The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 22, 1898, Image 5

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ftAfOROAV YOU* ONIV CHANCE m mm # WrySATUft « DAY «• 10 «ur our «m Ok di***c% *4i * W liiiiiiiuiiuiui 200 pin Mc«*« Um Cwpwi, npiir |IJB Sm ••••••• »KK 160 pin M«n‘* PiM SrtnUa At » Rc<uUr *2 s*»•.. SM* 2*o pm U<W Cunom M*Jc 12 UntlwiM Stkftfl* ~*»**•*•# *l* 140 pm U*M* K*4 Burton And Lap. K(|vUt SLSO Shorn ... I ll^i • 4i«•* «kmkn *••»< »»> i tr>« »•**•?. OR. HENRY J. CODIN, E>e»'«nt Ep«ci*i»«t, IH Lauad to.. 9#*, •* t'mmm* bmt*> f, J* - 'JT BOWED IN UKil I . «4 a,Mt mm >m I **•»« TM* Ik) M Ur Ml. pkrlkl k Tlm pi" a ywe Mm. re, 1. a (X t St-"'" ‘ Wt }t -abtir » a Mend la «r.*». fw : the call ha* come *ga n„ aad " * grcwi I a*« i u faitea Ukk* day la W*» ■ VTHa ik« rt*i*| to (be an* «l IU morals* of it* Ik- P* ir ‘’ spirit *f J- J. J**»* fk*»-d »'* ‘l* ‘ land kt?*k4 the ctar*. la th# i»t»k | l| (| M *fk «>* ‘**l »■•• 5 . • well BN tMUfed to kl»ft l •mm to nnn tbe , roll. I= * kM ,«*«»«• h»gh. low •** »®«u baarted. mlkt glPllamh# (ttoM Ik principle, a tender. ttving Vkghkkd. * kkt oo* tlwUnMtf fO'fcer. » tw friend aad neighbor. making lo kit • beautiful. weil-rowndcd Chr'* !•> i f* fjcmg oil! tbnor who lovrd him m #. f i, pnwifi. *•«« tte »t w»H hr atrmrb ; oo*d by th* memery to *vb*t ho *» **H* to within th* Hoor Thai abut* one low. and every hurt ful thing* With ana*'* 11 «hl and loved on* • • gone before In hi* Battoowr’o presence orar * met*. And o<4 himself bta Lord and Judge and Kin*." f Throe Doctor* lit Confultallos. From Benjamin Franklin. ' Whm you are elck, what you like Wat la to be chosen fur a m»dl<*lne In ihr flrat place: »lni **P#rl«r> •• toll* you l« best. lo bo choem In the aoe urul plate; what rear n (I. *.' Theorvi says to boot to •«* chuoea in th*- loot place. But If you can ft Dr. tnctiaa tlon. Dr. Experience amt I*r. Itoaom to hold a consultation together. they will give you th* beet advice ibal Li taken.” When you have a had cold Dr In- ( Mi nation would recommend Chamber-1 lain'* Cou*h Bemody because It la pleasant and safe to take. t>r. Ex- j perlenee would recommenu It because > It never fall* to effect a apeedy and permanent cure. Dr. Keaaon would re- i commend It because It I* prepared on scienitflc principle*, and ncta >n na ture's plan In rellevln* the lung*. open-; In* the aeeri lions and restoring tbe system to a natural and healthy con dition. For sale by Alexander Drug and Heed Company. C. it. Farr of Bell Tow er Drug Company. The children of Simon HertUhelm of Netv Orleans will donate flf y thoua-j and dollar* to the Fisk Free and Pub lic library In memory of their fath- i er. i WEBBIKS ! GIFTS-. 1 ! J j RICH CUT GLASS : STERLING ; SILVER 5 NEW LAMPS AND ! VASES ! ! Vbl Mweiprt & Co., Jewelers. IRUM rXKM-fIH-D. Vk’hkt ha Oadkt mm »wwg Om I mali 91mm* Ipsvnst fas tV* IhtaU a. C. Get. a.- #r<cht <*4 j Mtoktsd Mm ftobt— Dew ta. «l A* he ■».tl*. M. CL kfttoaA m ••* < ks ** Mat * asday i**t w apfwtf • tahila wi - a b i Hit 9k. K mi i- 1 *4 iWMf * m mm k k - -Itati I * . • fIW *f9 (#UMN i# till i * wmkk&m 111 hMM !