The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 03, 1898, Image 6

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r 6 THURSDAY COAL-COAL-COAL KHOIIiMIt A**» Iff tAH ft*<s TH* USST i.MaOI» O# fiitA# (mm itßivti iX>wA.T a (4R K#f Bno N«i J4t twe ***** fad)s%mm aaA-gto • • My* RMm CITY ICE COMPANY. AiDljlf A C—w>i< p**P 9m*m mp -ft** «Mfcft Pmmm ivmk r**-» MM«« ... ..*•**• •* fhmo* i" iin"i M<«Wt „■.».• *•§■§• ■Sue jgwe imm «. • $4 fife TTt , „ ,« , > SFI «M« ystm Aim mw l * £«* OMM* Toes »* - tfHbMMHk (bfe-FFftfti $- a srz i «»»***#* pi# iiifTt* « •* * •* mm * ftMrtwf* pm MMI ** «• #i H H pmmrn «*#* § rixitt- ruff— § i«*ft •tpm * • fBSSm ##*»* * Sppgpp pMt irp#mp» «•« » P ftftM pi £mft pmPP** PN»p® ** •* ssr *MMi >. r**’ * .. ,p# «'**>*.* Mm ~........•• **K» Amp , „ n u •« m - .*.»•»•• F* IMM „**, ««“*«' - » ..•**•» tin *T»«"A AARKft Nq 000. i*ew ' ■ 4* •*• ••J’ ? I4*aa- «r»i< a#*#**# *a»«* m ** iV jMw» wmm« I* •***• .♦-* |WI>M< MMM* ***** -j-» • *•■ *pW*M MMm* m •*--* «• *V U* (Im»|i *•*♦### MIM ...... . •“ •* j Act A Mil**, *4MK4O*a 4* *•* %tm - .. » •»-*• Hi*'* laaok *M»*|» MM* .... ** -* PIMM-. ;•_•• ••■; - •*• |g*T»ia |i |t Mil* M *#*•• •• M-“M AkMi • As—Ai. N* ••*— •-•» M—IM i APOAVARA It q imp Rma pmM*. A R ■ AM AM.. Aniwi, IP- baa* O O M Am •I « ilm I—A -AW A A. |» 'AM . (A.M. *•* b*Mk#4*. RR»P |»-T OOnf** AAm—P MrW— PM— tIMPA’ Otar >t.i ll», M —iHM . •• *•* *~4 OfMaifpitr. |IR pIM4IA« .. *M| Or*n.M«tn. ill B I abowllK# •• * * * •ir.affeviD. A* II M B •• •■ •• J J** i IMP R Kin* MIR pfc»rt»K« .. * **i JAn r «•*«. » »■** B c .. .. *»« m-ont. ait.K c..ti<.n m rA»- '* *A n **. a** A»«..* CWtH-IK M t# «* AAAW*. r iUUrHIRO* AM-n*«w»' A*kaA* - «•*•»* WIOMR- Fwll *7 lA* Amm. * "-Am .. .. 4 1-5 Ami «i th» hw-n. *»* mm .. .. • »- clm,; *£ Airtn* »♦ * 4 !'! rr*4. ol *A« W»w -•••••• ** ” I . lAp- F. Kb.g 7-5 R R »btrilK# .. t l-» .in- I* Kin* Mi* PA*Piln« .. «*• m . .. ...... • r* p. SC’tmm, « **• jtu- r. Kin*. » IMA ■«•*• ] l»'inA - •• ;• •* " " " it V K>n*. »» —A Ba mm , IpianA ■■ •• *• ? *'* j ..o r. Bln* n ImH l»*P*t»«i •• * M PRINT* •m»rw.n phlrtln**. «!*•< JM Urttlmai k pMrtlM*. *i«*i •• * J ** Clmrt## OmP P9*P§ •* ® j Ws*AM*ian C*U» (hiwrl » AlM*'* (AW) •• * *''* mmpmm’* -Mwil" •* * Cnln “f ' potion, par Aop ... ~ 41 AAMtrKau InAlgo AIOM. 4I*AI .. .. I I-* Aairr (Mia (antldl Mail . .. Am»n< an Indian AIUPP *l**l .. .. « Inlamatumal WnnAa 44*41 .. •• 4 A!l"i • c»rAin*l* *4*44 * Allan 'p Lnlonaa 44**4 « India * *" 4 i *4la Al«* *4*M 4 lfi:ln*Mtfit’* 44*44 .. _■■ :: • Martha Wllbkiloa 4**44 .. .. .. I »-• ".M.r . radiant. 44 .44 4 Charter Onka. 1 TICKS. SSSS'fc"A--"."-“.r."j|a ait A Amoakt-a* • »*» JUclproi Ity .. * *•* )IOUKAPUKS. City Mill* _ * *** Four yard. Rood M ln« A 4 *-4 Lodi ahlrttnca S«*s4 J* 4 Lodi drraa alyl#* * *' 4 At. Clair droa# 4 Ol ran aollda * *' 4 Martial \VpPhln«liPJ font le* .. .. I J-4 Mlacellatw'uua brand*, light weight 13 •'* laanta * yard* plain .. S Thorndika * J^ 4 Amoakrag •• •• * “ J . Clean »•* Pal ham, »2 bal Ho bo* 14 F. O. F„ 3® ball* to bo* 1* K* O. P., 20 ball# to lb IT 1-3 Mnaoogra B .. •• •• - •• •• •• * I ** UI ir- h 4 1-2 yd. plalfla, beat make Bt*i|i*on *lik llnlah foulard. 