The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 03, 1898, Image 3

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THURSDAY PRICE FOR MtrOß AGAIN t%> Ctbrn* *t il* tnj *1 VtMt P# ' W* li-toft #hp#» * * • |C##ft #)## IT fltoftftftft# Tto #•*.*< m*it*N # tlP9* NMH Ml US FHOM BATH. S’ C. A *nl»l?»M I® IWfHi •* •** tUftA liters. Hath. 8. C. Niw t. A f*»l**l cfcufrfc. IM h? Hr ' 1 T, Klllkl «f OraiNnUl' H* I* a® aIH 4l>(lt|«M®l oratnr ar,4 «s »r* looking toiaul •« Ah «**iM »I*A 4® tick;. HH |««clr Davis. Ml?*-® Julia ana *IboI« Jones ate rial.or® fro® C# - j. |T, Odum arrived today from W»®hlaftoa. J. K P.4«r-tt from N.wtorr.y. 8 /■ jg her® on a rfaft to fr.e&4® an 4 fur-1(1; | Vl*f The n< • dwelling being itrel for tli« tits* rinttndect i* QfirlQf toapl#* don and will be occupied hr hui neU Mrs. Virginia Grafton 1® expected jMjoo on a vitit to her daughter. Mrs. Melklehara Mr. and Mr® W. t. Lov*« bar® gone to Winnsboro. At the MathU houae are the follow ing guests: A. H. McCarrell. paymas ter for the Alkm company, Virgil Hollingsworth, bookk eper for the company: Mr. D. M Baxter, depot agi nt; Paul Anderaon of Bamberg; C. B. Crouch of Augusta: Mis* Jordan of Augusta. At the PadgeC house: John Hurret, Jilt* Jones. Frank Brown. J. Biowrn, Mrs. ft A. Padgett, Frank Jones anil others. Mr D. M Baxter apent Sunday In Langley—a sweet young lady the at traction. It la said the Important event la to occur on the Slh of Novem ber. THE WEATHER. Thursday, Nov. 3. Weather forecast for 3« hours end ing S p. m , November 4. —Washing od forecast: For South Carolina—Fair tonight and Friday: warmer In western por tion tonight For Georgia Fair tonight and Friday; warmer in extreme northern portion tonight; fresh northeasterly winds. Local forecast for Augusta and vi cinity*— Fair tonight and Friday. The river at 8 o’clock this morning was 7.9 feet, a fall of 0.1 feet In 24 hours. The pressure continues lowest in the upper Missouri valley, while the highest pressure has shifted slowly to the Middle Atlantic States. Clear weather extends pretty much every where this morning, while rain which was too" small to measure occurred in the past 24 hours In upper Michigan I and along the East Florida Coast 1 Temperatures for the most part have risen over the country, although por tions of Texas, Ohio valley and lower mum velocity of 32 miles from the south west is reported from Mar quette. President A. F. Chase of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female Col lege. at Kent's Hill. Me., whose death is announced, was regarded as one of the foremost educators of the State of Maine. General Merritt is second in com mand of the United States Army to General Miles, and will succeed to the place of first in command upon Gen eral Miles, retirement, which occurs in. 1903. I jm mm who WANT TO VOTE IWm I*l9*o#i §(Mit Mb SMi j 11 g. c.*t j** 4«#m*# fit* fft# * imttmwAm* Bkm§ lb 1 T|‘ 4 r(* ft* tttofti Mm#: (Arttifio* A H of In •* IftMl Itfwf WiHimci, of Stm York. U % st 1 B X. KlMroik of ColmiW*. !« mi ■ f|||# f*t»Bt« r* W L. MrK<e«i. of Attoat*. b at : the Arlington Jign 8. Miner, of New fork. In *t ■ Use Arlington. f>. C. Bhllllng. of New York. In at the Art'agton I J. W Jackson, of Pn vldetice. Is at the Arlington. R p. Boyd, of Rending. Ps . I* nt the Arlisryo. J. D Rat'ene. of Chester, 8. C... Is at thn Planter® J. T. Rockford, of Charleston. 1* at the CommercVl. P. T. Reynold®, of Baltimore. In at ‘ the Commercial. Cha*. H. Claiborne, of Baltimore. la at the Arlington. A. Cuanlnehatn of Liverpool. Eng., la at the Arlington. J. A. Jenkln®, of Bn me well. 3. 