>*»*» ks i-'htolk to *MP’<d W Ed* •' 4 t' toy la tlaU it.', < tWtU.v 11-a r W r. II at tor. f Owe toss t *M«a*k. CW. O. F I 61, to> BkA Ml KtA* Me-4 UfYI AMMI* Ml,a Mary hiw 4*d tint wan *>a ova crpee’ct with tor brottot Mr. ! Jf. 0. Ihm buk till to haw to ■about task weakk { ro\ J*t •# T. Ito *to okt on a fa* i iare tr*f thravrb tieufktk and tomth 1 i*arelMia. Mlaa Ar«* Rm>. ck* ft our beautiful . \ ocag todies of Order tkl type, has ***** j to Atfc*k ok an ~!• in>l vtoii to her ■dead. Mr* I. W Ft wler IJftte Mary Ulf Pt*fc#r ewlertelnrd 1 , a somber of tor HHto Inert, with f me, a msgtr lantern allow and re freshments on WedncaA-y aftersooa *lk to kor of her tlMIe r uslk. I Waste I Ittosto. of North Cneolina, ' who bos beea spend a* k are- k with b r. Mr D A. Tr-mphina. of Cturlott*, N. C., *,»* *o K'trdeld Friday work- j in* of last week os bkalseae aad toft • tbs 9:3k train of th* tame day. Mr. I). I Iwoay. formerly wllh bis uncle Mr, IE. J. Norrtf. b«* opened a 1 fiytrery euire fer fcltn«*!f her* la our j city NVlw ,, b*tsnd l ar tbe low kflec of cotton Edretold la 1-ob n* up. working !•« and. b st of all, keening up. Mr*. F. W. Pickens to In Augusta fur n ahi rt stay. Mr*. Arthur Tompklna, who ha# had a long a»*d f»d|oua apell Of fever. I* . ! elowiv but surely recorarlng. Cspt. H. F. rvhlt*. V. «. N.. and wife, acetimiiftklad by ti>#ir Utile niece. B, •*> Rieger, left our city oo Friday mr ruing for Richmond. V*.. thence to the New Yc rk nary yard. >vh*re the can.aln will be atatlcned for three, jcr.r*. An extremely sad and anxious *ttramm*r wa* peoaed br C«pf. and Mrs. White, he being at Key W#*t anil nbl# to übtaln leave of and , tbe government refitaing to accept hla i ■ realgnatlon In order that he might at tend rt the drrth bed of tljc r tost and ' [only little rhild. In June, nt Norfolk! navy yard, where Mrs. White remain- j ed dur'ng her husband’* absence. Thl* ; | we* the fourth child they had loat In ) less than four years, all in the month , iof June, their death* oeeurrlng upon ■ the nineteenth, twenty-fifth, twenty -1 sixth and twenty-seventh of that month. FAIR AND BAZAR. It Is to Be Given Next Week at Bethe A. M. E. Church. There will be given a grand fair and bazar at Bethel A. M. E. church, commencing Monday night, Odober '2lth, and la ting four night#. On the first night laughable acene# of ante >e!Vum end every day life will be ex • tiibi'ed by prominent and well known | actor*. On tl.e second night a v-ew drama, ; entitled Tho Courtship and Marriage of Kins Solomon and the Negro Print .