The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 24, 1898, Image 7

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Cfj PARIS f ru**** m»i 'Pmm. tm * -TV •-**«• **> V# * mwii mm m • *p» *h» •*'«»# at • »<• mi'lkmd. *tw V* MM- Um »•« •• 1 •—* »*«<m vn** —>•■ * «#*# u*«—*h»*d —npMiu**t *rt »m *— P—'* fwahk—m TV PM 4# MM •*»•" * tm mumurnm *» ppp Upmi * *wm« ♦ <*■»«• m« a*yTW ipmUT •#** *ad t mmtmm a •» vt»* a* •WwWna i« tw up— mAtt*! "# MM as MMI* *od kaMa • TV mm* Um —pm •»* d-Mia -t» ■MI TVy m IV ♦' • kr* Ink*** Hh VfUl 4 • **d IM M WaM Vdu |WMA * *d<h *kc» *•» rapM H *»— mmmm ♦•» »—Mm*<M •» tM t afhaiy as IV <****■ tkk «* I* V •VMM aad tMM4 »f»1 math ilk* <M «kW« TM— <Mk mM Am «« •off Pdfatkhl tk UM** ffakftai-*! *M MM ihatM khakWli Ik** k At«M f«p »-**• «mM V Mil* •* »«»*«*• k*l it« i«m»i>* .TV far Varnaur. m m • • <tfa«y Nwl Um Auk* tt« <i*ii» ** *m »*u •*!■•«« m Mm* up— k hr—Wh m >•<«•»* ffowp * M»<H Pnaaa* ah—l Ut* k 4 km* at Ha *ap» <** • frit* ta—# up lk» tram* »t»d Vt l*M k JkVkMV *« cl I* k ttkMMM «t UM Vk fsaht « Ak ehanplr of «V Mkkfl «*»* Ml** at pro) *»kk *.» k •<*■ wv Pv#V# * pb*k« «f lain* Um> Oral u> -it*. j»i*f Ik* kitin'* o»—to In tun*. Tv* • *l* tM * I «•* l» #ll*4 #* . r Ik* ah Hi Ml *lkcH Mall* Ik **a|* H »♦- pvcw f«*mkM k fekM TV kMIk • Mil m hn«* k kk fhr*. Barter# A wory h»*H rtMir ln*mt **ik »l'* apd Oil. pel Wvfltelb m* Ilk* Ik* rUd f..iM Ik* a-Ta pack and th# **#. k of ik* k-» I *r*k Ik III* m-kt alurmt *<*#»b-r U'l* lap- k tafarel t» k P»*«t k> Ik* **>#» Th—a. with Ik* **«*!• tthtnk kiwi ike roll endr* lln* Ih* rap* Jutt kk> ! |n«- tk* lap*!* w*r* at **••!* and trad* a rtrk . Oktrual I* th* ml ks Ik* **p* • ».*! kal» kf* «*k «*t Ik* *** rap** of an unpf*. a**n**l l« mil, hm Ift* «*•«• t**rrrM thrtli tk Ifcl* Mt*l A i«*l thkl kin ramhln* *M«»n«* wltk - -tnlart on a a»r-' dk> «k* mad* «t a*alakla a Util* Wo«mr iban th* cap* |u*i d*- ! a-Htod Tk* mi wa* f*«hi fi'tln* *n-l had a v*ry hi»h < -liar and tight al«*e*#k. TH* aktrt -rs Ik* wM <*•* « »• kk*t* »“« and had a lin> roll «t Ik* a*«l»kHt. Hfc* bra Ml. applied from th* lam* bull,* at th* *ai*t. dpr -n (arhl-a. about lh« I'ukt | f/ow to Enlarge A Small Room. tn Hi cm 4*y« of UiUwttiw and samU toom» It »* a qoiftion of vital impor tance not only how to utilise every Square Inch of space, but to give vt»u --•K th* most Impressive puasible Idea of spaciousness. The average modern ream ha* an area of about I by 10 teat, o course in the smaller town* where pi spent)-reigns, where real estate val u.'i re not rated by the square Inch and the apartment iiwuae ha* not made It* appearance. *hi» I* an evil a* yet unknown, for a* a rule old fashioned p, uses are rootny and airy. Kor some reason modern builder* have a mania fur cutting up u h«»ucc* inlo a** n’uny cithfcy holes as they van manage, and whether they are building « colonial mansion nr *» Queen Anne villa the ef fect la likely to be much the-same. Pmsll pieces of furniture and those of cuts* of m • light ami airy design will flske away a little from the appear ance of smallae** In a tiny room Chip p. ndale or empire 1* more suitable for