The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 21, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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rmoAV 6 GOAL-GOAL-GOAL WMauyuUf ***** W?f*• tWhIKR* •* m h Jgifiim THU RUT CNAOKI OP H*tnr Qgm J»utcw* * *“* -1« An<*r*< *• *«* «nd NutjUt T*Cp»Bft WKfi | v . |P4kSBPK «NVf 9#A CITY ICE COMPANY. AtiSAiifcf A fVAlffc $ I ft fKMKf •*» 4 4N*4MBMik4A #&•**• tffli m ijg f frujrn HrrvMi pBAK# MWHt «M» ** *• §•* <4* fbmm mmmrn* mmm #• *§ ***** Mi l«<»f *•*•■* «•«»** MpiVtl AJ*t> fNMNTft FjJpp JpNBBBBBh frWfc, fBMWR * <<® * pAHppHb ** ** ApPA|i®A Hi* 4000400 §■# 040 mm ** **oooooo 0 gHMMffe f«t W % a «* *» *** Pkb«hr»* it* #nni ,* **■*« • PMMMrtfe YlftfMi. t '•»# * Mtai i # jbflNMMfc MA. *IMM# «• •» #• m* •* ** KpAMAk 0000 •» t» •» » •* a • •* •» fhMßflKpß* I*ML 4040000404 ** 00004040 ffmmt **■*•*■•**♦ cnmA **• «*« #k»h ** **w ** ***•*s *? iMIAI Aim *a»ah *4 m l|w •* »*• t%i***% #*•*• «#♦•**•*•*■•**•*•• 44mm «#**■*** ••“ *# ** ** ** *- EbbJ>« #•*»*! **■•* AA* • *• A um AAA AW N«a«t AwAR, <wAwAA A <<>l> •"** ** Mam Awmn ••mm «®Aa > * •• *a Hrm M—m— # bb«j* *•»* • •*- t fiftw •••»>!• »»A ♦«*• m-n y M AMl#****. *«MMI Ml MW#M *••* A-'A • *•#•#• KMKR ****** ' M pi ft iMiWIi, RAM IM •** —- Mt •«%#«#• ••*• **#* Ana « h *> rj - ♦» ■_» -•* • M*-»* N It AMAA PA W*A ** •* 1 Mm*—i A MmMM AM mmmp* •»*• ■A * k ; ■ g M IS A H— fcri—r «*M A* A*. f*t M* ■ A—iiu> i*« Map a*** paj •: M i il— A—A- AA, t—Mi • |M, «mtA«u B t ts H Mw—'• MArt;—M M IM4MA’ gii>imi'i». H . ~ .. ..•*-• QnMwfiO* I KR .. ». I *•* t»—it«nti «U • R iiM»<iW .. * I* X»ntM .. « .. •« ..-l * »• • M M ■ n ... .. •• * Mu f. Hi** H * • •fctnlM *• * * * Jdw r. KiMk R »•«* *1 c .... * I * frti.H Oarttcotn. *• t*» *• •*""*. v* *•* •■ *• OwUc*<u. •• >*• •• •■**. *"» **• ■*• •uunipit* MMrrOanaWM »«•* ■ •* ••** #w a WIOUAN PH.I. «r Ite. »—*. •»*«•» ••. •• « W WPS «*f lb* MM* VI MsrW** ..1 • « H C*M. M tw** * J (H*»', ••* » « •* " * f. Alt*’** IM*. W * •* •• *• w *** Ptm. ■*» «*<• .. .. .. • n !;* tm,, r. Kina H R R •fcimaa .. » »•• j n ., p King *-4 A A .. « »-* 1/nad.l. * ' { Je„ V KIM JMHOMU* • •■»■■' J*« r Hi HI. MIKk « c *• laMnd ..... •• •* «.».:• >• •• * *'* 4«*». r K»*t. * RW* ••• , . . Jme V KM H N*ft Nmler .. I l-« *7 ri«*m* ABWflr.B •»•***"«•_ * ** ’* J (Him <>#k <™* W*** **•*• •■ j *“* WsaktoaiiMi 0U» * Allm « ’’i !V *' *‘ * *'* pm im '.l*. 1! n ABi.rlran l»«g» •****. •**•* .. .. I l-l Alain OH (aulUI M«H ■» .. ••* rnmmimm iMHa* "“-J 4 ** •• •• * AJI. n * c*rdln*l» MiK .. * Alim > Latunaa «»« * India hlu* .. .. ,• •• 4 *‘ 4 ; India liN ***** 4 ®Unaia«u'* •***< * 4 Martha Warttolt l * ltxt9 .. ».. * W Oarn* fa jmdlanta *4rt« 4 Charter Chlka. t»x*o 11-1 TICKS. K C A J* l '* Atnoakrac A .. .. •; •• •• ,v •• *■ Amoakea* C * £} j Kecil*rorHy 111 FLA IP HOMESPUN®* cur mu* .. •• •• •• * * *'* Four rat'd. bihhJ H lurk m «. «* •• ' *•* Ikhll *hlrttn«* M*W .