*3 Stuiamite, with a deacription of the wise and foolish virgins, as re corded in the Bible. Given by Bethel Dramatical Club. Oa the third night a grand concert of fun and mirth jvill bo rendered by Josephine* Paschal and her band. On the fourth night a very fine rou #icale. It will consist of solos duets, •quartettes, both vocal and instrumen tal, and will be rendered by the best musical ta'ent of the city. An ad dress will be delivered by one of Au gusta’s most prominent ministers. Re freshments of all hinds will be on hand. Everything that pleases the eye, de lights the taste and suits the ear will be there. A delightful time is guar anteed every viator. The public cor dially Invited. C. il. Williams. Pastor, TB» AUOUIPTA jnrWALD. UX REFORM IS THE WITCHWORD itfdMfttl twto Ik li ItotoMto* I M«hkkftk I m toM Mk* Mkkk toakkkli in i am* k«dh m dNtod I *%#* Mi #**» %*&»*• J m %m mm *#&m* kmmk* mmsmwj 1? *.%» mtf *il6 Mfewdipdk* 11* y*m km m*m pm m I «•* mm*** 6*i ****** pnpiif».» *9mk I #..&■*.« |mrff wmmm tiriMN* <&*4 9* |MNNNitf6 # I ’ * *to i - ' «d|k f to# «C| ****** t k ,* in * mil # % **% *■■■ t »#* *i <** 1 mkkkt* Ml MM# ##hl ## %** * tos#9toto, I i 14k# I## *9O %## ■* a # i I *4 s*m 9* li# fl##ttpfe# lk# i #l*’Ml I - * YM# %fiii riWMMNfe #p#> I j■* ■■* -4 In# Cstok> ###| d#h## j WM# M### (wrdE to, #|9 to- • ♦•■ f f#HH| V *99# I#| 9 'ton*.- Ibtto9 ft- * * 9##g ms 4-gfto "4 I »♦ I it Mui# im ti# fi| | tf|; -f*l 99## #Mk » lv. i - ftodMK *4 t#g* 1 tg##|#99 ##'#HirlT ##4 ■#-«.■ - # f Uh# «#### |mm9|#9# #t ms# I #R # #»*||»* «f ID# i# fr .■ to r fpm r- to 5 #it99#§lipß f# ti# #g I In# PikmWki- #Mt #ft t# ill# 9|Mt#tof > '$4 # ##> . I«r, «« Hurt mhpmtt. Hi Ttl>( fat *• > “• ?t ti# ni»## «| MM { S"f -9MNM 6##l##l lit iJiti# #.-.?-#♦#» I# Vi# pr##ii<Nt * #6 6 to 5 !.,•*?’ tiiiklto N * *u * ril ti *#MI ##4 w# fitt Mt <# * jfl‘l #4#r «#f««##9l If to .Mnip# tNtol *f 111 f #### ###t ##§ *4% fit ' ' || 99 * *•' | p t;■;**!to flk r ######l I * f i|m 4 ;#* «! «#«} r«« *t mw ti# #i«t# *## f*lto I« III# it'* t' m The prwfwiatlok of a Mil which wtll «i uwipiieh th*e reawlt la as etoild » tiny, Mi-4, rskltatnc tto garlnuMMMi «f the watort-l'ttt Mr. Utile ha* *g- at -each to hla IMS* afkea (he teal <“»- . Nm Hi atndyliMl the ***•*!*• In the tight to rapertmee He hse rarrfuPy ,r*e owar the n*k*****e*rt law* to wk < r stale* and has studied the iwpi 'ta vt tax r manieetna* with tirel*wa dftf arare. With thD help he has beep able j t frame a pi*a to Ist reform wh’eh he ihink* will stand th* mat to riper . cnee, Mr liltta la also an eanxeat advoewte - of th* Australian ballot, sad think* to ' win p***, ||e be!leva* that If the leg islature can accomplish tag reform an I put on the statute hooka a fair ballot law which Mill P*» the roklrto to gav oament In th* hand* to th# Intelli gence to the mate. It will have made g record that every member caa afford to Hand upon. Oov Aikltsaon I* up again and <* *», cu rb improved that he began work in or rural on hla final mroaage to th, j 1 u-gialaturr. He has been th'nhtwg rboul It during tbe tntervaU to other work, but did nor begin to couuntl fell thoughtt lo paper until today. ll* us ually writes hi* tn**»*«gea In Ihe tod fr.