a small apartment than tnahoguny or old English. Not only is It beet to have the furniture of a dalniy and fragile p.ittetn but there should be as few places as possible consistent with com fort. Wall paper should b • of a neutral tint, with a small pattern or of plain car tridge paper having a narrow border. The pattern of the carpet should follow the same Idea. It should be small and simple If there Is a polished floor, the rugs which cover It should be narrow bordered. Where there are several rooms, one opening Into the other, it Is. when prac t! able, a good plan to remove the di viding doors and throw alt Into one, the a.-hwnyK between being prettily orna mented with curtains. Although each room may b—small, the viola suggested by the open doorways gives a very fair Idea of apace. Light in a small room adds much to its appirt/it area. When it is possi ble, bay wit .ova soould be thrown out and the upper .third of the window filled ir> with a sash of real or imitation stain'd geos. The curtain should be draped about the window, not over it, unless a filrny curtain covers the gla, s to shut out the curious eyes of pass ersby. A window scat or o few plants on the broad low shelf belotv will be an effective item in the furnishing of the room, yet will tak away nothing from it.- extent of available nurlace. Corners are always made much of in the tiny room. There is a couch piled t NmM !•*• *# —••».» *«*k*ml I MM* ka*- UM •»*** MM *** Uaa* * MM'i *k|M MM* kM •»• kKMM k «• Dk* utlitiit tadk**k kak *1 ikkk* »i tm k*«a a Mkk *k* ih* ff*dM *M k*d M »* Mk* V»> kkktkd MH • *•» d*N> «•* <•»'* Mk* N -immi IMt «m ha** mmm *• **a - •** «k Ik* Ukap* of k IkW id-1* a dii-i-t *-ni**k«aa tk*«w» a* a»-ittk*k «»hmMM •**• • **•* •kak*« (Mk- • **kd •* «*» k^k** atkd t«* fd a* a kaad *4 dUt TV akTia t- *• tv •**><> •**• dwttvu* *•< m| mmi la ill* *k» ak4 it at ika •*•* Tk# ■*•*•* *• la* - •tdapak. nt »** "-aad kdk aak-*. •* **••• v • MPdIV k-H M*W *« «k# ••»«* iT«miMi.*a»» ktt tM*t trtik Ik* wtu I* tdiliim *4 ami •MkkkMM* Ik* -**.'• at Ik* tIMtW' . **#* utMtwd *'t» n«k • tkr •*•*• wdIMVI K’*a Ik* iadikMa ala adulatpi fc* Van Ittm mt taakukki aitk a -ktp* d ii.l *k* Wa ttv fa*k»-*Hd VataMki aa m* ta»p *•**• if* fktm* f** a »■*•#« aad h»*fkt <k«* TV iiWMt* *4 *o (tm ##•»*•*# *«• t**t aakd* f* i*tVad*. **a fc*a*p 'awrrd aaltas I* .** •**» -*»W T ala to tM«Tk«k*»* *<•• »h* ■ »•# fata at* *4l <*»**»#d Va •#* kla kkd ck—ftia r*aia •»■* at mam kt* kt tfc<— of MH- tmt* aad **• iiavacaal la*»«A kkU» **• d»4 «iMh *r* tat ky »kt»* td t—a —twailta i ntkarlik t —pa 14 aaM* Wkad with hit ht’la u It* »m d laaatr t» V ruattrr* Wr IMM »•*• and rkl««»a *m i-fatdrrlia inn a-aa* at tka m* fur *ar m kUk Tk* ikMkWkalkik of la** «Ilh Ik* fk» *lvr* • rk-kmaa aad NabtkMa akk k a»a > try alimtiva. Tk* «a«caaat ak wk«k I I* id* n) tk# n*ai k.ilhiag amtn**- nwai -4 tkt* a*irt war a *#< k coat «t -:*fk *ll*l—l mini. tV Ilk** tktat ar ranc*d %»n»»*ily Butt »ap*to frn— ih* *koaht*M to Ifc* boiloM ml Ih* Jack*! »fff Irimntol with allwhata > l\i*l**a at lac* aad Via «4 fur Tka Ho— «*r* h ah apMt th* »hould*i. with a rather full puff, and ltai»h*d at ih* wrk-t with a thorn--** of fur unkrpi With a tm! of lace similar la (hat Upr-k IV front Th- bmh • ollar ««• nwda of mink la wbkh Ih- »'Hp*a wera m*»a Ctoaaty art lhaa tkaa* In IV body of lha farm—l TV alrlp** U|*.