0., Is at the Commercial. Carl Darrell, of the I'o'fd States nigral com*. Is at the Arlington. D. R Stanffpcber. representing a drug house in Detroit, is at the Plant ers. i R. L. A. C’ark. cn* of the oldest traveling meo on the road, la at the Plant';®. M. ’.V. Glover of the South Carolina and Georgia road at Charleston. 1® at . the Planters. She*® a Profe*«or of Wurs'ne. Mis* Hannah Kindbom la the first woman to be elected a professor of nursing In an American callage. She Is jot Swedish birth and I* 2<l yarn old. 'Her rrofcseoi ship I* at the University of Texas. Previously she was superintendent of ! nurse* at the John Scaly Hospital In Halveston. Mis® Klndhnrn's father Is a lawyer of Stockholm, and she was carefully edu cated at a private school In that city. From thr- time she was a little girl she showed a deep Interest In medicine and In the care of the sick, and when 13 years old attended a cour*e of lectures , on first aid to the Injured. After completing this course she ! gave her spare time to visiting the su.- sering. As soon as she had finished her education she took a course of training as a nurse at the Sahbaltsbergs Hospi tal anil then went to New York city. From there she went to the Lone Star I State. Women a* Horse I ra’ners. The horse raising business is follow ed not only by a few ente: ;ddslug Am erican women nowadays, but also by some of their English cousins. Lady Stella and Lady Dorothea Hone, sisters of Lord Hopetoun, have • n a small farm in the southeast o' En gland for the purpose of breeding and training ponbA. Both are excellent whips and fine riders. They are also expert veterinarians and always pre scribe for their sick stock. An explosive of great power is made by pouring liquid air containing 40 .o' 50 per cent of oxygen on granulated wood charcoal mixed with cotton wool. ; In thick cardboard cases it retains It* explosive pc>ver for five to ten m!n ,utes. It is being tried at Munich and j in a coal mine at Pen^burg. TU® AUOUBTA HKRALD INASOCIALWAY . \ j \ 7 . “A m \\ '' Aj-y (ft t~ |t}«s * I 111 III# ilpotc* IYhJ * »«. 'on 11*®- ,%#*.*» «»f Virginia in ih** totter p*rt of A»ilt. I*l. an# t u i*> . laiiT strcinited by tile elee turn of tot# t M* !*• «!rrtn# In* »n# num'.illne * «lt* of the t * (I ||| piffismotslh. who h hsd tMs-n ex*. ual«xl by th. Federal®. Idle | .line ln( were selected "fli rt®: Ambrn®* R. Wright. OHnMi. James H. field. Lieutenant Colonel. Augustus 14. L®*, Major W. M. Turner, Adjutant. The exact day <>* ihla organlxstlon , of the regiment 1 rstuiet now recall, J hut If It la Important that you should know, I will »ear<-h ®om® r-cord® not now with me which contain the n»ce«- ■ary Information. I have the honor to he. your obedient servant, CLAIBORNE SNEAD. Mi®. A. G. Jackson and Ml*» Belle Walsh, delegate* to the Conr -ntlon In lllone, made Interesting reports of th« . mceedlngs Mrs. Jachson stated that M'*« Willie Rutherford had requested that th* Augusta historian send to her any article* of Interest she might hap p n to have about soldier* of thb place, as sbe «Ishcl to compile a Confederate l>ook. Mrs. Eve. the President, spoke more In detail of the perfection of the Home Convention. Phe told how the special train from Atlama. with forty tfeorgta delegates, was met at Kingston by the chairmen of tht Committee on Arrange ments and the Committee on Welcome; how the guests were taken rare of and t ,„t allowed to lay for transfers or for car-fare: and how they weri met at the ntstinn by a larv-> delegation of Remo Daughters of the Confederacy. E«peclsl!y Interesting wss Mr*/ Eve’s account of the Memorial Service to Winnie T'nvl* at widt h was read a pa per on her dhood. prepared by Mrs. Davis t ■ nelf, and at which was ex hibited the