The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 22, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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WENT ASHORE 111 tO MINUTES iiMfUUf Q**l toft 1} #» !l»ft toltoi to*# 9*mmi m tfey to## «• Htootot Mi ft«—#*» toto *«#4mi*i pi |Mto*toMj| fto# mftiiiiniu %«*** M tft 4 M*** **♦*.# ' I #4 to**#—*## 0 04w» *lsn*:w t* «* HiM —Mi ttoM «»«*»—» lM i *♦—l—#***# *4l %*• *—##»»>#» *4 —<*oo PI *44 fHf* «* #noMo»>o If 'lP#' ilpimr M» «t ffe» Mmm| ««*«*** * «#*«****» a| H> ; 4NMHH 4* «#* **o ||t ftotoaif— Ipw inilt M® toMM*# *4 t®# oj# # r * #«*% *#■» #<mm tint #o>o ippM—i !** * «4 |.|P •tnM «* to# #*«flwi Rum •to* ft*—to* #— «h. * tin- »»—»,— ftitoi ctsftto —tii— (toy to*—®* §vn4 tis i®# pir IP# |-4*m» #» nm hwpH' t#g ppti Imp it «h# %$m mm to ##■«*♦ iwf «#i tf*>4 tip- hm— ## »w pi pi fun* tip tun -~ i 4« fmvt «» ip t i»tin #1 ♦#» iitnipi iip» too§i—s t#>« •—-% #4** ♦ *■** Ms ftp mw *—*#*4 m tin *t»t j Pfti pH tip iM fiin nni ' fl**to#% * hem %wmm*4 •m* ftp»fe4P<# 4 »—H# ft# -4f—»n|ii' ftf iltft It*%* j WNi, «m*oi pytiji'ift Hut ftoto—ll fto j tft ftßitft* ft nmMpmmi mi ft tit# ift -• tnttif < Ipt l # wf ftp IIP ' ft-I t ftftf fptftftMftft : u yftp «- * >r * *4«r Tft T 1 ire H*§ ft*ft i tft*f ftfti iftft-ftpi fto*. ft ft# 4to# yl# i,.f |my #jfp« | # t«r«) R| Hi I ft# » ***+ 'ft - j ft iff fttMcyt !♦«’•'■• ■ *i ( to tff —to—to# ft# {ft# th——*Mo **tf —I ftftnfft ftftftfit-'ftir.- ; «* »*- •*» nx#»4 MH <4 ****** *> ; A Mi ft* • :■*«! r*«i| I*# ft*ft p| tft# *g • *x, :: #-#h rftrriftiiwo —Mr ftftf f*. —ft fft - ] rpftjftft. Aft fftiifespft tft# An . - «* «tft#t# 0U« #ftlftt«*.» *iftl I lift Offtftvxft I * * : ft f— r ' ft %* ftlft# wft lift fttrt ftf T%# Kir I tt#MN*« |« *ft *y • fttp mi lift Tmm ft ftf*f lift j fftjtftftft* INitip* t*' ftHtft Ift —ft- j «cft4 *.pf cftflfti'lft* iNft' ft lift *i j Vftfi* ft# MT A ftftM (wiffti* t# Ifft* yftt" I ftp# ft ft 4 frA mi Aftftlft.. ft till# Ift tft# ftVW' tip —ttttif fPftft —yyfttwNl til# | Tft# Aft ft ft! A|*ftl»*ift «t •■»■¥ »**4 tnl—ftl# Wft# ftt A# #fti Aft HHP ftftttl iM <4f j liiatiriit*# fyftfti . W#*ft ft ftA«*ftft {ft# rtntiff <4 ll# Starnr tru vftAmi «#*«'? Aft*»t i%B*h HAftHA.. I |t ft ft* 4f»«A ftft O. W •!*# r lAI Artlftt ft lift clftnrml imlir# tat eft* TP** tftftft ft'AA tp*«4#4 Wl'l* ftpiAMb . trMft* Thm* ihb«* **•& •! ' *ftl tt i «W|li«r# t*r # *#t* tft# ftftlftrft, tlftp ft•*«'*•* Mr Ittt «•# Om*r»t Mftcrtit *- * M* t '» ; ttio (11— if fft— *w'-l4i iA 4i *oof*#4 j tPftlr *rir* In kthm ft#*: I *. Tl*# Aftmt*# trf ft rut tin till • ** »*t#« It it « ill. Tft# UfAftlsft m#n #r*« *|**##t t ft# nHaA" i tlon |4l*NlAftttl«killft #f*« iSiti.Mit 111# m* I H#n AftfA in 4 AtN tft# Air ftlill tlftrlr ? cri* * * # Alitfftpft Pxtf h«wri 44 nftt •( Ki fHtfwi j tr***t»» In Mini*# »*•»* * n MN duty. I Tft#y ##ti#*l In III# tlilfriftni rfturrft#* j iMU3i#n## Aim of rr#ftl#*#i»A »f tft* < *»w#rAir-oil * In tft * CT—rrft *»f ■ ft Aeiiciift #l«#n# tA*r f«4in*t M*” 1 •Ark* **f rlr# nt h «*« v k ilfilftit lift * |mia!i. ft»»‘Ui»**p. ft#nn», «!!