The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 19, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY 4 THE IUCUSTI HERALD **« TIU* «««***«« »* ■KfMMI ** ***•" **»****■»• * " -m 4* $: ■* »** *• | ctMlI tfctefc* i « ...a ** l *s^* AMfc' *» ** ’"' *4 ** * *XaM"» maaamZ**** »*■»»*> |m»w * IMS. M *»** ■*•' "** tNkk «*# nitiui* iwMw. g*,****. NtofcHkMl *•* t •»*■*•*• US'" » to* _ u i fc**,,* (mm *4M» •*♦■«*•** ' •** ll» _ yOU WIU I V*|» tHI: HW»»I *» i* imir- •• *»®** •** *« «*» *«<*>•• m***» n.,*» *« tfc. *♦•«• Mate** *** M.v.t tteWW* _ . _ _ t* i-MlnWil tfc* Cite Tfc <» **fg*Vfcu.wi*-r» -a* ifc* G«w*te r***tei Id !•*• T -aft Crtf- 4' *to*M **• pt, t add r>M A* sww« Itette ffcrVM (ftteWffA* **4 Y"fc* to»*ft»4 m *,.«*, #uh te a*4 tft>*w4ft wfff teftf** • Hint ts tH **H “ TO ADTKRII^ 1 (•»*»**«*4 A Ik* *«■»• Mnit<« klnaldiM »• *■§•**•’•«•»- Hl«i , ft* fYw «*tefcl ••< HM «My w* «»MnwM k» •• «• •** •Im yxiwMiw •*•* •■wntr*—- «k* n *-«•«• C* Hen DAY SEE 3 “1 Hiur roT»7i»alT? to 2! 92 %J*wrrfx6'n2aJ» HERALD SOUVENIRS. Anyone present in* at Tttc herald Of Hi c the Souvenir Coupon which la printed below will rocelve a neat lit* tie Souvenir Button Free. If you want one apply early. Mall order* will be filled when accompanied by atampa to pay postage. FREE DISTRIBUTION SOUVENIR COUPONSI I This Coup it, presented at The Herald Office, will be ex* , ' changed for a neat and hand | tome herald Souvenir Button. , 1 The diatributlon la limited and i will last only a few daya. |i— ■. - " „ TH* 00X1011 CROP OUTLOOK. Denis A. Horn- for twenty-three years mayor of Edward*. Itlaa., the most extensive merchant In the town, nod one of the largest cation planters In the South, arrived in New York a few day« ago. having left his hume through the yellow fever. He was in terviewed by a leading New York pa per uud gave the following rather gp markable statement: *'J have more thnn 2.U00 acres plant ed in cotton, most of it teady to pick, nno nothing would give mo greater pleasure thau to see a cyclone come a oug and sweep it all away, together with that ou every other plantation in the South. "The crop Is something enormous, simply post alt expectations, which ac count)- for the deplorable condition of the cotton market, l ost year it was tig, out nothing in comparison to this season. With an Increase of 1,500,000 bates tn 13k crop this year, anti a sur plus cf as much more, where Is there nay elicncj for the grower? 1 tell you that this country is too productive in the matter of cotton, at least, and ecu*.*. thing wHI have so be done soon, or wr will all be forced into bank ruptcy.” *>hc Herald understands that Mr. Moss is a fever Immune and thinks that possibly he was lunoculatei with u pessimistic virus during his illness, pud which yet remains in his system. Wo cannot agree with him. The Federal crop report for October shows **» "«**«£ ««l • »B» >|®frßta Hi H®# BmhhmMh ta®t IB® ssooooo *** • « <*tMl *4 tit pfaia tjj wu «D Bb** it hih f«M( «ii • *# *••*» t|»«>y %*#• 09$m0 Id fdl«« lid *> „m j|iiHNif'ftiiinni t*4 m ******«ft I #4N> ®nml .fpfwipivf : if, l»i»»4 dF lid , BUM *• IkHMBIH§ •dffidi *•*•** fc-|ii *■«•■#? fte Ik* •■•III mm* tfc* —rxft te lit d*«m«y • **♦*••* Ir** ik» ui fid ®®®®wr? fflltldf I*®® Hi . milftlk *t»# mu oC M® $a f »<•»*• HtIUM v v. Iltniw. t*#W*Yl4 I* k f*** 4ft * * •Iff MMpf ft ftftft* »It»* Ik Ikft ks UftVff •CM W. Y AtftlkMkl ••• kftft ImM Ifek 1 ftruftatftftt ritlft* oMk• for Ms |Mn *■■ •• kMMI m lk» !