beautiful memorial designs afterwards stmt to Mrs. Davis. This d tgn Consisted of a white easel on which rested the laurel wreath design or the Daughters’ bade done In real laured wrt aths, surmounted by a crown of immortelles, beneath which, In gilt letters, were the words, "In Memoriam and "Winnie Davis.” This artistic design was arranged by Mis Terhune .corresponding secretary , f ;hc Georgia Division of the United Daughter® of the Confederacy. tub r matters of Interest at the Cort ven'ion snoken of by Mrs. Eve were: The reception at Hill Crest, the home of JUST RECEIVED AT C. H. HOWARD, JR.’S Tbs finest av.sortniont of Hair Brushes th- finest i neof looth finishes and most remp ete line < t toilet o n*. _ Come early ami get a first selection. We will guarantee to p’,as* V O. c. H. HOWARD. JR., • 08 Broad Street. x. B.—Our Hot Soda Drink a are a spec ialty wilh ns. Drop in alter theatre snd ge Hot. Chocolate or Beef Bouillion. /4gr~ We are always open. I toft* i* 'ifT* to#**#*to *f to* § BA’s*-■« i||* * ‘ »'■ * .*•,»» a# ftgia«#%* PR*"* Cura «* • U altk. In iitlM asMr a su it w nt* that i || •<«*• •« It® fwgs. I( »asiaeo4«d th« a Inn, of tk* (®bar* may tUM®r o®- j Crnaa Country (Ink 4% 111 I nlrrtain •• an nnusuallv •l»‘*s.ate ®mle ihl® year, on Thanksgiving. No»*ral-r the twenty -fourth. The Club will meet ®l the High Bridge si l*a a'cMl and tide up the Washington toad and arrasn to llacnasa'in*. la the ivar of Murray Hill, where luncheon will lie » r\cd. Ijnh memlirr of the Club will l<® per i milled to Invite two guest®, and these guests will be met st the Hoa-Air hy a member of the dub. who aHI dlrnl th vehicles to Ipe pla*e of inerting lU|u|e and ®fter, luncheon, llejlc will la- horse iace®, faraeball and a riding jeopteat to lie entefrd Into by In lie® and gentlemen. ®nd It group of shmy offl- I r-tw will set as fudgea and svt»rd the !:-rtxcs. Verdary- ®mhack. Thl® evening at l:K). at Bt. James’ thureh. Mis* Llaile Belle Immhsck will be hnriled to Mr. Leonard K. Ver dery. The »n®bl of honor will Ite Miss Mai Gardner of Wrlghtsboro : the hridemaida will Is- Mis* Nina Verdery, Mis* La-na Armstrong and Miss Eva M ishburn; the best tnan will be Mr. Marion Verdery; the groomsmen. Mr. T. Q. Bailie, Mr. James. P. Richards, Mr. Fred hamln-k; and the ushers, Mr. J. Gardner Wdgte, Mr.. T R. Teague. Mr. George M. Clark and Dr. Wade Woodward. Mr. WlMef to lAtlnrr The many admlrera of Mr. N. L. Wltlet will h« delighted to hear that y»r Wltlet will lectuie before the Tub man Jl »h School n.nd Invited gueats at the Tubman atidltorium, tomorrow, Fri day, at one o’clock, Mr. Willet’a sub- Jf®;t will be In connection with impure study, a thorough knowledge of which Jic has so delightfully exhibited in the letters with which he hna from time to time charmed the Augusta reading public. V ’rdery Music Club. There will be a- brief but important business meetlng|Sfter the concert Sat urday, and ladlep wishing to become associate members may purchase tick ets. admitting them to the those re maining concerts'of '9B for 50 cents. Mrs. Manley hna returned from a vis it to her daughter, Mrs. Louis Sibley, In Thomson, Ga. Mies Helen Warner, of the Albion, will leave fibcrlly for the South. —St. Paul Dispatch. Miss Able Eve charmingly entertain ed the Thursday Reading Club this morning. j A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Library Is hold this afternoon. Mrs. Ed Hack of Marietta Is the guest of Mrs Susie Allen. Miss Lucy Allan left yesterday for New York. , | Miss Ida Belle 'cSalvin, daughter erf Hon. Murtln V. Calvin, of Augusta, is in the olty the guest of the Misses Olenri. No. 17 Currier street. Mias Cal vin is at once