The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 19, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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REVIEW OF LEAGUE SEASON A firiir «f aw Haoatti Imtm «f iMii. »■■** JNhmmi CM* *•»• »«• tip HpNwti 1 P«ip»» wraMa .Bira, > IMM (p»—rWi»> WW*'Nl W« a iPg *to pip> MM #*4 AXRMMM* <NM| tountil »«« 4M>)< WNM "tow# IHMPmhi Otto up Wfl «• Mm I geMMM M* • **»» farad »WP< •tmms *m pwMMM t» **, f* m* •** f%» PPM* IV* ><« •** Ml rqatod •HPT Mag MM » P»< pp M*#. I' !• *M * Bpn •» mmpMMMPM Met t »--ra4 •*** I pwP'i Awtol 11, flP«> ra Mr* JdagWt PM ipp MPa* to# pap Bag pi a Tttodgy i»« • amm ip »ii>i»piM tto* " • ** * Pal tgMg t» ff*»# ptf'M* ■ Xt’ttM. PMI JHa<ad IP P P'PiPali' «p**m« *«Mf Phi m »*p wee* mm*** MM>»♦ Pill IpMf HU* iHUpWimi Paa ilnlipPl to i ippaiiia *W«» Imp* p«p«» pp*p fpppMpp Tto h*pVM ts pipap Imp Wh imR ♦ pi, * $* - pp***# ft. !|l at# I%*# tAgcfegaf tS** tgs »*i*% nf IH, AtafM* PMt>t| atoaM to* IMP «f April. **4 tirppp OmpPm to I* P Pa top# M Am A «pPp ta a ppypr*tp M rt*» up AppM ppb«M* to a papara IP IMA p’.vaee apP **»*#(«*• PP4 to PPP* rPUtt apP pm Papa Pa pm §mm ppi-1 VAp MlPPto ff Ms?' Oh Par P AaPM tto- April API P< PMMW* toaapP rap; im frtopto had *wmg a «l ApppApll t«p a fAiWP PPP. PP4 Ito papap Mk» them he*# Ap*P »'lpl| PMppPM. Wl»h p |pl PPP 1 * a*to*pp*p. *PaP *4 (to to HpAp An* played aevan ratoaa IP pprtl «Hf OP lip fpplp **d ?* *• *Ar Aap* cvpppPp The erw’lmewt Ip sms*# to Anr at a r*««ra M a tit «*’»- prApppl* neat PPPPP. IP r)PPP PP* IPlar tAac Ot-tnAar t • SrrjalKi to Hie hereto. TAa ehtof awrprl*** if lA* a »ana Vl’n ffca Ph i PfchApprKpP Ul* toto lap paw*# to caiappp. AaiyAia id la ilavtNx P»J the tobogre* aria Of fcrepfy **>»*•'• *•» fork UMsu end th* I* rwtr* *4 t*n«. Aarp Baptoeto port iA»««*!hjp* the pppado was ai*#<’i IhapoA the tora were P IHA* law to etrlk'a* ttoir pail IM HaaSuo a-romt ll»tw I • Jaton prut Ala Ua timer* t«pm.«b*p It IP rim*«bi:iJ IApI poor pplrappp* pt ton* censed Aim to PPU a beech of Ala fpixrot m«* TAa Itaeitiiiat) K«ti ppptit to to toetoA-4 la tba Hat of anr priap*. sot baeauaa tVr failttl t» H* ttip flap aa ttov powl**<l lo do. and para atropg ind’rpilcoa -if th«4r word *arlr 'a th« #*a >« hat b*< »•'•* ♦ha qolllart frt m n»*r he Rfc » • Are **d «P : firr tAa Aral aliiw * and ft- ahad o!tA a atrer* prtp on thtrd rt**a. Tb* follrwtnp attl **wr» bow lb* ptand'np of tb* *ti.b» rbaepid from th* Aral part of tlir »*.'•*• to IM lattrr fcart Ataodlng .lay i.t. Ciuba— W. I* V fV * 9 f‘.»retabd * -* ll Ha'.tlmf * * *°® lioatoß. ■.. l * • ,s *‘ Jtew York . Brooklyn.. • 8 “f 9 pitMburg.. .... 19 10 929 Philadelphia.. •• - • t- 800 Looiatlll# 9 17 ‘ 9l Bt. Loula •• •• * 14 • 2 * 2 ! * 14 “ 2 Standing October, 13. Cl.Ua- W. UPC | Be. .on 709 47 •« Ctorlnnatl 9 r « -Jg Clpprlaed 8,7 86 -549 Philadelphia.! 78 70 • 82 ‘* Kcw York 78 73 - j7 ° Wttabur* 72 7 « 4 « LotuiaviUe.. ~ 68 81 • j Brock 1. 83 99 36 i Washing- on 89 100 - 338 j 61. 39 990 182 Final Standing. Games Per Played,Won.l.o*t. Cent. Boston 148 Wl 47 - 68 - Balt more H 8 98 62 • 8 4 f> Cincinnati 152 92 «? Chicago.. .. ». •-1 tH) 85 n.» .uPi ClevclenA 118 81 87 .54^ Philadelphia 148 78 70 .52i New York 148 76 73 .510 Pittsburg 148 72 70 .480 Louisville 151 89 82 •«* Brooklyn 144 53 91 .308 Washington 151 51 100 .338 St. Louis 149 89 110 .26- Past Pennant Winner. It will bo interesting to see bow the clubs came out as pennant winners In past seasons: Year. Club. P ' f; - 1576 Chicago 1 88 1377 Boston ®4B 1378.. .Boston 787 1379.. ..Providence.. 