The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 21, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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rHIOAV 2 T)rSRJL)TED F JR2°* W* jimitflf flaH mm iff ■ l» ***** j «M WM *# *» EVERETT PIANO ! If if If,. Im##**-**,. mm* mm* 9*, mm* mm*mm* m&m *#•# m m* REM IN DID Tt* EVXRLTT PIANO » lfct Only Piano M*k Thai to Guaranteed —■Turn— *t* * Unlimited Time WH to «•»• >—*cw>—< Mi, m* §*** ; ttt» *«*«*** **«••••# *i *** 1 fatolum■ it *iw» •*» §msnmm* *•** 1 Kyat tUmmm fti MMH f‘aMTlit3M.j wia* fwr M»*ut won* aKt* WHIM ht| Nonas & Barton. tw —ii tli~~ i T Alai—A, aa. MR. Wlt.l. fCOTT IXIAD Mi »W|***» t«44*toy ta Mu KOM UM *•#**. Mnd#to't ItoM** h*+n • In Aft****** tlw* t*m ********* - tmm MM togkl to Ik* atoMkn 4min to Mr Win Mmtt. Tb# •**•• »*• >'44 —trktr «M immm4 wmiM mwi miM* Hr- Mr. B*att Had mm f«-a»4 *n bt# „,-i , RM Niton 4 Il—fartft • R*—- ,44* 4ftn Hitt* nm from Mltnal Ufl* WUi finwl ha «M in a I|>M mi *p*,e riiiTlin ll a wh* 1 geert*#* Wn 4i4 Meet-*'*," r ktlU. IM"*** if— initni «f a fhraicito* «•« i—4 hmvrnrnm *** ***. mm** —i,M H> tlw —win— Ml A* f»*« *»•*** IN nMMM Hm* f*A*»*a *f**t lott— H *%•» >lw»4 it ir««ii ton * knew •Ml fiff fflfvtir fMWf ffMitwiln Hi h«»a tuft) MMPwrt t* irtfw*fM ran tfMF* iM IwtoltMMMM ia AtlfUMl* M<r4 tot the ilm# of MO 4*nth —4—4 >4* »* Mo i(in■unt-- 1 Mo wa# m"»*4** •• Irnti- •• gpwgtoidiy H« *aa *•*»•>• MmlgtV* for* *l 4 01*4 mnnty en 4 ma4* ftionfo by tk* •*•«* *m»— oil eta##*# ~f in* ##t»*w < *tlaen« H» *4 4 cMvrrful UMOIIM. Ml A • pleaannt mnr A alwata ond always on «|IMM Ilf* »« MAtU* M>* !>*•»' •« band MlvwrMlt ml»»l ■*••». H. hn M . tmr>-~r turn »*>«»■**- mr m—4ftl*fti and had. In* lUw* In tlnw. been 111 Mut thought to imm*- Ct* fuirr hod won* In Win ®r W» (Ur or frl*ndA. He »»* unmarried. HU Uih»r And molMr Mr iM Mrs. —MI C. U»Mi *nd •’»* brother wr»l*' fcjm HU brtoker to a rrMdenl of inmie ]t# ha* tarn *nmi*on<«l by ntr* to (Mr to AKOtUtA <r»>* funerAl AirondemewU Are an nounced rtaewkrre In The Herald to day. To Caro a Cold In Ono Doy ffok* InxAlle* Bmmo Quinine Tablet!, fill dru»«t*t» refund the money It It folio to cure. M*. The fenulnc hoe U. B. Q- on eoeH toblet. One edallow doeon’t make a eprlntr: neither doe* one bottle of hair tonic tnoke a football player. Mr. W. Q. CTUrhloar. Ihe eipert ey rie repair ntan, who wao formerly with Thom i.« * Barton, dealrro to rail at tention »o the fact that he la now with T)avtd* n & Matheaaon. at K3l Broad way. With a modern equipped »hop. he U enabled to «Ive prompt attention to oil difficult work or all wheela. A Block of part* and Urea alwAya on hand. Pri ce* reneon a hie. Work trierwnteed. DON’T SETTLE ON YOUR FALL HAT ON YOUR FALL UNDERWEAR ON YOUR FALL NECKWEAR ON YOUR FALL FOOTWEAR UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR’S NEWEST AND LEADING STYLES FOR MEN. CALLAHAN'S-TURPIN'S, 818 BROADWAY. Mir ORGANIZE NEW REGIMENT teMtfto ft— •• Ttof to* Mb* to| fttfu • Mm dhwn Ml fide |i •» Ito —MI ton—M ABM I**» —to w» mtoMi I «# ******** «*4 *mm rnmmtrnm «f ***** . *m* mm mm **mm m mmm mm [f m mmm m * mmm «f •%** mm j *«n* tototod* to# #kto INNS ****** In to* iMMk mm ******* ** mr*** mmmp S- #hi **** | 4* *' i *m m * ******** iftot ***Wkf ** [*- mm mm ** m mm m mm m* m ** mm* mm ******* ** m* • * **** * «# mm* *** mm**** ***** m | *** «# * ppfwito mm** si **** *%% ** i i—t ****** m m* mm