The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 30, 1898, Image 8

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ABOUT WINTER SHOES.** THf IsiiefcMi milmMi 4 W«4ar Staat wM KAW 4VCMP !<*% lOf (Hi (TOW Mk» AS t*t9 At MM toil* aw. s*l*t 3kw** iHai Ktw f«ai mitt. pm»*s yppayw ai%4 (afrit* i wwinMAftshipk CXif Psß stock it li—di kJ of tfe nt»tn a**4 Iwi Shoot n>iii los Winter ttrvtcA. Wc Recommend out Gents* lint ol iKiw-tolt Shoes* aa4 ons I itkti' |nt cl 9? ftti Vki Shorn lot teit <lsi* —rvkct (hit tSASfWV /f UJUgfiM THE WHITNEY BOYS OF AUG USTA Young Men of Whom 111 Who Know Them Here Ire Proud. Guile—» ts tic Star Fiull? t|» Start flick li ilk ('••■iith-Ttei An Herts tin I G«aJa*e* tad Will Make Ttrir .Malta ia Iks WtrM. ante* m A** th*a >»* M*a4r IriMlii cMWiunt fMtl •**.•- •ad mo ;omm »•* |l>* bar gfwat*: mw tor prid* i turn til* *»* • «•» «* Mr. u 4 Mrt ft. M fatal)- tarty known as "the Wbtlney boy*,” w ho#* photograph* at taka pSitnwf ta raprodaclag today Tkoaa young no-n Mar* a motlp barbae* la tbs blood hago*ath*d Id gen*r*t <>a» of physically rtrong and mentally anparttw barrator* Tbs Whit nay #w*«wlofy lartnds. !>»■*•- proaalatmt In ebarch and stair la ias fsmi * bats bswn (sbWmls. cta*»a nwn prodhfltbni |s7r*cb#r». brllllaai !b*ry*r* add lisa of WIMt; bat tbs gracirat mark baa bwro wads by It* ' ITR. CHARLES ERASTUS WHITNEY. mechanical genluari. thr a>n*t promi nent of whom wn Rll Wkltnay, who made such a revolution In the world of commerce by hi* Invent ton at the cotton gin, i • n t»M u a The eldest of the Augusta "Whitney boys" is Mr. Oka lie* Kraal us Whitney, an honor graduate of tha Technologi cal school In Atlanta, and now a prom inent young cotton factor In partner laklp with kta father Mr Wturner : ha* as usual aaet kaou *i nftil. aad ibi- I atwHaaely apoa to* ar*du*. ton wa* at , freed tawtl latrttlr* aad rr—stkle ; positloßa, but preferred Itrtaa la Aa *u.t* aad assirt laa hi* father Aknul i six Btoat k* ago Mr. Wbitaey wa* Buti n«d to Ml*a Ruth Bißtlh of iht* city The second ana. Mr Frank Bvta* Whl (ley, I* aa rxpetp rle. trt< l*n ll' wax graduaiod from Ike ACkdemy. stood mml la Ike fradtwtlaa clam •t tha Terktuiioali*l school, aad then I Stud #d at fkknerlaity Hr row ktldt I :* very import.ijt position with the, ti-nera! Btecirkr ('ompaay al l.yaa, | Mae*. He ha* beea teat »a a number I of Jdgirl*rl uiuloßi all over the I I Failed Hiatus, and bat received promo- tion after 'promotion, until now very few rank higher than he does in the company, his earliest youth he has exhibited rare chill as a mechanic, and as a smalt boy had at the top of the house « workroom from which he turned out al) sorts of wonderful and useful contrivances, and some small Inventions. In all of Mr. Whitney s work he has THE WHITNEY BOYS Twin Jk.TJQTJBTA. BUCDAT HUBALD SAYS TMHAT IT IS HOLD Important Diaunff) Near lltpHtlhah tt «f urnm fmmi. V li (IttltMk tv m><iii 40 0m #ii.nsmi i swn> nf if* ! pwHi. Mb* tt ffrWWM# W* fan#'* «*f •# DM ti «• PNP «W *N» *O9- •a# t 990 # tf#o #rfawmH tft anMut Bpikee at ttaswae no* • «■»*!»< | 41 JNMM i w—m wa “Tt ii ii fpieiwi t%» Ihi* ■ [ ffrt# 0* !•» A "* Mi A###**! ftiWMi# ftft* I «a#m Vs • mmtm M 0V 0000040*0 M*» «t <4 Mb 4lA>f*«< (<•%• *OO I* M PHHit i C L A*l* 00* €%!#•#*#. 1010*0**0 fim*+4 M#WM U<*ti |M «■»**«•*. •*•*»» W T P— *4l' w t J%m*m ot#i Nw*. awpcmiM *'•**'* I Will UM*O bur Ml Air rtrtffAM 90111014 lie. C. T. n *lk*r Ur C T Wstker. chs plain or it* Ntalk. Ww»~ tb* Urtt-r part rs Ik. I week lo )*>ia hi* r*g'«w»< la fak*. 