The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 24, 1898, Image 5

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MONDAY J,t ** * , n, me%<f*iST^HiwSwii mm. ! Georgia Railroad Bank AUOUftTA. GfcO*o»A (o*mievO) mhH«* mu*“'*>** ** Aim. - tMNMCTNN t-emi »•->«* * (MM. MMft P tk»lMtaj gcr&iS— ,'=?Xir-‘ frflSSl IIPP <g 4 *SM|P a «*s*w 1 " » '‘"?m*m -, ■ #hMN • <4W MM*«M fVM •*** ; HM «#• DR. MINRV J. CODIN. i|r*»i(fttt •fHfCUU**** us »«*4a >*»«« a» r——* wmsa 1LI 1 Jll" *■' 'M—- >-■ '-'""" TO tnc t AlMli. Matt f. *L «. A. kwasutattn lilrt* 1 % «*• wf As M MBMHfMM W»* l itl| MMI if" lIN 3 MfcMt* 9 NMMlt**'* At UN 6 T**«iMM mm • (HMIII IMMNAttMM *>f J tli■Ail t« tlN> ImmH*# 4M*M s NNf it 4r»9 < it ttw»r ffcft •*•• |Hl>t T%M «*■£** SNMM M’ . "TTfcWN**. WM*M iIR «•» ♦«* %aNnmvsa. mm 4 mHmi Omptiimm* w» HI tIN Mf-lflt MINI MM? it * ***" •*#*♦ . t«»«krifcM*4 «M ftlil AAHHIfI M : ' *•* Aitiitirf f twm m mmwt* 1 f mm*m $m prYMBgM mccHm iat tw» MOffo*** MNtft#* of (In mi4*mmvm: mm 4 - rat mm i# «ti A* Y(U« M*s * Christ*** Aaparts- IM W«>MU| Ihlw Sttsyg "Wry, *•- MmonA at war# twitA*"* ««l Mi tv , rare it* !*(>■(«<*, MM b*4P# Sfwclcd ) Hi aefriers he'eg i sgslaril h#M; ttH. ( Tb» state romutw* ifi Oforgi*. tafia* waderMhaa <M tarfc nf pcwvidlag TrMt Me*'* C»I <»s* *»* ... Asa*«taltoa faritim* tor U* 0» >t.» ! »o*Wl IwwM Bwelf •»»**!». aiba rrwad for waal wf faade; riM Whereas. k-apjwaria* *«T *»■*»- tala to tat* IkiMfllM CMM*W ’ •otar* of Georgia. tMM a a*artUr* ’ taa «raf* Pr|ffiUr4 at Mara*. Aug*.* 1. 1 Alb* as. Seewanah. CVluatbu# u< fit or point* la it* state whh-h aoitltaii*# ; bi vw rendered u# very liberal J dog trittaot *WHi off awl •»•»* fk*ra brag vary a riofflf k.fbrol, ItMf'ao, k* M "RtaoNnl L Ttal *Sta taariy itaak* ; of Ibf *i|f roamlttaa of tta Oaor*la Yotiat M'i'a Orlaiiag Aaaorlailog , kataby oiintM to lb* aoaian a Mill- j larv Army fUrlatiaa Coiaatlaaica l« Ororra f-r tbflr amtaia. a«rrtfal gad fubatai tial aid. ”1. That aa Ik* work uairrlakfa ks tb* atatr *c*altl>a la «>• *9 f* r ranrad aad In an<*h roailliioo that it | tray ba agrrird forward without tta j further aid < f th<* auiillary. »a>d «u*- j Diary bo and la hrroby r»lraard from further obl!**tk , n to the Mate roiumtt tee of the O*or»la Ycun* Mid i ChrSai tan Aaaoclaitoo." Truat Tho«« W ho Have Tried. I SrrrKKED fmra catarrh of «h«- worat kind and never hoped for cure. but Kiy'a Cream Balm aeema to do even i that—Oacar Oat root. IS Warren ave.. Chirato. til. I SI’FTEKED from catarrh; it *"t »o bad I tvoild not work. I u«od El>'» Cream Balm and am entirely well.—A. C. Clark*. Ml Bnawnut Ave.. Boston. Maaa. . A 10c trial alse or the ROc alae of j Ety'a Cte«rn Jiitm will be malted. Kent by drw**l»ta. Ely Brothera, 50 Warren St.. N. Y. Tall fleeting. Nash rills. Tenn.. Oct. 22.—1 t was definitely decided today that the fall running meeting at Cumberland Para will tiegin November -Id. and continue j until November 24. Secretary Parker makes the promise officially. There: Is every promise that the meeting will be a good one. Buckled'* Arnica Salve. THE BEST SALVE IS the world f«r Cuts, Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Jtheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to rive perfect satisfaction or mone-r re funded. Price 25 cents per bo*. FOR SALE BY HOWARD & WILLET. WEDDING GIFTS^t rich cut glass STERLING SILVER NEW LAMPS AND VASTS Win. Mweigert & Co., Jewelers. U*lt l t» I U YOt IA ! |M|A»A« 4 4 t.. OM || m IVH Itea** * f <ih« mm**** t»i iin f#4 m**%m*'**<* f • #* 4%a mmrnrn HlMi# t%# M’fMiil MM IIMMA i» -* I l ' | %.