The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 25, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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ESTERHAZY DISLIKED I’nwuhroan TdU NS h) Me W*» Unpopular multi tun** Tim * Rh IrfMl' *<• Vw% fM ft I* It trtMk | Mt< • Mt •*»•» MM# It *» *■ ’ ' tto mmmbndtm* »*MMM l# It tSft ml ft* , It itx* vM-s ## fMRg fUMttf ftmtm *t* fttfwfi.t Mi «*■*• tftit> M • MM* •** If <M* •»- *»* *»■"*•*** M'fMMloi ••* »*• *» . gIMMI e* *»M ft «•*•* ¥*m >t»'« Mk Mil |t HMM ** ft Hm« * hMI m«Wi NtM Ik titu »-i# “•MM* **M«» • *■» Mt MM ; M tk# Mtki iMtMMMI ft 11*1 fMHi •#. «MM tfM #t *WfS**H tk* Mkti **f I - M» 11 - •* t#4 t P<—* • v M'K'Uti *< fc MM to *f->** t*<* M Mt* mmm Mm *>M *M txM * WgMtMt M IMM IlMt *M t IMMNMI* kW M»iMifk«* nil N* «M * *M | at tr* IT mmM Mti •** * 1 feMik. I*M Ms» HitfT It •* ■ * RMMk- tflfcd ftftswl »• ft *'*•*• * ft* |** (k fti graft Ml ft ffttf* ftt tern** *%** o*l ft* ftftlli !• »«fmnnr tnj if toftftf to®** MM ra—AlL ftil «W* *•*- * # j rar* «ftffttfr. i»yft k*ft •* **99 ftf nr - ' igftf'ftftftr •* to toftt •••<#•4l y Wi ? III# MNft Ilf ftCif 9t*Bm ' It** cmtl# it sums ft#4KlMt Lftttft •■# toft ] mm Hftfto* to tm&*4 Hi* to- f ** lt«ff« 4m*m*4 If fft#*** ’• ******* ; Aftrto* #lww4*4 •* **4 |>l *4 *"** ih*» «* *«M» Kfti«r*% * **• If «k#% . ftrHA Aft ftitflfctora *** ftftM# t*« vrito* *f W* *#*♦ ttoMftft ftftftft fti ftftft ****■ ft " lift *«**« «•***» »« Irtfti •» ******* lift (fiftwcftl «f to*Wft*«* tVr*faf» ftft fr*f* »« «**■ •* w *i < * * *"* fiptf ft* MMfti •• p*Mi **■ •* «r* | llf |i# Iftli ftftl l«l %• ftfttl | |i»t iftftft Kftt lW iftd *# frittli. •» ifttiftMHftft Ml •* I vail ft*'««ft*4 t* bmtm ft •** i ftriftri bft fftftftiW ftftiftr ft *i«ftMwt ; mt ftrfftftftftc* »»4 kfttafftftr *n •***•* ! |»ft ftft# fal fTftfti i**»« • f * Us ** la ft flftftft wfcftfft lift* *ft # ** # (Ttftft tiftl CftftfttM »fft*ft«l d ftAB Utu4«* ftf Iftolfttluft tiftttfti ftft* ftt ftll nftTftftNMT At lift* **«* Aft «ft* fmoi In r«|fift»t ***4 chant* of lift niiHMf 4af»n»eny <»? lir AraMu Nm# ftt **•!«♦ ** *• fll " raft to ft*plfttft rlft«r!f «***<** 4«i of til* biiirftn wiki h«4 «*»* r f* »* tit ciittrft ftdt»*n*i»trftt*o® ftf «h»* ®*”’ «ri«4 rftuft*rjr pntwii to tuft lUtarnf of nTH ji*rtawi«’*K»- * • " f#r» ftftf# Jn4ft«ftk lottrtlßiii «*w ftr*. tfts wllwtofl, an«* in f* rl l n* , J of (oairdlcf Hnk ®V nrr«* ftvftftfood frifta4* of »»hl« M, | «rho. for *ir euftUilftftftßCft 01 1 pr*jtl*r, touna i« *dvittbl* to kMf. *» file H*h» *l<!e of llm «MM I "EMerhue. *» > **“• itetw'***' CP.IUK*- O* ‘M' w " m mt tit* Ari Win hurftaft. Thft <■»»« r«n --•on for hU MiftcUoii to m\ til* ft HP in ••ftftllftn* ftßftWiruftw ft QUftUftcation which waa Tftrft a ui, tout f bi< h t* had plckftu ftp wi** 9 * here in <h* ' our* of bU ■»»*«»•* |>*«l HU po*ltu»n •*» one of •bnomte amhorltt; be h«rt n<> .nbonlln»ie» an.l no euperlor. e*<e|»t brlgnfter *<*n j ftrft! in command of tir nnilm **** ‘ ' I vision to whoru aloft* nft Ua«« >" *‘' V* • •‘Tiftre ww on* other ppcullftrUf, •bout Ksterbal/ e ihmUloo It »*• *>• Knott