The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 27, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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THURSDAY 6 COAL-COAL-COAL to ftm i mi ah I*l ai pa rt»d A.*ft ItlitfH INC •••▼ OHAOIH OF Hk** C*w** JNMMOO 1 C«s€ ) aA, I » Ar'hr*<*® «4f •n* 4 ~CITY ICE COMPANY. AMB& Jtf A l4iM ft Cifi—if nit fn*§ •»<# #»■««> -»*■# P»i»ip< j Ml A4MNMM PiiMl fINPPVMA Mima AMf , ** «• in* *• so4*oo fMMMK**# m m m m MAl*! -MNM& $49499 I®*****® «• an ** H **# P** | ’Kli, «§„ -»t« H 1-AiM ■ MpCPAPI 4fH* fWifIRMHBV iiwiptt M pfl »»■ 4 . I* *• AMA plflPN* MW# . AmMMAMP* fA* AllA*"il jpr *«: ** HMA *1 \ (Hi * *i#« |M9 MMIJr X. /• Ait « ; MMNIIA A 43U> PMI . is 4 I t *** AAMAAK pmpM #tAA t ■■■# ' MMII. HA. 44$$$$$ ♦ Wg® H** MMM. *•**+ . * . W A«• l-SHM tNMA PMIM »»»w n d AMM p® iM »—>»»<> OMMi ** #* •»« Alt IflpM . *• « All M SM »#*» ■«» df ** #* «t Ml. ; MHHSOm Aiii « •« m •* •* * PaA . *; **'-\* %* #r**t .. IPtPIMI , so *• ** #§JM •A* "A * A »*> * I ■ pMHM AfMli&lAMMi v jp*» * * I £*••* #»*fi Ump* ♦* #* • Shtrere mhrmummi *a seia* .. •*- i:* t«»* ■ ■« 4 >44lo***** . .•* mm ft* **• '■’togffffltoK, OtoMßNtol ft# axieo . 7* - f ftft dMS*X * *iretoM*> **3*o •* Hm*a IWM, to »*■ **• .:, J',, i* r* Mat** .*4* »*»*«*• Mto ••* *3* fi# fctooao .. ~ .. .. .. »*. • »• • I* are *.« » « «**>•* Ml fttoHto ** -«• to*--. it tatt *•*>•• to"<OC>W AHV •I to. tmm Ifttoto utm. # • to* #to . tofttoM, (ft** k*to (ft* ft. to* ft** »» m, •*••» fc*** -•**•». fc »* t* *♦*• . $i •» «Mpf* ft ll Jl A fl* 1 Y OOOfii fiHTr* ** <** I*4 Mfmf f I I Ml a i i»gnr*tlft lit E K «h«*«ia( IS - 4 ywo • . t* jm*' * 4 ’*** •A* OrtifMtn® h tf # il It , tit j#*» r Kim til it iWtitM .. tti jifeft V- PtM A c *vtl I f „ ,« I I t •»m iit.i CirlMt mtA '* A*A pf At « Cwtwtin to #4*. •*> >|tM. ft-* 4•• *ft fttftft'lli'to* Mltotto»to*w to*«4Ajj - .... •• to ! fr«ii «T it® Nm®. if lucti® .• •* • I*l Prvtt if it® Inn*. f*l UKIMt • •• f i i CteML t*f l***tp ft* *• «>* »• *• ** t t*t CtoH. ♦-« * * M A ftOM Rod. •-« ft* ft* ft rnft« •( im » *>* . .. to I*l !•» ft. Kin* ft-* R B tom tin* .. M H srna I*. Km* HA A »to*ttn« .. * >•* ]»., r Km* to-Into* Oft«r*ta . 1 in* r Km*. *» *«■»> * c tfttond .. A .. •• "*• .... •• • * **•' jm> r. mm- » •<*» **■ **» tatand ’ * * Jftft r- Kiac to HkK »t0t04..f .. I M fWNTH toftAtti *KMH«*ft ***** * •** MtortmaHt #fcu "•*». (U*4 ■. ..**■* Chftror «>d*R irto* Mftoft ft*Rto .. * I-* «a*ftiM*C<<m ftft*** fftlMf) .*• • Allan'* (»ft*m A t- * *' 4 •Uftpftm* » to* Itotoftlto .. A.... • Coftl** ftAftaal retina, *ar 4to- *> Amartran l*d>«<> touft* *♦••* - •• * *** ftlater <Hla .(aolid) ***** .. •• ••* Am»rt' »n ln>l‘.*o M**f *•**♦ • •• * Internaliultftl l , l**'t* ***** •• •• • Alim • . Animal* ***** 4 Alim • L**ft**a* **•<• •• 4 tndl* Milt . .. •* •• •• •• 4 ft* 4 India ton* ***** • •• •• •• *• •* 4 Bftlnclant « ***** .. •• 4 . Martha Wa»ht«»*t«" ***** * ft-* Otritrr’* ladlanl# •*«•* .. .. .. * Clmrter Oaftta. ***** • ••* 1 TICKS. Uamrat'lre 4 f"' Amoakaaa A C A .. .. ft* ft* 3 Amnak'a* A *• Atnoakeati e.r •» * 3 *J Itoclliru. nft .. v •’ •• * pi-ato »*oMft»Ptm» CIIV Mill* .. .. - •■ • • •• •• *J * Kunr y*rd. *nod U like* * *** Ixmli ahlrtlnc* to*.