*a th- ahrrva war* *rl konsonMlty la IV wrlai A rap* appaoprial* f.*r aa ridn-V •nr iron » M Bi*‘la •* IVrrlaa lamb, tka back muck hmprr lhaa iV front and high with pillow* an I having *bov* II , 4 lt> upl« of shfivti of book* and »oine old rhinti. for on# corner, a tiny table of nhitiing aMinaood or Japan*** lac qut*r*d \ ar«? for another, a tab)* on which ar* display* il th* hnnd*om*Kt ; book* in th* houa#, th* prettiest va** f i *| | fiiH aPpi ifQJJ / ; with Its cut flowers freshly supplied every day. and the photographs of the honored friends of the household. Romo times, instead of these, the fable holds a |, a !m In a handsome Jardiniere. Be side the table stands a chair of white an d gold or a dainty hit of wickerwork. A couple of pictures upon the wall or a bracket surround d by smaller pictures forma an effective background. A caln net may adorn still another corner, or a small sofn will do-ln fact, anything that furnishes the corner without seem ing to crowd It, Of course the piano, if the family is a i musical oue, is of llie cabinet variety., THE AUGUSTA Ik* »•«* hoidrk<*d kfdk a kaa-• *»■•«» <4 data* TV ***## -• ** m* mm * <—*—• hMM *4 fft* Pi— * bv mm mm t a <» aakt* «V kaaap* —*•• *V fw ha afpdd V IV ka**tk*M *4 IV fw l-'tt4 o.dlaitvk nl *a , owaa-d • paVd •o *V a ac.r# far ityiw M*| |r / m# [ \ * : <kf i V**ry few pmnmm n*****d«y« »»*n a years, a* the shop* are selling scarcely anything but vati|n*4,a*»trum. uta. The top of th*- cabin. f*t4an<> W-nda itself readily to «t<-rorutH>n in>l afford* an • *- cellent shelf for the display of more bric-a-brac When It la fmpoaslble to throw ad joining rooms Into one to Increase the siae of the spsrtmenis, a clever device may be adopted for leaking at I-,*** en*- rootn appear larger. It is by means of where looking ginaa la <1- tit In t» some times obtain a Hawed pl-e* of glass for Very much less than its usual price. Cnframed looking glass, moreover. Is not extremely expensive. The glass should be bought In two pieces, as It In this way costs less, and should be about i by 4 f I* • *:; • • * pieces should be lightly framed with a thin wooden rim, to which stout eyelets are screwed. Strong nails placed in these hold the mirrors to the wall. A double archway of fancy wood bought st one of the upholsterers where lAttii.c iyo;k o£ all sorts is sold is to be lilted laakMV »■ ii*a*i|i4* if V «*• «r«PM* W •*-'♦*l • • »•»*•» fff a—t -okam »*d* *io t—* .«. • •*« „,„,*** ***«# k»*»a »***■#» Mtk *««W tip. liairt W **% datd #* kV .*. v* wa • *d Ik# « v -«.»* akaaktl *k> * *# - k ■#* M *—• it..