The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, October 31, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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MONDAY 4 THf lUCUJTI HEMLO r +rzz... Mt* * Gffffl; _ ** • «•»■•* •* *■■••■ iinitii** ** **• hihai i» iw«* Ift-rt-^ — ona» . N#« WW l »•** a**'**** ***• *•** «**» l iwmM> '■•• tr* UK Will MM> THU H*l*AlA* i« .fimrr — “ •*** ****** *•■* >■*• •*• **•••*• •*** : wm totto • I**"* *<•*■" __ tJ!*. *i »*• •*•«* n**~ *** #■«*• '•*— . ( wM . W (k» «%■>*«■>—"■ A> *** r* <*» ******* td Unit fto nay -»' W**** #* •»« ><rf fVM» *»**«■' MM*** r»f~ *•« • **U* tv tottoWNi **» *• **** "“tu %l»v i:iflMM!i«k !*#»***(•»»• (*•««•**< •• •*• Mhi.l itWM to S Z, to Tto n.rsto «to tokto *«» ar* —tluHJrt Ay •* **^*^ (ton to to Ito tto—l to P** J par ■ »to to w**to eAcn DAr rmm fijn 01TMU WpTs*f 3lSla3BaIS 51 StiOJI I|Tu 14 19 y|»T»7i® *<» 2i j* wsaswgnsg tiI.RAID SaiENIBS. Anyone presenting il The herald (Hike the Sou* cut r Coupon » hfch l« printed Wtow «M receive aneat Ill tie Souvenir Hut lon Iree. If you want one apply early. Mall order* will be filled when accompanied by stamps to pay postage. FREE DISTRIBUTION. SOUVENIR COUPONS 1 Thin Coup n. presented al The Herald Office, will he as ; changed for a neat and hand- HMM Herald Souvenir Hutton, j The dlatrihution 1* limited and will laat only a few daya WILCOIIK TO THE fOLDIFBS. Bright and early yesterday morning the advstrr guard of the troopera In the imict of Uncle Ham. who have been fortunate enough to Im ordered to Augusta to enjoy her aaluhrtoua an 1 enjoyable winter months, arrived over the Southern and at onee proceeded 1 1 tint apot which fer the next few month* at leaat la to be their home and which, when marching order* are again received, they will be loath to leave. Thu advent of the soldier* means much to Augusta. Money tor atihslHtetue. money for cominiatary stores will be apent and put Into circulation here; on and after payday Individual want* must be sup plied and those of uur merchant* who have prepared for this will doubtless reap the benefit. The beauties and material advan tages of Augusta and vicinity w;IU be disseminated broadcast In letters home and, all In all. much good should come from the efforts of the public spirited idtlxen* who recently went to Wash ington. Tbs Herald Crelcomis the soldier beys to Augusta. Will Augusta's Electric Eight cotn j'.~rrfollow the suit of the New York ■if njaaUw? In Gotham they are re -1,, dig rates, nnd the belief is that the t..t Is to be made deeper. In sotm prophets gas is now dearer than tne electric light but the Inventive genius of the world Is concentrated In the electrical field, and every improvement of machinery and method tends toward h dimtnntion In the cost of produc tion. v Ml (N#f» UMim It t —ttitt fmm «f fto %»toitto*to #%### t%* HH# Wi.iil **■*«■«#'•*•# ## •# m * %*m nf*H BN i>»n» iHnwi##* 1 HHhhmi HI Nip«N* HHNM#hh *#* Hl## •toaHMHI Hi tt* #*# HMHN N r H#» V 4 I |NNN§HP INN# UNI §##•#•• I ## 4NIMM