*,.. <«■ «••••• 3 *' 4 j dre*a *Vfl*B ***** i. •• 3 »-< Hi Clan Uirar aljflfta .. « Ocean aolida .. ... <s ». * 3-4 Mai it** WatoMjrtnß f*nd«4 .. .. S3-* Miecellan*°*ft* tomnd*. Ilrt* welfht •• <• A' .''l. 1 ' 1 .. .J ll I’ftm I* 3 Wartta « yard* plain . .. 3 1-* , Thorndike B «. »• .. •• >• J 3 -* Merculra ... .. «. .. •• 7 *' 4 Amiwk. a* .. .. .. .. —•.•« ■> * Creeernt .• 1 Ivlham. 3J hal Itn bo* ft* y Q, JlO tall* to box 1* K a. P-. ** ball# to lb 17 1-2 Mtwrogvv ft! •'• “ .. .. 3 1-2 in irrh * 1-S yd plaid, ba«l iimke * *-« Rlmpaon silk tlniah foulaitls «4x -4 Piu-iflq niournin** *4x6* A 1-2, Chinn silk* tftxti* 4 1-* * * ft* 3 i Slater :1 1 Concord, Wxfto 3 1-t ( Homo MxtO s I- 4 | Keystone 3 l" 2 j Flfl* Avenue 3 3 ' 4 . KBARSKT'S. . Heavy Columbia, >.:-»vy Kearsey » 1-1 ! Kincaid and otfiar* .3 1-*] RIME. OE.MENT AND RLA STICK Rime • • •• Toaßß ! Rueendale cament .. .. / 9ft,** I Portland cement 12.75 to 3.35 j l/juisvllle cement In paper sacks ..*I.OO I Plaster tat bbls 11.75 | HARDWARE. Well buckets, per do* 1.t.00 Pointed buckets, per dox *l.lO 1 2 H B B cedar palls, per do* .. .. $1.75 I t H B B cedar palls, per dox .. *2.00 , subs pslnted. per nest 11.75 I Hope. Manila, per pound 9 1-3 | (tope. Sisal, per pound 7c ! Rope, cotton, per pound .. .. lOcallr i Kails, wire ftl- 73 base ; Nalls, cut .. .. W- 4R llase Shovels, Amea, par do* .. .. Sllalll u Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. 37.00 Slwvels. riveted back, per do*. .. 14.75 Plow blades .. .. 3 ft* 2 ,ias e Hamas, red top, par do* 12.25 \mmrnrn * mi s w# fffMt, pvf' AMi «* «• AfP ' *;• *~ *mm mm** *«# At ,!•# «« *# M [iHNt imai 9~* f to m m m m*»m I M Itow stotoh nto »•« n M M n to -* HBHMR 3HPBHK brp toPKMP *• *" man “ i t to*♦ rn-Aa pse to* .’ H „„ It to |Ato Mtotowa n« I a** tot* m 99 a to | as* tot atom* to* A pan toto »* .*• to Laps toMtosa*!. ton * par toto •# •* ~ R* 5 A toto* to** *ias*lT| P»e toto. ..** mm „ to'ato sdHMtoa #4,. >s ‘a.* par R* , , to to I*l ptoto M It.. * to * *to », t «• PTarti to srfto *to****'ian* ■***•• n*to toitols tosn* l <to be to*** to fa> >» f rinnlßto 0% mm m .mh*.. .11* ... j «I*, ape* l| j a t**» ~ w » it* • name I t r* MHt ~ M HR ■to, * * | ii* test „ „ to* M S«»«■ epto 11 r* Mi* ~.,, „mi 1 to—tol dtreßp* * 1 -4toe *. 4U 14* errt ip >t* dr Aegwse* fa 11*4 »„« M» M n, ' A"l#ta*<* ** MR* „,,„ „MR m{ *"#•«'# *• HR* M« M to* a..! ; AaRRRMI * IT* !**• H* ... s'twate r* I4*f ..m m *. MR ... *. to** tM ... I Attoßt* 7%. tMR M M M .. M* ... ' A ■%#»** *« ttot . M « a « W arrant* I l-Fa Mto H .. „ Ml ... Almn ' a 4a. MR! ...... M Ito ... r.raenah t * tsa* M M lit ... | Pa—apeh la, t*U M .. .. U* to—n. ta, hr .. .... .. .. to* ...| rtonsntaee fa into ~ .. .. (to ... Otomfcw* 4 ir« ten .. .. tat ... Marato 4 I r* <•» M* ... Ma- <m fa tvt* it* ... ■< .anmtoa f.-t# ........ to ...i (TsnstaA ra Mto R ... tUIIAOtl) RONtd, Umtlta R to. A Mm Oe, i fa toto IM ... Oaatagt* to- B A Ban O*. fa I tot .. .. .. .. .. it* ... Chnrtetta r .intnM# A An an*, a. let fa Ito* MI ... C baric tie tMtmMs A Ae iMt. «* r*. ms u$ Aaru. a Bn B R .fa Itt to C. R B ft an kin* C*. Cntlal* t—l Trwat fa ttot .. .. K « southern Balia ay fa ft**4 ~ ~to to 4 antral «f o#*«ftne Rs'iwey. tat raaenl mart, fa I*4* .... to to C at n lei prat to to *R t ve.ttal of itaerita Karl war. M prat incnnae, IMS II It r at Q tat past to toto . * • O. R A f , l*» m. »*# I*4* Ito Ito ls«<l itaursto an* Pi—ids ; id re. i*w i« ... Pitilh O'orili and florid* >4 r» !«** .. .. .. .. .. t«t ... Oc-att Rt'amaßlp Co.. I*4 fa id ra I*** >•< ... rACTORT BOND* Kmarprtee M(t Ce., Ist fa IMS IM Sibley Ml* C*. Ist t a l*M l*S Sibley Ml* Co.. Ia« (a. IMt . IM U* ft. K A It Co. stink .. Ito 20* Southwestern It. R Stock .. to tto Aufuata and Savannah atoch tl IM CHAIN AND PROVieiONR. Oita, white, sacked .. 21 Onei*. miS'Ht. a*cke.l .. .. IS thru, white, sacked .. .. ~ 53 Corn, mixed 41 Meal, bolted, |>er bushel 4?’, Flour, common .. 1.10 Phut, fancy .atra .. 1.71 Flour, second pa lent ~ ~ 4.00 i floor, standard putehl .. .. .. 4.31 'Flour, fancy paieht .. ~ •« „ 4.71 When! bran. 100-lb sack* M Fine feed, lto-lb tacks to Hay—native, per ton 12.00 I Hay—Timothy, per to* 11.00 Hayr-chotce, per tin .. .. .. ~ 14,00 Hama—choice sugar cured .. „ lOallV* ■ Smoked rib eldca ...,.»* 1-1 Ih-y sal rib* 1 3-4 lard, pure leaf, In llercaa Ift |Uard. kettle, rendered In tierce*. * 1-4 The offlclal report of Admiial Sam pson, say* The New York M»l\ and Is a doentnent of great ilnureat and manifold detail, and is valuable as making a part <tf the rec ords of the war. It will lie noted with satisfaction that the messages and dlspotehes quoted In the repost clear the navy conclusively of the sen sational charge thnt It did not render willing and effective co-operation with the army In the Santiago campaign. The r port naturally reflects the anx iety of the navy department as to the movements of Cervern's fleet and re flects credit upon all concerned in hi« llooat'on and the ultimate destruction of his ships. A Clever Trick. I looks like It. but there 1* Iredlly no trick about It. Anybody can | try It who has Lame Back and Weak Kidneys. Malaria or nervous trouble*. ! We mean he can cure himself rlsht 'away by taking Electric Bitters. This | medicine tones up the whole system, acts as a stlmulam to Liver and Kid neys. is a blood purifier and nerve ton ic. It cures Constipation. Headache. ; Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Mel ancholy. It Is purely vegetable, a mild | laxative and restores the system to .Its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters [nnd be convinced that they are a mira ! ele worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 c. a bottle at Howard & WII | let's drug store. Prince Paul Esterhaxy of Galantha. Count of EdelatoUin and Farchtenteln. the jockey prince who died in Vienna recently, could boast of coming from n family that twice refused (he crown of Hungary. A fashionable shoemaker says that women can endure pain better tban men. 'THJD AXTOTI BTA ITERAt2D 9*4ktAl || aa* a CM* ft to t %toe -fgi Rtotod Mto to (Keans Mto* «*** • A* 4A» toM»|*4 Mstpß sto IMe t*ea*Rßs m pi*rß"f-- *<Hb 4 fSf'**4 %** 9mML #®fc 40 ■ s*mm f4*MTM**4l* <£**- H%i—i 99mm •• i ih*r»A stmt (sum fT'Mati,, i.fMt Ilf • tows* *»<*—* to asM'iss* to lie toto* tow. f i -.i itc. *.