The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 27, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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THURSDAY 2 / *• | | WISDOM 19 ft*t!9U PIANOS £099*9999 VP 90999** fte# teftft 199 EVERETT PIANOS Ami *** f%**m**9 M Man **KUI Ute w* (V **»%*. *ft4 iM «pM# NMm ***** 9lteM>tete«'ft"te9 fIM • UMVflltt f**ft ||#|JNUMVTBD TlME#*.# jrfthrff- to rntmmmm **•* ft MUTT* ill DWfUFH MBS OF HUBS Itttm ft(.( Urw*mi. Thomas & Barton, tM Bum If-Tr At, At’ilttfTA. O*. m itiAi or ft hue wcritt INMW BraugM Ml A«if«Ma »#*• n« wrtM •* wm* w.*<u*. •# Twain regkmaul, tMa Into M to. »- futky wu# uHaanl »rre#*l day# »«• aai hwughA la August» ywatreiigy **l ||ltm4 <rn lM» B*»4 Mata IV remain* »«• art a t th# Ai»i toa4 »m«wt< I la the gv**» N manr fllaml* guA a AvSeguthw <»f ia Augusta Meat Infantry, «*» Mtolrto III* AareuaeA wg* »a at* »aatoa. Ta Can • fc*M In Una Ito) Thka lAMtlaa >raai Quints# TUMata. All 4ra**>»ia refund Ik# gaaßay U n (aUa la ear* Ha. TM genamv toaa l U. Q an #»** uMit. War Cnal • TMliaa a Day. W act tits' #». p. C« tw. H. Thr gffiriai* rtf thr Iraaaary depart maul ra ti mats that Ihs •at with Him* mica the oat lore* «f kuatlUttea. Agarll I. Nu ' (s at ail. ur a fractlan «v#r 11.- H,** * Aar Th. eMI aar mat sl.- m till'. , ur a* a*mt« «f IMIS.IM a #** The torgMi Aiiuanl p*M oat In a Mi.ct. Aar .tilling lie Hunßlah-AmcM tsn «>ar was M.II«.#S* un July to. This tear Jan before Hpatn ru« -I for pea. r Tl>. neat highest expenditure# were 13.- tlt.ret am Hrirt. l» TM toatlr rtpnuM of tM war fre aaanti> raaa Abova tM Mark fltr M|W made *M ! naf!t< trnf te construct and equip • hwt IMii|< of thr ala* of llw Maim Th* war cxoenw* for thr ; four moot ha of th*- (lu ll year *'t« | IM, •Mh thoar for thr flaeat j year IWT were only **t M4.TIJ. In April thr expense* of thr army •«) naky reached nearly sMMwn.ttao— considerably ahnvr thr normal llgure. May ahowed • pccii-ptlMr Increase whrn tM.OOO.aM were spent. Jure un a furthrr Inrrraar when IH.tM.m aert |wid out of the trraeu iry. July ahowrd thr highest monthly ri-1 pcnditure, or HI.WH.ItW. Ttv next month witnessed a rteeresae j wh*xn only s3l flon.oaa were ap»nt. but | HfptrmtMT reached nearly |SS,«O«.*«*, j ami for the S 3 daya of tmtoher thr ex- | lienara were about 1t8.000.0n0, or nearly | a million dollara a day. although paacr , n*Kotlaiiona have been pending during! thla entire period. Thr total dlaliuraementa of the gov- ! ernmrnt for the four montha of thr j present haul year, which I Deluded the rlvil llat t*rnalon rlaJma and In terra t ! on thr ptfbtlct debt, were $22.1.587.111 Thr total receipt* werr 3158,734,445. 1 Showing H daft lit of ttiy.OOOOOO for tho tiara I f(*Ar. Fresh Graham Flour. Fresh Buckwheat. Delicious Maple Syrup. As fine assortment of Canned Fruit and Vege tables as can be found anywhere. T. P. DORIS. Bell Phone t 246, Summerville. Private John U. Winter; Company r*. Second Georgia Regiment. who war »t hla home at Greens Cut. Ga., on a •urtough, died Friday of typhoid fever. BLUE POINTS ON HALF SHELL LOBSTERS, NORFOLK OYSTERS, DOVES, SNIPE, OPOSSUM, SQUIRREL. —EVERYTHING IN SEASON— N Mohrmann’s Restaurant open Until 2 a m. open until. ’a. m. FAREWELL MESSAGE i 4ft ItMMtMt rt*H ift* L a Ha Onawna IHa >*■«— iia«a» » **4 Hahn* ia *mi*san*w*m— fu soo*o*9* H|iiOniAj|* nf ffp s fp s JMMnHMi-- wteftte ***o in Imu m tip # ip* immrpp pf | Prpi O ft OiMpP# ft**# MM***—*!— '' HA’IjPH tM# ** t limit* if- - | ‘ftr't **l #•* lIfIHHHIMHMI pi *9909 ®Mpte*ft# *ftM ft# INI ****** #9MRN| (Ml 909 ********** ** lip Mtoftft lip ******** P IP pP I ***** ! 