The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 20, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY 4 THE AUGUST* HERALD ****** ****** L*vm*« . •* zjZZZ „„ . Ail •>***, *a» **<*llfft» #******•»» uMI irt»*l*t*»*» *»*»*»'**»« <* * ***** «M»# VMM ; )**■ MHO***** > * ' aa**** ** m r«Mw» a***** **■•*•• itaalhMP# MMh <M •*•**> ■••* *■** »!»*«** ‘ til u ai i* K , mffli t 1T- - <*** : *»a*l (M —&au. o{|<-'tHM9 to##®"' igtot to** I #*- * •*» #•** w •**• hnp- ... %m*r*9 WM #» W WHL TWO THU HOUU» 10 jttinai* • ** •***• •** l_ jiin—A fli •*• *»•*• * M# * mi •< mum !*•*'* *•*» ■|» Min*-* 1 «*• •*«*• ”*“** *** „ , . ta *• **• r ’* l ' l * l * In tgiaHHU Uk* <**•** r ***2* to to* f“*» <"***--*• •*• **•** ■* 00. 004 r.fl* a*mmm #•*** VtoitM *»•**»» _*?rTJl * •*•* ****** •*• m*m*» •» ,7TL t 0 to*** M wpaniM toi » w TO Al*Vf!ir? WItU!L» !Tm, it TIM W*v**d ■**»* «•> jpgpggg if* > rnirnr io~ H HI rariT i#T( #[*o*lll# HERALD SOUVENIRS. Anyone present ng nt The Herald Oftke the Souvenir Coupon whkh It printed below wIU receive a neat lit* tie Souvenir Button Free. If you want one apply early. Mall order* will be filled w hen accompanied by (tamp* to pay pottage. FREE DISTRIBUTION SOUVENIR COUPONSt This Coupon, presented at The Herald Office, will be en chanted for a neat and hand some Herald Souvenir Hutton. , The distribution la limited and will last only a few days. ■ - 1 FIT! CSNT fOTTOIf. The New York Journal of Commerce has addressed a series of questions to leading bankera at distributing centre* in the south, with a view to ascer taining the effect upon business pro»- pecis in the eottou growing states of the exceedingly low prices obtained from the sale of the great staple. The replies are very encouragalug. and The Herald summarises them ss fol lows: Virtually without exception they agree (1) that the reduced price of cot ton does not Imply any aet back to tbe general business prosperity of the south; (2) that the cost of raising the staple has been materially lessened during tbe years of steadily falling prices; (3) that In moat sections the cost of production Is only about one half what Is was ten years ago; (4) that five cent cotton will as a rule leave a moderate profit to the grower; (3) that the planters arc steadily di minishing their dependence upon fac tors' advances through diversifying their crops and producing articles of fcod which they have been accustom ed to buy at oppressive prices; (6) lhat owing to this diversification of ;rcps the;' Inure diminished their local fleet* and .c#ii’cj an independence of the (».i K .is which enables them, with in expenses, to effect isgular savings,' aud (7) that the geueral con dition of the f’ugrlcuKural south Is such as to the hope of a steady rau of in which the mercantile Inteiest will receive Its share of benefit. ‘ s MIA #***• MM TtoM itofltoMl |i Uto RpHtpeii **** pitototo *WW*lm»* ■ ’«#«•*• *mm, mm* «4 H* to »M to* *■ *m **** toMMMi g* Mm* lg#*aa MM< to*to to 111 |9 Hi PMmSPNI Hi fIHMNI Rtot hmh ftktoi HffPA ##l*Pßtoto ! «rm<mhh# In (pi tPNI tIP MNllMllA •* ** t j imp* «M ntl ll* #*##<*# wpntrwl M I ******** #®###ls# •# to#f #to# PR* l * ********* *••#• n® ttoMm fpi IM #4 ****** PR MMAp **#to ■ «t mmPm <rf to*to ***** to Mi #Mi 1 up- m 4 n m **•••» to im» to** tllpt (pNN#$ Rnfm to## ***** INN ** I"* ImPP **®ppniWi®l Pi MHIPNB tINMHI A |, ■win*** to **to ****ftow»»to •*•• jto Ito toWM **»«mP** m ts *•# Mi* \ p® mi to* pm pf ippfi *to* pip® pipy lip Mpl*l , lt PipPPlPltP Pftfc tpp PMmHRpS pppPtf Ppp IP t ppp PM*P PI Mi > aPMNprp TP* PrtlP UMP PfP pPppl tp iptPt tPt | ppNNpppM tlkPt PBP tPPP 4fPPP PP . irtll tPYP pit ip# ppp** tIHP PPP tftVP i 004 !g Itof Mitt iMk* to 'to r««* , toil) totoM ttotor"**' ***** *• »A* *wm l to**t*i*to A A|to** Mt*l A* itoto to toM MkMfe (to toto** atoll to* to It* - I Board to T)M •»!