* Vo# fftdff <•> ’• -* Mam *• m* -mr * *•» t»v «V*a* kadkt tk % Vo*i *•»— r- ■ iiiiiMdaacM dff> tfc* av—d* k-«*4k» »*«■> lt»- a«*dt —a»« df kk# kaaff at* MdlN ■ * •» Im It iMtMk* MV’ Wb *» fffc**• » Dpc#’ - *** Ma .V- V# r. **o *-dt ~o* ,***••** kvi # pwvaff UVkf ~. m A* at MV at*# at take iv yii-irna iaak at« aiaa to a aaa ak •pt*V«a* Wad' h** *** a***»V «*— • *«* M v «Mvk odHi v Mm a# »>jrtjpS' ■>[ iwowript r i Hr « dM «*. M» ik* *i p vakaaa <4 admi #**4 to** IV4 W a MWMf Vkt; k»kV««4V k« *d-u Woff •» . *kV vlkH’kd i kkikVl • Wff aad fffft V- ’•**• V «vw4 V V •MPVkk *V HV **dd *W» W# tavffk* * Voam VI «v kv •tm aaa****af <* a«V *4 IV luVM illlMi aMVk—a tVWW<*-P**i*kV W* u.i ill nr" •»* *««ka»*M ** a **v • k—MkkMM v*- ■«* *«k a UkkH t MMM Ml **-•• •**•* tk* PVk»t TV ra.caW *4—* *r afk*V kak# a— V*. »»■ •»)» aad •kpaf tkt TMltk W# -tt~ V aid- «***• afM tkaVk i •v la»k** av kk* Wk tat and ak imwk V «»d » ihkiVUMI kWkh P m at »V v »*4# ■ TV MV M* •<♦♦* «v V IV faff* 1 NKIV PTVI.KJ* is rt Rp 'over 4cmirrors, edd it .h.a ts l ..* a llgbl (ln«n \he cent* r hidinac th* 1 lit* *»< h***» *h>tuid h*v< *nutll 29 in* h *i«h «> f**t*»*d U* tip*in in 4»r<J* r thnt i !w* «l m--d at k and aftth* ftlaa* 3t if th*rf wf# tr tb* 4g r0.,1,1 Th« r* rh*»uld l+ ft rll| In front of and a till van**, in w h t h ar* aom* flower! nr a Hnftt*f' of |»*ar<w k f«Mth*r». If th * ftl* ** **f T<»»(1 quality, th* dr* ptlou ftiutht t° ** iM-rf*t l hi»«I vucatM not gwarr of tit* ar* tl(K* \v Ilf Walk up t«* lb* iirchwitjf parting to *t*f> into *n«»ih*r room. Th(* devlrr is adopted in many tarffft «b p* i" increase the apiiearance of xlxe and tilel s ts no reason why 14 may n ,, t ' t „ au< i cssfully followed In small homes. o- ..urss where th- gl*"* '« In »ny w»v marred the damaged part must be turned in such a way that tie- Pillar or i < urtsln will hide the flaw I ANTOINETTE SIISItMAN WOOD. ENLARGING EFFECT OF THE MIRROR. nEIt-A.X*I3. ! aaf » —mw*** aa4 tk TV MMM ' •ks gHm * mm* #4 fffM'M tali « vi | «V» V*> *v w*d » «*v »ff «v . v aa* k-o***d *•* pNffvrW *4 avail ' Via oW «V V»t-' Wi MJ j [*- * TV ■‘MW • -fc— a* a- - * **-•-• »* fWd • k*V«4 M« TV j . .Bh of #» aav- •** »* - .»•*#**# ! ’ --i -itir -***4tavM #*v W* * ■»"»' * Ik I V iff IV •ffp- 1 >4 V V * ..# V* M •*•* ■ kffk ffjktv V*- v«* ».« V*kk» «W MM i da v* V db#v k -* **- —* v*M tk •••rnrnmm an ; lh» rrt Wd at —Mi Ad a*Wk Ml • a# *«*a IMUMP *wV*4 tw ». m o*d „m * »>' - **4 —mmt * *v-a wpn «w .. I a Via ***♦< *V VMM m tv aWVf *i MV IV MV «# *v Va Mk M» ka*k , „ a Vt W V avakav afV'lHd V 5 IV VW V IW* MM i : urn It ak V* U k v «V V V V f v« Tkm V» mw *4 mv# —aav# *..** ♦- • ••*4 W *v m#» aad , jil I ■■■■rirf amt —*r*t— at nut* and hrllulrop* aUh In* frual »*r* rlaa u-ra of tlaik ikarnl r*a*c#- W-rtiderfully pp-lly arc U»* lllll* iHm mlng* pr**|or*d l« •■#** bow a and col lar* rrllllna* and Bonne** thin rlkh-*n. every o»rl of lucb*. n««r*.w purh*rc4 Hhle-n. frill# of tarlatan and all thin nd itauiy malcrtal* a*> to ndd to the : »ofine*# utl beauty of IV narli *«na ni* of lb* •—«>« The *tlff *l«wk •» no mot*, aad In lla pia* e are ar-or** of new and dainty *rrsnp*m*nl« for IV ■on k. thr prim* ohjoel of w hich to bo to *lr* lb* «pfw*»rnnec of ooflm—. fATHKItINKTAI.IM.IT FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. It Is w.