1 98 1880 Chicago 798 1381.. ..Chicago 887 1^82... .Chicago 888 1883 Boston •• •• 8 4 ;J 1884.. .Providence •• .-750 1335 Chicago 77 2 1886 Chicago .. ..725 1887.. .Detroit.. .. «. »• »« •• «• - 887 1888 New York 8 41 .1889... .New York.. .. ». .. •• ...659 .1890 Brooklyn.. 88 ‘ 1891 Boston 830 1892 . . .Boston ~VI XSS3 Boston ••• *•• • !i*p#rt» bmUkrt M rn»mim %m M N«*f *r«N mM a# Diamonds I^u tAMinct IN NHNMI j i no m li EACH EifHfl|i Art $2 Per Pair »«2*ta¥?x m .«to * A a«P* ***** , * j Trapp a* "MM Aa taMHßdfi, rn^rjaw»- mSi p* mwo* war *, ani attgf i MPM f»» * *••**** •* **• MAIL oVwim. BaCaßhjrJVs lUrnSa." 3a 3* , PWaHfpP.IAfl M an hil are S«i M*A I IlfMlill— Mi w 3 —!T«.anii t mim: *** Maaay ».*•»«* "bMt • ««Ma aa. •M dkfl Beware of Imitatore.* I*® 1 *® aPdraa> M BARR 105 DIAriONDCO., a tOISOA BUttOltG. p; aao ♦« SiatiT. new Yoa* * * mi fM*. Mk? **. i —— j t*M.... rtalttmorv *»?. I *?>&.... Bait in*. ««9 > lWd... Baltimora »»* ]*»?,... Bmitoi I 7»S ISM... .BoqUia.. .. .. .. .. .. ... **2 It arttl be mo from the above that J Boston baa '*on the pennant more rm-a than any other Hague rtnb. Chi- I .ago hold* neat beat record etid then come* Bait mere. Thta has been an off-year In base-1 ball. The financially tme«aafu! ciuba j may be enumerated upnn the finger, of ine tino'l. Interest in the war and jf'her momentous queatlno* have been ! advanced aa the cauae of the stump In 'a'tendanea In several of the league 1 ritle*. which is no doubt correct, but 'only to a email eitent. Had weather, [poor rluh*. and unpopular manage ment, particularly the tatter, tn sack j | rifles aa Wnebtegton. ff*. I/JUla. New York »r.d Brooklyn, hare hada weighty hand In de«troy!ng public Interest tu |tb« game. ' - . THANKFUL TO Mils. ITNKHAM. Earnest Words From Women Who Have Been Relieved Of Backache —Mrs. Ptnkham Warns Against Neglect. Deab Mns. Pinkha* :-*-I have been thankful a thousand times, since I wrote you, for what your Vegetable Compound has done for me. I followed your ad vleo carefully, and now I feel like a different person. My troubles were back- ache, headache, nervous tired feeling, painful menstruation and leucorrhcra. I took four bottles of Vegetable Compound, oue bo* of Liver Mils, and used one package of Sanative Wash, and am now well. I thank you again for the good yon have done for me.—Km.A E. Burn.nek, East Rochester, Ohio. Great numbers of such letters as the above are constantly being re ceived by Mrs. Piukham from wo men who owe theirhealthand hap piness to her advice and medicine. Mrs. Pinkham’s address is Lynn, Mass. Her advice is of fered free to all suffering women whoare puzzled about themselves. If you have backache don’t neg lect itor try heroically to “work It down,” you must reach the root of the trouble, and nothing will do this so safely and surely as Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. Backache is accompanied bv a lot of other aches and wearying sensations, but they nearly always come from the same source. Bemove the cause of these distressing things, and you become well and strong. Mrs. 8. J. Swanson, of Gibson City, 111., tells her ex perience in the following letter: , ._ , . . 