The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 29, 1898, Image 8

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aatumoav The New Neckwear. H |» tumw . Hl* taMMnUfta*! i It SHNMSwt»M , twycwMl tt«*» §mn ta ftanr*#, ***<m brntm with color ##*•#«•• wm imm W«|. Iftg, ftfttf AItMIIC 4#4NWta#o «we WHtal ta WMI |M*o* cOWHici for »%•* N« «i *•*» if (hoy tary nffW» Lo*<»4»**»» m fwmNtata« 0oo*>« Nia M* woo brut. I<» mcifiumrd toy Wo orwMHil fw gtayc for Autumn bwtaooe. !Hocl»* oro «l ttbtar frmhmt. ongfitota, lodoy. Kojoy llmho. Whoiovor mi proper ta Bhtrl-<k»«v* ** Her* for your eftoowo*. cml price* oro olwoyc * TtoS#**Ato usteMta iwmi *•» >i*iir*« Um 0> »•"** OW<'*M» **•* *"-***?* MI. I«***4oo at y*n—w» 0m 0* fli«m . ... » A MM at Wmtl. IMIIM 9*Mear» **«•*» eppHfcHf * %**£•*• •*** 11 5*51 M • Mi M « Mmm» * *A tV fMtak wmm HM «l Att*M* mMH L i. at taaamma* mmt*» mnr A e MM <4 ta* Trail M M IV rvi—w A M 4haa#r M tjWM- * c. *• *• «V rttt K f —«■- «T iaeAavh M *i Hmi yiNMM* w K Bw*il «r At**** l« M IM rtaiun * cim* Hu* «r m*uAWM*» ••»«*• A r Ration 0 • Mrll*C •* OWMMMMUI l* W !*• ArtlagK* | M hwn «U Rara**!’. I* *t »h* r* aucrtsl « M MasMt «T IMMlarare ll J M Mat* of Baltlraora I* Al tbs o***nrri«l C M 0c I*ool Al AIIaaU I* •« ths r«AAA»*rrt*l J M MMIb of Aademoa I* At th* OAAMrlll <1 H Thom.. of Macon I* Al th* ttmwirriil I. M fllosa of BAlthMor* I* At th* CoOMsterv Mi ff K Hryaa. sr.. *f nrtll*. I* At th* CM*i**rrt*l W r. <Vra» at AitAAta to At th* OMAAM-rrtof Mr* Kllea »to*a of PbarMsUm I* at th* flulwi C R Cantor •*# »°* of Atlaat* »« At th* ArtlAOA* Mr* Fred Calltitn at Balesburg I* At th* Arltaglote Mr*. Hammond of tlrarh Island to at th* Arlington J. M Israeli and W T Israeli of New Torh ar* at th* Commerelal Mr* H. C; Rice, proprletroa of tb« Denmark hot*l, I* at th* Planters. O*o. A. listford and I* I) Mi lan* *ll of Chlrago ax* al th* Arlington. A. B Campbell and II W Nelson of Washington. n C, ar* at ih* Plantar*. C. H IVnrham and wife of Jotras lon ar* r*«Utrr*d at th* Oomtuerclal today Col Chari** B Siaey. a well Known traveling man of Rtrhribftd. to at th* Planter*. ~ h H. L. DavMhoa. M f. Taajrue. *nd J. J William* of l-AMralll*. ar* at th* Planter*. C. B. Stark*. U. W P*rn*. and J. n. Mooten. nf Ml*’ 1 Southern railway, ar* at th* Planter*. Governor nail Mm. W. Y. Atk!«i*on and children leove today for New nan, where they will attend th* winter. Th* following New Yorker* are at the Arlington J. P. Watson. O. H. Wataon. 8. Kraukisnlw*. George T. Pringle, O. K. Brown. A. A. Herbert. J. M. Wilke*. U«o. T. Fordlth, K. T. Hahn. Mr*. D. Sluaky and ton, of Augusta, are vtolttng Mr. and Mrs. Mark Appel, ulster and brother-in-law of Mrs. Slu»- ky. at 221 Perry street west Mr. Slus ky to expected here on next Sunday to Join his family.—Savannah Press. DRY ROODS ORY GOODS GREAT SACRIFICE SALE. THE FIRM oF oTnrn' o o I AN DR AM & BUTLER 828 BROAD SI REE I 828 L n Having been closed by xUe H. B. Claflin Co., of New York, this entire stock of Dry Goods will be sold, regardless of cost, sale commencing MONDAY, OOT. 31. BY ORDER H. B. CLAFLIN COMPANY. fHR Olivetti tw»*t» TStotl *a*4 an»t> w* Oamm W*i* 0. 