# RJtoM ft Rii MR %m 4 *•* 4®r* fr"' : TflUir ii ****** so* ** smmm i J»fnwa»». inmm* U*mmm *** m%mm #•****•«• im *** lt|tf _If W 1 * 11 HRlifM* r*MI ¥ ft"~t tW*M Mt'iNfM full 4mm* * Mi®* w wm m %94* t ♦*r*M'«| «mM •'■MR** immVwt* M HSto aßto.4to-.4t MM* RMRwMP* to ' M •«» mm mm**** n u»t w«® *^® f •**-i#'* Mi #• KUPI Af** - ® ® fM I ###!! t# tttt~ » i»n»i |mp •§• fhMUA 4Nmp4| "• fl®® i mf -4 YY®* 4 AAIMWRMI lnf<w**l WAY* > . . . omo >mß r % |® |«fM*'Vi *(»M **• Wmmrn i tv* Hm4 mm 11®^ lA®» mmmrn Ml ' Ttferf «m*h (p fhitlP' • mmmmm mmA o*4 iIM muhmmi $m IK®*#* •mm fAfnAHli-il in® |« •!! 11l RAM #WNf# •fr#’#* w**t.9 tm&Tmm *m* m*4 «Ai m*rm* tM prw**m fA® *mm «f m*m •**dm *0 *1 i tMr iMMMftMI AW m*4 w® *t*§ *«R'' h fWT to##'lK <** Im® |A*® M'fllMMl 4#f%l®# I* l* R t# IM 44 Ml® | tofßto'fit »f *lll ii nr tt | m jTn<ni m **r® |<*ri.h4 ri# tutlßNl A. Uly. rrxt* A *0 n nm**4 fit IMM # (UmpH# J* If. At#!####®# mtm* * it®4 Wmrmmf**ni* ®f «*® mi •#•1111 *mi mmm •,m#®4 t« o*4 tmo94% »®r m mm*m **4 rmmrnmjH It Tl®® »Mis #tj Mfiim. mmb mil®# tr*mm lA® fr#i®® - o#i * tiac t.Rether * pneoe *d twsßlf or tMr- j t. twee he started. When he errtvwd he trea to**wd hyj nneto at etttoen*. sMII a eMtvstl*' •etlmate placed the a will her la the paa •e at over three hundred men Immediately after leaving the toaiae where the first tragedy w»* esmmttted, Ilk# ff*i»r*m an®fTt| ihr»*u*h ill® ##F pminftni The ahettfr* pureutt reaotvad Itaelf lata a puraub of the negreea trnptlc.t - ed and not of a nib which waa Rrat rpjxift*#. It t* mated that three more negroes have twea found and hilled, making a total of nine tn date, with ntomt forty more Ia he heard from Sheriff Weveaocn. rentltln* the dan ger apprehended. Immediately word O.iv M. ldiurtn at Brand m for aid In quelling a proha We wtdeepread dinar banco The governor wired Adjutant General Henry at Jackaon to get together a company of the National Guard and proceed to the acene on the that train. llMrrsl Henry reported that there waa no Notlonol Ouont obtain*tde. but he would organise * company of armed men and render all necweorv assist - once. Oov. Mcl aurln In Charge. In the meantime ihe governor pro cured a apeclal train at Brandon and accompanied by a posae of thirty men armed with ahoiguna atarted for For est . Arriving here and finding that there wna small danger of a riot asaumlnc pruportlnna liey nil the ability of the posse on hand to keeji lit hounds, he wired General Henry It would he un necessary to bring his volunteer* front Jackoon. The puaae la operating In the swamps about a mile fiom Harperavllle, where moat of the fugitives are suppo*ed to he concealed. There la a message here that the cltlsens are apprehensive of armed pegroea entering the town, and guards will be sent to prevent a sur prise. The governor and Mr. Henry counsel moderation, but In the excited state of Ihe public fear is expressed that the posse will not regard the suggestion favorably. Their presence, however, undoubtedly, will have a great Influ ence In restricting the number of fa talities after enough negroes have been killed to satisfy the outraged feelings of the whites in that section. The End ol the Romance. They