The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 28, 1898, Image 8

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miOAv The New g Neckwear. N It fcrtllitnf | K t» i N It Ntul^ui t»*y«MrMi tfwt *mn> lo poHrty. Ktvt Hinn lefiile wHh color ** And Hot W*n«J* um. tndi Mtltuc dfiwo w>« rtvol In in* pot lituniwi for •Iftctiv* NiditW ' rs Ihty Ny hort. LMdAnhip m Fumithinf Go©#* hot b#*« won by ua. H It mAtnuiinAd by tno provoM «**•' pity# for Autumn bwotnon*. Stock * trt tt tfw*r trmh—i. bripMott. loypiltni lodoy. tn*oy thorn. WhAtmr It proptr In Bhlrt*dom *• her* for yowr chootinp. tml prioot Art tlwtyt looti. copn wm I* ipan haunt TM W»»« IMf ll* AMI itelieliihrAink'Mn Oaß, own AH inw at to- r* In n i t m* ym »Aw«<m to# •»*» as at 111*todtaa 'M*' 1 ’ ■mm »li* »aa toad* hf *•» taa»t*e tNftnifftNf’ *1 iftt (MMII ftWiMt grantsHMi #4 Ml J**f !• A###*.* mm Mm mm M W prmrnmbif ** lATgPIf Mfl Ml Ms *» ««F rteau bar# <*'»<* «*vOH «• »•#*#* la koaptag *b>M ato*o ObUfc »*•#• ptoratd by mIM *ta>4. TMMaI Hollo arar oar# *“A rater data *»t M hat •*» M 4o*t sad IbfO# I'M* bloat IMkod Mib Mark* of wnatoto to*to tr«*» the ■Mb a* ludtaa »•#* oUito. Tb# *“ M * Mot supplied by lb# Marsd-a i urn imp 0 l*Mta4r*eMa and tb# daw VM M>T’k#t M*#r <br *hp#rvt«U«a of Um • xp# rt * «* <bat toipMp- Tb# <*#l lotoa# »«kta Ik# darn via. rmaptrawNt ■atil w#tgh#d e<ibt to**** tar (■Mr foot. **l CAMIl* * **A aii-H>< fc *044 *kol as* flrad Ikmagti tb# dam atriklaa It at a die* tea*-# of about twenty lack#* fn>at tk# bottom Tb# #b<N atrark «b« 4am at a voloriiy of I.*** f*#t a *#<-««ai» aa<t I - writ clear through both the Iroa mall# aa4 Iba ealluloa# porklaa !-##• «baa a half pnatid of ##llittoe» aaa car ried out hr the pmjartll# Tba watrr rnaiyttbtlt of lb# dam aaa fMtod. going a pffMpur* f totoily «v* f##l if water o« «b# perforated aorta*-*- I# lust Half aa boar a mo!* apot brttao to abow n« tba oatar aurfaec of the itaia. but It aaa #rtd#Bt tbae th# mola tur# bad rotor alohA Iba bouom of tb# parking *M not Utrauak <b# path of tb# abtrt la lour houta no water had romr thmoah tb# that # potb. and otPy all gallon t bad pa»a#d under tbr par It tug Tha *Tperlm*nt roorlualtrrlr demon itrirtrd that B ship pfvvldrd with a rotter dam packed aa w#» the on# ua#d in tha «*pecltu«tit could be per forated flva fret bal*>w fbr water line without the leant danger of tha en trance of water. Thin demonatratlon open# up an Immense market for In dian com pith and will provr of great advantage to American agriculture." PROF. CHARLES LANE Delivered a Lecture on “I.o*ooll* Not l earned In Hooka.’' Prof. Charlea lane delivered a lec ture at Maaonlc Hall laat night on loaaoua Not Taarued In Booka.” A great many people were not there ami a great many people thereby mlased an entertainlna end tnatrurtlva lecture. Those present war# appreciative and tesponaive. kowovar, and will long re member th# oeeaelon a* oa# 0: rare pleaaure. : ■“ • - 1 - 1 Blue Point Oysters just arrived at Keeley’s, 421 Campbell street, the old reliable Oysters served on half shell or arty style. REV. S. 0. SVDER Will Address Hen’# Meeting at Y. M. C. A. Rev. S. G. Syntlrr will address the men's meeting at the Y. M. C. A. next Sunday afternoon. The meeting will begin at 3:30 o’clock Instead of I as heretofore. Rev. Sydner has not yet announced bla subject for address, but It goes without saying thut It will be a good one. Rev. Sydner Is a most entertain ing talker. The singing by the quar tette will be excellent. Death of Mrs. Loo Chong. Mrs. Alice 1.00 Chong, wife of John boo Chong, died at 8:15 o'clock this morning at her home. So. 