The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 26, 1898, Image 8

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wvonrhoav WK ARE CHILDREN’S OUT-FITTKRB DON'T FORGET IT. TCJFCIMI'MjKriMBgffI MUtiTL ' ■ m "yr-t'' -■ ■ Hu«w)r»<)« of emv#ul pwwil iMMPft i*tom*d ft**** *# K# sos CtwJctfOc»(iM*m. H<i*. C®r*. ’' s Am} FufniMni OOORfta W# ifttoVCH* *<*WfH*lOMto *t**f |Bhot<>)y fffUtit tO IR* CQRdtfft <*t IW* pmft «•* ow( lhii*ntrmt W# know lhal IR« i**S of «w»«r #•* *»• °** mmn of tomorrow, imf wo »r« Ooimotßi **®* *° ***** tiwotw Mo trod* for ttm »*•*• whtm No** **••# Pr<ncw Albert* wnd SwaMow Ta**. Tho Kr>«to-taouatof bu t* romty for ooopio who ooioy borwotrt* prow *# wo •**• yr »FrwAVTgi>Tomv»t |l IMM ROOR Oa-tolay** ItMA ** *•* Du tj> kMAMOf •%» m* M fa>nl« f jUflrr Mi ppfi* tta* OiMaiifc •ret *»cye fWA. JtakaißTtfF* M iß*«to Ob A *•* m * o w N t*i ««r im | ; OTmOOMRo* #*y» tk*i «W* R*« fetor* Atprr ■** Miaul NptO*l *o* ***** am ~ff*«—»»« %*4 o*o t*e «A*r* oa* ■'' >*»#; * -| onto gwtohMl «r 10* Utal A"** • MMii • OmOUMmi O* aRRed *1 MI o*** (MMOtMtSf “ M to** I*o ROta r*» •*» ; l« ,«• at, to Wl'lWl «r «*»»« fciod. Rot I Oml rataMtar n We*.* ««** mo **r «*»*■»» •* o#* u* AM 10* W*f *M MW I l«»0*i •< ■ *<• ia Rav*a*»ta MR *■*« *■»< rent Oe* Lto to W«* At W »*4 «h*« (ton Ot*«-aa Of* Uro l»toe*t» *•** <» Am afcasg# H* lW '*• *»*P »' JaiOffii k*f Or*”** ***** •“•* f*f - - ' '* • cksag* of loraitoa t CRI iSER DIXIE # SERVICE fanr-r— R to* >*wH> •» TO"* M ..mb. *a Caban BWkode. TO* laired SUM** Military rru:a * fea* j*ln~l «0* Tim#* MilOH* •*»»•'! ran Mi Hamito* Rood* *o* a« th* reaabg ><f hoc f*" 1 " »0* R*- amirtioi at two WnrkMaia havbot- Mu 10* B**l>t» aObtara. who «**r* pirklnc o 0 our •** at Oaa Joan river, a Oat ftftii (tab * P*R of WPinUh gun koait *1 CtoHßo, *• WO*** wlto«*t Im la Oar, iwo ftwuUsh office* »•" HUM »ad five «*** «<MH>d*d •"'» ,hr ft pantah garboat* to* «•« of artloa; Am rgptartag of Po*re. artlaou* weak* of doty on AM WRtawde. tlu at Trtnirttd lIM oartn" ff * F"**R I Mur aad Ihrof uotll** on*** H*r nSrort »ad com Ml a>*») latfrffAa* atari** of *' blortada and am «• parialiv ro**HHa*o««nr la AMlr r*f*r *ni-« «o Hi* dlArtn troop* *»h<>rr and «h« Illlnola raaanf* ahoard th* N<*w ark. Fresh Saur Kraut at T. p . DORIS^ »A RESPECTED CITIZEN " or Aiken County Wfat Wrong In Auguala. “Don’t you anarch me; I am a rc ■pnctahlc rltiafa of Alhco rouniy and am well flxMk" Bud Boatdrrlkhl. rtf Aiken county, had been brohaht to pollro barrack* for being drunk. v*ry rtrunk Ha ha t been awing the algtna aud had Imbibed | a “wee drop" too much. Me did not take to hit arreat eery well. 1« fact, when he waa taken to the cell he laid down and rgfuaed to budge. He hod to be taken bodily to the cell. He had on him $95,95 and the won der la that Homebody did not relieve him of hta pile before ha waa put under the protertlon of the police. An Auguatan W elcomed We received a pleasant call on Tuea day from an old time resident of our town and county. I>r. D. G. Hlmrod. of Auguala. Georgia, who f* vlsltlnr for a week or two with hia brother. Elmer M. of Burden. The doctor waa a eon of the late Wltltam Hlmrod. of Heeler, a colonel of militia In early day*. Ho studied medicine first with I>r. Hon e, of Hector, and havinit graduated Uv’Sl. formed a professional partnership In Watkins, with Dr.5V. B. Starkey,whom our older citizens will so welt re.member as at that time the great practitioner of the town. In 1863. however, Dr, Him- ' rod went to the front us assistant sur- j geon of the 107th regiment X. Y. V., un der Col. Van \ , alkenbuik' and later Col. Dlven. this being the first regiment to tfport at Washington under Lincoln's call for :)00.