tHHii# l ## #### H# fa# fM*# *#* tow* *m* «* **# ■#*>«#. hn# m *** f%mm fMPIHiI* IN# IMI #* *•“ ; ■§ -rwf. '*-* ■xp-t Mmm IftMi# •#• 4l###*####*## *** i *-#►* Mtowiitol H# WtoP !, to wo# = pr#«# ' : "?N* f• •to toto» »to* to* to*» •*• ••MWi #wKIHBWP f|c iMif# fMW^IM'PWPNi Ail It# IjhMl a(Mi tl i Ain iHHf (MS*** n i<rl*l > **** 1> * fct*P »*gtr« o : i4* r 9'VlMi * All Ito*’ ** *** fHPNMA •P* *’• Mm* I fplNPN*» ,! * Ml •AWP AMAKAPiPW • P*Wr w«ra MlfwAf ** AM At IMA IMI «AM pM iMMMk TMA |AI*AIA IMA* AMI A*AA AAAA* i MfAAMI MAAMnW tAHIA IlM* AARAAAAAA ""f p» w g | lit | f| l , ir . nft*fif «gs gjrAim H A irnilAiWriiA mtMWWI IA *M» taAfimA UajpfMwtoi mma Ma Maa wwi a # npMlinn M iMWIt *Ma *l* k : ImM »Hf As lAA rAVApIImAHi %'CAIAA tm* •IfAIAM' 1 I»|PAli f lr tA llfill ~%A 4 * till# A f**«4 AMimf AlAmV 1 HAM# ***** Immn« to tot totol ttot H ••** tor (to to*« tot»*«•(• of "to tototto rtot* DM attoM 'to t"**»**"«t itottor» • ie* ftotoWtoMt ttotr •'* Mtoton *tto attar a*a*toa tto ateatWt aa* an» totolaatlna t ta* tlapaaiaM •* to itlah (tart vtltr <*a n«M tarta to aipnna (to atora. wto Mr, Katwalt aat» arc Mtrataa aat toraato*rt««( (a rttlr It i taalato Ttia la aa4 a# rl*tl uapM to to a wtta *aa'» *a»*raaa"a< > aaJ aa I a** H tto «air •>■»<( tor , •ant (anmni la to rata (to <••« rraUf Urtat, etlrt I aai rraolrad to to.*’ Tto Wllailacto" Mtotoatar (ton aa 'Bdaaatlal rltiaaa aa aajrlas *1 (kink (to rapraaaa l (allraa of H V*t rant us tto la«*o paM oath! to rrHMtol. Thrr on«Kl MX to to daprKrt of ttotr (■rlrlkw* "f rMlmtllni (to adailalatra- Uua of (Mr alalia. I **ui ao cltl- , datrlrrt of auy of tia rtabt* or pri«tl«ea* to otlrb to u ratitlMl by raawm of bia IntalUtrac* and (Moral worth yat I am haartny In toror of It* mnlrol of affair* by Ibc Intrlll a.-ncr rhatartar aad proprrty laleraaU of any raOMBOBIt* ” Tta Halrlch New* and Courlrr. j •ntitmlna op *ba all nation In an adlto* | rial artlrlr. comludra aa follow*: Thr whit* mm of thr wpinrUili'ii aartiona. rr»'-ran<ln* tto law. havr aubmltlad to many indlpnlitaa. Thry j havr mad" It pnlant by (tolr patent ! andurancr that only n lawful and praiaablr rrm.dy wa* anugbt by them Thry bar* a right to a«k and do a.-k of thr whitr m»n of all partlt* ami j aacUon* tbai tli«ty nw to th* raacnr i and rrllrve (ham from a londltlon that ; la> for touUumm* instill and mcnat’c and now of bloody vlo- Icnrc," During the recent rampaign In Georgia, referring particularly to what might happen In th« Eleventh congrea alonnl dlrtrlrt. The Herald lias called attention to the primary eanse of all thia trouble fualon l* at the bottom of it. We cau hardly ituagiue a worae ca lamity overtaking a »tat« than that which now casts tta shadow over North Carolina. From every consid eration It Is deplorable. It Is evident Ignorant nehroea are being used by Iniquitous white men for their own di abolical purposes. They are incited with flash I'ffht oratory to believe that they should enjoy equal social and po litical relation with the whites. Such incitements stop the