m*m | *m mm** *m *m*mm mrnmmm ml m SriMUtoto *m flMMto» ftMNM ***** *** *9* I I— >■ uto~i mt i ami w«U 4 I m rt-a toan* to to* MMtoed I MAM 4M «to MM** «*■*• *ft*4 <*» l> lie (U* Hu aiena** ■arwia» u Hu H*toto _ I In fHkN# *t tkk S#fi l mm u ikn I MM* to t*e IBM I* HU HU* *4 *U ■ o*4 Mto—AaM u MM— I* tIM MA»*r« tftea —4 ****** ** 4*W Matoe fleet *u •** *u*to*M*d t* eM** Mb Mto *•** ktow he* I* I M*h* Ift I*l lil~f~T' I nUftertAkU t* t«d L.,,.. (haa they 4*4 *IU» t*e« meat The Mt Heat fed WlttUM f • jmi m*4» a* •**■*•* 4* tft* «—»- Urn mteiw* •*• 4etoea u* uweat* I* ItlU AMI In» ti bed t—a ee—ed that I (hie ate meed I* tlu HUM and R*o*f 11l i ml*i» reft—*** *ftt*M be Made taw * laftMMet •• Hk» lA* *M*e to OAI MryAft'e VoMft - TftU itireH Met he like twfdtia* a hem refteneut Tk* eaen Af* At 111 tft tlu AftftUA They kite U** thneed U the Mud—** to r*— tif* Aftd bate hemea* he*an**4 aoldiere by the 4to* rt*Un* ft*4 *»*Art*nr* to 4»* Mo*tba Hi the mm? tender try la* —t intone To *«t three Ift • ■** ee*lu**t *«*.d he elM*ty the tnutoar to w —ay man and the nMtfnmeai to the rafntaM* aamher to tobure for a u«l—•• In that feed lb* —f wowM b* opened u* Mr M«hw tMor*U rto- I lined • HeutAMMt etonnel two —h ra. j twelee r»*Uln*. twenty four llewten ante n rhepiaH A anrfena end an a». eletaat eurnron. All drawln* food eal arte* In eiicir Allufttlnft Ot. fkarwr J. Brown nod Col. A « Inarton would Mrtwnlty be eoneldered for the tret fine*. ft la undrretod that Cot. Tderton 4e elrew to rrtnm to hie turret lye late practice at Haranneh and fkd. Brow*, erbonr prof Melon la that to a eoldirr would ftmihttee. be a etronf probabil ity for cokwel to the re*lment. OABTOniA. MnnMe l*< f«*ljM_b«gt lHg< “"T Gb/Wtahi PROF. LANE TO LECTURE. ft* Will Come Harr on Meat Thurt. day. The many adm!rare of Prof.waor Chartra Lone of Atlanta will be triad to know that they will attain have a chance to hear him lecture. Profea eor lame la from the Technological School to Atlanta, and ban been horr before. On tala leat vlall he lectured for the T. P. A., and had a crowded hottae. Noted among the httmorWa. he will be beard by many Aunuataaa with plena ure. The eub]ert H "laaaone Not learned In Bookt." and will be delivered In Mnaonlc hnll on Thnradny evening, Oc tober the 37th. at «:S« o'clock The lecture will be tinder the aucplrea of the Anbury Aiiilllaty Society and for the benefit of Aabury Methodist church. THU AUOUBIA HKRAX..D BALLOT REFORM IN GEOR6IA. ft li * A *f f fto—| * * * % t f Nf ft I ****- ■UeUeue lAuf MAkdftU e t kr*e e« j to* bn—* A. I ilbto <*' >A4 Ih—t —l*l —l*gp* I »to-H ,TTI 9***om*%t 9m m*&m m*mm mm**m I I - -.- . - - tfca m— Uw, u* ,ws 1 ! ***** ****** 9m *J?*** * iZTLrZ *— S 4. *m*m tfc» Ckb I [ri—*tu b*n tu»* nanmtoknato •• Mel mb— M— alt y* H » to «b* M4»*l hhr r» tm Smhmi# mm*m*m* ## m** I ***** iMMHRtofe Tm* Wikwiiiy ********* • • mm 0m Ik f i rta*toaMi to w#lbe* *b* ||— ra**»an*t*4 •*•* —A *• **• *** l—lMta 4 a— to —. Mftt ft* a (MMtototo* bw a*n*bee *•* tm* ft* t* I • tlkPMi#A# IN#* ********* ••# ******* t ■* I rnmmfm* *giMktft* to —mua t* *•— bn —n tb* Una* bn anid e**u uuewm M* lA ftbftwl tb* A— (ftßft* kft** MH "ll* ****** *» lb* ft*Hb*e» *•« tb* «•»* to* —Mfftftt » Mnm to *b* n*M he "Tw* twit te— fair (lei«ln*» m(U* be BfH natnoto—i Me eaadtfary Tbto h** **rt«rwl»rf» ladratrit him I* lb* to** 111 ** “*» *<*4 to tb* Mto*. They to* —to Ip I* fatoe to ttotou