•• kltaWft III* #4- msittfttnilMNi •( ik* <*k* k** k*» ft hum lak* ftft—klftH INitlMy mm am mm* Ikal H*«jr«u •<»»» M *• *••■ ftriM i* n«k' fci* »«* m o**r •aril a ftim■* of •!»••* m 4 •• Ooftftnmr AtkikftMl fawwl «M • kldtixt Tkft nM rtaa of Ik* <ut* , |ff»ri >ll*4 ■•<! MllfM Ilk ll«k Ifcft ImrfHtnft of klft (•MlMarf *k4 ■ hftl • war*. bft» k*|M H op k»rt»f Ik* yc«r» of klft «fftr* AIM lo I hi*. Ik* old (dkfft ko'kftfft Ml r«(laik rakkflft*. •ho appnftf d hi* . »n«lMft< f ftwol* Ikr •tikrkft (a Mil** I hit vk*k ikktr i* i MpnlkiftMklft raw* ftronkd Oov*r»or Atklnftoe ftfttiirally l«nk*4 (or •<>** wftnmUi* •»*• lo fill tkftlr ok**, -fhftft* iliftplftoHl oWr*r» a»<l Ui»lri frl*ndft lift** ftlfto )olk*4 Ik Ifcft kitftf'kft ! on Ik* (ntwMf. It kkft fcftftk Hlrfc ■ moml » aond forma*. ***n Ibooab Ifcl* CMRiy »m lookftd ma»k m tbe homft roualy of <k»**r*or Alfcloaon ft oppo nent to the r*r#, lo rftiklk eft** Hkilftr hi* adrolnlftimtioo ihe wme nppolml*ft „m.*r» Thlft Incident mar ftftrve to ■how that Oovftrnor AiklkMta nppre rlatftft • noml. fair n«hl*r. amt that aa boniwi and falnnlkded oj>i»n«»« i»«E • !•«>'« experi Jostle* nl klft b»nd*. Uuiins bl» i*rtn of oflh-k he ha* ahowti the name spir t more Hum once. Oo»- ernor Atkinson foeft out of ofßee with the fcftpeet of all falrmlndert men. with lb* ifpntMkk thm b f h“* mad* a »uec#*»ful eieeutlre In h«ud llna Ihe sUtft'a buslneaft. whether "t l« running ■ railroad or flnnilna i-onil* and I anna at the loareat hue of Inier est. Knrthermore, hta aeivlees to the democratic |>aiiy In Oeorgla. whether In nArc or out of offlcft. have been such that he hna been a tower of •trenatb n the conflleta with pnrty riv»ia In all pari* of ‘he tkate. «o»- crnor Atkinson, "the waaon hoy of Coweta." la too valuable and too brainy a party man to be allowed to quietly practice law In Newnan. Geo rat* and the country will need him aaaiu In i<arty council and In party haiueat- CHINA AND 80DTHINN EXPORTS. We notethat Ihe Inrrenae In our trade with China l» very atrlkln*. It has been at an advancing ratio for the pn ß t five years; it haa embraced not only the American Rootle *’“h which the markets were familiar, hut a num ber of entirely new branches; Mid bh pceially In cotton domestic goods It lias lakcn Ihe place of British exports, which had mahy initial advantages in the competition. An advance still more significant for American enter prise ts the undertaking entered Into by a syndicate or American capitalists to huild by far Ihe longest line of rail road yel propped In China ‘hat which Is to run from Hankow to Can ton, aome 900 miles, "through the rich and density populated provinces of Hunan. Klangsi and Kwantung. 1 his means not only the employment of American capital and the use of Am erican supplies for construction and equipment, but the active participation in the business of China of a body of keen. Intelligent and energetic Amer icans of various callings, V\ lien we consider bow great are the native re sources of the country, and of what , ixienslve variety, we can see what an : opening is afforded by such an incur sion of Ameifeau brains and vigor and i what' an opening for the product of j Southern mills. We have all necessary | «** 4mm* 1 IMlfcv* «»■*#%* .