The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 25, 1898, Image 8

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TVPPOAV IT.IS A MAN’S DUTY TO DRESS WELL Every contJderiitkm torial. bu*4n#**» home, family and friend* that a man dreaa aa wall aa hit mean* will allow “Co#tly thy habit a* thy puree can buy. was Ehakeapeare e advice and It w«» good advice* mmmmmmmKtmmmmmmmmmmmmrnm The well dreaaed man haa more reaped for himaelf and ao la more reapected. The well dreaaed man haa confidence in him aelf. and ao inspire* confidence. The well dreaaed man look* auccoeaful. and that often assures hi* success. Then Why Not Dress Well? secures you a handsome all-wool A 4 ft Art single or Double Breasted Sack XIII (111 Suit rnadn of stylish Scotch Cho dlv.UM viota In all the new ahades. will buy at thia store elegant Black A4P HA and Blue unfinished Worsteds in SIS«UU ancll Breasted Sack will secure choice of 50 styles in fancy Worsteds—Vicunas Ser ges Granites and unfinished Af|n A A Worsteds made in Single and X/H UK Double Breasted Sacks Silk “■''•VW faced to button hole—or in Cut away Frock Suits—the kind you* tailor makes—except we save you half his price. will dress you up in one of our A A swell Top Coats, the like of which \ln 111 l you have never seen from any ▼ lkr«UW tailor’s shop for less that $25.00. And these Clothes will have fit and fitness, as wel? as fabric and finish. They will have all the artistic touches of the world s mas ter Clothing builders and back of it all our guarantee- money back for the asking. MAIN TONIOHT. K Will Clear Us Tomorrow anil Will Be Cold. For Sooth Carol In# Rain tonight and Wednesday: cooler in weetenn por tloo Wednesday: Increaaln* ea*4. shlß- Ini to southwest, wind*. For Georgia: Rato foolghl. rlear- Ing and cooler Wednesday; brisk eat, shifting by Watooady do weat. wind#, Local furecafor Auguata nod vi cinity: Rain tonight ‘ clearing and cooler WMneaday The rlvor at 8 *.,fn, wan J 1 » feet. a fall of 1 8 feat in the pact 24 hours A atorm of ronalderahle Torre no* covers the Middle Mississippi valley, where rain* are at preewtf falling, also about the upi>er lakes, and anow in western Missouri. A cold wave with freexlng weather extends this morn Inn oerr the entire Rocky muuntato region, caused by an unusually high barometer over that section and which fa spreading Into Texas, while decidedly warmer changes have occurred In the south Atlantic and east Gulf state*, e The following heavy precipitation Is reported: Key West. 1.4 Inches; Kansas City 1.02. The following maximum wind veloc ities are reported: Kansas City, 28 miles, northwest; Amarillo, 42 miles, north. Blue Points on Half Shell at Mohrmann’s. It's always tough on the tight rope walker when he steps from the straight and narrow path. —— ——— We do mighty talking on the Superior Tailoring of our Clothing, but it admits of J | ICL ILP I | it. The true merit is there, and it is by this knowledge we maintain our confidence jjjj® |Tl| 1 m K in the goodness of every garment we sell. jg * FOR FALL AND WINTER we are offering the most beautiful assortment of stylish made Suits ever seen in this city at L. SYLVESTER, - • •’ - - - 824 BROAD ST. STUBBORN. Ihe Driver Went In Postoffice and florae Tried to Follow. A large hay horse created a good Aral of excitement and amusement In front of the postofllce this morning. Three men drove up In a wagon, to which was hitched the bay horse. Or.c rs the men got out to go Into the