'iipip #f npappn n§Mpp««« *•*• *400900* up a*t mip iphi j UteftUftteft#* pf «|k* U pPil ANPNMMf *•# <3hPPpH ipp#iiP>o «a t%» 11 fnw— *t * |pp | PM tPP tpp #aPPNPPPPpIhMP ip j tap#*! PPP P( 9MpP IPMNPPIImNP N9P*P lUp aPfpprppMpi pf pmnp #n«Pmppmppp *lp pflpp PI PM# tPttPf ippplp fPP Ip jpNitfil |P» o*s*m Pm PNPMiPPP *•( I iNp pMPPPPi 4MMPNpPi#t PP# Ip pil* IP I flNt PPNI w *PPPP«MIP»I»'PP P# PAT. {IP Pip PpiNPPP PM Ml lOp §p#ppf ym mi | ppf (pPNI up# PMwppPi PM# pfHvPftP 4# »Mpf I iNm NP#l| P# l#P fPpPIPi #MfNMMppPiP. |*t tha (Pirtonw M Ml M MiiH •mb «f war AaNMfanv MM aAnma- Ithanal HstMtettana aM In MrMMwt **M tarwisMH M rank taf faa ftoMBMC. ra IMwa ta**W*a «*. fMH Ha# «i fnr- . | a—iaaM aMitty aaAn ara tMawwgkht WI»A »M awhlsrta Ahwnaa {•A | I An* at In* n»rM*tt» nm* a*-* [an* Ihs lin*na*ra «f **«>*« 'arsfwi i n*iHar*tl*i ha aaaay N MpiPPHi t th*Aa lUaxltaa of Jaif» *a 4 iaffitMa** Otm. aval By lh# Pray*# *TB* *R»e»4a*etot ** lh* #*MM*Matlaa * nma«f hy ik» **•«*■*< **■»*>*» * to** ' «t4tag fist «h* Msrttw* as |*4g** aaA j aaMrMar* gtkwil hy the »nn»l» •*• ha tmaritw* adth th# 1*» aalntoltiaA la th# *■*#*• «* *ha •haiku* I iht* par aaA ratified *1 ih* paffi Om \ aarerialnla* tha r»*»ll «f lh* eiecth* I inanad mt Btm'Rffiailrk AarlaflaA •ha iwaaN a*4 tha IffnaoarA amewd deal keraws a part of Ih* f«*4a**«- 1 tal lavas Ih* «4ai# " [ ll* thav rarxiannaeads that a aparial attorney ua th* W * A. rnllruaA b# no loager *«a#lay*4 n# nait rvylav# ih# »e*o*latioo as th* loan at t l-S »#r caw fnr paging lh# lenrhara, **A then eipyaaa ed hi* r»«ret that thr awiannv .<( nl nu, a manga for vhlch tha atat* had mad# aa appraprlatloa. had not haaa complete*! Troop* Far Ih* W«. “Oa April It th# Praaldeni of tha UalteA Hi ate# calteit upon the (Hate of Oaorgta la faralah for gar*be la th* Mpanlah-Amerban var two teglaseaU of Infaoiry and two bail sties of light orilllary. and oa May IA aaotber rail vaa mad# for oa* regiment of Infan try. Oa receipt of the rail, I at oar# issued my proclamatlo* calling for volunteers, aed am gratified tn atat* tbat both rail* were re*ponded to with commendable promptness Un der the first rail we were the third of the original thirteen state*, the ninth of all ihe Mate* of the union, and Ihe first of the southern Mate*. In rompletlßß oar organisation, and turning them oyer to thr Federal gov ernment. The people of Georgia baer reason to be proud as the character of the men and officers furnished by this state in reaponae to the ralla made upon It These. I am sure were apiendkl bodies of men, which 1 do not believe could be surpassed by any volunteer soldiers tn thr world, IN pen** of Organising the Troops ’ “Hoon after tb* declaration of war, the Federal government declined to furnish a regular army officer to asalst the stale in the office of adjutant general, a* had been done for a num ber of yearn. On this account and because of the large lucreoac of tlie work Incident to organising Ibe mili tary force#. It became necessary for me to employ someone to aid in the adjutant general * department. Col. W. G. Obear. an able and experienced militia officer, was employed *1 a sal ary of one hundred and fifty dollars per month, which wan paid out of the military fund. This employment, which has Ig'ctt necessary, has contin ued up to Ihe present. There was necessarily a large expens eto be in curred In raising the troops, and the problem was presented to me of de termining whence thla fund should be derived. On account of Ihe expense which would have been incurred by so doing. It was considered Inadvisable to convene the general assembly and ask for an appropriation for this pur pose; and it was therefore determined to use the fund appropriated by the state for military purposes. Item ised accounts of the amounts expended have been carefully kept by the ad jutant general's department, and will in a few days !