« .. at *• - * ** 4 drrsa atvhpWjiM .at* •• •• s 14 SI. Clair dreaf fir I** 1 ** •• *r *- •• 4 Ocean *olid* .. .... .»• •• •••• * J' 4 Marti* Waablnflun tonflna .. .. 1 l-« Hirerllanrotia ktraad*. Hahl welßht .. •• ••' ** 1-lati 1-1 laaetta • yard* rlaln .. .. W .. •• 1 •-» Thorndike B'.. t. » " *< *“ •• 4 Horculca ~ an •• * -r •• •• «* •• ‘ i" 4 J ] l "* Pelham, 12 bal Ito box IS K. O. I'.. »> ball* tv box M K O. P.. 2« ball* to th...’ 17 1-1 MUacosc* B .. •• *l-1 oj Inrh 4 1-1 yd. >Hld». h**t make -4 Slmnaon *llk llnlah foulard* 64x ftaelßc moiirnlnK* 64x64 4 1-3 China silk* 64x64 * 1-4 Slater 6 1-2 Concord. . 1 1-* Rome 56x60 8 1-4 Edwards * ,-1 Keystone .... 1 1-1 Fifth Avenue S l’ 4 KEARSKT’S. Heavy Columbia, hauvy Kearsey 8 1-4 Kincaid and othera -- -. 9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTER. Lime JOnB6 Rosendale cement .. 11.45 Portland cement 12.75 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sack* ~11.00 , Plaster la bbls 11.7 S I HARDWARE. Well buckets, per dox $3.00 Painted bucket*, per do* 11.10 2 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. 11.75 3 h b B cedar pall*, per do* .. .. 12.00 Tubs painted, per nest 11 75 Rope, Manila, per pound 0 1-2 Rope Sisal, per pound .. 7c Rope, cotton, per pound .. lOenllc Nails, Wire base Nails, cut base Shovels, Ames, per do* .. .. lUalll.t.o Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 17.00 Shovels, riveted back, per dos. .. 14.75 Plow bladea •* * I ' 2 Hames, red top, pet doz »» x. »• l-.-a HMPBMI MMIBb BMP BRMf #• n w w BP Ml Imm** Bmßm bn*i m mm mmm wm | Hist- *•• H I |ii | %|n f t Ai—*• Tm 4w •••••« •« IIP ••• ! A—i Bn Ml . •« m •« MB ... I— I VTn tut „.. M ... j I *C*l«tntMi ft*fl •mi* •• B ... €'%*»)—*«• rn MB • M M m B ... j •4>4 VUIMIOAtI popm. ■ Onarßl* H K. A Rk| Oa. j.a i*4o n ~ „ ..., . tti ... j I llmf|k R R A Kkß oa. I Fa IBS* .. .. .. 114 Ckiihitx Croat Ila • Aa- , I |«Ha it Fa tloo ~.. sol ... [Chaili lit Pnls.Mt A Aa !*u.<a m r*. in. in ... A usual* P*. R. R . t'A H 24., ... M C It K. Rasbltl P» CMM< I »r*l Tta*f Fa IMI .. .. ~W M | ftouthera Rail* .y B*a It# ... Of M ,4>ntr*l of OaMfl* Railway, I tat matt tart. Fa l*4t .... M W IC. HI O lat prat t 10 40 •Casttral of ftaorcl. Rail war. l 14 Prof isoMHA IBM tl 14 [C, HI (1 lat prtl la tatt .... I 0 tl. « A F., I*4 t. Fa I*4l .. It 107 Mouth Ooirft* aad Florida. Id Ta »•* 101 Mouth Oi-orgta and Florida. Nf* W 0 140 ... Oeraa Oteamahtp Oa., lat Fa id i*a ina in ... FACTORT BOND. Enlerprhsa Ilfs Ca., tat Fa I*ol IM ... MlMay Vf* Co.. Ist Fa I*ol . IM yihley kirg. Oa. l*t fa im . it 14*. R. It. A B. Co. atuk 1.7 MW Mouth.astern R. R. Stock .. t IM Atiguala and Mavannak stock . *9 IM GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Oats, white, sacked .. .. .. .. .. 11 I Oats, mixed, sacked 14 Corn, white, aackad .. M Corn, mixed .. .. .. 41 j kiral, bolted, per bushel 47>» Flour, rummon .. 3.M I Flour, fancy extra .. ~ .. .. .. 1.71 Flour, aecopd patent .. .. ~ .. .. 