development and education of the negro and destroy his conception of his proper sphere; they embitter the white man, arousing him to a Just resentment toward* those who are menacing peace; ami they paralyse business, retard the mental, moral and material growth of every community affected. It Is a sad, a deplorable condition, and ono every well-wisher of good government, sta ble Institutions, of law, order, morality and security mast wish North Carolina rid of. THE COVKBItOB and expansion Judge Candler unostrntatlously as sumed the governorship of the state of Oeotgla ou Saturday und lu his tu augural address placed hlmselt on rec ord as an antl-ggpanslcmist. JU an im portant, almost a vital, question of na tional policy, w* cannot agree with th« governor in his views on this question. One of the arguments advanced, i from his stand point, will be the in- THB Jk UOUSTA riKRALD **«s•«#**# AAAMMkm 1 m AAA ##*#s *” *’**•#*# *# I *A* impMMA Aa ImMA *#►■*•» AAM ■inii i»iAi «BAP A#AAAH#AAfIAi- AAA AAA® A I . Am AA mAA##'*#* *#** ™ ™ AAaPmi «a AAa aaaaaaaa H 0 *a» •**# '• A m$ AANAAmH At «MMAAA MA» AffNrtflMA AAPAP #A lA# wAApMA H* A#*# “ «HAAMAA. AMAMNAi At mAAaAAAMMI ABA# A fMAI #AA A |AaAaMVAI MRaAPAA AA MA*> 1 4MMAmAA*AA AAnAMA AWAAA AaP pMAMA A i amaA" a#»a am aa aAnaam ahaa am® amMMPAa* «AAI lil'AAAffli AaMWAAM | | *j iH* ffMMalrii riit. <***'* AHAAIAtAAI AAAAAAAA T%a aaaaaaw# AAAA AaA* ah »A* Ah ii'Af A ANA lA# An*#*# AmmA HHMMMA AAAN IsMA #«b «MM# #1 #•* AAaaA A«s<e ffMM* (a* mtrn from Mba Me j. piMj AMI MA ANM# AA AM AAAAif'^ Imm AMk AA# *AAAAA§ MMA AAA PAAaNh AA AAAf* INAI AAI AHA. tftA§ M ah# #MM#A HMHM At Am#AAA' IfAA* iA »«A#M As «H nlr— toOMawaM *to Ms ft l*A |A# I aMM ****** Ai M-AAIfM *t ft* rviltwito' (Ms wwMMry «HM t*»* as -to ***** awl • mm* wtaw wf (to aaw leaffe wf (*b«M ta «we*al* to tal to _. , (ta *»wbe at (to fNHtasoMSB (a was ea> t ta* >ag ta w** it% ttw* ai pessaw'- to aw tasswa wtM vaal awwaat* «ff sww*‘t ■pay eagw* ssgs as sto islaats as (to ee» watt wf It* apwlb *i»«s us lairtri* *♦• awl MMtoairy to (t* ‘P *t *e nsai «f «tsto oaMPraa. Welewws to tta Cavalry. Tto fflagraw of It* * amp la Maa ffay's H"sM wa* of great sal***'* to away Aagaataas Hi brtagtag to (aa wtads ay* (ta mart lor ail ty of tto wUMra' guartrrs * Tto wesatoa* of Aagasta's am* golf clot are ewibnalwMle oeer (to trow parta Aboot flea baadiwd dollar* mtf to a« eipewded oo ita Hno Air llaka. aad ato a finished (bay will cowwar* with any la (to aootb POINTED rABAUBAPffff. Ufa'* eldeetna* coal u# WOT* tbeu (to real etrrw* Wise aicti never waete ibelr lime aa ••ertoa pi si 4tg fool*. Horton aeelat nature »hct» men try (o escape the debt tbernf, A woman may entry tto toatrty of | another, but abe never forgive* It. When a girl I* In love ah# domn’l tarry bis Inter* la her pocket. The man who pnys a* he goe* sel dom goes fast enough to overheal him aair. When marriage la a failure lit* man trie* to put It all In bis wife * name. It I* easier to take medicine than It j i* to make up your mind to