44* *4.. .. 4 ** 4 1 Pacific mourning* 64*64 4 1-2 China Bilk* 4 I_4 Mldtllefnrd 5 Slater 3 *' 2 Concord, 6*1x60 Homo 66*60 .. 3 1-4 Keystone 3 J' 3 FirtF Avenue 3 4 * 4 KKAKSBYS. Heavy Columbia, i.epvy Kearsey 3 1-4 Kincaid and otbera -.9 1-4 LIME, CEMENT AND PLASTEK, Lime 7U *® s Jivinendale cement Portland cement 32.76 to 3.25 Louisville cement in paper sucks ..SI.OO Tistcr kt bbls .. ..11.74 HARDWARE. Weil hticketa, per do* $3.00 ; '•tlijltcd buckets, per do* sl.lO it it I! cedar pails, per do* .. .. $1.75 .; H 15 H icdnr pall*, per do* .. .. $2.00 ! painted, per nest $1 75 I . .Manila, per pound 9 1-J K-ne, Sisal, per pound 7c !«>,„ . i-utton, per pound .. .. lOcallc Nath-, wire Paso cut .. .. $1.46 base. shovel*. Ames, per do* .. .. sll util Ml Shovels, diamond, per do* .. .. $7.00 Shovels, riveted back, per do*. .. $4.75 Plow blades 2 3 ~* base Hames, red top, per do* »« •• •- $2-26 I UtiW'flxi) *HI i#§ ##mAl fßt -SMi m m J* 88 ' i|i»tiMm. im Hm pm #m m ***« •* ||6«#Sihi mp*m. pm IS «*,** «$ w IM 1 | Qps iINMMS pm Mi m ** «* #«»*#* f 1 ; ; M «|Mam pm P*f m** « - £W! I tPum Mmi. pm (ms £«••*s♦•#« j mt'MS pm IS •* m **__ MS ' T>hdb >ii iiit pm pm pm f* m Ms* l # pm ppmm M M PPM M pufjji# Pitii fi*v Ipm ppmm . M** pm* *ms> pm P» m « M JPteiMS r»» , P> pm 6m ¥S *P P ! Aim »# » !»«■* ife I pm Pm mm* 8* At# |t» ft pm Pm ** 6s pmm Pmt #**.# p PniM Srm| *9m mm pm '*> > pm ft ,<$ $ p MmMM pltm t* Ift. lis S ft Pi. tv tIS pp 0 tnp pK» %up tPtm •* w m ##mv pmtft# PmtsPSi I t*ft ftp' JNSMft ftft PftMmp • CPft AAftM i *Mmmpift #*s. IMS .JHM ,*» j t * MM **«*•« IM | tftmts ft l#m MM , „ M Mft mi ft ftmpM IMS ®.i •# •« ft* IMS I iPmmft ( 1 --itinm « IMP* a* #. lift ill st. A«**»•** f # »«m ~ . , . B 4 „ (M ; aftSHHli ftft ftftftft »■ ■» j t «-) PM ~. f A###*** f* ISM a, .. ft* lift ftftft I ]A«P«*«s I IT* IMS ** *. •* Ml ... I ! aimmh* ft I*l# *♦«*•**• IM mo ' lAIMSMft «*l MM it aft »* a* ». MS •*• A ? NIfMS ft A IMC »« Mt**aa* IM ••• j All* MS € I'-ft * iftCS 1+ „,, Iftft |(l Aisi'a ft IM ft M M M vs 000 I U'«*N*mMM • W# Mftf’.l »* IM l If*' f I-ft* MM .* •• .« „ 141 ... ftfta#«ai ft*>. ISM *»••••*• *a tfft ••• ! *r%iM«*»ftf* r* r* ....... M ... .Cimsssi ra tftift .*••*.. ftf ... ! *-~Or*4M PAIMIOAtf MO MIM (lrargla H. K A Mi Ca I «*. 1 sag ...... hi ..J ItofU R R A Rkg Ca | It I sit IM ... Chart -• I*. ColSMStxa A An- I gtMta t«t s'*, Isas MR ... jtlhari— I*. C<4nmbta A An -1 saata. $4 Ts, ISl* .. ~ ~ .. Ilf ...'A to. R H It, 1*54., ... S 4 C. R. R. Raaltsi C*t Coiial ' era I Trrtai $ # I*l7 It I* i Knot Km Railway la 11*4 .... *7 M j Cot rat of tto—gt* Railway. ■ M commM Mart, Fa. !M4 ... ■ 44 :C .1 U Ml pe*f la » 4* Cwittat of Oawrgta Raßsray, l-trf inr -ite*. IMS ,11 II T. of O. I*l pr»t la I *ll .... 