1664 Camp bell street. The funeral occurs at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the house. Advertising Car » The advertising oar of Harris’ Ntekle Plate Circus is In the city today. The show will be here shortly. Prussia's expenditure for public schools increased by 59.63 per cent from 1886 to 1896. lu 1386 it was about $29,000,000. and in 1896 It was over $46,000,000. •‘a ; V *« m*»» »fV« •* « I DIM Vi AT CHKJVmtm’N N Waa Iha l*#M a* tha AMsOM Aon* aaa la tha 4 Mag#. tytmomimimm Ov*% WA. mm ' mmmf* rln \sp 1 (mol jut**"* •! Qfiifiwi'i mm um Mil «m Um itmi «r iW •*- (liilkiiH ptmmnm. tnMMH rtil || * MMi tm tb* bi*A+. U*m idMVM* AmMmkmMif MhUUMs ■**t mi Mt aa4 Mr* J mm* of oor nlrlWM <NMMkIJF fMllMOik OOt 0M of Uw Mfltinl m 4 NtotUio* of oof »iIM MlforKto, Ms Mor t»rt4#**oi»i«§* *l«» !ls# fairmm aa4 omsM p»iyolor of Orev# f too*'* OMUMr fair I*o4* , to liiol if vlllopr. Ms IMo ortfeolo roost i. trio »•* ioni»l»4 !• «M ftffooot inM til# twti* Slat trood *tbirh fUM to ooorftooliii lb# Urov# ebarrb #b#r» tk# R#v Mr Morrta joioad la th# holy baa4# of raatrimnay th# pretty girl b-td# »n«f h#r kaadMxa# yauag baabaad Mr Kama#! Ckayrnatt tk# popular oAkial of Iha Cknrgia railroad Tb# rbarrb derorattons managed by Mm and Mtaa CllAord. were eaqaiaiteiy twaat ■ fat. Tb# walla »#ra bidden by t* pavlti#a of paltoA tallai and Psrna. abtle abotr the plot# whet# Ik# bride and bridegroom atood an umbrella of fairy f#ran and nia#a waa suspended by ribbon# of whlta. pfnh and green satin, and behind tk# bridal elrela arose hanks of hot house floaters, be hind which were sheltered th# muai ciann The a bole church abemed a dream of fairy beauty to thooe coming In from tb# chill and wind outside Tha crowd had ga:hered and were growing impatient, a hen. from Imhlnd tk# bank of flowers, lb# alow, sweet, solemn strains of tb# wedding march arose from beneath the fingers of our fair musician. Mrs. T. E. Norvel. and stir red tb# almost tropical fragiance la den air of th# candle Hi edifice, as th# two handsom# ushers. Mr. Philip Wright and Mr. Robert Davison, led the way for the hi idol train; such a procession of handsome youths and lovely maidens as mad# on# forget th# chill weather outside, viewing the ex quisite evening costume* of organdy over silk of the pretty bridesmaids, who each carried a large bnquei of la Franee loses. The bride herself was clad in a tailor made ault of military blue, bearing a boqu-t of snowy white bride roses almost as lovely a* the fair face above them. On her pretty blonde bead she wore a picture hat whose drooping plume* almost hid the pale, lovely face from the bridegroom, who walked at her side looking very proud and earnest. The procession formed as follows: • Miss Lilian R. Holt and Mr Rert Chapman, as best man and first brlde mald: Mr Jack Heggie and Miss Carrie Lee Clifford: Mr. C. AUlc Clifford and Mlsa Carrie Newton Heggie; Mr. G. l^edbetter and Miss Mary Willie Heggie; Mr. George I-arkln and Miss Mattie Lou Green. One felt quite repaid for braving the weather in view of this the pret ties! wedding the village has ever had. as the benediction was pronounced and the bride und groom, looking glad and a trifle relieved, as they left the church to enter the carriages awaiting lo convey them back to the cat-shed, where the young couple took the train, after being pelted with rice to the sat isfaction of the merry crowd and to the chagrin of the conductor, who re ceived a lion's share from these gener ous young folk, who then repaired to Little Pines and Heggte's Rest, and the refreshments which awaited them there, and elsewhere, for