(XH> men. At the Close of the war the doctor was transferred to the department of the west and located at Fort Boise, now Boise City, Idaho. La ter he passed some years in Kansas,but !r now practicing his profession, a spe cialist along certain lines in the thriv ing Georgia city of Augusta, a place of Mt.OOO and second only to Mempha as a cotton center.—Watkins, N. 5., Lx press. Tourist* to Fredrlchsruh eagerlv pick up all the acorn* they find there, cherishing them as relics of the iron chancellor, ( . I KEEP *T*th r» CLEAN. t tar rta»affia* began t TIMM tMtbwi Ha MM (MM at Way fW Sfa ilii|—nm«»> baa aabaM Mm I i«» !*«•» • tfe# •kinufmi ' I'lhifi ftp «R«*N| (N» mm lIMMI ItENMP , Wtkf ftl iPI ilwr-IHP# >J>4 9IM INNWP* l chnitpvwl IQT III# (NVIIMMk (t* | t#rC*KW MMNMI ||n»Et»kmMi f : Ibtl Iflh# RifMM funwsj <lk#l tUlMimftl f • RRml #MI mt CVCtCMI Hp9S IlMNil 'H Ki Mil Ilk llpn Whßjr of He® (fcf® : plUiyil iMI |Wf 4*nkl«w I** rm* ' Imi iImrML A NmAfiEft «rlll ** l«f< !mm *fc*t ()$* ««9 I* rtaM. nm \ %hr ilrrtfH m4i!m t^'ViW'lKilF <if fM Ml f w III p*i #1 I Allftirtft oft ft#Sl AfttftMftf. Dr W H fcpj>ftftft. ft! Wftjrrwftft. | waa parawtty tlwiM ptoalA—t of Iba luator ctbM at iba Bal'lmor* CM •** of IMMI Run*** Wayorobnro Trm Cilia** William Malian* «t lb** Waty-****»«* diMAct. inform* ua that mad eat* sad dogs *r* namen.u* la hi# aelghl*o*bood aod that a Mr. Ward aad • Mr HollMid bath blurb by cal*. »*d bad go** to Ceri ambit eowaiy «** «T »k* vlrtae* of • mad turn*. Mia* Margaret Thorntoa. who haa •dltad the Catboaa Time* for lha laai thraa grata, will be aaaoelatad wltb Mr*. Julia Ireraoa Ihiltou an lb* Sat urday Ratl*a, abicb *UI appear at j Atlanta a*xi Saturday. Mlaa Tbomloa will bar# ebarg* of lb# pollOcal de part mao I of iba o*« paper. Wayaaaboro True CHiaen V*»*a tin* Tilley, aged ahani ». waa .hot a short time ago—by Cupid. The -vound waa ao aerlou* lhal he weal to tb* or dloarr tor relief, who plaalered It over with al2 marriage tlcenae A 22-year old lady will *»* that Aw preaerlpAna la carried out. Thl* la the fifth lime he ha* been wounded and cured. The Wayrroa* Banrell Mauufactur Ing company, organized nil or seven year* ngo. declare* annual dlrldemta of 14 per cent for tla stockholder*. It* officer# are a» follows: President. H. Murphy: vice prealdent. Warren Lkitt; secretary and treasurer A M. Knight. •Urectora. the above named officer* and C. C. Grace, 11. W. Ilced and J. U. Sweat. The plant I* leaaed hy the Palmer Manufacturing company. *nd many carload# of turpentine barrel# are shipped every aeaaon. Katnnton Messenger: A negro broke Into the store of 8. N. Howard about four year* ago. Huron poatofflee waa iu the name building, anil the negro cab baged 75 cent* belonging to the gov ernment. He was sentenced to four year* In the United Btntes priaon; he was also Indicted by the grand Jury. He baa served the government sen tence ami upon hla return home win lodged In Jail