The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 29, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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•ATUAOAY 2 Marriage Vows AH I NOT MORt BINDING TBiti B the fioiEiirn m TUB M Piano! REAO THIS: * |t,< Tboinas & Barton, SOLE AGENTS, tie wt*'*r"* it. auocmva. oa. »• • **4 I**<*« fct Bank fob MMOPttUJk ** n ' oJL ggSltoto’Vttoe ’o*l H —IA Hill# WW *g It- H <1 H«».A»n »** >•#>« Hi' tasty HI y —t■ r tef villi '.vi-iMhh Mill 4»4 iMt tv» *»4 •mu', am balk <-«lMI In MM IwM ' Ml MMH I* t*Hv*« III* tllllv O»Q*-t mr Th» rWM vi. ahnM I vewra at «#» Inn — > Alt)#ran* AM tninp’""*<* i Hr ai' v vtl hfi y, VI *fda V • M (m(ir h» IHah«p«itt* ihMi* Til* (HMyrani anwd* • my etedltoihl# a|s pa*, vim*, !■# l **■!!> wMb a »*• r*nl. #«Mto*e* tram tbv Drat regiment In ib* A If rT*~r *f' rtltotota wa* held » !m*|l to topped I (tat IH* rank •*>»« *» • arccmptlebed fact I# I*** n*nr fu gtvit#*** At Ibto comity ham c>n >4»*d and •** •»••« making •****> *#m*tn* l* raivWtoti • mMm a#*d nil •til M WIMM'IM) >Wll •* HlWyMto Hyni m yvy vHI, M t to** •** *** •ID. ,4 the kind *r*r»r lh*i» tounater ••4 Darlingt-m Cotton picking to now about flnlahed mi tin lIHto M nn kar* *» they »»• , ,|„ thr middle «*f Narrator Ttv » nummir tv ended and llw harvest tot pa*t. nn<l lb* t*THieiii are In winwe MtodUMl ll»#n> toll* than *v*» hefbr* Th# muikm ,u4l<>« farmer* ran * •laiv i -..non t* make money; ih*> im>* ylnm It t* make itrlrlv. I’nvn tv* change our Hunt* of Umilnn tk* south will In • f** y*ara hacom* he «*r* M wood niiil draw*** of water fur nor ilium rapltall#**. "|* Dark**i ditto" la read with k**n ttrtereet by all rendew **f The Utitn, and |hv queMitwi to «fi*n asked, whv tha manse > fruit an oft*n epofcen i*f and Hhu-ti trrowa In auch abundance In Cuba, and ***tna lo hav* been th* prtgcTpal auaii-nanr* <*f th* insurgent*, ta navar nhippM over lo thla rounlrjr. To Cure a Cold In On* Day Tak* Laxative Rrotno Quinine Tablet*. All drucatom refund the money If It (■lie to rur*. tip. The genuine has L. ft q on earh tablet. FUNERAL OF MRS. OAIN. Occurs Tomorrow Imm A acred Heart Chnrch. * Through some typographical er-or In the announcement of the death of Mrs Jacob Gain yesterday the notice read Mrs. Jacob Gant when It should bare beau the former. Mrs. Gain wav g ilnter of Sergl. Joseph Trammer* hnueer and a wc'l known lady In this cHy. The funeral occur* tomorrow after noon at 4 o'clock from the Sacrel Heart church. Our Dirtres on suits only two, third* what others charge., K. J. Henry A Co.. «*ot cash tailor*. NTH* Grand Plano Bargain. Magnlflcent fftelnwuy grand |>lnoo at a great sacrifice, practically new; Just the Instrument for schools, college* and mush! halls. THOM Alt & HARTON. Augusta, Ua. BLUE POINTS ON HALF SHELL LOBSTERS, NORFOLK OYSTERS, DOVES, SNIPE, OPOSSUM, SQUIRREL. v EVERYTHING IN SEASON s jVlohrmann’s Restaurant OPEN UNTIL 2A. M. OPEN LPNIIL 2A. M. GEORGIA VS. j VANDERBILT. lm»i un»m i«nm m kmm Tli» imm tHHH tt* <ka P **• MM. «M*> Ml *» »*•»••* Ml *• w* • **» «* sst-m/s*-. «• >»-» | ( |||p f.SpHHpHRIHf iMpMI # SMUHUMi ? *MMM (MM JL'rMJt-IIM* M* M •MM* «M • M*M» t*A» Ml «•**• • B<*»»jar. ***** xT'S iT]**r ;Ttrt -*"*"•*- **wmw umm* *k* »** I*l »*• pfmm— mm m lt» }MMM» «NH IM IWMI I MkarkMttt 'mi »•* » i nMtn-r-f *m* as ik* *fo> *ur* MU «-*!