The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 31, 1898, Image 1

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• r » two Ah, '| A * Oatt, titMM #%« v#ft# s »»* tfM *> fM*»* 'ft#p*#lk Ttit Atoms AAnso* UM. #ft# SMRMf St TC KEEP THE WHOLE PHILIPPINE 6ROUP. Iho Spanish Wrro Off.c<al!> Notified Today. Th# S*M>on Th#n Adiourntd Ov#r Until Friday to Lot Sptm Fr»w# H*r R*p*y. (hfttt* CM St GNKKttHNHHHR Swlfft # j %# #*siftft *SfMf'-odMfei«ft Of ftp# |ffW t*f Ift# IffWi ™ *** -w' Ht § l 9Mfap|4 l ift tO—if MM4 Ml MMW4M* MftftM fWftfe ..fl'fiMi 4f *lM* r*^ l *Mf** # "' ### it Mat 9wM ftMl. lit Ilk* iMMiS* it IS# MSwtMt fpftflfey# fHftMMft l|ft4# o #4fe4 |fePfelMMM##t 9ftfelMNftM# , M*ft I* t oo ft#* fsit’ti fM# IfftH##! IMiM ftWMftiMl IMM MMftftftft# MMMII Mft4 IftMft UtMfftM Mt Sptfi lif t!9# mft|Mt#Soo ## M#t it Mfil MptfUilMMi Ml 4#i-f •Mi MMHPHtSMSS *** IM* PBit** * T%» #»«•*#• ftfftft aMJfNffMMI SMSH Ml M# foo * tit!* Ml ftftftfMiM • #*f ’? ?M# ttttAfMl tMfl## 1 MMtoM • MUi 4#*## tv Ml Ml Mm- fft(MftM9ftPM*MM *#4 IRpMPNNi I# Ml *'***“•*- of tMiPwMi •»■» m srwM or mitt. kino. ( tt«nt4 \ r>M .V». N (MMIH OMKk. | Alt*' * »M<IW HHwi *ff i dirMHUAn. Sir* Kart * KM. j wf Mr Arifern Kiimi imMWNA tpxM Nfnlljp : •«*» Stett§r4*f ftl l**f Sm*flpr Ml |4<mit* I s Cv Mr* K**« *•* ** M* WM • I*»*f MlMt •* *r«« K«4 Th. IMMftoi w'tMTfl iMitiiiar •:fMwnw*H* fnni iM pmr Mill nmoMU <*lMf ?fc. wmm ta9g*ty tHMlrl faf MMf Mft«« • : M fIM 10. i aby Aooreo. LHIIr I'M. 4 Hat** AfcMfl hr • >•<* Lit h»g HI U«|b) LliU* KU*n Hay.* * «h» h**sy girt •i th, neat tt*i. *a* lUlartar •4»r>i»'t by "f Un|W Th* mw had hy brawty **»l »«•*«. •Waaaa* Kiln graatly Mwwrtf i<* it* heap Hal carp*, and *h* parted *Hk moat rrl»«-t*»t!y. The Tar»a Trrr*a Sail*. jin Tnii, Oh. It—A dt*p*>clj w the Herald from C*lm*o« ra ear* “The forw*r hpaatah rrnlaat Marla Teraaa. sunk durtwf the battle with OlWl'i #**t and falaed «SBd*r the dlrtrlka ot Huboor. tailed Tor H»m|it a road* las' ntgh l Sh' asa towed by the Vulcan aad the Merritt and conveyed to Cape Marti l>y the Cincinnati and the Leon Mr. J i. Lathrop 111. The aerioaa tlln* *' of Mr. Jo**i>h | 3, Lath pie rawounccd. Mr. lathrop ha* be»n act n« aa ie*iatrar tn th* Flret wari*. Mr. Laiihrop la one of Augusta* oM.-tt eitlsen*. and many friends will be grieved to learn of hit tlieeea Mich gander* lor Atlanta. Atlanta, Oct. 31.—C01. Gardiner, of the 3l»l Michigan, announced this morning that tha flr*t brigade now at Knoxville. will be brought heT.> goon. The definite location of the camp ha* not been given out. tut will be either at Kirkwood or Piedmont, probably the former, a* the coat to Atlanta for *up- . plying water will be amall. TO REPEAL THE LAW | REQURIING REGISTRATION That Was the Bill Introduced in the Senate By | Davis of t|ie 37ih. I Air. Calvin’s Bill Providing For Co-Education at thej State University. Special to The Herald. , Atlanta, Oc:. ai.