The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 31, 1898, Image 2

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|ifcWOAV M Vows MORE BINDING * * * % * jjUflß , | r m*m li jfri? ■ *- Till IS TBX nOiBIRTKI Emil Pii! READ THIS: ... 'otortf"* (Tm** to to #o#» MNt OH* f* *#f#to*#ft #Hh# #te* »#»'>"# f -«##•*- *#» I fljnSraW'ff Hi%« n> * Tinas & Barton, . SOLE AGENTS t»* Mt<-4l'«raV «EHIt «t« ru, •», * o*d IMM| h Art tel- TAKEN TO L>NCHM M. IktHtaMual Vi«MM tlyneeea Marta 4 to Mto DM Hmw. n>» >.»,» Ms rt Mi, JtMM Ml * *■*" at*n A*4 MMnftiny rtgbt If AM home. N« VM Mrnmi etrart. «»r* take* iraMy M AM oM Mmm* Hi LtMftliiv Rot to* : Hmmmm It’ Wf SOS*' •*< A VInMM but fcrd two* • rwHut at Aagwnta tor •••Hi f.ft«m ra*f» For mmm* Ume to* fen* hra* nwtM M •Ith tM Am* grf uUfhnwr «***n»y M* •*# IS y caf• at age and loose* • • t|p **4 cm* child to tietffl lb* urns at a lot m ' h**e««ii mad felMr TELL VOLK MTT* Jk iMIIU 'til t«»|»l**ll*H» In Ws m««> fwH fW* 144**4, fto #**ri |fik« f*|y #*tati» in * <«iwwwl«w» with ft to 4 4tftP##tOM I *, a to alt h* f!v#r a*wf !**##(*. P«rt i R>m« Ti* »• •• «tirtM**ily on f)»* )m*k *»»*, Dipt AMti A Ip . Ihtt.i ill ptrfiH t tofttfh Prt»» sft *1« Hfsf I# it# N 44 l*f HHillpfi T A. f R, ri«w, An4NPV«*K»‘ft hini IMtir**, Al* s- s iMMNrr*# l*r«« ftt**r# Writ fSn«t Plwr- J Ur«f v, Tfw Kin* I*tt*rf*i»* > . Wl:i*i*nl- ' #t«, lAwiipoft 41 sMiTii-outTsm fir Wn*n* Smith Wtti Miss Owitt NoxcmMr «tb. The unrrlisr at Mlu Annie Gurata ol Denmark, A C. la Mr. Wwrai Smith, of thl* Cftf. I* announced for November 'I, at IMnmark. Mr Smith I* Connected With Murjihv A Co. Ml** Qurat' I* • farmer resident of Augu* U. and ha* many friend* trho extend to Mr. Smith hearty congnu illations |u gntlrlpailon of thl* happy treat. DOES THIS STRIKE VOL? Muddy complexions, N«u*e*tln~ breath taane from rhrnnlr constipation. Karl * Clover Moot Tea I* an ahaotute rare and haa been anld for fifty year* Tn an abeolut'- tu»r»iili'<i. Price 25 ta. nd M eta.. Kohl by—Rctatlera. T A. Buxton, Andemon's lona Store. Alex ander'* Drug Store, West End Phar macy, The Kin* Pharmacy; Whnleaal er*. Davenport A Phlnlay. T. H. Harrl*. J. H. Hark. J. M. Col*. A. H. Howell. C M. Rove and iaQrlnn. of New York, are at the Cotnmerrial DON’T SETTLE ON YOUR FALL HAT ON YOUR FALL UNDERWEAR . ON YOUR FALL NECKWEAR ON YOUR FALL FOOTWEAR UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN OUR’S NEWEST AND LEADING STYLES FOR MEN. GALLAHAN'S-TURPIN'S, . 818 BROADWAY. SPUN WANTS | . OUR MONET. lUp (|M A’tMH 119* til* (ft* : lilt H 9ft# v#ft t9N# PM# t##ft t’*# »fIM l Mt lir '"gJLm -.uriiimr—-ir- I IteMK ft S# MM* &)** * f frill - £ *■* weMMh IMNPftIHR<MW IfIMK 4WNNPPftP | * i i t il—ni rt I Tglftl t I Am* ft% - E fiftir~" flftMMI ftVWMM Vft* MPt* iiNNRHHIIiy vTMIm T ftMftlHft Cftpi fWMNMMNhWPE .mm •" ~Mr 1 lh*m* Weil ioAmomA •** .awe iwlMme MM hwa*r * «•" • haa imomm m ha >«a «f t%» *»'•** i M«» • WMI M •**»* «K* LtMleA ! mama MmM Mm the wwh M •*• l «sme tha MIMMM «d AM Oh mm ewe of the v%m*s*** ■•M** ll ' : *Kd*M* WIfSARpM HI "ft* 1 _ *rMl t (Ml IM# I*T- * s's # •'' i tflipM iMftgl * HNI MWI 19 VNMlftft MM #MM* * *rn*l*# *» k or t l