*• Mill to NMto *• raaMtf M ****** *f* i* *i**4 aa* thrmpto <to —**l HMMto*t« At tto *•4 to iMrtoto to to Mtto *to*. wto*» r***tr*4 to* tto mlm «IU to Hi|4nj »•• .ala t* ***to4*to* w»lh tto **win*i to (oak h I* aaArtotan* to to • toft ®* to* * -* •** (tototo too**** to ito toilt* ttot in to ; n—>l at If. tk* **r«*M* tokui tto tof>*« ; ttot *t* to tk* to*** at tto oelttM j (tlPP^tii Tkta Mill ok*tot* a** tortowi ft*** rtol ditteoiif ttot ••** *rto*. Tto 1 rototokito o t 10*4 tfeat to to hto* <to powar to toll will (OTto two of *■ •*- rtanr* rfMatoltif* at n** who will to ratnMtetf wllfc tto wowk at tw*ln« ttot ' tto pnwtotatoi d tto **r**»*«t *r* I r*rrl*d oat toclitowi to tto p-as for tto aalll** j of good* to on* for * uniform rurtail mont b* tto willla t* tto *gro*m«at j Ttoro> will to • four *e*k*' rwrlall ! mrot In tk* thr** month* from tto Ikth of Oftobrt and four aiorr toirr. If atKh * EBottt to dwmH wia* b* th« romntit**. am mrMinui aoLtmon A recant Item la The Herald a Ml*- i graphic news recounted the suggestion [ of Prof. Van Buren Densbiw. of Chl i, ago. an investigator who has made a j considerable study of social and «co ! nouilc question*, for the solution of the Philippine problem, which la novel and startling. His Idea contemplates the establishing of a great penal colo [ ny In the Philippine Archipelago. The islands, he suggtats. might he used as a sort of dumping gtound for I he crim inal classes of the Cnlted Stale* and to those elements he would add the Idlers aud other members of society who find themselves unable to earn a livelihood lu this country. In other worda. Prof. Denaiow would not only deport American criminals to those distant Islands, hue be wuuld also send along with them the guiltless but un fort uuate persons who have failed iu the struggle against poverty In their native land. Hut Just how he would persuade honest. self-respect Ing Americans, no matter how poor, to abandon their own country and lake op their resi dence In far-away islands, where the population consisted partly of aemi barbarous natives and partly of exiled felons. Is a matter which he falls to explain. The professor's proposition In favor of a Philippine colony for American criminals Is thoroughly unsound and his assertion that Kngland and Russia have had great success with their peual colonics is based upon u misapprehension of changing condi tions. The custom, once so common among European nation*, of maintaining pe nal colonies I remote Islands, has al most totally disappeared. But even if wo were disposed to udopt this monstrous and repudiated system, we should have no earthly right to estab lish a. peual colony in the Philip pines. The islander* hare some claims which have got to b* iwpected They j have a right to demand that their re -1 lease from Spanish oppression shall J Jeud to civil and political conditions at least as desirable ns those from which they have escaped, nnd the no -1 lion that they would assent to a PPPPPP *' * PP A-PPPMPpP PplipiP m HpA iMiPIPpI All (pf ppppd f*pA' ppp p»-% n*M*t4 PP '9%JMti PpppMPP P Mpppppi PWI p%'ppp TIM I HtluAi of ItkNfi fRfeP PRPP 9mP %«mP| PPPPPPP P# ppp## 1 IpMP«#«pr« lip IM AM# PPP P ft i Ypi l|P«l PPPP#% •• tP