0. *»<*» Isa*' to* *•***>«• 0 0 a m a*4 • «tw* » m Awttt —Ain't M »—••* a. *» t* • «—*■«»■ mwAt—g. ****** nwMC At I * rtseA * Ml MmaM>»«* vtMtow* '«MM Al**in* aw* * warm wtoiw* ttowu stow, w«*Cto«w MeMwahw nw—rh-ltow J'to* It laMtta, pwtsr IwiArtoto* turniwv * at it a «n aaA t • m Haw A** *rh*nl *t to • m l*r«»*r Awtait at t a mi, I M. Ito— Ornette Rw* C f. W« jMwsa. It l» . Mawtow j It A. a». ItonaM twar** •• 4 •*»■ (•MW. 4 A st AwwAsy sHtomi l| *. Rv*AHM At*ftp* Y«wb* w*m»* MM* das* AM—ta st W A. M. Aahwrr M*lha<to*t Ctettnli- Be*. W. Own tear. Paste*. Th*»* Win tee a Btw*ol wom* at II n'etsrh a. Mmstey. tep th* »«**«•»« •rad at T:M A * M«Aday •««*« aad ttenwagh th* wmh ese* ntoht at I •cM th*r* Will te* |.r*s. htAS ha thr 1 . t«*>rs’ Melhwttet pmsrtom sf Ih* Mty MdtoAsv *M mday statet*. It*v r P toranv at * l**h* a. Tto*hr and Thursday atgteta T N KmdsN at Ml. John a an 4 th* <tth« night* It** 1 H Mashhwrn *nd I. It KaglasA wilt conduct th* iwrvlea*. Lit alt th* iwUt *"**d tow twtkw as I glorify Hod At!a*tor morntng-* —rrt** will h* on* at . wclal lst*r**t l« th* mrmi*-rate's «f '*• church, but sit ter* cordially In riled to la* present Aundtav •t hool at thio Chun b M now held at I A a*.. l»*i*od «t 9'.» a. m. L*t alt th* parent* bring their . hlldmn and at tend Ituatl.r *eh«uat. I hereby rvt,ue*t alt th* praying people to remember to prmy **meetly f*tr th* *wec*«w of the— ncrvlce* Pray especially tear Ih* pr**- ene* and power of th* Rptrlt. At John Church. Ittohop Joseph A. Key I* Is th* city visaing hi* M*t*r. Mr*. W'. B. Young. H* will preach at HI. John* church Aunday night at • o’clock. Vaudeville tonight. « MM. NEAI. LAWRENCE. IMcd Ini Night at HU Home Near Wheel*.** 5 tat ton. Mr Neal l-awrene* died last night at hi* home near Whalen* Station after an Illness of only a few day*, rauwd by rongertlon of th* liver. Mr. Istwrenee was well known In Augusta, having for some time been engaged In Imataesa In the city. Of a genial and aunny dlspoaitlon he won numerous friends and hi* death will be regretted by many. The funeral nervier* will be held at half past three o’clock tomorrow and the Interment will he made In the fam ily burial ground near Wheles*. Great Cbarmton Act tonight. Vaudeville tonight. "Chlcos," the 5 cents cigar sold at Alexander Pru gstore, Is the best In the eltv. Orest specialty! Specialty show tonight Isulle* are not expected at the per formance at the theatre tonight. Man ager Cohen ailvlaea that they do not at tend. TBS AOOtJATA A BIG LOSS BY FIRE t«* imm m Vtowl M U«i IMH t ms* IS ■ tarns* VtbtoWs pwm* ftewsiM !#m IMMW tHM> Hf MIP diw-ftai (toNta lINKk (MMI Hk 9*t* % omms tumtu ttata «*# *H» ****** tag o—9 A* teteans A »■"■»>» If Itelo Mfht 10 VttoMMA* *<iim'iis, *f is* **. i MAMA MnyMtoM* SB**** aAm *.. Mm* tot gAd| A»a*A ***** Mm* Mamhma Hto to*— at a A*« moan MM h* 'tetisa Ms A AM A to* »*• mm* Atoms A tote* (AM* 9 Alii Al* Ml **> ; «*MMSA MAS Altpts* «Ad 0S MM •to*** Imm AM M M Hto <m**m at 0m- u • tohah *4 toMMI ty AM* «0M «h* torn 0 in A Asa—- A* Ate* »»* a* «** m»*r» a ha* **• j ths torn tom hewtosai tow —k Mw —< and h*d