*hloncd way, aa he Iwllcvea In the pen. but the pressure to bu*lne*a and much lllne**. have decided Mm to dic tate Ibis message and revise ft |g type writing. Reform In election meihod# will be one of the lopiev most *lab orslely discussed. ‘wine of CARPUI Weak Nerves Made Strong. CrNdNWATI, Ark., July »4- Lfj* I suffered long with weakness, » nervousness, headache, and sick / stomach. I lost flesh until nty L neighbors liardiy knew me. The ( %W doctor's medicine did me no good. __ u Mv liuskand bought me a bottle f srj vM n of WineofCardui and some Black- p v Draught, and before I had taken t half of it X felt like • difl.-rent f person. I am now entirely well. / j! rigmjr MRS. MINNIE lIOLT. O / j'MJK WincTCirau 1 Nothing pull* down a woman'* strength like nervousness. Her face become* haggard and full of disfiguring line*. The form lowa it* roundness. Beauty fade* away, and of the former self only a wreck remains. Nervous women are easily *cared. They “fly to pieces” at the slightest provocation. A little noise startle* them. After a while, fainting spell* and hysteria come on. The trouble i* nearly always due to some derange ment In the organism of womanhood. A little ailment there makes a deep effect upon the nerves. Wine of Cardui cures ner vousness by correcting the cause-—by itrengthing the ailing organs, stopping drains and building up the v/hole system. It __, _ _ _ bring* back color to the ■iy department. i| c heeks and plumpness to the tSSffSSJSS- form. It Is little short of SS3SS& marvelous wha‘ great good this vegetable Wine does for woman, no matter what the trouble with wnich she is afflicted. DRUGGISTS SELL LARGE BOTTLES FOR SI.OO. WINE OF CAM DOT RoYal Brkkioq Powder Mrtsk^ps, CNddn «l u#u#. Again*, t okon. tg## H 91 gM#3MRk # «# 9M#mmrhi »*•* | * # « «r# *¥& * * * f#4MMMt#N : , tym*'* ««# Hmmm mi luh1 uh ###%# %%t #tjs, * ft« t*-*# t* -# I iii ijjrilM' fiiffi—l r '* MM ««.# M |i #MK| I## s * 4tM# I# ##v ’i to ilftiiri 9k#dNMl • t## Mgg IM Im# ' **+, «M# MtiMf I# *%## »4k #■#» li it# j Ttm-HTT * #.* ■ % i- m fjiViA#- -*3 ## toM^#Ma#rif# I ’** t# ♦MlifMMl *1 c|. y. 4 - jilt# ##* , mp ...99ti j ti# MM' HNmnIMP 9 9 skfc. k-to-md >##n*# itM «i ttHtriMt## Hi if# *■" . * ft###t# * f §##* ;; #fcrf#i9 #9#4 It# ** 4 - ' -4 ■«# I*,# t%« #9 ftp* *#### ##* #• ##t»« Hr# Mi T iMHMifM M# #i #* t## i# ##4 i# #| ttfcto HiiriMM* tg# If* 19 miUiMt •# #»#>'ti *Mki «W IM6 ■ flrr, f|h# (4 «%* •-#«-** .. **4*ol At #«MTf T-rs a 16. CM! ti«t% llanH l» #«hl M* ## ,11 - miti I# • ijt'4 fk#%4 #m#| mm fl# * - #<?■ Mi#### friri It !• H#t * tV'igflMi m** ks ft ’■ I? #dtdtr* “f - |fM N*% h if fth# f t#' Hit # ii*^* | % #t#B mnl il* ##m| I# 9M##i li VMriM-. H# ! t%t ft### #f# #i' *"■■* : *j 4 ♦ »%# Mg Til* (ritfilhif tf* tJMt li# at## III# c «*f fIM •## i iliil# ', |frHit ft i*fsr.jrtftj»s9i i#4 T r*ii*» if ff#* f»j js##i tit) i# #)## (if iM* dm |.«r side hi (he M«* Fc-r MeMriru s,y the large sds'meait he cepsw sent•. Myifnrt.