P# PPM P# YPi prprtj PP9 P| ipi 9P*pmppp *f j Applfl* Pfp tiPH *1 Pl«® PH *■■*■■» i Pp# fPP##AP W$ lip MpPpPPP Tmi PPI TP* ppp». r»Ppl • Pppp* fpp ## I f*f*pPt# M* *«S llPpMfetf, f^fPiApPp# n#**p *»»pp p##* (pppppm# #p ip* j *4ioP I* «tfP #i—iIPPMPP TP* VUr MrPiM 4 Tt* Tpt# ti | iPfTNPUi |*P P IP PlPhi#** ip fttf SPH* I IMP I TP* lpr**Hp»MMT MnPMlkll#** Pp* »P~ \ . |«*la»i*p * p#«ppt I** *1 J#t Lmi Vmm. PtiiirtflM #•» # l urPtfd (rap |P* dlpriPtf I* IP* Ppp* I Hi PMP* of f PMopgii • vi* Mm* i writ rultM *fl»r Mft« «**t «p #T IP* { •**. TP* R*«*lit]P )• Mi Art <P3% Ppvimp | IP* P#ptp i! IP* Ppptlpp*> f*4P* PPPPHMP j rP oPt« | A HlisMnt. irtlP IP* Pr*r mow «• th»* I #***•*», rsirrl thfDttfPttt IP# W*Pt y*P t*rp»r* Mi w Turk Ha* to*«n * rriwaib aaalnal bo* drlvrr* nf ttkhk* to tto *«!•*«*. I Two Amn Iran* h*v* toon arraalod In Katana V* taking ana* akota with ' kodak*. Ttora la a wldrrorrod ißtaraot In tto I m-dlc-al fiof.-aaton In tto nrw rur* 'or I lockjaw. Madrid la In un»*iiy mood ovar tto I report-d aefcama toward a military dK i tatorahlp. Tuung C’urnrllua mad* tto llrat n»»r turoi tnwarda rwonclltatlun with Van- Ucrlillt. ar. riurlng the paa* weak the New York j Herald printed «W oolumna of *dver taementa. Oomea ha* torn doaertod by hla oHi rer* owing. It to aald. to hla extreme tram Utility. A terrible railway di*aater oceurred yealerday In Kngland on the Ureal Central railway. Frettrh rnllllary cirri** ar# angry over the government mnoludlng what to termed a "humiliating penre-” After ten year* rare of lunatics In an a*ylum. Mr. <vnr**n ha* gone rraay at the Manhattan State Inatitution. ‘•Sir Andy Pe Bootjack," the fltst hurleaque on Cyrano de Bergerac has been produeed st Kinder A Blais. W. C. Whitney has bought the fa mous Kngllsh horse Meddler for Jl#,- 000. He may be brought to Aiken. Key. A. B. Simpson says he has raised a million dollars In the past ten years for religious work and purport I *. The news comes by cable from Mad rid that a large Anglo-American syndi cate has been formed to buy Cuban bonds. The preliminary trial of the Maria Teresa’s engines having proved satls faetory. Hobson has started for J’htl adelphia. Tile rtuehes* or Sutherland offers $20,000 tew aid for the stolen Jewels, lost on Monday between Fails and London. The ejcistng eanon law of marriage and divorce In the Kplscopal church still remains unchanged throtigh the action, of the bishop In Washington yesterday. Mrs. Dietrich, of Indlnnnpoll*. has proved before a jury that her tine fig ure Is nut due to padding as charged by a jealous rival. She ws* awarded $125 damages Not to Be Endured. "t had to let my French lessons go.” "Why was that .’'' "They were simply ruining my golf accept'’” the auoubta hkhald THR MSepve* ahol’Y tuw?* fto *M» *4# **• **• ! I | *pp m tp'H»#pp ppi.Pi* p#gr**p* Ip «#p - j ApkMMMipp - • »#* pPHTliip *4 tpPp *♦# | *+m tpMp# *phmM|rp php* l :mm * m ' | PfcpP* MPI HP# PPPPWP# ppppp* •*#• i | «np*» «p4TnP #*4 pi «**i mm *P* #mpp j Jmm M| *P#* IPI# #“jpii# pPiP*i»Mi p w# I ' ilhrurT i *■*!* ■•’■*. ##•*#*• ###'4 PtwPß### HR ; iHfeMMMNK mmm *4MipP IP mmmm •#•' Ppp# IP# PmM i'** 1 * * •##* »#*#*** ; # Nff ******* •** PPIJJ | *0 P §#••• #R#P PPPPPPP p** #•#«##• s g gawks* mbs ff a *sMs*w4a**i *a l a —a— , wtoak s*4 to * *»*«* atoto—sw* a*— < ■t n ii % OO4 —0 .. * 188 a*4o*sa I it.inTff tßßgtma * *o*4 |bs i s*v •***« I0«M tietog |i» <f Mgklkg ftota ts*t sa 00,0, 0 000*4 0# vtstod «*f • »*—«» -s* tass-lksfw# ag tjtofa a- cmvism, .faitoam i*a ag*w4 all Ikolf Itoaoto toe* na«a»aia*f to* tto* gwil-d ttoaa ■ —-. .... - , , 001 MißfSh 01 i mmvmm agHgawaw aim -***■ ■ I tod *OO of tto toad tod**** l* tk* . a 0,1 to Add to ttoMSe* ogwtod $Aw» to «**tod agi a kigk'* ottokMtoai •*•*• H« 4*4 Ala wwe% aft flgAt. tort I tort twwd Alto wtodtrlßg ktoort wttk hla jag ato toM Alto 1 would oaatoi j Ms dat* at If Ak ttok aaeuto* ! 