>e in a condition to be presented lo the Federal government for payment. Most of the expense Incurred iu organising the troops will r m'B) Jk-TJOTJESTJ*. HKTU^AXJ | H» #ppPNP # iNP Up PnPP 9# pPKpMP |««#MNPb n ppi*»p ptfiiiP'iMif ppßt | spph PPHI PPpI IpP '**9 * !>** m #*-i «mmp nmm pUp Pi , «§t.« Ipppppppppp tpfliPpNi #PP #■#lP' f pnoppit ( lw ‘IPNIPPMPIPP op |p9i» jpi# pppp ppt# # (MMNNPPP cp MM |p PMMH Pf *%# PMMM# Pi INPM^ «n MW I.nat «M I. nHMaaahs **•' knat apt atu> pi Mina ■ : «PpfMM #9ppPPPPi pp# PUP ptPi i Ts. ■fl***# ptfP tdfP pMMPpp Ml MM# ppp® aa «4H* I fH .tamas si wr«h p*aP' allto i an* was Ara toa* panalto s*s an •ataw* an h* iai< npi in mpw an>% tat —aa t pnaant tahaaPA Pa :»«4 hat HMt mi annum tn Ha paM aar 'pawpatpap la* IMH tan P|H»M * t aM ptanmpaM <M H* thtnaaM aM ' <an taw Pat aawam an* >«pa* to* nsmana «f * tan pawnkMM * n iaamt j sMsawP aM saMMpnwnahm Par aaaa aM* > M>t*a* All PO*«aa aaP* a*w »»ana»# •nani M tPP naa apntpi ha mpnnMl hmlrn anA ntaks tatwm thaawxt m tp* naa* A —atntwah MmP a**P» •* hs i*m «nA ta» Ppwt tot »prana aM tht* Hptp naaatwM thtw Haa traanara TM UnMattm aPmMI In ikOMinOt MP aant Pan aaaa. ta anraw* th» nwwPa* aM ‘anr Mat aaa aaaA I appawPihl M AM* 1 t tpaf Pi nipnUhA tM ara sratan an 'aa l* aalhMl awptMawaaanPt t mahanmA tha imr ha ran naaiaan at mat tan • •aabl »>Atn. ' ksrtthn St«a th tM Attsrttsn at •* tianthManl. aaPPP I arato pr.iaaat M aa annaPhnant an Ha ranwAWwttm pa • t*ta« Mr htannial aaawtma of tM Is» , tstatar* HsrainMtw »w*h *f tM IHha «f wan aaaa*at>it Maatinp* Ma hawa »a --j law m In Mltaung Mr >■**■» aaA an ’ * tribute, hnt w»w that H* nnatttnimt Ma ham m ai*a*P «aa ta awin' l ** »** a last am *1 tham tMM»« h* tM a*mh nanpi* una nt* ha atlnwwA M tM pn gnaan at a»sAMt topMaitoa with I a tps pnrtoA ana Caarl Mr a aAMta a inuPn - Mi? Am* TM* a bmp* will arm It at* ml? ha a pat aaatap «® tM Pan M ITkPH Mr tM aaanlm AtatnnaaA with Mt wilt Mr* a pnaA afaat M athar : risparta Aeauat **rwtr>* aaa pmttAr int tnrwh aaaA’rss tact*tat >•-a a»4 lata mar* t»«t*tattm haa a AtatartHac as fart t pna hwatara* anA mtatMrrtal as Ifalaa All pataa tM tM rahm rtrapt Ortnrai* •*« i*r Ml#, awm hara hi msisl arastmr aaA tha rkpoatmaM ton* prarrn M antbfaiphrr that It n»ll nr nalt a MPntina of a apart lima whra tM plan mil ha aAoptaA alan la tM atataa to nhkb ! haa* rrfarrrA. It ! la atat aaraatary to holi a iwaatitimoo al roaraatlm ta orAar to «l»r prar'l- 1 cal atari tn this SUM as! ton It ran tM arramiltabad aaora <tlrs. Hr anA at Imb atpattaa by aaMfUlinr onr praamt orgaalr law. ta th* aaoal war Con vration* ara tipatlti. l>«th la thr mnttrr of prioaarr Aaltbrrniioa and ta Iha anlMrqurs.t laalalatim namnaarr to ami* onr taw. row form to th* rr iolrrmmt* ol IM naw laatranwnt Whra a rhaaar la onr firaiiamraia! lan baromm ran hr done just as rtactlraly by amm.lntmi and at a coat raapratlttir trilling No- , ■srum arnitmmis raa hr adtlorrA la M»or of lb# t*rot*««l (hangs, hot II la not nrrragary to appeal so ponr InirS Jlfmrr by aorh a ronrar of rrasonlng Tbs adTonlngr* tn hr drrlyrd arr *o ohvloua that aprrlllcatloa* would br uaalaaa. Tax on InherHancr. "jti • mean* of adding to the slate revenue. 