a that r*A***« I M* *wae wa bate ft* Mto* to tb* to>f*e tU— W# bind to vote* the* anr tohe* part to tlu Mto*. U fb* b*to com Mwattua tb*r* I* «» nUnunt wbtue vote* can be cut toll a* wl'h a drlak of liquor cur peoplr are tor *e*«>aa rid to tbto bind to Mwh It a bateb atauuanwt b*t H la a IMera ftp*, tbto tbto* ar» thnmand* to *aw pie mho 4o *to hum tb# name of tb# p—.dent to tb# ftotto A toeeideratde ntimber doa I know wfte were tke candidate* tor ftoveraor and ■OMC do not yet know tkat a govremw la to be Inaugurated here on the !9th lartant “It la 4 eels evident propoaltlon tha people Hke there ar* »« capable to earning »» lnteHlg**t trot* If *—» h*a no wore tntMOat In government than tbto. be la not nntltlto to have a voice In tb* election He I* not com petmt to vote. If *e adopt Ih# Aua trpllan ballot. Ibera la one thing I in Ike nyatem aa It In In operation in Hamilton county. Tenn*Met »h*t we want to guard agalnet There they require a certificate of reglatra tlon to be preoenled at the poll* by ihe voter. Scheming pollttclan* go around and buy up hundred* of throe certificates from Ignorant vtoera and kill that many vote*. That I* on* way they have of controlling the elec tions. •*TU* politicians lo Chattanooga keep n regular echool for Illiterate vo ters. I have seen them at It. They tahe the official ballot and tell the ig noramus lo count so many name* from the top and make a mark They nrlll say for liutanre. 'Mark Ihe third, fifth and tenth name*. Then they send a fellow out eelth a blank to try hi* hand, and maybe he wilt get II about half right. But the* keep on drilling him until ha knows where to put the mark. "Thla le so ektremely humiliating to even Ignorant voters that It moot r«- aiilt In putting n epur on them to ed ucate their children. They will vow by all that It holy that their children (hall be able to read and write. I have on my farm a hardworking, hon- Mt but Illiterate hand When I get Into a race for the legislature he goee wild berattac he can\ read amt wrt, • enough to fill out ticket*. He said to me: ‘Though I perish, my children (hall know how to read and write.' The result la that he 1* bending all hla energies to eduente them, and they have been at school two year*. The Australian ballot may he a heroic remedy, but it Mill lift the n-xl gen eration out of the depts of Illiteracy Iu which their parents plod." *——■■■ 1 ■""— —* *! bf at the orand. A flood Show Last Night and “A Parlor Match” Thl* Evening. iJiat night "His Knobs o’ Tennessee" wa* given at the Orand. A story true to life of the moonshiner# of the rug ged mountains of Hob Taylor* state. wh* placed upon the boards. All through Ihe play, scenes of sad ness. of Joy and to gis>d acting were seen, and the audience was contented with the play. Among those present were two box parties of army officers. Hoyt's Best. Tonight, A Parlor Match. Hoyt's best play, will he given. The show Is new here, but. Judging from tvhnt the Con stitution says. Is wet I worth se«lnf. The following dipping I* from that pa per: • Decidedly the best attraction that has graced Ihe hoards of the (Hand house this year is Leans A Hoey'e "A Parlor Mutch,' which was seen for the first performance by a good house last night. • The play can be classed ommig those lllgh-class comedies not characterised VIN MARIANI MARIANI WINE The World-Famous Tonic. BRACES BODY AND BRAIN ' v gtoKA yyjj „ t o •-~- tfttw CVRtVH.tftOOO s*>. “B#g*e4l*g Ike ttoawtf» son Weg »• U>* r*»eto —w—vtoi. H •a* the best see* ftotoag My .