♦% im W l $ : NiMNA M * mmi. 1m t*- : md m - IMHW''>»•— » e4NV Ml *4M m i»MI **** [ * I MitAMinl ISn» HMi ImM IMiMiiMtM l M ■»! | mmMmnnß »Mr MmaM *t - 4 «»■ MNMiiPI *lm MAi «m Hi I flh* «Mn# IwMwi* |M M*#«m MUmfM •%% I |%f MMf llwM Mfe# M4WP|m* «t ifIMMM M% I I IMMINI MRtpgNl A-'WNlul Ml ! 4ft«MK MMM* #M t A«%•«♦«%«'4 <l* | ? *.< •« MINI |f *4 M" imjjf A'* lIMR H»* N «»« M'4"*r|i MMIM "4MmI Mu- JWprf Mwi ife*MiMM 1 9m mm m* mm* mm*rn i mm , ! A«r»f |Rif dMiltlMM dM • MHMNNM HIMNMI f %>d' oft-'*- •. .#jh..e#«. MMI ®MA «*# |M» <4 liM ImmmM 4 «A* IjM CMmUMpmih . ' I §•** IMNM IfcN! p**m WIMM MM 1 l#M» ’' j *■ 4 fMf Ms fANMdMi'' MriMW mkm thi Hm? «9 mm* ImMI MMNk'fAt# Y-fWNMI AfA Id* tvt WW ae* the ftnol awe ekyeMadod la hta ' i n. j egti gi aeae aa h* « . .. . »*ii Claae haatde idn he*r well gathatr t. hrortalM • laa» late aetl fa awe add CtMfid<tait brother at' thee tall Ma fwaeeal kaari. And well lewder oa r the ywttan and well • radar at Ibe way lea k taa awallowrd »n la tktory tr err neaa wta ware the *ray. Writ hear oar taat old eehlMt to • j (W«t glare of ltd. Aad tat 11 |ffri hla moved of verdure ae iter ea*tr auarde law ware. Well d»eb hta ttratf- With VKdetn at » ! well k -*| It rath day. : And well c .rve upoti hla headboard, “Uftt brte the iaa« old dray.' Aad. ah aad* wilt he oar fkmthlaad when ae have no eetrraa gray, t Dark, oh dark? will h» Ike awrwlat when the laet oar'a yo>*l away ' Clowda will dim each pcaiefu! toy a** wa hla quirtuda they ylew. And in nartln*. nil will echo, 'llowofcd sir adieu, adieu " Shrouded in n mist of sorrow as a Cupid a parting lay Will hr each Sowthera valley—when the last one's passed away; Aad healds each blil aad mounula and around rnch cabin dnor Will he linked a chain of memory aa was tievrr linked before. m Throuybont evtry Held of clover and atneng the golden grain. And along the battered brraelworks, where our falrrut sons were j stain. i There'll he monuments of memory, while 'Dt-ath each bank of rlsy Myriads of leaden mlaallea will remind us of our gray. We shall lovr to teach our children t»f our heroes who are dead. Of the bottle wars they carried march ing to a soldier's trend; Their loyal hearts a<i tender all glow with truth’s array. A lid the many recollections of the boys who wore the gray. And aa long a* time speeds oowarl. and there's a Heaven of love, God will watch the silent sentinels, sleeping, from a world above; He'll guard the precious memory of the old Confederate gray Throughout time * eternal pages when the last one's rassed away. See Here, Read Thlsl Does anything all your hair? Then let me? treat It now. It rosts little conipar- i ed compared to the mortification of j baldness. I've treated many here in your own city and not one so treated but was benefited. Not one failure In ail the large number. Come to see me at 82i> Broad street. I am treating some of the best people of your city. MBS. SMITH. BEAT THE TECHS. The Football Ciame in Athens Satur day Afternoon. Special to The Herald. Athens. Ga., Oct. 24. Saturday af ternoon before a large, and