1 recommend the Imposition of a lax on Inheritance, direct as well a* collateral Other state* have set us a good example on this line, which we would do well to follow. A meas ure providing for a levy of this aort would. I believe, receive Ihe approba tion of the people, and add materially to the state's revenue. Education. ••The state haa made moat gratifying pro areas In mnttera affecting It* edu cational advancement. Perhap* never before In the hlatory of Georgia has there been such widespread Interest In the eauae of popular education. The legislature. 11l attawer to the demands of the people, haa made liberal appro priations for the support of all the schools. These large Investments that the stale la annually making for the education of the nmsarcs. will ylald larger return* than the atale could de rive In any other way. The problem before ua as a people 1* to make our own children capable of developing our own resources. Tt la extremely gratifying to me to note the steady and rapid Improvement In our educational conditions. The public school term has been lengthened from one hundred daya to one hundred and thirty. The public school fund has grown from $937,871.12 In 1894, to $1,640,381 In 1898. Within the same length of time we have add ed to our teaching force one thousand teachers who have been professionally trained In normal schools. The enroll ment of children of school age In the common schools has also largely in creased over the enrollment of prev ious years. The building of new and comfortable modern school houses supported by the state—the Georgia Normal and Industrial School at Mil ledgevllle and the State Normal School at Athens-have been taxed to their utmost capacity to make room for th# pupils that apply for entrance In both Institutions. During the present year. Indeed, s large number of applicants have been denied admission in both of these schools for lack of room. Teaching Is no longer an'avocation. It is now a profession, and teachers who arc wanted everywhere are those who have had professional training. These !♦ *PNNPp IP *fc<* *w* ip#*NNNm , *' < "P ■ l mmmm *t wt NpiaNMpn <* If tr~ H* HaAAa* tMaiPan HaaPNI | ■ trim ** -.-—■■ it ban* anal a n# •h# part* p-hamra» IM* •»» JMM* 1 NMPt *%-«■ n* : < ; *%£ * APNI 9m Ifci# I Mw.* mm Mm M tM hansto «M «na 1 «iaf*|T mH | tip fWPI #ipf 1 tM# INMI W Tjt 1 fpNppiMMi # nnppmnnp #' Ip# t iph [*»m<wtarv r <«■■«» •* «•** *«tMii* [fitt ***** Mnpnrapaa am** t* th* «*•»* ' ftp# (PPif# tNWP# Alt# IN «feN9H (Ml IIP pf tip MN## gPt#*'# IfIPNP m 9m m> iMmup #Ni« Mi f f pprtNH 99. TIP tp<pt HA# IMPH* •NPNPi |PHI pf t«NI |NMt •(#» l i*9 PMM. (MMMft# tip i t#4 #pfp9tpf MM HfP N IM mm I «npi s# itpfpNN# Up t ■# of [llNl #PMMMMt plPtf* 1# iNMNm tIP | ImmNNNI mi HmmNMK • |pp* HhK* «fpf# ••• • • • • • PMa far Prttar iPP “Th# gmalag Arms a 4 Par bsatrr aorta aartMads warn »•««**lard hp tM i irgntatw'r aa Mr Par* aa lAM. nhm aa art am* paaand anA mprwawi hr tM pa» arnna Tn f*an**« prtaanry aM*- non* anA anaraaßMtanm as palHlml par i tM* M tht* mat*. anA In grnntaP frnaA < nwtn«4 t»sran< Tht* Inn am* Hod- I r**A *rr» amr* at u im pn*n ** na* piwamt aisattwa last with IM an* aMrta* Aadlrhaarj IMP II war MA mandatory apm IM part* Haniaar* in IM pr.mmrf ha th# aaMteon of drlatpttna and asmppsm tor oHra*. Hhl in prarttro M bn* Mm tpbK At ahont lh# aanar Jatxi all ai Ip prortslm. aalAam batac anaapltaA with and amr as Pa panattio* ***r anMrrwd and baa Mna alar# bam natcrwpA. br th* moratnaat for batter pnmariM It ma* b* aafrlf as that rotaaim ysfAhoa laaacafataw Py th# daawwralM row rant inaa la IHI a*A IB IHA. a*A fmorA by tha oaaemltm of thm and aP#r«l*rl. iHged la thr ram Si agalbsl thr s*«Tat ratten* maUt*. Into rah', b the popalltia had MU* #a la ibrtr (urn fiMPd ■ |Pil B9#‘ b#r «f tit IMlfv »«•! from thr Itn»M while otbatra rranrard to thrlr sonars aPtta'too* I rail nt t rat ton to then# ftnta to ahotr how tha prop)# aland la 'h}» motrrmrat for hatter prtmarles. whlrb ta really a ro mp agalhtej hawlap a • # • homey IrNacdtf. "la tM Arst paw. I rnnnot too atrmgly rtnphwstar tbo statement that ■be hollo, should h# nutde ahontutelr as. rat K.