The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 01, 1898, Image 7

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ft—« ta t ta ■ jft ft*# j P 010 • gjgft <g»--- ■«*#* • <P*fc fp:H I *'*ps ft4| tfc'ftdfei l till •*■■-■* 1 # _ I'Hl in 'HM*' fefefei *fe*** iflP ft#* %m& \ pm Hfc*.-. i (MM## * ! feilfe •! ffe# ifepl 4#ft flWfei** *• •PP** “j H 9 PpMP - t#<§ * «**» **** »iN«p ** **«** j Hmr* I VP" || (tom «i* l <**,? t Hip l ## PP , P* p» | PH m PP Hi «* PHmpi piiipiNl hHPP hup 'pMHUiNHj (pi 4feNK§ IP (MfeNfe 4Mfc Ml •*# #P ; DROPPED DHAD. |pi wife* * (MMI ■ * *4|#* * **•* - jftft w i ’fit Jpft'f® Ip ## “*■• * **'’■■ ■ - m» ,-. «s tfipi «%# tfe# c■' * *<* '• «||» pi§§» «*f 4 >** ** VNißMft. Pi * *‘'ftft tut fft Nr IpplHMl t**. ***4 lfe‘* HI '* **9**** ** 4 * us flVftftMt ■*»* ftftll(*4 H|» I®^ Hat •*-•• Hl* •*'*#* «M #»■** tot **» §*tff ft ** r ' «* ft *l*4****' * «• 1 "* *** **■* VNUP '”t • fft| m ‘‘'f *?t aHn%j,*fj • ~- iman • iniilii, i f»«i| ***** HHnrH *A II r«i I ifir.wH <)I4I n *4 fH# rif«p.pfi at Btmy %m mm*i UH# fftftt «*f Ifet ONHttL N* r**i*i4 hPmNI l» Ulllfc m *%nta *»f »*msi fo«K •• ta . tod »* ”1 «« «*•» •M fPUh-io. tsli pftifcfeMi *’*ft •*w*wf**4. Xolvp cento !••» t»lft rpaiatlm • ««jr tj" **» Him, Wry n«*iD4 §C*«tlft4 It ft» • «Pr 4 «lfl wtlH *» **• pM»nft\ lit »*a l». Oeddni *•* that W»?t«H wmft «t«dr* ln« Mm. and m ha *rt Hi fn«t r*f Him <** fIP wMlt *»ni **« *• * l;> » Hull imn* ftaftltff t hAt 111 ! ' »*!<#* Mil eft** h# VM) wel imi km • mi'Mi '1 |m«m l ift • •*©««<!»»•*, P ftW, •!** niM*> iftd ftltli « m*r*. 4?ft,-;trft iftld ftaatilw •Wfll.'' rtl*l »n»rltjr. MM hr »»• •* M«r» i nipr.u •<» •«■ •« • Ji. fwm <if iH* iitbrr n*»«. “nfttt ta V fc*jrta« bU thr «»1 » rljt*r ferrt . ilmly *UU« .; a iii»irh. r Qml Im »at> hf-d him for • rrionrt mini lh«B crl*d: aVI h« in’t I .*• *lf I < 1 Irt' J fthrr it in d i Ih* lalk■> : I d'diUl t« wi.rth iwli* MM mtn-h •» I am *»°* nltaflon lilrw obi »h*> mat< h and atnll thrmtf h Ih* amok*. Hoar murh do you atand I" m»h«- In Ihla drat to Urrtmltrr wheat?" he aak *4 “Thro* million dollare," reoll»fl <loo- C n. Him volr a erarkt d m the Aral aylla t!e > f ih« !n»t * ord. ••Hotv nu»y III* have ytm lold to B.aVe ItT' ' Threw million more.'' erlefl Oodden ■ Jt'* worth 11," rt-yljr remark-d IJit •rUK. “J Wleh I e«>uld t«**l tlwm at that' The two m«tt »dt In alienee fv' a few tr rr enta and rUf itlisd I’ttt h other erlt-, lea Hy. Kinally Oodikn, the elder and th? richer, atwjke. j l “If you Jive to It t ap pM aa I am,' lie aaid. "you will he «a rleh «n 1 am, and you will la <|UiU- aa Id* u auttun-i dr el. * Stayton'a faee fluahed With pleasure. Thank*.’’ he raid. “I hno« ati." i "It'a v.'orth It," aald OOddert, ‘‘worth jperry eutaa you «“t, ev. j ry Inault you y Tr re la nothing like money in tbt* world It la food and diink, raiment «nd Iniereat." “But you ill have to die and leave It.* ”Yes, hut my reputation, that will Jive fro ever." ■Naturally, they wouldn’t let it In ; trv them at the nthn rla “You are curious.” "Naturally, hut how about your son? U . will get your money til n you die.”, -IjCI him.” o* IslMied Oodd'll, '‘Ho Von’t keep it. You will divide It among you. ff I thought that he would keep It and add to It I would be happy. I would hate the world to any that John (louden was smarter thatl his father. It would make me feel like gta’ binK him in tho n -ok.” "How many have you killed?'’ "According, to law. none: aeoormn* to r,od T know not. nor do 1 care, and; they tried to kill me, l put my money; ng iinst theirs: if they had killed me t J should have gone to my death without complaint.” This frhrc.iwt of tonv isatlona waa, Jntu rupitjl by’ the aiirt’oa’h of th"| £ittt4l)< tot. j L HEROISM! ir jrr£i:Tt f%- ftrft flftftft «• ftp* pNPRw Si mtaatb | Ml Mks fftwift ft# (M I mm »• lv n M tat* e«*«i i aatoif <***»k tar forty i. an ft ydwak* aa* 4k* am ai aatoetk —4 taUta p**fl» fk 4U 'Hf iiMjti Ini Hi Hi Pam ■ . i% i ijwjir in ■= - » 4 fti HHe ftftlcH f t*# toSftHWft*’* HI (H# tMft* | They tftft l iHMif lift I ft»4 ft* Hftftft *cft» THft «k*ri*4 »M lie It fti* «if. *r RMPftr *Hft fttftti***, 'Th*r* mam a fti* 9 IH* ftSftliftft mamna *9* *t* im-m x*m 1 vmH Oam Cb* ft|fts»*«o ftftcftt ftiiH ft tel•inti- CI, :.*sy||»4 ■»!*•«• • I ft Kfttatcr If ftllf ftf# Ibrfft " 1 * | «, fti|*f if ft 111 ft**b mM »»itoaa. tat ta ta* 'i |4> trm if* flit i>«Cic4. ftCMf Ih#*l I tlftftl p nt u n I#kftf4 «Ail biM | ft .{ttpii I Tl'C 4# ai t« fti) i «gtst„** t«*.«44*o r*ftl ft a., . ~} «l itHftUs * iltkrl toftklim ft* j v ,i ,jj, n m tdftl mar r«ru* tr m tr.* cfx«d Oa4*l«ft i«fn*4 d*«tWr »*.! . *u«ht «c » ftiftif for ' Tti ran rh«*#rt f IlHity l .rUt 4 ntftf*. -U »*. f«T lb* TV fc' Ih- air eraetad *ll* the F j ||| irft m .1 <}*t‘)4l. *t tufCflUlft ll** • I j«tr tiiitll tt • rtd fttfftlft 4. | * rttftrtoft Ha* »l « ftbftt It I meant Hr hui.-P dl» •*!*• d Ike twu ii trgoiine to. m h man had wrtlton and handed fat flf ik'W t* the agent. 'Send that, be cried t» the tawild irred na. "had get a J-»'lor pul. k " The elation agent went durrledly I„(f an ,| Mtayt«n got down <m bla knee* and felt fur Uudd'-n a heart, tt was ! still, | "I thought an,” lw aald. The do« t >r came l# a great harry. It 'in not every day that he had a mil* : |i„natre for a patient. He examined Itdm In and over and then looked up. I) . Is dead," he aald “It was bla heart. Had he any shock?’’ "Y the crowd cheered him. It | wan the Hist anil only tltna In hla life | that aucb a thing eVen bappva*d to | him," said Ptaytnn. k ; *'l understand." replied ft * doctor. ■•j don't think you do. altogether." said (Haylon, “hut watt here while I lead i tele~tam to New York." IBayton went to the telegraph oftlce. and in hla own private cipher, wrote out a inegstigt- addressed to hla brother "Buy all of Goddcn'a wheat at 74 j cents and hold It. Corner.’ Theft with a chuckle he wi nt back i to hla dead friend. "He would have done It.” Klayton multcred to himself. Yor he had sent off to the do*d mail'.* son the wrong telegram and the firm of Hmyion s Tiro: cleated Ooddeti a 18.80P.00# in the wheat corner that aflernoou. By Warren McVeigh. Three Doctor.* In Consultation. From Benjamin Kranklln. “B hen y u are sick, what you Ilka beat la to he ehoaen lor a medicine In Uie fliat place: what experience tells you la best, to be chosen to the sec ond place; what reason (I. e.’ Theory) soya la beat to be ih'/wn In the laat place. But if you can git Pi Inclina tion. Pr. Experience and Pi Iteaaon to hrrtd a consultation together, they will give you the beat advice that tan be lakcm." / When you have a bad cold Pr. In clination would recommend Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy liecauat It la pleasant and aafe to take. Dr. Ex perience would recommend It because It never falls to »‘ffc« t a speedy and permanent cure. Pr. Reason would re commend it because it la prepared on scientific principle*, end acta on na ture’s plan In relieving the lungs, open ing the accretions and restoring the system to a natural and healthy con dition. For -ale by Alexander Drug and ft.-od Comp.-my, C. R. Parr of Bell Tpw er Drug Company. jftis Susie Nufcti. of t'nlon Is visiting her cousin. .Miss Mamie Nunn, at 434 Reynolds street. the attotjbta her ald ftuttMta* <*#■ it I* ft ft 4ft Hantaan* «M •«* hast* »•*■#** HMNft f (Hafl4 vft >«, ftMMtal f ft* ftftVUNkf *■ • ft ■ mi fthfiv ttawwa a* ft#* kitaiga ***•»• ft**** a—* *HH*# * PH** I*i twam* * * ma*t • j 9 «w m ftffifi# uniHiH till 9* • «.«■** « < ftifPHMt •* **■ 4MI W#4f m , * fttftHH** Hi (MWftaHii A 4*Y , Nftft wma am jikfttftft r* ftifttv « Tm* *#h pm mmm ma* t <l*4 Hi iftHhftMr., «ftR» ft«N§» ft# 4t*ft i fk» ftif.fa * #l#fftMfll#ftMfti tiW HHPHMPi |wyid'Aft |jpft*f HCftMftMHVH H T-ta ftH**® * * j j tm f tftpft ,;«ftftft *sf |Hft HftHHft fen • tMfet. Hf* ft ft* If iftH <ft l*ft# ttNft h b-* **•! |a» •m' ■! Iv« tv* « r : 9ft %* Hftftl|lftft*4 ft |t*ft ft #«*’«* a#**- f fti t4n ill* • -■*•”.(ftfttflMiikf ***r «H Hf» lufth. ftltis* ft f*#lf»lfta4 H*# Il«*t9ftft4 .rnta Itoerjjtawf w«h tae lliMftgli I 111 i A tk**r lAk. It ffiuwlf l *ta Mke It tot ita'f I* | . ally «m» HP k a tout H Anyhrady eta I try H who ta« Lava* Ha*k nvl Weak j h.. I neve M»t***n «* Iteev-aaa imnlden ; w# mean ta mn cnee himself rich * . ana* by tahtna Kleiik Hsim* Thle uvdlrlar taaea ui< the nh«4e evelem, arte as a etlasuhHil l<> tdver sad K»4 j : twye. I# s M' sel pul tile r and n*-We let l It i ares I*. »sl I pet toe,. Headache, , Faimwig gfw lie. gieeyl*aes< as iad Met• saddy. It Is purely veaetable, a avU4 IlMlll* »*4 rest Ares the svstettl It lis nautral *lg*»r. Try Kleilm Millers •ad be mnvln. ej lhai they ate s win- I eh* worker. Bvary Mile gustaateed. j imy is r. a bouts at He* aid A Wit let's diug stare. fICPHZIHAh NOTLS. •Hi taa? in The Herald l Hephlihab Op.. 0> ; SI. Mias An nie Willie Hughes returned Friday! from > delightful visit atuoag friende | In Saipniub. I’rol. Henry N Turner will opr« rrhool at XuUevlrwr Academy tomor row. Miss Hars Farmer went to her school at Ams today. She will ta an aaslap ant to Prof. Uigur. ' Prof. Jacfcron went to Wrrti’s Batnr day. He »»• booked for a lecture there yesterday belora the Sunday school. Rev. J. W. R Jenkins lirgsn a sr rira of meetings In* the Baptist church yattrrday. which will continue during the ensuing week. Services morning and evening. Dukey Dove accidentally shot U-wl* Hardwick In the neck with a load of No. 4 abot Saturday evenlny. The wound it very painful. Dr. Mllle. dressed the wound. ■ Thera were »he usual Snmlay school services In the churches yesterday. Misa Annie Fryer, a young lady of fine attainments and possessed of many charms of manner and person, who has been visiting friend* In Jef ferson county, returned home last entng. Ruckle n’a Arnica Salve. THE BEAT HADVB in the world for Cut*. Bruises, Sores, Ulcere. Halt lUiiiim, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hand*. Chilblains, oorne, and