4.M I Clour, standard patent 4.25 | Kkuir, fancy patent 4.7 k W heat bran. IM lb sack* M Fine feed. 100-lb sack* 90 | Hay—walive. par ton 11.00 Hay—Timothy, per ton 11.00 I Hay—choice, per ton .. .. .. .. 14.00 llama—choice sugar cured .. tOallH I Smoked rib sides 0 Dry unit riba 0 Lard, pur* leaf. In tlerCM 6% Lard, kettle, rendered In tierces. 0 1-4 HIT HARD. The Atlanta Railway Company (liven tiverythlng It Asked. A*inula, On., Oct. 20.—The lona and Inud-foiigh* contest between the At- UTi.ta Railway company ntid the Con- Bnllitaloil Street Railway company over certain franchises for streets on the Wert Side was ended yesterday after noon hr the city council, at a special uieeltnK, deciding In favor of the Al lans Railway company. This act pf council Is of far-reaching Importance] since It means that the Consolidated, which now has pructlcal 1> a monopoly of the street car busi ness, will have a moat formidable competitor. Incidentally, this probably means 4ransfers on the Consolidated. The franchises recommended by the council committee on electric and oth er rallwnys was held up by the alder nianlc board, because of the fact, that they did not contain the condition that the Consolidated should grant transfers. A provision for transfers was contained In the grant to the At lanta Railway company, and the older meu thought a like concession should | he required of the Consolidated. The Atlanta Railway company was given everything it wanted, while the Consolidated will have a hard fight yet to get hnlf a loaf. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the /TT . jUS/?-*-#* Signature of THB AOUBTA HJCRALD I HEROINE PISSES AWRY «li laMn—i fin Ft kmm ti» itfKtf tl* | y ft* BBril IBBIP Bl*wß H t <•* («—•*)* ****** »•—<«*>» > IM— PB I ***** • m rnrnmm* mm •» * * f Bl'#r |% B— •M— !%• tlf<!•%«## f BMP* iM» •**> •'%»*»■ BpB—• | |%i —NM'* IwM Wa»<» §>»■*■« * t 4mm* * I ••Ml i§—i m a mmrnmm —4l ah— t—i i mm iiii*iwfi| giT r *tmjf —m». HBmp •»#• *>-■* f |n BftMMi mr'• rnsmmi, t s4m ••• I •• fk U— • M*" 'IM« ’*'■ • FMF# •* • ’ ABt B i m >mmm4 I n H—• fitlifT. 9l«fßl*k • MB* 4 «#• lilil f*i I Mm* |—4 t*» s*#»!*•< ft— tl— '—lf I t# t«ui! ••4 wf*i * mmmm, TBr»j UaRM IM 44HM481.A4 I |m«h of it— fr»*fuatt«yr rttfi •* »I mtk f tl— l T cii • •04) 111—' w•• ll at it I #4lf«r of tl— ym r Imt It—. Hl kft— <af Ufa ofllv tl— rlvilltM*«l wrnt Up tali# IntfrNNl —a^t flkF*t— IK Kav—tal mm% ••! —r kk— *»r| fW«>l »i— It fWtr—i M—>*■**** •!•(•*>! mmrm, that l« tl— —} wt— 4shi! •It tl— •ttrl tt—t I# t<i 17—1 n«an— Ik Umii. Nr* Witffwtt wiW, HiM—Bl I—4 11— —t»tlrtl / «f • a—t •nf (I— «4frilVfi—i ftf I •'tub Kft* I man ftfftatrtr «f It— Woman*# ?fat»«*»ust War lt#t—f A—irlltt—, al— »•• IV oKly ml«rt nf It art— b*.