The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 25, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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TVfSOAY 2 - ■ mi/ah t mi o»E^ WISDOM l# It TlUti PIANOS •■gSMS W |Mt •*• MW '«<■"'■■»«»« •* tthw MMaMMMK tot 0999*99 EVERETT PIANOS 4U* to* ~li»|~ - Mmtt “•*!»* totota* «• Mm M«rt-. *#*» mm «rtff Im>w «na*tlM) x»-• TIMEm*> §&> t« • »r—» i c—r—— * m*m N •4>* #** ♦ *o*sMlrtfc*MW 0t phut ; m~i It Mu (•** 1' ##£ fl S!1 DJFFfFW MIKFS OF PiHOS I kom f h*s Upward. I#~ i msM tflN* Myimf *M Twin Tints & Barloo, W KHMimtT. *|i(JttT*. <J* A HKI UAMI l»* .Ml AVII.H.V They Am *•• to#rhto| Tvw«* rt Mw— TtlMfifi tow ik* pk*C tir** »'• In Ik* d*»**- M** larva of Hkm has l«*e a* ik* tonkatat tar • sttek ••MM lor sad frags* •ho to* aorkvA H*i(«l Jl*rah |Mk>* MIT IIWWiMIr to Mtakil Tk* totortl*** *r* of Ik* .>piilM Ika' • * tNcaaiiorl MU of ttos* shsip *r» nr* •••(king Ik* south and (M*c* U** Clark la a*tWi*4 tkaf b* baa rt* WM aa* of Ikaaa la <ba pns* of Tkoaw* Btoarar who *aa hoand «***» ta tk* Called Miair* Court a few d»>< Saturday D*t#rtlv* I'lark ok oa lb* trark of tb* ati abo b* wa» aatta flnd was oa* of tb* gsag. k«t lb* man gOl a wait tofor* lb* del ectir* rmiid |H a* aioeh **M*ar* aa be **nled 10 ar roti Him Macon la aot tb* oaijr elijr inf aa* rat It* ikaa* sharper* Recent I; oar at I hem ba* vtali*4 Augusta anc It Bir b* that h* la on* of Ito n,.-n who baa ba*a operating la Ma- To Cor* a Cold la !>»»« Day Vak* Lsxatlve Bromo Quinine Tablets All Irvir l *" refui> l lb* moil** If It (■•l* Ur curs He. Tb* genuine ba* L. • g oa **rb tablet. OERM CULTURE PROVES FATAL RaaaarkaMe Cat* of Inoculatloa In lh* Vienna Pathological Institution. (Chicago Record.) Vienna Or I 30. A man nam*>l Prana Barteb. employed In a mental capacity la th* Vienna Pathologies! In atllutr. baa Jual died under remarkable circumstance* The man was occupied In attendlnil to the animals used for the Inoculation In lh* labrnlory devo ted to bacteriological atudltw In p«*i disease* In aome manner he wai In* ocolated nltfi the term of Ibc bubonic plague. «be disease taking Ihr rare form of lutlammailon of the lung*. Without the usual peat holla. The chief bartorlologlHt of the Inatltute, finding the peat harlllii* In the sputum of the patient. ordered his Immediate Isolation In the ward of the Atlge melne Krankenhaue. to which he had been talon. Notwithstanding the fad, however, that the disease waa properly diagnosed at an early stage and that the patient received the most approved treatment, he died In mtxrh pain. The two mines who attended him have al so been isolated, but thus far they arc In perfect health. Case* of similar Infection are ex ceedingly rare. Only five Instances have been reported In Europe since Dr. Yoralu. working In the Chinese army, and Dr. Kltoaato. In the Japan ese army, during the Ohlno-Jnpanese war. Independently discovered the germ of the bubonic plage. Thr case 1s exciting Intense public interest nnd In giving Han to widespread alarm. Stoy will bring an excursion from Columbia and a oug line road 20th of November. 'Austrian court circle* are perturhed over the anouncement that Countess Marie Lortsch will relate her experi ence* in a book to be published hefore Christmas. The Countess was once the favorite niece of the late Empress Elis abeth, and was popular »l court, hut f.