Imp*" a®*® of VNch Smtlti Is to Hr .tvolefod totoor row at to. Vincent's hoanttni In New j York. A now plan haa to**» toadied for «mr | army In i'»h*-w mllal Npanlak and t'uban atddtor* In III* nrTVhc* at thr tlnllcd Cta lea. There were harrowing scenes at tto 1 IvTOvkai office of tto American Tvana j i awl e, an party upon the receipt of tto j news of the sinking of tto Mohngnn. Think at t mountain higher than Mi. 111. Ktla* being tucked away In Alaska. Thl# I* Indeed a great euuniry. iu»d the top at Ml. Bullliae Is the place on How rapidly steamship value* run . down I* Illustrated In Ihc dlffli utty thr | government find* In getting tar the prime at earner Adula. which 1* but nine yesra old and cost llto.aao In toot land, where she was laumhed. With a I’aclflr cable and a Nicara guan raiuil and a line of steamboat* running regularly from Hnn Francisco to Weal Goaat fiotith Africa ports. thU planet will certainly to" mine Interna tionally neighborly than at present. An Indiana man tried to get a di vorce from hla wife the other day on the plea that aho made hla life mis erable by k.-eping eleven cat# In the house. The wife testified that she nev er kept more than nine, and the plain tiff loot the case. To pretend that a w ork of art Is good and nevertheless Incomprehensible to the majority of men. Is, aa If you said of a certain food that is good, but that moat people ought not to eat It. So says Tolstoi In 111# new book. "What Is Art?” The old philosopher says many a true word In that queerly jumbled up vol ume. Kmporor* might as well give up the scenic pageantry business. The old ro mantic Interest In royal progress Is laughed at by the modern time spirit, which Is run by time tables thus: The emperor of Germany reached Venice at 12:4i1, was received by the king and queen: and the civic functionaries breakfasted at the palace nt 2. left at 3:30 and soiled on the royal yacht at 4. vgjj high ughtf; Many family trees ate quite shady. Manila Is becoming truly civilised. She bos taken fifty ear loads of Amer ican beer in the last six weeks. Madame de Stael: The success of any man with nn.v any woman Is apt to displease even the beat friends. Satan has only one way to destroy a good woman. He persuades her to fall in love with the wrong man. The peace commission In Paris Is not making its pacific mission appar ent among the workingmen of that city. "There Is nothing certain in this Ufc but death and taxes." "O. I don't know,” onswered the Democrat, "how about Texas?” THE MOST THE BEST NEWS- YOU GET IT ALL IN THE .SUNDAY HERALD. THB -A. TTOTTSTA S3KHJk.X^D THK OBSERVER Allot j TOWN m m •mmi mmm *m IMM iMf# •mmm mrnm #i m mm* n# 'iiXM# iMM MpfMMMMp MMtiMurl m *go lib* jpmyd iMM ###♦“-*«Mi •.#.fto^4Nw#4(gi f|#- #*#'Ttoi(### ImA# • Tii 's*c#t4 ■**# "f He (MnphnmM dm t • HiMty f (HmMmn4 #*• #-*-4 *V I f>l wm * f‘to## • Hid##* ig%tt mM <|mM flpMMlff m*H dNM IM f|M ■ it# MMI «%# ffdtMMl Hos * #mmM# '■#l## to *# l»i # Ikg# t#to 4HM*d - T At# •# #-#'4 Ml (Mk 4 MM <Hto # law ItMtfr'MdM* d# rrttMl l>l # grfrrT Ml f««i (M* l#4 M»l PI ••• • tMMMd m Ml##*., g|b|t AKiMI •( iM|J to# to K b* j *. * - ?■- *• M IM !#■##«# TIM t Met IM | MfMMMI MM9 it tIMNM M •#y#M4 Ml MM cMMImm MM I ItMlfM mlMfrldf • ItuiArM 4MMm MH M# «dM 9M«i <t* UmMhmm Mm#4*w4 >4Mlti f Miff# #•# IlMtrMl# MiM t«r»*4 #f> #d#»tk **f( %#• IMM fc#*f4 ftfsfM ffw#Mtty MM tH* P* #lMr -f;nr* MM4 Mult# » itfiltt Mff •MMI I# fit** Md#f| f fftM taM Ms « IMMMMtnr «#MM M Immm #«*» iMM! iik*t #to> ’i« ui#r nMrrf **f fiitf' •*« «•• id #M«4ff l»#4# tM f« M* I m.m at ib* to *w*sk. of awr koww «•!