take It. Raw recruits are probably so called beranae they are not accustomed to Are. It'* far more Important that a man ahould know when to be funny than when to know bow. When monev talkanneaeldom trouble* himself to investigate the truth of its remarks. We seldom hear of a laborer traveling the autcide route. After a man Rets a good fat office he begins to advise his friends to have nothing to do with polltlca. It’* unwise to boast of your genealo gy. Even if yon succeed In (racing It back to Adam and Eve yon haven’t any the best of others. Song. Dear, It Is not love. I know, i Only longing—let It go: Ijohging tinassunged will die, And its requiem be a sigh. Only—-are you sure yonr seorn Is r.o‘, love obscurely born? If you loved me—very much Dove might waken at your touch. l/ove la very hard to find— If you only dared lie kind. Longings you're mistrustful of Might so |uickly turn to love. Give your hand, then, and your lijs, Far B V»y the whole world allps. Longing’ Ah, when four Ups long, —Pall Mall Garetto. IF YOU WANT SUNDAY'S HERALD DROP A POSTAL— “BEST AND CHEAPEST’* THE uUSIK' I k ABOUT TOWN 9Aitt ANg AAA #ANNk *#A# M(A* f A# A Aawa AM# AA AA #•? to*»4 AHMIAi# tis AAAAHA A AAA AAIMAMA AAhMA AA# I a# AmA Ai Aammumiaa Ana* ai I'Nnh * j AM #AAiA* i##APNAAA# AI |A**M ANA# A UNfl# AM# AlAlißMN*# Np AA# f tAA f hAr*4p# «> Ai # f»Afc* A'Hi Vi AA* 1 lAAit A#HA | AHA A%AI9 IA AApAAM j MAA aAA ah# Ait a#*# # : iir |l ttHNMI hi AN# • AA* I fIHAA*# ? %m hanklMA MNi AN Ai# ANNA I Ah# | ' AwHA Ml AN #mmhN#A *M Ml AMk hIIiAA#* I 1 | A«# of-* 9 ha# AMAHAmAMN AT* AHA# : * an* ami *h va# #nnaa aha aaha j | f A#i HCMNMI AMNAMI I AAAAAI A|AA AN MAAt ANAIMPANMMPAI# [ tli Nan #aa A NAN At A%#* ?A#A l #HA A» Tanh N • i*NAt a##Aah# ha j IAN AAAANHvANC A t *N AAA t «#AA9# I hAI Np#a Tap# a# N» aAM AhN ha |H»NI AI HAM ApaN AN AhAA AAiAAN '* t r|r-tr A# hAh'AA AAI AM «A# " 5 •mmaAniM «As fr-ML ' a*u Am Nt* wrri nriA h n a f | *A#I HA Aw HAfA-N ** aAaM Ml #f lA#Ht# At lAN Mh*»#AAH #m» mm*i TA# hhamniii • NAt imm# evMrwdf tolgad ttosHf mmfawtf to tta raato ** • to to U-wrt «i - air* abto M taa wa* mart rttor ttvwagt.. baa. bar tta . wtw* that I t*4 geM ap my am tovt’a totnr* ton 'to watgtad tto , rtia *, rs art iffslfiff It* aaa tofnw ra* aad (ton pm M tact la tta 1 rack *T aiah I had tto amtoaHa toada I said, "aad by ttia I mean tbat ww toy* ttora ato") to a dawd la «t* sky aad rata will fall wlttoai any warn lag, yat same f»ttoaa attl hare ttotr . wmbreflaa to kaad aad to fully pre pared "I oatrbed the pauple < owing froas the tbeatr* Hatuntoy algbt after I bad dried out aud saw quite a somber nt umtir lias flow did t Hr t httow H was going to ralb? There atuat be aa U»- aflurt aotuebou Of course there are ■tea who carry tbelr umbrella* ilaws all the tine, but they don't emast What I want to know la Ike ssrert of the man who carries aa umbrella when there are wo sign* of rata sad always ha* a chance to tiae It." I waa talklag with a poll eathuslaat laat utaht at the <T«b. lie had Jaat ret anted