the SpasMA*. at amm* *ias* at j iim i ,ia>iAi ran— artthAraw a* a My m If mao* An mher Ohoald reals*, es (nuns the a*t*e neaalt I The AMfte** msMAaOfcM*** *«May rerelred from WltMltM Ml •*• ' * raa I* ream awe to the aahmlaMa* of lhair mdirlAual vlewa r*o»»4l*a tha ft*ft|flftftftftP^PN# fMJrfiCMi iM tW «ft« fe*l4 to wiPftif ilm r»i»Mm Art JtaMry. Miaai* SrharHSeet A <'• ha«* )»* ' |p||t (hr ilMlohMm lulllft «*• IftHr H»H* »*l». aftorli «as (I«mt Rirlty. • *iMMHaaM4*. *o%*4lir#. Hr - ’ Hcitrlfftl. writ** t* VtM *»rtMr* v**r< iiH. nr v?v4 inß# *ft Iftt fftMl f* *rt |rww4rf rkrfti, nH |l«* »M»«. *« r * % tail u» (Mr |f«Tln (MUp## . \* ry HMrfKftlwf- WAVNESBfMtO NEWS. A Met If km* Itoa Nr* Co*- AklM. thperlal to The Hera d » Waytiaaboro. o*., Ort. II -A all i day a mlaahi*. eondttrted by Met. John I Porter, at St Mlrhael a rhurrh Hoard Saturday. Theaa aerelreu hate been weir atirnded and aot only have they 1 lwet> enjoyed, but hnve been a great , rosier! to the member* of thla rhurrh. Mr. Prrrter la an able, eurneat prearb |er and In hi# nermona ran alwaya be | found men! for the ••atrengthenlng anil rt freaking of the aoul." On Friday as- j tr rnoou a rbildrea'a aervlev w»* held ■ ul »h eh lb# aaeramebt of baplUm noa | .oltu in‘atered. Tha rhurrh waa beau tifully dtrornted on thla orraalon and together the aweet perfume of flower* and The Joyful volrea of the children a* they wing their beautiful 'lymna Were wafted to the Great W bite Throne. The pretty home of Mr. ami Mra. R. Allen Templeto* waa thrown open en Thursday afternoon to celebrate the. fourth Mrthday of their little daughter I .onlac Thla fair little inald. In a pink allk daintily trimmed In moan gieen telvet. wa» n veritable rosebud, aa she, with that rharm peculiar lo children, received her gueal*. and they with hrlghl and happy foren arreted her tnofcl gradoualy ae they prraente'l , m 10‘■'** Pft*s#wswf * tPMNMi ; RpR 901a* f%MNfiP 9ft»ot«i*i> | *-wr Hfta# ' wwt HiMi H-Mcftt ITi (jj — :J ~r 1T aft-*** | imp* IfIMW |oftw •«* $90% 11** *. i mmmml n-w ftsw-i.* Wmrtf Ml •» ft l m a I*l ifci ftw> ft f*j|ANk» * *«*« 0m t Haw Ift «•P ftt *fcP mm* 1 y r Tin m — member. •« «*e iHmshowa asA ■ *ww ggmOAa** *A A«ta*ta »ha*t»» a*4 UMM WglwanAt that •*•* la* at Ihta m ihiT - a* We t nltml IlMßftftia I #* ft* tftaft f sIftWIKP* l #wft wmmm I9VOiW« Yl*» |**»g * !*#§»•*♦ I m«m n Ikfr* ttift 40m IN* Pin* Ip ft #ftl#aftPtftNft ftPftftMMi ftftM ft#* ■*•*!' ti»mp*p Mra nhe'aya Kwh MrararA f We ram tSS AMh *l**e*ra n*4 See Ae*nrtwra akl reftH Wevwratmra I* all atnOra t* t*t«k ah* ha* n**tn Iwililwt • )*Ara Nr «M kunw*>a tiMg- **4 M * nnSeratuod. MM* | i<A» o*4 • *««• Jo4«* •*» M‘m Marie ttirfcla*. cut* nf Warora hnrna moat gttrwrttra ?*«••• woman, la .(..ting M**a Mrll* Watbra ol An ,g*Na Mr Stmra* Nett n *emntnent Maana «W thla t»*aw haa tot aimed ft wn Mama j ' whore ho atloaArit tM grand Mi. of a f K# Mia* M onto Cnrahor. of MHU Jge vI!V to visit ins her tdoler. Mr* C. A. Wray. i. L * To Cat* a CoM to One Da. Tak* Dllllw gnaw Quinine Tablet* All drnggtota refund tM money It It r.iu to rare. Me The |«MM h*a L |it Q. on *aeb tablet. DISARMAMENT MOVEMENT. Started la Boat** In S***ort a# Urn Cur * Boat on, Mao* . Ort. St.