-ll to n member thul when salt I |» dried in the oven for tsble use U rhottld to- allowed to ' 00l completely before It Is placed In the saltcellars; otherwise It will harden Into a lump. It i* a test of good housekeeping that the call in the cellars be dry. crisp and powdety. When chilly autumn winds la-gm to blow, It I* necessary to have some Up salve ready to use upon the chapped skin A suitable preparation I* formed of a drum of alk a net root placed In an ounce of oil of almonds. When the latter having stood in a warm place, h .a extracted a pink coloring from the real Sii.iln It and add half an ounce of v lilt, wax When tbs wax Is quite nodted. add to 11 two or three drops of ailai of rose* and stir the whole until nearly cold. Place in small Hat vessels. tka nan f y -a #••**» «v an* ** )yitvtat; *■ -*4 [ ~o# vat Vt* —-aMav Tat v Vva i tStm* *v« pt»v** TV w*m« at kk E adiMM V r* . M«kv-4t#a>4 I* ttyiRMMF * * V V«cf kwafk VP ldl'l «Vkpa W Vdt W v* v«* • • } !>.*• *a *v (V** ** l m *—#* *«v» * rn «k» *• *» M *a MV *m ffa—a . .«.#» i -ao««*-*-*k ks it Tdi'a ■ , am - ,|a • «a i *oft Ip-** ** • V* I kkkf #•*■“*• kkft dad **d» V#-* * m rr- *— ** k#k(Mt ffV -dk* *V •oaf kkd #•****♦ <*f kkW V *WI c**k»*» Mk #ldV>k «V dMV if* |b*Vk« »V*- *•«♦ »Va *v, op— *yy * *.—a *4 #V W *kV»ki MIVMt s • ham* ** <»* * * a* **•“**• V i mV a— av aW dt Vi* *4k Tk !T. *-'<*iO -ddkkVk 'hd « PMMtk* MV V IV MMV mkk. Mnation ftv k •**• v arw alway* u**- (ul and ax* ealretnely atparl wlwn P—- fui**ly irimnod with lac* and nn*»*4 tilth old pat*, ahrltnp pink or « -iclboi* apfil* ttreon. whit* for holf m**u—'V iv ry w hll* or k*M*dr**p* P alway* aaa fpl. y»r rmir » la****- All lh**a* who poo**— preily ilaurM alii re>*l*c 10 hear Ihoi ih. im-nven |,nl Ixil .harnlnu Uath— which a— fattened down IV hack ar* cmlnff barb lo a*, aad many ar# in* P»* which arc already Made In lh» way. A f,, >d suitable for Ids. kblnt*. thrush es tltk lies. etc., is poc|>ared In the fol lowing manner two I four «gg*t**'**: * ly hal’d When cold, remove Ihe shells and whites and pound the yolks nn*. Add to them s pound of whip ~ml I table spoonful of olive oil, » « well and press the dough through a Hne tolander, so that It may he formed Into sn ail grains. Fry over a gentle lire ami altr them until «f » »*• hrowu color, when they will ho ready for wm*. . . All fresh vege,sides should be wshed and soaked In strong brine which will freshen the leaves, lies d.-s driving « any insects that may I>* lurking among, them. , _ _ When putting on bone casings, make „ loop at the top of each by 'uni nt over an Inch of binding. Hun 'he casing on rather full, or It will be .n boles. Always Iron coat collars sod cuffs f ha vrnd , ;hr;trx."ptrt, , .ng' t ttm in the machine and again after the wi(ti-hintr is tion**. Put skirts into thr bunds and sec that they are the sum. length all round be fore finishing off thr bottom hen. A skirt thnt sugs at the l.a. k la not beau tiful to look upon. Wliat to »<• ""h °''' r Save every bone, whether beef, mut ton veal, poultry or game, as well us all Juices in the meat dishes, for the Stock pot. Into this storehouse of wealth, for such the stock pot is. go the tough ends from the rib roast*, which would only become tasteless and dry If roasted, also the fat end* cut from mutton chops, the bone left from the sirloin steak and the carcasses from either poultry or game, as well a* tnt bones from the roasting pices. The so called Inferior pieces of meat make the best soups and stews. Where a sauce is In bide ihe Inferiority and Ugliness of the dish I here !