4rtsk lie |ww«atoad to took and ikto •tgkl to tftotod tk* h*MM tk k tow tillage tort m tto program ft* to* rntgßf a tort tto aliptoto owl of ki* Aawd and aaart* t raltort tto afV'Aatoik laart* *r TAM to dropiwd agf f*aid at • gtaassw aad status* el gs*r»a all *trt • tto jsrisrtt* He wooad i* k* lag* Uag a eaaaoa kali roll lata tka foot - IlgSlg 004 eaaaaAad Mgkt or taa 4ed lar* owl* of fear* Ikeaadaaraato WkM to lew* off f a*ked ft of klttl . aa a agaeial favor ts gel druak aga>a , aad stay druak tor tka balance of the , *agmga«neat Ha said to wa* rwa4* to do aaytklag to oblige aad kto sob* aagoeat perforsaatx as owrr »«s•#» t> Ito twvto thaaa time* to would lay to a sta*mr ua a traab to hla dreaalag raato” l’vo got a frtoad who to a k*»*‘ ! ly ellrk article when M come* to Aa- | gu*U polities, aad last night »* wore dlarttaslng Noaouir Quay and hla aow famous pi am troe shaking art. My friend I* a lawyer and on one orca- i >loa was la tto houaa of reproosnta- i tl*e* at Waahiagtoa when a Pvnnsyl tanla longraaaman was Inveigling against tto ttrttvaaeea of the Keyatoas fttaia poittte*. Eater on be met Ike M. C. la a social way. and tha lawmaker at ito tiwie prngnoathated Quay * downfall. Bald ha: ”1 hare seem with toy own eyea. rftu rns of tetters from the preeldenta of big manufacturing corporal lon*, wao employed » large number of American <lt lieu* each one of whom exercised lhe glorlnfta privilege of casting a bat- j lot. to the aupertntßDdenla of thee# factories, slating In to many arorda that he must aeo lo It that the em ployes under him must vote certain ticket*, or hi* services would be no longer required.’’ _ ! This practice la called “Quaylsm. 1 notice a good deal of work being (> ku; lately to the telegraph poles on Broad etrec. Workmen may be **>e« clambering up and down the polee, sawing, hammering, etc. We were w atching the work a day or so ago, when a friend, who la an am ateur Sherlock Holme*, pointing to a pole, that had been freshly painted, said: "There's an old-timer, It ha* seen tto end of service, and I observe that they formerly had a good deal of trou ble with the lower wire connections. They have been taken off stneo and moved to the top crosb-bars. How do I know that?” he continued In reply to u question from the Observer. "Why, It ts very almple. The pole haa been painted. It is true, but that don’t hide those Innumerable little punctures all over the surface. Look at them. They are a perfect honeycomb. Those were made by the spurs of the climber, and ar© the record of many years. You will see, too, that moot of them stop at those marks about eighteen feet up, where there were formerly two cross pieces, and 1 Infer logically that the wires which they carried needed a good deal of repairing. All the string ing is now done front the upper arms, and as the pole Just below thm Is tol rably free from marks, the lines must now be operating pretty smoothly. All you have (o do is to keep your eyea open.” NOT RUNNING ANYBODY’S BUSINESS. NOT EVEN THE CITY’S, BUT GIVING ITS READERS“THE BEST j IN THE SHOP’*— I SUNDAY’S HERALD. AlXMirfft. |-#M# ## # ««»4 •#*# mm #* ' I i#i *# m» *m*m s*m* t.rmt t#****# In# m tot l Tip i rt# ■wfrifT - «4 ii s#•#**♦ mm ***** m******* 9**** «•*'«#AAk tk* I iwßßpv# to»» mmm- T'%# .