—A moremani 1 ha. oHftnaled in B«>al<«n to aronae n! I *trung Am*.lran nmonw In the pro I porel of the ('oar for the gradual die-. arnurao nt t*f the nation* It la felt that If on effort n«rr made to norh un puhtte aentlment. that If the tnam of the people realise the good thing* of life which could l<e bought i with the IMft.eou.aao the armteo of Bu j rape coat every year, there would lie lan Imperious popular demand for the iotoppage of the mllttary expense I An appeal written by Mr*. Bdwln P i Mead, formerly MIM l.uela True Amea. ! with Whom the Idea originated, h«« *1- , 1 ready hern sent to arm* of the wealthy : people of the Cnlled States. | Her belief I* that there are at lea.t .flfte perwma In thl* rmintry who eottld raally •[<«» RtiM.OM to help on the work. It I* only the root of luxurte*. ahe aajra. the peter of a waeht or other which are paid for pleasure. A copy of her appeal* will he pre sented to the Vanderbilts, to Mia* Hel en Gould, to Philip Armour of Ch‘ca»o. and to many others who might be dla pn*e | to have their namea attached to a treeat movement for International dla arm.iTionf. Th.. Kev. Dr. B.lward B. Hair la working to propogate the Caar'a Idea. It is proponed that a itiaoa meeting lie held to forward the promotion of tlm peace aentlment. and that Tllahop Pot ter of New York be linked to deliver an nd.lreaa. Mr*. Mead’* tetter contain* the fol lowing statement*; "My obhot !* to present a plan whereby some wealthy American ran co-opetute with the C'xar to make the result* of hi* Inltlatlv* effective and beneficent. " some wealthy man or tvomnn who desire* to achieve a result Which would far outshine In henetloenre even the emancipation of the slave* devote, say. t.IOO.IKHI at anew to this end. "hAt him or her announce to the Cxar. the Kaiser. Queen Victoria. President Fame and President McKinley that he or she offers a orlxe of IM.OOO to be glv.'n to the writer or writers among his or her countrymen who shall, un der soeelrted conditions, pcr«piit. ihe he*t j.lan for gradual disarmament and for a method of settling present and fu ture international difficulties without war.” DO YOU KNOW Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, und also that negleof Is suicidal. The worst cold nr rough can he rured with Shiloh's rough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on positive gusr sntee for over fifty years. Sold by—re tailer*. T. a Buxtou, Anderson'* Drug Store. Alexander's Drug Store. West End Pharmacy. The King Phar macy Wholesalers, Davenport & Phin «y\. H 9. W Tooth Brushes—Gardelle handle* the celehrhtcd R. S Vi*. Tooth Br ushes and guarantees to give a new one for every one that the hrlsUes come out. TSVY MJrftJkX*r>. THE HEAVENS IN NOVEMBER fit ttarl VW NM i NhYiH 09 HOMMO% 0 0 > lfoXi«toliio «f # 09mN0 fto llift twm# to a t gMs* Iks (ti ftr# *'? Lma < |HM 40 t#| Tta ilf K M* fvf rrtto# ff | ■ nni. <it mnC ftftftftft * mtkwm m r*mio44o4*rmr 1 * <m= fwft*ftftft ■** tft# fftift* I tKNMi #slpC|ng ftM# ftNMPftj fMMHftft# ■ fcontlmt HUMTIi. TlNNftft ftftWftfftftft 'ft ftftft" f Vlftlfft ftMlf ftft ttluftift l« ftft* pm ipl>tßi(|i ,| > 40 ftftfti, oftf •** o*4* * HftmiiHlflft Ifttft oft' W 9 ttm ti—iftpirnr —l «w W 4 mg ftftNifv 40 fttoftf twrtftg ••iMft*nft of the **l'*ra as atoMAiag Mart Th» | tnmmfc 000p0W00ft ftftft < 9W¥ *ftftft*Y •ftftft'^ . iplPfftl 40 dug UhftA 499 (HA %M shp4 mSMO 'TuaMRI tft# Iftftlgft’ift 40 <i*m 0 mi Ifitli f I ■ mil„ fttftftf. WlA#ft ftft—# 1 oftf Hft4* «• lift IWftß’ T—T j, note to w at htobsu a*a*4. an* thalr Morton tl* hoard by tha traltk.