had thought love tn a cottage Would tx- fine; •1 will help you wash the dishes. My divine. And we two will just be happy. Rain or shine.” She, entranced, enraptured, heard him. And was glad. She had read a lot of novels. So she had. Anil she knew love In a cottage Wasn't bad. So they stood before the preacher. He and she; Then they hunted for a cottage. But, ah, me! There was none they'd live In, even Though 'twvre free! \ She has given up her novels And all that. She ha* farmed out both her parrot And her out — They are living tn a six by Seven flat. —Cleveland Leader-! oXsTOniA. Bean th. Ya “ Hsve A! * BVS T" tic GOOD LOCI BU1IG:- rW DEB Ir Iht If*l few k I rvc| *t |m»AU, uH a tfutlLibk CRT §**#• ! §4*>* c. a, rtoßtiltof Rftlß. (w* f *ft ifkff HtVWRMR MfMl ffIHROB* *** lf>l®MoM# hOU*to®RRPR** (ARM «ri*t fiCDßlWfttoß® Ift HtfhMl *ii in »«4AV*»toin« pnwittf. tDmWB*to<IMRiM» •ml (|d*nuty. Manwfßrtuftotl By The Southern Mfg. Co., RICHMOND. VA. imai rufAHL To Rent 044*4 o*o fcf*Ri''#»Ri RR §4 SOO 40$ t Jo* ♦ Nv# 0 • |rr Mm • *9o* $0 0m #ms 00 4049$ 0494440 $4440, 40 I# •#«*#* t 49044044 m t'%* o*4s 0440, 449$ 0 **9o **m9m944ok Apply or Pr«mi*«* or at 808 Broad St^ For Rent of Thirty acres just below city. Homes, Stores and Offices in all parts of the city John W. Dickey I | I 11 to try ItoMiftf I Ir« Gooffs low krk*». tl ftoaaa Shirt*, at Hr It I'rtlaund'r'd shirt*, at ■> •• .. Ito ARC *tt*t<rtslrlft. Of •* »■ *• .. •« Ma Sto fforka, al .* «. .. <• •• •* •• Ito Ito I'RgrraWri* or Ifrawara, al ~ .. Me fie Katra Fine Oua’m. at ito tl M All Waal Tatanßim at .. Ito |j I* f’mbrattas fsllkl .* •• •• .« D 3* Fine Stock of Woolen for Roita and Tr .users r. a MKRTJNA Tailor and Gent*' Furalabar. oppoalt# Planter* Hotel. ! Just Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits, Lovely Line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SUITS IN CREAT VARIETY. FLEHIHG&BOWLES 904 Broad Street. Koff-Knot Will Cure Any COUGH. ONLY 25 CENTS. Made and sold only -BY- R. H. LAND. 522 Ninth Street. Reginald Clarke, who traveled in this country last fan. has set to music Rosetti's “Blessed .Damosel,” In the form of a cantata, and had it perform ed at the Queen's Hall, in London, re cently. uit to* lufutia lifting Co * KXPOttT HfK® 4b 0 OR* «RM. B EXiLB O W GBORGIA Our Draught Beer Has None Superior. —mi m»— AUGUSTA BEER. HONEY TO LOAN! fn any turns dttired from SflOO upwards, in straight 3 and 5 years, or on lOysarstime, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rates of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in getting th# money. A!eod?r&Jotan Agati'afireMtah Asa-rcaa Mortgage 4 eajasy, 705 Proed St \ PORTNER’S l ( HOFBRAU and ) / VIENNA CABINET / / BRANDSOF / | Export ? Beers | ? ARE THE BEST C S ASK FOR THEM. / Bv R. MITCH HL AI EX McOON ALD Supt. *i Con. Sec. A Oen. Jlgr. Augusta Electric & Construction Company 212 Mclntosh Street. ElectricSuppllere—'peaking Titbre, eta. etc. R I>*ire to *ll Herirnal ■|>|-sratus. K ertric Liglit Wiring a spreislty. Pad’l’booe 1002. - - btruwger 67A I (nilrerr LOW PRICES Large stock. Also i'u*K. VALVRS and FITTING*.. KN ((INKS. BDfLEKA WII.IS and UK PAIRS. Lombard Iron Works 4s Supply 00., Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1898. Lv. Augusta . .. 