♦ m m# flflfc . Iwftft * ••gwMMt Ik* » auMkai >M ’ tamt~ti *<a*"H|*k mmak ■«s aas* twit 9fmo 1 r*»T- m w • takaftwaMk* *•*<*! w> ImtHm ’ | Wfcr i ■ ■*■** tlpr“t Hill IB * I' iHjl f ifn i irt ■ : .w j - #-y »• #4HK .Hi IHM HHMNi *M mW* jrijpiilMll IK |$ llMtukiU UJisf HkINIYVI BM f .. BMI 1% IfIMH flMi m IKw *S *- i | Ki«il f#tiHip fiikw KBPIBKH IMP® ®P IP® P®® . ag# t i i rjfcr't • ~ lip MkP VP (w® ? T w tip fT Wi t TTji i I lip «It t - #" A# . \r*m t amt — l~-‘— Tkawaak »a »*• (Ml mrant f kktr •nasasant s4w> *Ut * tgwa •• «■• affteft ftsrfft a* a mm | amamfmftm* aa taaa aaskawatW a*aa | x* «k* •»•*.*( *f aasnflraa kinaaki «ka j«hi * (aw*« a* mm* a* MW m ike Al ftft*a I* !••>■«*• ft. 9*o (w* •***• *0 \ fpfttia ti a (ksma waft *•**»*• kas ttftftgkf t*t# *ltlt *H** tlw aft*.srtr fcrsftl 90 tkft »ftftftt ssftnw* tka Mta» *4 ft mam aka atftWia •» ska »rnt*m*tmmm am Iwaftft (kft am** (ft(ftiw* aasi tkft *4 * I TV • awftfty a»4 laaaMwk** *4 i dat ; a** aMk* fct «M» •(•• (•* wafttaaw* ‘ ft*A itts*** *f wker «w% tka ! light • aft ftwkfcMl Mam kaioftlaft ftsai - |ft -rMft*. * •*•••• *W*ftW*ftS* ft*f*tl*ft*ft t ftttk tka at a atari tpm** W**t»»ta» »k» j pri naar *k* a*4*f ml pofmtaSMi k*taw4 tV Mm Oraatlt, : MW Ikaf War* s a-nfc»«H *wat«M*a> ifcft Yaw mm ka* MHM «d k*ar*aa IM* ••••ft yaw kaak fkr H t%< rtt-aaM «* t Mae AwMfck* atm Iftvftid*fcrwwad a*A ira«ft*r TWy aw kt «k*»t *d arat . of ' k*l> Kt*!*-* la ad kft r* m tka Ka ptr* ktftt* Btfmr la afc**4 ff »k* trtakk sawra, ffc** aw tfc# *ak 4 , ik* *ftitk—aswftl tkft • iwaftft. arko aw, . of rft araa tfc* tagmr Aawnatft may arwU fc» pamwi *T k** I folia, scat aa I loaked late tfc* f»**a «f tfc* kftrea fcaadted yrrylA fcrigfc*- *y*4 sad fcrltltaai la tkefr ta*t*fal tail, lift ftltlag tfc* flraftd npftW Hetaa* to tta atranai wpartty, It orramsl W aw tkat August* kad at Uwt fnwad a be mid*t>i* rival. If aet. la4**4. a *t»»** fill awyHltar I am la letr with kaa Aatoala amt aiil aot tat aoawalawat waamlt any dspredalloa* aa my damaW ekaafc Manager A. t. Msa la ia* of tk*» | raw gwlaam with energy llfc* a , * fttramengtoft la hnwrtwa" and a fcw* till* a batwdlrtlcw With the support |o* suck indtvidusla as f*r*aM*at I I rani tin and aarfc akgwgatloa* aa lha I gifted mrmtiera of Ike Hally Rtprena staff he raft not fall lo carry ibis or any oilier enterprise to sucewa. Where Bowie was horn ts still aa unanswered riddle. But Georgians rat , tV Gordian knot and strongly main- I fate—will always maintain that he was n native of Burke county. Ther* would ba no dlffhully iu obtaining abundant evidence of the fact, while others who perished t u that annguln ary saturnalia are claimed as natives : of Ihe same rommonarelath. The story of that Immortal siege need not be repeated here—how lew than 20U mm defied and derlmalad more than T.otio tmfll The dead around them on that fifty In a aeral-elrt le lay." The iniirrtption ou the monument at Austin says: "Thermopylae had Its messenger of defeat; Ihe Alamo had none ' Tbe sad and simple story la ail told there. The epigram, of course, takes no ac count of the non-combatant. But I have Just had the pleasure of convers ing with the sole survivor of the Ala mo, She lx not to tie ranked flippantly with the Halaklava survivors and the body aervanfs of Washington who. when crushed to earth will, like truth and pensioners, rise again. There ia no possible doubt that Senora Cande laria was in the Alamo on that fearful morning of the sixth of March, 1536, where ahe