enthusiastic crowd the University of Georgia foot ball team defeated the Georgia Techs, to the tune of 1u to 0. The feature* of the game were the bucking of Mc- Cufcheon and the all-around star p'aying of Ritchie, both University player*. The Techs, at one time had the ball within three feet of Georgia's goal line ■ —but on a fumble .VlcCutcheon caught the ball and ran the whole length of Hip field for a touchdown. Bond, j right tackle for the University, broke ■ his collar bone Friday and could not play in the game Saturday. His ab sence from the team was very notice able, as he is one of the best players they have. TBX) AX7OUMTA BtJIALD. tiAiktnimtma ' thw taw* ftp fhw Hasaagw tadtaaai M •ta>* ftaals [MgMf» «•»*«* M i cWkkws wu*f« u tafta : [•Mm Mm» mm* ••*• jjjMww* *m* \ nAUga .lu **♦ %»»“• MM# *t *** !».•*«*» mrik •*»*« n» »«• [MMI 4 •**£» #4 ; • 4 | mm w**| [»*%»»•» fIM MfWM* MMm4 ] [MMI *%• mmm m«mm mam, I 9lmm mp Imm mmnm mm m* imm mm 4 : rt mm * mmm~* *t MMhl I MMta IMM *•»'.*% MMHI ***** Mi Ml I MMM 1 | I * lMli» W [ WMm 4f |iM MMUM"** TMriMMMI# | i MM» mmm ll 4 '*-* ■ MMMgiP l *** [writ MMi HWiifM Hi M»4 Mr* «t* . i - ’ * MUNI MM Mm IMM MMMU iMi l : #* | • m**m «m MMammMl MwMMMNM* M-'M •* *» j I IM* * «M IMAM’ 1 MHMM Mmtm U**-#** IM*. ■ mmMI «i ft WM Im )4.'Ml #M I «aMM • MMMM ■- MMMm Mt *Mm j IMMM *Mm (PMttlm lM HM WMMrI IftiMMl j Mmm W H HMMI MmM tW mmmMm-- j i'IMMM IM iMtir # MpMM Ms fMM §mm*'«pmJ , M*Ytari fMrii * Mni M».n mmm miipm»m- j IMi MM NAM «a* fVAAt «• *** tMMi MlNt t« T MTHMaa piMNM Ms 91m Hm* j IlMMifrit *%.■ - A lA* IwMria* |MM ANIM Id* j i IMI Mlt IMt M MMMMf ll A 9 j MMl* flMf llarir- ffcMliM Hmy ft It U - Ml M<lMMMrii WMI» f AAA * §t»N M MftilfMfMMl lIIMMMM | TMm MMMMM Ms VMM liAMiMlt MM4 Ms ; fiMkIIMMIM Mi Mm MMtM IM MMfIRMM MAtIM j | «if mat I MMM- HaMMt MMMr IMNMNM •** ■ ’WII I MMtlt am 4 amamtal mM4IU«<m i i»M j ; « * Mii mami eww - -.. -.-- - -** - *WA - M M.—*— mjmrn. 1 Ot?f § Njwil Mi 1 j •iNMt Ms MIMN f iNf Mm 4 ftaMN MM IM *IN | dtf* iMil tv*f W» MaffMMN N : f tmlalr Ata tw tha aafaywraWe wrath *r Durias hyssml gsawy as awrj Iratswad p uplr fawta pwitilrr wort , podUaMe thaa cattaa f4rhlag ikusr-1 •at Aeqwv atlas ks fri* ata wagnuawd try star genpla at the krw price ata I .heel ytskt as rus'wa Without grrat htchcarafc.# aa tha pat* of *ka ~ rrdl’la* * taa assay ilehtacr arasl b* ! rad acta to rwrirriag ITRS. ELLEN ACAUHOIfO. she Passes Away la £a*i'er*»Mjt Altrr Strtlaa Prortratio*. Ijrrlsl to Tha Herald gaadersi lljr. Ha fht 11. Mrs Riles jh’srhorw 4i*d Erlday amraiag of I servous great ration after a llagrrtag [l l inem nf serrml Anya. Aha waa dt years of age and had Iliad a grrat part of her life beer, sad she as* bored ami ' respected by all. A rrtwarhahle pa ;tlnn and awartssm of disposition , weir the two noble rharnrtertstlrs of ' her life, and right bser |t is worthy as remark that her rauer iaiimatr ! frieads do not recall haring one ti ng ►tea her angry. Wbe leave* to nn»irn i her loss a loving hnsbata Mr Cfcas. ticarloro. two heartbroken daugh liars. Mlm Lola and Miss Alice, and a devoted son. Mr Chat. K Kcart.iro of | Augusts. The tatana- ui look place j yesterday Mrs Winifred llutat Is In a very! rritlraJ condition aa the rsadlt of a, fall which she etperlenced Haturdsv. While returning borne from Branham j vllle. a