The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 18, 1898, Image 8

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▼trtftOAV It’s Easy- To Be Satisfied WtMMI you MMM 40 MB ®0 tHIJf. *-Hlf BtkOFWWBM® •lock 011 OBCOIIOO® oßo©ffftooot lO ohicxyn from, «n<t «*• gwAiity at omt Boost# It Midi th«l you MV* eo«f»diftC* In th«m. You don't fool no If tomothino wo» «dn« to hopfion oc yo wfony with thorn, ond ovory* ono known our pf icon iit oiwnyn low, Wo’ro dimNnf foot Into tho hoort of public cons Ktonco. 8t»uoro doolino, broino ond cooh* yroot buyini, coufoiioouo uiHnf thot‘n oU. Thoy'r* wlnnoro. fc/ FROST COMES; SOLDIERS COME WMibrr Prdkiko* Ftc Tmoutc* Mms Kiri. T. ArngmiM ike f##a< W* W«.« «*• t%« or rot her ftyfitl Itftft*? 041 no fhiot tiftftftftMNfti ***** ■ Tk#t MNM * (Ml n*«J !•» Aag»a* u.- . . . Pwritapt »»w no in* ««#»tag of * f root SMB Mt #UXt far Angttot* aa in* «*>. r*wdrun (o t< marram tu War ttopartsnrot Im 4*rr»* l tbtt mu troop# akaii ks ai#ti«*a#d m , tmp la O* Month lor in* «i«(*r un til froat baa a*ra»r*n »k*i# lb* ma» abali ba toK#t#A H* n »*«*» ur * l * «hmu. ibrw ** »wrt4 »*<• •• If aaeb Aoss mam W« tb* aol 4iri W« aaal lb* *ul4J*r» and *o M •ant ikr froat. Now tba traat I* predict. I nad aa tbai awaa# ib* aol- ( ul»r» UaaL Col Our UaaMfO quarter tna» tar of *b* Bocoiid army corps. »ko ar rived bar* y**t#«toy. a* baa b##ts ela ted arvat o«M Co lb* proposed ramp »lt« tbla momtui at !• o'rlort lie wiu arrompanled by Mayor Waleh. D**r aa<t a taw other*. Th*y look' d ib* #ll* o**r and <b* army offi tar load* team aaniai ratsstatlon* •» to lb* arrsrsgmg of <k» ramp. Tb*y ■ am. back an tba city aboot dinner tin*. < General TOUO* la egporlert to arrir* b*rr tbla afteraoo# aoma time. Several parti*# la lb* city arc now arraafina to mak* propoaal* for fur nishing ib* Htmb»r. ete.. for tba quar (araaatrr’a ttopartm.-ut ■* rßm * > q> n*y look for the *oltHrr» abont tb# drat of Norambtr law evening Col. Howard wa« th* faaat of Mr. Thomaa Barrett. of thla *lty. Ha will be here a few daya yet PREPARE FOR WINTER. Sylvester Ha* Arranged For Ihe Cam paign Against Cold Weather. When we realise that winter la about tit and that the weather man predicts froat In the mutter of ft hours, we be gin to think about gattlng warm gar tuent* to combat the element* with. We want to be comfortable and also atyllah and at the tame time we do not want to pay too much to bring about the condition# '* The problem confront* us We must aolve it. Just a bit of advlve tp you: Read Syl veater's ad In today'* Herald They have solved lb« problem for you. They have the garment# you need— atylirh and ekaffp. Cheap In price, but not cheap otharwla*. You will have to get a aull for the winter. Why not try Sylvester? He can fix you out In a way that will make you laugh at the wintry lirecse# and have the satisfaction of looking stylishly dres sed at the same time. THEATRICAL. • ‘Knobs O'Tennessee” and "A Parlor Match” Coming. The beautiful drama "Knobs o' Ten nessee" will be produced at the opera house Thursday nlßht. The play Is from the pen of Lincoln Carter, who has given us “Tbe Fast Mall.” ''Re member the Maine” and other delight ful theatrical attractions. In “Knobs o’ Tenneesec” we will find a play that will appeal strongly to the hearts of the audience. Popular prices will pre vail. _ "A Parlor Match” will hold the hoards Frlctay night. The play has been here before and all who have seen It, know of Its merits, which are many. The show Is a good one. Masonic Meeting. An Important meeting of the Ma sonic fraternity will be held tonight at Masonic Temple. Business of much importance will be transacted. T. D. Darlington, the George W. Childs cigar representative, is at the Planters. Mr. Hal Steiner of Ofovetown Is In tewn today. FOUND I BOX Of ARMY GOODS I Mr. J. L Bmikk FW§ i Bn «f Am) Aitkin. i#a*tfaH to *■(>•*« Amaaf aad taken I ram Cm «urf-f»«4y feMMi FTitjpfiUv feMMi full I a*mb(| a car tfcftt ••• iiAikiiiMl bmi Um® !