was nursing Col. Bowie. At the foot of his cot fell Travis; at hie head fell Davy Crockett; and the same blow which felled the latter left n ghastly around on Ihe arm of the pro tecting senora. which she showed me yesterday. She Is now 116 years of eg*, nod while I talked to her in my heal Spanish for tome time, I found that unfortunately sho had lost all memory of the incidents of that mem orable siege. So much for the Alamo and Its he roes—names Inscribed beyond the reach of Ihe loftiest pes, for— " There shall resist the - empire of de cay When time is o'er and worlds have passed atvav; Gold in the dust the perished heart may lie. But that which warmed it once can never die." CHARLES J. BAYNE. —The great telescope for the Paris exposition Is to have «n aperture of forty-nine luches and a faced length of IS7 feet. The usual equatorial mount ing and dome being impracticable for smh a gigantic instrument, the tubo wi'l be rigidly fixed In a horlgotUal po sition cm masonry supports and will' have the light from the heavenly bott les reflected into It by a moveable plane mirror six ami one-half feet In diameter. This mirror is to weigh nearly four tons. The estimated cost of the telescope Is J2U.000. and its mag nifying power will he more than twice that of the largest of Ihe existing in struments. TBB WUOUBTA JW IUHATiP im ffttokt t*«® iYlkft ■BY huHH w < HI KM®!®® t®NM mmm ffc pk«®MM*V' "< ** ' ». t* to # ftteirr «ffll . #* m 0 #* - **» MNhBK® 9**oo ® Bv*® (PKBIBN® iH® H® KM|KNp®9 |M®MI 0t |f ip ®MP®Wl N ®t®B *•*## A IM®>» VHRfAfMI ' 11®® tiiooo Bknnm® mriftp® *OOO Bn® m®h I PMf|H|M4MMI *.*, t 4fc4k «• 00- ■' n> m 00 BK® ##*♦■ TTlMifcn rit BVM l» BiW mm <«MMI : flaw 00m jhmm 0000m* *0 fSfkt® HM : aVn| KKwvn®®wl 9$000“9 KH® A 4®n» §OOOO BMK MBm® BBt ••*## • • v®» *0 000000 00000, %iwMI llMiv •* fe 4 mm krerwffr fcMHPk kt aam*m I* W*w YM rfcwftft* Tft«w<ft*.to tft M*w t*Mt rn* f tit . ftM «w KM ter ta wwt hmw •ft fcftMt tester IM* MfcervftlteW" *4 Ns* M*r A M MkMftwwi IHift yr*ft Yteft fttete 4*«tew*wM* *wwv rwteft rwMMM*** *r* stekitNl mm* mt rk* , . ftnfttet ftft rite wr*a kteftaftwrY At * (*■* **4 Oteft wft*ws**m, A* MMi *» «W te fc* ft* uftr »«■(■* rtMtte te kte *wrr*te** *• »*•»** I** ('ftrte* Its* •*•* te tteteftak W («te> ft Mwewcwftft ifttrlfte ratteftl t *to Mate an ft grftWter. %trfcftffc*r kft r* m* ftte. M mm* te i nftfi run 1 tMt If tfcar* I* ftftf •aftte* ’ "ft fttetk Murat'intft • mMtrteft I •r* tri i Haiti*‘r ftUfttMlri te •>"»• > aft 1 M !• grabbing. Mr. M>« krfeliW tte wilfllttM ft larg* ftwrft ivf teawftg f*r w*tel **ttl*- m*fcr tft tb#v *4fttei M#w If fc* wW e*w trtbbt* tfcftl It •••"•• Ik* "ftte »ftpr*ftt* 1 fMrt kft*d kite Mr. Hwtetoßw «# •tv* fwrtfcer rvteftW of klft toltlftl Ift ■artel tevil'ftftftftftt. A Htebs tewgftr to K*» York wka bft* )U*t berft • fluteftg kw VftftTftftCT >• mM la b* rrertk *1 lout Illte Clw* of It* M*w York *ftr tfcst Ibl* Harhftnti*. 