building to Inquire for mall. The horse cither wished to get letters also or liked the looks of the building and in spile of the efforts of the two men in the wagon proceeded to go toward the building. Horse and wagon passed over the curbing anil started up the steps when the man In the building came to the rescue and led the horse off the side walk. He then turned to enter the building again und the horse started after him. This performance was repented three times und finally another of the men had to go Into the building while the driver held the head of the horse. THE NEW MAYOR. Councilman Howard Now Acting In That Capacity. Councilman Howard Is now mayor. Mayor Walsh has so designated. May or Walsh and City Attorney Barrett go up to Atlanta tonight to take up the depot matter with the railroad com mission. His honor will return to morrow night or Thursday. Mr. How ard will act as mayor during hla ab sence. , Mr. James Burch Is reading lnw In Mr. Henry Cohen's office. MR. MCADAMS BOUND OVER |«• lapwM Vast Yaw «i fen) «.H *9m W rVMML MMH Ml mm (mm I#mm* at gnini IMm wUwm m I It* RMIM S **d t*tgl***u# Mm. V. MN.' MM • tm tMMi M MM« M **w*»e* mM MW. MMM Mm MM* tot Mm u»»*» THu m# MM fufpiuvud A#a**«u« MM SMm. mm MMMM MM »•* 4M« DMMMa mAmm mwUMOa HUM MAM. • H»II»«M« M CM ASAi U**A MM) (**•## YSm —iimiMl Mm *■*# mm MK tlw MW M*M MW MM'MIW (#► «MI HMD *f iM rwM.fc *M as |v, DM nutMi) IHM HMm MM *• MMWI M *DM FawGk (W. *»#“* Mi r*W*t «*« MM HM MMDDHiW *WM> mm mm M *r mmm IMMMH HMD DM» MMMMM *wH*4 M Dm *M4 DM** Ml (MM MW Ml •mm iww w HMD «* «M* nun •M mmmum (HM MMMMNM w* MMM. ISM m. MM W MuoWtWd SIMM UtoMMUM M *M rr- «m* w** Mm * Mu* u w* wt SM MU*W DM Adorn* (MM IW mw. IM M*> iimm w M* MW Mn Mu uuM H* Sum. w*H «* Hwk SU*. «M* U»U«I UMM» M He .ii, you# Imp Mr Su* Mu •tv* M UU Mat IKIU MW M i*W 4, Min mM that M> Uwi d*d M* 1 wrl M H** wWiMuia. M HMD «w «• fWW 111- "iirtTHr stop* M Mu pumn: Uw f»M MO Smm» MHM *m Mat »»*••*. Damiu wpfu* **4 at F*U •iri WWW. M* Mw mM IM «U MM a** *4 Ms MU* wkat pkatw Du «W t*«u*»» tram aw. MU* Du. M 4 Dim IJ« M*» a*- Mr Mu* a. H* Dm. »**»• Mklag •IIH M* »4am* «Mu (Has M» Adam* Ha. IHa Dd*w that tH* pwwtp I«m mm Mu I*ll. as • MMtur <*f Mat, llu humh Mmaa M a. uwmhur •4. N*Ct*tr*r Mrßrtl WaW4 (Hat Mr \.Ua>* Hu. Hurom* aa*ry ulua Du ailed HDa attrutluH in Hta trw Mia*, ink* la Mu r*«lstr*tloa TH* uvlduue# •aa dead a«aia« to- (.aw* an Jud«u ftatiw bound HIM o»*r aa utat«d ta (H* pratac paragraph Blue Points on Half Shell at Mohrmann'a. AT THE THfcATVE. A Haa PraMdioa Pnwlu. Fur Tomorrow Night THla la ill* waana of tba year that «b*alruco*r* art attracted t>r ptajr* tba' are eoadurlv* to laughter. aa. •mainly ao aan* aitrar tton could have barn uutocted Ibaa llu fkurbut'a runniest rare*. Tba Man fro a Mnlro. aa by tba talented aad grata) romadlan, WltMa Col I tor. an. lb« member* of tba Smyth A Rk* niuimiiy which I* announced (or tba Grand tomorrow night. October tba :«th. Tbla play wax a divided aurrraa at-1 erywhera It waa prraanted laat year, and no doubt It wit! draw n large taouta hi Auguata on tomorrow night Although laat year wa* marked by a number of aucceraful productions. Wil lie Collier In The Man from Mexico wa* poaslhly the moat conapiruoua auccew of the year, FI I led from be ginning to end with clever altuatlona, bright dialogue, refined comedy. It ap peals at once to the moat Intelligent Haas or fun lovera. The plot, while not Intricate enough to make one fa tigued. la conalatent and