amts «*mmowaM» mstAg I to* AHtoMA* tost tee* f 00 Ctotof om tsa* to tow —'rat •Nto* 10* l>»m*»Al ptotiAg «A Ih* ttotet «*• tewHOSA* sa tom •MM hMAtewn tow taw altoyA aewtod gn The Wtted am his A lag Mite as d Mte Warn mat hstows th* *.y»t'tti «maM tat *wsh *MI tetoto* aas Ih* hatlMaa ilwiAglnd hy th* AamtoA Mast-I amt oM|f* tcwspmy tad ths ftorwalg PtoAMag >4O c a*** haralAA th* 4c* Aft at »a I mkiiA 4 M twp lag th* hr* ms hard t* ***** *ma hand lags a* <1 latwtswf th* prsto* at sfl atm wits atm* (*• war* or«*nM tigs** M •ppewred gs a Rwhstd* A httw’i AmM fcte hurst out AS thte shyltght amt mtmtmma haraM sasy hut gor-d work mvM thsfn sit hough thstr stork as* 4s«sag*d tey sabM* and mataa tarn at ths wriltai at has* bunted lhas teaad>r*pptag th* norh of ths Mr*- By awaaa at ths atysaai* flan frost r*ar sad hntto atd«* th* gr» ass aa> d*r roatrat hp tw*fv* o'etorh , Ths hrsama Msplsyad wondaeful kctttrj aAd hrhtsh. m**rtsg th* mforgtlag Maoh* and gghttsg »h# •r* to psr** at ths bulldtag that wee* falllag. rtshtog thstr Hvss taasy tlawa Ths halldlag or. opied by Mr Ntioa was oAAted hy Oca Alfrad CugMSlag •ad th* other hy the Camming sgtgl* Their value sad th* companies tasar lag them are not kaouru as Maj Cunt mlbS. who holds th* pollrte*. refused to gtvs ths data to ths press Mr Nlxoa had most of his good* at his warehouse, but several ear load* of hay and feed were la thr store His Insurance was distributed as follosm: Prank M Butt, representing Queen Insurance rompsajr. policy *7OO P. P. MrAnsllr representing Phoe olx Co., policy IMO. T. H Buford. Underwriter*. tI.AM Nixon A Itaaforth, Menu fart ure r* Lloyd*. 11.590 W. ft. Gardner A Co . 8t Paul ItoKI H. G. Barrrtt. Continental. SSOO This practically rover* the limn. Mr. Nixon opened again today three doors above his old store. The Phoenix Printing ronipany had Insurance a* follows: Mulberln A Armstrong. Norwich Union. 11,500. ' Peter McAnslly. Phoenix, of Hart- j ford, $2,000, T. H. Stafford. New York Under- : writer*. $l.»00. Tbl» will cover the lon* suffered by the company. The AugtmU Mantel and Supply company were Inaured with the Union Aamranee Society, of ’.guidon. Their low) will probably amount to SSOO. cov ered by Insurance. They take office room In Burttm’s. Messrs. Richard * Shaver suffered a good deal by the amok* and water, but the damage cannot a» yet be esti mated. Although most of the engine* ceased work at about three o'clock one work ed until about *even. A stream of wa ter la still playing on the hay extin guishing the few remaining sparks. The entire loss Is probably $25,000. Great specialty! Specialty show tonight Vaudeville tonight. \d I wjw ** »m —* <a *w* MW., n g| F \ to* # lll*l*»1'ipl«ll 010 # 71k gyw| t iito* ♦ || J BPfewm tffutifet 4# *■'**•** A k my- ipidNi* ;i|f <§**•■'** m I l *** *"' r m %mm* mm 000 m tat- »to> i, ‘lMA : *‘'(*l# *§ **» «Mtokl moat m*. '#MO% wt i mam jmmm m ****** • *mmm iHtai mw* pm mpm «** I AMtoMIIWaM* tpM IRtoto«w $» 100001* 000010* If 00 *mm4 "m 4i *•* & m 0 WOOO 00&10- 0000* *o**'* *«***" te»Mh*o-AP *. 