< pmw.;hle (n»t*'rtonlty ahuold hs given to thr briber to or# that the vnt* btrrut<ily pankwel hi foltbfully rteitvrrrd. and thua cnarapllm «HI !<• limrtui ixed Nrttber oPamtA *n ri tduygr bays any at»p. method of swat* . .m ss <> ■“ »ts . " r- *ll> Hide. * it*.ttng man, whoa* bn* isrart may not ilwaya be the som» aa thaUof thr rapltMUm, tilt wh«ee vlrwe are anually worthy as eapresaton A a free auvatnmmt. ranaoi be surressfni* l» ijM*fv«rtt. This lev-ames more vltatty Important . vctv yean as Industrial and eorimrate tartars enlarge their mw •nAwnpliir irorrostn* numleri of ka telHnent suffragists, whnor franehlee rnnnot hr too vigilantly pent ret <M against any tmpr»a*er InAuen.-**. "h> satisfartnrv haa been the pmr tloo of hrtldbtgr plate prtmartea <m one day that would by all m<-ana Inrorpo ratr this In the law: and I would also ml vise that tin- date of the primary be made a fixed day. at such season a* may he most convenient to the tnaas ea of the voters. If nn essary srtmrale Mtivwdlm days might tie named for each parly, or all <ould he held on onr day. The first provision prevails In New Tor*, whose legislature last March unanimously passed what la generally regarded as the tiroadest and most com plete law regulating primary elections, political committees and nmventlons: the second provision I* part of the re cently-enacted law as Michigan. Surh a proviso would lie perfectly Just and fiutlsfaetory to all candidates and fac tions alike, and woujd remove a seri ous cause of couiplulut recently made. Other Safeguards. ••candidates for all offices should, of course, lie directly voted for, and pro vision mode for ijelegntes who will ex press that vote In the convention. In some state*, notably *he neighboring one of Houth Carolina, the nominees are named by the consolidated vote of the wl-ole state, a majority of the whole vote tielng required to nominate. In any case convention would seem to Is necessary to promulgate principles, and these conventions. In turn, should be regulated by a provision against proxy and secret voting, and by prop er restriction against Interference with the temporary organlxetlon. With these safeguards. Including also a provision for securing the fair sub mission of all party questions to the members of that party, we would have a law unexcelled by that of any state In the Union, and our primaries would command the confidence and respect of all parties. Then party organisations will always he responsible to the peo ple, and political leaders will become liberal statesmen, advocating beneficial public measures, instead of scheming politicians, caring only for the favor of those In control of the machine. Equalization of Taxes. "I am as much in favor of economy In state affairs aa any one can be. as X think the record of my administration will show; but the proper and only way to reduce the taxes that everybody pays is to make everybody pay his taxes. If there were a just aod equitably system of tux assessment in the state, instead of leaving each taxpayer to swear to lh-- amount (hat be is willing to par taxes *A tn H|mMH * a**' A - •*>•* **“»» ' Haw* *A# gMlf»_*4WfA 'kM*lw>»** *-* I im** tp Wit49m** m* * *■*** •¥** 9Np*MMHM IMP *9mP * 9* f " ® laW 1 * umiM* •NNI mtm 9 I 'NMPP ♦ mm 9 «pfirmnw f SMk*i fMMKI 9nmh pH* •# m w l |N| J-T r- im tM mm *.*■•!'