«g Mr, fPesbrvwik*. ewd •* (he mkrr Mon, V. *1 <»lh(fa s ••’I b«# followtaff sapport tag Mr Caw* Today It to stated that Mr. dulMkwo* • ill aut artlvely npmsw Mr Keehraolie. - Ikrth mep have warm frtead* and theta are t#iwx ok both *ld«a The sligament see-at* to have w»me to the jr, stamp to 4b. Cj* t herwe- n the Üb-1 jcral (Tub pad th# CUlaeae’ Club. »hl«h jfeav* made things warm In Savaanah pallilea fto acme Itmr. How to I’m cwt Croup. vr* have two rVWdreu • b«> are awb- j tn t to htlaefc* to mil. When*, er an attai k ta coming m my wife gives then iwitain's Cough Item.dy and It always py vents lb* a>lack. It »» k tom*, to 14 nwessity tot this «'ouniy and *•• mailer U Vat else we run our to It. it wawld n„l in is is without fhamto-rlutn’s • jgh Remedy . Mm* to Hl* *->id her*, , h.,n all oth<-r *..0*11 merttettte# cont -1 01,..- -J W NICKI4B«*f NMile Bn*., merchant*. Nk UMg (**• For sale hy Alexander Drug and kre.l C..m|i*ny. C. H. )*arr of Hell Tower Dtug Compa ny. * I A letter by Bryant ha* berm found,' In which the writer nay a he flral got $2 apiece for hla poem* and later l*tv a line 11 Rve was th* original new woman. 1 All eihcra Inf tinge. FRIGHTFUL END OF II FLIRTATION. 4 wi ft M m Mi VMft H* 1 »g*to | trumijfi ti'# iff H fl. IM #1 * HIM In. * ftiilM* kmmm m *** 1 li. rf> i## #pNMf M iMMI ##' j ffVMi «• # liHiiMMf M MM MNMHt «4 j *9m ### «Mi (MmvW •* kk HW» & j * Mm* AH#«t DM MM*M* j Mi Tii 'iib DM DmmblMm Df #• DM* ) ftodiMMNlMpi. MMI *MH Mill'M* | (Fd###*%###*!# #dh-* #NWNh *# *** j | MM ##k «#6 MMi (M •** M f lfMiiri M ««ri «HD ftMMi «• • i { 4M'% Matt DM iM MM## D-M IMMI tMDMi Mt ##* M ;*M DMttiMi vaf # *H|%MMD *♦#• * MMk##MM DM tMMM ri** Mti- | •4 «ts M# DftHHNi MM DDm M MM I 1 h**M* akd she tssbsd tot hrtfasu aad * sues* him ftrsekkfag tk hag fagtoh** * j twfat ah* nskimd *-• *ats **■ u and *► ( . «*g*d heewaaf mi n towfa #*•*•■* mmad . tm H-w Uevsama. »**»•*•* thegw *h* irMhpad sag ham hag taw* fa* hm j ISM, hems Ik «hm etm# wrtow *h« ! ss. hs4 these ah# tokTWad to fa** . nm, *g|, mihtag m**»'*#• kkd th* ( I ». —, *- Aamaw Iml*# > i . At th* tarn timg the Amegwwk *« , • #*w#d to hag kgesg'a dtrtkUMi kdd ; - fartwh* eds the ewrnw* ws*to Msrti* togas drtkhtkg fa*k«il» **4 idlskppgklwA A tow dap* mm hi* tosto wa* to*»ad i p-wtikg Ik I fag CV'yewwe ***** to' fast fa #f It# f#fl M fllril* 6f ####* : wHfril #i#M> M • D j Bwt Melt* • Altokk *to*g- THK ftkOPT MUt m rfa# wartd fog 'rwtai. ttowMsm horam Ffamam heit Ittoum. ttore*. T-* ‘ - Cfakyped ttseda «T»u tala* rwav*. aad all khts r.-w-'s-ka and t-w**‘»s*» vwre* Fils*. „ s- gay mgwtesd It Is gukeaatesd I# ,_rtort *«'t*r»Htog *» maker »•* runAsd Ftwe » tekta per hkk. FOR gALK UT HUtoAKD A toII.UKT. Ni!ORO CINTENARIAN DGAD. H* Altgkdtd to ashlsgtna’, I user*! gaad to orbed I oriel*. *ll# N»w Tork. Orl. 99. Rev fharlw* ■ llsaih winged. I* dead si hla ham* m this yity. aged I*l yasra. The Aral no table steal is bis Ilf* was is ITMk, s 1.. n h * another carried him to *hr fu i i.ersl of O-ordi to'aahikgtok. ao that be roold always aay (hat he *i leaded the burial of tbe tret presl.leai of hi* cun,,t He could remember th* old Koudulph maoein* ••* Malve,* Hill. Where lien IjiFaycMs mad* hl« head- | quarters. Oa* day when the areal I general had rtddra up to the * luma* and diamouiited he railed Heaih »«» i h< Id hla hnrae while he weal Inside J lie watched the animal for nearly half ; an h< ur. and