1 *** *»*o**f to**' - »* 0 00 00. mm lnoW*-m »ip»*« “ pMM sa <•* to 40 «aw* » Ad to# A* tofu* •mM »«■ *«• • * - - —»• 1 » VA • ! If 'ta* AM Ateto -at »** AM* tototowa** lln a»» It tmm 4ad 4MA* mdfaAMA p* - sat SWA* MgMmAS At* toptoAi Ap taw 4p» t*U> to tAte AWHteW tetotolateS * I*J»3\KymAßrwto* ■ I 0m 00*mk* ItatafM m 0000 m*otmm im I nto ' 'o* —m SSto .. AM—*'*. A* , mnr jszrs sr ;r « Bh* AtoteW'oto 1 t*u— yds 0 •w* tetoto* t rnamm ******* «Am totow to , b*t Am* > tud tot* 1 WW to top* to fM * StoteMA toto »*" te »*A to" 0 » to. tote*** M* A AtoUJßJtoatotgto ! dSSTlat*s*4kd AStStoteW to to** Ml ■K ***** p»'WWtor tottoto* Nto totototo* «f ■pMAM in*A> *to*M 0 *MM* AKSWMAd. A A AM *wtoto .«.»to- to »»gto»* *»i AM I •■#• to rate* 0 Sto»**’» MmaaM j SMOO AW I ***** UWto Tb.* •VMS ■ gAtoaitoi AMhAtr S«d pAem* —tt> fhwASte** ••%* TWyAto I **« V«Mi mu! ohs'oot *oo# VMHN ,ta • fAtata taftta* *m4 o** • ■am—*oM' *«oit *A* wtM* ON TMPJ* WAV. Th* CbsMry K M tpsmer. o*s4h TV *a*Aoy ttotopw f**r a ****** •«* am fh*4» ••• V** sa# eg* »«*#* ths «*(» > tolglU Thto bwww, te«t pswiii •Mp Ha# V Asa*., as thsbt sratsai »*H h* senates** am thM the* r«wch bswa AteS«sg tb* #Ap tebteA Gary t*A *M 0 • ••a i«. Aras om«s Al liter» TV ffhrsra ras***'*# a ti'li'gtwm PhasM ****• today MistUsg that «V tranpw ty*s« at o*sns. N 4* . tebrate • halt had hswa ■*»#» 0 am** «V !*•• 0 m* a 0140 *«»rrts* w«d t» o*# amt am*at urn bora*# TVy sec 0 tom amrtamn Waste M otag 0»M aa ratwMy a* fbwrawrasM* b*wwy*s that tV imapa •Ml V aecww>wu»#sl*# *sea It (hey pun** hma «*#■*» dgrte. TV t 1-4 oc* assM M h*4wg rapMlty estate#-4 0 IV r*MWp sit* amt IV grawwda ar* strategy t* >9lllO trn tVM asyival TV mtevotewtel at IV nib hn#y of >sonlry snd IV hcwblag up sf Oassy M*s4* teill •»< 0-ewr al «** T 0 ' Vwr# at oq«lrr will v4a« tV <~amp Aral as# llam allow tV inowa !• TV Aral wilt irate Ve* Ahotel IV Ae*t at NowVe. ate# IV «#or*ra will expect all tV eegltewats ta V Stalina r# by IV I*l h Chinese mere# IB»*s plsal tel; large VIV. phow# l«l: TV Huv PTnral Norrery. VsudevlV tonight. DIED OF DfPTNERIA. I tills Sob a < or. and Mrs W. C Pa«c Died I sat Night. Ths sympathy «f many rrayuts Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. William C. Page In th# hiss of their seven years old son. who died last night at their home on Walton Wag of diphtheria. The little boy was a bright, man ly little fellow and * great favorite with everyone The remains were Interred this morn ing In the city cemetery | Old fashioned buckwheat flour for I sale by Lamkln * Co. I Great specialty! gpecialty ahow tonight SHOW TONKJMT. Why No Ladles Should Attend the Play. The Imperial Burlesque company will show at the Grand tonight, and al though a go-id house Will probably be had it should consist only of men. All of the exchanges that spesk of the company urge Indies to stay awry, ns It is not a show that they should wit ness. , Fun. fast and furious, tonight. Thanks Extended. The Augusts Mifntel and Supply company extends their thank* for the services tendered tiy the ottlaeni in moving goods last evening during the Are. i . .to, - Bishop J. 8. Key will preach at St. James Methodist church tomorrow at 11 a. in. ShSMAkAM AhMI 100 I -t lAAtoto W *** l " Wl> '' l|> '** ** g **te(teitoto AS*-AW to#* 401 ' A* tow# • hA SOO tafVtaKDqi 0» • t {OOOOO 00*0 0* 000 000*00009' 004 90 tf rOO 000 • 0009000 00 I %| i I |T t H 000000 00 90000 900 9000 m *am *0 Woosmo 00000*0* 90 *0&~ t =»%#»# 0*0*099 WPiiiyf 900009- 90*0- * | tatadt ■«*i witaiNta 004 pmmoo*°' (f m*-0 Mi wiita lit •%» *♦ ii i'ri|)ii.j|mifi ifflpi <w>Pta»m (t pm ifta* mmn iii» »Nta* 4# 900**" 000. 