*#* #ll, «»f* j f##. ticoß and ft#ft ft* r* tlirr# In piprif v lndiPt»ut#Uy pr.iviitf tftit tft# ) jr«r r*#f»n mtfiht h*v ft**M out ltnl#Ar»t(#- ■ ty #o far •«* f **#l pmjHv asm In th# tr#«t#ury Sift,— Mo air #n 4*4l«ni w#f# Wifi. A WlT.'COMfcfT XHUiIfION. Wlitrc the Dot and Puny Show Will Exhlb.t rhl* lira;. The announcement that Prof. Ou*i-' try i Fantoat lk,( anti Pony Shot* I* soon to exhibit In thla city *>kk led to numeroui Irqui lea altout the detatla,, ■nch as the Dm ation of the Rrouudt and price of ndxltslon The charac ter of the show It ro well known that j people will rcya d the information a*J now*, and ronsequen:!? We have made, inquiries with the following retail: j THE FALL OF MANILA—RAISING THE AMERICAN FLAG OVER FORT SANTIAGO. From HARPERS WEEKLY iLMEU a RiiAvasG by G. W. Pbtejw. Reproduced from Harper ! Weekly. Bj Penniauiofl, Copyright, 1«W, by Harper & Brother* * ? experts* Ikiffkd, Sr Sl'fmrp***? »2l Uft 1 Sfixpo Ohl fA —ft mum m>m Vft '**■« f I. . mAa*# ' apt ****** mt* ntf .iprtl Im* fM m * ***** ft*.# if Ift 4ft* i iM— 4 tP4MP | / /T v^ IfXG.PIH. STUO. Et^fWl mmm m Pmpw, •• in Mmtm 100 I JSLmmSmL •** •>»** i flEAcnr^- tarriiigt Arc $2 Per Pair. j SPECIAL CAUTION: : s'SS.rr.Tb*^! I*. I - ftfttiftHi. #v# I %a A# ft* Ml* Mai —. i'l ft J r-4* C *#« t ««4ftV ft«i *#M #*l A j it «ST S—J. wU wntfftßi to «rbft aiVopders. t DaWaMM hcwt-'M*. CMmWna n«rr> • .«,» * (.? «w«* ** • Non nn# y»* »*" i .. «>• »• m t»aai • w>w* **> o»«i* p.«*r <a . * •* ret. «nc , . ,f k - ..... rt.W tmw taedt'.ai at i t t.1.4* »l • ■- MHX. th* I »>*■* hat* f A **!## Ilf### «*-* ftsiiff ip#* 1 ; -At**4* %rr fta#4T t * *■ ,r| l lift -m tiff fti# waftgstlnaMNi anl ■•'«—— tot - * SU--i W *P ' i I«airctt .< rg* *twaroe,-, la I ' 'Vsa*- ' tv nrad t henad •«***• .*aaie«t*T I 4.-a»y yrMayfly ”*«■ *»* <* *•**• •** a t a* ny««*M. ! of Imitators. -^ AOno-w val order* !• JARRIOS DIAHONDCO., e EDISON BUILDING. < 2 AMO 4* ptSAO fttauT. Ntw Voaa l The show, which It I* aeediews to men tion h the beat of Ita kind in the world, wiil eahlbit tinder their own r ster proof tents which will lie loca ted on upper Greene »tree», )ua*. wist of the lire* nr (tret t bridge. Friday and Saturday. OtU 2Mb and 2*l h The p Ices of admiaston are: Children 16c.. adult* 25c. And when the magnitude ’and artistic worth of the show Is tahen Into eor.alderatlon. it will he easily 1 resn that the price* of admission dre decidedly rcasqnable. Mr. Choker trusts that he Will be i able to secure a vety prospetoua con tinuous performance engagement for the Van Wjeh brothers under his i management. THE { ftoft | *Mi * NfftnlAft * mhhmw rftMM* m wnw*. I TMn*** (MbhaMi wt H>wW*4 taaw j lew** fttiisig* mw ’ww ♦**<* ►* taw* 1 J„W.,«4 W» fttiiisaWPi «w ftP ft* «W j I vi# #■'“*## ftoS Hto*# CTNatoA ! awa| AHA MM— aa# —ivfl BAij 4#- toNNtil iA# Am#- AHA vAfA 4Nft#4 4Ato* *p*o As— a# f IP! At###- AA*. It I— —li'i If h#A«A 1# —ft i% - »* #4 Ittoft—f, HA# Ak'ftft IMA ttiii j 1 —9- # ##*-■ .r* %»#,-« i— H#Aft## —i I#—l —A ***** I—,* o—4 oftrA«Af »• da Ato 00001—,. fftS #•#•'• At (Aft t—V j -f . w w l ■ ■ dish ft #Wft ft» aft * M-p# *’ fto —ftieft—to*4 "% * * ||f ft—| ft:;# ft Hppft *t- 4 Hft i— 4# HH—f #HA ! t—4 #4 ill# OnmmNN4L ASNI I## 4#— to- : «## to i#AtNao#4 Ml fft—# H* A#i Tl' mTI.: tJttT*./ i . *l, -s,%iwa. emMwsst >sa mm* • t it «pi f«s* »*e* Ml 'h* ft tgwtP ** ] NTwMI *a*4 I tadkty "ftp I PPI w»4i «• »W 4PM j 1 Tft* ft*** ft» ft •• ftt*ft# #*# ' [tWwf a«W ft wwtMiaM h«* fttt** wad 1 ta*4M Mft •* PPM as #• ft* J»ft ! h<t*a WHll Um* ftp* *4HI Iftawft hta IVtlHk vpoftari p* fop iiv Tft Pal Mrs ad «ft < *w*ftrw«r* Mi ft x a fcMglwta »€Tmr**wtft