41 Dear Mb« Pinkbam :—Before tiaing" yotir medicine I was troubled with head ache and my back aebed so that I could not rest. Your medicine is the best I have ever used; it has relieved me of my troubles, and X feel like myself again. Thanks to Lydia E. Pinkham. “I would advise any one troubled with female weakness to take your tnecu* cine. 1 shall also recommend it wherever X can as a great reliever of pain." A Millfan WomcnHa ve BcenAwieftte* fcy Mrs. PtnU&am’iAdviceaßfl Medicine ONCE ENJOYED GREAT WEALTH Lto Elite twito *•» 1 fH»** Viork Ijikhi<»i Tin hip .. ««p» » * h«4» ' i I tiiiioH iim «4l# h tp* * lln #»**.«■# feiNi tfmfl'iwrl j tOifixf MHI *****, ♦%* ***4, I I pipn*n Hi cAiiNtii #***»**■#t» %i*- tnito ilt f«t ttrir.j i**i* «t*i >■***»* * **** j a «*aaM II•# WM t 0.., MW* I Apato pi Am roan* to tto* «M A* *•#■«* « not Mtotg <to»to. at Imm Utop ptoat tto* to toad mmm. * h I m ond a to-1* Aaf Pto*»* *-pp aa ay *a I |*h i.w tpait.- aap pi*, **,4 t. * ... J a to* >m tto MPT totoA tto to* al 4 I >** ml mM aN. YYo .art* uppPM-M •**! I tto trMtoto «aa Mindy Aor* r>' *»»mm I wftiafc iwawt ■!*«• *> "*«• Mtoto Im»»o a- «M * pto*-. * #.'« ft «*IM • - - n.aa, nM Otoaw Hr pllttou e# at <Aat« «toto> toaanto a#» toMP tot* AM to»M • >«aa atoMitod to Ito panto•**■■■ to *» into »d Ito uptown Ap**i Tto mm day Mm taw* aat*i to rwtotoa to* I TTirarr AAI tto nan *M 1 itoowitod i« Hr tto* OtoMPMa** -dtotoM 1 artoPPi ad a taoßhaM won** to km tmaia, kl.-M IMP* iVft H' **Y I (I* rv’*mm> *9* * mm M tototo ttoflNM oa4 totoMAi Aa< to tAi* ™y. «*A#to aba dk*w mm ad Aar ■aw ft .W|"ta«t lit! IP I* pa* the OAto tnrtom p»*pto Nr tumUnea* aM i»w*d Astor Ntta I*4rta «aa Affnpto to «Ato fit ft* ftH Mi«x» tdiflmf It *** IwA* Ito nMM **aa way naan. A*r Nap* tortop ptttn to* •< »M. PM Mi a lan, aaetwaO 4*o* t tan to to lAa tliy ItopitL Tto Untie nM«» w» PaapMaa* «d a .ra.tap l*r. Untie, awo *• '"»•*»*. IM a* ■ taptlMd. HL Mm Me deal A A* |«aa tataa.l tt aptotore, tp pat tap «a laa. artt* Ma.aM II- Ml Mliwi la Ala I t« u daapAter*. »Aa enwo 1* tk»* rUj* land r*«4 HI a w»lar**M* rMatoto* Ay j ito tnrAMIPi to Aw «»f i a*n< nl- TIMr I ■ vaOlM waa Aasawtad a nnenAel Ar J <to Iwpniai »T an **m. »A> Ml itont nn itH.-tHr as li‘» n n«aih la inn until itoy stlnlnad Ito apa -d ataty year*, tot art aMrk Ito aupMul »aa l« **aae and they net* to to i-aid a luatp a«m of Ito (tot M lb* atlpt-nd itoy anted • tto*. BtHto » h». n MMa Path drear t<« art tie tto aanitariuai Mil Ml** Kllw Itotia la a»t* atom fuaty year* #f aa*. It haa toen p.watt. that Maa Itavte ha. a faetUßr to kto Am Mira lei*' tabu aaya ato haa Aren Atmatnl In |he rare to the unman f«*r Ito Mat mealy yearn, drelaraa that »U' h la n«*t Ito enae. Popull.t Watchman on Ueatucrstlc Tonrpy*. Memphl* Comtuerrla!-.Appeal- Henan'A Jam** K Jone* Ihn Chalttran of tha MatAtnal nerooeratlr Commit'** haa firm Mr. W H Mar **», aathor of Coin'* Financial School, a position alilcb baa been deacrlbad aa Uwt of genera! manager of the demo cratic party- There were, at one ilßie. a great many person* who look ed upon that book aa a aort of new got pel. and If anyone questioned Boy of Cota's statements or atatUilcs, to hu outlawed. Hut Cola** Financial School ha# been thoroughly dlacredlt ed. IU facia have bc*n perforat'd, and the result l* today no one ever bear* anything about lb or carea anything about It. la It# time It may have aerved the purpose of calling attention to the financial question and atartln* the campaign of education. Hut It la an open question whether Its misstate ment a and misinformation have not done the cause of silver more barm than good. Hut setting this question aside. It Id proper to ask. Who is Mr. Harvey, po litically? He Himself U the best authority on to 'flllllllWIIIBfB? THB ATJOtIBTA ETHTR A.T.D [ WHAT’S IN A