—One of the moat! inipo;tant measures that has deveioped j av the present session of the legisla-; tufe was a bill introduced 1b the house \ this morning by Mr. Speer of Sumter., pr Tiding for the election of tb railroad commissioners by the peo p! {fr. Slaton of Fulton introduced a b) to make every Saturday in May. Jihe, July and August a legal haif- j hoidny. Mr. Siaton introduced other imiornnt bills to increase the juris-; dtc iofl of recorder's courts in the state j an, to amend the chatter of the city j of ittianta. * bill providing for the co-educa-, tint of the sexes at the TTniv rs ty of 1 Gorgisr was introduced by Mr. Calvin j of Richmond. . vn Important resolution was offered j b- Mr. Park of Green, providing for a jont committee of the house and sen ar to investigate the question of in easing the tax digest and increasing fates. Che special order in the house this THIS ISA COOO TIMS FOR THB MERRV-MAKfRS ASSOCIATION TO REORGANIZE FOR BUSINESS it* imi a »m THE AUGUSTA 11 EH AID. kfltlrt »R nil CARTE* CAie. It »« Nilatly It* nil *«■»< to Tkta Bwk. Watkisg’ow On. At. ■— N t* **• (tort *k»t tk* to* to Cut Cart-r of tifeft oftNfMfeftftf ftrtll M# •MpUftfefe* l of tMl# OfftoM TM# imp'** pi* warn with tk* <a»*ltowt ato kav* it* enre fO§ 3'Al*'*4l TM# ffl#4ft4ft 4fef CP*' t m La«* jurtt’towto tk* ytwktot lot n brnrtng to prmrnrm l memm a»at«k*stg an to tto far * uto tto h>w In *h* run* Tkte i«tw*t ton to*n graatto ,f tk* ymtoal and to wflt k*wr the I<-•** during tto wwek, Cuming to 9*>****k kfn*binr<(>k. Ort. tl.—Tto tmknpt»rt Mt**l**l$ p> with two battortm to tto ! ni*t Mein* nnilNrr nrrlvto *t N*» York fr.ta* Cuguata. Me. Bto will tranaprt < (km* t»*tt»rif* to tomntoh Cm., mkiag tto *a«te#*r kaitaliok. now .at Maatnuk. Tto*# «I oto l*ft In Sa taansh and tto kl aaltalppi will tato a jdotnrhHkmt of tto Fifth «avail y *o ! Porto Rico. Named For Utkkt. Wa*hg>ntaa. Ort II —By direction lof tto President tto general Held hos pital at Camp Hamilton, toxintfon. mi been drrtgooted Ik# John Blair Club* Hoapllal io honor of Aaalatant Kurgr >n OfbSj*. who dtol June 13 of woun<s* received In the engagement a - Guantanamo Not a Healthy Camp bite. Havana, Oct. 11.—Tto contmiaalon inquiring Into the health condition* of G< at abacca. the prupoaed aite for the camp, fuund there bad been 1.99* dsath* there during the lost two year*, and ten months. The former death rate was 250 annually. Peck Meet* Faure Pari*, Ocu SI. —United State* Am bsaaador Gen. Horae* Porter this morning preaented Ferdinarl P-ck. Foiled State# commissioner to the Par is expositive!, and the latter* col leaguea, to Preeiflent Faure. , morning was the report of the com mittee on judgeships and solicitorshipa to be filled by the present legislature, i The point made by Mr. Hall of Bi b, that no officors should be elected for the new Atlantic circuit, was not sus tained, and the report was adopted. The Joint sess'on or the general assem bly was convened at 12:15, to go into the election of judges and solicitors- ■ genera!. Hon. Chas. G. Jama was unanimously elected judge of the Tai 'apeesa circuit, after which the session was dissolved. The o her democ-atic nominee will be e'ceted this afternoon. In the senate a bill that created con siderate comment was Introduced 1 -- Mr. Davis of the Thirty-Seventh. It was a very short bill but provided for the repeal of the law requiring the re gistration of voters in the s'ato. "1 introduced the bill," said Mr. Davis, "because the present registration law has proven very unsatisfactory. lam not opposed to the registration of vo ters, but am opposed to the