—MI *1 A*4—kto s—y atokmu. ataHto tkem»ci»c. to Ike Isak a— retwartHweto pn*«rtki to «k* eiA-base* Marteto klav. tk* meet t*ctat« *s well ae tk* M*to ftto* ,Ilft method to I*4 rvslata*.* t* Itotgwa.” » ■• a, “fb* in*dee tketch.” I Hi. J. LEGRAIP OWkltlO, to Verb City, wrtl*# t* kts book “* "Brtoa Beto.” pa tots bed by Q. V Hto*—*»***. “Of gtt tnelc p—ntHn tvw t»tro 4ar*4 I* the not— to tb* prnfvMtton TIN aiAUIANI »• *a4euM»4ly tk* mm*, tmtent for gnud t* the ti»*tm»nl of egkawrtlve #*<t tnrttstlee i undltloo* of tli* central n.rvous system.** by any objectionable features and l*im : full of fraiilio fua from beginning t»; end Phi.t|> H. ltyley aa I l*e<>rfcer. a literary man. la one of the Imat rome diana Bred here la maw Rnw Hr haa a dlflb dH'Wde to play and was moat ratihuaia— lially reratved laat night Mark PaJMvan (another tleeer roioe ,|,an naa>W • decided hll (alth hla 'old hoaa.' T*Ma role gives nrellent op ixtrtunUV' for etfeetlve comedy work and Mulltrhn played the past moat ac ceptably. Hla ‘I Waa There song In the third art waa one of the heat thlnga (ward hare In eoma time. Edith Ifnyt «» .‘liwwe ant Kid’ la Ihe only feme la aaemiier as the raai worthy of special mention. Khe put a good deal of life Into the part and haa a fairly good voire Ther la but tittle plot to the play, but the ape. la It lea are good, and there la not a attek In the whole company. ‘A Parlor '» » ahow. ami ihe preeentaiton laat night wae thoroughly enjoyed by all pwa cnt.” OENTRV AND PINTO. The Dog and Pony Show Coming to Augusta Prof. Gentry's famous collection of educated dogt* and ponlea, now In their 12th year of surcess. have lierome aurh household favorites that Ihelr appear ame In thp rlty under canvas on up per Greene street. Friday and Halurday. 2* and 2». at 2:30 and 8 |>. m , pave gloried all Ihe little folks to mak ing preparation to attend the show, lrt addition to the pontes anti .logs Prof. Oentliy also offers as an extra attrac tion -this year Pinto, thJ tiniest ele phant In Ihe world. Pinto Is 27 years old and hardly as tall as an ordinary pony and Is as gentle as.a lamb and very fond of the rhllrtrem The p ices of admission are children IS cent* nnd adults “5 cents. nii ITARY TEA Unique Entertainment to Be (liven Thla Evening. Something new In the way of patriot ic entertainment will be a military tea given by the Ladies' rarsonage Aid Society of Asbury church at the home of Mr. and Mr*. M. 1.. Sturkev, 1015 Cummlng street tonight. A unique program of music nnd rec itations has beeh arranged, w hich will be very amusing, and refreshments at the end of it will add to tha enjoyment of the occasion. The lad It'S ore Improving and refur nishing the parsonage, whit h is a great undertaking. They will he glad to see their friends nut tomorrow evening. Valuable Evidence. Mere Has yottr lonlaWP exhibited any symptoms of nffeelloAT Pills—Yea. He lias trlter to nnd opt how much ws were worth. - Just received, fresh Shreaded Wheat Biscuits at E. J. DORIS. FROM mr BItOEON.IN-tHIW or mi: I BENCH ANiV ; i Duiin* lona, toting giarekc* oa* •*>- ] 4t*e* and Mkreea found loMaat relief from fatigue and hardship* when using the marvellous leak-. VIM MAJUANt. I ; tt prevented fever* end eteftnoe* tu tile Mrdty and unheuttfty territory. It. L.IHBKMANN. M D.. Burgeon-In Chtrl. Hren.