# • Im# v4* #.#■*., ********* I mm* ** to4t# Rtpto* *%#*( i# mm* ***** tt# ><#«#> #t# to»« i | *m* ***** ********** to aiii % mm** * ******* ***** to##-: f m*** ****** mm**** Tto# jßiiniiitwr *m* *** ****** *** *t*him?* m w** to## #nmi # w**m ito# ****** •#•#•# ***t* •# to### I# * (Mtototom mm* to# »###■ ***** ****** ****** *** ; t# ***** •##•§#« *&***& * tem*4 -irtmr* * ***** tot flM«to« * mam >. tifto Tto# *to>«Mr# Q»i«tory. ******** I to### Hto *f* (# ***mmWi ItoIMKV ; liHito#** •» •### *to? i ttoto#*» ._a j-._| mtfr * ' t mm* A 11* ■ m*v to# »##fT ###€*# i«*#4N# Ifv fKMIMt MMM#( Mi f IIP irm» if r *4*o* | tWM W* W m # '%'%****’' I *r!X a n*m*-***tul mm* ********* To |g|, m* tt* "Itoir to#Wß#i KtoH* I ton### !#*« MfVI r*M Ito*# to#Hßl r I TAo M pnaaA at to* a wroikfol «r* mum* MAult I «ng of A«w thy aki.ful I***** | Ha* b*«*ught tb*» safety «>« donnon. w**m ***** *tfl# orntmmm. *||# •• (rtur-n® t#j4t ##4 4i ##nf. . More dr-ary than tkki *WI P, dud bow to arc eat ICaiTert. Jetwl. and vartowa Wad ©M. I fieore. though *«> atraln coaid well b* •swiss Than mtos wilt he When tuts* la j mode. The oMHHMadMMF laww of m«t**. And also rhyme mu** he obeyed! Hut raoav thy Utter lamentation. I'll sing a song that's worthy the* Wbrn PmtdaneM* accealasuoti la not a myatery to me! Morulfli vi* Cvctoai* SiHtt# us Ito# Mtvktl *4v*nka#r# tn the country opeod off* mriney with the evening popeiw thon they *So with I the >c<oning sheets. The Kothachtid ! department atoce In Chlong". for tv* - | stance, pays th- Kventng New* U**,9d* for one full page dally ala day* n the ■ week for no* year. It nay* th* Chicago Morning Trlhone MM**: the moot of 1 which la spent tn advertising to the ; Monday Trtbun*. No other Chicago po ; per receive* so large an amount from : this store. This mean* that, tn the ' opinion of this advertiser, th* even | tnx paper la the beat advertising me : dium. That the bent result* ara m ; ruird by using an evening pap*# at* j days in the week and s morning paper i mainly on Sunday. It might lie profit able to vary tbta program aumewhat tn some Instances, but tt bolda good as ! a cole —ln# Angelea (Cal.l Bhtpreoa. To Moke flood Time* I The following poem, going the round* I of the press. I* Interesting enough to merit reproduction: You may talk about the tariff, and pro t-s tion. and free trade, And party panaccaa for opposing hu man 111* And "Imitrovlng trade conditions'* and the boom that wheat has made, But the way to stir up business la to pay your little bills. If you owe the grocer twenty, and he owes the butcher ten. And five more to the coal man, and to the Ice man five. Your payment of the twenty helps along three business men. And the payments they can make In turn make other thrive. 1 Idle money In your pocket doesn’t do any good; Unless your bill* are all paid up In full It Isn't your*. Just pay up all you're able as you wish that others would, That's the recipe for hard times that invariably cures, i If you pay what you owe others, oth ers still can then pay you. It’s tha circulating dollar that the purse of business thrills; So set your money working, and then watch what it will do. For the nay to stir up business 1* to puy your little bills. The Angel Gabriel Come, come, who is delaying the proceedings? Voice from the rear of the newly arisen ones—lt's that man Christopher Columbus, Mr. Gabriel; he’s trying to get himself together.