«rwHI i it Ilk* ymltr<i4 ilMit ci*b*h* tM j Georgia road wttb that of tba t*#a ! tral. | That la lb* aappaatttoM. Ham am tba farm. Early Itatof mnmtag Mr. 1. I#, j Baattra. wno coadaris a *tar» at 18* | south Ikmadary dtorovarad a boa of | goods lylag near tba railroad trarb abor* aualioaol Tb* bo* was marked for tb* Augusta Animal Mr Boa tirk #ot I fled tba artMSMI and tbia morttißg Major Pllomb anil a wagrm for It. [ Tb* bo* ohea opened at tb* araeaal wa* found to contain rortnia pan* of j gaaa that bad h#aa ablppnd from a northern arsenal to tba oa# oa tb* llill. Kvldently tba parson who robbed the car found tbal he bad whal h* did not waat. for b* left It bnalda tb* track. Tba araaaal autbcrttlea had bean looking for tba bo* foe aoma tlm*. and bad wondered wby It bad not arrlt ed Who It wa* that broke Ibto tb# car la mystery. THE CIVIC LEAGUE. What Was I tone at the rteetlag Yaa trrdav Alteraooa. The moat Important buatnea* at tb* mealing of th* Civic league yeatarday afternoon wa* th* derision In regard to tb* cleaning up daya, the find one of which, in August, bad aurh benefi cial results. In compliance with a re quest made by Dr. Foster, tbe cleaning up day will be divided, each ward having Its particular day. First ward, next Tu«*day; Second ward, the following Friday: Third ward. th« next Tuesday: and so on in regu ar graduation. Householders In the va rious wards ifYe requested to co-oper ate with the city In Its effort*. A re port wxs made by the committee on planting lawn gras* In the space* be tween pavement* and afreet*. They met with a great many objections from householder* who claimed that all the lawn grass they had used had been n total failure. This failure was probably due to the fact that they had thenwelvee mixed blue grass and white clover, expecting from thla combination results that can come only from a mixture of eight or nine varieties of European seed. The Civ ic League was given Instructions In re gard to the proper kind of grass use. and these Instructions have been published In the dally papers. Ano ther committee reported that the holes had been filled up In the Saudbar Ferry road. A committee appointed to Interview' Mayor Walsh on the subject of dog fennel which Is permitted to ohoke the grass on the green reported that a force had been pul to work to remove the weed*. : 1 Tbe committee appointed to see that poison oak was removed from the cem etery reported that the work was well under way and that it would be kept up. It was stated by the T.egal Cbmmlt tee that at the next meeting of council the bill for prohibiting unharnessing and feeding In all the streets of the city will be presented. A barber in South Brewer. Maine, has an Interesting firearm. It Is a re volver such as was carried by the French cavalry thirty years ago. It coutatns nine revolver chambers and one big barrel for use as a shotgun. It weighs about three pounds and Is a curiosity. In case of mildew, a rare occurrence in good housekeeping, the lluen is wet ted and a salve of brown soap is put above and beneath. French chalk is powdered and put on the spot quickly and it is then exposed to tbe sun.