1 had tk* rallahoratloa of k>* broth'». IMr Kddv Re**eU Whitney who ha* I recently been promoted to a high p*» I »ttton la the (leaer*l Klertrtf Com 11wn* aad who wa* highly compd mrated apoa arae expert work done la New Orleans last ana*user Mr. Alexander Barry Whitney ha* recently returned to Augusik after *n !absence of six yean spent at the Tech nological school ia Atlanta and at Cor jnail L'alvefaity, from both of which he i-relied diploma* ae a mechanical en gineer He ha* alrrody found eereral advaaiagettu* opealng*. bul ha* de rided to apead a year at home before accepting a position as engineer At present be la employe* in the office of hla uncle, Mr. Oeorge Whitney, and teaches drawing at Mr. George Butler'* night acbonl Mr. George Wright Whitney has en tered upon his senior year at Mercgr, And has taken the law course, al though he ha* not yet decided whether or not he will adopt that legal profes sion. Mr. John Barry Whitney, a young lad as yet. named for his mother'* great grandfather, an officer In the Revolutionary war, I* studying at Clemsen. S. C., once known as the John Calhoun homestead Here he Is taking a regular collegiate course, and after two years of general study, will choose his profession and fit himself for s specialist in some particular line of work. Not one of the six Is wanting In any of the attributes that make good cltl aens and admirable men. Highly hon orable. Intellectually and physically superior, good-hearted, sunny-natured und unselfish, they represent the beet type of the mankind that has given to Georgia the reputation of claiming for her own more genuine inen than any stute in the Union. HHit BURNS WERI; FATAL Trsfk ibslh at Mrs. John Ho>d. tit in Mt* turn olkii *o# f#*aa4' :; f *<ffiM|4o o#o#o *o# ###4o •** i #f <* i 9 fpt A 1 090 o*l* tHM#### *’** ™ . Uartewt Ml nr Mr I MCTORtAL EXERCIS€* HeM 4y Ike L«k»»f CkfMrew V*•«*»* Be* «»>*»■■ Memorial »*•**!*** **i* WM at tk* AmoM ward pak«c arfcrod ysaterlar , I# ono*»f #4 T i •f#4PT'a 14 4 ]£t!#s)<*’* ##o Dtrt W. €3#llte. o#* % o tm4 .** ' A*-a 1 TT*f* I»t CM 10# RMIEwH € wrr* \ HnMir- ** A W4# VOO 14# * Ss fnftr • Ri4rr l. 0 *>rmm j 9 Ma»tr ’4m Mils Hm Kvvwm , I *. Remark* By kupt 1- B K*#aa i. Repmt of Commute* ob Beaola ttoaa, A Mus e -Ms Mia* M M Milter. j T. Addtewa- ~Tk« cased ss Tsaefc- : ert,‘‘ ky I’rof A. N J sknaoa t Music "I Wtll Guide Tkre " 0. AdAf*"*i -*’ The DrrrrtM aa Cfcria- ] Haas." ky Mra V. K Cotllwa 10. Mualc - dota. ITof A. R Jokaaoa. . 11. Addin** ' Kvample* of Woman- , hood." ky I. Blocker. It Mualc— "My Days are Gliding Swiftly By.” , It Addr«w* Rulogy by Prof. H. L. Walker. IV Mualr— "Hiding In Tkee." li Addreae "U»* to the rommual , ly." by Prof. P. H Crslg. , It, Adoption resolqtiona. IT. Doaolugv. * 18 Benedtctloa. by Rev, I). B. Klugk. jjl'Uc resolution* s*k>t»te«k were very beautifully worded. RETURNS TODAY. Postmaster Stallings Will Arrtv* Today In City. Postmaster Stalling*, who left here for Washington Saturday night before last to see the pnatofflee authorities re garding Increasing the mall facilities at the Augusta office In view of the coming of the soldiers here. 1* expect ed home on the Southern train this morning. Sim* the poetmaater'a ab sence Assistant Postmaster Stallings has beep looking after things at the ofllre In first rate shape. It Is supposed, aa a matter of course, that the postmaster was granted what he asked the postoffico authorities at the capital- >. ■ "T FAIR AND BAZAR. To Be Held Bv Ladle* Auxilary o. O. R. C. The Ladle*’ Auxiliary of the Order of Railway Conductor* of this city will during the 111 st week. In December bold a bazar and fair, at some suitable place in the city. The ladles are working bard to make