to await his aecond trial. Wednesday he woa triad for lunacy, but n mistrial resulted, anil he waa re turned to Jail. An Infant's Death. The five month*’ old Infant of Mr. and Mrs. Cape, of No. 721 Mill street, dtrd this morning- The funeral ser vices were held from the house at four o'clock this afternoon and the inter ment made in the RolleravlUe ceme tery. The Hawaiian Marine. Fifty-three vessels, with an aggre gate tonnoage of nearly 30,000, may be added to the American merchant ma rine through the annexation of Ha waii. Nearly all of them are owned in this country, but tty the Hawaiian (lag. Fresh Malaga Grapes at T. P. DORIS. World’s Population Afloat. There are always 1,200.000 people aflout on the seas of the world. Mrs. S. Marshall McKendree has returned from Atlauta, where she went as a delegate to the state convention of the Woman’s Home Mission Society. While In Atlanta Mrs. McKeudrie waa the guest of Mrs. W. 8. Wltbam and was the recipient of many charming attentions. ,iuJj*kkafi»ll*<l**ii*4- HE OIO'NT COME MCI. Ml, JR* W|Mtt«, if tAfriUM! It ON ML "* # TUT tmJmT** S%MMK Ml £ AMMU L%ft MMtfti •f iNpAMI mi its #s# iiwftis sis S pmmm sss# tits tt« ts* ft #tstt tnj m s ssi tt* tlMStf ♦ ft** tirrt *t m |S sSftft ♦«* ’ loss ItS fMMftft* * WSNtSS ASSt WSPSNft S S*» ftSt j tft tsft SMSn #«s«n| Sf ft SMS9S ftftftft * (INKS Ms «wlft« mm tut Msm iwst s . •rSNMNSN’O’- Ms So tsi wsi ! WMI «M«S Itt S’fti'toM* Ms»»f t«wj It Its SI f*| 1 MtfHMI Inhl ts otSSSS ttt «W* 114* 9wnmMl ft Rtob*'* tb-0 A—* SS* a4C»«N»4 It Ms tss si tm ms ms t IMNS MM- M ftstftftt ItM- mm ft ** r *~ t *■ *' Si ft# •« fpMMt Mtt * Ms- #4tft mi A? '• IM» MMt MS ilftSs ftftt Ist t$«S m I tft# ft til ns— tsst, lift ••• fMftt •! 1 Ms m Me Mml MMNMStI ft (MIS •* Mtl *• ft MM IS ftSStt ftft ft MM ISM IlftW* , * ft# MM T%S Sft ffNMftfM #"NSfttft. N S SftE® l ' «t MftWf tls Mttt MllfrftS SIM mmm m tft# Si Vl# mm tft# mmm •I tft# SKf ftlNftpo Sfti 9ft# MM ftt* 1 * m tSMiMft Vs tft# rwNsi 9mm S4##ft«#4 SMII H*»lm *****' Pmrnmmm I# ftfftsMl S Ms (SiMM j atft# #ll tft# ffftSft### ft #4 MRS MM 1 Ik* ebeeh tb (be phut Mi »•* embed, tar bta* | Tb* ffitM •*» tab > freed imabeb tan be RN •**• tore tb* Pmß* mm ib try* •* Me. Mbflbe *b* *•< ilb fbe eobß. RN MR eeatae bb»b Wbf* - law waited bmg tat tb# re*wre g 4 *b» ! omm •be retbfbeß MR M' MeJiaed I after ww’ile* e* bawr I bet be fcbß baeti! .Rataß He teebi te tbe Aritbgtae ta #ee ; —Hi* rnwU be R«a* Tb* Artiagtse . people aß«t«*d tata to ere a Retac ! Are. > H* mM be *«aM • j Tb« ptlni bad Mb retureeß »*b tb# (btobey rat. I There to a aeßßee tort (Were gre<te men tram KRg fMR cwwbty lb tbe city today THE WEATHER. Wwtbee foieraet tar M boar* end mi l p m. Art. *7. I«M - Waabing iin formal tor Rwatb Csralla* - fair and rotoer tonight with froet »• went portion, high teetoeriy wind* fair on Thursday foe Georgia - Fair at»R colder to night. with frost I* the Inter tor, and freealag la the rztreai* north port ion. Thursday tolr; high waal to aorthweal 1 wind* I steal forerasi for Angne's aad vi cinity Fair tonight and Thursday; colder tonight with front River at > a m waa •« fee*, a tall of 1.4 fret la 24 bourn The cold wave now cover* the retire Mississippi valley, aaireda over Teas* and has ranched ih* anat golf aiatoo. where the tetnparetur# haa fallen fiom 10 to 24 