— N. Y. Times. , _ AFTER THE MOONSHINERS (| H#ti4 liyafbt f f aflffff i B&hift* mi mm mm, | tba VMM Ml Mt* kqg** *** taw *to,a>»»« tba** Nag*■ * , rTr* -m- -> an 4 |hit tT*T * 1 - gfo ~ oi 10, MBawHM §jn nvns a# Kent tba jan. am*#. imiHr* £T!L£rZL£r V* l L» **** ****** üBMMVV mm MPM RHHH «***MM> m itm»« (Mi Mi • %mtm» I r umntit n HMMMM *WMt t|Mb m4M- LtsSSsf.rtLS I >■*»< «b* rnmmrn* *f M* tmm livocsml * grnrf 4e*4 of a# tbe A a*a«* *—*#* «f mum •*** t* jla —»#»#* a*4 a m**m ba#* <*aa an* I Mb* Mm brat aa a* bit** a *ifl*a alt 1 a»*t waM Tba rwabs war* *aaa* a*4 IfMl ft*** M# HMNi» T%*i llnf ’•lfwl n4f |)oA|> ft ftMM Fwftft [ FftftftMt kill! ftftnfft ft** I mama* taa***4 ass abirttw* tb* ba»- Itnaa* ok tbawe tba twaba tab tMttsrtly a**t tba «** Tba wM*try *b«Hk bad | tin rniaiii arat**— *~ rtaaf aoa b»*at*a | a i»m<rA a* all #t*«a aa* aabwrwa* Ibranrhaa ***• warn** **4 mwM Trwwbb* OU ftiui —m *t**b t* an ito* Nrv a*4. Ita maha matte** aw***. <«!*»• *** ( la sad wttb M a aseaa drtaaly rata ‘ IMw# braabrl Ib* vvbtotoa e* *H jit dr* sad man* ttawd* tb* drt**«* I arowld b**a *» •* ab**4 t* bad tb* I ro*da. aa tba bark**** wa# an l#**w., Throng* a rtft Ml tb* rtowAto trblrb I only laat*d bar a mwwwtit. Old Bald wtw fsountate kiaisd a# befnt* aa aa4 aa tlm rtft rinsed tba shadow of tbla nowod of aarfb aaad* M *v»a darker I Tbrougkont tb* aataasp tb* sos braa gleamed and tbr wtll-o-tbe-wtopa danced around us to Ib* mu*F of tb* frog* **d other deatara* of tb* wood*. Tba deep veto* of tb* l*nt* «wl. tb* wall of tbr wblppoorwttl and Ib* arrrrrb of tb# broom, large-eyed bird only added to maktoig tb* *arro#od ißg* dtSBMI. Few home* ware paaw t and tbeae few abowrd ao alga# of life. Ao Accident. One of tbe horse# •tumbled hr rak ing a hole ta tb* surrey. Thl# was patrbed up watll a hlarksmlth a shop wan rear bed. where the break wa# tlx - ad. While waiting bar*. how«rver. th# loafers around suddenly became alert. They gradually drifted Into on# b»o: and before many nerowda had pa*#«»l two runners had disappeared la -th# darkness. Our break repaired, ou w# went at a quirked pare. To lighten the load on the broken pole ooe of the officer* got In th* boggy with the reporter. 1 Twenty-four tulle* had bean covered and our (lest Inal 100 reached whew tho two vehicle# became separated In the darkness. For an hour we would drive for a * abort distance and wait and at the ex piration of that time the two parties met. The darknea* had been ao In tense that the guhte had mlaaed the road and we bad luckily taken the ; right one. Several time* we were Join ed by horseback rldera, who Invariably ( took Ihe flrat branch road. Camp For the Night. It wa* now late and we were In » abort distance of the place where our guide said the Mill was. It was entire ly too dark to take any proceeding* that night and as an old gin was near the party drove up to It. The structure was of the old-fash ioned type, with an upper story, but upon on all side*. In the centre was a huge pile of fodder. The horses were unhitched, led under the shelter and fed. The men made rough beds of the fodder and with their overcoats aa cover and some pieces of a machinery aa a pillow, turned in for the night. The roar of the wind, the fall of the rain, the Intense cold, and the uncom fortable couches were anything but agreeable, and the tpist drifting in from the sides, made us more uncom fortable. Reward For Our I abors (?) Daylight came at Inst. Tbe party started for the still. A short distance away a hollow ran toward the branch which, at no great distance, entered “the waters of the Savannah ns they passed swiftly on.