Mwwa aa4 Ctsarte* Wash- ' Mpift t'iiwwaa«taliftw-l While at tft war tiysttaest tniay ] f Iswrwid that t*n MMMt *4 eftetsMea . ate la ft weft tw Mssru ’Wt ft fttwr- Wat's tfwasfewi frr tft Mwwo rewt letw Ot cm Hay *M ft NHL 4w tag warr'.aaa duty at thwt point CM. Ray ha* made several twqwvwta for pea ttsMs siws Ills arrival at ftaassmliki. and tft la do* a* im t- ** to lr«p kb rommaod mppllrd. The PtsgiwH in not regular Mt thrtf trip# is Cohan ports, end M la ft good i< k, rniftr thaa ft gud n*uitdt|i that tit lupfdtee fay Col, Ray* *Bt*> are to go «w past KMaidu t ftuf ' With a view to espedltlM 'be dtetri- | I w.itaa uC enppl'ee to the tidal *tW .uo*rrT* sins the tlet>mia n s»t l lral I .tent Fdwtn T. Cole ha* »»*ft d"«!giUl ted by tft eerretery of war aa eolv tnlaeatT ot ftbetstntce and quarMd mneter, *• ftperiatend the proper 4te tri tuition of the twenty days' rations ordered by the Prmrtdettt. The myetery surrounding thr Ar lingti n Hotel robbery, of whirh for* bit governor Rufus R Bullock. of At leotn, and (‘apt. Rvan P. Hawaii, were the pilrc pal victims, la still unsolved. 1 The local «ftcer* are still wlibout a j cine, and at the hotel and police head- | quarters th* aubject la lr*aled aa a i piofownd aecret. II la said that tb* 1 value of tft diamond* and Jewelry j el.,ten la far brynnd what v»i flrat jeuptMwX and the hotel peril# ar* ’ c.i.rkinc with Ibc police to keep |be . matter übL No olllcial r port of Aa j '■ robbedy )»*• been mad'' on the l»i,ft* ial beadnusrters. bn* the case was p ported privately, stui a Hat of the ftp ten articles given, at an vatu# of ssveral thousand dollars. ) Hln.e rtrosrr Cleveland left polltlesVr poultry raining, even the bens are My ing for hint. No’ man la too poor to give Die bottftriles# #**kHh of ft Itoiroo* thought or a kind word #poken. (JHLBBD • CASTE nj,*; f h * uli 1 l * '* * ■ f' i4toiyii Hi t *Aii —Mltof#to j L—H ## HMNMMdto 1 A—4%k 4i j *• n «• «n .. .. ■ * - T v j 1 A— glftpi iftiWkC kwstf.d mSIS j i hit? Nani otic. I igrT f sM#ii|rmt4v fcwrrtnwftin I gftMrSMtmMwiM. I fStarift fMiwftt*■ n* »**«»(#- | M>i*«t4Loi*wor suttr taaftatdi ft#* +—* 4m | xr.w •vriMK (MCT ttMT oe WMAPPRR. A WELL STOCKED LUMBER YARD jHfv m to*"’"’’ ht* SOME NEW INVENTIONS. Hole* <aa ft *l«ig In froaea eaith ; with a orw bnriag Implemeal which has lobe* extending down to th* U|» of lb* borer to receive bested air or 'nuld. I'end Is ran be necurely held in an ordinary pocket ft a handy new do, | vice formed of a .|vlre clip to grip th4i edge (>r (he flap at one side, with a loop to receive Ihe pencil The hortxonta! #<le of a new blcyrl#! saddle post la hinged on the upright portion, and a wring extends front the edge to the top tar of the frame to support the wflght of the rider. Man wants but little here below, and gt net ally speaking that Ls wbat he gCtH. win r*w Infant* tM The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the / » Signature /% jJ** of w ft Jft* The Kind vjr You Have Always Bought. CUSTOM nmft »4H»»tM»d» I—ntnt %n«» »*♦» M Mere >se cast obtaia promptly tft Meal grade* of CH tMWU YU HIM RIM ItwOdtog lumber «t aM time* and at Special Ww. Vow a* IM*d IM.» om ti».,rlpttea "ROM. IHtk" lirvMed I toorlng. tciMag and I InlaM tag I nmfte. kit a Iwied Mere under owe own •apervislon. worked and •torrd In cdvrrwd sMrd*. I nil line In rteeh nnd qwb.k delivery assured Perkin Haiifacliriti Ciipan, AUGUST A. GA.. DOORS, SASH & BUNDS. Just Arrived - Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING & BOHLIS 904 Broad Street. Fine Goods —Low Prices. $1 Dress Shirts, at 75c $1 Unlaunderetl Shirts, at 50c f>Op Suspenders, at 25c ' apt; Socks, at 10c 50c Undershirts or Drawers, at .. .. 