all Hkln Eruptions and positively cures Piles, or no psy required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ur mono-/ re funded. Price 2S cents per box. FOB SALE BY HOWARD A WILLET. Cordele’s Municipal Body. Cordeie, Oa., Oct. 31. There we* a rousing meeting at the opera house Saturday night. Short speech** were made by Howell, R «e. Hyke, J. C 4. Jonea and other*, pledging their sup port to the ticket headed by William Bcandrett. It is expected that there will be a “hot time In the old town” when the election comes off. Dlvldendjon Brunswick Bank Washington, Oct. 31.—The comptrol ler of the currency ha* declared a div idend of 8 per cent In favor of (.ho creditors of the Oglethorpe National Bank, at Brunswick. It Is wisdom in Kansns to stand in w : tb the sheriff. He destroys the beer when Joints are raided. If you stand In, you may be assigned a case or n keg to take out mid destroy nnd ro; nirtt the empties. Kansas City .Star. _ ■ *"■"ft '' CASVOSU f tVw*-w t I*«g» ■>*» , Sent 4 ( j I •• ws *iwlf>iv< * -'WL* v wivtaf ■ &M4Wto>U« m* ?Itatak I p fttT ft ABM t»f»* I mt i id ' a TV<4.-, I Rvvt« 4. f»* f-N»Hpw I tumm, IMMM ftoutw A iM#fMs* ' \, fgwv 4 1 I MT«. «4Low* or HUIT I taftauAt s<p«ta* 4 f 43LM#t*jU»- ta*st *»wf *' wwstaAß s ijust Arrived Beautiful line of China Matting, solid Mahogany Bedroom Suits. Lovely line of Walnut Suits, finest line of Extension Tables in the city from $3.50 TO SSO OAK SHITS IN GREAT VARIETY. FLEIK MILES 004 Broad Street. WILSON'S IMPROVED AIR TIGHT HEATERS j— t M >*- 5 ' | .ft Conxiimc* Ivx* I ban o< -half tbfi f*mt othvr Blow* require to heut your room; ihTi'tic mors lAtaomloai. 1 will luffl nr' tb.lrlv-nlx Ita'M an.l with Hi-ulii nwrr gnjit. Will burn Hl):.v‘n*H. Burk. TliMita, Corn Cohg ir C nd W<K»i; and klvo nm • boat In I'’** Ilm* and r»txln t it kitiv»" limn any Slovo over inadv. For Sale By Tteiiuta Mantel & Supply Cs. General Bulldei* Snppliis, 4 831 Broad Bt., Augtiel*. Oa. D ,tL OCAL CATARRH A Climatic ; Affection Nothing hut a local I remedy or chance I ol climate will sure I it. I Get a well known I Specific, ! Ely’s Cream BaUjiJ JU. "SSSf t- COLD"! HEAD ;l*f at ones. Open- aim cn'iniera ih. Naeu l'a**agea. Allay* li ii.ituinaiicni. Reals and i’rotect* the MrmUrane. RratoWs tli« .“eiilci of Taste and Buie*. No Cocaine. No Mer curv. No Injtirloua drug. Full cUaWk 1 ; Trial size' 10c at Hruggiß* or by mail. K I.Y PIIOTHEEB. 3B Warren Hi,, Nek York mill I * (i im ' t .— The Kiad Yea Have Always Bought Bears the A. L. Jr\’ The IfliX You Have Always Sought. ICASTOfiIA frrnrTTTTnrTn O WHOLESALE **! U PAIN I WARUJOUSE • b® One-hall car <* o Ailsntk Lead o. O Ttai* <ta ta ta total Lata m | o Ml Ataffta. OI ° One-Half car ° Alianbc L».nr«d Oil ** a o 4 mM! • ftftHftHt. fivtlv* %Oam ■o .tatab.taSOta. •, (l One car „ 1 Dry Mineral Paint 0 1 \q O til b* ■* **•*•» ¥ fftctft, O Ac. 11,*»4 •# 4*n. o ockrts coim rrr ail ii Oil ° o Q Pratt ft Ijmhert’j a HaiJ Oil auJ Varnbhes ° Pure Ready ® ° Mixed Paints n ° Tbe very hta «a»d.. I O Pl ASTICO. “i O iUr bMt Wall Fill tab. ° |4fl( yoa ar* In doubt I 0 aboi.r » painter »e tan at- 01 way. find vo« a yowl me, 0 ® ana a lewauuafile tat to prta o THE HOWARD i „ C WILLET DRUG COMPANY. 