*ati— a t'JfK. Kmm the Danger At Mowtauk p.dni, wb*-» her da*v twouabi her, aba *** th* But woman who applied f n r work In t'-* detmtku* hospital Har mother vaarned h.r of th# danger of it. hut the young wo man knew what she was doing The physician and the surgeon, amaaed at her devotion, united In a letter of pratae to her. She never rend It. They ant* It after her work waa finished. When her work waa Italahed. ahe fell 111 of the contagion at once. It had Iso lated her from all thoae who could have cheered her, (turn all her frtenda, from all the acquaintance* w ho admired her. Her mother expected to take her to th* country. She h*»l l» be taken to th* I Ye* by let-fan b'Mpttal. In her deliriiit t there she !.Ulp'd of the beauty of the ocean. She talked nf Mottling else It had made a ptofotind Impression upon h-r at Montauk Point, and the memory remained In her mind, when the facul ty to remember flower*, poem and book* had gone. •Oh, how beautiful the wave* are." waa the persistent phrase of her ran dom talk In her fever. Was Her Mother’* Pet. Mr*. Walworth ha* other children, lait they are not near her. Ml»s Reu ben* had been her companion. She waa born In Kentucky during a »ouJourn of the family there, but she waa brought up and educated In ihla atate. Ita his tory w*» familiar to her. She had read all the book* on New York that had ever come to her notice. Her erudition waa amiable and It ornamented her conversation charmingly. In It there was not a suggestion of pedantry. Mrs. Walworth organised the Society of the Daughters of the American Rev olution and waa the head of the Wo man's National War Relief Associa tion. Her daughter had at her fingers' ends the chronicles that could make Inter esting reminiscences of other women's societies in America. The one that the war with Spain produced had the merit of absolute femininity. She delighted in It for that reason especially, and her colleagues have expressed in heartfelt resolutions their appreciation for her They called her “our saint and hero ine." Miss Reubena Hyde Walworth is to be buried at Saratoga on Sunday. Free Pills Send your address to H. E. Bueklen &. Co.. Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King * New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These plMs are easy in action and are particularly effective In the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver Troubles they have been Improved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly Invig orate the system. Regular site 25c. per box. Sold by Howard & Willet, drug gists. At Work on an Old Problem. St. Ijouis Globe-Democrat. Spain is still engaged In the hope less task of discovering some new way to pay old debts without putting up the cold cash. . , *. lUi *uckDt*. GOOD loci: . BAKING • POWDER Tl ! Im Ih* hagl for mAh W# » B > tlllfMf of tkysMbtf, i» a wd*_ ; fWkkdff hWa Fdkh 4MM 4JF h "Ha 1 Nolbmm, faalAu' Bolt hoiDi *! ;n# |u hcar a a btl rwi f lb|ds ctr , lDs**lllsfA4tl hootak uapaf i , tiwßi Ami ftcommswl H. i Hifhatl nl ID hpAF4M*wW— pOtpdaf. CtMtIWOH HUAUIV Ami tjuAfililF. Madulaclumkl Bv The Southern Nig. Co.. RICHMOMO. VA. m tt rjTATR. T o