from the Hilt lail'ii down with afteba—bed left hia raddle and Inasmuch aa It waa dun day I won’t give his name. Ha tells tne that Xanager Trnaaell has t* ett very liberal In his sulnurlp tloa M the funds to ft up the Hoa-Alr links and that they contemplate spend ing about s«>« right away oa them. When the Improvements are romplatad the links will etiual anything tn the South. My Intimacy with golf and gulf terms Is alight, rary slight. I've always thought that it waa slmpiy a r-*>d ex cuse for rich men and women to take exercise; whose doctors had told them that they should put In further physi cal work than rutting coupons and dancing quadrille#. I've looked upon golf ns a fad a somewhat willy and pointless passing away of heavy-hanging time. While reading the exchange* I see that all of the big papers now hava their golf writer*. lout week the loading paper* of New York. Boston. Chicago. Washington and other large cities devoted eotunme to the reports of the ihamponshlp games at Arilsley. The Associated Press sends out full accounts of all the big gol.* mutches now and golf seems to have come to slay. I understand that one of the hard ware shop* on Broad street intend* laying In a stock of golf paraphernalia In addition to their bicycles, flshiftg tackle, guns. etc. When the Bon-Air open* my friend says that a visit to the Hill links on a winter's afternoon will amply repay one. All day yesterday my Aged Friend was out at the new camp watching the soldiers. He Is like a woman tn his love for the military, but he comes honestt' by It, as, for four long years in the etxites, he wore a gray uniform. According to him. some of the cavalry boys evidently expect to lie using palm leaf fans here In the South all winter, and one of them uad a friend who was at Santlugo. They were talking to gether of their departure a few days ago for Augusta and the trooper said to his companion: ■ How hot was it In Cuba, anyway?” The tlito. gaunt face of the returned campaigner puckered up aa he an swered: •'Hot. sir. hot; why it was so hot that it popped the corns on the feet of the soldiers,” Men are not generally a* good as tvo ! men and no woman vtho Is worth hav- I iup would have a man as g'«vl as her- I self. * per Tramp or frtfcWT* Ah* A##A AN MAMIHPNHH I ANAhhn N tNh aN ♦* A#a# A 4hN*« AMMAN## AM AMMAN# m* A A# ' I t( '• * N«#MI i fNAA#* # « p AftAA*# AN j I Aah IM# 9MANI I imwM)' AA# MAHHIhA IfHHpA ## litMHtHA A## | ji.NHii i>. «aiw| #1 kb-'. »■«»'-**• AH#« 1 nrT<f ITf|t * t . r - mu- m —A ******* I «A fNwPHNA IHMHiHPi# At lAMMAH to. a t | • f *laiw a ft#* * M# A hhAANN###*# •# pHA'^H*### AN# IH# ah«#khpi **# #M# N* ■*■ #*### AA * [ AA* tiMhAbHWA TNMtAM# I * P wmur * Mm* ; M##*H |«Mpbl#M| **v H# lA# AA# p*H#H# * AA# A## mp#a #h* ’ t AAMMMP## , A# lA# A #«HMHH j 9mm «f tA. PHAMMH ##*• N »ppHrt# lA# H'«arA m | |A# p#HfH 111Mil# I—fin I# A# H«HV iA IN# | (MMffffNpl %#. A- PNi#aA> HfAHMf I#**# At I** 1 l lifHHti, ##r* tit# I Atn#«ftr«# tl««M A Hunt# N •»#•!