the entire village entertained In the bride's hon or and no wedding guest was neglec ted. The young couple have certainly the heartfelt good wishes of the entire community for their future suc cess. MIS FOOT CUT Accident to-Supervlsor Bell, of Geor gia Rail Road. Capt. John Bell, supervisor of the Georgia railroad’s first division, who lives at Harlem, had the misfortune to badly cut his foot with an adie a few days ago. which has laid him up. The many friends of Capt. Bell hope he will soon be all right again.' T»JD AUOreTA BWALD A “PULLER IN" ON DECK AGAIN. L . ftm im 0 mt Ha* i «•* ■a Conof Mo* MM ctodtoam# Was T*e Ptome toTLtod ay ** *** 9mm *?"’*? *** rw "'* Loom'd to too#* --Tifiii —i **« rnmm I## MAft# #4 tlMi f*HM M4H#pV * MlM#pT 4#m#* Ls sft m m*rn*m*m <4 & Ummm j mmm#* IM# ISaI me ■ I# MVp# Hilpil'iiin \ZT£ ~~ m ,fc * #9#mfm mb&m iM» fn •#?• VMMi‘ - Mmw#4 •* *m: IIM m*wmfk torn* m m I <#t#NNt## ##F#MN|f'A #** ** Mt 4 tib# fMhHNIP# I TgotoMtut toft *’w trjk* le «to tit i#ty f AAfll th * Try*#* tIANAto m Iv# 1# ‘fiw* Tlk to# #4l## ittifRJPV ft* ; M»4 • mm *mm&f mm4*f l fmrimiitirl tern f am#*'# it 'in ## # 1 % -»t -# *• fn • Jlahp|| fl#* ###ts >sit# ms #> |! p f IH# mm i liari»4 vt* h vMitft* lib# • bit of tM«trr tl« r#«Ap m ai« ifeil llM» rMryi raftrtfiM lib# fnU#r- Ip Mr Mr* WtkM mha w*»*%o $m Mr tott# Mrmt4 iitoflfi ft n* if(#lfl|ltlt H# r!p|fp«k4 ttuil i#r k Q#r«MII M «mist-d ik# Pallor-la mdinaac# by f'#a bit More Jorfc ••• kirad »#»• i.rda* mnestaa in work tar Mr Ow'd #4#ltt. #hfi f#o4tHii #n wAt#**M#liat#fii r.«!kln« at a patTof aka#*, and r tod. not koowioc aaytktag a’mut tk# sm ordtoaor# that be coaid akow the coatCHO#* a murk cheaper pair of "t'otne over hetw." be raid, "we have rtxap r vkoea" Tk# maa came Then end there k# vioated tk# ordlaatM-# that Mr I’klals bad had panted Th# judge gave the defendant the llghteat fin# allowed--that of five dot- INOUEAT TMIS MORNINCI Held Over a Negro Child That Died Last Night. Coroner May he'd M inquest m l the body of George Cooper, a n#g**» ( child, nine months old. who died sud- , dealy last night, at the V me of the deceased. Moot# Ratio at I# o’clock ! this morning. The child died while It , waa lying In the lap of Ha grandmoth cr last night. It waa thought beat that i an Inqueat be held, so C'croner May held one. The child's mm her, Jane 0.-oper, j died vuddeniy heraelf about aix mon'h* ago. and an Inquest was h#M : over her remains. Ihe child had been tick for aevtra’ ' week*, but no doctor had bee.i in at- ! tendance. The verd'et of the Jury was In sccoi dance with Sir. Morgan's state- | mint, made after an examinatioi of the tody—death from antrarilt#*. which i# a medical term mean ng the chtlil died frem general debility. rtONDAY MORNING The False Registration Caaea Will Be Tried. The cases against Stephens Hunnlrutl and John Hammond, charged with false registration, were called at court this morning. Mr. MeAullffe, who Im bondsman for Hammond, stated that as Attorney Fogarty, who was con- j cerned in the onse, waa In Atlanta, he desired the case continued until Mon day. Judge Howard, who presided, gran ted the request. The cases come up Monday. A FOWL TIP To Any One Who Has Lately Lost Chickens. James Appling, a negro boy. well known In police circles, was arrested last night for having various fowls in his possession that he could not ac count for satisfactorily to the police. He and the fowls are now at police station. Anyone who has lost any chickens might do well to call at headquarters, and see it the assortment there nro theirs. A SPICY SHOW. Exchanges Say Ladles Should Not AttenJ. The