deg fans with heavy and kil ling front* in T«gaa. laiulalana. Ar kansas. Treason#* and Miaattolppl. The alotm haa moved to tbe lower lakes, where rain la now falling, plso In the middle Atlantic atate* with tbe following heavy fall* occurring la the past 24 boors: Norfolk. I.M Incnea: Gainesville, Ga.. 1.S0; Tampa. KU».. I.M. Tb# wind reached a maximum ve locity of 24 mile* from southeast at New York city: 44 west at Buffalo: 25 north at Bt. UwD; 28 north at Chica go; 3« northwest at Memphis; 28 northwest at Montgomery: 38 north at Port Bad*: and St north at New Or leans^. She Saw No Joke. Shortly after the death of Sir Ed ward Burne-Jones, ihe English artlat, a well known Washington man was talking In a party of the time that Btr Edward appeared a* a witness in the famous suit brought by Whistler against Ruakin for libel. “I remember,” he said, ‘‘the Joke on an English commission appointed o buy a genuine Titian for the benefit of student* studying color and color ing. Some (piestlon arose as to the comparison of a Whistler picture with a Titian, when Baron Huddleston enUI that the Titian would have to be gen uine. Mr. Bowen said he could prove It. Which reminded the baron of the atory on thecomnlssion. which waa so great a Joke that even the court laughed. It seems that the commis sion. with all lla general knowledge cf art and of Us particular knowledge to what was a genuine Titian, bought the picture for a large sum and when ihey proceeded to rub the picture down to learn what the finish was. a red sur face was discovered, and they theought beneath this lay the secret, but on re moving it they found an old portrait of George III" Everybody laughed except the he roine of this tale. “55’hy," she said. Innocently. “I do not aee much of a joke In that. Artists paint over other pictures very often, don’t they? And why shouldn’t Titian have painted over this one? I don’t really see how a little thing like that could effect the work of a really great artist.” Then nobody laughed, because ev erybody was paralyzed. Canton preserved, atT. P. DORIS. TJIX AOUGRTA MFHAtn. mm rm reare ***** mm Pain Killer. ***** aatAMfiM tNHital m mm m ***** >—**■* *#*»•** 4* <■**#»*** to* MS* **» ***«.'** MR. CLARK HAS PROTESTED AfRMN r«f*t*ft| »4t»*fb ft*t» uy Im tanre* 4»**i Itaß Ere* *•»•*•!» le* «*#R •» MW *U»re. IreniMi t*M *»*t N*re* Mfatre »* j i ware *t* -*nr * -"•nr (A -be reffre*vy »***•* ,N tbe vtotoaw ***** <*■* tb*» tare ito i litas MR# #(|Aa*rei|to «e»* *R tta to* ■; KRtamM »**«a» ** re a*R i*e»*MM •* (*v*ay IH* lie Rawreß 4Ro* •*■*» tw* iatoeota le tare tab»R tore tor *•**» Tbt* reßst *•• tanregto tank • $m 'tmt tmm #r. J. A. A #■ <T*»ba, • i na tae toretoeß total 4tar Fa*ttb ***R Merer Wetok to **4 *R «b# M«» *»R ■ 14*, Retage 14 (•«»*■•*# to **A*R •** \m to* l*tof*e to*4 Ib* MtovHa* y*to iiata ask bias tetoay * Hare Ftotftob Watob. «y ■ a*toAto# (be refierey 1 immaua .J | .togjA |m| ***** M4# tb*’ ii I to f’•« T ft.#*} r*mgfl>i if fttMr fft# )•** ftfttftii t# tft# IMI ft# ftNM* tm tft** »#l|*M"* ft#4 t IM# f*m tffi *#**•« tp* f#Mpr*»« unHif #4«ft ft. f•#» intft J. A, A. w. n#AM* • ft# pM#* $•• f ■HImP ft ** m "* ft# f l#ft d#*Nf HovftHl M j a A. W. rurk Aegwaaa. Oa Drer air -Ire 4*»rer •» 'bto Ra«» t■ R tain t-- •* re lb* Hret Fatftok Waleb. L«Mi objertlng re bt* orßre reitb* ntmi* clerk of lb* Frenh rsrß re tarelefe t r*y wt to** ftoieit Itot of 4be* weed re 2»*R Hta. be* here reretyvß |at taiße laeerewcb re Mr Waleb •»» re(»re Ito Are city iret m* aaR I Ro •#* 4**l aatboHa** to» l*re om* <k * RR**** l raised lb year nammaaicatM*. I *lll (refer tb* raasnakallea to blre re , aooa *a be arrtvw !