Rent BNwa bb4 BmMßw «* t 3BRbk4 tfßf Bbnmb4 «• tK— 4f ft— mm —» -•» BMf orttß l"i •B— II •—•tf' H—M— tM— —B m Anrkß BBBMfK • om 4 f—4k t—4 * **ff - in—l< 11 «WMA. Apply or Pr®mi»o* or at 808 Broad St. FOR SALE l i »f« §m «B 4 tßf y 4mof44>m 4444* Ibb '44 Nkb*k4 k tft* tKBtfB 0 mm #P 14*! s—agaa—taM Klerk* ta Mm '*f *4l ask »ane# eery rKes*. las* ths fdkes Iks s! Inti unit M »>***<* Ms fsut iMStly. Maud CALI. ON IWRS. JERRY O’HARA. m*. i|i7 6*mm rnicKT. For Rent ■■h Farm of Thirty acres just below city. Homes, Stores and Offices in all parts of! ihe city. John W. Dickey 1 4 I Library BulMiag. EAGLE BAKING POWDER Saves you money. Makes high grade Bread. If you value your stomach don’t put a IO cents a pound Baking Powder in it. If you value your pocket don’t buy a 50 cents a pound Powder. Eagle is 25 cents a pound. 25 cents is the correct price for a good Powder. Tbe Howard & Wiliet Dm2 Company make it. THE NEW Broad Street Barber Shop For an Kaav BhaiY and a Neat Haircut go to No. 715 Broad Street, ground Hoor. F. C. dos Passos. The Rotary Razor Strop for Sale, Gilder’s Pills No Southern made Pill is so popular as Gilder’s. It was born in the South. It was raised in the South. It has always been made in the South. It has cured more South ern Liver troubles than any other Southern Pill. Southerners should use It. Let Northern Pills cure Northern people. Tie Howard 4 fillet Erst Co. MAKE XUEM. CALL fOK Augusta Irtwtng Co t KKKHtT tftRN BELLE O IT GEORGIA o,i 'UEO^'ik r r »1 Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. .tau. r»fc —mi AUGUSTA BEER. MONEY TO LOAN. In any sums desired from SSOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years time, or on 10 years time, payable in equal annual Instalments. Lowest rates of Interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting the money. Aleiaoder&JoliDSOD Agents KrottMH A Bt*r*CKß MoftBBBR 14*fn !•(! f, 705 Broad St 1 PORTNER’S £ C HOKBRAU and )| / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDS OF / i Export \ ? Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST < S A.-K FOR THEM. / K R. MITCHELL, AI.EX M. DONALD Supt. ot Coo. bee. A U*u. Mgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh street. Electric Supphee—^-peaking Tub**, etc., ate. Repair* to all Electrical apparatus. Electric Liirht Wiring* specialty. Hall’l’lione HW2. - - - htrowger *nai-ry I.OW PRkTs. loirje auick. Alio miuit »n<l FIITINW!*. JjINF.S. BOILEEK. MIUS and KKPAI HH. Lombard Iron Works & Supply Co., Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2ml. 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m. 5:21 p. m. Lv. Sandfusvllle . 1:19 p. m.j 9:09 p. n. Ar. Tennllle - .. 1:30 p.m.| 9:21 p. m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.| 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p m.| Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 a. m. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|11:55 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.j 310 p. ra. Lv. Sandersvllle. 5:25 a. tn.j 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.| 7:10 p. m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnille with Central R. R. for Macon, and with Wrlghtsville and Tennllle R. R. for Dublin and Hawktnsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Rasa. Agt. James U. Jackson, _ Joseph H. Sands. Char Intoo IW Carolina • IH.MMAM A *.**•»♦♦»* liiA —* M— a-4 h> ** fpm »*♦ -m m* j r. i-MiuMir' 58,f!5P14t '%m* I 44 . f *** f I I JNb I sb* •« —%•» *4 <wh * mmwmSSmm **■* bbpwb#:. ** * BBKBBBHfIBMB' y.M. 44% 4(l—B [ - * W4B m*mm * pBfeHMBi-BM ■ * BBfcUPWii |» 'l l —•j mBW—I | * f|MIBB(—*WB «m*m V. BKMi• i4B—4 *mmimmtm ****** ******* I jjß* *'mw ' mBI I *wSSS3m*#*»* j I 4# 4k|4bbb Ba*» t 4 mmm I4# I—iaß .i ***■*■ ■SB —• | * MlfSßi »m *** ■ **-**4wWo**m** j j * fBMpWBBBB tiiwit nf t | fhPfeW -i riMw•»»'«* j * BMMMMf-i f * >4BMB -1 »•*■!># { 9 # ********* -■**•* ■ 1 »##dt**■*■*l MUBB j JjKf At——4B— Bur-Mttv Bf i iltt f MMf l IT it ’ 444—» j * KELmm «»*• ' **■ 4mm l 4im i *ll4l ■■Mia« Mu *\ If-48M4, IJmB | * BB4B4BB—»»•* ** **m-* i ***■» * Kafßlßß I U fUtmtoP i * |BM4f4fe—lw. ******* > * ' ’ **■ * MM—44. I OBB ft|Bw 848M4 T 1— amsaamm.mmmaa{ &WK <94—j f 44# ■ I— ***** #«—Kb BUB— i #Mh4NM——b •• t •4 wmm A— bB f— b* *m A Ik la . _ 46ms II i*■»■'— rn fca**f«*4 M* H> ' f—Ni kb #< 4. I —4 f 4 • 84N84f8 j B—i'—B *4 » mf—t—fß —BKBKy j fat KKt tail •»•> mp* *•** ** m 44—nb •mmk Kfi—Ba—a —MNmbb WaJ «|44>h fm* Aok I 4 444444 449 f 4 lt«9fcj*»* ’ '•*« 4m H—Bb BLUE RIDGE RAILROAD. M. Ct BIAfTIIL f—j —j— — «k 4 W—m Bmpk ! ■ y 4—4 4 #4MI —I Bii4i Bill rtt tlf ; t—fii mk Wi 14- 3i*JS Hal 1 4# II Btl AM fll ) lAfftiß Utfi #B lAM )l ft IK##.. AkAb—Bn M s 94H ■ If ) t—BBKT .#*.# I 4:11# It # f «814..« m AttM . f I #** ® •m #■ *4M|.* i‘Kt'4— # kb . a 7 B#t« it • ; «M 9 OWW# * '—Mfl fi « ##ll •tl I Mlt AH* l '* «TMfB «1 * MIA *• •Ml I.AMt.. afcNACA ..A! 4 fRU » Ml ]| I«K •«u jjrr mv**i t*«t«M • i» $ * —... w*ih*n* ..•4|OiPl, AM PM ! 4L*a*a Arvt**iFM 7*M Mall *#• •*«>*» F rm*w MraH»a. F. D*b #t*ri*« All r*«u4ar traiaa fraaa Aai*.*** t# Walbaita have tl|kl to trsrh «*•* traiai 4 th* *am* rlaaa movia* la of Foatt* Arortas, toko* atkaowla* *M*w IB*4 by trata «4«»» Will also atop al Ml.urb, ata'i a* to take os sr lat off paaa*Mß*ro Pkt*. j •ay's. I>m* aad Maauv Bm**** Mo 11 ruMk* <* wltlo Muutkora rail way No tl at Aa4#r«oM No* I aad 6 coast>rt with Maatbara (ail* ay Naa. 11 2ad (7 at Mswara t. R. ANDKRMON. Mup*r n:*nd*«t. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. FHORTMrr AND QCICKWT ROtfTM TO TMK KAMT AND NORTH. 1 aviMßt L* .Au«u.ta Ga Ar j T 55aa* 1 o-nm, Lv Aiken Ar I 7 l»*ta 447 pm! Lv iHnmark —Ar jl.lipm sNSipiif %*.. Yiraagh B . ..Ar | • Maia Hd*t>m Lv. Mumler, B, C .Ar | 4 Mam l.ttpm' Lv....Flor*nc# Ar j > 25am IBOltur.'