-Il Into dlsfnver. Who was divorced 1. si spring and married an opera sing er, Herr Krucks, and everybody Is «or slul over what she mny sav b> her book •- ■ CAfITORIA. Best, tk, *"" to* Mm ««g BM(M - ii ■*-" ■ '-r A phonograph of sufficient dimensions to In- heard by ten thousand people is being mad* 1 fur use at the Faria Expo sition in IMO. ENGAGED TO ONE i MARRIES ANOTHER ! har • TtuMMfitfi mum ft** - fim ** mm o**99 Vlhm Vi m on omi'N • iwwvNif, I WNMIw f9vf mm* WNNMf NMi iRMM9W Him N> r»M w n WA' Nk Nr I iiNHINMNI VMNI tww INW **• # * ■■■” Wt #Wi Vp f \m*m w vp hmm#'abwi nwwvnwww pr ffcw NwMMNI ##• Nl 9m • f'Pt* IMP* ** Mi I—i«pii *9wm Mm in mmmm* mm [iMMNNMI •(Mi Iwf mmttmtr Nk Up !•**• mmmMMm anmnn np> wm tiw * »* mmm& #• in tmmm tvw ninnmini li * mm mm W* IMk • IfswaiMwt bwMwsas s»sa •> nsiatis 1 staaat • •«#* sMgos ba* kawtad sa •*»* i (dIBNNhNW dw tkoril'T liw w •ViVii Umi I m t«k* lb* taasd •» ttal* kwww*«* I ***** •• »s*a,m* bmv Maw tMh»* Asa was kanat k** ttwaatiisa. aa4 a* [a man •tas-v am aM*n*A laat wtgM lOf |» Vaar* ta As Aatt at tka Mr** bMsrtaa «ka»»k ta Waskrtnts **4 alto* I tk* fM*«M*p tart ttatta*Atat*t« f** ta* • I Ywrtt Mr* Mato to aw* *I tk* taasi toasti fat aaA gs»>atar ywatog taAtoa ta tka #|#tw t»4 wf «K «f fW IM w*» «mNI iMNNk l(f« tuiwlii til* HMI Iff wHti,. Ifgriw UNpiw »»»•• UNMN t§wNf%4JP, HI Mi t#Ni (1 I wlMlfl A Csi*‘ia COt VTRV DAMAOEO COTTON I agtowJ s lasaraat* Ata Aaataaa «a IstUs tka Qwarttna at laaa. tNaw Turk Oatatfdtl ) Waaktagt**. tkt tl —Am nag fsNea !mm katk la Raglaad aaA tka l att*» Mtatea lta*M to A watwi rwnawal of tka , «#it••(«>« mt ataat "raaatry A*maa*d.. Ifoitsak. Coaftraacea an k*tag katA I b*aw*aa wtwwtutlwi aI tk* tdaar i pool Mttna trad* aaA tk* laaarwar* i uMpaatis to adtlla apoa a r t* as gr uoa wfcirfc wilt tkrow tk* fcawtow of tk* laaa eaaaaA ky 'ktoßtiy AaaMt** to rot toe (Art*. Ilssy say. N proper I > hekinga. namely, upo* Ik* AamMcaa proAorcr or arllrr fader Ike pre*«ur* of keen catapatlUoa, tb* taaaraaea ntmpanbs some years ago, Itscludcd "eoaatry Aataag* * aaA praetleslly gar* tosarance from tka anatst tka ratio* ntartsd on Its touraay at tk* la lector point* la tk* South antll It was d*post I*4 la tk* wsrrhous* at Llrer pool or Msncksstor. So graat. bow*v*r. bsv* be*a tka luaaaa through rannlry damagethat tb* iosaraaca com panic# ar* vary soil on* to r*U*r* themsalv*# of Ibis risk. It being claimed that, oa d*r tb* ctrrutaatanca*. It Is not a '.*- gtitiuate Item of iasuraar* Aaert raa uuib rw rlters bare eslimatsHl that the claims arising from country dam age" to cotton dstlvarad at IJvrrpool laat season footed up $400,404. Three ar* two propositions anrtor consideration by the trad* and by tb* Inauranc* compauta*. Tb* first Is to advance tba rates; tb* second Is to *x clud* Totmtry dsmag*" altog»*ther ss so Item of Inaurancs. leaving tb* trade In England to collect tb* amount of the damage from tb* seller In America. Some months ago an *ip*rt counsel ed with tb* IJvcrpool Marla# Halvas* Aasoclatlon vlaited the United Stataa. on lh* suggestion of representatives of the trade h*r*. to Investlgsta the subject of "country damaged" cotton. This gentleman U very emphatic as to the great carclesaneas of the cotton growers and of the transportation com pan lea In the matter of protecting cotton from “country damage " He a*- serta also that the inspection at New York Is nol thorough enough. While American cotton Is king In the