Interesting, and nrveral of the scenes, notably the warden'* office In a Jail, are among the moat original that have ever been presented in a farce. H. H. Du Sou chet, the author, made a reputation for himself In My Friend from India, which wa* hla first effort, and which he Immediately followed up with Tile Man from Mexico. The latter waa originally produced at Hoyt'a thpatre. New York, last year, where It ran for month* under the management of Messrs Smyth ft Rice, who also gave the public My Friend from India. Seat sale Is open. The prices for the great attraction tomorrow night are as follows: Boxes and flint five rows. .1,50; bal ance of parquet, .1.25; dress circle. .1; no advance in balcony or gallery seats. Fresh Saur Kraut at T. P. DORIS. Mrs. B. M. Gross. Mrs. John Gross and M ss Eva Hardaway are a pleasant party from Thomson who ar enjoying a copule of day* shopping in the city. The Desert of Sahara Is as large as all that portion of the United States lying west of the Mississippi. fjf* aATJOTJPTJk TY. APPROVES GEN. TORE'S WORK IB (St mu. |ii sat Him Imm feaMt «,U*«M» tMI MHIII Mm* ** (Huupud M M *»«**»* 9%* ***** at Aw agtMMwH us (H* {Util IMS «%* INBCMA, I t #*4 1 §»'**&&* *$ #1 HMSiiIS HMRNI •»•*■'* tMNfHft VMKI I iti..** nmM lis I giMt % pmmM as a# «p *a* #•«*. mm mmm ******* ; iii' itAMM# mm* mmrnrnm 9*o' I fi«% 00*000m mm* wmo* t : is* I«t fa |» 00009*/$ 09 lin 0/mm m 4 0* \ummm0soo tmm Wms* .. *** I MlWMSttf fHMSab Mu ASS Am MM 00* 99*$ N' inms as* sapMsi 0$ mm** Y’lss 00m m9ft*m {mm pf"<Miiiiiif| ms m**rnrnm is 9m jfMM 0$ 9so 0900009 §9o*oo**99 AH f*m*momf 990 ****** 99m 0090*9 m**m h*ooo *m *9* 9mwomt mm m9O m*o% mm 9000 m 0m 99*09000 9 tat js Imams mt m99 I m mm * mm** mms mm 900% *OOO «** <•* ****** tat 9*909 99 09m 909* 094 omm rnmm is «bmß 9m*mm w9**m ft 9mm 9mm 99W9U4 99 ML M 99 •«! *m*9*"«** * *s** rwMud laacga Hue** | Dm Hue* UU | • tHed <ka< (He pipe *m Au **UM* Hu* . MM UHMtwA aut * Ik (MB* ugpaabr* ’ i dully TH* *wr lift* aiuWHa- MaHu i •M* UA <4 Wr H»WU»H*« #*• g*«(Ug 'He i wiwi wwtay way uud A *lO (• rapidly j HpmlmA. »EKIT. WHETS DEAD. Its »m • Hirtit d Cs. 0.. Ts**fc Itulswsl The assay trig* As both white aad 11 iaf» it will rsggst hs learn wd the j d*»tb of lUrgiaar William Weetws of Cm. G <('«#* Multarkv n «*• fsrav I I**l h regtsaes* * I (||s John I ert of the Angaria lag hi [ldfbatoy. of wbMi rtoofony the daa rwsMHl mm • armed aetwrwM t>e#**r» Ibe Joined the Tenth r*s>aeref iwtlvol at anon today th fnltuwiac telsgfraas ■ | "Cass* Well. tet'agtoa. Ks --C*** fan Lsrfc. Aof nets Os tors' !tv cent* dead body shifted home feet |sight Meet duathera tram. toegt toatt* Capi. Url toys Weeais Wrk when he left hen- for letlngtoa end hea been so a* to the time of his death, whlrh wee preenmably yeeterdey. He wee e gitod soldier, both Is the ssllltls j nad the failed (Rates service He was third sergeant of the ritm j paay. I The Aagosts Ught Ir.fentry wrtll j wnrri the remains and escort the body j to Its last resting piece The remains ere expected oa the 4*20 Southern traMl tomorrow afternoon, A LITTLE ONE'S OEATH. Daughter of Rev. end Hr*. C. C. La* man (Nad in Florida. Many Augusta friend* will deeply sympathise with U*' v sod Mnsr O. C I*4nan in the l.