fttte only one In Afrlra <thl< b «»''• a man the opportunity to reap a per tonal advantage hla cc«necUon with tbe government, %\blle tbe hetdn of the collecting department in the variout diatrteta did not f»* the amount ; to be paid in by each tribe they bad I tola charge of the collection and the power to grant full discharge upon their signatures. "Now it is characteristic of the Ara bian that he will alwaya try to evade at leaat a portion of any debt laid up on him. no matter how small lit amount. If he tucceeds he is proud of the fact that he haa overreached the Christian and will boa«t of it to all other tribesmen. To attain this object he is willing to give the most lavt-h presents —guns inlaid with silver or gold thick carpets of priceless value, fabrics woven by his women. If neceß eary even one of his fine blooded horses It matters not to him that the value of his K.ft often overbalances the savings on his debt. Bribery seems to bn with the Arabian Inherent and natural. Under these circumstance* it may be mentioned as remarkable that French offieers have very rarelyavail ed themselves of this easy means of dishonesty. •■Setlf. the district of which Capt. Esterhazy had charge, is the most im portant in the province of Constantine. It borders on the Atlas mountains and contains the tribe of the Hodnas, who raise the finest horses in Africa, and who are renowned for their wealth. Esterhazy was always much more friendly with them than he was with his brother officers. “Our pay was uniformly 300 francs per month (60), not a munificent sum. You can Imagine that not much of it was left at the end of each thirty days. Esterhazy was as lacking in means as the rest of us, but his man ner of living was very different. He occupied a house by liimeelf. It was richly carpeted from top to bottom, the walls were covered with splendid portieres, and the rooms were fur nished With lich divans covered wilii eilk cushions. In addition to all tills the rooms were richly decorated with trophies of one kind and another. „** sSft||pM ■ ' «# mmmuo Mbit Mw* IM» Mg*w*» ** ' *Sm* **•» §•*** *M* MM M j *# gm<M* **m m mm mm* j ***** Iftfti ftf ftft ftpftPfet iMfcft ftwto#* I •ft#* mm mm* tm tmmm mm ***** •ftdftft w» mmmm «n# mm . ftm ftMMMPt mrnrn* •ft* mm * mm* vm j I for ‘ ft* mm* ftftft* fftm Aft *mmm m : fiftitnr. ftftftft tmm rnmmrn t* mm** : mmm mm ft*ft ftftftft ftftfti •*« §m Imp *!**» «ft*ftftft fti] iftiiiftnr T*t • tftftf ftft* ftft : fm O'Wftftft fftnftf ftMM *ftP**« *#] i mmmtm fti* rnmmmmmm. ft mm mt*m* *Hftftft'«* mi *ft» tmm # fts* ** | mrtr.r- Ift* >»»<ftw * fti fftftlt** Aft ftiftftft j mm ****** mm m 9m mm tm* m i ftMft ii ftftll mm mm «t #»#**>»* ftk ft*# 1 a i-Mur % IV'IMM Sft 4* « flMt W"« 4glt vm* Mpr funil *» W • * , . j ay g|M M# 4 Jfe, t < v ? 4 4MP |w* •ft# * *N(ft ' * *** * *** *** lIKK IMHtwt* M UWIMM, fMftH*ft*ft* V^ft*ftftft, pftft •ftft ♦ **+* f •* *4l s Wftl Ift *• *M #ft«ft»** ft# ft #•*#•-«#• •• flip p* «l * ftftft* ftftft#*'*'*##** W*ft# .