Liverpool market, according to the report of United States Consul Boyle, the Egyptian cotton will soon be much In evidence. Fr«sh Graham Flour. Frash Buckwheat. Delicious Maple Syrup. As fine assortment of Canned Fruit and Vege> tables as can be found anywhere. T. P. DORIS. Bell Phone 1246. Summerville. Numismatists the world over are dis playing much Interest In news Just re ceived from Rhodesia respecting the discovery of ancient Venetian coins In proximity to one of the Mashonaland rivers. The coins In question are de clared to be medals struck at Venice between 1570 and 1577 A. V. <Uv one side Is a. figure of Bt. Mark with the inscription: "This dukedom be thiry*, O Christ, and the giver he thine;” while on tho reverse there arc three figures, two in a htvsellng position, the other upright, with a halo, In which the in scription Is: "The Doge Aloys Moconigo, first Magistrate of Venice.” Queer Story of Two Lakes. Loudon News Tht Weueinsee In Swsdeu. Itks so many other lakes, hts long enjoyed * local reputation of Using a bottomless pit. The Swedish sclestlsts have now destroyed the valuable legend, for In the measurements taken a few days »g« they have demonstrated that the THB A.T7Q I CXEST'-A. BBTRX-.A13 IgsaMsawst ARP* as tabs taka ss wgga ttal 1 AtWk WINNK’ Mi inf 16 (toa*d I f . f m. VP pto** 't*-# •#• -« A ■tos-A j •=■ *mm nh m vmm( nvimm mm iNNi f»ji % 94m* m*9m**m (•**»«*•• •* rvuii tfkfttttn : Hi INNiH IN tm*» Hi wHHSvvpMi (*> v-c nni ***• N* 9 I(• Himtigi Ml 4 —hn mmmrn ] ptgrtpffNPßWNV 4 *** m Mh# < V 41#HE* I« VmM> aatwNlf'|MMk# NW 999 *a*VMWT | iVpiMNVMI 4 99999 t CHi §*#•**• H« J |v 99mm n 99m I 'fWNMN MN iH iVNNHiNt NN tO9 • ijmrn*m 9999 mm Sm Cmmm Ht 1 4hnp Ii •hsmi vnnhnntv n I aVHHMINMVI • P*N 4N 19 999* II MMI I T»# ****** Marti** If tk* *artk r'lrsflas tawtiaass g—ss•»»■• wu 1 fwm 1 9999 Hi lit# (t (Mt pMK* I(Vn, Tirr i>t CNloHif SI. #*4 *«• (iIH (N tkNtfft* NfaiHil T%i* mtmmm n ImMI #••$•#*(? in nth* tiNiiHlM HHH Hf 9M* Mmtmm m*' mfirr a r IHt INN? iN* imm emrnm mm9*l* mmmi (H IVV T+9* IpNiHIM It «vHpN ill IN Nwr 0999 mt rv«f I* Si lliVt*4 I VNVI #<» Nr 99*m9%%9 ltd Ml 9990 I IwirNH *• (N tJNfcif i> iwHiNitf 9A ! | tl pi M 09J990 4-99 E |%INHI Mlf) (VMHHIMNiI ♦* NNHH IH. t I >#i ■uhstaailM Mr* ksw prtoa tos'k grtos* a*4 a *k*n era* *»*•*• a vary gtaaaay wwttasok far war fargssri. Mnea askart aaA arts wilt k* awwa t* this eVtaHy ikta fall lhaa say year fa* a tow# Has* Haaissfs Ml* T Maewwa ft. of August* to ta tows today asAßag r«s carts* Ha to pagwtor atawag «v asee rkaata Mr* It C Boas as Thmaswa. Oa . ha* opeossl a mlllt**ry eoubtisbamat oa Mala itisst lb* blAa fair to ptoasa bar saatussrrs. FIQMT IN M155R451PF1. A taasakrr as Nnsas kftof la a Clash totsrto) M«bl Porsat Mias OH. M —Elsa argroc* who war* tb* fiw» as a MooAy gghl laat algbt bav* berm arrested at Har prrsrtll# sag are betn* hrou«Ait bas*. They win ba tried a* suns a* tkry ar rive Tb* aarUement .1* lalraar and tk* atreoto af# crowded with asa abo bav* com* la from all parts of tb* raaary. Tba ftgbt last might wst caused by an aaaault oa Charles D rreamaa. a wblt* mao. by Mill Burk*, a nsgro A ararraot waa swora out for the airsat of Burk* aaA Coaatabl* Thnmpaoa. with flfteaa men went to Are house of Barke. a mil* from Har psasrllto. at f o'clock Saturday night, to *s*eo<* tbs writ. When tb* ran stable and posa* arrived I bay fund Burk* ‘ortlfled la a log but with fifty