-h Army | WANT ADS. FRKH ADVERTISING—THM HER- Al-l > offer* ike ua* of tha "Want Ad" columns to thoaa out of employment who ore aeeklng work. A llltla ad, etat* Ifflf your caaa almply and plainly, tell ing what you ran do and what you will do It for, may And you profitable employment. It hae dona ao for many others We wink our raadera to seal that thay are not Impoalng on ua by mak ing uee of our free advertising offer. The Herald believe* In keeping tabor and employer* Informed of thslr mu tual "wanta.” SITUATION WANTED WANTHO-A MTUATtOM ItT AN IN TBLLIGHNT boy. JH7 Jons* street. Oct 23 .WA.VTEP--OFFICE WORK. AGE 1* Realdence 828 Barnes street. Oct 22 WANTED—A POSITION: GENERAL housework or cook, for a small fam ily and give beat of reference. Apply 211 Telfair atreet. Oct 22 WANTED—SITU ATIOff AS COOK. coachman or butler, or any kind of work. Good reference. Apply 1810 Jack sen street. Oct 22 W ANTED—POSITION AS StALES man in crockery and glassware or Ut good stove and tinware house. Have tan years experience In these line and can give beat of reference. 8. A. Clyde. 46 l.uckle street, Atlanta. Ga. Oct 22 WANTED - POSITION AS DRY goods eateaman. 30 years business ex perlMtee and twelve years In the line; can glvo beet of reference. 8. A. Ciogde, 46 Luckie street, Atlanta. Ua. Oct 22 HELP WANTED IVA NTED-AT ONCE TEN FIRST CLASS machine and bench men to manufacture furniture: good, expe rienced men need not wait to answer this ad. but come at onhe and we will guarantee them work. Dublin Furni ture Mfg. Co., Dublin. Ga. Oct. 20. St. WANTED AN INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN. 18 or 20 years old, to assist In office and do collecting. State past experience and salary expected. Address In own handwriting. Ledger, care Herald. Oct 20 as FOR SALE CITE A~P—P A PER FOR WRAPPING purpose*. 10 cents a hundred old ex changes. White paper 1 cent a pound. Nov 1 FOR SALE—IOO-ACRE FARM, ONE mile from city limits, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jones, No. 124 Jackson St. Oct l MARIANI NINE Ha Nntian Endofsemmis From Non Than *.OOO American Fhysleiani. MARIANI WINS it B«McMiUy tft4ic*t«l For t Narvout Aff#dk>r>t. Throffil mnd Lu** ArwamUL WvAkn— NfW* wh4»»#v«r ca—i. Iro fount! OapfWNMlt OT lihAWliOfl, LA GRIPPE. GENERAL DEBILITY, MALARIA. MARIANI WINE gives STRENGTH x TO Overworked Men, Delicate Women. Sickly Children and . Dispels WEAKNESS Fna WDaloier Closes. WK.IIWIS- »—««■"— yl'i ct a I orrrff Ta ad Who •*«<- •^‘T7 , -LV»t I*• I '*l'W ' •*. CARDINAL*. AlfCMßlam** *af «**» JblWpdsNd pin nARIA.NI A CO.. M WRIT 'STM '°*K f na«l frmlevßH MmMM . •» I ****»-» W — ______ • riARCHIMI Of LNtUISH to* IHt WA I, Reprinted from the “Ic ndn. *keuk."»| { »li heeal *w —*H* Wood **y»: He- , j carding the Infantry Mt< U*|. B »** {the heut seen during my command at ’Aldershot, or Mar* 1 was «•« tistbnrd {there t* years *g«. Meay toßcete sr*il *d thi msi trrs of the trok and rwoa , sttraeM perile* of tke weft-k»oun IMAfttIANI WINK, the (MM certain, as fuett a* the moot palatahlo, tsetbd to 1 inducing reetotaare tu fatigue.” CRFAkI-rnBAR AT M JACKROH FT. rmt BAUsb-HOHFf: AND BftXlY . •old for no fault whatever: hugrv good aa pi: will sell cheap. Apply DM Kills etreut- Oet ft rt»B RAUC-PAPKII r<*H WHAr- PINO purpoae*. Cheapest la city, (me cent a pound. Apply *» Herald office. Both white and news-paper. Nov 1 TO RENT TO RENT —STOKE NO.. Til BROAD street, neit below Davenport * Phln isy. running through to Kilt* street. Price 11. Sid. Alexander A Johnson. 