negro sutiurti. where she had ! gone to collert an amount due it r bp 'a negro woman, kbe lost her fiMding In ] I crossing a ditch, and was forcibly thrown In It Some negro women , bearing her cry, rushed to her rercue. j and rtmoved her from the ditch. Al hack was procured In which she wav j conveyed to her residence. Doctors , were summoned and wet# soon ai her j side. On examination ll wan found that one Hg had been broken and oth er pap* of her body badly bru.sed. The very beat medical aid Is being given her. but as she Is an elderly wo man It Is feared that her Injuries will p. ove fatal. Our tittle hoy was emu-teil with rheu j mat Ism In hi* knee; and at times un ' able to put his foot to the Poor. We | tried In vain everything we could bear of that we thought would help him. | We almost gave up In despair when ! someone advised us to try Ohamber | lain’# Pain Bulm. We did so. ar.d the first bottle gave so much relief that we got a second otV", and to our surprise. It cured him sound and well.—J. T. HATS, Pastor Christian Church. Noo -1 desha, Kan. For sale by Alexander . I Drug,and Heed Company, C. H. Parr j of lieil Tower Drug Company. j The Sheep and the Goats I The proposition that a new Bar As nociation should be established, to In- I elude all the lawyers of the New York j bar who accept as sound the principle j that a Judge Is bound to give a proper consideration for his nomination, in the way of such plums as his Judicial of fice puts at his disposal, seems to be j mode seriously. .Nor Is It undesirable for the public that It should be car ried into execution. It would separate j the member* of the bar Into two dls-j tlnct classes, go that there would be | no difficulty in discovering the ethical and professions) standard of either.— tfr-ve York Bun. A Sure Plan to Keep in Good humor Nothing else seems to have the ef fect of keeping a man In the universal good humor and cheerful mood that a comfortable fitting and easy wearing : pair of shoe* does/ Now. therefore, If you will do the square thing by yourj fer-t and out on a pair of Mulherin's famous'*3.39 shoes, it will not be the I [fault of your pedal extremities if your 1 humor and disposition fall to be a : source of satisfaction to yourself and friends. San Francisco lias twenty thousand children of school age who attend no place of learning. uApcriH^ikiuai). 4«M !»»■*« in M N»' V ftM NN«»» Mriri Me GcnttUKikJ A A BvriwJll' i Ouacudo Apia AM* ***£ M Mm I** ANAMM •# •imm** *■' l.l’f U*&i*4>* I i * C<B| RINA. PIN. STUD CARRIN6^ • M UattktH J |M m ■EACH—* 1 tftrn»«s Arc S 2 P«r Pan SPECIAL CAUTION: tag umA nA.-antaf tritAppAwa M» M l * |A* | mmm **m m**m*»* m*m+**’*+ _*m»- MAMML * * riMsp» MbM a** *• ' rißj* * Yri* ! w %riri •.?«»• '**■ * ? * *** ’ MMMAAMi* Inn# mm anmn •*< *'* * * •* S# f«rih- *--«••• F *"*>♦» •' ' f ' sst#«*.«*• ft** ♦**V£. , f*L"S; i ’ f *sy*» s#< is tags** V* * MAIL ORDERS. saWSSSSaWf r-d llriMri ri»4 tadNri 1 MMMM. "** ••■■i VaWttJ * <Ntka>—.. tty, kpms lw— . r dt* Canes ts<wv% *'» wri» „ta«* *— ( awwt* Mwt'* • * ySoli* • a lie r.<4l fusl ksrrv rT '*‘ "msfo-rr Saq gifta »«»—*»« •» Ita “ SU a* tqs*«ta **r Beware of Imitators.”^** iMe* Wad coder* l* liARRIOS DIAHONDCO., COiSO* BUILDING. 4t uo *4 Baoao gTMtT, NCW Vo4» sanUMs taw pager- THE lEN’S MEHTINCI. 9apt. Evans' *pteiidid Address on ••W hat Am I?” As «.» .