nr sixty negroes ambushed on the premises. A Phycbologlcal Pastel In Prnae Oeorgc Winter spoke up one morning »hen the sinmspHere wan cold. Tb* eery firut thin# of which he was con scious was that strange, undeflnatal* footing with which we an- all of us more or less familiar. It was that some thing vaguely unpleasant wa* about to happen. There wa* no arut* forebod ing iuir actual pain tn tb* feetlng;mere ly un underlying Id**, a* It wer*. of a nagatlve emotion. Just the sense of a sanitation. Further than this he rould not analyse it. but in a half dreamy kind of a way he endeavored If passi ble, to account for It. The way to do that was to go over every conceivable source of uneasiness. It atrurk him as rather a huge undertaking, but he com menced. nevertheless. Was there any debt he found It difficult to pay? Yes, there was—hut hold. Hmlthers had told him there was no rush about that ten. so that was not It. His family alt well? Ye* .there wa* nothing to bother shout regarding them. Then the girl to whom he was engaged—had he not parted from her the previous evening on the | best terms? Why certainly. What, then,, was the cause of the strange presen tl- | mental sensation that was occunvln* j his mind? What—what was It? George Winter was now more thoroughly j awake, and. still thinking deeply. Ills j eyes wandered around the room. They j rested upon the clock, which was beat- j Ing the air with Its usual ticking. And then he suddenly realised the cause Of his peruliar feeling that something un pleasant was about to happen. It was time to get up.—Criterion. TOO MUCH OBESITY. Chicago Tribune. “Ouch! great Caesar! couldnt. you see my feet?” exclaimed the portly man to the cadaverous passenger, who had Just entered the crowded car door. “Not very well, sir, on account of you* stomach.” replied the offending passen ger. LIBERAL CONTRIBUTION. Ran Frnnclscb Argonaut. Oue morning a gentleman railed up ou Douglas Jyrrold to solicit u sub scription ou behalf of a uiuiual friend tu wont of money "Well.” -aid Jer rold. "how much does Smith want this time?” Why Just four and two naughts will, 1 think, put him straight." "Put me down for one of the naughts, this time.” THE INQUIRY INTO THE MDROER. * sip tmimm n** in** tli«l A# f l mm9mmm #* it nn >*■» * a##****# iIHMVWI IS** ***««««—Hp oywH tm99 mm 4m 4 9* mm w mmr I mmnm'% 00 ?hm (»'•*•* ♦(•*■ 999 m 9m9*m 9999909 i KVHmH 9mm 90 V4HHNto'- 099*9*9 1 00*999*9 §mm •* 999099 9mm * -7 - • t»* 990 m iM* 1 » 999 m 9999 ***• w**m jibßiMiat ••n# £090909*900 9900909999 99 !*•** »•* *mtmm t» mt iN m**9 •«>»* I mrnmm 0»m 99999 m H*» «wm H 99 mi Iwto taM lytlMlt A lT'--"W*y f(ii I'toMffc" IN* •**• mi mm (taNhftataMft •m wmm* 90 909*9 IHI TH* (# rn%~m t«* «•§** 099909 00 $9900990999 9099909 #••♦# in NNyf N Kfcr *•***. W#»«: IN|< •(<• 990900$ ««• s9*o 99*09999 99 * 1 sMssIMI •»'** tk* 4*o*4 toady as •*»» Atom Atkltassisi. ta*.f<*MHl m* «Aw about »»* lark to <>■•»■««*. togHtotog aVs.t Iks tag as tkf »*#» taragto twag tog • {Bit* upward sad bwrfcwarA. <n»-1 tmg towk |«#u>*t tfisto* *M tb* ASfk * veto. »M tb* *ta«*!