<• M 4*' »*g A*. MW* **4 *1« «k*« «# •*»! Ml •N* C*aw Th* ***• wilt k* *4*«*4 k» IMattMk «** MfclAl ae MMMW Hi fcy t*|M«*** «*4 M* 41 mm «**••».* AH *4 It*** ***>•♦» ke** «kMe SMM •*» Hf Ml kr**»MMl «* IM» MM-fotn*** *M MrMUM *4* **et» MM Ml M af* fraelr*. M Mm *arM tpmmrn* §m*mt m Ik* i—mi H* k*» *••• krlllleet wwl IkM rmi **4 *My» • aim** *m4 *<«4i * IMMuW* M fkf Mill *t*n rick* Ail Hulk «rs Ik*** *l*T*t. a** ***** Ik* k*M «• Mm i*M» **4 *m t*A me- H»ff «fc* «•—(«****. »• *e* «4 ik* •***« *tk!*i«* la ik* Ikwtfc C«eHi M«r*rtkr rawlMn H*ff ifc* *mm*i *f Onnfti i kfl*** •** «r»*i for a »**• k*r» A M*rt*l *«rwr*t*a from AlfcMM kn—aki o**r mu? Mm M» ClaMM* City t* mlimnm ik* tarn* flaw t* Pravawt Cranp. We hae* two children who are aub fee* «* attach* nf rraup Whenever an attack la rranlng *a my * If* gtvaa them hurts'n e Otugtl Remedy and It always prvvMtta th* attach It to a haurahotd aese astty hi thta cuuaty and n* mat tee what else vs* run *«t #f It. It would not da t* he without fTuunhertatoi'a rough Remedy. Mora of It to eotd bar* than nil ether rmiph raedbtne* com btaad -J. M SirKIJC ..f Nlrkl* Urn# mearhaale Kk kievlli*. Pa for an)* by A leva rider tirug and heed Cam pa a) ■ C, ft parr *f IMI Tower Drug I'mnpi hke ORATORIAL CONTEST Between Georgia Collage* In Atlanta Tonight. A than*. Go , Oct I*.—The tali «r. Itv |M>ya are going to AOantn ti»l*f la great force The occasion la the Ititi oratorical conloat. II will tak» place at the Grand Opera House. Throe of llie all fudges have been selected. They are Hub William I*. Wilson, preside til nf Washington and I’nl veralty; Dr. Danny, of Vanderbl t, and |>r. Greer, the president of Krskfne College, South Caroltoa, Tha three other judges will be selected today. Mr. ft H. Adair will repreaenl the State I’nlverslty and hla subject will be "The New America " Mr Wi’l M Smith will represent Dahloueg* and hi* subject will be "The Negro Prob lem." Mr. A. J, Moncrlef will represent Mercer and his subject toll', be "The South’* Contribution to *he American Republic." Mr. Prank 8. Palmer wi'l represent Rmnrr and hla subject will be "Pro Patrla.” This contest will be the most Import ant that has ever occurred lo the shite. OASTOAIA. Bwn to. /f Ttw You HIW ilrio gfflifM rr uLMtfZt&c The m*ay friend* of Mrs. Arthm KtlM. of Bktb. 8. 0.. a former resident of We»t Hnd. will regret to hear of her aarlou* nines#. None but the purest and beat drugs enter the prescriptions cent out from Alexander Drug slim*. Their price# are reasonable. THI GOVERNOR'S ROORESS. M«Mk mm* h <*«* Uff< •Bill •mm Mm ae** mi ffa«aat*a **4 •»* *** a* 4ST* * j M. HMiMAi— ■IMMMMW.I* .4 .*»«»•. I 00m mms •§****•» *0 to*mmvmw*+***** IMmHSmhm Mkßffatfk 2*** «■*• *k«r «4 • *'I«I*»I*MI ******* *M» ***** ** May* ** ***** <** wAmimnM******* «** mm i aaaeaaao m» *»*.*•* ••» mH* "T* •» >•** j fM Mr* •• #>**l*l f*«M Vk* I**«MM»%* *4 *k. kKk*f* VM* *4 vk* *HM tkn*. m MMli Mk* *4 (Vj** MM M' ** * . f . [irM .... * • iffHMm MMff ffTiHN "■ ■ —Hat MMk •MMMt ••*» Ml —Mmv *M • It*. •**•* MW PMM «•«!» N «MM* «k** a *«*»« *<*w Ik* a*MM4 Mlk* A* ***** ****** **• *MW *f *MkMlf*MMia* •*4 .M4MMM MM* «» *MMI*M«* foMMI *w**kw* MM* *M Ik* «OW* MM»om «4 tfc* «»r*k **M *«*m4 .wmmwmm A HMMM* MMk Ms ffk* MIW A*fA»fo* ••* tuM*<4 k» *M (MHIkMI ******* *. • * «*mmwi ••<«* *4 ir** amwMNmm MMk. W* M*** ««M*Mrt •* MM *4 Ml MM4 a*M *4» | » *4M» MW —m*r* *• I*4 ********M* •• «* **• MMk <MI? I* r*»y for ik« wIiMM A*Am** mm a S *■#!;! imb (fsnil i• | •Hitii fNN ***• w# at* IM* c .