* I, if., nddrras t>y *l -.pdeiit Ln««MM M Kvsas at the Y. At. A. last nrtrrnoon was a nuwt InterwKlng one. The title of the ad drees'll As "What Am I?*’ iwi will'll the supcfflrtendi lit irehted «a t h > vet last trig lilt of the soul and the temporal life of the phvaimt leafy. Tim following eWracl le giv* t, of the uddtugn. Hi. iam not «J.a» you snr, This [body'ls what t havg to war wliif. 1 am lure fntrn the (••ginning to the end. The body shall decay, hut what I” am shall live forever. John (Julncy Adonis was walking up the street one day and met a friend, jw ho asked hoiv he was. lam well, replied the president, but the home Is fast decaying. The roof la decayed and Its walls arc tottering. I think John Quincy Adams will Siam have to move out. hut he Is Well. "God made man in his own Image," not with a physical body, but In the Immortal Image. You aie here for ever; somewhure. In some slate. When we think of that, look at the end. What Is an hour of pleasure to the eternity? What Is a fleeting Joy compared with the everlasting remorse, that worm which eats within the man? The ministers tell us Ihal (lod gave ua this life for preparation, So we umy take It and use It In preparation for the life to come. I apeak to yoU «» a young man to young men. fl pa re yourself In the cooler moments for the temptations that or.- to come. Ask God to help you, fpr to Him you must make an account. YOUNfI fIOTHERS. Croup is the terror of thousands of youpg mothers because Its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shi pp's ICough and Consumption Cure acts like magic In case of Croup, ft has never been Unown to fail. Tho worst cares relieved Immediately. Price 25 els., 50 eta. and SI.OO. Sold by—Re tailers, T. A. Huxton, Anderson’s Drug Stole, Alexander's Drug Store, West End Pharmacy, The King Pharmacy; Wholesalers, Davenport 42 Phinlay. The fact that skeleton remounts of elephants are so rarely found In any part of Africa is explained by an ex plorer, who states that as soon as the bones have become brittle from cli matic Influences they are eaten instead of salt by various ruminant ani mals. Old fashions In dress tnay be revived, but no old raahWped medicine can re place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Alex ander Drug and feed Company, C. P>. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Company. It is only the middle aged man who lives—the striplliig hopes and the old man remembers. "* 1 I MR BtMORNh. •ta* ilw <• %'*!■»■* «• *tata «»* Vta gWMM tMggg ftas ata A*- [ f|« -s la iio at a* ritastrid wait ss*#aastw : 44 ma l|.inr-t. "r ttsmga* ** *»** I aw* gnr-ir-« as w «r»aas* w**h *» ' L urn gmwta »sw «»pswu>qam-*ta psww rift AIRS in rftaiTY IM » * • 4»riM* AMN ‘ *♦ * *ta» '»i'sta*tari ha » »ndsssawi , [ gr # . f f # . iamM IM UN-AM MtAMi Mif< .c-AMu -AA »*A;ij qrij-iT AS%M ANN * As-- • **--£••••»• [ «at«dkA a# Aim* in Aprim tsi Mi pUM'l* ] ,- ti riM'S Mifrr- so mm** It. t t»M «f . [ I MmAna* «hM| AMMiMIM ANNA *%• MMNM : I» f n„ ari%riA MiMANI MUlmmNi AH ** 4 j I ■aAnnanA AM Ml |M>nAi«tii AfM AM MaMnnAN m It W TMllif MNNi4 MM* j HU I I Hit H M>MN*» ifMMI mmN Hmyn alm M Mr I I* Mm«M| MMMaat •♦♦Ml ; |anN4N Aipipliit ABi *IM M M MMI M MMM fAMNt IMi i j H At,. Jmmssm H HM«tHM, a«mm! iHMMPNfMt HimIAM Hi M M M, A AS*4MNM. MAMMA MNNi- I Ufff immnai, aSm , He* ata W ■ W Nwhaf* gswta l dwyhM is arvsuitiWi <l* W iMtatpa II Wajda* gswta sr |*b* MeaMws tie gtawr Aafss Yiflta **• dewita Isfitww On «r W A Meygnta Ata grata•» - *<>|i4 risridriw tjs | W . Iswwes t* fkW<4>». sarsmd grata asawatd. lrw*w»«lhr. Os. W.. * M- rif.