■ lb* city, loan very inaly GBtl 140. HOWARD. ArtAeg Mayor C, A. Mr, Dark, *be* tare by a Herelß rvporirr Mid Is retard re tb* fnralab inc of tb# (lets (bat be re* ao good that could reamlt frore It, but be did tee where a great deal of harm cm 1.1 com* of It He merely otateA tbe la* eaforced. rtareter 7. arctloa 11. of tbe revlaed coda **y*- "Immediaicly after the final rioaKut of aatil regiatry list reeb at said clarb* shsU make out an alphabetical Hat at ail Am persona regtoiered by him." Her (s*Jestv Corset. Reduce# tbe aia* of the abdomen : proven'a round »houlter* and make* tbe moat ordinary figure a beauitful f,« m without Injurtou# tight lacing Wearer* of It are notloealde for lheir erect and graceful phyaloue. It never changes Ha form, a fact ap|>r*clated by ladies who desire their dreaec* to al ways look well. Mr# Johnson, expert fitter for thl* cornet, is at our atore for this week only. J AS. DALY A 00. Hephrlbah Note*. Hephztbah, Ga.. Oct. 26 -Or R. h. Milter la in Macon attendlnr. the Ma aoailr convraitlon no* In aesslon then*. Hem. H. A. William*, editor of the Gist rock Banner, wias lu the village yesterday. An agent of the Inman Compress company was In the village yesterday. Tho company la offering the top of the market-price# for seed cotion. which Ihey gin and preas In the new or cyl- Indlcal shaped bale Mr. William Seagri, a clever old gen tleman and a prosperous farmer near Oraoewood. died yesterday. He leaves a large family eonnaetlon and a large circle of friends to mourn hla death. Thomas, the 10-year-old son of Mrs. William Cowell, wife of ex-Poetmaatrr Cowell, of De Brueei waa buried Sun day. He had « congestive chill. Mrs. Cowell has an infant four days old which Is very ill. It Is not expected to live. Mr. and Mrs. W. Morris, near Bet- Air. have moved Into the village. They occupy the dwelling corner of Broad and Church streets. Mr. and Mrs. J. Inman Davis moved to Burke county yesterday. They will reside near Midvllle. Worse In 25 Years. Benton Harbor. Mich.. Oct. 26.—The worst storm in twenty-five years is raging here today. At times high seas on Lake Michigan shut out all view of the lighthouse. Hundreds are anxious for tho safety of vessels now many hours overdue. Hon. Thomas E. Wotson came down on the Georgia trail tills afternoon. Maj. W. A. WtliWis and his son, Mr. s\ r . A. AVllkiiuw jr., of Waynes boro, are in the city, Mrs. C. C. McMillan and Mrs. J. C. Williamson, of Haom, were in the city shopping yesterday afternoon. RUCK DIAMOND R. R. MEN HERE jfwritoN hbpttata m Mr »»»•*• It ifeff IK), mamma ‘ tbe* tm tire Atoac—* Pm to*»Rk toeree* R R. n#b*Rto* N *••• »o# Te(M e to itoe* ™ Rtatoa*a Rtobtoe Twaeba tobto, A L TtoKM* <R Abßre j lereßaa fitoßtata toN *** vbeaaee * ft*b"MM> Mto gewto Itabßre «NF4H«e [ aibai to* taw* to Atotato to to» « • toe tobgtoeb Rorewtogtoto*. j I awe getabtawto *R tawwmam* j totatoMg a#4 (b# to. «*»<*• to *•# j At r iag (ea tatototo bto Itaß " ** * j •Rtatatoito I fta a bigg •*►*»* tbe toss#* twamm* I f f irruj* * |Hi»ft ft## ft### #• s ft*## ta#* j s 4A##f (In### 9$ ft 4 ft#m4 #f fft#* P* * ! [ |-N»«# fftftftMftt la###*? 