«ar*«a*l*» H«* «■•«*•• •••* ik* *al**M <M <*** MwaMift'..' nattMuU * —.— _ _ *i Ka * %ki ..ttM H.A* HMRNMIff'P Ww Sff— f*** l *""* m*. *f mil** for Ik* if ml* «4 Ik. ***,»ltfc 'thaw hale*U#l o nwf sad there are* those, la t*toh pedttual Ml tleg, who uohM rvvadls the paltry us auto* Haul s caataep and eater »p* an eatevtoVys gsßenre qf rdhratogtluß. as have the laemar. Mr* «# Mneap*, wbieb W'th asewnsNatw an hwwiaoa* ataadtag army and a large nag eaatty auvy. Is he sup parted by »***# tmpnsed upno the pmgda of th* atatas I meuttaa tbto neither ta approve an* casiirma. far N ht valve* gueailnaa W national and M sf Mats paltry, tort as a sink ing illustrates nf the Itolmry at the times to depart from th* eld laadmsrhs forget the aMMsrvattom sf the fatb r* of the republic, sad venture «n onlmd den put he. It will net it" far u* ta wan der to* far lata the realms of caper- Intent. Our aafetr to In «m*rrv*it#m add * rigid adherence to th* preced ent* nf tha past Thla to caper tally true of the people of the Pnith. We Mmutd resist all danger-a* Inaovattnaa We should cling lo th* coast it utlraml right at local aelf-grw ernmeot. the sheet aM-b<vr of our safety, and oppose, in every legitimate way, the I'onslaatly increasing tendenct. « of the agent* of th* federal gru-emmeat to encruaeu upon the reserved fight* of the staira. nr* should rigidly adhere to Ibr car dinal dm-t tinea of lav at tort for revsnue only, honesty and ppmomy In th* ad inlatairation at th* guvrmmmi. the tnweat poaaiMe rat* of tggalluu cunatst ent wtfh tha hater and dignity of tha etate and the requirements of the In stitutions and tieraon* for whiwn she must provide: and wa must, at all times, he wilting. In th* language of Mr. Jeflfeiann. to aeoned equal and en act justlc# to all and apactal privilege* to nont." A Pi #' Ballet. A govarnmenl. auch a* the father* Intended ours to he. must rest upon an Intelligent and uncurrupleil Isillut. A vwnal vote to ltie destruction of a re public. and an Ignorant vote Is no leva dangerous than n venal on* The suf frage must lie based on virtue and In telligence. The ballot In the tuuuls nf a vicious or corrupt mao to dangerous lo the liberties of the peotde; and In the hands of an Ignorant man,who doe* not realtor that It I* not an article of merchandise, to he Isirtcred oft for a price, hut a great weapon of defence, with which to preserve his liberties. It ts a constant menace to the safety of the people. Virtue and tntelltgvncs must lute, or evil will befall the state, legislation will grow corrupt. Justice will miscarry in the court a confidence In the government will be destroyed, lawlessness will run riot In the land and lynch law will supplant the court* of Joatlc*. It wilt be a sad day when thesa calamities overtake us. To see to tt that they do not befall the state Is your duty and mine. The people have delegated to you the power to make the laws for the next two years; and upon m* devolves the duty of executing them. We should approach this duty fearlessly and honestly. The ballot box must be more closely guarded. Our election laws should be revised and Improved in such a way as to render effectual the voice of the virtue and In telligence of the state and to prevent th (distance of power from finding