Imperial Burlesque company will eppear at the Grand tomorrow night, In a vaudeville performance, singing, dancing and other events. The exchanges say that tho show fs rather spicy for Southern ladies and the advice thrown out is that they stay away. It is needless to say that the bald head row seats will be at a premium tomorrow night. When the hat Is passed around lit Tammany hall no one is allowed to talk through It. _ u I DUBIOUS ORDINANCE iMMMHPS > mMmp* IjiMfi fmm (######» Mb# tM# MMN* Mm f|H4 #■#(% tj|# iMHNPtu - fi |J| M iml iiMifl |r* t * ##4 4ti#f Ik 4 f <|tf* fk.s . l># i# Mlt i>>#4 tinffl mbm Mi 4 IbIQhHl Mo >4 *»? • Itffift mrff HP# tSN' “Vl"#, j|_Ti r t** » Me#*### ft* ||i|l Mtiirtei Hlifl IMI, Till# put tk# r#r#rtf#r t# • <i»»«n4#r« ts Hiakliiet M C*o FNIt4 I *##*«#. !< ###w#4 Ms. ytfiffb iifiet yft If i frrm th# r#itQlnr ftwtfd hi til Into th# r!tjr. «hjr roakl lot ' Btirrh | Th# jN*4t r # that # tip of {s?&*> ihratt h# inmrt«#4 Th#r# »i* itAth of e#rtor#ria< ffct mm. TrunWd, Ba»ra, ’ Ituy 4tr#rt fruen tHe m*ift«f#«4iir#r. it * mtnufai torrf • Trawli fbHorjf. |M3 Vtißid, tl#tt Itioftf Slit. MR JOE H. EAGLE, A* Excellent Lecture# From Texi* will Sprsk Mere. Sfr. Joe Henry Rag'# of Honeton. | Texas, will lecture at the Y. M C. A. I In the near future Hl* lecture will lie on Henry Grady Mr. Eagle Is a prominent member of the Houston bsr and has hern twice nominated to con ' grega. declining the honor both time*' Kx-Governor Bob Taylor of Tenneatto ‘skrs of Mr. Eagle'* lecture: **K Is a superb lecture. It I* a splend'd trib ute to aouthrrn thought and southern manhood It Is a beautiful boquet. rich with philosophy, redolent of ten der sentiment and gorgeoua with Im agery. It Is Instructive, entertaining and ennobling from la-ginning to end.’’ The .Same Old Plot. To the Tdltor of The Herald— i 8lr: I am Informed that the same old methods of reglstratl'tn that have been a blot upon the name of Augusta In the past are ta-lng operated again this year tn the Fourth ward. I understand that the friends of Mr. MeAullffe have sev- I eral colorett heelers employed—one of j whom was arrested yesterday for Ille gally registering a negro—at *1 25 rer | day to regfxtoiCthe colored brother, of* ! ferttig hint ns an inducement ten cents 'or a drink of cheap liquor at o bar ad jjacent to the registry office. Surely the Good Government Club, which has charge of Mr. MeAullffe'* campaign, are unaware of the Use of such meth ods. I call upon tt* honorable president. ex-Judge Henry C. Roney, tt* worthy secretary. MT Bryson Crane, and such estimable members qf the club as our sealous county solicitor, Mr. C. Henry Cohen. Dr. Holliday and others, to In i vestlgate and. If true, put a stop to this : debasing, demoralising practice. ; It is said thnt twenty-five or thirty j negroes, by the system of repeating, were made to do duty for the eighty .names of colored voteis that wore eu -1 tered upon the registry tist yesterday. The arrest of these negroes for false registration is an evidence that this kind of work ts going on. Such prac tices should find no place In the pres ent campaign; the emergency does not demand it. CITIZEN. That’s Where He Fell Before. St~Louis Globe-Democrat. If Chaplain Mclntyre insists upon talking there is nothing to prevent him from falling back upon the lecture platform. The expenses of|»reat Britain are 'cow about ssoo,ooo.ff(ffl yearly, or near ly SI,OOO per minutegbut every tick of the clock representsan inflow of a lit tle over ten dollarsßnto the treasury, I 1 thus leaving an annual surplus of about $20,000,000. “ FITZSIMMONS' LUES! VIEWS. M»« to* li Nd'd a* to toaM tod Tv** MA-to. .