'aft* «f He* York'* •*•! value ftftd lnflu*ftttftl t«*»**r»," wtU •iwate ibe** iftuwtiw aa tlw WJ«n4 It ••• Mite tfcftl fct* fatelly Hr* te com fort. It mat luxury General* Mile* ftftd ghftfter though’ fully *vter4 mutual etn'«o»w*t#»t ■ l Omaha by uaav.teteM* imnirmuib ■te rra***i meat* wbtrk perv **it*vl |Mr hearing **cb other'a aprrrhaa. Rter- Admiral Willey omftlhej there waft glory enough fur ftlt ftt the hattl* «f Santiago But then h* wag *pe*klng of tlw naval victory. The Green Bag ha* an artlcto on ’•cold*" to th* current numlver, Illy* tested with a ;>tetur* of • srniws wter* log * la*nk or "scoWft* hrldl*." an her fare. In Ghwhlre alow* th*n> »r* Milt extaat thirteen of the** old Internment* us lawful puniteimcot. Our modern I*w magaslne **>* that this artlrlr and picture are not given "In the hop* of re storing • punishment now happily ob solete." Th* little Count Cuatelten* fcftg to work almost too hunt for ■ eount In trying to get money out of tbe Goulds. Tbe awful rumor I* about that work I* vtupiml on the the red marble Cateel- Ituu Maria palare tacauae tbe counts** und her family found out that the i-uunl had an arrangement with the t*ulldera and architect* by which be got t[(>rty jar cent cormulsalon. Anna OouM mute wish that she had stayed at home»wUh her good sister, Helen Gould, It la not so hard a matter to give up tu.txtu.eoo for the sake of one's love, when on* ha* another flve million tn hi* Inside pocket, and csisx-tally when In nil probability the first fly* million will not be lost.' Howard Gould was left SIO,woo,ODD by his father’* will, but a tedictl provided that If any of the tsafator's children married without the consent of the majority of the trustees th* share of each child should be re duced one-half. Howard Gould, howev er. happens, to be one, of the trustee*. nn<l he und ht* rolle.igft-s will undoubt edly make things mutually agreeable. Two or three Chicagoans were lost the other nlrht on Vcauvlua. Tlieae uhiquitoua glohe-li-otiers turn up ev erywhere, as one of their own prophets says: "It would be almost as difficult to go to ony part of the globe and not lie confronted by a Ohtcagoon as It has popularly beeu supposed to tie in the case of Englishmen. That they are to he found In every capital and Interest ing place of Europe is taken for grant ed. If there is a riot at Barcelona, a groat battle in Manila bay. or a fracas in New Zealand, n Chicagoan is sure to lie found anti would have a front seat at the performance." The time is opportune for a careful and thorough, investigation into the charges formally made that the Chip pewas in Minnesota and Dakota have been systematically robbed of their lauds for years twist, and that the Hear Lake Indians only rose in rebellion af ter protest upon protest had l>een sent to Washington in vnii| If Chief Ouy- Ne-Wou-Auali is wrong in his assur tions nothing will demonstrate it more clearly than it! systematic inquiry. If. on the other hand, he'is right—and ex tortiouate and corrupt dealing* on the part of the white mep with Indians have been known—th,n long delayed lusttee should he donl- the Chlppewas und ample goarantMs given them against » renewal of consttirsdes against them. TMK tiBSI’HMIK AlPiff TOWN I BK® 00 i «*mK ♦ BIN® 000 0000 k *Mmmo * 000000000.. 000 M tß® PM : 00000 ~«®® 9mm t m j®® 4 9099m0 ®P® B® ■flf-f■ ,wte.; 0e.mii0!000000 KHV® p&00pmB&mm0 o*%oot- l® 00/m WWp m wp ' ■ » w 00000010 000000 *Ol ®® «*- w m ’ 00$ 000 0 SOOOO 00 9FO*W PPM®P j *oooo*oooo*9 000000$ $0 i «PB®W l®4iß. H MM 00 0000&9 00 . || teM kk l ‘ .1*4410 #’* ( %-000$0f IK® Bk®P"P 000 00000$ I f*o Bi 00$ 000 ** *M®P | prsteswift* Ift kft teteMftg Ikft 40090440 * * #'®K| -ifirm* ®®» s'oooo9o m%*o*v* 00 * * ! Itetsk kkMMlf toft* » *• *’* *'»**'***, l kftwwteftgft mt iwrssftd Mktokte* $M I . watetefcwMftg «ft»kte teftAte «W k» kft k*4fc ■ ten' ‘ Yfcs * Ykk +1444* OT9*-# 00 «p®» 4®® “ j V® BMNB iw«®®P oam■mmw j i 400 r* * gtewte ••«** m^\ ? pM ITpIM 111®®®%®® |*li«B®® IB TV 11*®%IB mpfpf, *'lo9s *M®% I® • SOOO I * Bk®} ®C so»+nmmo% t«®*Vf ••4194 ftp |»*4l<kßll **** **** j f®ppß®l 881 • •KP‘l 0$ •PtM**" j 000 _ 00$ ••111 t®*T f®®®Bltf *V ®* rt ' I f m0%04# %t SOOOOO InV® M®B 00090 00 009 ' • Mi® BBi ti® 00000 »V ] ; wind hlswtek ftfcwrw » ftetek to®* , ®B®f'® ti»«®? 