«*» of their little four years old daughter, KUsabeth l>-e. which m-curred yesterday afternoon at their home In Gaineevllle. Fla. The little one ha* been sick for some time with malarial fever, hut tt was not thought that her illness was or a serious nature. Khe we* thought to lie recovering when * telegram announc ing her death was received. The little one was the granddaughter of Mrs. Anna Burwell and It Is remem bered aa bright, wlnaome little girl.who won all heart* during her visit* here. The funeral incurred today, the In terment being made In Florida. Forty Hours Devotion. The forty hour* devotion which have been tn progress since Sunday evening In the Catholic churches of the city concludes tonight. 'St. Patrick's altar* have been exquisitely decorated and have been « glittering blase of *>ft gleandng tatien* in honor of this sacred season. The attendance ha* been un usually large, and at all hours ran tie seen the kneeling figure* of praying devotees. An Infant’s Death. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shackelford died last night, at their home In HuVHstmrg. The funeral occur-* this afternoon, the Interment will he- made near Richmond factory. The sympathy of many friend* Is ex tended to the bereaved parents. Death of an Infant. The Infant child of Mr. and Min. B. B. Burdick, of No. 1618 Bron 1 street, died last night, after an lllnes of four weeks. The funeral occurred at four o'clock this afternoon. Many friends sympathize with the stricken parents. WHO OWNS THE TEAMS? Aa ItWiliM ON* t AHAHIH I i«sa «t *•£*• Lmasmhh I WayMH * 499099 YENS 99999 B *o* 9m 909*9 111 *O9 9m mm 9*009 90900099:, 1 9* 9*4 j fe**# *«*# lips 9*00*9 990 09 9*909 ** *9* ' uaBMSMAh* 90$ o***oo o*9 0*0999*$ 0*9009 . **o 00* 99*% in Si 99*49*90 040, ftftftlj | A *0909* Hf 099900* 004 *0 9*9090 9* \ .4* SOO9 $9*09*09 Ht *o*smo o*\ ' «f 0909 00009* 909 9*0*094 09 4 *9o* 1 A S»#i S* *■«* *■«« 9000 9*9* * 9s9s9i W9*m Ht $400990* 000* *0*490 tfe» tsAMnsmss ih»w*swNkA>;s Ins 004 9m lapl ins abMI *m*4S*oo s*oooo SO9 so*9o lit# 00 • |W#A m SO9 $9000009: **mM Ins s9*4l taaoMM AM **W«M MwM Mr, M. T f%*» : p*. Its s9* SOO 4**9 9540 $0 90*4 IIS# | ; 9*4*90 99 ss* $404*409 004 $0409044 4 [ Mil a. m* tu (Hut A"! flu H*d at ah rwat u« rAAM M*w 'He adAuwui war MM lauwu aru mu JbiAaaaa'H a*" iHufl Mm aggauia aHubM put luwaau j : A *mw aara ataad* aa (Hu AwrHai M*uu FHlDipm Am mu Hu* tua a A- j -rnir *T~ Mu uaa* H M riMaart ‘ ' (Hat Au haw uwnutl MAb Auu IMMH bar Hwuttag aubHurui .Mauum Mr t*A ,M rMHu Hu** (A* *•** (at awrHlaA UA (t Abu uaMuan* Hi (Hu <auu TV** >«r iA*v iAB A*”** **Mt aauu M*Mt Ifauam TH# HMiMr pawmMua M> Hu man* tH* , i '****■ tug FEti HftMd 51KAMBOAT. Irwin OMHHs Ikruuuwg Hunt C. A- W. C »•’*' WrOdgu. | Newt wa* n>et«*d Hama thl* -r-n‘*g Du MeuawHnat ggetat Wat las e lAuruua. aauiiUff iba< Irwtu Griffew. u i atgrn Seek Haud uu (Hu tuauu W. A 'Caufe. was drwwtwd tu IH* river uu tHu •leaater • <uwa (tl* THu (MaA Daft H*a* la*' Aaturday mrwwiag aud aa #H# •a* yuaatag (HrougM lb* draw us tb* CAurtaMM uud ff*Nw» Caiwiiuu railway hrtdgu. u fM» AM* H#4uw tHu tits. uH# utrurk agalar* (Hu utdu of Ik* HrtdC# aiaUtUMMlI* THu aburk threw UGffuu. wbu was ataudlug auat tltu gunwale nrar tulo Ihe watar. H* dlaagiwured am) although all waa daws that ruald Hu duaw to find the body awrH ha* aid Hauu areu«|rtl«H sd THu duruauud rautdad at Atnay Hla* half way beiwuaw her# aud Savaaaa'E He wa* AD year* of ago H* Had been a dark baud na th# river ateumefa for Mrtae time THe auwv did and ruarH (He etly sooner heraoau the Cobh eoa- MaiMd na Her trip to Hatsnaab aad word was wired Mr. Harwe* of (He drowning from that plare TH# body baa not a* yet buea rmwverad. pm*m RG CONVENTION. I.gttrr