*a#»* aearts >Aalto* 'to' a»* »to to- I aa t*m l### #*##%##># I fb*9 ##%4 w>* I • #lKNtl4 tl ? W# 414 Q 0& H \nm t# »4W4H It Im mrttr tk#l t *#9iAr #4 tt< 9mm# i w impt •**■*• ** i , to «'tftl4B't ##N# * ~*Av# m NfU# Kflp. I* >r# J Writ, tm fUut jrwi Wl#f#‘9 i*#j »rnrT* nu io»rr4 to ht# fall m »# j J |{iso4 H* «4w Hl# Vl#*!**# »■ • I BIOS UMHta It I# ontf fill# tMt rlo##* Its eyes to the asked trutk. Let every mao be occupied la lh» hlgheet employmeot of which his oa ture Is capable, and die adth the eoo ! sciousaess that ke has dm*# his I best The Turk hst becotu# unspeakably polite. He not only consents to ge i out of Crete, bag sad baggag.-. as re quested by the powers, but he wsnl* to raise the Amer.cao mission to an embassy. , General Shifter was exceedingly , stank In telling his audience at Oms ha that he has never understood why ‘the Spaniards at Santiago surrendered when they could have abandoned their position and kept up the war some I time. German# does not seem to' v he able to understand th# American peace of ' fertngs to Spain. Dewey found the ! Gwman admiral at Manila a little i hard or hearing, but when Cousin | George proposed to tire a 13-lnch gun !ns a megaphone, he understood por ! fectly. Items of Interest. TUie royal crown of Persia, which dates back to remote ages, Is In the form of a pot of flowers, surmounted by an uncut ruby the slxe of a hen’s egg. The average yield from potato patch farming in Philadelphia thio-year was s24t) an acre. For each dollar expended from $4.50 to $5 worth of produce was | realised. One of the best signs of the times |as regards the success of the motor I carriage is the fact that some of the English companies were to decline at a recent fxhiblt show, giv ing as a reason that they were so rushed with orders It was Impossible for them to spare a machine for exhi bition. A new slaughtering plant In New Jersey Illustrates the immense im provement that is being made in in dustrial methods in the treatment of slaughtered cattle. The lower part of the building is used tor a hanging room, while the machinery department and the whole process of scrapping are in the higher part of the struc ture. Civil Service in rtichigan. N. Y. Mail and Express. Potato Pingree has become a civil sendee reformer. He doubtless con siders it a crime for any officeholder to be against Pingree. , ONE HUNDRED CENTS WORTH for every dollar you spend at The fei£ Lumber Yard. OtAl f OUrfV. H*tot§o tSL 'lUtoßjaaSuroberli lotorito# Mooditogto *4 * * -T* — i'mp m m m m bb bp m mm mm n imnai. T A n«feMM K ftofan* •# *t ik# K M. Ml 0 Rckmead H a*. «k# t* || Hp4ii'4hnc4l# of OuifMMMI I# ** Jo# E GUtoHog 0 New York to at (# W iNvarlt 0 Du boa. Ga. to al u. .. u a,, >,( fit ftaadersville to at Ihr Arltagrna HIM Jennie Lee McCord ka# return- : Mr U# Hank.nans writ n? th# Georgia roed till axtomiag. J. W Griffith*, a tobacco la'rsman of Winston N O. to at tb# ptaaier* T. A Cobh, of tk# douthern railway, at ColumMa. ia at the Arlington today B F French and E. A. Aocron ot Cincinnati are guesu al lb# Planter# today. . VY* a*« our beat efforts to make yowr purchase* entirely satisfactory here. . MAHONKY & ARHSTRONQ. COAL and WOOD STROWOER »81. BELL 1796. Office and Yard No. i Macartaa Street Prof. Charlea L#4# of Atlanta was a guest of tb# Arlington last night Judge E. H. Calloway. Mr. J. R. Lamar. Mr. W. <T. Davidson aod Mr. D. G. Fogarty have returned from At lanta. The South Carolina and Georgia train was forty-live minutes late this morning. Henry W. Nelson and E. B. Camp bell of Washington, D. C., are at the Planters. E. L. Landrum, representing a shoe | house In Lynchburg, Va . Is at the. Planter*. L. M. Summer, a relative of Senator j Summer, of Massachusetts, Is at the Planters. W. W. Dent. Thomas Lombard. 