*•«. Hi ail Hfcwt. M # trap* Ik* kill* M know• rjouterent*** m id** # itiatfT MdfM MIIM It Mi taiwly a ssslrrfsl pH. • of work, ml eaperta tlilfor as U> wh**k*r M »»• WMxlr by photography or tk* *•***•*» I wwer sow but imm* and I *■ fro* to •toM that t wa» abw<lutet> ustM* to rMorovtr aaytklag st«u tkost H It la the ouly rrwtotrrArit e*a* produced that would stand tk* earrful aefutlay of aa ordinary bsak expert 2 would wot b* surprleed If tbet* would be a systeltotir effort to shov* lb* Mila ■gala Inside thr seat few week*." t dost reeollect having sera the foi- Ut*\n* story about lodge t aadler be fora and although the rlerUaa la ov*r and I'scle Allen safe for tk* executive m.ineioa. I*ll give It. Despite h'a digntffed appearance Judge <*andl.r has an unlimited fond of dry humor, and on* of the prim I pal points urged acatn«th Im to the < jmpaigna waa that he was addlftod to "ruesing.” He met the charge <■« one ocraeicn In a manner that completely knocked out hla antagonist. It was a*, a Joint debate la north O«orgla. and th« whole rouwtry side had turned out to umpire the cob teat. "My distin guished opponent says I cuss ' began the old Judge, bluntly, wbrn It came his turn to speak. Well. I'm sorry, but I reckon he's shout correct. But. my friends, at the time I did this fuss ing my distinguished opponent whs studying law In a line office In town, all eool and comfortable, while I was following a mule around a ten-acre cotton patch. New. I claim that any man who can plow with a Georgia mule and not enyaa, Just a little, la <OO good to live on earth and ain't got enough blood to him to feel a mosqui to" The Observer has recently seen the ladles on Broad strest wearing their watches dangling from a pendant tra the bosom of their drosses and it has always seemed as though they eonld he easily lost or stolen In this fashion. A correspondent of the New York Sun. whose wife haa long persisted in the hnblt contrary to his repeated In junctions. has written to that paper to announce that the timepiece has been stolen. **l desire to extend my sincere thanks to the gentlemanly and urbane pickpocket tor pinching the bauble,” he says. "He haa taught her In one or two seconds what T have been years tvyjng to teach her, and l cm ho grateful that 1 am almost tempt ed to offer him |5 as a token of my esteem.” 1 mentioned the fart that in coming down stairs yesterday and looking backwards for some purpose I made a miscalculation in the number of steps and thinking the bottom was reached when another step remained, came down on my feet with considerable un expected force. I happened to mention the fart to a doctor who said: "It is strange how much dynamic force we throw Into all our move ments. We think we are moving gen tly and deliberately, but we are really wasting enough power to run a big en gine. Sit down on a chair that is an inch lower than you expected and you come near going through the seat. It’s the same when one encounters any un anticipated obstacle. 011 one occasion I was knocked almost senseless by bumping my head against a door-jamb in my office 1 could huve sworn that I wns moving along very cautiously, because it was quite dark, and 1 near ly fractured my skull. The Jhcral is to go slow.” * ■ , if N,, news is never £*>od news in « newspaper office. . . int; toMotot: mu on# M*#* 44 # MM** *4 # #*#§■ MjlpjWjiMp f mmm mmmm* **‘p , * , m «##**■ #4n* m*# m*mm mmm§ «m #p «• * ji»*« «• mm m rnm**£**jm* y», **•£?** fJMjilMf.IMMM 1 MMM MJA mm S 3 A# ******* Mm pmmH fciff i ## # a«*»toto# if ■» '.if IM MM Hm'aMM #,# •• #* MMMMpM M $ r "% itofttoi» MM# M M#a rnrn&mm* m w m*t*m* ’ «#4 MMwMpto M mm k«»w m* a-"* <*•«*••■ mm m* tm*** mm % W*mmm **m Ml «#»-* s■-* tk lia hil 11' to afu if, - to- r 4 •# fitot top#-si *fff Ufn4| Miff h>« HffMNff 90 *o* ***%* otm #m#m# pm* "*.**+**% mMMm mMmtM •%* #*tM m+t • tm%* mm mirnh pm •tail m»t 9m M#t •*’ ****** •### ml ‘t*+ ■ m *♦** Mi MHWCCftitT totoAS#* tto# or #* ##♦* V#i M#t •## wrnm *msp fwc m M#t mm MmiMpi 9mm Iff • 90900 «MM f mm-4 Ml# *** 9m*m *#*■• Itotona# mm mpmt CMm 09? - M# i* i| # i #4 M#f 4 to# ■# iff 000* 9000 000 900 §9099 9rn 0090 9m 009* 000 MwiM#4 M'iM MM fttMM. 