Mrevived Today OR lug Aa Auowut of What Waa l»oug. Mr. William gcbwetgert received a hmg letter tbla morning front Mr. J»- iius Brown, whtuh will prove later eaUDg to all Kalghts Templar. The letter to a description of the conven tion at Pittsburg and tells of nil the work transacted by those present. It state* that th* Georgia headquarter* were beautifully decorated In typical southern wood* and tnoaaea and exci ted general admiration. Over three thouxand knights and thetr families were entertained at the headquarters. The main law changed by the conven tion was the 'following Before the convention a Knight Templar, after taking demit from the Blue Lodge and a chapter, still retained his member ship In the commandery. Now he can not retain hts membership after re ceiving the demlta. He says the fire work.* display wa* magnificent, and; everything possible was douo for the entertainment of the guests. All through the letter matters of Interest were discussed. BIG. BIGGER. BIGGEST. The Circus Doited flonster Attrac tions. These two united biggest menager ies, the biggest circuses, the biggest hippodrome, three rings, two elevated stages, a big aerial exhibit, the biggest arenlc and racing companies, the big gest double parade, are certainly enough to cOfiHlltute (he biggest kind of a show, and that la exactly what the big Forepangh-Scils Brothers' ag gregation will bring to Augusta Oct. 7. And it is. moreover, the only big show coming this way this season. Cross-Country Riding Club. The Cross Country Riding Club will enjoy one of their delightful outings on Thursday evening next. The meet is called for seven o'clock at the Bon- Atr and the ride will be to Martinez. ' ' —— ( Some actors are like some eggs they go upon the stage when they are good for nothing else. I One Important j Economy For You. j • •mm, •* U rm t Mr>wku mm | H*dl»A Am (a a Huff ** »■■ #A MAWI MflN ' »• wuMMw Mi m (Mp 4Mp4 m Au «m* mu* Ha Mm*. Amhrb h jam «m# «•*#«• m pm * uiM f. KUk 9moo, IMS fUSOMS. TH* (truMt l-d** *u Tutay M M| 0 K .gffn Tuiav Hu grand tarda# as tlu flair aa* t A A M M»*** hu m amuai | MiMHai m llu Maanaw Tiaipu aa MuiHaeri #(r**u M Murwu Mfurb wa* HHaMauaiml >■**».** aMcaiaa Ms iH* ftaamr# aad ammiaa «waaaaN(#*u wHu HaM (Had ounai *< Uu «AH» I<4 iHu a**u4 MaamatV aad AM 'M*r eupari twpay Cm (Au mawcal r«a»*u : i«m. i raur umaffu tu* * F M*rH - bacu. rbutrauu. im T Afathar, Ms c RaMtrtrH. T. J. CDmMBA *Mi Mr B ' baattii Ot (A* aaiWlaa naamHiuu. (Orluu*» IMTuuduu rbwtraaua fl T M*yur«. F. A. JubuuM aad B A. Ora bUM TDu Mauna* H*«aa la ruarH Muoa jyaaxwday aad iHJ# auuaiaa «H#*w •era aair praailaeat aua Da lb* ur dur prwaaav aaanwa whom Might Hu auaUoaad Mr Mfm BL Kuuhm *d A*- ga«U. Ja* Ms Taylor as UtD*t*»«b. i JoHb D Mafotd at Ba.aHrtdgu. Joh» i AiHaa of Oarturavllle; Re* Mr Hue- I hart grand rHapiulH ■“»» •#* era THu uaaDna thl* wmrntng waa duvn tad maluly to rnutine work hot at IS lb* elect Via of adficera ba«aa *»•* rg tber lively Uauu wee# *tpue(*d. Tu-j We sue owe beat effort, tu wwMe yuwe pwrtHaue* ewtlrMy autufuctor> Here. MAHONEY & ARHSTRONG, COAL and WOOD STROMCICR Ml. BFLL 170*. Office and Yard No. 1 Macartau -Mrcet nlgHt Mr Keener will exemplify th* jlulrr Mason'* degree to the other Muster Mason* of the different lodge* In the city, ao that the drgree will be uniform throughout the state All of the committee* will meet tba after noon and have their report* ready for tomorrow morning. About 500 Mason* are preaent from