present system." . ~ SOLDIERS EXPIRE FRO® FRIGHT If Or iti at • (nail la Or I tret I A<M|. IW sW%*wMgWlMg (MMSHHM HIS Asms i « «Imm(M Kiwi i ij||t, T## a oft. it T’Jmn tafMS*: • a m i,* y - ■ «s #****•# mtw M*» «r*a (A# A ; (pm. 4#f% Ms ift# tNMMi tl ISM ftSU*##. ! * f#*t fa# Mr fWriMltf" **# MftfttftMt TW# : , ltn#4 in# ftrfti i I | futHf | **4 ift* Hit *M DM*# M»4 Hit Wan YiffMMt fiMrrf aaarj |p |1) «tfc#r* if 4#V*fa|fe T M|p»n | sis fmtfillM'fflf #. MM II M ri|!f TV t nit—MttmiTri m>a!fM(M t«rl iii#rrt ft iM rffwrt at it owtn»Mi Mtfftai TMn ww ilrw SwiM M tlurt dal** «toi| ffIMM piUra.i of <M Sort! CirH.M rtgliftt Two rif I heat tffp ftMltrrljr tiwipFflitl My tM# raifcivi Ml fhifff it *•# »ft w#f«> oc* rcmtidf fr 4 mriamlr 111. TM#v iMfftofV tP#Rild of <M nflßloa VMtl (Mot# two 4'M from frtftMt it awiif l*i#lr roofonioß fipift TM#r# wttrt tom# rointilitoti titmnf tM# trmfw of th* hbmm* of Morti aid mm* com ffpMN) t dttir# to got bom#, but atb* M#d. AT ATHENS. Promltcal I tfucalur* WW PWt To* marru* . Os • •s. il- TV (drub! ■rail up of tb# Amc< itiloQ of SouthfOi Collcfit will ccnYii# In tbit city to- Sbrros morulas, and about fltljr drlr him, rompr.ilsK thr moat pronlofot -.ln<»iprit of tbs South, will br In at tcsdasM. Thr il* l<***t«-» will b* rntrrtaln'd by the L’nlT»T»Ujr cf Ooorsla and the ar*- aioa will c >ntlnu« for three day*. The buaiaea* aeaalona of the »**<>< u- Uob will Ur rosductrd in the faculty room in ftr'narw hall. An Interextlns prop mm i* now hr lap arranped and the iielepntei will be the recipient of many sot Ini courtesies. > The committee on entertainment la rnntpoeed of the followinp pentlemen Prof. H. C. White, chairman; Hr. 3. H. T. McPherson. Prof. John Morr I *, Prof. Wlllla Boeock. and Col. C. M. Snrllinpn. The object cf this aenociatlon la to brlnp tip the yrndce of all Southern col!«pei and preparatory rchoola to a birher depree. Many Important papers will be read and diacussed, and several brl'llant addresaea will be delivered. The delegates will begin arriving to. dev and will at once be taken In hand by the enlertalnment committee. Prof. Leyton B. Evans, of Augusts, ere of the most prominent men in the stsf* will be present during the con vention. i Working Hard. Lexington, Ky., Oct. 29.—General Wattles returned from Columhu*. Ga.. tonight. Where he was sent to select It camp site for the second brigade, third division. He recommend* that tJ)O troop* be sent south at once. The citf liens of Lexington, however, are de lermlned to retain the encampment, jf possible. Th subscription of $250 made by The Morning Herald has been f«! J ‘ lov ed today by nearly $5 000 voluntary offers by the business men. When $lO,- 000 Is reached the citlxens will make an offer to the government to build bar racks or make any provisions necessary for the retention of the < ncampment. Bi-hop In Tramp’s Rags. Tramping incognito 235 miles In the mountains of West Virginia, sleeping in barns and a school house, mending clock* and umbrellas for farmers, and arousing the pity of the country folks v.