- (W* rt the air tnMfcnu them tala ' lumtaow. gartk lea. At the at* a** pram-bra tha artnirt gotolle*. rt* *to»*- ment 1* aMtthar* do ltnatioo de- , irraras materially a*4 wtw degree* far IM month to *ll that It ourraedo la »ecoaipl**hlag That oar da** *ra far shorter tha* tMv **ra lam month i I* • fort plainly evident to «« nit. and tha Inerraatng ehllltnara ttlto na that I we shall have mm# lime to wilt until Old But lake* up the merry gait that bring* him again up here to worm and brighten no. The moon haa tha phaae of law ' quarter cm the «th. on which day Uuir • 11» epn Janet lon with Mar* Thera ta 1 now rpoott on the t»th. «m quarter on tha «oh. and NH moon on th* 27th On the 2nd there to «-onJttO< - ) tlou with Neptune, which again 0.- rur* on lb* 2»ih. the planet being *l-! moot three degree* oouth of the moon. ! Oh the bib Mara and Luna are at their Hcwest during the early hoar* us the day On th* 12th the waning ( < rw*"'Ot nml Jupiter have a aoraewhat dlatant meeting, followed on tha 14th i by one between the moon and I’ninu*. ■ The cloaetl event rt thla hind for the' month take* place on the 14th. Boms, few hour, after meeting Pranu*. our satellite draw* wry near Mercury, and the following day passes #' » somewhat greater dlftaoco from Ba turn. x Venus and the growing crescent coroe very near each other on the l.Hh., showing that these four planet*, t'ra uus. Mercury. Saturn ami Venuo, are fairly well bunched together, and all i are In close proximity to the dividing line lietween the evening and morning stare. The heaven* at this time have not j very many of ttie planet* that we have l»een not’d to seeing *ll summer ami In th<; early autumn, pnr favorites ar« now oo close to the, sun that we can not see them In their accustomed pla rcq. and when next they appear It will lie as morning stars' under Jupiter i commanding presence until fair Venus once more asserts Mbisclf and forces him to retreat vanquished While the planet* may have left us. their legacy Is a host of beautiful stars that come smilingly, twinkling their brilliant lights In increasing numbers, above the eastern hortxon. We have now learned to rapidly distinguish the planet from the star, as the former's light seem* always so much the mure steady. All light from distant stnrs passes through masses of atmospheric turrents, fine, wavy streams In motion, now resembling a dense and violent snowstorm, now tnk'.ng the form of in terwoven lattice work or woven wire fence, and agein recalling In appear ance rippling water illuminated by the sun. The air waves constantly divert (he star waves from parallel lines, so that « star, Instead of appearing sharp, becomes a confused mass