090 4009009 m fM# |M#Atf fto#Mf I# tv# to" ffM## mMm# 0000 m * "4 M## MwMi l #'#»4 Ml 0*909 9 0"* 9009 9m Mm ffww «•* **» to aaftot. M n *toiy a** to If W —if r—to W' ** A*4l <m »**4 tit,* to*** iito*( **s *w4 *k|to <to* **f to* to *wt to wto mml to*H> to tof* It •toss tot* .- "rr muu aa! •* f U torsk tto* ***** to ptow w 111 4i* trr'HS Bad tto* to* i «ro«wl»** tolp Asxl b* (hi*** <* pi"ito**rc ***■»* (u* ksto tot to—l» • wwA srksm MM* «ad H" r " totow It i® tot xsHMtoto mmm wm wtort to* —tod. Nto iwito* wet* Iks* to kaw f / *c kxsat «**•»* dlHtasl—* ilk* h*» ff«< ! ***»•"* to*H ■aumato: at a, het* Ato l**tw»« tM* •( *®t iwflMM#* MW** Iksi to* «k«M k* torw to to rrwto*4 by k*v mto fjffk, lltorti and tto pwfi»* of k*pnto*w» tor* tor iwstwwskl* • «kls swd *b* Wswted tto fob rtgbu W tot wotsawiiJOd I« »*• rawaot «•*•* sk* »*ed*4 An* a«n irtro an to* WMBHtoto s*d *« tx*- sgsai* br*w of twsttorwi a<x* to* wak4 t**« wndictw* ••“l »nr* «*twaM« ***** n rro. ik». .to tom to® M*®f Dr Itott*'* ffsxoto* ffw’Wftoy Tto ml of Ik* story mms4* ilk* a bn*y story ffwt It i* awl* nk* a fair* torrv iw that it rad* awitd t»» wierry tbrt as wtnbp toll* tod trtto ttor livtd happy *»** a wilrart* to tor frtrad* to aa* this wtotty* tow PH**««*v"to b*»rov «*» .ytoskna# awd »*»**•*• »*•- S mmr* •! t»t§f* #M« ttmk i» pU. aM thr wb#r l *nd trnfti*. witll #ll ll# 99009 at ow* ao lon* *aetodad tmm twt <h®>* awioyatowt Awd itoa«tr*al rt all that to* toeaw>* tto Bi-Akrt of braltky happy «kil -4m Tbt* is not a fairy story It t» not He story of on* pe***« *• to th * * aT * tk THtflr at aowrx It » a rowtprtote ptotar* to which oat caw trace fac* to mud Kc* Hard trlth -uffrrta* i ton aria 0 by l M „ |t jt a atoty aa true aa the paraMc of tk* Prodigal hw. which waa M to* ttcry ,»f .me voang warn hot th« *t<wy of the type which rrpeato ilaclf g*actaii«j*i alter grarration and ia ** ciawsoon to liurop* as to Asia, to Africa aa to America is it vor* srotv t Yost atory cither in whole or in part* Thcrr'a hope for you Ttore i help for yon. Dr Mere*’* Favorit* Prescript'* l ® lto» eurrd •<» m*ay cm*c t wberf li#r w#» • d*iljr bunlen undrt which the wrak and weary body MMim4 ou to the fftacc. that it caa hr rrcointaeadcd with the utmoM anaur* awe* la every caa* of female .Wider*. to ananas* or th» r*exa saaa. W* wtU trad III* Common too** McdkWl agriarr, Ikr Ilf* work rt t>r I Y Pwrcr. on i isrlii* of Iwraiy one («> one era! atamp* t® defray coal of mailia* oaty. if jam drrir* Ito papers oeerad edlilon Or iw tar ®af fcaodaouielv and peemaaeoily jy?-? arud SI Crow ia dam pa to ihe'World’a Dtapra aary Medical Aaaociauou. Buffalo. N V Through the Cora. I remember well the dav we met, it was a glorious morn, A* I went Idly wandering up the path way through the corn. A gay young lark went soaring sky ward so bold and free, The freah green corn seemed nodding Its silky ears at me. My heart was filled with thankfulness, for I was young that dav. And o'er my life sorrow's blight had not then traced Its way. But oh. my heart grew lighter still upon that summer morn, When my sweet love came walking down the pathway thro' the corn. Now, when at eve I homeward go across the quiet Adds. I think upon the harvest great that love's true quty yields, And as 1 gladly wend my way toward home and love and wife. All forgotten ia the bitterness or wor ry. toil and strife. For true love haa Us own reward, that dull care may not slay, And every day I bless the chance that led my steps that way, And never have I eause to regret that blessed summer morn When my own love came tripping down the pathway tliro' the corn. MINNIE M. STRICKUSR. Five Arab Maxims. Never tell all you know; for he who tells everything he knows often tells more than