<to* MsA* tavw tftt to Ml bto Tta» attak* was >uu*.sf tor! a gstostoar wustoA. tk*' *aa ts*A*A wtoH : M kb buna vtork wa* **A>i t»rt •.» I ana* Caulh latMSMto • Aft. Alb to*—* Mstrswat 'Hi A«lto Atbtaaaw. awerts. tsutaftoj that kw aaa " mla# fuss A «#**>* wtasw b* *as about mm mA* lew ht* basa*. to saw a hums, walkn# tip— lb* r—A, to tb* d treat las as kH bwe. •haul Afty yards aksud <4 Ms*, tk* peronu turned around —A wet Him wtoto to ram* to within atowt *t* ar \ ftgbt f**t nf him to threw M* gat and ghat. Ma wife ••• Its tb# rart with him *h« waa cuaiplultatiiA of tolas usury as tor Nf Journey, and wu* resting tn* *h<>ultor Tb* *b«t came from tb* atd« <4 tto roud to iMr. A j aaa sitting Mrs Atkina n Ml down to tto wheel. Mr. A, was trying to g*f her out and nuM not look t* see who It was until too tot* H* rultod for hetp Msrnry fituan and others rum* Hts sifts rausht him They ylsrel tor M and carried tor to hi* totuae Tha she-rung occurred betweeu A*# and I a glut k They reached huam with her lid* tt:M. Ah* never Orestb»t after sh- was shot t don't know sf mu* sneml.-s Y have. I have threaten. J to pro-profs some negroes for buying *ee-1 cotton. I have no tdek who the person was. i * ' talkin'* Testimony. » • "Jim M< hie. < olordd sworn, ssid. that tin was romlngi along tb# Wa I souxHUM after dark Snd saw a "suck er 1 ' or s ''spirit" or a "something" be hind* s targe tree about fifty yards from where Mr* A. was shot. I met Jim ftmlth shop* forty feet from the ptu** 1 told him h* had better took out, that there wo* a "sucker” standing behind that large pine Jbn ftmlth rue on by j It. 1 went on to the postofilre twhl-hj Is at Mr. Atkinson's h»ua«) for my j mall. I asked Jim ttmlth when I met i him If the mall had com*. H* didn't ! know, 1 stopped at th* gin house where Dan and Tan was I stayed ther. about one hour with them, until lh->> steam went down. I got on my mule! and rode to the house. They tame on liehtnd. I wont In. T don't know where they went. I slnyed In the houae with Mr. Cartlwilge a long time. Mr. Uart ledge waa reading. 1 went tn nodding. 1 dldnt’ tell Dan or Tan or Mr. Curt le<tg« a bout the "sucker" I saw. I heard Mr. A. (all Don and Tan down the road. I never heard the gun shout. I wo» at the house yhen they came. I never told Mr. A. pr anybody about the, sucker when T saw Miss Alice had been shot. I got my mail and went on home. I never heard fiYiybody say any thing against Mr. A, The reason 1 didn't tell Mr. A. when 1 saw hi* wife dead about the sucker, was I didn't know for certain what It was. I aaw a spirit once before I.thought It might have been a spirit; I wasn't certain. What Smith Says. "Jim Smith, colored, sworn, said: I was going heme Tuesday night from Mr. Adams’ stors. I met Jim McKle near where Miss Alice was killod. TTe asked me If the mall had come. I didn't know. He told me I had better intnd how I passed by that large pine about, forty feet down the roud where I had to pass. He said there was a sucker standing there. I was frightened and rode by In a gallop. I didn't see it until I passed. I saw something that looked like a man with a gun or a stick or a something. I rode on. Jim McKlo went on, or, I suppose, he went on to the postoftlce. The place she wus kill ed was about 50 or 75 yards nearer Mr. A.’s house than where 1 left Jim Mo ld*-. I met Uncle John Stuart about one-half mile dow n t'he road, and told him what Jim McKie told me and w hat I UK. 1 went on home. John Stuart went on towards lit* ltpm«—by th, pine Irsckon. 1 never heard the gun. 1 didn't know about H until Hie next day. 1 dldnt' see J If* iloKle with a gun. Jf he had a si*[ I didn't see It. That's all 1 know. ~ was good dark when I passed the pine. The moon was up. t was close to the pine, but E t—'* till—MSl Waned tto th— tab—* an* y - A —n a* Jt togsg - t *9990 HftataßM 990*99 400 990 (NMN# N* !