*» ■ ♦**« %'S*-# Imm tmmmmm. mi fr»t r • % r^uijmi ' (nm mm* imm# 4 a mil iiun - v **9 «f to-wap «* MN» MNN [itrtflf mmmm% ommm [ 99lHMl99(M(NHNAs #NB9 Wfm MNMRNktM *•••* • pwMpMiiarv 9m *m •Ml* *** *99 W# . ip-r~'Hif Pii -yr if « go* p*a Nwiipi fi *‘^ ,, HMHif lm*m m3**** »**»%■«» *** •*"** I nwN| mmrnmmimmm 99m mmjmmmmmmmt'mm *•*» i | m*mM *** |M4a 9m* • mmm I |p ta* * Nggr % ««* *9* *** •• P * ** , T * 1 sre**isaars. * #9>wM* I* • *** mm Mi **• : mhmaFi t #* om* 9m mm • #«• mil ' uiiKtfllL *• w fi# its# 5 0m >-*•=«■* ftMti i twfc %# f#y«teiiy hm*m muto## Ml -Is### •nt i iii atirii, m*i •* t ***** 9* ffet | !<#*•*»**li hi# ppywivt <af tteifc* j ♦*»§ Wf<«M tel Wtlr to ****** m*9* | f«* tnmmihm 9m itfe# #•!••* **9 ■.f9**m*9* *<*M 9m 19m*****4 ** ***** i *fs4l#l yft'UfiMTt# fiitsuiM 9m *9*- : **l i tstenfti tteft Util tew* **-■ tlhAil tte# t*t* *■* tftftftttnftl *m*9o M# filial ter. I «4IM mßm* ttm ***** mmmmt *t « yfeftt «te (ft IMHt, 9ft# %■•••#• *rnf9 *9*4 **i I*# 'ill# tft«fffiiT#t ••!*» Kt* ft MlTftrt JtIFfHH ;||| *'* 90** Nl #rriftto#r*9, «# tft lift U>*m*9 9*rnmhtm vmtm* mt*m It, ft mi *htc HmpYlmiMiftMr MM > »|fh ft p«n sf 9(p* !*»#• mhtrh hm ftlNWftlfi 9*99. tel trfto Mt# l # hf ft %mh*f4 j»l dlft'l MI ftfftfti • 4 teto* •#■#•»«#», Aft * VteteH Iftft Vftlw*# JteMM tr*m M*i im.m*9 tM I*9o to lAMIiM tM |M2 TW# •H ft ft# 9A thm fftll wf tp: T%# Mr it yftMT thmr* *•** ft #M'fto*«ft# »*l Stt,* m9*m* In tlhft rftfftnM* mi imwmht* pr*n»- mrif. mm# toft. aft#f • «Mm Item. N tft t&IM.tMM II I— tllft M IM IMs Mteftf* vftNmM ter !•* *********. If ft* m*mh gpmM l ftrMft ftrctufti WMnml Im **•# |NWWf* wtm III# Fip|fteiw of itelft lft« vnln*-ft ftfft ft--'ft ftGiUi lte%'ft tmm* ftQftftl* lard and hugely Ismand. *nA vast (W>Ml* of preperty. rent a tad prca*.nal. a hi. k a»a sacagsre taiattoa, sxsto I* twnring thetr *b*re of thr comnua tair <|ew , He again Amawnre* lynching, and conclude* with a review of lh* feature* «f Ma adminlatratk.n. Mow I* Prevent Croup. W# ha'O two rhtbftrn who are *ob- Jret t<> attacks nt croup WSescvcr on attai kto coming «n my wife gives them Irrtoln'. Cough Krmrdy and It alaaya prevent* thr attack. It ta a household necessity in thi# <wunty and n<* matter what eta# wr rnn out of R. It would not do to br without (Tiamts-rlain't Cough Remedy. More of it la *»ht bar* than alt other cough medicine* ram blued —J. M NK’KLB of Nb-hte Brea, mnvha nl*. Nlcklevlllc. !•* Fin- sale by Alexander Drug and Hwrd Company, C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Compa ny. RECORDER-5 RULING. Talcs of Woe and Fines Levied at Court. John Hancock. A young white boy stepped np to the bar at recorder'* court. The c*se against him was shooting *1 a smaller boy with a sling shot. The smaller boy's slater had remonstrated with Hancock Mid he had aald harsh words to her. Hancock. $3.50. James Monnlhan. It was the old charge of not remov ing trash. He proved, however, that the trash was weeds left by Capt. Kcu nrally’s workmen and the latter had said he would have such removed. Monnlhan dismissed. Jno. J. Appling. Jas. Marshal. Two small colored boys are they. It had been it fight that they had indulged In. Marshall was the aggressor. Marshall, $1.50. Joe Cooper. Nancy Cooper. Joe hail put Nancy, his wife, out of the family domtclle lost night. That is what Nancy's father said. Nancy said not so. Joe said not so. Both were dismissed. John Jones. Ruth Jones. Ruth Is John's wife end when asked to state her side of the case she re galed the judge with a tale of woe that was of much length. “John, he knocked me down; then he kicked me; then he picked me up and threw me against, the wall; the he slapped my face; then be threw me down the steps; then —” “Hold on. Ruth, that is enough; do not tell us any more," said his honor. John admitted that 'he ha d slapped her. John. j ■-v f - Ruth $2. 