the affair a grand suc cess. and a success it will be. It will be for the benefit of the splendid or- ANNUAL FAIR At Warrenton Begins Honday Morn* ing. The annual Warren county fair will begin next Monday at Warrenton. Oa. The fair la always good, but the pros pects for an excellent show are greater than ever this fall. A Humane Company. The Postal Telegraph-Cable Compa ny Is indeed a humane corporation,, It has provided medical aid and every necessary comfort for those of Its em ployes in Mississippi who hate been stricken with yellow never while at (heir poet of duty.* This action Is praiseworthy and bespeaks the liber ality and humane sympathy of Mr. Maekay and his staff -of officers. It is an example worthy ot^mulation.— Bir mingham News. |- Talladeyer, Ala. tr Thermometer down in the thirties* Monday, but no damage claimed. TMK CAVALRY IN THIS A. M. Thf Six Troofii TOOI ' C«mic From the Era I I | mmammm i fIM if Mi ti fit M<o MHM I f%9 o##> 4Mooaßt*l 00* 404 w®#### *#|Hl##Mo| 10 0 90091 0* *•*o* o*4P*i 1 ** I #OO o### 4—tt *** ** •Mk# 0t »!**•• Ig ur J|l| 1 I m m flitiK 10% o#t* t • #at " ' Mi wNo*oi 0901 0A • «*# •***-*'•! W 00a Tfiaoia 01 “ |Jwbi ‘f’Rf • I Jto 40009 ot9f till ota «*K Hi 0# 1 bH Ml4)m *vtrt htts Cam will mm op#o rtf# a4*4 OtHf m%l4i#ri will if 0* oftio I fwfll **k*of to lulWi. n!4 IVMO4r M»K»f will 0* to* ttly rtglwrßf*l oiftr t 0 iff It# ttttftjr I.ANDRI M * Bl Tl FR. IH* Mmh Ha* tier « Uw«4l> H. S. Clallta « Co. Tk* aaw* Ik al li N. n*I.B A Oo ha) ur4*r*rt Ik# aiorr at laaina A Btikr dark ui tka Mark mM at uw* was aawrlrnmr ar» » lo Ik. a**r frtrait* of ihr*. r«*im*t..r millmra. Mr H W l*ndnim •** *o.n kr • Mrr aM r.pon.r, *a<l ho *al4 ifcal k. ro- H Mtf4 that rimuuNJUArr* t#tr mi to*y •fr, that Ikrjr had )*at rrrrivrd a fait liar of Bind* for iko tall aad h*d .*■ pn trd lo do a Ihrttla* hn»lnr«* but lb. rorjr loar of rot ton bad fur tal'.rd IhWr u m rrry murk aod l hat HaSla A Co. bad d«.rWilnnl to rloo. fkr *torr and aarrlftr. (hr atoek. The *ki. of ibr aiork will bra n on Mob day aad roattnur until thr rnilrr lot Ik *old Thr rommunlty rymprlhlir* with thr rormbrr* of Ihr firm and h >p-‘ that ihrrr may I*. *omr tray for tbrm «o brain anrar Thrrr ia prrhapa thlr fr thousand dollar* worth of food* on hkkd. HIS FAREWELL SERMON. Rev. J A. Ouren Will Remove lo Columbia. Rev. J. A. fhirrm, of Woodlawn Baptist church, baa announced that be will shortly tender hie reaignatlon as pastor of that church Rev, Puren has been stationed bore tor the past sis months, and has made many friends, both among his congre gation and otherwise. Woodlawn Baptist Church loses a splendid pastor. He will return to Columbia, his former home. His fare well sermon will be preached at Wood lawn Baptist tonight. Rev Duren'a departure Is much re gretted BISHOP KEY. Of Methodist Church ;w HI Preach at St. James. Bishop Key will conduct services at St. Janies Methodist church this morn ing. Bishop Key la an eloquent apeak er. and no doubt St. James w' 1 be crowded to hear him. All who attend will hear a good sermon. .a -... TRANSFERRED Surgeon Harry Brooks does to Savan nah. News has been received here that Surgeon Harry Brooke, formerly of Augusta, but who has been stationed at Jacksonville with United States troops, has been transferred to Sa vannah. Soldiers Coming. Printed statements are interesting, but values demonstrated are convinc ing. Truthfully using the former, always giving the latter. Our business is steadily growing. The prices v. e make will convince as nothing else can that the values offered by us are irre sistible. So with that confidence born of long experience In the business, we feel it our duty to urge you to see us before buying, Callahan * Turpin. 