9ft# (#ft|#H ft#« I * •*## ft# ft •## 9ft# j f#: *#— ft l-ft# ft## 9M«rftft:ft« | ilft-Nhfl# «t» cw !*»#» bre beto Rabat tbe to* -4 ibna* fire to* gatoSWtoeto Nb Tb*| tatocß toe IMtatoet to ta mwa t» I Fwrt Ratal tottb Ibtob, btol be **alfi , f f ib* Urn ft# Tbe Wtab Dtaasead tafirm* to I**4 * Nwftf #### MiHy (• ft##fttoft(i •## »• ft** *ft*ft* S Mwlft# ftf ftftftiift #* ftlftf# I*## IMIfl t#ft 9-ft «p#ti## #4 W##i Vintfftvft | «ip#tft*#ftl’#tft Hftftft. ftft#*#fft WWftH ta»4 b#< T#ftft##W# Tft* V«Hft (V* 'oil## ft#4 fbm tl#4# #ll9 ft# ft^ft* tft# 99ft# «ft***fft Cftfftlm# ( l « f-fcß* lu rfl c-t fft# Oft#* !#ft»t# lfto##l 4>ftr#W •» »#t#t —, __e a retolfi. Yfb# |t g< , fNoE#o#to R> •%*— *** *•** arm? a to 4*ef to*4 to be Oto g— —I ! «v**m» at Abe rabttoetot t* •«« 'ereb * (ft# A9t#fttt# #9 9ftf#ft lair Ft** Rcval aeR Cbarlctone *. C . aa4 Itovaaaab. Oa. It ***ll bto #*cg I roauß rare tea aatll It ba# Its oa # paea law Ftttaberr Who*Ha* < - lumbre. ladleeagn'to. tart*. IrealeviHe. Cla neeail Cbirata »*R Far*»-M*»oebea4 It vlll trma event Arab* «»• ••#• and to eat of Abe M’tolaabta •"» ma at arbirb will be floA ao bate aa iairrebange of trtafir Tb* BS*«k litoreood Bare will also re«to**i Itobt ttrt* at Falnmrl Harbor. O aad latM* Calaoict an arm of Lake MkAlgaa- to Hammond, lad with Abe ata at Pan Royal. •. C-. *»«b t*anr* Hoes latn Abe aetogorta «f Cbortetooa. C. * . aeR Ravaaaah. Or From Knoxville. Tenn . A« Andeiwm. R. C., a Riatane# at ttl mile*, all tb* | purveys bay* Aieen mad#, making In nil I ms mile* of located line ready tar coti *t curt ton to the Intereol of the Black Diamond ayatem of ralltoaya and made at an expen** up Ao dat* of nearly two hundred thouaand dollar*. Including real of earvey* between Knoxville, Tenn . and Anderson. 8. C . mnde to Us 7. by Ih* let# Pig Iron Kelly, of a Pennsylvania syndicate. The ayatem i* «o tie made up of eight divisions, with a round total mileage of 2.624 miles Tbe find division I* from Columboa to Knoxville, the areend U from Knox ville to Port Royal. colT oscak j. brown He Will Probably Rejoin the Regular Army Again. Macon. Ga.. Oct. 26.—C01. Oscar J Brown of the Peeond Georgia reglmeni waa In Macon yesterday He waa In civilian dreaa and said that he haJ come to Macon merely on a social Ylalt. He totimated that he would not re main In (he adjutant general * offic-> of the atate. but would resume hla eon neetlon with the' regular army. In which he I* a capaln. Hi* company is now in North Dakota near Dead wood. Col. Brown haa earned th appreciation of the War Department for hia promptitude in organizing a Georgia regiment. Although it did not get Into active service, U did a grent deal of work in camp, and »6i al ways ready to go to the front. CRUISER Marla Teresa Will Soon Sail For United States. Caimenera, Cuba, Oct. 2fi.