* At the junction of the hollow nnd the branch the still was supposed to be, but with the exception of the thatched cover over the gully nnd a stray plank or so nothing remained. As we reached the road th* owner of the gin (a negro) appeared. He was pald> for the food used by the horses and ordered to conduct us to the still. He pleaded that he did not know any thing about it, but said he had heard a fuss several times up the hollow. Being ordered to ‘‘march” the man led the way. In a beautiful little open ing la the hollow, eurrounded by woods am) in a Bpol where n human being would scarcely ever wander o site for a new still had been laid off. Tbe water course was marked, the bushes cleared and logs war® ready. Work on the building, however, had not begun and no sign of the coil, ket- THK AUOUOTA HRIIALD. CAPTURED IN AUGUST* PAfftfi Jft« % &*■-ft §ft4 F fti larftpft ' Aft***** |fc»#i:sftift* HftflpHl *** •**' •Ml ft ftifftH ft* ftftft ftftft r%mm It *4 U|lW"iaM>f IrMI fIMH *■* * ftkiMl I•!) ftffUtftft, ftft4 iftrtftMiftiftlf • ***** tfcil ftftft >fth»ft>«rlM «ft**r tift ' ■** * [ ftNM ft ftftMMMl ftf ftftftlHfti ftllllftftrtll® Sft* j ft4ft, ftft4 Vfc+ft *M rirfu n ipMftiifti ftft lift ftewF fck)4 SaMNSNI tlMt! ftftft ft 4 *® lighted at war* UrtT *a*M break to*a the done. Th* hat**# wa# LHmrt#a4#d Intoahtee ' *Th# aerffnaat a#4 OK* eea Dnlvett a*d Mark, with draw* RMola. »alh#4 la in Ibn fom# Tb* atb#f pulkrem*"# etattoaod tfc#m*el*r* at th* eairahia tn tb# ali#y I ta th» fwom araf# Lnttta flllbart and i tba two men wasted by Ik# poltoa' They submitted at bwr# and were fc*nd ruffed aad taken to the #r*t*no The awn ar# wasted la Raleigh. N. (*., whera they **rap*«4 from lb# eawvlet g*ag . _* U. Carl.edge say* that Barney Jack atm la a vary desperate character and • wae arrested for atealittg la Attgu#ta fourteen years ago. 6l*r« that lime be ba* been earring time on tbe coevict gang, with excep tkms of brief periods The mra ar# now la Jail awaltlat th# arrival of the sheriff from Rslelgh Btoy gone again. * Woman Suffrage I# Colora4o. In tbe last legislature of Colorado ther# were three women. Hon. Mar- 1 tba A. Coatae, one* of them, recount* their experience, ax follow*: We w«l, itpna term* of abatlut* fquality: tw_ thought of tocongrulty or uafUnry* a#em# to bare arisen and at the same time those little courteale# which gen tlemen Imttlnrtireljr pay to wotnqn, were never omitted. Each of the la dles were given a rbairmansblp. one of them tbe printing committee and, l ( „,*y state Incidentally that the bill for that sea#ton waa thousands of dollars lower than for any previous aeaalon. The women were a* frequently called j to the chair tn committee of the whole as were the men. One of them was placed on the Judiciary committee at the request of the chairman Every honorary committee appointed during the whole seoaton Included one or more of the indies, the very last being a committee of three to wait upon the j senate to Inform them that they were ready to adjourn aine die. The speaker appointed the three ladl.a and as we delivered our message we were greeted bv applause led by the presi dent of the senate. Kansas City Star. _____ Heavy Freight Train. t Altoona Dtapatch to Phlla. Times.) The largest freight tratw ever haul ed in the world