for hla trouble IkFayHie gave him some money. Meath also remembered President 1 J.tmes Monroe and won (he dlallsrUkk 1 of driving hla home in Williamsburg Irn nrvrral orraalcna. Lalerton In hla' 'life he wa* the guardian of the rhild- j -epillJlA jo '4*loll jniuu**» jo u*J He had many maaler n* a slave, and , could tell of all the Inrldcnla of alav. J life anrl the work that the negroes ' were forced to do. When the »*r broke out he went with a regiment , from the North. He afterward* aerved j as n meseenger for the government At the close of the a ar he studied at Petersburg. V*.. f?>r th- ministry, and 1 Joined I lie African Melbodlai-KplrCu pal church. See Mere, Heiil Thiel Duck anything all ymir hair? Tlu-n let me treat It now. It eoets little compar ed compared to the ptortlrtratlon of lialdneea. I've treeteil many here In your own city end not one wo treated j but »«e Iwnetlted. Not one failure Inj dll the large number. Come to we., me at 825 Broad street. I am treating worn? j of the heat people of your city. MltS. SMITH. | EVANGELIST ON SEA. Oueer Kind of Salvation Army Peaches Savannah Savannah. <J«., Oft. 22. -A aort of Salvation Army atrurk Savannah on yestcntay an well as the advance guard of the Seventh army corps. There Are seventy men, women and children In the party, who are travel ing at sea in two small schooners, the Guggle Hudson and the Hollman, preaching the gospel. They have been going (com port to port expounding the word of the Holy Book for the past three years, but left Norfolk on the present expedition on Sept. U. The heads of the families are C. H. Bishop, P. W. Bowden. William Riggs and W. J. Chandler. They say they have found the road to heaven and that they wish to point out the path to all who want to find it. They have rented a house on Drayton street, second door from State, and will hold, prayer meetings. Indoor and open air, for the next rr-coth or two In Savannah. All the men have a trade and In the day they follow their evocations and in that way support themselves and families. They eay the gospel I* free and they are not dependent upon the income or passing the plate around for means to give them food or to pay houaa rent. Id Virginia, where they come from, the men were’ engaged In fishing and mountain climbing, which gave them the necessary means to sustain them selves. Some of the women and child ren in the party are good toking. GOOD CLOTHES CAIN PRESTIGE tomato. . mm •.,*■*..*•.*> ’tokkafam B w. dCM I m- - ----- —w- - _ - , —. d# , stovS,* a- ymml ‘''lff# it# fli I (I# dtok Imtoka «♦ * w 'gppwP -M* *** w- w ■ mm * _ i 4MM% 9MVMh M «##*>* *dM# f)h# if#M# #*# * ***** " 4 [ «#Mi ♦ fri mm* Ml #* tit citrxrt M# Mnd*: Pil I DM fNM* M# • 9##f M*# • $7.60, $ 10.00 AND $ 12.00 I mm** tote* *>«*‘to ,*as.o»-*»aa» .■»«■« fh*v #** m*to m dk and *«•# I wed. tokkeii man m du*ge ke«4 BOYS* AND CHILDREN S CLOTHING. j The* dapaa-gw.' ** Had to mm m***ktwm Turn dn*»# ****** Ihdih wMMiH I mm !*•**•* tot. ktoeto- I<M FW*** IN (Mg, xtogy (Katofag alas-# m *« *s *. a. # M Spr Mmdbg da*** ».