7M Broad street. Oct 1 ron RENT—STORE *W AND HALL WAT »7 Broad. Apply Commercial Hotel. Oct t MISCELLANEOUS 100 BASKETS CONCORD AND DEL AWARE gripe*. Just received at Ol ov»nl », *»* Broad street. Nov 1 DANCING BCHOOL —Ml hit ELIZA BKTH WHITE', recently of New York. Library Hall. Children's cl**» Tuesdays and Fridays »:30 p. m. Ladles and gentlemen same days, * 00 p. m. Nov 10 SHORTHAND AND TYrEWRITINO only *6.00 per month at Osborne's Business college. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at night. Come or eal! at cnee. Great demand for stenographers. June 17 ts WANTED —REGULAR BOARDERS ; good fare and neat beds, also one un furnished room to rent. Apply Mrs. A. J. Avera, corner Ellis and Washington, or *O3 Ellis street. Nov 10 WANTED—TO GIVE OUT CON TRACT for painting a three-story brick building. 186 feet long by *6 feet wide, with two coats. For particulars address Box 107 Columbia, S. C. Oct 31 WANTED—-BY A YOUNG MARRIED couple—unfurnished room and board with private family, centrally located: hest of reference# given. Address B. P. 0.,*80x 479. Oct. 23. PIANO LESSONS. MRS. I LA-STONE WATSON, 74.1 REYNOLDS STREET. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS. gtf- Under new management. A full line of Freeh Drugs, Toilet Article*, Brushes Etc. V e make a specialty of Physicians’ I'rescrlptioYis. Beil Telephone 1226 PATTERSON & WADE OCTOBER 21 II RftflV* or LA OBIHHH i (Frum tke Chtaag* • Medical K*A. “I “Many patients meuver eery stowty. Tk* I a eel* ad* and weakneus raHe Pet •eencbins ha the natae* to a tvatr, ant for thl* purpo** I am aatt*4*d that t have found e prepnratt *n that nneurra .the purpnfts. V refer tu Vtn MARIAN! '* Special Notices; stat«. Comity and School Tag, tM THE STATE. COUNTY AND SCHOOL Tax t* now fins. All partlas liable for asm* are earnestly requested to make prompt pay meat. Ofßoa at court house. Hours from 9 a. la. to 4 p. m. CHARLES 8. RCIILEII. Tat Collector, Richmond County. 7 Per ci $500,r00 7 Per Cl FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS ofi realty la Angus's. Oa. Terms T P#r cent. Wur further laformatloet res their attorney at law. P. J. oulitvar. Ex., or Mr. P- G. Uuruiu. SPECIAL NOTICE. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE TO MT PA TRONS and Ihe public that I havg this day moved my office and resi dence to No. SOB Oreene atreet, I cor ner of Centre). Office hours remain unchanged. THOMAS D. COLEMAN. M D. Called Meeting. Augusta, Ga.. Oct. IP. 18S8. A CALLED MEETING OF a Webb Lodge, No. 166. F. A A. M , will he he'd in the Blue Room, Mas nlc Hall. <m Friday. 21»t k>at.. al I o'clock. The M. M. Degree will he conferred Mem bers will take due notice. Visiting brethren cordially welcomed, fly order E fi. M'CRKARY. W. M. C. E. Collin. Hecretary. Fine Goods—Low Price*. II Dreas Shirts, at 75a 11 Unlaundered Shirts, at 50 a 50c Suspenders, at 25c 20c Socks, at 100 50c Undershirt* or Drswers, at .. .. 250 75c Extra Fine Quality, at 500 51.25 All Wool Undershirts, at .. 500 52.50 Umbrella* (silk) 51-26 Fine Stock of Woolen for Sulla and Trousera. F. G. MERTINS, Tailor and Gent*’ Furnisher, opposite Planters Hotel. FOR SOICI CALL ON AUGUSTA FENCE CO., 810 lOtb Street, Augusta, Ga. EA-Out of Town Work ,Solicited -figl