-ns the way the Rt. Rev. Leighton Co'erpan. Episcopal bishop of the dio cese of Delaware, spent his annual va cation. The bishop .returned about midnight, coming by train from Har per’s Ferry, SV. Va. He greatly en joyed his outing, and after a few hours’ sleep resumed his duties In Wil mington . officiating at the cornerstone laying of the Girls’ Industrial School of Delaware, New York Futures. New York, Oet. 31.—Futures apenefl steady at decline. November 5.0 f, De cember 5,13, January 3.18, February ’5,20, March 5.26, April 5.30, May 5.34, June 5.38; July 5.42, August 5,43. j At Ut •* A «A FRANCE YIELDS TO ' ENGLAND • Uif Hi* (*h«« lfmmv M> N«Ma. - tk* tn»»i iim a•> Asm** to n»<* Am* s>*m. fMHIt jriMl—v. .. |9 9M MMM #«tli 14 M*Mflß# Mi mtmm* iF«pl MnWM'I mmm I tMn ¥MMMMMI WMI M# PMfllMl I f•ih#PwM9f' Mi IlfiAM Mhii •Mi Mr IM# IW* : I <tlt «ks MMl|m# MViiiMM VM# j |mmT vMM# RtMNMi •M, «M« 1 lM# ft#Ml 9# fMMM**MI iIMMMI MMMflft^ I a» MMM VM# MUM# MMt ## MaMauri I ami I '** 9SM »i* AANITAftON H HAH. iatop* a* Cs«w#w*|*> **t toka Aatwaß •t Oar* ■ lUtiA# (M« it Atwi *m4 **** stmm • TVy v#om*v*! ■ t sMit/ *•»» |fA'r fr#M*(ltgkfMl If* l#4 «>##MNrtMltß Ml 4 Mm* >ft»lk ;'*«*## Mfl%4 #4|4iit' 1 # cMNtnMpMNI M# fiA# TV MlfM* tMe* r »«* V trwd #* y* ififti f. 4 %» tM pvimtm fr-%**r. «itf| #C.Mr« fit ( f §.**ti** 9mt* mm^ \ ftM r*t« rt* 0 MM , t****#M« i # VUi»< » ttw FftMAftM *#>4 At** M<Mf* |#*>|. || I# ttHdffßMM thal •#M tklt* Ifltfl* a( «M# !f«#M# |Vl , f IM# Jin «m mtlitMiw iMf *t9 tirlvt In i>i ft«fM iMi* wt II rrvpirttMM Mt Ai*<t«flu‘Niin hr iptin. I hi- K*n nt#t* tu#tl »t*vw*#T IVrtt i*»*4 f-ufii mi R f*la#9r4. rtfiTii# iu IMNMaiI tr«a#pß* Tl* » l#H«r IM tV itMFUlft As #ll ' * ttf* ffit* » 'ttiATf r■’|tf in & IM# fßMmi Lrantlita Mil* pritforty to •*r<S«*r# Ms V#i id«4«* IntfUly C.* r# *uf. i'o #n mllHiry rommiw «wrr M* Uv*,*4 i(*<Sat |r» CM Clow, }udf» I'** %• «$ ,• ** if t*i# fDnimtwi<n • 1 'if to lb*- Niirfitiic «>C |V («ff |*rot*> 4. -p J fli c thftt !utlhri Hi many *»- r#t#?!*'•# 4#hnC !**' it to tHa r**r in Maniir* XfffrlQ. # RpAiUtriJ. ind ft D«*tiv** of ib« Uantry ItMnd*. lull l»? *ti fd) a«|v<*f tliont in ft wtiiiff #H?M Hf.MHbd IV P;#n»»h oMrlttl* h*?rr.* KrifM, trbo own* m a>t- r»*. hi* bufUini on eft* Vtiint tl*# Ctii*ftii Moil i - MISSIONARY StRVICES kVarc Held at SU Janies Church Yes terday j Teatrrday, at St. John’* church, spe rtal services werShrldin th* Ibisini of lUlsston* by Ibr Sunday school. Those |.nrx-nt report the exercises of a very high order, not only a* lo program, hsi'ln the careful and succersful train mu of the youngspepple. At nlultt Dr, Kendall presebedt prefac’ng the dls eourso by saying that a’hlle the sub ject was not new, be was grateful that from Indications of spiritual Interest on the part of the unconverted, It was timely. He spoke of receiving a dying man Into the church yesterday after-' noon through the work of the Y’oung Peeple s Etjworth League. Hts subject was: ’’What must I do to be saved?” The sermon was earnest and help- j ful. FAREWELL, SERMON. Rev. J. E. Duren Returns to Col urrbla Rev. J. E. Duron, paator of Wood lawn Baptist church, delivered his farewell sermon last night. Mr. Du ren has only been located In Augusia for six months, but hns won his way Into the hearts of all his parishioners, and he is parted with with much re gret. His sermon last night was like all that he has delivered, strong and pow erful, and calculated to keep him In the memory of dll who heard It. Mr. Duren leaves today for his old home at Columbia. CLEANING DAY. Tomorrow Day Appointed For Third Ward. Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the day ap pointed by the Civic League as clean ing day in the Third ward. Friday will be similarly r.bserved In the Fourth. A gratifying result crowned the cf- ! forts of the League on cleaning days In the First and SecOßd wards, and It Is hoped and urged that residents will continue the good work and cioperate with the League in beautifying the city. CASES”WILL BE ASSIGNED | For Next Term of Superior Court Thursday. Judge Callaway today issued notices to the attorneys of ths citr, calling an assemblage of them wt the courthouse 011 Thursday morning at teu o'clock, when criminal cases for th© superior court will be assigned. A RACE ' RIOT SEEMS CERTAIN. #MWt If* UIINH AiUMtfta* lh Uw Ria. ' A ki|H far** "tjAto A % ktow* At lalNltiMMw, j ¥W *|94iftfflMft MMHMpvM *M# 9*lft#M* I 4 44 <•>£#** I# \ *%* #*NNftM* • » |*h § *’l*4#-s## MM#* ftOtftPM**’ *#»9l 4ft# ft* *<r % f*H # * * r '■•'* ««m| Ml (MMt '®‘t )MM4 Mftfft# 9#Mfttt4NNl 9M tIMIS flM#4* fftftVtft* I 4*iJ# i * * «%# 0$ IM* 4ftt*Mf <*H|, IMftfM On* 11#*## I#*#*## iVftf fV* •’MM# *.##!## Mi Wll thMmt4ft** bNftftlMft *lnil #ft# saw f*H* t«|4 m»I > #**9 WiMift 4#* | * #f# |tß*r*iMi Tb# Wx ■> t - *#* mi fMft i #*||-|## ft## # M *9MMBft #ft t 9mm IM* iMHPiMI I# ■ #fl*| Nil#* TV# Wi 4* M#Mftft j I tftll'f ft MtftMwi iift>r*F4 ft* I »f>WW>*l ftftawrM 4MI *MM# MnWNI fft«t 5 a«* a*wwa*4 tto u» *t ait <■ < »a« w*»«» fh* artftr V 9ft ft* fltatlMftr# **J| Mr* f*rl «* fNMM IMiMftH j ft *■###M U#lMf# iM# 4|f> M*n»l #t* fti ti V# Oft I* «rMI#M *M* *4 1 t’WNFftift* If *ft ftft #ftl##VMft |ft#Mft* ft#* Tbi* •<t#*ft* I** 1*» ft §* m*ft far tfftftftVnl aa4 If lb# ftll*cft4 rrtftft# *1 tft|v i# ft • In If •* fr#ft*«fti ft* Mi ftfttlftft#* r*ptm*4 few ftilwft *t»4|UT b* ftnctbr of #CT*# 4#Tft|fa* Mr* Ifaf'M, lib# ft* AH*nr wiw «*-cfti|#4 Cllflt !!•!• lo*#* flftbi of tl# bft*'# prtififb of IM# rvllfk* of rferbi I* few pfrft far oft# rtaoft of ft#offe> ft* ftft*4i»*i oibftf * ls ft fliMftftnftanr Mlferlpi# I# #Oft#ft* lift! for tb# ftptiftiftft of |*w»r wbltft drift wife i* r • Tb* ftfewib of tb# Moor ftrMit# §*#<*s»!• ft## ofti • |N»r onth iMHr rolor#4 ntlftbbof* of IIM oom4l* liofti. ftn4 If *ayt»ftr MmH* lb# meet |H him *t*lt ian«»« tb#f» Tb# frbol# litroM *v4« to b# l#ftr#»*4 Mjr (bon# * b»» fi" »*f** * #o mtt«h r# , lrlo*i. •bowing i beta that the pt***rraik»n of virtue In rwentiil to the life of nay people ”llr» Fetloa hegia* w.JI. for ake •toltt that »4wat>oa wltt hettev pro tert the girt* uo the fxrat (root the as saulter. Tbia we admit and it ekould not be confined to the white aay mote than to the colored girl* The paper* are often filled with she r-port* of rape* of white wotn-a and the auba©- quest lyrcbiag of the alleged raplcu. j The editor* pour forth volley* of a»- |H-r*ioa* againM all aegroc* hec»u*c of the few who may be guilty. If the rp -ake-H and paper* of the oiher race would condemn the eommiaaloa of crime breauae It la rritoe. and tjot trv to make It appt-or that the negroes were the only iidminali. they would find their »irongw*t alltea la th# Intel ligent negroes themaelvea. and toga’. It