818 Broadway, Shbes, Hats and Fur u it hinge. MY BUSINESS || Wb • —BttakßW a —s» BWa#m dm*»c att —| if at— —I fMfaaa* Nkfßa—l » »<• If fw —tt—Bl f*Bk <d *»#*% ** f—t takaaaa* IBB> *OOOOOO9IO 000 o*oo' *OOO 4000 90 001 000 00*1 I *OOOI 000 #1 ißfw—Nl t'Blß Bl tt «*•**■* •*»■*■— M —*»«tt attattiJh* *«*»'** # 00i a#**"*f **s o****** 00 «mbo 4m 0 MOMMI 00*10 09 00fl040P00 001 40004 §OOO9OOI BP— B—a I—ai pi—ndw »*a> kam mmm —i a—a MaY# 4*o —■'««NP< # —f 44* 4 **•• ktt**'* 00 0000001 4M 494 O—WO POOOKO9 OMI lt4i(Sfii,#M OMMOO 000900 400 0000VM o*loo* 400 0440# 00 4l 00MI 0409# 00 ##o 4*4 o*4 *0p00409 , t O##HOHMOOO# faa o*9 40*# 0901 #*# «—>» —4 b—i li B* wßß—i B— • <4bb4i kmw —#i tt kMI ammm <4 kaakaa mppfy .**— akk i*Bkpaa*» »—B * k»p* a— b—k %gmanm kakp II fawd caafsa aad Ska kaal bb—i 4b «d SBM | aad Mm f*m* • * §>••* laa* ftlß suBBNBBBkf SI wt—S ywa dkk*. * b a fawl aaaad kwa fl— tfM had#* ******4 aad la 418 h*f *aaad fdM fad a dl fawß aad 4 MB—a k»§k g-ad* faada. sdkiwad —- «Im Bad 4b b—l hw v*a* dal— tat} Mb* UtAN f, l)M*f V Madid *#r jT- d#> -- *• *3 'titiquslti Yiurnlicr^t A SIXTH WARD FOR AUGUSTA. «■—a——a i i inmiMMß——*ma——> # Notice ol Local Legislation Posted at the Court House Yesterday. TV (UtHart Ltm ts tie h#**4 New W«rl--TV Artiwit li Far* •f li -oilers Fatal Rr4Mrkit«c Wltlwi (twins aa AMiilml Wad N'odßWii ported yesterday of IBM- > tlow t* a—t> for local legislation to . create a Be* ward Ml Augusta. It la stated that tk* pwtlthm aakiag tk* new | ward has keen well signed up and that I It has grnrtlenlly the tiaanl jaoua sup port of the ritlaen* living In the lerrt- { lory •■Vs iPfi The boundary Use of the new ward. ' {were preeeat pinna cnrrled out, would run from Mr Rd Dorrto' coninr out M< Ktnne street to Miller, east on Mil-1 ■ ler to Mnrbtury. out Marbury to douth . ' Boundary Mr IB<'k Tlmm'a corner, I weet np Hon! It Boundary or Turk nett Spring* rand to Intervention of Wrlgbtaboro toad, np Wrlghtaboro I rand to Urn Id Park avenue, through j Druid Park avenue to Walton Way. I (east on Walton Way to tke <dd Toll I Gate, and on May avenue to Doris' corner. Tke nets ward would show about ll.Mt.Bf of property, aod about MM voting pa—lation 250 negroes and 350 white voters These figures are given bp a interested in the prop osition ( 0 mag- a now ward. Why the Change Is bought. The desire for the new ward la. 1 am told, principally to secure direct rep-) reaentatlon In city council for n large and growing section of the city. It la . held that as per number of poputat.on the people in the Fourth ward are now not given the representation that 1* given the population in other wards; ! that the Fourth ward, as now constltu- j ted. comprises one-fourth of the ppp- j ulatlon of the city, and is given one- . fifth of the representation: that It has 1 twice the realty return of any other of i the five wards, but Is only given equal i i representation of wards; that • westward and southward the course of empire Is taking Its way. and the Fourth ward is rapidly growing, while the First, Second and Third wards are practically at * standstill; and the Fifth ward 1* growing also, but ha* not yet reached the population or real ty wealth which the cumbersome Fourth ha.