9:30 a. m 521 p. m. Lv. Sandersvllle . 1:19 p. m.| 9 09 p. m. Ar. Tennllle .. .. 1:30 p.m.j 9:'Jl p m. Ar. Macon 3:45 p m.i 3:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p (u.l Lr. Dublin '10:00 a. m Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|U:55 a. m. Lv Tennllle. . . 5:15 a. m.| 3:10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 5:25 a. ni.j 3:21 p. nu Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a, m.| 7:10 p. m. I Eastern Time. Close ennneetton made at Tennnllle with Central R. R. for Macon, and wl h 'Wrigiltsvtlle and Tennllle R. R. fur Dublin and Hawk nsvllle. C. W. JACKSON, Gen. Fgt. Pass. AgL James U. Jackson, Joseph H. Rands. Receivers. J 1 <yf§iS!iJ M»iw*b tmmm**>um I —inin imiiin tn t' ii 'imirwr' r-in -rpatmw—R Charlmon IW Carolina •• oRRR* * 45*MR*** *• »M '«•* *M* •rßmrmr *• ***** Ran *sr MRR !(i urNdl' "S* §«•*♦ ito*-* j . :■ r 'ES3SwTi m • Imßirmm* *RMho MBtafftos* la* -hMMkjSi jw * S4OOOOOOOOO , ■ mm $-004* 4m s4*o9 o**t'4444o*4o4htm*-*- * -3- >■ mm * 04000444-, n r * 0440 **** i fl*' l » t ** < \ k 1 * *000040004 hum >*9 II omm 0440*0 m PV sso4ooo o*Joss4 mmmm ! * 004000004*. . » . v nit 9*49 4 0*044 I * rw is**44 * jsososHssm*mm *>+*+* ■■ >oo* * 04*0 j * mm*® -! pllHPM%f®gag®® I ** *04009 HMMg ?JbsS® I $4000404 Jwm -mm ■■ **+* ®«® I 04 o*oo4o M« 5 2 f«m* If o*** >RRR r®R I * mrns*o - *** **** «rmm*| t^pßfc|i*R>» ®m* I—itn*® ■ *l*****mm [A# SWfmm RRRMRM MMM-* MR ImMRM —MR f SOOOO4 * fH—M | Mil ll»R«» sto** IMHIM* Mjj#i * 044405 1«®»® isvrm-* ■-1 MR# soooos * MPWMI RtoMMRM «R«« \O4 4 904 ’ '* > • m WtosWfoot**** RRNiiJviiiß Mpi *M|M»***to MRR»-*» |«M* IMM *o44oooo4o4**** R> r - *4^o T * t%** iMMtii .jl ' T' «**•«> T 4,0m0 I • ******** mJS •■MMIo i*.m«r«*•««««! MK|M mo*m ■ iSS * AlMiM®®#***®® ****** f*®** *1 44904 , iM I#* } H 4*444 *O-49 49 *4 f * **** I **# ***4o>* 40545m*404m004 $44 40 f**44 aa AA I. _ * too* wso.vto.Ra m R i sso toiaff Ra W i .. i t, ovff 4 .t0 41 fs- sasa aa* toßftooMtto **■* MR**-* ■*» *»* 990 404 0 044444 mm NMNMfc. *» 4*o*oo n j rm 00k fk 6. IWftR fMMUhc 00k t 11-. Cut 00**% 1 94049 m *94099 09*9440. 0m EIfE“HIDOE RAILROAD. M. C MKAtTIK Ms.tors, Eartv so* . W Sto tom 7 I >m tot** FVral RtCi Class OMR * Ooto CtoaO Rills «•* * n*o too 3 ®M**oto o»» Hi. toll Ks* 3 Molt Mo* MM mMoami AM PM.! A tot** Lrroo T*M '** It IR 3JR2j , M Ikraoor mi.T I'M Ift;3R Mor SJS iff..... A too a .. f lt*3t 31 oi* Jl4 If Pal 4l*i*o ,* 3 **(•!** : •-to » «Rt«i vTotoy era-09 f, ftRU *3 J « *«»• ARton'a npiffFg fi • i • 217 I Hill . (KM AC A ..At 4 3*12 JR it il II l* ®( »*V 1. WtoM tJnJoR SIR! t » im(... ttaih. to .. o * ftf» AM PM ' itraav* Atoto. PM PM. Mall Ma* ' Mali Ha* | R krtni .t RMttoh. P » «*• Rtotloo AH regular traloa from Anßarau* to *4 a holla hare riffhl to trarh are* tr* n, a* th* mis* rlatm moving la eg poaito 4UwtM. an Ire* takaam **•«- ifl«4 by train «fJn* Mriti alas atop hi feßnohl ota hss I. taa. tg. or I*4 off paaorngor# Pk 4 *- »*y • Jam** an* Randy* No 13 roaaoria with Ruotots tan way Ka. 13 at Aoßororm. Not. t aa* * ranwset with toulho, rad**y No*. >3 i»v* 3* si tomw » | J. R. ANLKflto'N. RupvFai'n**at- ATLANTIC COIST LINE. RHORTCAT AND Ql ICKRhT BOUTR TU THE KART AND NORTH. t:hh>toj Lv..Aoffurta. oa Ar f 7 ton op Lv.... Alksa Ar | T Uam 4.17 pm Lv Dtamarh....Ar Ift 4;M*hnAtto.. .Orangb’*....Ar | 1 «a*m « tojmi' Lv . Rum:»r, A C...Ar 4 2Jam » 3pm Lv ...FlvrsnrO ..Ar | 3:3tam M:32pm’ Lv . .Faystlvvllls... Ar | I 14pm |:2laml Ar.P*t*r*bur* Va.Lv 1 I 12pm 4'OCWml Ar... Hn-hmon* ...Lv I I I2pm 7;4lamj Ar..B'a*htn*ioa..Lv j 3:*«pm • (WLrai Ar... Baltimore....Lv | 3 Hpm 1125 am Ar.. FhPad'tphta..Lv |U u»pm t;*3pm! Ar....N**/ Tork.,..Lv j J SCam Pullman palac* buffet sleeps g car* from Moron and August* to Now Turk without change. R. A. BRAND. Gen. Agt.. 723 Bread Ft- Augusta. Ga. T M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager, H M EMERSON. Gen. Pats. Agt. Central of Georgia Rail* way. Schedule In Effect SEPTEMBER 11TH. I*3*. tJOth MerldlasJ Time.) LEAVE AUGUSTA. No. 2 For Savannah 1:30 P. M. No. 4 For Savannah. Macon Atlanta 3:40 P. M. No. * For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 3:20 A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 9:30 A. M. ARRIVE AUGUSTA. No. IFv m Savananh .. 1:40 P. M. No. 2 From Savannah, Ma con. Atlunta 0:35 A. M. No. 5 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* 8:50 P. M. No. 53 From Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. 5:30 P. M. Nos. I, 2. 3 and 4 dally. Noe. 8 ami 5. dally except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 53. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Mtllcn. Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedbles. etc., apply to M C. JONES. C. T. A. W. A. GIBBES. Depot T. A. J. W. NALL, Commercial Agent. hTXer be LDI NO j plumper, steam, gas and HOT WATER FITTER. NO 641 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES- ! NEXT TIME YOU HAVE A HEADACHE CSK Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD A WILLETT DRUG CO. B IE L I . l ; QJ QBOBGT A OCTOBER n | M*43 »(*«*> bMMMMIIJM S. C. i G. BtILMT CO 000 $m 000000440 4*s9s4 0904 o*4oss $449$ *** ’ ’ m I m* i mm* i * 4 #**o*49* ■ 44400 I * o*o **49 14 490* 0* 0400944 «#v *OOO 0904 ? 4» mytm** o*9* **449 * * * #*-■<* 44 m* ® *9*409 I A# fl Mgriii i Mmm-iMf w *-* *?* r* # * $ 49**4 400099 ■ *99'9* I rJEtf, - JUM I $94 9 90044 m $$ S4OO 04 $004*00*040044$ I §Bg i “liii 44099* I # 'f* 4*4000 MQBBS2S *JSHI smi st,» 04 % wmmmfa >fn»ifc - » * • ♦ m*t> ®v«t» - ffwto I jt s4 ® ♦i&wii f f *ST < y! >,s #'m 9*09 f *<-'# IIV 00b *9O IM %40 9*o 9ti A tMI i T 9 **+*9 4**999 4* 440 0*44 090 t *9O CTI *4*ol*.. T. *%..-& ** *O9 (04 s*4***: .i k- *044- if® 994 am 9 o*4o i *•- 6**99*900. %.i'%4A *9 t«R»4i*to'• 0 t *o49 llf I tl I lyiti It $ RAM 4 I ilfffl 4* o*4s 9*m $ mm** Smm ) 00m fAt T«MiA*.®t®p A# $00944*. -’• omm "t IMIR <M> tt 040 o*m I *o*4o*4o. 4049 o*4o *44940 • * 00 ! /r»* At®» mm** sm, 0$ 440$$$$ I 44* *4m 4m*r4*94 4xoo 4904 m 99*40 49% 049940 ? $ I* *smpsk AA. IPAIAtMPCNi ****** ss*ooftk 'fwOm $9 49*4000 4. t>»iwi*. 1*44 A#* S 041*400 o*. * SOUTHERN RAILWAY. * -gH_ >«... am* tohre ewsato -i Wm^ ti has** >■■*** . amm, ftow'TitoP h* i~sS~S£t Umi ETctotatotoi!r*ah* j »®* »®f X* lm retto I L® ■ * J».y At »f*»ra*«*l»*. to hr IJ•* Tj »* to * * * ... * f C~*«r«rt*o.