er the white* and black* would root the evil out of both race*. ’’We suggrat (hut the white* guard their women more cloaely, a* Mrs. Fel ton *as-a, thu* giving no opportunity for the human fiend, be be white or Vitek. Yon leave your goods out of door* and then complain becanac they ■*re taken away. Poor white men are carelee* In the matter of protecting their women, eapcclally on farina. They are careless of their conduct to ward them, and cur experience among | poor white people in the country ; leaches us that the women of that r»er ore not any more particular In the matter of clandestine meetings with colored men, than ere the white m<*t with colored, women. Meetings cf this kind go on l‘)r some time until the woman’s infatuation or the man s bold ness, bring attention to ihem and the man is lynched for rape. Kvery ne gro lynched Is called a "big, burly, black rote,’ when. In fact, many of those who have thus been dealt with had white men for their fathers, and were not only not ‘black and bur / but were sufficiently attractive for white girls of culture and refinement to fall In love with them aa It well known to all. “Mrs. Felton must begin at the foun tain head if she wishes to purify the stream. "Teach your men purity. Let virtue be something more than »n excuse, for them to Intimidate and torture a help ! less people. Tell your men that it Is no worse for a black man to be inti mate with a white woman, than for a white man to be Intimate with a color ed woman. i You set yourselves down as a lot of carping hypocrites; in fact, you cry aloud for the virtue of your women •while you seek to destroy the moralily of ours. Don’t think ever that your women will remain pure white you are debauching ours. You sow the seed— the harvest will come in due time." i. • •••<<) — 1 South Georgia Conference. Hawktnsvllla, Qa,, oet. 31. V The Methodists of this city are beginning to make extensive preparations to en tertain the annual session of the South Georgia conference, which convenes her© December 7, and have Announced their committees of recc-ptloh. Th* church people here arc expecting a groat revival in religious lluee. mt iniA*i a «*• ntlfcpAY. Wfcf, J*t «*# NE6RO TROOPS TAKE POSSESSION OF TRAIN They Hold It Whllft thftOfflcftfft Go Up Town And EiL Quit* A D*k»ueH*nc« Cr*Al*d •< Knoavll* At A L*«« Hour Uit NNfht- T<«* n>< It TV— »*• « m» a «***»**«• ***** - aitr-.a e Matiwa k*v« ttMl <M*a#lM A kaltottoa *4 #• Y*wk ewtorad r«a«trt mm saa**-«to <*••** *»• #* P%*k«*»»»A** <«*** * Natonwa*, mm* •• #*» (a* M nfwitol to Atoto %tm »#n»k to #<*»•* *•#*• *k* *•#** mj. toilfftaftNl ftiftunrTtPft offlHPOft Of IM# M**tftfe*oft l#fl life# tlftiM i 9 to, .a. J* *-a ,« M 40#<»WfM#0 Mi life* «« STtotar.rr.rtT INIMWS fk* toltotod uArtbto W*‘ . . f tftHN itofto MHMft# IM# offtrrfft 9094fe#M#4 *O4 IM *nm99##* ftMftOM to* 9~m* m Hl* *n-*NI to (to toHmnd atotortto* tom tto «*•«« • xb, mm f«u to totoAtoto away towksn* •** *to««to niiniiin* to thr was iiwk Tk* inll wal gawk iwtt tny*iMi *** nittotoio t- an*, tto to«* to iM «*#* kitoto* tk* **i«to* and «tor*4 i a l’rranl *■ TtoWMA W I Mi Qftft lM #OtJ|44» t*m* %•«*«* **A»t * *• rnmvmm -to MtotoA to Iks Wm In* <to»aniNM <*— wktoiwi to towtoN tto ►»•»« * . . . Taj j j tom to tk* <«wr