- achieved; that direct repre sentation In council Is needed; that the present efficient members In coun cil from the Fourth have too large a territory to watch over; that the three couacilmen from that ward, however still or active, can secure no more for their ward than can any of the three councilman from any of the smaller wards Becure for their constituency. • No New Territory. It would seem at first that It was the Intention to take in new territory for the city and put It into the new warn. This was the inferenee from the fact that the matter Is carried to the legis lature. especially on the part of those who contend that the power to regu late the wards rests solely in council. It is held that this is clearly shown— that the city divides up and makes the limits of its own wards, and need not j go to the legislature for authority or! help except when new territory is to be taken in. If much new territory were taken in it would necessarily be so stated in the bill title as posted, and if it were contemplated to change mill- 1 tia districts it would be necessary to so state In the bill title. The matter is being looked up now; and it may be definitely pointed out that legislation is not necessary or permissible. In that case the matter would go to council for judgment The Wards of Augusta. That there is necessity for recon structing the city wards is generally admitted, though the plan ol redlstrict law nadr r woenstUoa to att blond Tbs Pint ward rwas from Ras| •tortioa n raw IT»7 tot an. It* rwaltf la St ttw has Tbs (bwead w«rd raw from tvntto to Eighth or Jaabaoa tu last posa was Udl. aad ita rsalty |3 am tan Tbs Third ward to tbs #mai»**i. II I tort poll was Off. Its rsalty to S2«M • poll ••• I f*S It* rsslty I* S» is* Mi. Tb# Fifth ward run* from Flftssatik | waa lbM. aad lu rsalty waa Si ♦•■S.JSO 1 ihs propowd nrw ward created It Hi potato) oat by aotns that rsdtatrtoUog to tbs hotter plan- removing m tha boundary llass no aa to lacreaee tha First a block, tbs Second a block, aad ths Third a block, taking tbs territory off tha bit Fourth. Increasing tbs «iia If tbs prevent K’m I* not dfatnrbed. Tlte Point of Expense Tboas who favor redtotrlcting con tend that ths creation of a new ward to unaccessary, and that tba sxpsasa of such new ward could tia avoided It I* pointed out by them that this addi tional expense would be SI,OOO a year, on such Item* a* SIS® for roundUnen. S2OO for a»e***ora, SM» for registry | clerk*. $25 for election precinct, and !no on. However, both llnei of argument baa merit, and council will pas* upon tha matter. The state legislature would— even If It ba* the matter entirely In custody—refer It back to council. In every probability, before It made It law. However, it la pretty certain If neither districts are to be changed, and If no now territory is to be taken In, the entire matter rents with council, and not with the legislature. OFFICERS INSTALLED. At Meeting of Augusta Lodge, I. 0* O. 0. T. At the regular monthly meeting of Augusta Lodge. No. 386, Independent Order of (Jood Templars, the following officers were installed last Frida.* night: ia. \ i Lodge Deputy—B P. Read. Wv C. T.—Mr. Henry J. Parker. V. T.—Mrs. Mary Fletcher. Secretary—Mr. J. J. LnTast. , ‘ >l Asst. Secretary—Mrs. F. P. Wright, Treasurer —C. B. Balred. Marsha! —Mr. Thomas Howard. Deputy Marshal —Mias Ethel Hudson, S. J. T.. Mrs. Henrietta Parker. Chaplain—Mrs. Rosa Wright. • *1 AT 3:30 THIS AFTERNOON. Rev. S. Q. Sydnor Will Speak at Y. n C. A. At 3:30 o’clock this afternoon ; Y. M. C. A. He has not announced the title of the subject he will speak on, but it will be an interesting one, as Re<v. Syd nor’s subjects always are. The meet ing should be well attended. It begins at 3:30 o’clock! Some splendid singing by Prof. Bat tle’s quartette will be heard. Eli sen estimates world’s consump tion this season at 10,139,000 tof Am erican), against 9,926,000 last season.