4 4 n. I A F.. mm. la. in* . iaa itl I tt-Mtlh OrorgM and Florida ! m rs, no* us South Ororgta aad Florid* j 14 Ta, |**t 10* ... j (h-an MeamaAlp Ca., Ist l*a M Ts, I*4* I*4 rACTORT RONDS Rnterprta* Mfg Co., Ist I'a. iso: IM [Sibley Mfg. Co. Ist is. ISM .IM ... | , FlMey Mtf Co.. I*| I s ISM 10* jtla. H. It AII Co. dock .. IS7 200 Southwestern 11. R. Stock ~ M iM Augusta and Savannah Mock H IM UKAIN AND PROVISIUNS. n„t« white, oorked $6 itoata. mixed, sacked .. ~ ~ Corn, while, narked 62 -Corn, mixed .. 41 :Meal. bolted, per bushel 47V, I Flour, common *.#» Flour, fancy extra 1.76 > Flour, second patent .. 4.M I Flour, standard patent .. 4.56 Flour, fancy patent .. 4.76 I Wheat bran, 190-lb aacke K (Fine feed, 100-lb aacks *0 i Hay—etatlie. per ton 13.00 liny -Timothy, per ton .. .. .. II.M Hay—choice, per ton 14.00 Hama—choice sugar cured .. ~ lOullt* j Smoked rib skies ~ ~ 4 1-2 Dry sal rib* 6 2-4 i Lard, pure leaf. In tlerea* .. .... 5% j laud, kettle, rendered in tierces. 4 l-l IJAHY DKAO IN BED. wawaaaawa • Parents Wake to rind Their Little One Cold In Death. Athens, Oa. Nov. 3. Tuesday morning Mr. and Mm. James Martin, who live near the upper bridge In this elty, were shocked to find their little baity dead In tied when they awoke. The little one hail nut been HI and ItH parents are at a loss to tell the ratine of Its death. To all appenr jiinee*. It died of some heart troußle. Mrs. Martin was utterly prostrated ■ front the shock attendant upon the ! discovery of the death of her little I one, ranking officer Will Admiral Dewey Become on Xmas Day. Washington, Nov. 3. Rear Admi ral Dewey will become ranking officer of the navy on Christmas day. when Rear Admiral Hunre will retire by op ; eration of law. If congress revives ! the grade of vice admiral, ns reques !ted l>y Secretary Utng. Dewey will re j reive the additional promotion. Rear | Admiral Miller retires November 22, I and he will be succeeded by Commo dore 11. L. Howtson, now commandant {of the Boston navy yard, and soulor 'lu his present grade. Capt. H. 1.. 1 Picking, now head of his grade, will j then become commodore. Rear Ad ; mlrals Sampson and Schley reached their present grades on the retirement lof Rear Admirals Sicard and Mat ! thews. Rear Admiral Dewey received ! his present grade y special act of '.congress on accent tit of his -victory at. 1 Manila. Old fashioned buckwheat flour fur sale by Lanikin & Co. THE A TTGT7 BTA HKRATX) ■mMMIS to *b*H*4 iftrift ft** P 'ft pmSS ‘ ■ (.ftgssSi IMF *4-» ft- Ifti ftMMjrw j -ft-i >r- ftiws 4*ft 4ft*awa ftps' { <ag» in* nft-ft MS *nH9* Ito* *S*o | »-ftiif 1 #6* t| tMlM**6ftNl(| PpPP ***** " I ftftftftft MMM PP* PPpP ppm fr 4 mpmp M «***mH| kPP §#* ! *mm ji i nit n m Ml VMM' imuift'iHt#* I lit MftP IftMft PPPP : 'PP t. * saad iftftftg). ft* (a * fmmm ijm 0. %* 1 § •»* |* 1 4 ppm npp «»ft *«#| _ .ft A .Bast lb**' t'tmpK Ftpsft *N» ftft 1 IMprlfti ftftt# 9pPP ft* ** *M: , fNpfprftftt# Pf «|NM y tilifflrt 6*14*1“ 1 $ MMMMI I* V# VtMMM • PPOO f*## MMI *mmV llM# Ml#* \mrnm* *• »«•* m m mippwp m mmm Mfli Ml PP* 1 BftaJt*'aa' ftftft t : * lift 0 • fkftft * *0 0" * rif-ftft If ft Rfl |«i*i vl* I- N (if | |R* . FMNblt iM* iftbft mp Mft ftftMi »*«ftl» b*4 (<#|f MMMBMftMft *P M* I I (MM 111 (It* ft * ‘feta |bft *lf ** ft*' t f* | «%# hmp 9mmP *4 III# ftf*** j ftfej ftfti n(M|gi( * f %g fe fftggtftftibft*' - ftftfe (r|t fergfejft pf Ml* pt Ftftftft'*'**- i ! feftNMiftfef t A |ft ‘ |s# f f -CKkol VK “ **f j Ik* utnat. Tit* ralksl if*' 4 *'* mas to prnpaasg ta aa««» RMti b m ft ■lO |f feftfHfeft * rrm9*ro***n h* fftMtufft* I I III* Mft ftft ptPtPtp MM #ft|rtftMftl J4 #W *IH :to ba* smN to-« (toatMsl taaa f*» aft- j , grtouty «• «•»' Tb* IsstßKfd #"*■- i aot rbaags bl* **«•* toe 4** r»to# 1 aobvart Ibtdr Umstt ta akairact post it*, of tto trorM'a goto Tbafafaaa. if at u* aiipnmit la iaob wttb auapMot,. ay* •t*"> bla pr«F *•<• ««» ia4 onto *t* abut »law R wtUt otw dr-vip ns IM, A throw# roafstM j with as little gwgoaa rs advaaetag tk* tatrlligeaca aad Stall to tag of Hal aabjecta a* tb* royal cbalr of Ra»a>a has toea la a russarbabt# atasitv Aw j tb* rradl* of tba ssorkt's F'" F gtaed 1* tb* oa* poorer dreaded by I Huaala Of late tb* ttsssrbol Tory • leaoeat Ik that kingdom baa to com mon with the Litoral* toapotoo a larger- closer friendship with Aotar* lea a frieodablp. peradsestture might Hpea lalo an alliaarn. tt«< h an alhance would virtually aegailte RuMia't voice ia the Bast where Itj did not accord srith that of the Kti gllsh combtaal last Therefore It Is ' probably regatftd aa gi*>d dlpiootacy •n Rtuala to a<l}n*< Its ratartonah'n with the Brltllh goterumim: panicd larly hefnre Ragland atrengt hen* her posit lon ta the matisi of naming th« term* Haring no diaaftar to fear from other single powers. It doeant at and Ito reason that Russia would bother .greatly about them, especially aa the overture of Its ruler Is bound to tbtow mors or less suspicion on the resources of that empire which might to of disadvantage hereafter should tba present project fall. England la not to to censured therefore If she regards herself as the principal sought In the arrangement. It ta therefore improbable. If Englishmen are as desirous, as hopeful of an I .*r!y closer friendship with America ua they appear to to. that they will {care to anticipate that aceompltsh imi nt by any general compact which they might hereafter desire undone. The truth Is English methods of co lonial rule are so advantageous to the subjects, and Russia's so oppressive and onerous, thirt the East views with favor the advancing encroachments of British authority Hi that pari of the world, and Russia ia smart enough to know that with a favor equal almost to pc4ttiou among the countries of the East England might to persuaded to disluth Russian interests very se riously. This germs to be the milk in the cocoanut a coeoanut which Great Britain would rather share with her kinsmen of the Western World than with her splenetic adversary of the north. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought TIED TOGETHER. A Woman and a Man Seek Death In a Lake. Cleveland, 0.. Nov. 3. Rose Idiura, aged 22. and J. K. Cleeker, 23. tied themselves together With strips torn from a sheet, and then jumped Into the lake intending to die togeth er. They were fished out. of the wa ter by two Lake Shore detectives and sent to a hospital. They said they were tired of living, decker is a rail road conductor. I rn-LDCI Mins;; POWDEH »* lha Itoil falf mill *o*ft **n b >rni et t**>c4 (HftßiiWa ffHlft ‘9*o, »* imt 6 OF *HF* Hola a, yoOlu'anl* feOftf# ng feoMifti §NI m* i'tofti o* imtMilftWFM o- • t C. 4 c Bgwa' at*# •#*»! tKgmmfnd If Htftßw*! est «i w ttoydß'fl licwdM, (*«*mt»M**4i M*d« Hi and itiftfllity, ManuUt iwfpd it The Southern Hlg. Co IIICMMONO. VA. F : or Rent ; Firm rs tufty «cr«« Jtnl Iboi w cuy- * * ! btnrfti i«MI pglficM to nil#(tUom of \h*> Dy- .... a iwvpril of J. B. W»»il* • |w Brood btfOot houßO* oro *llll Mfuootid. Hpoclo finer* wilt ba mad® IO di •irdbid port wo. John W. Dickey I p f In#### To Rent Mam gto Rsa«»ae> #4 ItoaaS tOS *a*a-t Oaaat'to 4to< OWpP* IM tMft * iPoM i»**m*pry m*Mpo ft* Ml flftf*. •**# lftNftft*B** YNb* * few baa *4» jfe —m* rmmm a pfeaf yafg, aad W '**p c*a*eaMbt 3\i j j . I Apply or premises or at 808 Broad St. Plißiiix Still Lives. Notwithstanding my office has been destrbyed by tire, J am still executing Job Printing and Book Binding. Office at WILL NIXON S. 8H Broad St. Bell Telephone 271- MC.Jowitt, Mir. REMOVED TO Til BRO&SWAY- E. W. DODGE. Manufacturer of Rubber Stamps. Seals. Stencils, Daters- Pads. Badges,&c 711 llroftdway. Auguau, f»a. Btromicer Pbona Koff-Knot Will Cure Any COUGH. ONLY 25 CENTS. Made and sold only -BY- R. H. LAND, 522 Ninth Street. 4 Mrs- M. Mitchell Wolfe hi CHRISTIAN SCIENCE iMtACTITIONER 937 Broad Street. OFFICE HOVRB 10 A. M. TO 4 T. M. CALL FCH lufinta fit wing Co i IXfOIIT flftftft ■ts !•: I . L, J-J O b- GKOHGIA /4a. i. Em ' Our Oraufehi Beer Has None Superior. nn-1- ■*' j| t l f mu AUCIUSTA BEER. ■OMEY TO IM In any turn* desired from SAGO upwards, in straight 3 and 6 ym»r% time, or on IO ytan time, payable in equal annual instalments. Lowest rate* of interest. No expense to borrower except the usual attorney and record fees. No delay in gatting the money. AieiHDder&JoliDsoD M < mm* < «>ft»pat»». 705 Broad St. PORTNBR’S l C HOI BkAU and S / VILNNA CAblNti f / / BRANDS OF f i Export \ ) Beers \ ? ARE THE BEST < S ANK fOR THEM. / D, R. MITt’H ELL. AI.KX Mt DONALD buf*t. 0> I Oil. -Srt\ Jk. Oftii «V*gf- Augusta Electric & Construction Company * 212 Mclntiali straai. Elcctncflnpiihai—'twakti* Tub*#, etc., otc. 11.-uair- to all Klvctneal .j.|*r*tnt Ktaclric Light Wiring* ftpvriaity. | BotlTbooo IdUJ. - - Wtnuyer 0.8. AB.t very LOW rRII'KS J-KJ- .lnck Al» mj par. vit.M'S and KITTINt* 4 *. KN • }il n ITH, BOIIoKBftoMTIUUMMMI RKPAUW. Lombard Iron Works <fc Supply Co., AVBVSTJI. ua. Augusta Southern Rail road Company. Schedule Effective Oct. 2nd. 1695. Lv. August# . .. 