•# I Tto Af— t*4 ta—» rt Ito whinsgs— «nn g»t >*• 'A. M SMITH JH." A Mrtt I —I ■•axrvrttota. U harlagton Netsn —A Cosrtsf I W* bn** *Pt*<A biftsifto* that I Vat tfhssis ba* rrt—tly watahllebed a I bureau nf taftstfj In islkKtU with M* Asp—t of ngrtctaJtare. saA so* ! an* of tto PbiteArlpbln pagar* rrgoru that Ct—las ton** RuUrwt as tb* bureau "le snablng tto nsnM of bts ; uggoH—lftm to parch*** at ta* anA | < t asmlasrr ners sales lacds that ran to • < av*et*A IM* forest n*sntaM> | Hl* iMita pnrrbMM. K t* aAAeta. were j toad* t* Ptk» oxnif. a few day* ago. I •ton b* bought tract* aggr-aatteg 3 Ml tms Wblrb. srtlb lib* porrtiaars. mad* during tto pa* tor month* ••ail tb* total as tto state'* *<qul*l tioas so fsr to 4I SS4 screw. *kkk will Abortly to Isrrewsed by ll.M* acre* more. Cototo—tlag tto good work nf tb* rommtmtua tb* paper we have quoted sap*: "Tht* Is • t h*sp mmy for tb* state to acquire land, aa th* coat at tax **l* | rarely ftrewds twenty-five rants an acre, and It will to worth while for tb* Laqtslatur* to place aolielent toottey m tto disposal of tb* forestry bureau to enabl* it to comlnue tu thr pro *** for several yeses. Th* land offered for sal* for taxes Is usually bar* of timber, having be— stripped for lumber or tanning purpose* No body want* It utiles* It Is of some value for agricultural purpose*. It follows, of course, that the state ha* no real competitor, und It will to the best policy for the state to acquire Urge tracts In this way ns soon as pos sible. "With slat* ownership there will be a chance for the enactment and en forcement of effective legislation to protect these lands from the ravage* of forest fires. Aa It Is now the Und U not considered by Its private owners worth protecting, and the fires are al lowed free sweep. With state owner ship they rould be protected, and would soon become reforested snd a source of enlarged rainfall and a purer and Increased water supply. The pol icy w hich ha* permitted Commissioner j Rot brock to acquire nearly 50.000 acre* of Und for state account at a very cheap rate should to continued until the state holding* reach Into the hun dreds cf thousand* of acres, and pur chase should then be supplemented by effective protection against fire." The same policy Is a* wise and pro fitable for South Carolina and other Southern states, a* for such state* as Now York and Pennsylvania. Tho time 1* certainly coming, and is near at hand, when we shall to compelled to take systematic and effective meas ures for the "preservation" of our foresta In the public interest. The sensible plan Is to take them while the forests are worth preserving Instead of waiting until we shall have to re plant them at great expense in order to have something to preserve. The Crime of Poker. (Atlanta Journal.) All the states In the Union, except those which are considered seml-bar barous by the more enlightened peo ple of this country, have strict laws against gambling in every form. In Kentucky, which was once the paradise of the gambler, the practice of his pro fession Is now a felony, und In Ten nessee. which was almost as rampant as Kentucky tu Hii* exercise of hu man Ingenuity and recklessness, there la a similar law. Georgia has very stringent statutes against gambling of alt kinds. We can remember the time when there were a j. EspS/ mm •tato *•——*4*to s-A Art* «* [g w *0 09990 Nmwfc m 00*9 * *#*♦ *tato • ■ m i Mtnr —it 990 90009 9m* 0 MW> «« IP i 'UN# 00*99 90 m 9 *90009 m fNli> 900 *909 *> w m*t 0999 CNN *9* 9k*4 f **^ mfm * m ***? 