'a *!*!** j# : > PHILPOT IS JOHNSON'S AGENT llf H%h U|**m* *4j U* 9 In# MkaMi 19n* 4# mm 9Am9n A+rnmmi likpf Im Ada# f tdi ||# iwk*t : #Ms« N»# «§#•*»# m 9mm %#*ll*# fttl < * in# riM|iin*lt» rv«* *mm#*** m*9s 4MNf llii Ik*•tin# N**<%**• tn - mrm •*# »(Mf (NT Nnui # !*»#> IKtl*# HP Ht*#* fta# InIMIMMk ••# jNiIMMNI (Ml# »iwmM«Ml 9.Si# •wMrfji**# Wllf** «r»9 «lfll luk4 *W (br (MiwtNm fftor IN# w»tl j #-*Mk|NMiF TNN % Inp* mi V(n> r#*# •tkrarp-t f»t#ttfc* I# (lull Mr mifMrM *•# NHi gwHit of thm lyiMil N»m TN# hm* «»• ttiaifN# ON# «wtr*# ia* MHt «ti|f I«m*-'lilt4a * bti r-|i*rpi, |9- 41* lf*My • < %ia* rr**! r**h t#sl«»rp. MR. WILI lAHATiITH. Aa Augusta Boy to Npaak M Altoota too*. Tha »<'«b4 annual caailrat of tha flcaggl* Inters ..||r*t*!. Ora tori a I Ar aorlatinn. which »sura Ore.thrr IKk In Atlanta, aa a* rseait of lapsttso tn tha ootlccc htrt.ars of . ie-agta. Rasy. MrMar. the t'nlveraity of • t.s»»gta aw t tM North flmrgta itUIU'V and AArirwltural coli—g» will arod. gprohar*. Mr. K. H I‘alnv-r will rrpraaaat Em ory. Mr. A. I Mooerh-f, Mercer: Mr. I IbiMa Adair, tha t ’atv* ratty of fßaise | rto. awl Mr. William M Hmlth. ih* ; North Oeorgfa Military and Agrtcutfu i ral Oallrg*. Mr Hmlth ta aa Augusta hnr who I haa Ijrra at u.tytng at I sablna earn fr the | l ast thr<r year* and ha* taken a htgtt stand tn all hi* audb- w foil.wring 1 from the Atlanta Cnftstttutoie wilt hr, read with tntereat by Me. Hmlth a Au gust* frirttds The North tlanegta Mtitt»rv and Ag rlc ult oral rends *• Its rooirsl •nt Mr. TA'ill M Hmlth, a young man' of bright rrfutotoa in hi* <->»ll*-ge j Ttiotigh but Ik year* of age. Mr. HoAth I* **id to have acquired t is character-; latlca of a polish speaker to «n *#- j tonlahing degree. The Slaeor* Pataca- j tra gs'k'tf alerted Mr. Hmlth vie* pres- j Idrnt laat year and he sues esafully represented the same society In the an nual champion detwtr. In N and *k7 | [he was rinded by thr faculty aa a] fr-shine n and soph'-mors deetalmer. j i and received th.- praise of a large and ’ 1 appreciative audience <m loth oca slong. In a.Wlilon to hie llierary and [oratorical altainmrnts, Mr. Hmlth has: won high honor* In lib military llf» ;of his college, tiring at this time senior j captain of the battalion. Mr. Hmlth! IS a member of the Junior etas* and the H'gma Nu fraternity, and hi* friends declare that an eloquent speech may lie expected from the young sot- | diet-orator. COL. ASTOR DISCHARGED. Ha Was Onr of the Officer! Mustered Out Yesterday. Washington. Oct. 27. - Thr follow ing officers have been honorably dis charged: M. CoJ. John Jacob Astor. Inspector general appointed from New York; Cap! K. M. Alger, assistant ad jutant general appointed from Michi gan; Capt. J. H. McMillan, assistant quartermaster ap|H)lnte<l from Michi gan. Captain Alger is a son of Secretary Alger ami Captain McMillan Is a son us Senator McMillan. ORDERED TO GEORGIA. Soldiers From Knoxville doing to riacon and Atlanta. Knoxville, Tenn., Oct. 27. Gener al William McKee, commanding oflL rer of the Second division. First army j corps, has received orders to proceed at once to Macon, Ga.. to make ar rangements for the removal of one brigade from Camp Poland to that city. Col. Cornelius Gardiner, commanding the First brigade here, which includes the Thirty-First Michigan, the Fourth Tennessee and the Sixth Ohio, also re ceived orders to proceed to Atlanta, for the same purpose. Although no 1 contract has been let. it Is understood that the troops will be transported from Knoxville over the A.’ K. & N. railroad, and that the movement be gins soon.” .. . ocTonrp rt WANT ADS. ! - - - |§ net i* wAirrro I (111 I*l A (fa. 1% ml $ 4>mm H% m ******* m mms 9*o*9*99* 9 m*9m*~ 9* *«t# * **m» ’ (*«-* 4 #■*#*** Ijf j. $9 “ TO PENT I #T**| warn* TII(»9r#F 999wrm9K # t-® »jh fgin Mm* ** 999099990999m*. •i *m ft -4 **m4k, 9*9 €9»-*m*m m%9mm9 %#s**** W. i & • 990*- f%* »#>9ll | #90199 tvt;- T 9 t'-r'9|f; .%i>tr r I* riTW --t'lintt hMI tomtit to - t#U 11#At**"** 9*99 *9*99 Ml 0990**mm % Miic EL LAN COUb M««Ct W&ULIC tMtTlt * M YHYA * *i *m*»-t9iiWmm9 **999*9 M *»o9*m % «ui4 T#4IRMMr *999 #*»%#•#«• tl Mr AXYtelv A% IjrttKPt tK A aaa—iAar-s—u—■*—* aaßß—Aaaa aaa—a»Mß \V % 9 u t* tsaA H f9IARDKR9 f \ rs ter# •««! ***l M*. •!•*» <mm «•* | r#»tei rwtl Apw*t Un A. i J Avm tmnmt t&U* **4 W**At«i#t«cw j ut mt IDIM mt f9*9. 99*9 >• Al*t*Tt«»S‘ HLK HT C. V. WALK | ttirml MtMt. Wwl»»Hiiy, 9A it, m ,-, t,« f remit nr#, 1 99-1*99 A#- If h*9m •JkirtAiM# f*** j nigrurt it to ttl specia! Notices. AdiaHaistrator'* Sal# ‘ (STATE Us UKttIIGIA. if >l.l MMIA CUV NTT . >« IU, UK Hi *l.l> ON THE EIRAT TI'EHDAT IN NOVEMBER. I*»A. 1 at th# Omrthnuar. m Appuag, CHtua -1 tot* County, Oaorgta. batw-a* thr hr j |«| hour* <>f Ak. tha fftlo*la» real * <-*iatr. be Imaging to th* raiatr of j Jams* M< Andrew, Jr . 4nr«*d, lata of «*I4 atat# and i-wmty: All that tract ..r M'-»l of land ta I Columbia county, atat# us Qaofgta. | about im aifie* from (he < tty of Au | i:data. On., neat Jmktn » HtatlaA. <*a th# C. M * W. C. HaitraaML eon tatolng six handled and w vrnty two acre*. m<-rr or ►**. briog bounded by land Of Mr*. M K Jrokln*. Mr* H. Gink, Mr*. E. J. I>>*ter, Capt. C. L. Went. H HhUuky and F. Arm | Strung Thr Improvement* thrreon | r Tiyrtini of dwelling, gin houara. l»o ! horn* and right* for tenant*. [ Pliir tk wi-ll watrrrd Tmp»—Half raah. halancr In IS ! month* with 7 per cent Intrreat. Pur (ha arr to rrrrlv Innd for title and pay for all patr rs. PATRICK ARMtoTRONO. Ailminiatralor Eatate of Jam. McAn drvw. Jr. Special Notice. WANTED PIETY UHOVBLLKR# i and one good hlacksmlth at lloib. H. C. Addrvaa, ' CRONIN A OGIVEiI. 7 Per Cl $500,000 7 P*r(Ct ; FOREIGN CAPITALISTS WILL LOAN HALF A MILLION DOLLARS on realty Ir. Augua’a. Oa. Term* 7 iper cent. For further Information ree [their attorney at law, P. J. Sullivan. Es.. or Mr. P. O, Burum. Notice. 1 DEHIRE Tl> ANNOUNCE THE RE MOVAL of my office to Hit) Briuul street, over Macaulay * -Co. W. H. GOODRICH. M. D. For Census superlntendent. Washington, I>. C.. Oi-t. 27.—An of fice, the filling of which is politically of many times more Importance than the ambassadorship to Great Britain, Is that of superintendent of the nert census. About three thousand clerkships will be at his disposal, under the advice of the members of the legislative branch of the government. The latest aspirant is Harry Caoson. now secretary of state of Wisconsin, who is managing Representative Bab cock’s campaign for the senate to suc ceed Mitchell. Mr. Oasson has had no experlenc* in census work, but his friends declare the. he has a ’’gift for statistics.” and if Babcock gets Into the senate by his efforts he Will ask for this recognition of the faithful lieutenant's service*. In addition. Mr. Casson has already se cured the endorsement of the republi can congressmen from fourteen states. •‘Pap,” said a cobbler’s son, as bo sat pegging away at fin old shoe, with a longing glance at the stream which rippled along beside the cabin door, “they say trowt bite good now.“ “Well, my son. you just stick to your work and I guess they won't bile you.” f