ran eastward from Al toono to Columbia Tuesday over the Pennsylvania railroad. The record breaker was made up of 130 cars of j Amboy coal, which made a train ot ,8.877 feet in length, ft trifle less than three-quarters of a mile. Tho total weight of the train .behind the tender of the engine was 5.212 tons, not counting the weight of the countless number of tramps on board. There were 3,693 tons of coal in the rars. It left Altoona at 9 a. m. and arrived nt | Columbia at tt p. m. Two crews were required to handle the train over the middle division. A single engine. No. 872. the first of the giant "H 5” class, hauled the esormous string of cars. This loeopiotive, which Is conceded to bo the largest in the world by railroad authorities, weighs about 118 tons, and has demonstrated It# title to be the strongest machine on wheels in . the world. On the Pittsburg division it hauled more than twice ns much as the standard class “R" freight, engine ot every test. The ordinary Pennsylvania train Is made up of sixty cars, weigh ing about 2,350 tons.' tie or cup could bc:spen. With no proof ta convict the own ers should they ejrpear. which was doubtful, the party‘,p-ended its way back to the pndi was soon on its way to Augustas'a worn out. dis appointed set of men. CASES BEFORE SUPERIOR COURT 1 StMMfftT (Qt m**f (MM fllMi VB* tntrt tta --r t f *Ma#*k*4 t»« * -• i &n irftiiftftftt *fcft* iftM; Tftft <»! itoitft Wftfttft n Mm H Mfftli ftftft ftlftilMftl ftftlft* ** Ik* Ikliift mt lft# ftMMtitf to ftftftftftr Tfe# fftftft «ift iftft t*ft!t4M& fttoftkftftfttoNiV •ftrtoO • ft, ICftFft TtoftfftftMft • ft* ftlftft I PERMMAI. R* J. Hawki*a at otha#B la ta Iks Me. Frank R#44 of Hartoat la I# tb# Ham Raw# l! as ÜbnelroHia la la Ik# i. F. Qtoma at AtM* to at Ik# Ar | J. H Ratk of Ra4k to at Ik# Can* Btowrlsl. L. C. Aft at Ham York 1a at tk# Masters. J. T. Graeay at B*lunar# la at Ik* R. H. Saaltk at Onlasmvtr.e ta nt iba Masters Ckaa A. High of BnlUasor# ta at tk* Master* - D. W Mar»h ot nacisaail ta at th# Maat#ra. J. B. Brooks of Atlanta to at tba Planter* R T. White of Near York ta at tk* ] Arlington A. H Dsn of New York to at th# Arlington H. A. Aasrll of Near York I* at tb# Arlington. K. T. White of Near Tort ta at tk# 1 Arlington J. C. May* of Cincinnati ta at the, Aringon J. W. Gaston of Charlotte ta at the Com men tal, W. C. Edward* of Atlanta I* at that Commercial , R. J, Kelly of Atlanta ta at tb#. Commercial. M R. Pope of Washington 1a at the! Commercial. j M. Cab* of Charleston ta at th# Commercial W. W. I back of Richmond I* at tbe Commercial. W. D. MrCrachln of Cincinnati ta at tb* Arlington C. R. Pringle of Sander*villa 1a at. the Arlington. Grayson Murat of New York I* at th# Arlington. R. L Farmer of Ixmtsville, Oa.. 1a at tbe Arlington. Mr. J. R. went up to Atlanta thla morning. Mias Natalie Robinson has returned from Alabama. W. W. Lumpkin of Columbia was In the city today. Thomas Howard of Birmingham Is at the Planter?. A. P. Richmond of Now York 1* a' the Commercial. Wm. B. Hofflllinger of New York 1* at the Arlington. Mrs. S. E. Whitman has relurned from Minneapolis. Oscar Formans ot Robbins, S. C.. is at the Commercial. Mrs. John R. Stulb and Miss Cleona Crabb returned from Macon yester dav. T. J. Horne and J. T. Harte of Edgefield. S. C., arc at the Commer cial. Mr. Jack Burrows has returned from Macon, where he enjoyed the earn!