a lodgment In the hands of nn Ignorant or corrupt minority. Sever* penalties should V>e enacted for the punishment as well of those who. directly or in directly, buy votes as for those who sell them. These penalties Rhould go to the extent, if necessary, to correct the evil, of depriving both the vote-buyer and the vote-teller of the right to vote or hold office, without regard to party, creed, race or color. This would tie a severe remwdy: but, when the safety of society demaiwlf tt, it should be unhes itatingly applied, for Jt would deprive no lidheat, intelligent man of hie right of suffrage, but wfculd affect only the Ignarant add vicious faxattafl. ‘ Another nuttn of vital liuportanoe Is the question of taxation. JO lanes DOING GREAT WORK. | —4— Dae of Paine’s Celery Compound in the Philadelphia W. C. A __ rlfc »A Bra-. «a -.'W* w *>* IPS pWEMjr mu yt mJSmT.. ’Jr * I \ ’ * I * t , |r? %L The magwWh awt handing at th* raa* •eg *4 Righteewrh *ad Arch streets, Wgmd tpi w IP a to*wam*s« that »*» what a great • halttv to th# W..M#a*s tTtotottoa Arm i rial HI of the t#a«lu-i *Tty. The awpertotsHdeat of the W. C. A. home to the wrroaapttohrd ««maa whoa# portrait la pooled her*. Mtos Ralheatpo Kcooedy What ahe hae d«n* and What aha to doing tar th* hewed! of other m* men mmwtowds tha higheat rrapert an# admlraUaw. In alt other Institution* of thla kind more attention M gtvm every year to tem hlng the law* sf health and right living physically as wet! as morally Th* health of rommsniries to more and •aura frequently a subject at attrathm tram clergymen and teachers An aß mg nervous man nr woman finds It mure dllßrwlt to he hopeful an# oheer ful and good than a well owe, Writing to the Wells A RhMrfair Company, who are th* proprietor* of the most w. oderful of all remedies for the rare of disease* that aria* from the | tmpatrmeot of the nervuna system, j Paine's i fiery snmputd. Mis* K une dy. in Ht# cmiras at her letter, referring t* th# us# of Baln.- s celery ■ (impound among the members of th# W. (’. A., mys that “thoa* who have been tak lag It feel greatly IM-aettt*d. and deotr* tn ounllnua the use. us It.” Mo many wuman run down In health by over-1 like these, when a universal paralysis has settled down upon all laislncos en t.-prise and the arudurts of the farms of the atate. upon which all mir pros perity depends, scarcely bring In the markets of the world the cu*t us pro duction. when the Urea have gone oat In our furnaci-e. when the fatr Helds In a large portion of cur state have been blasted by ffisst and storm, and honest men beg In vain for work that they may buy bread, tt behoove# us to prac tice the most rigid economy tn every department of th# state government, ostablndt no more Instltuthm* to he supported by the slate, and to see to It that not a dollar of the alate's rev enue. no matter from what source de rived. la diverted, by legislative en actment Or othcrwlgc. from the pur pose to which tt l» now applied. The burden of taxation, though lea* In Georgia than In some of thr other state*. 