25c 75c Extra Fine Quality, nt 50c 11.25 All Wool Undershirts, at .. 50c $2.50 Umbrellas (silk) H-25 Fine Stock of Woolan for Bults and Trousers. F. a. MERTINS, Tailor and Gents’ Furnisher, opposite Planters Hotel. EoffKnot Will Cure Any COUGH. ONLY 25 CENTS. Made and sold only -BY- R. H. LAND, 522 Ninth Street. JHE ||ERAUI STANDARD yyAR jJTLAS It t# popular b#C4ut« It It luit wh#t th# mr*4 it n*»w-t|».»pcf-fortclmo public *#«**• *At Map* *rm i*rg« «nd clear, and fully doubi# mm %um of #ny othrne publl*h#d. Th#y Arm b##utl fully printed In flv# color* on hmavy map p#p#r IF YOU RE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EOGRAPHY you will find th# All** an nclivp#ntabl# aid. It will help you to ob—rvo th# dally r.hang## In th# tituabon, and enabl# you to k#ep pac# witli history. You Need An ATLAS! v Oct the Latest and Rest N Contents ol The Herald Standard War Allas: Cuba - - t4*2< Inch## Th# World ... 21 *2B Inch## IftwwMft taint of ilmw «***•#«. uMt and t*kgraph Hast. Weil Indies ... 14*21 Inch#* North America - - Blx2Blf»Ch## bo #> lisvg g atvt# lM### South America - - - 14*21 inch## Mmslsi .aM* Mwss. Phllippin# Islands - - 11*14 inch## Hawaiian Islands - - Il*l4incha# Europe ... 21x28 inch## Spain and Portugal - - 14x21 inch## Asia ... . 14x21 inch## .showing new Iran*-Siberian RaMrnnd. Africa - - - 14x21 inch## Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inches China - 14x21 inch## Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuegos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out, and entirely new. .... J . , The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atias. Remember the slain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. ■■■■ l\ HOW TO GET IT—6ity subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. j Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents !4»*>R i 1,11 ' jf A /\ FBaNKClves / \ / \ famoul | / \ / \ 9 Cushion A \ Sh ° f * / V Possible \ 1 / \only to a \ I / ’ \hsrdHitter\ V \ Centre Ball\ Q \ Very fina \ IN \ Ri9btT«i.t\ / == ' " ^ \ A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS Br JOHN A. THATCH** Cushion Can.m ( haniplus of Ohlo'SI •«!. wimirr or si, Uiul» H»udic»i< '*7, Hip It'DKp»t tuurnnnient mi reeora, ami tint only player who ever brat Hehaefvr, Hlunkou, and Ivea lu the halin' tournament. OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTI NT*. 100 DIAGRAMS OP S-OUSHION SHOTB. SOHAEFIR'S BTRAIGHT RAIL NURSE. EVERY STYLE OF BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURBINO POSITIONS. FRENCH OORNER OAMF. STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL OONTE6TB. LI3TOP CHAMPIONS OF AMERIOA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS. ITO. The author gives many valuable •ugKeitimia to uovleea which serve to render clear tlie met hods employed by the world's expert*, it will ahow you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. „ „ Flexible Learner, SI.OO. IM4 p»gM. Me*, 512* Inches. Scat, nrcpnld. to ««> MdrcM ua receipt ut price. Aapsta EveDiii Herald 7