- VHI. J. H. Johnson. L. F. Williams, and Frank Snider, of Greenville, are at the Planters. Dick Fickett. one of the most popu lar traveling men on the road, is at the Planters. Mrs. George Verdery, Mrs. R. C. Brown and Mrs. S. C McKendall have gone to Atlanta MR. JOHN BRIDGES His Death Occurred This Morning in Savannah. News was received in Ihe city this morning announcing the death of Mr, John Beiges in Savannah. Mr. Bridges was for a long lime a resident of Augusta, hut for the past few years has lived irv._Savannah. The remain# will be brought to Au gusta for burial, and will reach here tomorrow mornins. Mr. J. L. Reed has returned from a tv, o weeks' sojourn in New York. Mr. Contractor 3 ftpgftiii lip m ftftft (ftgftflftft || fttoft Ift ftifti fftft vWftft ftftl batoglM time mibwmk *•*■ Ms ***** pm* Vl# (mhMi m#* h» • gem#g ami * •» *o* *** dt BM *OB ftftftni )nR god Qt4|/rt gw (am mam*** !*»*■#* m ym* laaaawm # amMbto flmai of «i m**e. gml Bam *a#km Bid yaa mm grt •m mvandaa eamßMngß## toy #a#aaag #• gba #a#loM I# m# mt* «aa# a*d#e» YVn#mT* a baada# *##d MmkaWM| mm* (am aakbaa M d IftMtoft. ft to»f I ftftft® IftMt «fti mi* ftftftlftft mm gftft gft ftftftftfti (toft* ft iMHiftftNMftfti ftftNi ftftft® iftifti ftpMftii IwiftMi ftft® smwmmmm mUT i ftfti ftiftft <»ftftftft® § | ftftftft I ftft mmmtmm ftftft (M | «M**b|a t eaah* 1 1 «*MB* * kmk Bam -- ftftft * CIIAS. F. KCitV Mandfff * ~ 1 — SL 'tttwu;.;.; Hiiiiihcr/. mu NOOKtVt l ! M »AL 19 ftft Quft t *mh M. • Tr iftftfttftft. Tim fftftiffti mi Mt Oftii ft Wwftft | ft||| qrr ikf fT*ft ftknf ftllMK ffftftl ftft. ftoftfftll ft TftMfrft 0f Imu M'rftaftft, Ttftftft . ftlll Ift • rftftfttofti totoUl ftiftft* Tlkft fftli juiftiftfi si* Hftftff Altofts ' T O Ummm. J 0 Mftlift., j ftiy+ftft. Hmg* T‘ ftn» ii i , J J K«o« IW M MMtoN J H Urnmmrnn tv dtoftomit ftftft Oof** I nftjkft "Mr fjwii |l Hnoftr-t nftdb •»' - ~**■ • HitMk* «ks Aftgiiftla. 4H Iftfttv ftl !M» { iMMft Ift fft 111 HI Ift Ift Hit liftft fftplM «ft Aftftft* i ftiftrtr • Mis tftft* tun Mr Honltf ftftft ftH! liioftl Ift V% ftrtorirrft Mkft rliftiift l#t* ! M# Iff- 4 ! ftMift fuv aunt jrtftfi lift np«T Hltftftftftftt ml IlMi Auiafto On fVMftfft* ■if hwir tofts ftftft tv# i •unrtf ft lift Oft of lilft difttWtn U Mra. Bdexard F *w#**aa ««f tbla c-tty. Ha stea • bl*4 baarted and »fr« gh'- forward man who bad mar,. Meads, and bt* daatb is deadly deplored. Th* f*a«r*l eervlrea wifi to held la Aa* fuata ioatonroar aaoramg at t#a o'clock. ” W« n#e our best effort* ta make y*mr pwnkaaaa entirely satisfactory bare. MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG, COAL and WOOD STROWariR m. BELL 179 a. Office sad Yard No. 1 Macartan Street 11 1 Tba big hotel dialog room was si most aa crowded as if we were to Jan uary, Instead of an October largely j tinctured with July. Th* lady In a new fall bat had a large audience and she felt it. She did not belong tn the rity or In any other city, but she wan ted you to know that sbe wo* used to things and arruatomed to be well served. "Waiter.” ahe said, pointing to her plate, “yoil may take back that - chop and tell Ibe cook I want one not ao well did.” MvtMtrs. J. M. Kalaer and Peter Hurst of Fourpaugh'e * Sell'# clrrua, are In the city today. They say the show I* | hetter than ever this year, and all who attend will be well pleased. TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION Notice. office of KaeeutFce Committee of Ma sonic Fatr, Augusta, <»a.. Oct. I*. ltwts. AN tMPOUTANT MEETING OF THE MasonirJ Fraternity will he held In the assembly room of the Masonic Tem ple THIS (Tuesday) NIGHT at * o'clock. The member# of