0 ° CjUUULJUU SJLSJLs Gas Light Company, AUGUSTA, GA. CHEAPEST FUEL EVER OFFERED IN AUGUSTA. Havingr accumulated a large stock of Coke we will sell and deliver same in the city for 30 days during the month of No vember at the following exceedingly low prices: 25 Bushels for $1.50, equivalent to $3 per ton, or 6 cents per bushel. 100 bushels for $5.00, equivalent to $2.50 per ton, or 5 cents per bushel. 500 bushels for $20.00, equivalent to $2 per ton, or 4 cents per bushel. We will deliver In Sum merville at 50 cents extra per cart ioed, or will make correspondingly low rates with parties who will do iheir own hauling. Break up your Coke be fore using. First come first served. H. B. ADAM, Secretary SUNDAY’S HERALD “A PAPER FOR NEWSPAPER READERS.” JHE |jERALO JTANOAM yyAR jJTLAS It )• popular IftCAuft H U »u*t whit Jfe| gr ofti newetwip«r-*wAdin| i*ubl‘c winlt, THB Map* 4r# 'ftrf• ftftfl clftAr, 4ntlju**y dowtMft thft nt/gs of 4ny omrrf puNlMwd. Thty 4fft biAuU* fully prinlod In flvo colon on Huivy m*p iw»i>® r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR 6EOGRAPHY you will find thft Att#o an »iwHfj>4rtftftb , ft oid. II will h*lp you to ob*ftrv«? Ih# d Uiy < hangftft In Ih# fti<UAt.on, and on#bio you to k op p#c# with hifttory. You Need An ATLAS! N -Oct the laitcAl and liolj* % Contents of The Herald Standard War Alias; Cub* m mm • • Y4*CM inch#* Th* World - 2l*2«ifKho* Wet! IndlAt ... l4«Zi inch#* North America - - 21 *2ft xtcnft* »Asw mg iskk litas. South America - - - 14x21 incho* MMwrtWg *»ta* Hta*. Philippine Islands - - II«I 4 inch** Hawaiian Island* - • 11*14 inch** Europa • ■ ** 2lit2ft inch#* Spain and Portugal! - - I4«2I inthaa Asia - - - - 14*21 incha* JMsvwlag sew Tnwwltata MtasA Africa - 14*21 Inchaa Oceania and Caroline Islands 21*28 inch** China - 14*21 incha* Harbor Chart*, showing Matanzas. Santiago de Cuba. Havana. Cienfuago*. Manila and San Juan: also Cardanas and Sant* Clara Bays, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market. It is just out. and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, and twieft the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are getting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. - - HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may, order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atlas Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents t A y*ANKCIV£.S I/ \ / \ famous / \ / \ 9 Cußhioly ( \Y \ Shot> / \'Possible \ I / \ only 4o a \ \ hard HitterX V V Centre Bel\ l \ Very fine \ L. \ Right TwillN. A NEW BOOK OW BILLIARDS BY JOHN M. THATCHER (•n»lilnn I' .r.'in Clmnphin of Olilo'M «. kit..x-r of SI. Loul. Uuiullc.p'BT, to,, lowr-it I '.rmUTirct oo ncord, .ml tin- only I'l.y ho (tt-cf b-at *di»i:(r„ > "i Iw» 1* toe illlllO tOU; UHlll-JNt. OFINT EIU ST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PAiiriAt. con rr NTft. ICO Of »*Ms cr i-OWftMION ftMOTS. SCHAI n > ' RAIL NUISE. EVER'.' MVt -1/ . ME GAME. ALL t- j:ib • • h ' ON3. PRINCH OOftftf'H OAME. STORY i ' -Hb •PFIOM ?HP GAMES AND r. NTSftTft, LIST OR (ibiAttWOUb O 1 AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT FiL YDS, ETC. The .uthor vlv - iiamt valimblo .ii.Ke.tion. to H..vlr"< whlrli .ervi- I" I’FiidPfclrftr tfie mctiUjU* employDd l>> tbe world's eipertn. It will show you HOW TO PLAY Clolli. ts cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. M 4 pa.os SUo, sxl«lncnM.