—Gallatin Torch. “The American soldier has been orer-estimate<i” “What! The American soldier can whip anybody!" “Olt! yes! but some folks evidently thought he could catanythins-''—Puck. (Bv Associated Press to The Herald.) New York, Oct. 19.—Futures opened quiet, October 5.20. November 5.23. December 5.25. January 5.33, February r,.38. March 3.42. April 5.48, May 5.30. June 5.34, July 5.57, August 5.01, THIS IS IT ?**?**"* ■ ftort# id##M# cor EARLY FALL STIFFS INO ALPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Just Arrivsd. DORRS Ti Bor inf, Hat*. Funmhmfv V Waxed Floors l \ W* has* tka h-at prepared \ i Wat *nd h/otgaa lor dutag it. V C Full dtractiooe f / Fevsr Weather / § Tonic dnoeg n<fb< and n oon- i C tag of oof Bosk-Creek CklN aad ( J ! »*« < ere w:.J ore—nt Ikvtf J € aad taccaa** apt**lt*. AV tarttla. C > oir Belle Lne te CoScoe ; # TkM dallgbifhl and rvfre*btag # # 1 ©lfl«n* I* the favorit* to tka # J city. -aa u* for tins I‘aviona* J f and Tolial t t Trusses S f If you at* ror'nrwl call sa us. ) S A oomfortabte fit guaiantaad. \ ( Don't Trifle C \ Haas your prescript cna flllad f f whar* you are confidant of sat- N C ting tba hret drnga and tka bast f / tar* las- W* buy and s*U Ture I / Drugs only. V \ Aleiatier Dru Cnpaii S S ms BROAD rr. I DP^.TROITIZEI -The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street CATARRH COLD’a HEAD Ask Your druggist for a gancroun 10 CENT TRILL SIZE. Ely’s Cream Balm contains no cocaine, mercury nor #ny other mjnrleua dfrui; It la quickly Ab ac rhad. Oive* Relief a‘ once. It Open* and demises the Nasal I’as. sa**s. Allays inflammation. H*ala ant ProtacUi tlie membrane. Rettores tbeSensej of Taste sad Hineli. Full *!ib 60c; Trirt Sire 10c; at Druggists or by wall. ELY BROTHERS?, 68 Warren St., New York Money to Loan REAL ESTATE. i APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 532 Broad Street. OCTOBER 20 Up * J T9m F loaal 1 fit pot I tk d 41 (tail* Is* «*f%ft s i *c Hyi* C 4ft t fto ttu’tyg AJ*o Homgfi H y • Clnlfki tod Lily Hvfityd ifid »h# * yifMMt Uwfi CfgMt. Com# wtut# • HOHHtfO) U ' L.A.Gardcllc Ottm in th# Ffn##t DRUG# AND MiDICINIS Tbe Anpsia Herald 14181, BniltHt ni At Bat Rfiijiyr Fiiluiii u ns Sena* trn the NEWT) or THE WORLD WHILE IT IS NKWE 11 TO 1« Slot Rj* AHEAD O# OTHER GEORGIA AND iUITIt CAROLINA FAEkRE. ae-1 TSUI fill COKYIBCE TOO % PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lb St.. Augusts. Ga. RIVES FREE EYt TESTS fer all defect* m light, grind, lb. pro,-Mr «Inwl u 4 WAV. »**»' IIk» t Leases cut intc your frju»» while you wsiL FREE OF CHARGE, oKum torn COAL and WOOD FROM THE North August* Coal & Supply Co Quantitr and Quality Guaranteed. F- W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT Bell Ebon* *l«4 Strowgar MB The Whltely Exerciser. { A practical, simple and eflioi ant Home Exerciser, oaespcciaily adapted for ladies and children, bu ai ike wait time can be profitably used by the strongest athlete. PRICES: 75c., 51.04 A 11.60. BICYCLES - CLEVE LANDS, 140 up; VIK- | INUB, (H up; GEN DKONB, $lB up; THOM-1 AS, fed up. tali aud see them. Every one guar anteed. Richards & shaver Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -803 Reynolds st=TeleDHone { Irirate Leased Wires Eiieot to New York Chicago and New Orleans. Orders eieented over our wine* for Cotton, Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Pro. visions for rash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. Reference* -.National Exchange Bank of er Mercantile Agencies. . ..... ll* \ \ c*** i XU 43 I