« no occasion to spend money on good looks. Soup meat, tasteless as it Is, may be ni ,,ely seasoned and made Into pressed mc-t, giving a nice jold dish for luncheon. Rissoles are appetizing for breakfast or luncheon, and unless heedlesßly sug- K e«(, ,1 It will ncv»r enter the masculine intellect to suspect them of being the remains of yesterday’s mutton. Cold mutton may also be made Into pilau, hash on toast with tomato sauce, scalloped mutton and macaroni timbale. Left over cold bmuf a la mode mukos the very choicest of rugouts. Simple torn turn. Strong, pure vinegar rubbed every night into bad corns is said to ease them considerably, or it may be put on by making a vinegar and bread poul tice and binding this over the corns. \evv irons, such as sadirons, frying pans or walfle irons, should l>e heated slowly, or ttvy will be likely to stack. THE NEW EUR COATS. v » «*-**• * mid ikd ktkt ak iV' s« w v '"W m 4 «M*» *M m * .—>.«**— v v tv* v *v* A- P Wdk-ii **-$ l i.IMK 00 ¥!MP • p«P* kaa* ■•k || T» at » '" W c—o hi o« *■—'*## pm VPkMHHH .«• .tat.a- p «kl V * W • tvrtMhd W« TW ffV ! ha., we.. . .. ...a , v| 4MHP ~«# iWaHK#’ (■ —— aa Iraki kk# »-»«Mkf Mi «■#* <4 W# v*— kft* **ak •mgfg w-—-am tv* pm at k* «V vkn Vd . I ...poet » ha*— ' *■*** M «*k4 tk* *v*» •«*#»«— **♦* ■ ■' •Mk a* 44 I* la# -Mk* •%**<» M * *4M Ml cmV a** *# «* »k 4 Vp% »« »*v »vm v• *am< *d» ***♦•• * ■ ■** .#W* IV I*—*— as * Odd* —m —ok. MPIbM «Vak V i ppm v V aka* v tav— tv M r»—*—• ta V* vk "ka.M a 441 w— a*d '«• *4 *•—• V**aa4 >.**• —** V pdfk k* P*M '"MTV W •a* , Ji-.Tltr t" ‘ "T* —m m»m »*##kd» »kkiw»,kVk lap— W 4* at ik* »•«—. tka* *• k »**• .. p* V a knoal *4 >v4 . tdadf V- aad *m VMMkT 44; .... dpadttkk ••**4 kap* •—• VT . —mm !idv ova ik— v i * - f *4 *V aal— a—pi*! * -•*«■'*» •<•%* kftWk «4# VI m f*«M ** •**• k»MT* *•«% a#4 t > «*m- -••>** •*•#*. Ptaak kkdt* k 4 iW —M*k a hd -•*» ah* h ** *.*•# «—i d aikaPi .dp da*** 'w pMaaki '■ auk*. <tk# Ma*i V a —» r.iiiki kahV daw Vd a <MM 4 ffV >■*» MO MMMt at dor a* ahV #»—• *#4 Marti •arkaa Tk tfcty kv “4 41* koip MP*uh«l *VM ’ kauacd —ff «•—V kk -t«r * Vandal*— -4 PI *r**k »*pa»k. TV «-ad badVmm* *■# dadtt htk»» fp*#d .►dk. •-*« ' »« VV» MV. |la rdV *•» dktplc IV *o*d. MMV um **.* tkk v< IV **—i* *M *-*ik , i*i* tp-m IV *4 ik* V.l*. I. !. tkrfo **m-<*4 •*lk proak p* ■M Mad *od klatdo* V V—l. A «4**k mii» **di •**»» m IV ka*k aad ■ art— !*■ IV dpaic #k4 ►'■ld VdM IV lai-sod p fit a as IV fruktß, f#*Mk# 4 Ik Ik MM - *MT* Ikhkv id Map- . Th- t*M ••» of pal* **Vu ckiv i affk. atVb «■—* «a# i-k—U-4 Ik IV hal M fktff f *ld|4 Mk. i >~*rl A lariM IP* Pit— l« IV VI V arrwif Win** of Mk# akd p***k '' i? '«MI «AMM<d*d P Tklri of Mp 4 *l* i *4 #• aM l*P< d*i yatda, aad ta umapAa* *-MK Tl la* V# w 14* a HI- Hr ..ail l-odl-r -M V am #r*d fr«k - * yW _ Tk# !