brilliant and practical. She is a charming conversationalist and quite at home in song Atlanta, Constitution. | la Bha 4NBI A Ref I cvlctl Ifaiehclor. m 4N*f% tot* ft******* **■' mm * rnt*4 to#t #«*•##**«*# ••Nt III# *4#»4 Utlf’tfc* ** , sad a mow® 11. paswrngcr. «s® CkarW® tm turn, • ftototito **%**tti»#*» M«ttr b* iatl»#r >luitp Niitm, «nif *n# frl< that * «»rm Hmri »- «i ill# f t s Iji r«i Aft#* IB* Mr* HMiftyl »tMr mar* 9toMHl. •** Itim. im, laut he r«ml4 n* % *t mii*f#r elt< M*h * I'* Soy th# *enr-1* iiMl might settla the mailer. No®, however. u „ ins, resort, he k®<l d s Ided In Spend his iso «..-ks' vamtlnn with hr, hnp ln® that moonlight stroll® thnwtgh the . ountiv lane® would aid hi® lm<k«srd tongue. The effeet on the bachelor's nerves at being so near the object of hi* aßc-ilon wa. rather .-selling and his slumber* that night wore neither de>-p nor pro longed. and he raoe early, making a careful t»lb-l. then dew . nd.-d t» lake a ■ur v y of the surrounding* until break fast lime. To the right of th- wide hall waa the parlor, and Mr Druy amlled at the contrast It presented to those In the city. Mailing ooveiod the fioor, horse hair chairs silk straight back* atmol here and there In painfully fixed posi tion*. with several ror hers of the same. A cabinet filled with shell*, stone* and grasa.** het|»-d a few colored lltho grapha to adorn the wall*. The moat com for Ia Id - looking Ihlngs In (he room were a large, open a replace filled with logs, waiting a mutch t« set them into a cheerful blase. ®nd a wide couch, homemade, without doubt, for It w«» covered with . hints, while a d•• n lUmni-e of the same reached to the floor, hiding all defects of construction. By way «f eltganee Ihrr-e mirrors In old fashloned gilt frames extended from floor to celling of three side* of tin room, one being between the two low windows that opened on the plaxsa. while the others faced each other from the side walls. A* he stood In front of them he had n good survey of himaelf in the Jaunty suit he had purchased Just for the country. Yellow shoes, blue and while slnped Idaser (blue was Mrs. Henley's favorite color) over a gray outing shin, negligently caught at the neck with an oxford He. were what the glasses re flected. He did feel conspicuous, to he sure, but the enterprising clerk who had sold him the articles declared they were Just the thing, and poor Mr. Druy’* highest ambition at present was to appear par excellence In the widow s eyes. After wandering over the place a short time the sound of the breakfast Ih-II caused his heart to become some what accelerated In its healing as he stepped on the piazza. Just then the portly form of the fair widow appeared in the doorway ami he rushed forward, hut Instead of th - graceful meeting he had often fondly pictured he tripped on tho last step and Just caught himself from falling prematurely on his knees before her. She. however, was most gracious, warmly clasping his hand an dexpress- An Exclusive SEFD STORE, C 32 I:ROAD STREET. Carrying a full line rs everything iu the Seed line—freeh Seeds and priiei as reasonable as Good Seeds Can be sold (or. it is not economy to buy Cheap Seeds. ... „ Native Rust Proof Outs. Georgia Seed Rye, Red May and Blue Stem Wheat, Vetch and Yellow Danvers snd White Silver Skin Onion Sets. FREE. On© oOnre of Choice Mixed Swoet Peas to eveiT customer who pu.'ohaQftft One Dollars worth of Flow©/* PuiDi (/ish® ALEXANDER SEED CO. (fl',2 PrOHd street. Hell Telephone 2075. ’ Dear g-®r M la «t®- ll t-» tala tr® t»ut f hintfui I# too* wtff III# nfrwftM**# to* fti». N tiM 9tt#f #i»w*ajr. WmMf pHuKMrmr*** full l#n*m in tn# mirror • t#rt«r# %. im* *•»* nt run* «»m