9:30 a. m l 5:21 i>. m. Lv. Sunderavllle . 1:19 p. m.| 9:09 p. m. Ar. Tennille .. .. 1:30 p.m.j 9:21 P- m. Ar. Macon 3:15 p m.j 1:55 a. m. Ar. Dublin 4:20 p lu j Lv. Dublin ‘10:00 »• ™. Lv. Macon .. .. 11:38 p. m.|11:55 a. m. Lv Tennille. . . 5:15 tt. m.| 3.10 p. m. Lv. Sandersville. 6:25 a. m.j 3:21 p. m. Ar. Augusta . .. 9:00 a. m.j 7:10 p- m. Eastern Time. Close connection made at Tennnll’e with Central R. R. fur Macon, and with Wrightsvllle and Tennille R. R. for DublWi and Hawldnsville. C. W. JACKSON. Gen. Fgt. Pass. AgU James Tl. Jackson, Joseph H. Hands. Receivers. OiMfeCUlO •*ft»*l ltt# l-d |l * Char lesion t Ml CoroliM *%*%•• ft • # ; •# i if »mpp *9 ppm Pm pm Ifff' V7-~-.Tr m.‘SS * JwSmati- ' —— * ton* *•- 4n*o ! * intr 1 — # mm ******** ■ WpmpppmrnPPm** mPPpPPi ■ I * mpPP TftK t 99 9* 78fHEF^*^)£Z5^s ia I _ j OftMt-iAft M6M4M * «*»•■ w # ft d pppmp . --a —ff?. to MOCb *- .maa. . If toW mwmw * toabda .aa* .. «ma< 4 '***”* * iOfefepMi. ?,'*?< BBt2.»»l 'O*M f «■'«**» tft ft Rid 40* Q *o*o* I 9*09 \ 9 ; j£ ■ ViMMHMM. t« mm *mm ■ f l-WMi' * Ml ' ! ' fmmmPP*** ,»* >w. I**** ! MgMj I * ppmmm*E*** »4it*4 f ti»ie » *f , (ft p(MMHI**o« m ooo* * MpMft ftJPftMi ~hm,4H44 uPfm Mftft ♦KmSEm d—ft— *ft ft* ftfftlia 0, *404 vaa oar* *o> fP®** ftj Ij *++*t* - „ * -■ * * *** I m * m mm «**«# Ppm f## • **2 *r***o*»M ftfCftiMft# i*4ft Iwf ftft ftft HeAiib f * *ii iii (ftp ir~ t m Pmmpmmm m m ## i. ft* IT #«# * #•* M ft if* (Mft# ftt*“*# dft#» ft lift * n**l fM P* ft** I taw Oft f It ft#* ftftft ft ftrf* l * fto Ml ftoft l 9*o 00*00 f» I*#* ft* •■* ftMftftMM #a|< |LA Mb tfti la* Aft* I ft im#|i ikm* 4# vv M»fM* 4 ' >»•#* AMfftßM* Mft BLOE RIDOE RAILROAD. 14 C. ORATTIC Oamtaw I aa-.*- «*i Weatkwa ' I -, w * g . FWa* raw t C*m». naoa F %*»*•* ' 4*-a «s.* «■ , 04* 4 t<tt fNt ; Wi I*; Ralf M«4 * **•s( RaA AM Ft ' |.i»»4*a toav* 99 ** MJ4I «• *T. Asian.a ,g l*H* pa it j m fj.... Daaawr .. F I dll » M **. 5 to Mj ... Awiaa .... r $ •*- tl ' •u$ mi rw>. io«to $ mufoi • n f ■** k «.*b» >*v 4>oir® f 4 tan ttaaita koj*t* '"v-rnTg n *.s‘is *• t»l»f4 . 4KNACA ..At 4 ** U » •|6 [T • 4 •' I HI Wrfttl fjiLft • I ft# agp ti W alton* .. Htr am FM I ILaav* Arnv» r*M mt. M* 1$ 74a4 F, naFk‘4* F4*ilea F IDag WtatSMi All tr* Hat Irslaa Tram *»*'»•' '• tv* hatia tor# rtgbl 4* U#«b cw» •rata l #F »to ***** naaa aanai la aw poalt* bMtiaK ■' (**# atkaam apac* lAm| to fan «*r4*r# grin aia* »t«p *< so« tf ia* wan** •a (ah* on <W tat est p*********: FKtn * aey"o. Jam** ani Paai* Fpring* M*. II riißair '* with loutors I*4- way N* tt at *44«e » Moa. 4 and 4 eanowet with Powtbar i railway &<- 17 a»d $7 at Kavmca. J. R. AKDMBM. Paper nmatowt. ITUNTIC COAST LINE. PHDRTBCT AND 4JLTCBOKT RODTB TO THK BAHT AND NORTH 7 Wpmj Lv. Asri't* da Ar j T-.ltoa. 1 **p-e Lv Atk*r Ar 1 7 Dim 4:l7pm! Lv... Pussart. ~*r I 4 I-'pm 4:4*pmt Lv.. Orangt'« •••Ar j I:4oam I Npa' L* flpmtar. K. C ..Ar . » 3am I sto"i, Lv Fli-ranc* ..Ar I 7 Ham 7«'.a»w.f Lv ..F*y»tt*vlil* ..Ar I I l'»m i rtami Ar P»ter»b«rg.Va Lv I I 12pm i asm 1 Ar....Rtehmond.. Lv I 4 12pm 7 41am' Ar..W»#hia*n>a..Lv I t 44pm tiOtamj Ar... Baltimor* ...2.v I t 26ptn It s6am Ar ..I*»ul*d*lphla. Lv ,»* otpm l:43pmi Ar... N*v Turk... -Lv j • SC'Bin Puitmaa pal»e* buttet ale*t>FAt c*;a from Macr.n and Augusta to Now Turk without chang*. ft. A. BRAND. (Jen. Agt.. 771 Bread fit.. Aoguata. O*. T M EMERSON, Traflli Manager. H . M BMBBRON. Oan. I*a*a Central of Georgia Rail way. Schedule In Effect BEPTEMBER ItTH. IM*. (90th Meridian Time.) LEAVR At'OrSTA. No. I For Savannah 1:20 P. M. No. 4 For fiavannah. Macon Atlanta .. .. •• * :4O P- M. No. 4 F"r Macon. Atlanta. and Way Stations .. *:2O A. M. No. 52 For Macon. Atlanta. and Wav Stations .. 0:30 A. M. ARRIVE At’ODSTA. No. 1 From Suvananh .. .. 1 (0 P. M. No 3 From Savannah, Ma e,m. Atlanta «:35 A. M No. 5 From kiai-on, Atlanta, and Way Station# .. 6:50 P. M. No. 53 Fran Macon. Atlanta. and Way Station* .. 5:30 P. M. Nos t. 3. 3 and 4 dally. Nos. t> and 5. dally except Sunday. Nos. 52 and 63. Sunday only. Sleeping cars on night trains between Milieu Macon and Atlanta and be tween Augusta and Savannah. For fur ther Information as to schedules, etc., apply to M. C. JONES. C. T. A. w. A. GIHBES, Depot T. A. j. W. NALL. Commercial Agent. eTjTerbeldinq PLUMBER. STEAM, GAS AND HOT WATER FITTER. NO 841 BROAD STREET BOTH PHONES NEXT TJME YOU HAVF A HEADACHE ’> CBE Land’s Headache Capsules Made Only By HOWARD i WILLETT DRUO CO. BELLE O F GEORGIA NOVEMBER 3 *♦**«**_•*■•••**#* S. t 1 S P ill HIT CO MsMsbRK tototoi Mamma* 9MM torn i-wto MambaMh* (a i<ar»i» UfeS W (kilmL Ipaft I P* § * to** ftodMft Pm I*** ‘*4o *OO * ftftjft 1 pZm&mp* Pm» i *,'.-* t* *«*-»« i'-.* T- *-ftS5 | a< irWptob mttv <4 t*-HHb ‘ «-• I ft. ft-ftk * »f ftiMfe'fttoafe m I -*»*# i *e- « | fesfp KiitoftM* jiftfftft. . ft* t ,ftft ’mft it ftft m ft* I ***o *•«*** ft* «#ftftV |(* M •#* m, ftftftftftfe I* f "ftfeft ft * ftftHb ; a_.i». gap. a -was* *• | -a»wia-lXi g U 6 a a BMikPepitki fpmm ift-'ftf# mmmmmv i pTt^ift' m XT I ftf ft i felftpl to, f ••»#. tt * dHR»N|r I •■r'"' 3 "' ■■ 1 kdfe.l* ftp## ##<% 9*l lift d ftft PftM I ft rtMftlt ft **« ft-ft * ftft tftift ; |( pgaE "iBEiSSTo V* fsofeHßl I 69# ftftftft I-* Jm- *ftft id# ft (Mft ftftft ft ftMß6ft V|4 fft-iftfe*#* ft I ftftft V# iftnftni# ftftft A I ftftft I ft # | •(N# ft ft ft m-0 6# IftMi m(t HpH ft ftp tmm ft* of Uhl I ft# #«# ft# ftftpMHft j '«MfcMM 1 0m.0m- m #4 flMMftvftte* •ft V«f j diftift (Mftft tft Wi /rn ftitoftft# « f (b »# m**m ft ftftWMft P ft# (ft# *- ««'**#• iNßft ft# (ftftft f#*ftft ftM ftftftftftft .I**ll VftM«ft. I ft WKftfOß tftfe *9«i itpßftMft ißiNftpH fa |:.6|.#PtftUi ft ft* ft tp-ftftft. —ft aouthekn railway. mC!U i ftR gk,- -• VtaM Wiiawam« «« '»"■ *** **** inctft'fti mum* mmm __ me n 5T7T.7 bsjjTS I t ii|4 • ••• i iCf V 1 I Hi• mmw t : Iliiil I LV. V !. I i wbl rMf *,( «twna) at! 1 ’ sat! * - • SI • Lr " I fu*- ■ $»• • *' I ” »*; tMa r j war M up rnS ftp A <*»#'- » * - - *l' m-t-T..,- " II U p 1 (ftf • UwiTtiift ■# I w -, ITtotoHmT~~ ’ ■ "" ’ • *• • KTOk *-.