. Lv...F*y»tt*vill*... Ar I 1 Hpm 1 21am: Ar.f**u-r»barß.V*.Lv ; I 12pm 4 Mam Ar.... Richmond —Lv j 1.12 pm T:4lam| Ar..Washington..Lv I 1.44 pm • :ttlamj Ar... Baltlmora. ...Lv | l.Mpm 11:15am Ar. .Philadelphia..Lv |U Mprn 1 tlpmj Ar....N'«w York....Lv j I JCani Pullman palace buffet sleepbig car* from Macon and Augusta to New Turk without chang*. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt., 721 Broad Mt.. Aflgu*ta. O*. T. M. FMERBON. Traffic Manager, H. M EMERMON. Oen. Paa* Agt. Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. 18fi». (Mth Marldiaii Time.) . leave: aitgcrta. No. I For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah, Macon Ajlanui 8:40 P. M. j No. 6 For Macon, Atlanta. and Way Siatlon* .. 8:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon, Atlanta. and Way Stallone .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE: AUGUSTA. No. 1 From Savananh .. .. 140 P. M. No. 3 From Savannah, Ma con, Atlanta *:35 A. M. No 5 From Macon. Atlanta, and Way Stations .. 6:50 P. M. No. 53 From Mai-on, Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 6:30 P. M. _____ " - Noe. 1,2, 3 and 4 daily. Nos. 6 ami 5, dally except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping car* on night trains between Mlllen Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedule*, etc., apnly to M C. JONES. O. T. A. W. A. GIBUES. Depot T. A. .1. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. eTjTerbelding PLUMBER, STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO 641 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES nlxt time you havf A HEADACHE —use— Land’s Headache Capsules Mad* Only By HOWARD & WILLETT DRUG CO. BELLE OF GEORGIA cumik at ******** S. C 4 6. MILWIT CO 4»4 104144W** »•** jhvKK SSSBptLm m*m* I * s*m f- * rßim <4 b— m*-** |« • **f *#• * {# »Ih *m 1 |* I I—i M—— »4 (MB— m* #•(§•(—• :.| **■—# BteM# t. 4fM» t^K## I** 4*mmm** *'- w4|i 4# * ON— «w*b w-MUMB ■ mrn ft *«B4N» I 4* £*■** •■»*' %.m*,** ## #—im# I * ■*»** *#4—» I#*Bi#4M4# *#BP4I ■ 4 ■■ ** io* * *§mm* wmm •» § * *s*<* *&■ k I % * # >•#—mkb 444# 1* * «#•# * *044*4 \o* 4 mm m.rnim M 4 i—pm *#—■<» fill# 4MBBMMNVIMIf9B#9 mmm bbmbhi bbh#4# « im : $• • i—f—» !• 9* •##••* I (MB J•* (MM— *| 144#— 4# • *fH—4 M#M| % B• # # • »•- . * ! & i* 44 [ flßßßi# #BB|B» b» BMI 4m# nb %«M| . I # ‘**o ■: 4f' •—B 9*'B# —• ( #>4— I4# ’* w»—i % I r—K 9 • I—*—7►# 4I % I4# |N»4M4"# #K— I * 4MM* 4 t tft—B I J# |lilS%Wui<#p44te 4* 4B4mn « —MI |4# 4*k f —4l 4K—• 4# M*m* MßK * BKMB I KM——MB • BiK4 IMKI I % **' > ii m -n>. b4m BM4 MMM4—B 4# [ /•»—•»( • | sflk —► kM-Kmi 4'»* i #—•# ! ••» —• —•# 4nBBM 4k— BB —*M4 i«W, Myßr t 4 ivqM# 4Mp*gM MMK IpKl MgkgjMt f If fh»r- ; V y —r At* EagSUMk kgk * BPUTM&RN RAILWAY. * *»■—- —*■■»* **—* '*’“ ** ■t_« n i a raw * _ jt. rfTTI I# /aw*."ic*F jig | »•* •Sf 2 JU | « 45*. «MS i' E * M • J " I*l* *o* At ** W , * ': *! : . Ill; 4S; • KST- ... I |#n lij /,*r3s-. A.