he knows. Never attempt all you can do: for he who attempts everything h« can dp often attempts more than he can do. Never believe all you hear: for he who believes all he hears often be lieves more than he hears. Never lay out all you can afford; for he who lays out everything he can af ford lays out more than he can afford. Never deehle upon all you see: for he who derides upon all that he sees ofiro decides on more than he sees. Felix Faure, president of the French republic, inherits, as It were, as Che valier de la Tolson d'Or ( Knight of the Golden Fleece) the collar .>f the tale Prince Bismarck. Thir Spanish order is the oldest in the world. THIS IS IT Hat* Lstoar ; FOR EARLY FALL STIFFS INO ALPINES. ALL SHADES $3.00 Ju«t Arrived. DORRS Tailoring, Hats, Furnishings. I imu - - ■-- ' **'% \ Waxed Floor* / | \ W# has* tto best p*t»i»t C / Wax *»<i to**#** for MSI It. \ t , irretfona ' / Fever Weather / f Towle d.aea ngld sad morn- % V 'at of our lluck-i rtr-k Tbtll and C J I r*rr Can will prorent frrrr J I and tnc.-aaar Hk bottt*. C >Ov Belle Line.te Cologne > # This Oriighifol and rofrrahlag # r ChidffM is tto Ihrortl* lu Ik* C J dlv. to* us for taut Parfusn J f and Toll*t artieda, C ( Trusses S f If you art rut tured call on us. ) S A comfortable fit guaranteed. \ \ Don’t Trifle C J Hava your prater pt'onr llliad # J whrrt you are cctili, sut of gat- N C Iji g Ui* I art drugs and thr bast J f serv ice We buy aud salt Tur* X / Drugs only. i \ Almiier Drm Cmpv S \ x»l BROAD BT. 1 ‘•The Barber Shop of the South.” H ICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 21 2 v and 214 Bth Street Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. ATPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. CATARRH COLD'N HEAD Ask Your DRUGGIST for a generous 10 CENT TRIAL SIZE. Ely’s Cream Balm contains no coctiue, mereuYv nor any othor injurion. drug It Is quickly Ab sorbed. Gives Relief at once. It Opens aud cleanses the Nasal Pas sages- Allays Inflammation. Heals am Protects the membrane. Restores tbe Sense) of Taste and Smell. Foil size '<oc; Trial Fiie 10c; at nruggists or by mail- JSLY BROTHJtRF, 5# Warren St., New Yolk OCTOBER 18 Th* if# port • t* doubt* and •in*!* My#* einiN Bulb# Ai*o Roman My# olntN and Lily Bulb* And IN f matt Lawn Craa*. Coma white « a* or invent it comnJet®. LA.Gardelle DaaJar In tha Flna«t DRUGS AND MEDICINES Tbe Aitpsta Herald urtcsl. Bi Illicit ai tie But Jmjij'f Pil!ul:( li Tin Satin. 4ncM!ST TELEOR \ Pit XEWSj TUK NKWS OF TUP. WORLD vrmu: IT IS NEWS. 12 TO IN HOCKS AHEAD O# OTHER GKORCtIA AND SOLTH CAROLINA PAPERA / rn-l ML WILL CONVINCE TOlf' MMU «*«•** • * **"M PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lkSt., AukbsU. Ga. fiivcs FRtlf EYE TESTS fw all drfcrts at sight. (Ttsds the proper glaaaas sail WAk* KANT, them Leases cut mto your tom* whtk you wait. FREE OF CHARGE, JSiKS COAL and WOOD FROM THE North Augusta Coal & Supply Co Quantity and Quality Guarantrrd. F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball 'Ftiunr '-tl'd bt row gar :W» The t Whitely f Exerciser. ( A practical, simple and ' efficient Home Exerciser, onespecially adeiitsd for ladies aud children, bu at the tine time can b« profitably used by tha strongest athlete. I’RICES: I 75c., »i.oo, si.aa j BICYCLES - CLEVE- 1 LANDS, *4O ap; VIK -I IN<<B, *35 up; GEN'-J DKONS, $lB up: THOM-1 AS, SSO up. Call and see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds st='Teleplione{Sfe&.?s 3 . private Leased W ires Liiect to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders executed over our wires tor Colton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for cash or on margins. Local securities bought end sold. Refereneee —National Exchange Bank of August*, or Mercantile Agencies. . , . «.,i V/ n 1 Vd» • A I /Iff l |n i # ii _ jffVfj JAI * ?