99099*4 N» 999 pm mm I gtr^-TUh» 09*9 99 9909 i 9900 990 ** 00* ’*f | - SC"WSmS»» 9mm l ***** r* <”*'*»**?* 90m 990*99* **"~-9*9* * Jh"* ••• , ipn*• ****** **77*"* ii im! - Pup,All «P 990 999*99 999 4*99f * •• * **'“ ; ; #NPNI 0999 P*nit* It AdPiMp, «P 4 (P#MPP i life* ftps# %P 4 Np PUPNSIP# W9U999L \ TM N pfl *9*999*4 mm. TMm lp« Mm | iMPtN’p 90 CPflitPJt (rfck lfe •# i I fpf MPM cf #p(fttpltt*l«p|t. flfd# *'N» : If ****** 9 P”“ »#*»• •M wu ttoir pmfikAl* to g*!' tb*Y !••** { I tto hows* of ttoir *tat*ttai*M*Al ta#j I <t* MA totl*V# that tht* ylrkra* *:.A | vutgnr pmrtto* ha* to»w *Aop»*A by I *»y Urge grogurtto* of G*orgU j IrWg. b*t »• do know that among the | 1 young m— to one e»u*n nnA —mil! ink tto gmwtir* Of gloving goto* mrto and puatsbm—t by tto raor s, ; hot ttoy ore addicting them**-!*** to a ; IbaMt from wkxA *v*ry tru* man atoulA hold btmseif free ; ta's bav* too told that th* gaastoti ! of gambling t# nevof so Intvnaely Ar twlopcd as It Is In tto pursuit of poker ft Is a game tn which every I ■tlly played thinks to to* * ctooe*. to . wblrb. In fits* rases —• of t*n on* 1 man to* tto shill, tto sndsrity or the j rascality to rob tto others. Nkrr ts , mors vision* nnd dnmnging to moral* i than faro or rootott*. W» do not to- j I lew that an y large proportion of Ibej Under* of *orl*ty or bwalnaa* people j of onr rommunlty play poker, but j there ar* many rltl*a In tto South tn which It I* ■ common apertaele to ar-' a game of this rtorartrr at an elegant home, and a few blocks off. tto father and tons of the family Indulging *om« • what more desperately In the sam # •port. It la easy to understand how anyone can alt against a eold-blood*d gambler and try to win hi* mon~y, but why perron* who claim to be J friend# of «aeh other ran manipulate a dork of card* and a art of rhipa In the eager effort to win one from another, •e have never been abl* to under stand. OASTOIIIA. ftsars tb* V* * Otal»lta tog *r A Wife’* Weird Vision. Seattle Post. A startling psychological experience waa coincident with the fatal dyna mtte explosion la the Coney mim re cently. One of the two men killed was R. W. Robinson. At precisely the time he was stunned by the con cussion, hi* young wife, sleeping in Rcuton. hod a vivid dream of her bus band being killed in an explosion She awoke In great agitation and was so sensibly Impressed by the vision that, she aroused her mother. Mr*. Jones, and told her of the occurrence. In spite of all assurances to the contrary' the wife Insisted that her husband had been killed, and it wa* In the midst or her lamentations that a message was brought telling briefly of the acci dent. The widow Is not over 23 years of age, and has a baby 3 years old. The dream is described as having been extremely realistic, and probably came to Mrs. Robinson Just after the explosion and before her hushand's heart ceased beating. He, lived three hours before Internal hemorrhage caused death, and a part of that time his mind was deliriously active. It was then undoubtedly that the vigor ous horror and imagery of his own mind was transmitted to the sensitive brain of hts own wife at her home a distance away. Ashtabula. Ohio, has for years been treasuring a* a relic a shell which was tired by u British warship in lal- a"J - which had railed to explode. Somehow It got tutu a pile Of scrap Iron delivered t,> the Phoenix Iron Works foundry and performed its functions so well that the furnace doors ware blown to smith ereens, - OCTOBER 25 WANT AOS. I Mil-?