-''Vl# pftft#ft ftft#4 fftftftftl 41, ftM m ***** ft* ** *ft toft* **•» • ift** ** f#■ *ftft mm* *w »■' * IMI. fit fEtpftftft* * ftft* l* ftft* •m IwNI ft ftMMMMHmft t#ft*4ft» *. ftftft •ft* ftlft# pftft *toft I##* •ftftft# lift* N» * *fe «ft* ' WM pM haw a MM HI t» »* I#**;- • «Vftftr** It# *••'#? to***** l * ** AM*# |W» 4 ♦!»•* flf T“t| M ' ( I , J #i j # | ffl 9 H m f * IftAMlt A#4 r -f" httHl ft H 111 I»»t**»4 «ft iiM ftltai ftM« if AMftftftAftT f*n* ito gt d g I-,j, . ftfi-i f ||, |*atv of Ml TV* * vt oi:n of a HI.DORTER. Itx AlkMi *M*rt T** Wi rovtb |Wir irtaU tad 1 rlbwtatkMM. T%* AtbwM Itaaer mau get* «• Ik# fiitlowiag wfsbh** *k» *<*• ®t • hi ■«pa|» f T Ma. The arihie t* rMk«v »n«t iwffft fort I* li# IhNiUtkifti lof a |««r J firtoflftf •* t t%|A !• tftr wmy * nrMi(ft|ftr umh< ' frflk ftrti#ft In* ftofft AM #rt»H*nrr»f In **l a (Hil# ft##* from tw* rHp • mw* •a* lMi* from It* ftiflou *ft4 form* l*<*rry prow* on tbs goQft; wh*r* (I)# •tor rluirbt* for Aftf ftfry—tfi# aoHft hougb to tooua to on tlir top of ft row drums lift drum and ttor ••o.xktourk the dogwood pHitn in I tor prltniuve *o *‘o. let n# drink from Ue mow grown pomp, ttomt *a* beta from th# pumpkin tr*#! K*t mu*ti ftf m»lk from ii rural fttump, from folly ftftd fashions free new gathered much from the mushroom vine, and milk from the milkweed tweet —with the pineapple from the pine. And then to the whitewashed dairy I'll turn, where tbe dairymaid hastening hies, ber rud dy and goldeu-red butter to rhurn from tbe milk of ber butterflies; end 1 11 rise at morn with the earliest bird, to the fragrant farmyard pass, and watch while the furmrr turns hla herd of grasshoppers out to grass. This Is a funny, funny world that we are living In. Few people ever Harmony in the Home Circle. /‘t-ru na prottcti our hornet by driving out nervoutuess and indigestion. 'f IfARMONY JH* - comes with health. Plump, jolly sT'-t: • children; calm, h-althy mother; tdvMu steady, kind husband. Huch a H family can face any ordinary trial wSmJt-* ■ successfully. The snappy retort is -JV H not heard; nervousness gets no 11 \ H foothsld; trifles do not annoy; har \ V. 11 mony prevails. Te this picture rare? - - /„> JJUvwfiEES/ Unfortunately it is. Excited nerves ~ , |4,vtVw\. destroy good dispositions. They yY&Zj&d Tt .'W . yflUtWy SyvV mothers. Nervous mothers make nerr * ' jdffiC’ yAVVN ous children; nervous husbands make the Whercvor there is nervousness there is * f( catarrh; each breeds the other. Overcoming '% V nervousness and catarrh cannot be aceoin *■_&. W* *»j. * plished by force of will: nature must be assisted. Head the following letter from Mrs. V. Ludering, Cornwall, Cal. “ I am fifty-eitfht years old and have eight children. I can truly say that Pe-ru-na is the right thing to take for catarrh and nervousness; I intend to use it this spring ul J for a spring tonic. I went to a times for metUchie for the nerves and to regulate the urine, but I did not feel any better, sol concluded to take Pe-m-na and I found out that it would do the work. Indigestion is catarrh of the stomach. It spoils the disposition, and like all catarrhal troubles has been considered impossible to cure. Mrs. N