toMMitng toktwr to tk* iwm .Ik m. ~ ... t | S j t»w train arirg «A Tk*' ato- IM# ftftfOftllftnr 4 m* ibini■< i*. m m jlit. , « i-- * m «m# iMftf «M# Iftlft ftit Mftft ftunftiftflfe •*#•- *t4to tto tfc*t» i imaitar s*4 tkw »u tto lawawn to tk* tortirtAkto, fill fM# VMHfMft4 |NMMii# 4#Mf’, AMONG THE ri».» ! . LAIHM A Tk*y Ha** Had V»**al Coß* to Lost F*w Itova. ¥M# AiMWfel#* M## I#444## Mftrrft Mft4 ft# *9** l+* In lift## rmsf« , nf Afftr ft fPilftNlffeliinM ftft##’ tifw far • fn*4 • Mil#' IM# «**•% did* ,4 y r vt«T ftltfMt «IIM 9M# H#ftft4 MU’* |C„. | NAd JC# 9 Mt 4tl • fa tM# | Afm € i ||f *t«-V#ff? <#) It A f f*#f #4f#rt y, p(r l4a ) A 9 t# # n • «'*T* 9MPIM# * ft ft"** * a amcut-lcrtng arnrk in th- V>« ’» tslMtsy team *-t Ac© to tto toll Lets* *d Lav. Tto men had a nm to this. At xjivra this m-n»in« a B>* In tto tto"** Hh std, to Bread hrtn—n Tenth * A$ tb- tot Id* Wear Mr B«v*n *"’l acrod tto m*n to cto f,, treats arc *n)orcd to tto tn-a. and or cold mahta It help* ttolr Xr r.i Tatah. who nn» tnjof-d by* Mo. » |« deton nl©clv *i his tom© •cp© dr© tut» n«>w hrtl*v# they will to ap|© it *«v: tto Injured fort. POSTfIASTIiR RETUI-N5. He Ho* Arranged For Extra Force at Poatnffice. Pc*tmn*t©r VtalHnvs I* hack h-mr* from YVashington. TU* poatmaelcr wa# cordially t©/ -iv«l by tto portodl©.' «SI (-l(.|a. nnd tl©* niattcr of mail fa*lll- Ue* for tin* tl-opa In Augnal* wa* >ll*- {m»h|. Tb© extra help n»cd*'d In tto posiof tic©, the • (Trial* told Mr. Stalllns*. would to fumlaked. latch conrpnny in the reglmom* will hsvc a s hclsl carrier for malls who will call at th* ptmtoffice at cj.-’al,'! time* farina ©ach dny. All mail for the soldier* will to out up In •-*©» lal pouch©* ut tto olfh *- Th»“c will be delivered to the carr'er of the regiment. The Imoiovenient* that hnvc been ronemnU’«ci for a long tltn© at tb— po.notllcc will aoon matcnall*©. Put-.- muster Flalllne© hud a talk with (to offrinlN to-cut this matter. Mr. Flailing* l» determined thnt An gUKtu ahnil have a* complete and ur>- P-i nte a poatnffice na any city In th c, untry The i or'master la looking well *!«.••■ lila trip. < mS la highly pleased with t •© I ro«iv*cta t*. Auguatu poatufßc* !*■»- provementa. LEIOH-QORDON. The llrilllant Wedding Was Celebrated In Savannah. Savannah, On., Oct. 31.—The j,oohtl event of the winter In Savannah wan tho mar;logout noon today of Mies Ma bel Gordon and Rowland Leigh, ol Lon don. Miss Gordon is the youngest daughter of General and Mr*. W. SV. Gordon, her father being a member of the Pot to Rican commission. Mr. Leigh is the youngest son of Lord Leigh, Stoneb-lgh Abbey, War wickshire, and resides In London. The marriage was celebrated In the historic OJjrlst Episcopal church, the ceremony being performed by the Very Rev. and Hon. James Leigh dean of Hereford cathedral, assisted by Rev. Rob White, rector of the church. Many prominent people from all parts of the country were present. May Arrive T uesday. Washington, Oct. 31. The depart ment received a telegram from Calaia nera announcing the sailing from that place for Hampton Roads of the Marla Teresa. She is under the, command of Capt. Harris, detached lTom ihe Vulcan for that purpose. The Teresa sailed from Caimans.ra at 0 yesterday morning. Probably, with fair weather, she will reach Hampton Roads Tues day next. John S. Smione. jr„ of Charleston, S. C., is at ihe Planters. I fkto ktN# «• t #l* Ato* *«• ii. OrOOlii 1$ .