* WANTCO FOR S>ALK IrtlßAr-t'AffYß# toM4 MTKA l**>«s« «k ; total OALJk to* AftaUl ffAMM. Oh II no* from -ttj fentta * hssgstn Agv tot w. e totatah M*. IM JmtoMl •) • tat I CMgAM—«‘*MAM AT M jACWAOHRr. rota sat-A matRM tom *nur- Him jSfir —*- OJ*h99O9W0 J *h99o9W 99 *9OO « *•# | c«H 9 099994 0004$ •* NnP»l# 40099, ” “TO RENT i you MPtY—Tfi un men \94r*°*m W. J. K.. *•?* Tw» *l4 y«»9t iiiiXT 4 vvmnxtoLK fivt* li-. «i mm 4 «mIH X» Ut3 1 0090 1 Ai't4* K OiWdf? •*- MISCELLANEOUS pAjrtltfl M*H'S)L--NtM Et.l7.*- HIT? I WHI TIC. rwntly nf )!#• Yc*riL U*>ftrr Hsil C%ti4rvs « * l»tm TmtiNm mm*t 0000m99 lit p 90, la4>w »a 4 mrnUmmmm 90am 4*1% I # f». m. WAIfTYO-KBUrUR BOARDKRI ; food f«r# srkS m—t b*4m mi** a»# uo fyrnt»bT4 room to r*m t ly Mrs. A. I Aver# rt*rt»#T CUN mu 4 WMhmfios, or tn Bin* itrM - m* M MIH* RKU.K BMTTMR I>AYfl Xfl ffcrhnatt. •! n.arfhtakrta! romrr Kollnrll nn4 Ttlfilfj TimnUj? id 4 Kn<!•)?• At t.n. Oct m WANTKIFAN I.VTKHWT IN A i |«roj mrmm or in#artni*f bttirt* 1,,.,* ty tDAn of t**dAfAl Mjjmtiu*. A44ivm Box S 4&, AuyVAAi* AITTIOK HAI*Sto~HY C. V. WAL#K KM ffl Hrnad strsvt. W.-tn**d*y. 3*. •t !*: J* o'clock. Ftvxw. farnttura. stoves. Ac. If yu* have anything you want Sold send It to Ml Broad street. BPANRtH TAUGHT BY ORAL NYB - ts vastly and quickly learned. Information, room 443 Dyer Building, t»rof. dr l**reya. Oct 31 Special Notices: l uncrsl Notice.| -Stag the RELATIVKJt ANI* Fill END* of Mrs. Mary L. fitoy, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stoy. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. Dsvrnt ori, are tovtted to attend the fun-Tut of the FOKMKR from Rl. John’s church WEDNESDAY AF TEttNOON at I o’clock. Special Notice. WANTED FIFTY SHOVELLERS him) one good blacksmith at Bath, 8. C. Address. CRONIN & OLIVER. Administrator’s Sale, STATE OF' GEORGIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER. I»»8. at the Court house. In Appling, Colum bia County. Georgia, between the le gal houis of sale, the following real estate, lielonging to the estate of James McAndrew, Jr., deceased, late of said state and county: Alt that tract or parcel of land In Columbia county, state of Georgia, about ten miles from the city of Au gusta. Ga., near Jcnkln’s Station, on the P. It- A W. C. Railroad, con taining six hundred and seventy-two acres, more or less. lielng bounded hr land of Mrs. M. E. Jenkins. Mrs. R. Green. Mrs. E. J. Doxler. Capt. C. L. West, H. Shtmky and P. Arm strong. The improvements thereon Consist of dwelling, gin houses, two barns and eight houses for tenants. Place Is well watered. Terms—Half cash, balance in 12 months with 7 per cent Interest. Pur chaser to rocelv bond for title and pay for all papers. PATRICK ARMSTRONG. Administrator Estat-- of Jas. McAn drew. Jr. 7 Per Ct $500,000 7 Per ci FOREIGN capitalists will XjOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty in Augusta, Ga. Terms 7 per cent. For further iniormatlasi ree thetr attprney at law, V. J. Sullivan. Es.. or Mr. P. G. Durum. Many a truth untold lies at the bot tom of an inkwell. .....