«»*•* ISaUt Kail, La Few 1 »k. :>K."k.l6. 1' « ate t* 14al • totuaar* I *>p OSI a to aM l. a* fly m 4»; )l l*a to Miramaag ■■ Fkia*. Ualai to bweia ... (oioaj oUp to FaeOalk I » Mp Ar . till rail rip # *i a to Uana'-w t«. a TMp - i m -H-. | !»■ ■ *ia • jUe-k Ri i ... jto at. It oip • Siaa ... I to Ms tl iff* • w-* —i lit®* tr a* a f^OuTd* Mm4*«• .u 4taa, t(• a. (k'uaUi Ca Uap‘4. I 1 1* pj 4m a * launi t Mpj 4 *ta * fmua . ...... IBM OS* * lltni.ilrriUa ** pi ' «*» Ar A mama.. ■ . I OMPI 4»» Lr Aahwr lla . .. - T»a, h «0p to apartaarmr* tl 4»* *Up to (VI Ms. a i-* I®p 7®a Ar CKaramou .... Mp’ It '•■* to (VOTto FT 7 *TS, ." IW a' II « a “ Oaraaaah 4 ®P> »*• Ar ' >1 LUKIN (111 -LSVH m R»,.Uec,t Uatiy jaitopr arevlea toiweer. Ftpr .l. aad Near y,,rk he* Ku4e-4lUiitpM andSwAwatwii UrnttaA bott.l V«ati>>u,eri irmui with drama aar. aad Oral -Ins eoarhe. n-'rih of Ctorlotm dm- oi* n»n ®m|da#«af«h*rwoea Tauua. Jack* ismle. Ba.aatuu, w aahingKvu aad haw Vark Pntmian Keeplß# Oar* t-twi-o fharkni* and H. i.rnoad. . . j Putlraaa dnoOiyro-ni -—pine -»r« be- Iwat.n Ur— aad Norfolk l-f—c-mtoo* SLTIi W'.ia toOLD POIKT < OMfNJBT. arrivt -a there ta time (or i.reakfaal A,lid inua with Parlor .am. h#twe.n Cti.rie.lon «n<i A«haetl> hwimil sa-c. ». Pam Mail. Tfcronak T-n.inan dr. wing room tmffei - m.lnr car-bo t —fori Jii.'knotielite and New V** awl thill man • —otna ram bet wees Anguata and I tor latta. Puiiman uleotuns "am totwaen Jack fmrtu# and Oolurabln. eu route (laity beta— a o-keiaellle and Ctn.-tnnntl, vi. AahaoWa. KANEn WAKNON. j k.C CP, Third V P A (mu Mgr J M- Mr A TCRK. 8 H HABDWK K, U. if A.. WaakiagVOß. P. Ali »«4a- GEORGIA - • RAILROAD. (90th Mrildlan Time.) Schedule EffeeUv# April 24, I*7l. Pullman Sloonero between Macon and Now Tork. Through Pullman Sleeper* botwoan Au gust* and St. Louis. Lv Augusta ..I 7:osami 8:20pm|10:30p:a Ar Atlanta ...|l2:3*pm| 6:2opm| 6:oo*iA Ar Macoo ....jn:l6*mj | *:4si»na Ar Athena ...,|lS:l6pm| 7;Jopm| Ar aatne#vltle|*3:t6pmi I Ar White PI a|*l:oopm| | - Ar Mill'** 1* .;lo:Xoam| | 4:30*» jAr W v-h'ton ..|lo:lyam| 7:lopm| Picayune train leave# August* dally rxcept Sunday at 6 15 p. m.. and ar rives at Mll'edgevltle «t S:10 p. m Trains arrive ot Augusta 6:16 a. ea, 7-45 a. m.. 1:50 r>. «i . and *:25 p tu. A. G. JACKSON. G. P A. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A- CAROLINA AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY Schedule In Effect, March 6 189$. Eastern Time Standard. Leave Augusta,"southern Ry.. 9:30 p m. Arrive Chester, Southero Ry.. 7:18 a.m. Leave Chester, C. & N. w. Ry 7:43 a.m. Arrive Lenoir, C. & N. W. Ry 1:16 P-if- Leave Lenoir, Stage .1 2:00 p.m. Arrive Green Park. Stage .. .. 7:00 p.m. Arrive Blowing Rock, Stage ■■ 7:30 p.m. G. W. -HARPER. C. F. HARPER, President. G- P- A -