099$ Bl® tMMta-T® OK9H&O *«B 00 Ittatml <i«it !V® (V M 0 j tit* wtw4 tom* fttefclftg «f Ik* «ft4t ' on* tfc* fsftitwt all ftjtfcft»tpk**i» (n*-; muiTn ... g»*«tft*M fcr fts*4 ttetet» Iftkftfcte 4W sate liter* to •• kfftftr* Of tfc* g*fc‘ T MteWteft to Wktrk ***** -mr— *4 efcam* to aft tfcnraagfcly *s Htetoft te to tk* wsfttksft tongs l*p fcftr* to MY *YTte I Aft raarn k**«f n*wr in te«o*»’eiy temwittog tk* fct*4 of wte'k»r tfcftl ft* ft* to fcfttft Ift Aft* gteto am* vlrtoß* " HawftN Morphy tteto tk* !•»«■* k*k* *r Mary told kite bf ft Oft—sr trteft* late week Tkft tffttrftlift* teftft fctel J>M rxiftft* front MtftMrtekk*. ntok* of • ftaftte *p*mt Sivtag Ift a mmUI tofts ta that fttete -Kg* to tk* wife of tk* ft*tft< ipal ] ■tetftktefwr «f th* ktoc*.“ s«M th* draftftMr. * afcd M W W that ak* 1* ■ moat MtioMtoto Unto ttomam *h* ha* a great tatoftt ter fcu*te*M and i arts s* k*r fcwbftftd'* aaMMaftt. and ft* ; •wftrrtfclM »• (*** ft** l **** tm ,h * * lt lag* *kft fnvtemtMft ftttk th* hot* oft •ft equal footiftg. Orrftstaftftlly ft ko h*r gam* l* M»rt*4 lo wkll* *•*! ’fc* evening*, and tkft madam* 1* not *t | all avers* to silling * p<*«\ fttefty grrmi dtocft't* fc*** l»aftin«d tbnf •ha would be an *ft«y mark, but they discovered to their coal that ftk* mat not. Nke ktoys abate •• arttatle pm I Per as you are ftpt *» eecounter any- I where on tbe rtted. ftitd doe*n't aak I any mid* on neconnt of am. either. I i never knew h*f to toft n wnger of snv kind. Sh* la n wonder, nnd ns I re ' merkrd before n very esceltont woman whom everybody In thft Itttlft town r*- sperts, I understand ftlso tbnt she 1* quite prominent tn church nnd sortol »ff»lr»"j Ponalng tbe fruit *t*nd »t Broad nnd Campbell streets yeMerdny snd henr-; log the row of parrots, nil nr teething together on tb* sidewalk, put me In j mind of the torpedo boat Winslow *! mascot, a parrot, which *•« in a cage) that hung in the conning lower. When the little fighting craft mat in the thickest of the Morra of shot nnd aheil from the Spanish batteric*, the con ning tower was hit hard enough to make it shiver. The cage rattled against the tide. Then there came a yell from the parrot: "H- -L but they are coming hot.*! Although the deathdesllng missiles were in the sir sll around them, aome of the erew cracked a Joke back at the parrot Soon the conning tower was struck again. •H—l. but they are coming hot.” screeched the parrot a second time. The next moment the shot exploded that killed Ensign Bagley and his companions. The parot came out of the battle un harmed. I happened to be in New York some years ago on the day tlial one of the Maxima—either Hiram or Hudson, I do not know which had a terrible accident occur to him, by which. I think, he lost a hand. I remember seeing him and have been reading re cently about Hiram's arrest on the charge of bigamy. The two brothers are both Identified with the invention of engines bf war. Hudson Maxim is best known through his explosive “Maximite,’' and has done nothing re markable. Hiram Maxim is a very remarkable character. His machine gun is so well known in England that Its name is popularly known as an ad jective. and iu a recent poem Rud.vard Kipling speaks of teaching the Egyp tian “ to maxim his oppressor, as a Christian ought to do," meaning of course to -perforate bis oppressor with a Maxim automatic. nothing' BUT A NEWSPAPER— THE SUNDAY HERALD. THIS IS IT 1 1?