«**«>* I |a«»* #*»'*■* tort*# m « H -t C M* t# SMdN ■* Y®'#- i of# »•» •« M |9#j9 r J -< k, .. t —a gvtek’ Ttowmakw * J» I lris $$ #• nfriDDl I'YNMtmmm . «* #M | ilrdv • ♦’ f# DfDt ti**# pa y« «« V ■# WE DONT FOLLOW THE LEADERS. WE LEAD THE FOLLOWERS. J. B. TIITEI CO.MilfOilirlieiil Will You Get Left? Th«re is but on# look#d-for condition this fall in regard to bu#ine*s and that it a mo#t healthy one, and thos# who are preparing for it are the peopl# who will reap the harvest and all the others will get left. We have gathered from all the renowned center* Immense quan titien of deairable up-to-date goods running mostly to novelties in China, Pottery and Glassware. They are yours to own at right prices if you buy them. BLIBH’S CBYSTAL PALACE 809 BROAD STREET. SMRi3RAhIC H ES Jfy E*f>e*T If you want two things, the highest talrafncll >c and a mvlng of money lu*» mair >ourn |f , t ,# of .»ur ctiat*MHar». Wi i»« fMrnl«h H4#m with t *' yvl ** 1.M., and the Iwet In the market at «has. Th# recent » per rent M«. M a quarter hit. but here # a proc***b>n to home rune: OtUWrtrtk*. model eg tut «o. and y..ur laat rhanre lo get Ihla model at any pate*. w 8 navu ib.e, sh.q> worn (only, model «. led*-'*'. »* tot go *‘ k*«.oe «Xn* l«ai#a Hartford at IU "8 an l ladle. Vedette at gSS «#, ladlea Jill *». buys and non there la nothing on the toa.ket to «umpa,« with the Kdoei Sfwctal at US m and th. Ja. k at K* V> aecond hand Cleveland., Crsncenla. Htearn*. Vlcn.ra, Kidicdgeand Racycton, from HI M up. nil At c.mdltb.n, and we let them go hi any old p,I. e-they did not <->»« thlnar. were ghrn lo u« by |e .ple who wanted lo rid* Iho STANDARD WHKKL. or THK ffORIA and only wild In Augusta at DEVENEY, HOOD & CO Bicycle Department. Our Coal Promotes Health. Wealth and good Cheer It burns through and through and-leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled for cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. Kgg. Nut and Steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices. Telephones- , FRASER & CUMMINO, Lessees, ®JO i CO-OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO.. 1041 Jackson St THE HABIT OP BUYING HERE. It is a good habit. It is a rapidly grow ing habit with all Augusta people. It is a habit of which thousandssave in their daily, month ly and yearly expenditures. It is a habit that becomes more fixed the oftener people buy here. And the broad reason is SATISFACTION-^ PEOPLE ARE SATISFIED WITH OUR CLOTHING PEOPLE ARE SATISFIED WITH OUR PRICES PEOPLE ARE SATISFIED WITH OUR METHODS The opportunities here for economies this season will give still deeper root to the habit of buying at I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., AUGUSTA, TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, QEORGIA OTTO At #92 9 MH t DRi ftk 4 r>t* t*A-**a#*g !*«*««** Ml# g,dD« «%"t« % «#*«• #d>» « || M um M DK TA- d# * -.3 J Bt dfat r g* ♦ hto * !»«,. dks» Heart* lie*** ’ « m#• ,to*e fan- t -ryrf —>f .» M M M .. Ml >*<## ijratfar- * '%## »* *» *D# • - .‘nicfciES —j. Pitrc-E