of points heaped together and constantly danc ing as ike wave, pats In front of tin gryai lenses tha" our largest telescopes have The Image o£ the .tar Is thus blurred like that pf a. stone seen in the bed of a running broqk. or like an in different eoniposite photograph some times made by havinst all the mem bers of a class tiikeri'am the same pho ftft#dftt | ftT I'ftKift'iTfti JMMftt ft## 4 ' tft# • ftrtM 90 t ft* «*ft#o* ft## 4sot : sftrft * tl* iHft. ft ui #MfcJfttoF*toft ftMtft Iftft t*• toft** to# »Hli I ft# ftftto,. ft ft—rrr fttMito *so tft# »fti ftft*#* , * ~ "mm am .A*. » *x»..n htm* fJ amftf fttftftft*«f *ft *iM* VMFftftttll** ■**»» W WW*»W oft*l'ft »|*' 4» ftf (tftftlij toft# ftVftf ftft fft* tail Wirt fklT lift Ilf 40 tft# ft— frtOWW ftp liftill-ftn iMftft A«mrn —4 Ift# nwnft *fft Ift mm* 'Ntorttoft ftft ift# IMIi ftfti sls9Trmrj ftftll yiftiftftt ftft tft# IKIi Tftftfft ftft* tiM tor a* 1 fuliuftfft ftft tft* IHft ftft •ftotorf —NHMMI ft#t—i tilim »n 4 Vftftftd. it** fmmr m iftftt tlftt ftovtui vitft I*— uitopftnitiTr r*ft(4itF (etirt Ift* *#« iftfta ft* *** wftftft tft# iftto fttots-rt# tort i«0 to#fttft Yfftot, ftitr *oo ft** paniTil fr?>m wr *l*t»i for Aft# j>rr»4Wß' •Bit «t ftft oft H—o I© Ukftf est ftMtft •It tft*t to mH fttoMit tor imtUm fto uttor fttoen# Wtoi tint •# wt* ft f lively fora Ihe new year will be her* and the Qweea wHI he »**°a« *he morning aura, wMn only ihe anrly j riser, can ora tor. MOW l» VOI’H WBFW Has she leaf My beauty? If M, stlpatl>m. India. »il /u get H*ada> •• 'at* th* principal rang*.. KaHfrtll'‘rw U.**t Tea hes cura.l these IU» f*»r half a century. Price It ct». and M cl*. Money refunded If raauH* are not ant ' lefactory. gold by— IteUl'er*. T. A. i Buxton, Anderaott'a Drug More. Alcr andvr'a Drug dtore. W.-st Knd Phar .inacy. TM Kin* Pharmacy. Wbotraal : era. Davenport * Pbtnlay. CHILDREN’* DAyT Under the Tents rt the tireat United Shows. I yg> have, by t**t*lativ* enactment, various holiday* *p«s>l*lly provided and , enforced for the leneAl of “the old folks," but our representative tolons. like Caesar, hay seemingly grown so great that the children are left unno ticed. t« creep under their huge leg* i in the vain search of some one annual occasion suited to their amusement re-, qulrement# end comprehension. Real ising the condition and heart-longings [of these million* of Ihu* sadly neglec ted embryo cltlteJis. stateemeti and So rosl* ornaments, the management of tin- great Adam Forepough and Sells Hrathara' »howa consolldatcil. which aie to exhibit at Augusta on November 7, have undertaken to supply the ach ing void by a "Children's Day" of their [ own devising and « genuine one. Just buttling over with the kind of Inspir ing hilarity und harmless fun which the little folks ran l>e«t appreciate and enjoy. To accomplish this, fairyland specialties, Mol her (loose pageant*, merry-maker* on two legs and four, pieity ponies, cute monkeys, amusing und unmxlng seal and sea lion musi cian*. singe'•< clowns ami mimics, are ‘introduced. Festive and frolicsome ele phants. wonderful dogs, merry-andrew donkeys, ludicrous pig*.' trained pig eons. dancing bears, acting