K. Brown, Alexander, N. C.. suffered with it; Pe-m-na cured her. Head her letter. For several years I was troubled with indigestion, an increase of acid m the stomach, headache, loss of appetite, dizziness, and al “° st ne the left arm Mv friends advised me to try Pe-ru-na, and after taking one bottle I could see great improvement in my condition hour bottles cured rae sound and well, and I have not felt a symptom of my trouble since taking Pe-ru-na. I can never praise Pe-ru-na enough and will always recommend it. Inflammation of the mucous membrane is catarrh, whether in the pelvic organs, stomach. lungs or head. Elizabeth Grau, New Athens, 111., says. • For two v«ars l had catarrh of the nose very bad. 1 doctored with two physicians but they did not help me. On Dr. Hartman s advice I began to take Pe-ru-na, and am now completely cured. *n fXD AUGUSTA HUHAI-D *4s MftM (MR* tMM ftsee* dft# k* t«. m *&*• «ek# «t MMi ftMM **** | pus <*•> kM eMkekft jftevMklaft ■# *. eMftk •*< ftMflte *•* did *•»>■ ■ *.» daw Im •»!-•»« Vie MMkt» Askew ‘tkedw «M weal# <>M» •%» W" l * I AftNA f%# MMftftftftft It MW A*W* *A I > *#i % ###►,»♦% ftp *AMft- **<*•■ ! j ft*! «■# mm *•>•* I#- a* •* # Mftto I ; pifpi ff fgaft m#m 11 p*W-i ftftptft l *** to 1 t .m --fti.. "■**** mt* mm* wa m ft***-* 1 * ■* f ;ft *mm It ♦**• ###%•># toftftftM* I IdM ft ftPßftt ##*ftftto* ftpttoto, *to * * , •ft# M to totoM* ff fftftl top* to* fti* ftft ; • w tofts* Stof fMP toft ft# •** It to* | |«i»f ft itotoHitoftl ft W l # tto ft fftftft. toft I •*« ftftfMH* 5 * PVBft ! * ftft# Pft I $ tow tto iwft ftfft- pHtoftft.. iw4 it »ft! , *. < «is« *Mtitoil ftf tto Ifttoto *ln to* | t rn-mn tow to** fMftpft*' is ft** to 1 ft** I s#l Ilk* *'t ft tout «* to *4ft , •iftt mm toiP fttoto to* ftt* #f*w4 j (ft## Mt it mi Iwto ftsfttt to* ft#* j ;-«ift#ftftftr*«ftft fmmt ftrftftty. If toft •*** I »** * iims >**• ffttl ftftft ft tosft* *»4 ftsfts * f {•# ip* ftofti It pi"* *99* ft wftWi! mm* *4 ftftp ami# toft ft*t toftW toft j jgfft * ftftlii 99 toft ft** toft ft** ft tw* I !***«•* rmm» ml ikM*» dMMdke. | tto tfttotot tto* ft Ift tto •**•*•« f k.uft ftpmiwtM tot ft tost tto ft#f toftt vrfftft fftM It Is* IftttoA fttf f to ftftftftl to Ifti hill ft ftffftt H#A ftt Aft***# ft I ( tjgi *to fg*t mm fttftk, ftftft *f I* tottotfc j | gg* tto wto tto fsßftftft* ftftP to tft ft I # **4 ttof* to fts* tot to It *to I ffgHji t*MMi ftftftJMsAftftto tow tot* ft ? *toft I him g fti v#nt «H»ft A*f ft I hns* >-*** I |m( eH ks»4 MMkev* »»*»•• M k«» f ike Mile t* kaitev tkea* I [hewadk k«* •>! kte wee* ere «d I j wo*. ««4 kta date nr# fell *4 eermw i The ishim** tMMI e#»*«k tmeeee -e l i nn# its* toAftto A# toft ft dtosf# j ,r f • » - SIM* A CIIVFI WIWI SIMIT A n-)wUM (Wei k Its AM—#•#— ktedsn kith He* KMWand PWsl. [ X Y. TtflSft* ftftft* MftS&t# Pw«tkft IlytftiMf I* prof** |ftt»lg tto p**sito fttftg t» tto I ftpftrfcl- Iftsftptt# *to toi * tot *to 1* I fsftty twftfv* *mr* oM w*i An* otsiy iM*rn *A«iottoft tftft ftofft. »to Aft* frated nprnmcftd toft of «w*r# ttow I ttora Haft** ftt«c ftg*. *ftd to* ••*•# ! itmm d*fftftt*d t>y ft w*wt**i