00 4H •# 14-top A»tot4o«A M W*A* *’ T 0» «0» f*u 0 M «•***■ «0M o*o lA*M 0 4NAA A 9 »Aw WMAkStofr* 0 -MM |gw*9oA »AA Mo»t 4AOO*W »«Uteo* fW IM'< PAANOASO tote MtM II [0 n#Ai 0 i «»*w*«a 0 r rts** I mad AawAwd as* ttmatam at m> 4AM. • $%• Biiusvfc pa' awns A ms*** *fcto tw par tfr i iiii|or^ , i 000 *9mr*'9t#o9 ■♦* 00 ISn# , *00090009 90 §OOOO9OO W S %W*omoom** M 0 atea-ite* C OAA9 tUAS***wte ms tlfiStrr otoiwto to 0 SUM A PNASABW* IBM sfcAPtete >A«wlimstrf saAM M teSti (AAM AMAg 9000 so* »*' SAWS 404 TOS fifth <A«—SA todtetto M Moj tow* ft* MAS 4*4 10a* to-totw* MtM *lOl - AAd r»»mh' n mmu h* «hw AM* at S4USS M— M (AteAM—M j MMI OmAMAS —0 01 MAAS Ml ißsj >hlAA»* M HOAOA AT MS AMMtS M ( U 0 OWAM tnto • o*o A MM M MdtAA, | awsHto M u4OO ssMm*» M Awu4g*. ; •tod 0s tefdtted Ms ml li'pAitat fto (teitod 0V tmrr oaa amt imasd—Mtt-toM •to • n *O9 at tubs *•»•* at am cud " tt* OMNOSSA RiprateS toUApSAf •Sbwd IBM It* e—sra MtoAMb 14* iiMn|- amt rafMwd M cwrry >* 4«g»» ■Atom Ihw tlljp* mM »* 40 AS. Ctettgja rmmma at Ommtta tMtawd w Tiff AHft tbs SAM*. AAd tb* MAtfft CAga* up 04un ib<* Mat* R*»to*4 Oa tbte 10b M Jam tb* Atodtof WAS Amugtet btefteC* lb* Cam—4ba AAd M am dwrld*d I*a» «t*AO $0 IttoAtab *4. Mtgrhted-, caac »Mmd AAd ppMI hat tey thte *4o* ■« tetotopaAS Thte rtWApAAf thaw prawwdM 0 li fts tbw toAtop*. Thr rosap atAisAt* stats that tb* paytag at tbts wsu hw *»»»As d‘» lalstem tbs ttotsAws M ths MWApaAf gad 1 ■**ton tbs tala* at ths #*o< At •or *t*tlag SArleas other enmo*ist * la paragraph* up 0 ths •stoker M 14 tbs roMptalataau pray. Woat Tosy Ash. **t. Thai ths decree at tbs Georgia Railroad CawMlsmoa hs sat# to V aa . osaiitutlonal anil ••# vM#. •0. That th# XiMKhera Bxprasi rorapsgy 10 officers gad * V rest rad sed from voi«*ority ro.aplyinJ with tV provisions at IV said order of the Railroad UomralvloAers of Aap *. UPS. sad pay lax lb* said war rave no* tax as aforesaid •1 That tV sttoiaey of the •tale of Georgia V restrained from las;Puling My snK of any sort Against tb* Kootbera Express company for 'h* purpose of enforctag the provisions of the said order of the said railroad rum mis sloe rrs of Aug J. I*P* “I. That a writ of provisional and perpetual injunction of ihe saw* par port. tenor and effect as hereinbefore toil forth, be granted 0 couiplalot ant» '* Section five slate* that each of the railroad comm las! on appear al court on a certain day. as stated above, and make aasser to the petitioner- com plaint. Signed by Frank H. Miller, solicitor for romplainranta. The complalntantH’ petition end op with «he sworn statement of J. J. Ben nett. notary public of New York, that petitioners appeared and made state ment a* recorded. The certificate was filed In the court