-taWA. third *rae-i Isteward. Hasarviß* its rifwsAsr Thswsna W. Hnwm grwwd | Irtrt M.aoon Ms ftaas ska gaaWra fvdMsMMa will j Itad a mswrns ta ih* jtagswa wf mnh iM «P Ha WpoM other naaWwr •HI plssr prntaMy twees Mdst mo tta< it wseanaary jar n gyms nsaas sf ik ait wdawia WS Ik* ateetlan at lha grwwd v. dga Io |*SS »tw la Mens a* krswu knur daiw. atrhnwgh lha Indgr will ha Is atashas ash Ihsaa data The grata kada* slwsya Wtags wui S large coaster of Ibr htatwg rBWaW* nf the atwta. Thay taws bar* from r»- •ry a»r*tow as Ih* aista wad Ma< • will arruri I boss a warm wwkoaaa gw fur aa rwa be loaratd. there art go ISjoriMl qLaat low* id public is trtesd io cause briber <hr sterling wt j Ib< Ugh Ihr re la so frills* what quwa t» ne auty hr ajtruwg wbtlw Ibr t rig In la srwstuS. A Aar awatlsHtl «f Rnewt f'ollt owls frwlla rerrtvrd at immkla A IV.'a. HI I’ll/I MI. VUMh taw Ihdwg OW Iw lha Uvwly \ IMatw. XtorM ta llhe Herald. H -pits hah. Un.. oci. At.—Dr. J, W. c...try wf Waynrabtnu la iw lha vll> lag». UIR. Wt 9*. Turiwf rsinc Tr«m» AM- Kii» is 9til» tH'iftitns *»« hi mAnal. Mimi Kilt* WmUrtm rmtuniml r+mter .la? HTdlnit frooi a iMori vl*M l« i as 111**. mm* a lar«r ttlwi4*nN» at i«ih achnoi aervtcsa yaaierdar. Pro* ' Js.<haug drill ■ red an csceib-ni le<-tur»». ' lef.-re th«- BaplWt e*-h«*l. Pr-»f K P. j I ,«|nrk leclureij Übe* d kilkidlH Bplscopal s i wt. Krv .P. D. t anlfril } pm-ached an escellcnl a-noon In Ih*- j M< thodtst Episcopal church l ist even- ] in* He made his csiMwllSm of the test < ! very plain. Fr«-I Junes. wh<» killed Will Hum , iwn neai Radford'* mill a few davs' sfco. mie tried Prlduy la-fore Hon. R-I K Mellon, nml *a* aequilted. Ilev, It. A. Addls m. having accepted | (be lastnrale of Ml 7.10 n church of lllythe. will preach iher<* »t II a. m. and 7 p. m. the first Sunday In Novem i la*r. \v t . have delightful weather. WHAT IS SHT.OMV ! a grand old remedy for Cough, Cold* and Consumption; uaed through the • world for half a century, has cured i innumerable case# of Incipient con- I sumption and relieved many In advanc ',d sLage*. If you are not satisfied with ’ the results we wHI refund your money. Price 25 Ct*., 50 cts. and SI.OO. Sold by j—Retailers, T. A. Buxton. Anderson's Drug Store, Alexander's Drug Store, : West End Pharmacy, The King Phar macy; Retailer*, Davenport & Pblnl i*y. NEW 'PHONES. Augusta Telephone and Electric Com pany. 075—Augusta Electric Supply Co. 582— Augusta Southern Railroad, President’s office. ?07- F. H. Brendle, Meat market. 476—W. H. Brigham, Wholesale gro cer. 872 George Cochkos. 332—0. A. Cunningham, Jr., Resi dence. 007—L, O. Doughty, Cotton factor. 282 —E. W. Dodge. 788— W. R. Glnzcbrook, Residence. 501—Miss Sadie Harris. 678—0. W. Hall. 7»X—John F. Holmes & Co. 522- W. C. Jones. 286— W. M. Jackson. 487—J. 17. ackson, Residence. 371—Dr. A. J. Kilpatrick. 776- K. Lesser, Residence. 424—D. J. Looney. 281— Mahoney & Armstrong. 286—North Augusta Land Co. 686—W. P. Padgett. Saloon. 572—L. F. Padgett, Furniture. 587—Schuutzen Plata. 