*«'•< I —la- Oic *.f IV vat*’ «h»p— f*»r IV poat and lb- ->n* hl*V*l In p* puPr larar at th* i*r— nl PaMk b •*>#• which la rut very abort al Ih* waV and .ttroPMlT i..n« at lb* t-a* b Th—* ar* «• n.rally mad* in - l-ah and v**y l.,.nd#om*ly I i*ru.del They ar* V -mil.* u> Mrly all tiaure*. Tar* i-IlP* Ik— "hlch ara ! .Ua,- -icif-dMltiy 4-a.t VI ivy ma havo i Mu*py tv* M <* U • iraaiPjf ,h* h lakt and ImiM-l.n* Ih* #Vpa. •(- v «»« i*r vldiaff <amf ff i* a hue prvMwt they arc **f * #*o*d «al and -*' I# mot.rtal. . .yy The Arranuement Of a Bedroom. If w •• • ompar* mod. in bedroom* wuM ! ihuge of a few years ago. we canaot I tall to recognise the immense improve cent which ha* tahen place not only | in the style of the furniture, but In th« : decorations and g.-nernt urrung m*«t of * the rooms. Instead of the dreary wail I papers, heavy, cumbersome furnltsrs ond thick material we hava choice of bright. Cheerful w all papers, ! simple, well designed suite and light, i dainty upttunti and other thin fubrlot" for the liil*(ffng« Everything is dons to make such loom* comfortable, healthy and exceedingly tasteful, ond there is no ex. use for them living oth erwise. as they .an lie furnished for quite a UtiL'll oqtltp. , It is always well ’iliat simplicity should rvdgo eupipnie Jfi the urrange irent of a hen room, but we must not mistake svnol fui.Hlturc and mere util ity is i> rili teniMig altogether tvhat wo mean py .tniplk >L>. We must havo beauty atid rrfwort. combined with great ceomMur in, ornament. The suit should be well designed uml . onstru. t ed pro pot WoB «* *4' and admirably titled for tt“ purpose. The floor should be covered with a square of carpet or a rug. i which carl h- readily taken up when eii iking la in.ccet.ary, and tne w indows should nor he htlnt* <*rlth heavy eur tinns, but with thin rijuslln, printed cot ton or e^s^onn*’’ With regard In tile bedstead, every thing Is In favor of the new wood on* 1 , which Is designed to correspond usually with the other furniture and Is eon stru. ted in such a manner as to bo hyglenieally satisfactory, us in place at the wooden bottom and the awkward l joints which formed lodgments for dust : and dirt il lias tin Iron loth frame which drops into metal sockets attached to Hi,, posts of the bedstead. In appear am • Il Is vastly superior to the' metal erections and Is lightly and elegantly made. Many bedrooms are now furnished with laments, und much space can be economized thereby, while the general arrangement Is more convenient in ev ery way, but the extra expense which tills particular style at furnishing means no doubt deters many people from adopting It. To Mnke Cream Cheese. Cream cheeses are prepared aa fol lows; Take a clean cheesecloth' and dip it In cold salt and water, then wring il out and put In some thick cream.' Tie up the cloth, fold It in a thick, coarse cloth, and—this sounds curious—dig a hole about a foot deep in the ground, and in this bury the parcel of cream. After three days take it out und flatten the, cheese and form it Into shape. Cream ar* usually foWcu bo-* tween pieces of thin muslin when coin-