Social anti Webb Lodges are earnestly requested to attend. By order of the Executive Committee. W. E. KEENER. Chairman. Funeral Notice. RELATIVES. FRIENDS AND AC QUAINTANCES of Mr. George S. Hookey and family are requested to attend HIS funeral from St. Patrick’s Church at 10 o'clock WEDNESDAY MORNING. WANTED—SITUATION AS COACH MAN. Address E. T., care of Her ald. Oct IS DANCING CLASS—MISS FANNIE Isear Pollock. No. o Stiver Block. Children Mondays and Thursdays 3:30 p. tn.; Evening Class Tuesdays end Fridays, S:3O. Terms reasonable. Oct WANTED—SITUATION AS BUTLER, porter or driver. Can give good refer- | enoe. Address 514 Jackson. Oct 19 WANTED—GOOD SECOND HANu safe. Address Merritt eld, %eigier & Co. Exchange Building. Ort 20 WANTED—A GOOD PANTS MAK ER. Apply to Ruben, the tailor. 1437 Main street, Columbia, S. C. Oct 20 ncromom ift I tH»A V .d *IARK d S. at ,jt-#Ta o rTTow (turpowT. I Aa—ein. vta <H |* -f,«> #i#«4r. I nrmaiy ,* •* #* m #• •• „ • --e* w j <ba#d «#du»#rp ..M| | #tr»r« gwii rtdtonary ...... »it | u*m mtttmm -A, I** 1 ** jitorw tow middHag ......... r ■ j ™tV‘ am*** . h ;ma«a* «m.. W|*H iT**#m .... .. .. . .. id Rtnurr* W#*b ,*»«« nrt ft ima and eaa. Jr**#a#diac last yaar im? tea* I natwraay ***. I Mandar •• __ .. j—j 3 Sfdb N**t*f .. .. .. .. .... atod t«d I Thai sdny ........... jam ( Friday .. .. .. ...... .. tHI —— | Total .. .. ...... .. .. taut imt lALIL BFINNEIt* #HIPMfCNT*C" gat##. Vgtaaara dHlpaaeaf, Saturday •« till !« DM Monday .. , 1*47 ltd lt*d Tweaday .. .. Hi* JM Issi Total .. .. 412* «4 TS34 OROM RECEIPT* . ia*r imd Net rwtiyti today .. .... tat* t« 4 Through cattoa today .. IM 74 Groan receipt# today .. .. Mdt 4Md STOCK AND RKCEIFTS. IW7 t«M St oak la Augusta today X2S4J 271*4 Receipt# mac* Sept I ..USat* Meet h T» fotlewtng quotatlona tbe rlnaiatc price* taken at J p. m . are over tba special xrtrea of Paine. Murphy A C«».J HEW YORK COTTON. * Opm. Clone, January •« .. .. •• .. .. - .7* March 4.4* l 43 April 4.M 4.M 1 Map .. s ue 5.53 June •• .. .... *■ 5.5* 5.54 July 6.41 5.41 August .. .. .. .. .. .. 5.45 5.41 i Nevrtnber .. .. .. .. .. 6 31 6.24 December .... .. .. .. .. 5.34 5 31 Tone .. .. Very dull Middling.. .. .. .. .. 5 7-14 LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February l.n! t on February and March .. 3.92 3.01 March and April 3 01 3 «1 April nd Mav 3 30 3.02 03 May and June .. .. .. 3.(Hi 3.0 N June and July 3.05 1 04 July and Aug. .. .. .. 3.06 3.04 05 Aug. and Hept 3.04 3 04 05 Sept, and Oct 3.03 3.01 Oct. and Nov. .. .. .. 3.01 02 3.00 Nov. and Dec. .. .. 2.01 3.00 Dec. and Jan. .. .. .. S.AI 3.00 PORT RECEIITB. 1*97 I*9* Galveston 14776 New Orleans .. .. .. .. 2*900 16594 Mt bile 2744 2050 Savanna h.. .. .. .. .. 13444 157X9 | Charleston 1300 4252 Norfolk 5(70 5390 Wilmington 37M 4797 Boston 640 955 Philadelphia 702 349 Estimated total 81X94 7600 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— December 644»-t6 65'i Mav 6694-T* 64)» CORN— October .. .. 31»i SO 7 * December .. .. .. .. .. 31%-ti 9194 May 33%-% 33% OATS— Me v 23%-& 23% FORK— December 7.92 7.95 Jan'"’- .. •• •• •• .. .. 9.17 9.17 LARD— i T Decei.ictr 4.90 4.90 January .. .. •• •• •• •• .. 5.00 5.02 SIDES — October 3.30 January 4-72 4.5 NEW YORK STOCKS. Sugar H 3% U 3% Tobacco 115 114% r B. R. T 64 64% C. B. Q 114% 114% Louisville and Nashville . 551* S4 7 » Manhattan .. oe l * People'* On* 103% 102 T i Union Pacific 32% 32% Rock Island 101% 100% St. Paul 197- 10 ‘% Southern Railway pfd .. 34% 34’4 Western Union .. .. •• 9Ha