th# *l4# of thr 4'wr lfk«* • ihlrf. • h*ml anti two furHuft lookliif bo*to In th** ll# •■lt# * •ms Ihr •td-mlllj* tonn nrnr ‘'VtortotortM# * r*f»« fin Hl* rir*, w h«n Mi4toljr hi# ryr* f«*ll «*n tho rhJmißHfK'd conrh; itorr irnn n«* ttmr l«* hmr. «n 4 a# n «!f*»*iiln* num (•irlNHi nt * to |»ull#k| ut» tto ffnitndßK »»»*! diw4 hriiftlh. Ttof# w«# 4«»»*rr «f rlrlfiiln* an unfiinwltjr Ik tm, hui to *# w**ll «• #*** out n filflrtwr hy ntfniiriT. FortunalMjr, Ito f*»nr t#gr* thl# Ntrurturr. *u*l to* found hy «r»mp’ In* hi# limb** h* «» quit*’ hi#. none (on iH»on, fur In Bulhe# ihe old* OB’. He almost fainfed at the thought of what might have been and though hla looseni postllon was slightly precari ous, yet It gave him time lo escape. The rain ha<r ceased, but Jt »«* too damp to stroll around me grounds, und the Is.ardera would prolmldy eongre gale In the parlor until supper. Thl* proved lo l>* the eas-. and Mr*. Henley wa® soon followed by on® of the fishing p®rty. with hi® wife. •Of course you all returned loaded with fish. Mr Forties," said the widow teaslnxly. "Have patience a little longer and you will see Ihe result of our trip at supper time.” he answered. "Druy ordered all of his to lie cooked for you." Here the said Druy'* heart gave an extra thump, as he heard the widow say In her sweetest tones: • • How kind and thoughtful of him.’ I Alas, he had hoped to share those fish with her. More people entered then and the con versation became general, until one of th gentlemen rematked: "We all seem to In- here but Druy; he I suppose Is either In bed reclining comfortably (reclining, to he sure, but far from comfortably), or else hunting till enough dry things from the chaos of bachelor packing to appear In." This caused a gonernl laugh, followed by the ringing of the supper bell .al ways a welcome sound to Mr. Dtuv. but tonight, In very truth, ill- tocsin of i his soul, for he hoped It sounded his ' release. An Instantaneous move was mine for the diningroom, but not a general one. for w hat was the bachelor's oonstornrf’- tion to hear old Mrs. Mead remark that as she hud enten such a. hearty und late.dinner she did not care for any thing more, but would sit by the fire Mini dose while tbe other were away. Poor Druy groaned Inwardly. “Its cramped position was becoming painful and his feet were letting them feel their indignation at thus being uncovered. He did not want to hr wicked, but he would almost have been thunkful If a. blast of wind had carried the Old lady up the chimney. The idea of spending the evening there was simply appalling. None of us like to be sat on, and Mr. Druy had visions of the springs press ing on him. As a last desperate resort he was meditatively crawling out, and if seen, of playing the burglar act. gagging and binding her with some convenient tidy. Bui just at that mo ment her son's lmby began to cry. and she started up, exclaiming: "Poor little tootsy must have the colic; I'll Tun up and see what the nurse is doing.” Mr. Druy blessed that baby with all his heart, vowing that hereafter he would smile aweetly on eiyltifi bayles whereever they might cross his path. There was no time to lie lost, supper must be half over. Cautiously he rose on ‘owe elbow.' then put his head out below the flounc ing and listened. Alt still nearby.. dis tant noise, consisting of the clatter of forks and knives, mingled with the NOVFMae* 9 #«***» w . ,m «##* *t to I# « W«® «m -«* mum# ®* \j#* •MW®. » *>®MM ***• MW 4MH# "«W 4HMW • HP® «•** •*••• M| in vi ®)— iiaai «v 4 mmm mm wmm m »n». v»*-» * m mm * a# a*4 • Wntitf * ~*vaw .