#• TH# INhhNA AMAlHtpr HAT HA# M##A •retailed apna to fewiwrartty wltt toaw Ma rvatoaatto" Tto l*i'tor b *w*« wralee Rtoveßl ta ( "gtwfwaaifif (sis* I hy toe dwcWtote* , la tbs larrfas affair. The M(>a"Mt tell** l * to Pt*eto Kiev* J M | |U i luslnct us (to t'crtled Plates I p4'!k iv i# iiMt' * t* W* A# »#r#ltt« k Mftrl) Hnirh iH# Nitfli* j #Hlp ilhHl#** «hi tH»* voynv ffaA l*t f» | nampxi ta N»# Ami MM# rHirpallff «H»» H*# I*##h I# • • ram** far tH# l##t HtMvt N p*r«m iffii u ht# two r#### **f the ; iMitxob plagu* ImMlgbt to a Pteutt l«rk fruw Hung Kung. A two thousand acre cemetery In Australia Has Just tmrt< «| tto oae bun- j dred thuaaandih Individual. Ruhert Bonner's dims have a full page advertlaement In |ta 1 urttay s New r.,rfc Herald giving a pruepectu# of tto new monthly paper. A two hundred iwund wild hu.dt airurk up a friendship f‘*c an Alderney i heifer In northern New Turk alatv and refused to be driven away. Mrs. Waring ha* g.«d cause to sor rowfully remember Yellow Jack, with j her husband, fsther. mother, three sis ters snd a brother all vtrliros. It la the Intention of the administra tion to urge the construction of the Nicaraguan ranat. acnrdlng to the com easion of the Maratlroe Canal com pany. C* The Pul! "In* at Havana. John Ludlow In IhK-k. No more shall reek in Cuba's tale The hull-ring's barbarous court. For we shall smash the hideous pile And crush the hideous sport; And there shall we a diamond lay And bleachers build wlthn!, And Cuba * nimble nine will play The noble game of ball. The dying bull shall bleed no more To alake their odious thirst. Uut death their bosoms will deplore When Duffy die* at first; And grief funereal will incline And bow their doleful heads When old Havana's baseball nine Are buried by the Reds. No more shall slaughter's gory hand Unslulce the crimson flood. Save wrhen righteous cranks demand A treacherous umpire's blood: Nor shall their wild resentment cry, Their fierce displeasure howl. Save when Maloney muffs a fly Or Mullins muffs a foul. The sanguinary mob no more The plaudit's din shall raise. But Coogan’a run that ties the score The terraced cranks will praise: And Murphy’s throw and Ib i'.y's bunt. And Dooley's triple whack. And McNamara's sliding stunt Will make the welkin crack. No more shall carnage rapture yield. Nor butchery enthrall, When on the reconstructed field The umpire cries "Plav hall!’’ But hearts will thrill and radiant eyes Will glow like festal lamps. W’hen o'er the hill* the pennant flics And Cuba's nine are champs. Spain joins the damocratlo party in its campaign again Ft expansion. THIS IS IT ! rr- - .*w * j ***** ifftos* M FOR EARLY PALL STIFFS ADO ALPINES. ALL SHADE* $3.00 Just Arrived. DORR’S Tailoring, Hats, furnishing* • ) Pc’ kh f 1 Tom Hearth*. I % Owr Utaatowi utsaa llaaff % I / a*sa*a baton tbwtol Wswftto # i / totowaart Miatota tot totos. 1 / Don't Cough f og Iswl '<** a*<4 Tw ewasa f\ \ > owgb* sad t'wrt*. Ak Mu \ / Hot Waler Bags < 9 a *4 I «*s yAy ring* **f ***U \ C atoaDiid. Frtoss ac ftgbt. X \ Our HousrhoM j C Ammonia, / r #vmcH»# «#f* t#*ib# NM »»# r l Mi the c*tf l#c Ml#. 