8. W, Jones and A. Wheatfield of New York, are at the Arlington. The parade of Professor Gentry's show this morning was enjoyed by a great many people. It was well gotten up and will help to draw a big crowd. Mr. Charles Bush, representing The Atlanta Constitution and The Allen D. Candler cigars. Is at the Planters. cigars are quite popular with lovers of the weed. Mrs. Rigtiey, of Marshall, 0., Is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Margaret Saul. Mrs. Rlgney Is remembered as a former resident of Augusta and Is a most cultured and brilliant woman. Augusta Trunk Factory Headquarters for trunks, bags, poek etbooks. largest and cheapest assort ment in city. Repairing by expert trunk-makers. 543 Broad, Bell 'Phone, 2181. _____ The gold contained In the medals, vessels, chains and other objects pre served in the Vatican, would make more gold coin than the whole of the present circulation in European coun tries- OTTO##* a# VOtMrjt 14WITA 4l*lt*wTA 4"* *ff bWt^in9^9 f%m ■ fl#9, 9» #**#4b fmmmrn#* * **# to' •» y *-•*#••* I##* *#i# mmmmmmmm ——to—awow—#— ■ —waato—o—ww# T#*iHNi.y »* a a tipi 9N4 YHatvday J ’i»« r«*A Tvwai .. « am tm i«#*j GRoaa rsckil'TA. I«9T IMA Ttuiaih ortim today .. Tl t? ■TOCK AND RECEIPTS. 1*»? I*M K#vript# atoev itopt. >.. lUfit UTtM NEW YORK COTTON. Op. Cl- Op. Cl. January S.B $ £ Jua# . t.H FrbruJy $.27 Jto August Ul s.s! Utn h ..$.32 sto Oct .. l it s.ll April ...S.IT *■* No# ...S.II S.H : May ....$.41 s4d Dor ...• !• s.l* . Tone Dull Middling . st» Clan**. Chw. LIVEJtPtXiL COTTON. ; Jan * Feb.. 2.« l Aug. * • ..* « M i Feb * M. .B* pi * <> March A A 2.«2 «$ Oct. * N April * M. l.toaJJ Nov * D ..* « I May t J ...S.O Dec. *J. .2.61 June * J * 3 •» I July * A ..S « I*ORT RECEIPT*, j * IIM. !•** J Jaireofon ..14814 'harl##ton .... J4SS N’ew Orleana .1222* v*'»rfotk M#s Mobile ’.... 1»7 Wilmington .. 2»7 tavannsh 9968 CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Op. CL Op. Cl. WHEAT- CORN— Oec .. .M’s-H « T » Vec... XZH 32*4 i 4ay ...rr-MN MT* May ...34’i 34 OATS— POKK— I Bee ....2JN 2*H Dec ...d.S LM Ray .24 1 * 2444 Jan 9.00 $.97 LARD- Dec ....4.80 480 Oct ...5.17 sl3 j an 4.90 4.90 Ja#t ...4 65 4.6(1 Dread of American Humor. Baltimore American. The government's censor would not allow Mark Twa n's .-pecch the peace conference In Vienna to V e Pub lished. Such is the dread Inspired abroad by American professional hu mor. Not Even That ! Denver Post. Admiral Dewey's brother says the ! hero of Manila Is a republican, but even that will not shut him out from the loye of his people. Lilacs cnc» more are a favorite trim ming for evening gowns. Funeral Notice. THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTAN CES nf Mr. Jacob Gant and family, and of Sergt. Joseph Trommerhausoe and family, are Invited to attend the funeral of MRS. JACOB GANT, at 4 o'clock SUNDAY AFTERNOON,from the Sacred Heart church. Special Notice. To the Voters of the Fourth Ward: AT THE REQUEST OF MANY CIT IZENS. 1 am a candidate for mem ber of Council, and solicit your sup port at the approaching election. Tba registry list closes SATURDAY. No vember sth, 6 p. m. Respectfqily, J. A. A. W. CLARK. TOO LATE FOK CLASSIFICATION WANTED—A JOB AS PORTER OR butler or to drive. Can give good reference, lit King’s avenue. Oct 29 TRY* THE ROLLS. HOME-RAISED broad and cake*,^ especially velvet cakes. Sold cheap. Augusta Work Ex change, 825 Broad. Oct 29