of King* county. New York The case promise* to bring out some very important developments. The mass meeting for men at the Young Men’s Christian Association to morrow afternoon si J;3O o'clock will 1«- a charming one in every respect The address of Rev. G. G. Sydnor wilt lie a most excellent one. and the muidc will be superb. Mr. Rattle and Mr. Wallace will *tng a duet, and the male quartette composed of Messrs. Hattie, rttovall, Ruswll and Wallace will sing. There will Ik- other interesting and • helpful features, and the men of ihe; city cannot find a better plaee to spend an hour. Please note the change In the hour of meeting from 4 to 3:30. Stran gers In the city are extended a special invitation to be present. r yyyyytttttttttttttttttt^ :j Autumn's Coming ;• :J fMPMopi«otao4 0ta«00 tmm potai tmpt > “*4 MM •4 W to pMM <OM 0 <404000- 07 fj Isas todtote 4Mb «o*-0 «M 0011*40$ «M* * «ote* Mj toJMAMt 0 > CUM t t>fUV Mama fsr C |s RWsVVVVVVVVVmVVAWS VutkAr.* Ohlllkßf A gl tot’ITTA 004040# I 4ags~l> *** . »%4 0 --400 4SWA#S - jnrMwnn .. . ..It 0»M *4 ■-t --t awdanar* ~**•***••’• I ••*•** tow# •—iruisfT M „ .. , I t 10*4-4. j trWW toW4dA*d ~ *»• MO»4 4A 1 o>*to IMS AAMMAg .. .. M * MbtAto * I WOO9OOOO *->. -* M 0 $* v ** ** •* a * AMOBMO .. **h** •» * * fktoto 4AMOOP »'•**•••** - . A.«r, . * totottete .• m * * *.♦ t*-4A*h*o IVMmtA „ M « m -to » to ..,.4 S Mb* « mwrmrra tom* teAdbUd »** 4 AAf saw* Ing-rrt t**— am I gwtAsdws •* •• *• •• •* *• ****■ 1 Aton m •* "ip ****** •« I*** tatiAMas •• «<• •• •« 980 *P*toWM*A*S toto to to to * •' TAArwday ,»**** bj* rYAAai' •• «* •• •* *• •• •. ,im Tula I to m •* m m •* 190* IAUO prtNMrw . AaisrdAf.. . It* Tteggl _ IMS m $Mt OOM ItMTCICnt mt Ha* Net r-tetetb*s **999 Ttec-toga ftettteA kdsl « Gres* rsteStp** today to »■ _^ tm iTocv **» lUßcisirrff. tSST 1«0 a*! ta Aug—a tteday OM7 H*.etpta mam tap*- $ - Ita** SOO4 Ms was he»< effarts ta —he yamr pwnbawM rwtirsfy Mt*t»t«> has*. MAHONEY & arhstronq. COAL and WOOD STVfmQF.R I*l. BELL i7Ph> Off Its *ad Yart So. t Moart*a street Mock Letter. Augusta. Ua, Oct. Jt. The week Closes with snbstsatlsl advance# 0 the satire llat. but la the railways the last hours’ trading showed aomc decltoe.c especially la Burlington, which k>«t over 1 per rent cm the publishing of Ibetr statement which showed a aur prialag deffett The baak atalement was a favorable Influence, but the fear* of rate cutting and the effect of the supreme court's traffic derision ha» bad a discouraging Influence In some quar ters and retarded Investment. Th* election probabilities also had the'r Influence, but taking as a whole the market has responded urrll to earnings, present and prospective and shows a disposition to cut loose from foreign and domestic pftlitiral Influence*. Returning to the half day’s m*rk*t the greatest interest was In the trusts, with tobacco agalns becoming the lead er. After opening around yesterday's closing price*, the clique again took hold of this stork and boosted It for four dollars a share to ISB It Is be lieved the new ping trust will accrue greatly to the cigarette or A. M. T. benefit. Sugar showed some covering