** Mr . I : . sill *£gb.*r.. * I iMe. J M* - V-Tb.i \ ,ul ill fi &su »»*s to .. 1> • • • ™ ' fraa~r~r | Ift »> ol ft Mo ' ... 44ti * *•* V . .. ««“* - SreeTra ' »«*| «*• -, lTlr s. *7 n- to U»*l». UoNf. Le' Itew fsefc.P* Ik 1 4 »oi UM * MaWmato . I *Mo! **- • Le * uk'kt. Ra 0* ’ I* 4»t» U 13* L* hhSHeil tr htoshj is Slav Lv baa vine .. ■ , JSOaf * l*p ;l* ’* HtoA j • MO 1 Ar. tvn ■»,tore j * 43 a ... Lv Wreva.hre» ..... .. ... | 7*ta tMp * rtortaivre ... | *•» Us mp * toe* Bid | W at. ll too j " (*Mt> .... I MB* II 3, * ItbuUei !It 41. If to* At Obi la* kaaf* ff jl. to*. IK* Lv InlomUat’a de* l 1 IV, -i 4(o* * 3- l i.rt..»« ...I 233 ol IWv v Trretoo ..I las *Ma ■ tlraalteeUl* . I ■to -1 7«£ a Ar A (M> 4 tom »«•* tis. Aafttoetlto* . -I T fttaaj a top ■O. Spans*inirg It 40.: SUp Lv Oiithacjuly sunp: This to Ckarireica * 4Upj 11 to* T* r.r AP tty II 33 . U « a * Savannah 44? p, Ito* Ar Ja-knoivtu. 1 Oto-v *Ha -uruni i ta vkVvk b Ei -lieut dally pe*»wger verno# torerea Morel* ami New Turk la 87 ud .«-* mUnngtoa aad SaMfcwetiara Unmet read Yeelibaled ini la with dining car* sad Srvl clave com-he acr-h of fharlntle. Pnllmaa drawiut roe» care bet« re* Tauij-a. Jarkaoanilo. naraanaa. Waahiagtoa and New v 3r g . _ ... Pnllman s . cpme Car* btowren (.harlot u and K’l- ii :n -n-! * Ihilimau drawlagroom v'eeptnr car. Sw twevn urcenvl-iro and Norfolk t-'W'-'-Jinec tlou al N* iff oik for OLD fsilNT COM POUT, arrivtng (here tn liar fur brenkfaet. j hulld tram, with I'.riur .-are, between t 12uu IctvHi oil A*li«vil;i* • koa* and to—U. * Fast Mail Through I Pe 'ln an draw trig room boffet cterptag care be* (wren Jaokainviu* nod New York and Fnll ! mac stvcuu./ i ar# lot ween Angnela acJ Char j loita Pulmian vieamng care t-riween Jack i aoovilla and ColanMi, en route daily I—iwaen I Ja k- mrtlle and tTnehnatt, v» /'.l.evilla FK AN gnu ANN ON . ■< M. CJJ J*. Third V P A (ton Mgr. T. M., Wn.hingt«» *r A TVRK. R. B HARDWICK. u. V A.. Wnnbmgtna. <* P A Ai.aato GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (•oth Meridian Time.) Schedule Effective April 24. IMS. I Pullman Sleeper# between Macon an* New York. Through Pullman Sleeper* between Au« gusto and St Loula. Lv Augusta ..! 7-02 An,, 3:2opm[lo.2opm Ar Atlanta ...:12:35pm| »:20pm| k:oo*ra Ar Macun ....|U:lsom| I *:4sam Ar Athens ....jl2:lspm| 7:iopm • Ar Gaint**vH!e;*3:4spra| - Ar White Pl'*|*l:oopml Ar Mill's* I® .]10:10am| 4:3oana Ar Warh'tun ..|lO:ftO*m| 7:lopm| Picayune train leaves August* dally except Sunday at 5:15 p. m., and ar rives at Mllledgevflle at 8:10 p. m. Trains arrive at Augusta 5:13 a. m, 7-45 a. m.. 1:20 p. r and 3:25 p, th. A. O. JACKSON. G. P. A. JOE W. WHITE. T- P. A CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect. March 8, 1598. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta, Southern Ky.. 9 30 o m. Arrive Cheater, Southern Ry .. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. W. Ry 7:45 a.m. Arrive Lei®ir, C. & N. W. Ry I:U> p m. Leave Lenoir. Stage 2:08 P m - Arrive Green Park, Stag* .. .. 7:00 p m. Arrive Blowing Rock. Stage .. 7:30 p.m. G~w _ HARPER. c. F. HARPER, President. G - P - A -