goats, and many other quaint, queer und originally diverting and astonishing creature* ate added to make the grand arena of the great hippodrome and circus tent a stupendous playground, in the way of wholesome entertainment Young Am erica Is most liberally recognize by America'* greatest tented exhibition, and after a fashion which children of a larger growth will appreciate and en joy us well. "ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guarantee: “Alt we ask of you is to use two-thirds of the contents of this bottle faithfully, then if you run say you are not benefited return the bot tle to your Druggist and he may re fund the price paid." Price 25 cts., 50 ets. and *I.OO. Sold by—Retailers. T. A. Buxton. Anderson's Drug Store, Al exanders Drug fitorv. IVest End Phar macy, The King Pharmacy, Wholesal ers. Davenport A- Phlfttay. The many friends of Master Rodney Cohen will regret to hear of his ill ness. —'• " i I A QUESTION IS RAISEO Hi CJNftftl lilftottofti 0 mm Pm Hto to Ito ctoto Tto ftflt rifti w j tft# 9lf#l tHft# fttol rftt#ft#4 Ift 9ft# fttoft' | toil l#r ftft LftfftftT* I IftftK. Tft# fttll ftfft* I vtotot iftfti. tft# tojftHft'tftft fftftil ft# #ft* I tat* i*fee*! tottlftto? ft(M lltot tft# efttototfttlftft m 4f 00—H0Hft0ft •#•*» ftft’** | •Jeon rt (ha »l««m aproprto'ed ter thM deport®*a( .nbjnrt to the order of tha board rt dlrartora rt the *as*ri- | mrft: f Uitk*ft tft ft# ftfl#4 tft cftft4nc. * . Ift# Idfllitat## OAKTOntA. ERuHIHII M»N CONTEST. Petition Being C Ire Mated rt Hawkins vita* HaftfctfWvUl#, to-* Out. tl-—A (km tnr ia e tout ton net tft# i#«hM *»in*«* q4ite«ri**ft to#* to* ft 9M in Ift** onU«i» ry** offlr# *ii4 tft# #t*sri4oft ftiU to w* j tk*f *»! ftt |VfNMt»tor. fltonsj? «f o«r to*t poMetoft# •## ft j #lll *•» ibroUfh lift# • ftonh. whtiu *»##■ ; dftUbl it# iftuwtftA. oon># of oor tort «nd im#( wtounil*!! rltlacnft, #fti* ftlil 944# ft*r peoWW’-to. j •r# very norry iftfti ## ftr# to Hive qu ! #to**tk»n on the Th#»y #y that tft« town hft» ft'4 calteft over th* effect* of th# U*t or» lh** #hto* ky qu«*#tioft in 4 Ihftt the ftfth* of It \* mil reyuUt*Hl, and that they would much |»rif#r to ste It l#| ftloue Uua to have an election Ju*4 now. Place your order at once and avoid rush. Good* cheaper than ever. B. J Henry * Co., popular priced tailor*, 21< and 21* Campbell at reel. NEW CITY DIRECTORY. The rialonev Company Begins Work on Directory For lßqq. The Maloney Directory company, who published the best directory Au gusta has ever had. will get out a new city directory for 185*9. Mr. M. Kersb. the well known ex-tv-w*- paper man. will be business manager, while the information and rompiiatlon will t«e under the management of Mr. I). It. Adams, a competent office man of this city. jMesara. Kersh and Adams will start, a force of men to work at once, and bespeak for the company a liberal pat ronage from the business community. Place your order for fall suit with K. J. Henry & Co., popular priced tailors. Seriously 111. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doughty learn with great reject, that their bright litie daughter, Uw lu nette, Is seriously 111. She was reported somewhat better this morning, 'u- it Is feared that she may not recover. The little one is the ideut of the household, and sympathetic friends lir.