NAME? mmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm If it * a good n«m# fly gh Ihpfdfla A gfAAt doAl Thi r#pulal*©n thAt Lw) our gArm#ol» Hava 4, \Jy AchkAVNd iloiMknl com© jrjte in a dAy. or a y«Ar, or i rT? * wo ****+• f 0 ® i* »'°s #U_J , \ Xhm ro*u * of ACCidAnl 1 TFT or cHaoca. but of CArN fuC pAlnNlAklnglAbor And ihought And gttAntion. Tb#rA , » no pAt»nt on this. Almo.l my on# coviid do tt Thiiy tirnply try. It •§o much dAtier to tAg* rondH on# as t> * y ata than tolryTo impovA thAm. Thprsafort* thw »IMICl#r» S'* t*"- ff * J jj* com* to b« mA: « C in # 2i* SorviCNAbt** Ciolhlntr. Wn»hS»y*ANUtJ Ouwl ity Nl IconomiCAl prk on* to to li t. LEVI'S SON t CO, Tailor-Fit Cloth*r*. - - Aaguta.Qa. SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN! y.. Known from Maine to California as the BEST ,ha! maieria| aniJ good workmanship can pro duce. as for sttle ' If 11 111 OIK Everything that is sty- 1.8 0 lisli. artistic and com- ft J|V (fe'l Ww fort a We. combined with KW JgßpJ* the best of workman- Vy ship will he found in finnan & Sons Shoes. CASHINs GOULEY & VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. MIEENTA I OH MANAN * AON. - Uhe subject and ho has uiways claim-1 ! ,-d to be a populist; This means that he is a believer In the suhtreasury and all the wild and irredeemable follies of populism which the democrats have ao mercilessly lampooned. Mr. Harvey !i H til<-refore lilt author of ad ad book, a member of a dead party, and lie Is himself an illustrlitlß defunct. Now, If an%ie can tell jvhy Chairman Jones resurrected this {back number, we would like to Inquire why a played-j out populist should be shoved to the front In the management of the demo cratic party? Are there nu five demo crats ‘today gifted with executive abll lt# And capable of managing a cam paign? Cun It be that Senator Jones thinks that If populism will not, come to the democracy, then democracy must go to populism? The Nashville American questions the right of the j senator to muke such an appointment and it also protests against his mak- j lng the Populist Senator Allen and the j Republican Senator Teller members of. the ways and means committee of the ; democratic party. And It seems to us j that, the protest is a timely one. It Is j time that the democratic party stop-; ped fishing for tadpoles. It stands, for certain great .principles. It wel- j j comes to Its folds mil those who believe j lln those principles. But It la under . j no obligation to gurrendfr ita priaci- I pies to deadhorse political malforma 'tions, or to call on outsiders to con- ; duct It; husincaa for it. Senator I Jones has made a very glaring mistake , I and the sooner ho corrects it the bet- Iter. But if he docs not repair it, the j I I^oOßS.§ASH»ni,Blino s -> - Mill Work • • ilßßkl'fr*** 1 • 0f ev * :f ‘ v DESCRIPTION ilsie. YELLOW PINE LUMBER ■ *Mj ,*»v Mm c*v" >tf *'t" .at t ' .!/■•.* s ilglti '* Jit* •ItttOSjnOCH tvfkr Of FAPTMENI ir*Sx-i^ U lt l C ,N STOCK Anb PROMPT SHIPMENTS A. y.ktl |AwSNX9ISA ~ .■Sf ‘t R((frS M C.AT*iO'.OL&.Ctf ,uPcN Affix at I'lft „ A STRIKING CONTRAST you will al«ay« And In both the moods and the shirt fronts of thouo who bare had their laundry work done at liulac’a Laundry and tbo man who baa had bla done at a leas efficient one, with back number methods, where they send home your shirts, ' collars and cuffs with frayed edges and torn button holes. Our laundry work Is faultless. Hulse's Steam foundry. 