1# already an great *• ,>ur P oo ' pte ought to tie required to bear; and the rate should. If possible, bo lowered, but. under no circumstances, should It Is- allowed to go higher. All Irregular ities tn our taxing system should be removed, an dthe burilen should tie ad justed so as to fall equally on all claus es of property and In all parts of the state. The lands In no county should he valued for taxation at a higher price than lands equally productive and equally profitable in any other county. The burden of taxation should not only be lessened. If possible, and so equalli ed as to bear allk? on all the cltlacns and on all the property of the state, but all property which now mealies taxation should be hunted out and made to bear Its proportionate share of the burdens of government. Te de vise means by which the hand "f the tax-gatherer may reach the hidden wealth of the dodger, who enjoys the protection of the government, but Is unwilling to share tn Its burdens, Is a delicate and dlfflrult duty which now devolves upon us; but tt can he per formed with benefit to the state and In finite relief to all honest tax-payers: and w eshould meet this, as well as the duty of more euretplly guarding the Iwllot box. fearlessly and conscientious ly, looking only to‘the best interests of the eofhmomvealth and of the peo ple; and ragardleth* of the otnmor of these whs. by fraudulently withhold ing the Bihut# they owe to the state, tiapuao heavier burifelts on their more cunatden t taus nelghiJdrs. Jti Hits con nevtlon. 1 ffeati - * lo call attention to t»* I m# blmi li wfwrwf, #vwilt 1 ? y. | i H*%# twp#H Me« 4 ' f «-#l (Ml iMNMtII jhf f a Ai(t» 0 * **otf f<:tmpnwm4. |ImM It* I in (i* Ikncnw Imb# ! ‘nnn ifnbthm wirwff Inf#** «tty In I (Alt ' -|n|.fMMPf dkf |R||g ImMBVI i| tlBIl \mm4 **mm m ll mm rwllwmm* ft «• a Pact that g» arhar reirdy haa aver I tsmvad • hwndredlh as the terarlv f i {rMtMirjrr f nnt li# maiwigi n» iml4)r ] tnmitutioiiM kav« m*«m l*4 tn| I b <*!•*? ra.m?-mn4 Yh+ iwm Pnin**. : /tNi|Mivwl. !• tkn wmwH liHtIIHPNRI- <rwff’ J ful Hum**. «iwl th* mn*t | IhfMMfIHN |N»rflrHMI Wf fifty tyffthWth irjr. hm* fr»»Bn tt* Hr |M ifetr **tl *4 ! (jcfßonil (iiAfiat*# by *of4 *<# »n«li j irmni Hu |r «(m( AA<t r*ll ( * j.yfhßTM Rfv4litf mnrtly th* kMi4 «f In* | |il|ttrilk«t niKf i.nhitf up that l**it»i'"» I rahiry cotototond gives. I fn time of grunt mental strain when >.t her remedies ratty meddle and muddle j | Halite's rotary ramp .rand feeds the hard ' preesed aerves. i Paine's celery lotnponnd purl flea the bksd nf all had htmmca. an.l rur*# the many ailments from thla familiar ran**. A van proportion of all diseases are preventable. BUih io-Wy compound ta universally preecrlbed by medical men to stilt* the prugree* of dlaordcis. due to poor tiiood and badly nourished I nerves. admirable suggest lona nf the comptrol ler general on this subject. Many oth er duties. Oenllemen of the General Assembly, looking to the welfare of the atate and the prosperity and hap piness of the people, win claim our at tention; hut those which I have men tioned seem to me tn rise, at this par ticular Juncture, paramount to all oth ers and should Ural hav* our moat #e rimts consideration. "Having thus briefly. In accordance with Immemorial cuatom. referred to some nf the moat important matters that will demand Immediate and care ful consideration, f util nnt go fur ther into details, but with a tirufound sense of ths responsibilities I am about I to assume, and Invoking your kindly rd-operatlon and support In an honest, earnest effort to perform them with an eye single to the gtory of Georgia and the best Interests nf gll her people: and with a fervent