of to «•« Hit tivw »t North Tarryumii N Y.,j •fid to fftt A*r ftftfr* ttot *i»« »toii; . trg srem. when nadural gift to k*» j He kas lass skle ska to teach her ! many trick shots such as breaking ilavs balls In the air. breaking swtag-! ! lug balls, and breaking them aided by Kb# r «fiction of mirror# with both H ;He and pistol One «rs the m«*« Inter j • -i‘ny feats te to tahe two platols and j hit two balls placed side by aide at Mian llylaad InteresUngiy tells of I b#r rawer as a rifle ehot. as fol.- * “My first acquaintance with firearms , t»A« k ii* f*r ft* I c *ll retoftitor. i 44 eallbr* tod vHgftlnp ftv# pound*, jwitk fhi* I would roftm through tto i 1 a(M»d* nnr horns in quo*! of »m*H gumr On* toy father nnd *€iror | friends w«re ch<N>Ung clny pigeon* j thrown from trajisi tiftturaily. I sp* | a very Intereetrd onlooker. Aa I had my little gun with u»». father asked. me to sh«*ot at the elay birds. Oriatly i ■ to hla eurprlao. and I must vay to my I own, I broke three out of five shot I at. From that time my trap shooting ( started, father taking great Interest In j jme and keeping me at it continual- , ly, “1 have frequently broken 23 out of, 2S bails. I have done more elay pipe •hooting than shootiug at live birds. I aa the latter are scarce and very e»- i pensive In thla locality. In my first; attempt at live birds. I scored seven! out of nine. lam hardly strong; enough yet to use a shotgun of suffl- i dent weight In which I could use a j an open letter To MOTHER 3. trt *ar *wAHkst ** tM# <** IftHtT «* fMk iHpP44'*#tfi *# • **» * * APtsAIA A*** wfq'MfMkli'tii bAkfktkkk. w Ak 4k h fkht# maaa / 4 0* SAMUfI PtTCHIII m Hr***i*. ftkiftWftftMift Mg# (An* mgtmh* yf * CASTOftIA, lAf muts *§t Aa# lam# #W da r* IM* kt#* gif} J** ** |A# fa< > Mgillflir# oj MMk^dfv*wmMwir Dm m (Aofftkil -CABTORU iNNrA hi *m mat ft fkf ktmr* lA# IMAfi Amerk* ft* ft** lAl#ff LOOK CtfCTUUV #1 4A# irqypr «W <w> W A ft tkr kmd gm k*ir •!**!* Afttf* ( MJ777~ '* ** tad A## lA# «/ v*ldT#l«4K •*•#* Ad mt Aa* mdkonty fnm mb ftft ftf mm* fftrff D# fmfiir Cmafouif, of mAicA CA##, H, DrifcAft’ it f^Tftlftftk M0nk 24,1895. w i „ y#.# a# i Vk4d>*--ft».i)» Do Not Be Deoeived. Hq put tikUo , T s the life of ytwtr chtLl Ly acc|gmj • (hrgfi kwbaftute khkli k*»m«* nwy «*i»f <hn Attar be ft k« <* a few tmxf |wtm»m on it), tbe in- nta of which ftf# Ac llwn t»»H VtHm. “The Kind You Have Always Bought” fit ARS THE bIONAIOHfc OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. um iff m #* •••«•« »«• »»*« ft*# I *- M lll«C *H|lit ftw llw Mnl* > h.»t«»s arlilM twi *l* pmmds sn«l 1 , haw la aw i very light loM of *•** ilw nuiit aauM I* «• iwii that M ( aw :m*tofhc<» a gf*ral ■ nuinf tflrd* that I «b«M at I kit, tnat | llw NU ha* KM KWWtnUloil rw»ll , •o *M» Ih'ta at t» »» f»r*t thud at Wtarkoif t'onat* Handicap at tin* I'taln* N V . <>n J*n>». * St laat. i. wind at f?fu«n llw birdpj’l hit rwt tdrd. !