strength while rubber was a little weak and de clined a dollar on rumors of a new op position. The closing shows ear marks of professionalism and manipulation, but we believe the long side is the most profitable on all hreoks. PAINE. MUHPHY & CO. orrnM* m —**• I •«*•* AKf**tf tea 404 sp. ** LIMMNfI - #-*teteto morn Ip# t*aw bar fawswwAt sos , tamlww *»*t ims tbs wram hsta ass prpk~f Mi lha *■ wassud PAP ssM* aw** M 19.41000 bates* amt iraasM 4W» <wMoi|woy bt MiiSin' 1 '*>*4 Ai*n <H4p JgMff 4NO tail PMMMk • <MOhMf •40 4 ptebla tmm 44M *•*»•»• r«wilap 10* (*—#•'« wWAwt at toamt M #OO4 i tea tmm M tmm *• IMRI MM rest U—pits lb* paglMd * ••toSAWM at ttattta sstlMSl* Ih* otl <» *4 sew ■tat giipws* |•• 44WP 00*4* The *>A | lisrpr *hM prppsA »»»* ***•» w* 04* j 4w4tM *b» Ml M 0 4t' Th* 9a*l at > taliioAs s*4 sMiowoa • *t»aM • -• (BbAPMI. 44* owb Dm warn* tmmm prtsaw awpl mm*. ntNB «t RP44Y * atk Ora** I otie*. A «•«**•. Os Or*. S* - CaMsa **es flAr*>«bwUy bswwr sM pnrwa hsrs opshted off la'hf CM arwvs : aawat was Illwrml sad IV *.«h kaew< ' slim sat who bought last •«*» aw »%• wsr tNWM r*s'.t**4 Al— o*4*ool Abnal eA* teat! «MM (Aw tee*—# 0 hA fair bwfjAP »It* Ihtctv ffve *«a4a were r*pon*d J..r stpofl p»4r»s tsillted. Ths VOIPO M tevprrts# M show etlf • 0111— I Berras*. AM U tlaap M sap M»appM*<oteAl ta this ssUamMs th* •aaefte; M (A a poMt— IA adrAASM (Vara was *tmag **d #l4 aa* *VA»tte»- tbMs triib isheat W» ar* Ira bt* Hesters im higher prices. FAINR MURPHY # CO. Pas. fast ant farlows. t-atghi. Color*# LMsrary S*cM4y. Al tbs taeamt wsr# pabtie a, Oort iher* wag assemble# last evcaiag qut's a aumhar at colors# ritlasas for «ho purpose of orgaaimng a l lerary aoc0» ty. At 49# g. ta. 4*ol. H. M. Itewt**. lawyer, calls# lbs nwrtiog to irdrr and mate# lA ohJeM of as-crnhl na. One ootlea og Prof H. I* Walksr, principal of th* Pin# mart grammar school. CM. Portrr was cleric# chair man an# Prof. 8. H L»rk. of the de partment of physic* *nd chemistry at IV Hators Institute, was sleets# sec retary pro tarn. The chair thea ca-le# for remarks sod Rev Unfi Or. Wil liams. Prof. Walger. W. 4. o’hlte. Jr., responded. »peaking of tho nc.«l of such a society Ths following program will be ren dered next FrWay evening at 8 p. m l Music—“ Over the Idas.” Address—" The Negro la the Spanish- Amerit-art War H. M Porter Discussion .. ~ ..l>ed by 8. H. lairk Vocal Solo VV. H. E Csrter Address —“The Illinois Labor ronflet—. Was Governor Tanner right In not allowing imported negro laborers to disembark at VlrdenT ..I. Blocker IMecussioa led hy D. L. Walker. Music David Kar y The public Is invited <o be present. stock new raisins, al! vsrteties. Just received at Lamkln * CM.'#. Fun. fast and furious, tonight. Ml*s Emmie Winter, of Walter, Ga., la visiting her grandmother Mrs. Da vis Thomas on Elbert street. Great specialty! Specialty show tonight TOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION WANTED—A JOB AS PORTER OR butler or to drive. Can give good reference. 11* King » avenue. Oct 29 TRY THE ROLL#, HOME-RAISED bread and cakes, especially velvet cakes. Sold cheap. Augusta Work Ex change, 825 Broad. Oct 29