# a,*♦*fna . a • k .««-«* •WM* •tto Pl A NT f #A Lcanand MVlhO# Mania atoWAAtokt* t’kto OPPICn HHOCK FINED A "V." It* ItrongM a Charge AgaMMt Tm IA aaaea. V iltea Otß.*t Drorh aa* Iw4 Me* daiiat* hy tb* t*»oed*r tin* m.rwtwg fjf violating the eighteenth l.ata itio*a and Mat"* Head two young whit* »«*•*••- appearwd aa peon* They. ih*tn» •!***. had a <hargn agaiwt theta. That charge had baaw ~, \- rlr 4 by Pott<«M*h Rr>«h. Officer It rock had reported the two I for t*iii drank, he aatd. Th>- women. tn tnrn. brought a caee !r i sinat the wlMrer, The women had gvne to Acrgeant N'orrt* and reprrtad that Hnrl had bean drlahlng ;n l had ctireed them. They sad tha ,a„.r had had three hr it tee of beer .p. ,1 up ip « paper aad hid > fit red lam Bam of tH# The lode* ash# I Mr. Mrwk . warding the matter .nd the tatter aa d: "Tea. S 'yean’ Sorrt* said that the womea ‘were aohrr wti*n they came to him. Tit> wrmen said Officer Brock had • mem! their house and had mada icttxs* again*! them. The Judge .1 snileeed the two women | unit levied a line of Sve dtllare on Pu j Itrcßian Broek. sio e-:n deaim Of firs. C. A. Drury Yesterday Morning. Mrs. Clara Drury.agede SO year*, dlad I suddenly yesterday morning at har nome on upper Broad street. Mr*. Derry had been suffering wilffi | acute .udlgtosilrn for some time. Yes terday morning, howeyer. she was well enough to be up attending to her usual household duties. Uter in the day she telt tm badly that she was i compelled lo lie iYa«vn. Her pain be ] came so Intense that ahe called to hety ! grr.mlron to raise her up aod with his arms around her and her head pillow ed on hi* shoulder she gasped for breath end pasted away. Mrs. Drury leave one daughter. Mrs. M. Z. Hsnkinson, with whom many friends sympathize In her *ad nnd »nd (’t’li bereavement. / 4 The funeral derangements have not yet 'aeon; It will very probably occu:' tomorrow afternoon. MR. J. C. WHITEFiiRD. He Has Resigned as Soliciting Agent of the Seaboard Hire Official notice is given of the resig nation as soliciting freight and pat* .senger Agent of the railroads compris ing the Brabourd Air tine, Augusta headquarters. of Mr. J. r. Whtteford. Mr. Whit’ford leaves the service of Hie railroad to go into a mill supply line. He will have his headquarters In Augusta and will establish an Im portant buslnAs here. He is an enter prising gentleman of ability and ,hls success is assured in Advance. It Is officially announced that T. B. Trencbout Is dlslgnated as Mr. White ford's successor In the railroad busi ness at this point. Mr. Treaehout has been the agent of the Seaboard at Nashville. - The appointment Is effec tive Nov. 1. Returns From Havana. New York, Oct. 31.—Among the pas sengers who arrived today on the steamer City of Washington from Ha vana were Major -Spencer Crosby, of Oen. Brooke’s staff: Capt. Frank Loor ney. Second tmmunes. and Thomas C. Loyden, a newspaper correspondent. The CUy of Washington is held n ouamntina, one of her firemen having been taken sick in. Havana with whaf seemed to he yellow fever. The sick mai; was sent to the hospital in Hav ana.