373—L. C. Steinbeck & Co. 281—Tutt & Boy Is ton. 873 — 'W. H. Walton, Farm. 881 —Whltlker McGowan. .Mr. W. G. CrltehlOw, the expert, ry <-le repair roan, who was formerly with Thomas 42 Barton, desires to call at tention to tic- get that he is now with Da videort & Mathewaon, at 831 Broad way. With a modern equipped shop, he is enabled to give prompt attention to all difficult work of all whebltt. A stock of parts and tires always on hand. Pri ces reasonable. YVoik guaranteed. QsHrtumm\ Tlmm Sttadh a*4 fieri krtia Aw Ri< mykm ’Nry *m M» emir. Aftttk (tor«f«rin in iwtkt** <k*«gn* And paiw»«A. HriiYf Saia. cncnsian *m*K K«d Uwd wikd Q* Urwd. (u«ta«hin( a idriAin mdnnduAtaY. a (CfiArit Mrgngfh And ANoNaily b «** Mtft hAvtng. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOW. /IMt lih'jJcm7& — L\._oi J w. MriAwri IRNI MMftMAN tMIAM iMIPAI A | NPMMtMIi t M*M Ms Un *MM# • AMMMMMiI i t* ; M—fMl iINSEYMAMMAt. AMnI !«•• fl» tal tM InMIM Mi MN«|ftMdl Immm IM* fNMr* | VAN AMMHMi Hi lrit AmMMA «f MAfTf -• I •mm MaiAAN .-V ' SHOES THAT ARE KNOWN I yHMt- \ Everything that is sty lish. artistic and com fortable, combined with the best of workman ship will be found in Hanan & Sons Shoes. CASHIN, GOULEY & VAUGHAN, 808 Broad Street. AGENT* FOR HANAN A SON. FALL OVERCOATS FAIR PRICES Conditions point to rapid selling, now that the frosty days have come to stay. We never had a better stock. We never offered such reasonableness in price. We never put more thought or care In selecting. Overcoats are here for men in all stations In life. The luxurious Overcoats are here--p!enty of them. The plain and substantial Overcoats are here. If you wish to pay $7.50 or $35 we can show the best style and value in town. That’s the kind of skill that keeps us in the lead. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR-FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA A WELL STOCKED LUMBER YARD tfSjrwu, fctt i ■■wii jm, ■- n."iryw— OCTOMiR 94 Ngwta N sUrita V ail mm N mt iNftjf id lit MR N fjjfArili iNb fan »t 0 Kss< a teiW mm bMm tm* But Seriously— II You «fM fit am iAmma $| p stk«t ihdff idM N MB Iridi 4 knap in iwuf ****** Ant*. tha sawshsswMS'r taa is saaawwrwA hr <ba h«w* hut h f isiriAaa tnws assaarib for au *ua*-« la haw* Aa wag* «s th» , taar wf th* ‘ wwiirsilw** ata hw tha *ww ; m hsasdhs aa MMan -«ad* w» ■ i.liiistsa j <b* seat as ta»«ua» Hta igrtagh ah A MRIkIMI cONTIAIT pw am aiaaia hta la hath tbs asaA aad lha shift ffaata tof'thasa aba hstw had ihait tsaadry aarh asm a* Makw s ijsMry ata tha am* aha has hta his Awaa a* a Isas sriktsta war. with bach swasher swthtas. ahrra they ssta hams y«* ahirla. < altars aad rwria *«h Irwyta *dg*w ata tswri huttwa bote* oar iwsaArr work hi fault km t Halwr • g<*am iwuadry Sts Jashaaa Wheel. ngNsW l>*rll Hwus* IMh Known from Maine to California as the BEST that material anti good workmanship can pro duce. IB FOB STILE Arran ■ MS WW' MM ""I , Where you can obtain promptly the best grades of GEORGIA YELLOW PINE Building Lumber at all time? and at Special Prices. You will find this on inscription: “BONE DRY” Dressed Flooring, Celling and Finish ing Lumber, Kiln Dried here under our own supervision, worked and stored In covered sheds. Full line In stock and quick delivery assured. Mins lnifactims Crapy, AUGUSTA, GA., DOORS, SASH & BLINDS