prayer to the God of Nations and of fftates that 1 may be endowed with wisdom to govern tn Justtce and moderation, I will now take the oath of office." Upright Piano on Sale. We hav* a beautiful Now York ITp rlght Plano, handsome carved Oocobola case, rich ton*, three-stringed Instru ment, at sl*s, THOMAS A BARTON, Augusta, Ga. FOUR PAIRS OF SHOES. N 3L- ; ■ . Were Taken Front Bolden'* Shop Last Night. The shoe shop of Mr. W. Bolden, on Campbell street, was broken Into by unknown parties last night, and four pairs of shoes taken. The matter was reported to the police this myrn ing. Place your order at once and avoid rush. Goods cheaper than ever. E. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. 216 and 218 Campbell street. Bright, pretty hearths and mantels (iSU tie mttila With the Diamond Glass Black from Alexander Drug store. R. T. Alderman. E. P Weathersby. and J. B. Stoney, of White Plains, n»> at the Commercial. n the woaurs • - Largest aol ibtsl Sins Mi HE* Nov. I Shqw That Presents t\\B nation's Growth. AN Neki f-ettum. and Noltiinf Rut F**fum Shown. mil F/\ LARGEST MRNACEPIKS! i \\/ | 1 LARGEST OPGJSES ? VV LARGEST HIPPOI^ROMESf M V T LARGEST PARADES! UNITED AND EXHIBITED AS ONE SHOW FOR ONE SINGLE ADMISSION FEE. THE AGS OF HUGE EVENTS HAS SURELY COME tv ?r\Krar? = - Bl SrL-dtiiTL More Rare Angruh TK*n AH Other Shows Combated Mor# of Bverythlng worth seeing than all other Shows Exhibit. Only Aguarlum, on'y water Circus. 104 Chariots, Cages and Animal Lairs. Animals in open dens. Elephants. Camels and Dromedaries in harness. Biggest demonstration in the pftbiic streets ever witnessed. * -1 The only actually Big Show You Can see this yea r Two Performances Daily, at 2 and BP. M. Doors Open One Hour Earlier. •Admission to all, 50 cents. Children under 9 years, 25 cents. Seating capacity 15.000. 25 uniformed ushers. Numbered coupon actually reserved Seats on sale at Howard & Willet s Drug Store Broad Street. * Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and goad Cheer It burns through and through and leaves neither slate nor cinder and but very little ash. OUR JELLICO AND CROSS MOUNTAIN Household Coals are unequalled for cleanliness, heating and lasting qualities and money is saved daily by their use. Kgg, Nut and Steam Coals of best Grades and at Lowest Prices Teiepffones - ( FRASER & CUMMING, Lessees, ) CO-OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO., 1041 Jackson St. REMOVED TO 711 BROADWAY- E. W. DODGE, Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Daters. Pads, Badges,&c 711 Broadway. Augusta, Ga Btrowger Phone 162. Mrs- M. Mitchell Wolfe CHRISTIAN BCIEKCE PBAOTITIONffIt 937 Broad Street. OFFICK Hill R 8 10 A. M. TO 4 P. M OCTOBER 20 THE CISC USES IK 3 R:NOS Mug* Elßvatpd STAGES I * ft d Imperial H ppodiofwe Water Carnival Ht Hifh Diver* t Herds of ftrfomisf Elaphsats Ors. Magnus SchuH’i Troupe or t*sis ■ esraT msh Lev 31! Iltt! PEFFDfHUG BOLL Madame Yucca, female Samxon Wonderful BICKETT Family Marvelous Octavian Troupc 12 Bart luck CHAMPION RIDERS Utoffm. Panaraa and Dot# Traitp* l.grur Walton Sextette of Acrobats T o Rent Store and Residtnce at 1266 and 1267 Broad street. One of the best stands in the city for a good Grocery Store, or in fort, any business. Tbs Honse has six (6) good room-, a good yard, and is. very convenient. Apply or Premises or at SOS Broad St.