-athe a sin cere pray-.V that she may bo spared. Montgomery .Monitor: Hen Mdik'n ought to move to Savanah. He got uv , votes there out of 2,000. If we had two I friends who would stand by us in the face of universal public opinion life that, w e should want to tx> always neat , them. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS* AMT* Tncer n«w management. A full Tina of Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, Draft** Elc. We make * speeikity of Physicians’ Prescriptions. - Beil Telephone PATTERSON & WADS OCTOftill 91 WANT Ift «HIUATiON WAIVTIO Hi tP WAMTIO r C flf H Al* ll f llf All*4 Hlftft 91 AT WI * rm # # *9l ft TO RENT •f poll HID9T*“A ItoCAIHAHUI ffY|e 1 1 4# ttHI e 'A#* l •## totll ?9# UnJ toteH## W«> A*mv to Cto##—# i M ISC ELLANEOUB ftHM HKt.l.9 999VTTV # f'A NHY(| IK tl Wilt ftt fMfftlkWteto gwarfttef K#otoft Mto T» *l»*r. TtoNßft#? •«n| m tor# «( fmATIl'KKi j m* A tor# ftfwl ft##i Mt, fttow mm #•- funniifti I rmm I# >#at Aptor Hr* A. J, AiH* cftrftto KMto a»t Vmlsi»h#»* i r —| #rm, 19## 19 U(9T HtCl* IHtfHI PKTTKIi ftOU< AniUtTn to Hft-IHj -»f *'*ftp#ft» l?v (#►* i ur n |o ifti H*yn »4f #nt to r**#rd* Tt.KMKN (ft# srt umm of tft# turn t | fr*mt wHft *# • tiftnit toNL Aft M«n, frtitMiy. A4* itrMM T. 9f#r#t*t. UH 91 urr r pohk7 mitton. m:au all puth and mixed OMMOg* all at brt- r. v, WALK ITH Wfldt iFUf AT S9T HiNYftd »(>•«#(. Tharitelay. Ortotor M. al tft:>9 oVkRk. #)«*#• ft! uhatutor tor' Dittm . athtoto, iMifa* itiftt(r#to. tor ..f tto tor ~U f- r , , )ft* sUd)' • Nov i special Notices: TftrCt (500,C00 7 Per Ct FOREION CA PITA 14 FT* WILL LOAN HALE A MILLION DOLLARB on realty In Augua;*. Ua. Terms 7 'per cent. For further Informaii-® see thtdr attorney at law. P. J. Sullivan. Es.. er Mr. V. Q. Durum. Notice. I DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THE RE MOVAL of my nfflcv to kid Broad street, over Macaulay A Co. W. H. GOODRICH. M. D. Special Notice. To the Voters us the Fourth Ward: AT TUB REQUEST OF MANY CIT ISIENH, I am a candidate for mem ber rt Council, and Solicit your sun |mrt at the appioachln* election. Tig. registry list eloOe* BATt T RDAY, N,- vemhep Ith, sp. m. Respectfully, J. A. A. W. CLARK. Webb Lodge, No. lAA, F. * A. Al. Augusta. Ha., Oct. SI, IWS A CALLED COM MONK'ATI* N .• of Webb's Lsalge. Nc. I*l. 1. Jf\- & A. Mo will be held In tjfl Blue R'K»n. Masnlc Hall, THU (Monday). NIGHT, a: 8 o'clock. M.Ti- Iwrs earneslly requested to atlerll. Business of great imistrianuc:. By Order. 1 E. S. M CREARY. W. M C. E. Coffin, Secretary. 1 PLEASED WITH THE SITE. Army Cfficers Are Satisfied Wth Americas. Americus, Os.. Oct. 31.—Genial Sanger arrived by special train fnm Culumbus on important business, na tive to the location of the mllltirv encampment. The site offerts! by . m erlcus gives tbe greatest satlsfaclon among the army officers who Insptdted it. and It is now believed that An|pr- Icus v. ill be assigned two brigades in stead of one. Citlxens will urge hat Americus be made division headqiar ters.