1 ( Hot Chocolate ) / Wiih Whipped Cream, j C la (to talk of (to (own, a* S I sarvMl by us. I( >•*'( to atads f \ tMttof. 1 S To Our Patrons. ) X Tto head l>sp*iUaeLt bating S / tosn r*«nnv«l fc m »ur store, f 9 hereafter my whole tlma sod it- J S tent lon will t- ibe Pro- C a w-n|.ti..ii and Drug t.usisew. f A Sea* but Iks choices* aa* I J purest rh»rm*ientt«*i* / 1 at leal* sir ii.*rt*r«l tors; non* % / hot ilu*i s- of Dm***) > C nah» (t|rti(iin wa trail out. Pat- # f run* can How dep* n<t on nav |*r- j \ tonal ssnrtro. K. C, IH*s»v. t / AlPiander Drm Company / ? -X* BROAD ffT. € F-A.a?Ro3srxzE “The Barber Shop of the South." HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street \ MAN WITH A LARGE HEART Who will give you big values for your money. Best Unlaundered Shirts at Me 50c Suspenders at 25c All Wool Undershirts or Drawers ..Me Good Umbrellas at *sc Woolen and other Socks from 10c to 25c Suits, Trousers and Overcoats at rea sonable prices. F. G. MKUTINS, Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, opposite Planters Hotel. Monev to Loan REAL ESTATE. APPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. »■! IIS ■**.■* I *■' *■—* ■*'““■"* ****' Now ift the time when the Phristian householder wishhe had Oapt. Boh Kvans around to help him put up the OCTOBER B! CUBAN YOUk BRAM I kOH i#H#i t#t t U *NI J' flHfi f #IIh ft># itoBUPB i #ft<l AU #»*##■«s•* I | # #J I Nu#h## | Hftrt* | piifN IN#N%: L A. Cardetif. Oruggisi TOOTH titfUbHi.S, I fkglto# tin# cffUctyf AlffMl »t %, W CngiiaH IWt» IfUhN - #*?# (grit* fhsk* (<w»d s*vwfy -■ ot%* | (h*l tlvs* (a* *at*to« (hih L A. Circeiic. Oiuggtsi. I h*»D t*m f<***a«t an# inQjt #B||##TH4TfHP {)»»»#« #Bf| » M fT#HI I H#|| CNlfl m## f liA”* #i |#|f BtT|f Isl (hv world, and toy (sftcffrt ar* incHfvrvitD, LI. Garde 1 !*, Druggist. 7!;e AE£OLi2 Herald urp'. BrltilHt ul Hr m liniipf PiiluW a H%tf Crr tit I.U Ctb it# * m.rnß \ rn stw^ THE KKW4 OF THE BUkLD IBILK IT li NEW# ; is to it uorft* AUEan or OTHER OEOKaU AND *orm cjktouKa raresA ILm veiii am it a rrwv'BPt Tftff trial i 'll uini.Nu imr j osaom^^^^P am PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 209 7lk Si.. Assists. Gs. GI W IS fttl rrt TESTS (nt all defects os tight, font* tv. snvw stsii.s. MMt * Alb lUXTv lHem l/tun cut imo your hr*** yo* suv FRFE OF CKAftuE _o|4l>t 14 %Ot’ H—— COAL and WOOD FROM THU North Aujro*U Ccsl & Supply Co i*i4 Qvaittf Onarintwd. F. W SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT licit 'Futma Clot btrvwgw AA Eastman’s KODAKS, * We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Biclarils & Slaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COliMlf-eiON 11KBCHANTS. 803 PevDolfls < lm»le Leased Wires Ellect to New Ytffit Chicago SDd New Orleans. Order* executed over our wire* tot Cotton. Stocks, Bonds. Grain and Pro. visions tor cash or cm margins. Local securities bough: sr.d sold Reterencee —National Exchange Bank ol Augusta, or UMuaitUl# Agenclea.