—The ar mored cruiser Marla Teresa, sunk off Santiago de Cuba by Admiral Samp son's fleet on July 3 last, will probably start for the United States tomorrow. The vessel has been overhauled and placed in good sailing condition, and her engines are reported to be In satis factory working order. She has begun the taking on of a coal supply at tins port, und will proceed to the United States under her own steam. His Letter From the Front. You cannot balk a Yankee, says tbe Coebranton (Pa.) Times. Joe Wilson, of Bradford, was In the trenches before Santiago, and during a lull in the fight ing decided to write a letter home. He had no envelope or postage stamn. but be did have a few sheets of paper and a lead pencil. He wrote his letter, folded the sheets together, fastened one corner with a bit of black thread, forced a twig of soma Cuban plant through the stamp corner to hold that end In place, addressed the epistle, wrote ‘‘soldier's letter” under the twig, and at the first opporunity mailed the letter. It came through without a hllch. -«a**L*»»«*** , L J ft#— I tof ft# mm* ltaM—^|—toto tofito^* gaanvßMam wRh aim* axta m#fito*i to*R **— Tta aa—N »— <* to Rto ftg SRRH#» WMRpRto • * j •tofißtota* it tog (Mtomia I watoß fito •—» KM totoatototae* Kto oagpnflbah KM , fwR—C KNRpNI- —M_R»N_ftf> *,. ***** j fpatotaff totatoßa#**—mi K to—l I —a* —i— mm | fam m K—N to (4 * fwm wtaßMtoM ■ ta—* to* ta mm yam wtato—to to Rto —My • R*»j—N • «mmba —• p— •toMtoStot » tob wftN ’ft* - •* * ■•••■'o* he*tool I aamMMtaw MR* • lMRftR> —■•'** (—* Ntala are* amtotM* u» , oNtotobwoato wtofi Rift «*•#» tm l Mtoßb ritA 3k f. Dt<*V NfiMff f(M)A> .« 1 ARK»FI ft At*H( rTA <9f9Tf»( ft MrfTK#* to m# Ok# K ■ ft«MK# ft|Kft#S* j ft - ft# I • • *»•* 4 KB##*#### am % mm mm mm mm mm MM vfc Sft«—i * ()»>#*¥ -*♦* •« Rto **». -9% mtm #rrrt wfijfr#ft .• *• *• rT ' ##MS#9 *. *, mm W•** * 9* Ktatotfttoitto rtoftl?-Ri# Tftto J '* ■ -toft IftMmH Ok-toßßMßllMßMßßtaßatoltoatototoaaa— RtotoßßWta—•Rmaatoßtototowaatototoee** Woe. eaktatog toffi. • *44 —** #ftlKßt### mm mm mm mm mm Y%:«rft4ftjr am mm mm mm mm •#* fN§r »m mm mm mm mm mm *•#• taial .... I— I—* 121.01 *FINNFR« fiMIFMIENT. tak« |l.*nßeea RRlta***? •toiantof •• • HR Monday .. « AM* Tweoßoy ~ .» Uta ta* \( ~lr,«4*f . 1*46 tat Total ♦. o. l * l* ORO*. RRCKIFT* |«*7 I to* |*#t reretßte tetoay ...... t**J **•* Through rodoto tetoay .. time atecetyt* today .. .. *Mf 35#( stock AND RKCKIFTB. Itot 1«M tatork la Augueta ...... »WI ”**2 Hevi|<u Mac* Rept t.. 1210** USX B Wa maa owt beat •Mart* to make yotor pur.ha*** eatirety satisfactory j her*. MAHONBY & ARHSTRONO. COAL and WOOD STROWGER 2*l. BELL 17*** Office and Yard No. 1 Macartan Street NEW YORK COTTON. Open. Cloae January s - 17 February I H *•*! March *■* April & ** May * « & « June 5.(7 5.54 S July 5.51 5.51 August 5.54 Novetnher .. .» .* .. .. .. 5.1* 5.1* December 5 22 6.21 LIVERPOOL COTTON. January and February 2.*1 2 *2 February «ml March .. 2.83 2.82 82 March and April .. .. . 3.0 U 2.*2a3'l April and May 3 01 3.01 May and June *-*2 June and July .. .. .. 3.03 3.02 July and Aug 3.03 3.03 Aug. and Sept 3.03 0( 3.03 04 Sept, and Oct 3 00 3 00 Oct. and Nov 2.63 2.43 Nov. and Dec 2.82 - .*2 I Dec. and Jan 2.62 2.62 PORT RECEIPTS. 1897 1898 Galveston U9S4 19863 New Orleans 1119 E 12533 Mobile 1«27 44*9 Savannah 8669 12746 Charleston .. 3495 Norfolk .. •• 3625 6256 New York 1173 —— Wilmington .. .. 1812 Boston 5-35 Philadelphiaj 2SO • Estimated total 57107 72000 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. WHEAT— July 66% ! December 6714 668, May *7%-«SH 67% CORN— December 31 T 7 May SC* **ft OATS— December 23*« 23% May ‘24Vi-% 24^ PORK— December 7.90 .8. January 912 9 - 19 LARD— December •• -I 9o January iS " 500 SIDES— October .. 