*"* TOR EARLY FALL STIFFS AND ALPINES. ALL BHAOE9 • $3.00 Jutt Arrived. DORRS Tiikwinf. Hah. furnnhmfv % Waxed Floors L \ Si fcsv* tb* »*M r**P*«*d V t W«» far dvitog it. / Fever Weather / / Tnaw Otmra *gM sa* worn I C la* of am tort C j i rear -ms « 1 *r*v«n l*»»r j I aad tnrrtete appteib. Ms htelto. C > oir Belle Lizzeite Ctispe / / Tills ditlffctfal aad r*frr*h tag e r < alogn* t. th* tevwnt* tu ta. r J lit*. Km or ter t:a* FvrfsaM J r and Totlte .rk* C ( Trusses S I If you »r* rapt oral call an aa. / \ A oonifortabl. tit guaraßtmd. \ ( Don't Trifle C S Hava year prvacnpt fiH*d f J wh-r* you am < oufio.nt of «*t- V C tlrg th* btwt drags and th. bast J / Hron W. boy and Mil Ture s ' / Drugs only. I \ ittiailer Dm Cupv $ S «C BROAD BT. J •-The Barber Shop of Ihe South." HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street Glider’s Pills No Southern made Pill is so popular as Gilder’s. It was born in the South. It was raised in the South. It has always been made in the South. It has cured more South ern Liver troubles than any other Southern Pill. Southerners should use it. Let Northern Pills cure Northern people. Tbe Howard & Willet Dmi Co. make them. FOB H FENCING; CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., , 310 lOtb Street, Augusta, ba. ggM.Out of Town Work Soiici!e«-to» OCTOBER 19 Thu Hftosf Mtonorlt® «K*%iWe MiMi «m#e M>*« onifYt too u« Aiwo Remsfl Mm eirtiH* end Lily Pwihk k*'d the Fiftort LAtefYi Greek. Coarm Mrhfie MkkortfVMtnt ik torrvplele. ! LA.Gardcilc D«*ier in the Finest DRUCf AND MEDICINES Tbe Aopsta Herald uriftL Irltltnt ui Ac Bat Imjirr PiiliilU A | . Tin 8t:la jncxtxT Iftt-roiurn tiik veyti or tiir. wualo wuilf. it is news. IS TO IS HOURS AHEAD Of* OTHER GF.<»Rt,IA AND •OUTff CAROLINA FA TERN. trim tm awvmcE toct PROF. P.M. WHITMAN, 209 7th St. A BRUSH, Ok srves fete iyy tests *n d*s*ets m Sight, (rm«ls Ike prener glsdese sad Wal* •AMTfc three- ÜbkfD c«t »ta your form* while yo® wes^ FREE OF CHARUE. ii ■■ ok urn vom COAL and WOOD rUOM THE North Augusts Coal A Supply Co QutotUT and quality Guareate*d F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Ball 'fuoti 4104 btroager So St The 1 Whltely / Exerciser. ( A practical, eimplsand •Aid snt Home Exerciser, I ourepreiaily adapted for i ladim and children, bu i at th. same time can be 1 profitably used by tbe | strongest stlilet*. PBR'ES: 75c., fl.tXi. 41.50) i BIO’CLKH - CLKVE. I ! LANDS, HO ap; \IK IN'CS. *35 up; GEN-f : i IKONS, *lB up; THOM-1 AS, *SO up. t ail and see them. Every one guar anteed. Ricfiards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 FeynoJds St=--TelepiiODe) l mkte L*area Wires Kilect to New York Chicago and New Orleane. Orders executed over our wire# for Colton. Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for i-«sh or on margins. LocsJ securities bought and sold. References —.Nations! Exchange Bank of Augusta, lor MercanUfs Agencies. _ , . X 2": \ >i il r /CQnjL I r v IT >tMlI \nJ .*■