* *** t S3 I ** C.y 1 4'k>«fc»** «* . - I J“vl JM* - i-li)* I.' jl *t : i*• • cnkA r ... I iRp *•* • hue j:: ifCTr" n£: : ’-"r-’-ejia** 1 - ... I ll ** * I>7 - | 4 »» Ai W aaSoawtaa - 4 • a *r. p “ a a .. .. I • ii»» * huMvirt I* Ua (Ms • »..r"ra |MM» t , r ,, gt IMI t«a«l». L* Bt*f*t.lkkA j *My. tl Mat II l«l«RliAI- I 4 My: • « • • hanimnr* . ...... I *We <*• It* w**a loa, Aa. By , | M My II M* It* Alek«a*a4 ,__ - 12 Mbit U *Ra It* tkaetaa i » M*| «My L. M**r*tk ”1 ~ .Z... I f Mp! Ar llrm. *eb jn | • At a L* Ureawebe** i TM* tMy * CWIMA I »>a )« »y * feotAßlU . | Mit II My * Omw Ik l*. 11 Ey * WtoMber*. I tl At* It Ma Ar >jta is* Araad g*t j.. Mas Its b. MailACa Mf't ! lUp aou* * Ji lawna*. ! tMy •as * " Treat— stay ISt * <*•—ttertn* * * My| tg« Ar. AoyHia , A IA Fi *Ma tSTArtavtlfa . . ' is* IMy » Ayv’aaoarg II 40a] 4 ISp Lr (V|ha.*.r*ak|F .. so*y! !*> Ar Clurlwtfs * My| It 60a L* Oai-Ma. r F.MP.By."it .v«« 12 42* “ gae——A 4 47* lit Ar Jerkv.ttelU* eMy > 15a Mirl I xi, r « h OITIII ti- !inl daily ya m ag*e row hatwe— Vk*ri,u end lr* York. Km K aad aA-waMUagma aad tMAmeim LUmted bend Vena baled train with dining •an *nd first etna* ma. hm aetih of CWlatte. Pullman drawing ran. atreyiagean l-eru era Taraiw. JarksnartUa, rwvaaaah. aarl Nrt Vat r’nllinan Cleaplag Oar* tetweaa Oharlolta —d Klr-hmond Fuiluiei. drawtag-room "iraylng can 1» twaaa GraaaaLrro aad Norfolk Csow r<«»*f tkm at Norfolk far OLD P< ‘IST CuMVOkT, arriving there la tun* for braakfaet y..1hl train, with Parlor car*, between t’harleettm and K.a. M and *5-I.'. a Faxt Mall. Through Pallmaa drawing room nuffat eleeytag can bo twm JackamvlUe and Now York and PulE mac aletiring car* bet warn Auguata ami Char kitt*. aleoytn* . ar* between Jack Jaavtlle and i ..lumliia, rn ronte duly Iretwoaa ackaonvllle and MaeteaaM. via AahmrtUa KA.NKb GANNON .' M (ibl.P, Third VP * O**. Mgr T M . Waehlaftoa WA-Tlkk. kH-HAMiWKIf. ti r A Waahtßgtoa <* f. A.. Atlanta. GEORGIA • - RAILROAD. (90th Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24, 1891. Pullman Slaepera between Macon anl New York. Through Tullman Sleeper* betw—n Au gusta and St. Louis. Lv Augusta T:o6*m| l:2opm|l6.3opia Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3spm| 8 20pm| b OOwin Ar Macon ~..|!l:ls*m| I 4:46am Ar Athens ....|l2:lspm| 7:lopm - Ar Galne»vlUe|*3 45pm|... Ar White Pi's,*1 :00pm! - Ar Mill’gw'le .[10:10am| 4:30a Ar Wash'ton ..|l0:10am| 7:lopm| Picayune train leave* Auguata dally except Sunday at 6:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mtlledgeville at 8:10 p. m. Train* arrive at Augusta 8:1$ a. m, 7:45 a. m., 1:20 p. m , and 8:25 p m. A. G. JACKSON, O. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6, 1898. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ry.. 9:30 p.m. Arrive Chester, Southern Ry.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 p.m. Leave Lenoir, Stage 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park, Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage .. 7 30 p.m, G. w. HARPER, C. F. HARPER, President. G.