5.22 January .. 4 ' 70 4 - 67 OCTOftf* 9# *mm r> jkAvrt* hmn. ttoßtotoy* ItaMM ta Me*gM Kto* Na Mto tahroitotoß ta*»ey»"‘ *« * IT ft Rfti liClr # (ft.- _ riM-ft (ft m Yv.m y tlßi# «k 9 Mmmm* Hail# 1I Ip m ft mm* t**#* fl# #R##Mh, ##!#* *#!## tftMfi #Ki*% taf WM#\is |ftMto (#>r rw# nmffi * R|ft ## ft ftftjtf ftl #*: V R * ft to# S##t ¥#### K *#*( ##ftft t«»rft.Wl(ft( Ommh#* f* 1|- n||pi#iiß> (#■(###,. RM' J# I ft## I# ||M| t«v |%gy% Mi * !m • rm) (| to Mi ft# RRKTR#* ClM# ta# Ilk# fft to#R« mtoffttwf# ftftift iH#l 1! 111 H ftfll f 4 | - ojyf..yffty ftlta* i til# (tit** a#ft ftftmirmi mrnmprnm ## ##t »# Til# . I# lit# ■###• It ##! urt n*A 4p«u m# t«* I«ri •#• vtorr r« mny a nft ##t #rta!ir »*t 4##trt#ir t<» raitac mj uiijiti wiftntiurift ta t## #ft#y tftlill# ## ••# (tonthi* utnff. ##9 >8 • l* racial #l## ##f Of»*#» motoof* ReMey, and ftwally pertotoitad the rtlnart ta recoMMer He Vote and to avfwage matter* se a* ta leave -Cato* mattare Rcbley to <tai*» of hi# «*to autodroa, hat roaßhtalti* it «Rh Ad mtral F*mpeo« * aad idar tng the let ter In command of tbe H#*t. Thl» la lb# way (be rorreepowdent es tb* Haw TorH Mall and K*pc»a# learn# tt. Thl* order wa* made and once armr* tb* wisdom of tb* Preeidcnt and M* knowledge of men was demonstrated, for by leaving < Van mod. we Ocblvy at Wu>Uago tbe latter redeemed hluteelf lb th- eye* of the navy defiartmeat by ht» tuilllaat da*4> «f»ln#t Cwvrm’a fiet. Which ended In Its entire drotruellwn. DISTINOLISMED EDUCATOR. He I* to Make a Visit For a Week to Prof. Evaaa. It 1* learned that Augusta la to b* honored by tbe presence of a dlettn gulshed gentleman. Prof. Wm H. Payne. Chanrellor of the Untvermlty of Naahrllle. I* to make a visit to ProL tawton B. Evan* early In November. He will make an Inspection of th* Richmond county school system while here. Chancellor Payne 1* a learned roan He is one of the seven leading educators of the old world. Did luch For Hl* Race. Peter Murray died at Wichita, Kan.. at the age of 84 year*. He had 14 children. «d grandchildren. 3! great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. Eleven of hi* children, five sons with their wive*, and six daughter* with tbelr husband*, attend ed the funeral. Correa’* Resignation Withdrawn. (By Assoclr.ted Prea* to The Hero'd.) Madrid. Oct. 26.—-Correa, the minis ter of war, has been prevailed upon to withdraw his resignation for the pres ent. in view of tho difficulties with which the country is confronted. In her recently probated will. Mrs. Lynn Linton bequeathed a brooch giv en her by Landor R. Swinburne, some of whose flneft verse has been In praise of the author of Imaginary Con versations. TOO LATE^FOR CLASSIFICATION BOARDERS WANTBD—ALSO NICE large rooms for rent, furnished or unfurnished, at 102 Mclntosh street. Oct 26 WANTED TWO YOUNG MEN AS waiters. Apply at once. Inn Restau rant . Oct 27 WANTED SUITE OF THREE ROOMS, suitable for light house keeping. Address G. E. W., 22 Omy Building. Oct 27, SITUATION WANTED BY WHITE woman as housekeeper or to cook ; housekeeping preferred. D. H., Her ald office. HAVING DONE DRESSMAKING IN Philadelphia for a number at years, am prepared to serve the ladles of the city, at 1221 Greene street. Give me a I call. Satisfaction guaranteed. Oct 26