314 Jackson Street, opposite Opera House. Both ’phones. | democrats of the country should be j heard from. The motto should be: I “Place None but Democrat* on Guard.” And if the Chairman,of the Natiouul Committer' cunuot flndidemo- I I rats enough to conduct the huslne.ta ; of ihe party, then democracy had bet : ter cull for the appointment of u re- I celver. New Maple Syrup, finest quality, In j bulk und cans at Idunktn & Co.'b, l.lfe-Saving Hethod. The Rulognc tugs have recently been fitted with guns for firing a line across a vessel at sea, for the purpose of eatubllshitig l * communication by means of a lifesaving hawser. The tug gets to the windward of a vessel 1 stranded on a leeshore and by anchor ing a short distance from It is enabled Ito take off the crew. On a level and randy shore a stranded vessel may bo j (hundreds of yards away and In the j teeth of a gale, the rocket may not j reach Ihe wreck. The mode adopted iby the Buiogno Human: society has Isom® manifest advantages; for in ! stance it obviates having to pull a iman 200 or 300 yards through the surf I with the prospect, of rescuing him ! more dead than alive. Another point !In favor of the method Is that. In a given time one can rescue more per sons by it than by the use of a long distance hawser. OASTOHIA. Be»r» tbs Kind You Have Always RotiftM “■:r . b * JHE |jERAIO STANDARD yyAR p«s It In ooinilar barauao II l« *utl whit th# groat nAWBpApAr-rAAdtng pubi c *AnU. Tha Map* ar* largA and cl oar, ami Jut > double thA m/a of any olhrrN puMlth«d. Thoy urn t»ANufl» fully printod In flva color* on heavy map papo r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find tha AUa* an inditpAnaabtA aid. It va. ill h«lp you to obAArvo th# daffy changaa In tha Altuation, and anabla you to hoop pac# with history. You Need An ATLAS! v Qtt the Lot eat and Beit \ Contents of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cuba a • • « 14*01 Inch** Th* World ... 21x28 Inch** W»tt InJiot IT" • • 14x21 Inch** North America • 21 x2B inch** South America **l"** - - 14x21 inch** Phlllppin* Island* - * Ilxl4lnqh** Hawaiian Island* * • 11*14 Inch** Europe «,*•*• 21x28 tncho* Spain and Portugal - * 14x21 inohat Asia « • » - 14x21 Inch** ske*to| MW Trant-Siberia* Kail road. Africa m m m 14x21 Inchaa Oceania and Carolina Island* 21 x2B inch** China - 14*21 Inch*# Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. * You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the slain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents —PRICE 30 cents A /\ F«*«KCjve#. t V’/ \ / \ ■*"•enoa*" , < / \ / \,9.Cu»ftr?rj#* t i \ ’ \/ \ fihai/ / YP<ss»ibie\ (, \ / \only +o O \ \/ \hsrd Hitter \ > V \ Centre Bsll\ U \ Very fine \ \ RightJieieiNt A— A NEW BOOK OH BILLIARDS JOHN A. THATCH *g rmtilon Carom Champion of Oliln'M *Hs. winner of At. Louis Handicap S 7, the longesf tournament on record, and the only player who •▼er boat Schaefer, sloaaon, aud Ives in the ■nine, tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENTS. 100 DIAGRAM* OF 8-OUBHION SHOT*. SOMAtTEH’S STRAIGHT RAIL NUHBE. LVEHY STYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER GAME. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTFSTS, LIST OF OHAMPION3 OF AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS. ETC. The HiitJjor five* ninny valuable eujrsremlfms to novice* which serve to render ch ar the method* employed by the world’* experts. II will show you HOW TO PLAY Cloth. 7* cents. _ „„ Flexible leather, SI.OO. 344 p.gca Size, si2J< Inche*. Sent, prepaid, to any nddrea. on ’ receipt of price. Alista Emiim Herald 7