# mtm i ftxdNl #9## toto itol if* —l| nf tv *####% nt i m funri'iHi' i 1 nit < nititoi > toi ##* m ■*> ♦* it 'Tit 1 t r. mflt ftfiM# *•* wi## to - t _mu -i iiti # to** ### " #to i.. Bums ft* to# itoto toft*#) itoftto ** ftfito I •apt* Btk* toft# lift Itol to •■> - -wiT-fc' ff-Y mm-m- fi.iiy 4ftftft #MHR cl### ft## %h>-4 t|fttoto# |to to*#l MHb •toto# to toto#**! • toto to If to ft*!) ht** fttofi? IVftofft to i® fcraia m j k, iiiimMcm f«*r Itof K Uftmht Ntoft rftiinr' I * him to « -•«•# •»• uvNugj*## piigiiiit i* aiiftH tot flto «m I i*i«tot| ftofi to -| f|||| fjitf | fit nil f*V Yt'ftf# #* RMNUfti to i«*t#ttH «• • #it ft* to r«ftft!# toe; rr* fftor Iff* « 4f#f#r ftrft»l#t DM toss tor • mtrr rMm. ft ton to rftiivM tor ton#. < *« itlmtnf !fnn‘( to atitnr, tm •«### Imv» h#i|i® .« mr i*» ftftjr «tot I toft* to*# wftJil-4 tft—l lovf ymi #n.| to»i»# jnm* * ft! nftt in «*«4 my hid*® Th# anftftft mu#i tot* to#* Mliftfar* Inrjr, fw ih# miriof#4 irtolto* of Ito ti#®ft;f mtiiiit* ran tott#r to imAftn*# Th. Oftl. NOTICE OF ELECTION Office of Judge City CiMirt of Rb hmottd Augusta. G®.. Nov. 1, ItN. NOTICE 1« HER EOT GIVEN THAT an election will be held at the f.illwtxg election prei-liuts In the various sard® In the City of August® snd In the Vll lagea of Hi nhxlbah and Huinm»-rvllta und In ihe dlffcrvut militia district® of Richmond county, on NATURDAT. NOVEMBER S. IKM. for a member of the Board of Education nl Kt< hmond County for each ward In the City of Augusta, and for earh district of Rich mond County, outside of the Cltv of Augusta and for each of the villages of Hephißuih and Sutnm.rvllle, to serv® for the term of three year®, under thn superintendence of the following man* ag'-rs: First W*rd. No. t." 4 Broad slteet— Managers: IV. A. Muse. J. P.; F. A. Calhoun. F. H.; Ja*. W. Moore, F. If. Second Ward, Court House Manag ers: W. T. Lamar, J. P.; H. H. d'An llgnnc. F H.: Wilber B'»»well, F. H. Third Ward, Chemical Engine Hou«e, Jones street Manage!* : John Vaughan, J. P.: C. A. Doolittle, F• H.; Ed T, Bennett, F. H. Fourth Ward. No. 3 Engine House. Broad street—Manager®: John B. Tls f her, F. H.; J«». Dever, F. H. W. V, Bell. F H. Fifth Ward. Upper Police Barrack#— Manager®: M. M. Connor, J. P-: Geo. Ncc-«, F H r J S. White, F. H. 119th District G. M.. W. A. Hatch dot's store, Belaif— Managers: F. M. Clark, F. H.; J. It. Bufford, F. H.: T. J. Tabb, F. H. 121st and 1434th Districts, G. M., Brandon’s Court Ground—Managers: L. P. Holley, J. I’.: John A. Trowbridge, F. H.; George .1. Cawley, F. 11. l»3d District, O. M., County Home— Managers: It. H. P. Day. J. P.; Nell Mclnnas. F. H.; W. K. Nelson, F. H. 124th District, G., M.. Court Ground— Managers: W. It. Buxhardt, F. H.; Ben Beago, F. H.; W. W. Hack. F. H. !2«9th District, G. M., City Hall,Sum merville— Managers: John A. Price, J. P.; Charles J- Skinner, F. H.; Lewis A. Held, F. H. Summerville, City Hall—Managers : Hold. C. Bcrckmans, F H.; Joseph Gunahl, F. H.; Geo. J. Heckle, F. H. I Hophslbah, J. B. Fryer’s store—Man tigers: John B. Haynle, J. P.; J. B. Fryei. P’. H.; R. L. Rhodes, F. H. Registered voters of each ward. Vil lage und District, ate required to vote nt their respective voting precincts. Only those persons whose names ap pear on the registry list will be allow ed to vote. Tbe polls will be open from S a. ni. to 3 p. m. sun time. The man agers must send their certificates and nil their papers of the election, Includ ing ballots, under seal, and the registry list, to the county site, by 12 o'clock ro of the next day. Blanks for holding election will be furnished at this office. WILLIAM F. EVE, Judge City Court and Ex-Officio Com missioner Roads and Revenue,Rich mond County, tin. ;r/j6 Wm. E. Keen -r, Clerk. J. S. Hill, of Grovetoivn, Is iu tbe city. __