different part* of the state and will probably be In at-j tendance three day*, a* It will take that long to transact the business in hand. A a COD SHOW COMING. Gentry'* Famous Dog and Pony Ex* hibttion. Prof. Gentry's famous dog*and pony ahow will exhibit under canvaa In this city on upper Greene street Friday and Saturday. Oct. 28 and 2», at 2:30 and 8 p. m It is a good show and thorough ly worth attending. The entire train] load of animals which Includes the > new features for this year, of which Great Pinto, the small, the tiniest ele phant In all the land. Is the prlndpsl one. All have been trained, to per form some new act which entirely eclipses ult their former effort*. Prof. Gentry's show this year 1s nearly twice Its former site and vastly better than ever before. The prices of admission ore: Children 16 cents, and adults 25 cents. The frlendß of Miss Clara Steven* will regret to hear of her indisposi tion. Funeral Notice. THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTAN CES of Mr. and Mrs. William Seago and family are Invited to attend the funeral of Mr. William Seago TO MORROW (Wednesday) AFTER NOON. at 3 o'clock. The services will be held at Liberty church, Richmond county. OCTOUf* 9fl Twara lUMKt.v *r«jtTT4 f%sTT*s9* NtniST, A«r**«* Yfti , ss*9 H —TkNii, m*•*49, 1 44049*0 *590099*0040. I *004*4*4 «* A* »t AA AM MMMAAM ; NiNlftft «M MM #*•'• A* 4% 14H tIM f (fm/m* 4*4040*9 MM MM ** MM »- $ ‘ Nl I '*9o' 409*0904 3 UU AM AA AA MM B lmtsrs SOO m*sohm4 A •» «# *M A« 4% 1 M*44W4O % * mhmmkhml ; Wife? M4Wi| UUWU UM AM AM AM so* .. , - .. •« wA.umh $% % AArßtrrff Wh| uuMua**'trt Bk (AM. uud «wv* r*iU'**a<»g N«a'iA*a •••* yaur* IM? t«M Ustufduy .. -• •« —« —. Ms* I Mauds* .. « :>* *“• l Tweaduy .- ~ •• -. N AAt MM j Wedin adiy KB THueaday .. ~ .« .. Ml —• Friday ............ AA TMal ............ IMM HIM "tSUU. gnNNrRIT^MIPMItVT* - * A* O'* Ppir.aer* AblpUwUl. Saturday .. ■ MIA Ms 3388 M #4*y .. .. All DM (Ml Tuesday .. .. i*W 3M DAD ' Total .. .. M» Ms DMf j ■ " - OROAN RECEIPT* HAT t(M I Net rue*tutu today .. .. Hit MW ' THrutlgH rAHM today .... IM —■» Grass r**lpt* today .. .. BE MR STOCK AND ItECEirT*. IMT ItM Sl» k hi August* .. .. (MM 3*TJ* Herat fit* Mac* Kept 1 ISIS tKTit NEW TOKK COTVOH. Open. Cloue. January ........ 1 8 I 1 F*tamaty .. .. .. •• •• •• 6.31 - •• •• *•* ■ DM 1 45 ! June 6 « ‘ « July 5 t* j August * M December .. .. .. .. .. •• *•** D 3 Tone ~ .. .. .. •• •• (Ready Middling > (■>< LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February s.C 2 *1 *3 February »nd March .. J.*3 2.(2 (4 March and April ... y 2.(3 I ® ; April and May- *«• *®* May and June .. .... 3.01 3®l June and July •• .. •• 3-®2 3-1)1 "3 July and Aug 3.01 3.02 01 Au*. and Fept 3 M I 03 Sept, and Oct. .. .. .. 2.*2 1.02 S 3 tk-t. and Nov 2.03 2.W M N.iv. and Dec. .. .. .. 2 *2 2.01 S 3 Dec. aad Jan. .. .. .. 2.*2 2 *1 02 PORT RECEIPTS. IS9R I(*7 Galveston I*l7o I**."7 New Orleans S*«3 1S20? I Mobile 2>>6»l I Savannah 14U2 lt>»»( | Charleston 2SS4 1370 I Norfolk («* <7777 i New York .. .. .. •• .. Wilmlngtno 2* s Boston Sl >4 “*ll Philadelphia .. .. •• •• t* B “71 Estimated total .. .. 87061 72000 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— October 6' i, 4 ~—• December 69)4-6# 68% May «»V* «*?a CORN— December 32H 22% May 3,,a » :41^ OATS— December 234 22T» May 24%-% 24% PORK December .. .. 7.87 Januaty 0- 15 913 LARD— December (.92 January 5.00 5.00 SIDES— October 5.30 —— Decemlier (** January •• 4-72 4.70