>#• arora# nnhf kn*>. arith tbrvra trail mu of hwnti, 1 trait*** and all lb* ahonter* lit** with m* that ba4 th* cbnfgr b**n h«a• ler I would bat* worwl fiftwa atrataht bill*. Kathd ha* amanMM la teaching aw nun irH abot* with iha rlfla. sack a* tirraklili estnguig balla shooting la u*u«l manner, alao holding rlfl" up •W" 4»wa on top of my brad, shooting from right or I-ft rhonklar breaking hall* lowed la the nic (piiiuag a cord. »tiutllng a *sndle. holding rifle in various ptwiilon*. and vavnral othar vary dißinil abota. With revolver I ran hll (rails towed in the air. break them swinging, break them I Ity sighting the plrtol with a mirror, and l>re*k two balls hung side by side , I am vary fond of the sport, but mini ■ray that 1 prefer *.toot lug at Uw <rap with a shotgun to rifle shuoUM. a* the contests are more exciting, and I like tee what I’can do In contests with uoiwl BURNED Tb DEATH. The horrible Fate of a Negress in rtatran. Macon Telegraph. , .Mary Bailey, a tiegro woman, sev enty years of age. was burned to death '«t her home in btlnsouvllle yesterday I morning. | When the* woman was found she was ! charred and burned ao badly that It I was almost Impussibla to reeognlxu ber and allbough her grandson had only ! been away from her an hour, she had been dead for some time when he found her on returning to the house. No one seems to know the exact circumstance® surrounding the wo man's death, but II Is surmised that while attempting to prepare a meal, she got too near the fire, and her sklrta became ignited. B'ie was una ble to put out the fire and soon suc cumbed to the flames that enveloped her. A 1 of her clothing; was burned away, and her death must'have been with in tense agony. N</ one henrd an out cry, and from the appearance of things she must have been almost com pletely enveloped In flames before she was aware that her clothing was on fire. As there was no doubt about the cause of the old woman's death and no suspicion of foul play. It was not deemed necessary to notify the coro ner, and no Inquest was held. The old woman’s death must have been most horrible, as she was badly burn ed all over the body and the flesh cooked. Bill Filed. By Associated Press to The Herald. Pittsburg, Pa,, Oct. 24.—The Gentral National Bank of Philadelphia liled a bill in equity today against A. Oroet singcr & Sons, the tanning firm whose failure last week was followed by the suspension of the German National Bank, alleging that the bank discount ed acceptances for the defendants on a gtatementof assets and liabilities, which it now believes to be. false and fraudu lent. The Strike Over. P,y Associated Press to The Herald. Pomeroy, O . Oct. 24.—The miners strike, which has existed since March. Is broken, and the miners' organization is disrupted. The Pacific mine started up today, and thetmen are scrambling to get in at reduced wages. Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line cf Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEMING & BOWLES 904 Broad Street. Koff-Knot Will Cure Any COUGH. ONLY 25 CENTS. Made and sold only -BY- R. H. LAND, 522 Ninth Street. Tor j t FT.Y’S CREAM BAT.M Is a ponltlvccurc. Apply Into the noetrlls. It ta quickly absorbed. BO cents st Druvviets or by mail; eemplce 10c. by mall. ELY UltOTllJilts, OB Warren St., New York City. REMOVED TO 111 BROADWAY. E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges.&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, (Ja. Btrowger Phone £62. Seating Passengers on Electric Cars Conductors on the Electric Railway have received instructions In regard to seating of passengers on the closed cars. White patrons arc requested on en tering to occupy scuts oil the right, colored passengers those to the left. JHE HERALD JTANDARD yyAR UTIAS It I* popular toAuM It I* »u*t what (H« gr«M»t r»#tw*p**p#r-r**diP* public winl|K I h*» Map* *r# l*rg* *nd clnAf. and fully doubt* «h* ki/9 of any oihar* published. Th*y ar* b*auti fully printed in five color* on heavy map P*P*f IF YOU ARE INTERESTER IN WAR GEOGRAPHY you will find th* Alia* an indiipnnwbl# aid. It 1 will Help you to observe the dally change* In the ultuat&n, and enable you to keep pac* with history. You Need An ATLAS! —'Oct the Ijitest and Bpl —% Contents of The Herald Siandtrd War Atlas: Cut>* - am m • I**? I inch** The World - - - j 21 aft# inch*# fMsoftlftf «ft*#f*c mi lift* * #»>*!», < •M# ass# lak (wgk Rms West Indie* ... 14x21 inches North America - - 21 #2B Inch** Mm wing (sM# Mnrs. South America - - 14x21 Inch** hb#w tag <aM# Macs Philippine Island* - - 11*14 inches Hawaiian Island* - * 11*14 Inches Europe • * * 21 *2B Inches Spain and Portugal - * Asla - - * 14*2t inches .•.howla.- near Irsa.-Slbcrtss KsUrwsl. Africa - 14x21 Inch** Oceania and Caroline Islands 21 x2B inches China - - - 14x21 inches Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana. Cienfuegos. Manila and San Juan; also Cardenas and Santa Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the smaller Atlases now on the market. It Is just out, and entirely new. „ _ . , . . The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-NlcNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the slain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carriers Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents A FrankClvc® / \ / \ famou'i / \ / V 9 Cushion . / y \ Stoftf I / V Possible \ \ \ I \°nly to 8 \ \/ \h*rdMltt*r\ \/ \ Centre Ball\ : H \ Very fine \ N. \ A NEW BOOK BILLIARDS ■ v JOHN A. THATCHCft million Carom Championi of Ohio *B4- •KT4, winner nf Ht. Loulx Handk-ap *7, the lonirrxt louruomeut on record, and the. only pi*y*r who «j*f tot Bch»cfrr, mlomou, «ud Ivf* In the name toiirnwnent. or INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT*. 100 DIAGRAMS OF 3-CUSHION BHOTB. SOHAEFFR’S BTRAIOHT RAIL NURSi. EVERT STYLE OF BALK-LINF QAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS. FRENCH CORNER QAME STORY OF CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEBTS LIST OF OHAMPIONB OF AMERICA ANO TOURNAMENT RECORDS, ETC. The author give* many valuable nuioeestlonn to novice# which serve to rciiaerclcar the methods employed by the world's expert*. It will ghow you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. _ Flexible Leather, st.oo. 244 paße«. Size, 5 * 2|< Inches. Bent, prepaid, to any address on receipt of pr’ce. Junta Evefelerall 7