The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 03, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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* ROMANCE OF LOOKOUT 1)0 fttMtN rffff •»**** S M lit Hit f )mm A A*MOM Mi fIhMHMAMt i aMfta Hamel Its • Hmc t!i*tr «ifo« k*Mft fc# At mill | 11n ... , hi .# 11 h#n«!' : i' L' a lfm*k Hh# feiii* firWU*** 4flrtiM tlißWfl Ur (toow A «o» •tmmrr mm* rmmrn* ikfi «tfKf fn * fl*»4U wfctr* f»rtf HMMMMUMI AlffVn l*i rtr t« ti#r *l#r mm tmr m i tlf #r* m» raorti akllt to twtk Vgf4 U*rr ri’.kmrttp !h«*ir ou(Hmi •ftattiftt fk# korimt la »trtDff* futu* «Mki la tk* p*a»« Tk# ktm la am* l*«u tk* of Dyt kifita ftaai: M v ioiil Imtiv I> tor away, MHog lb* bright Vmttin bayj My winged boat. A bird afloat. Halm round Ik* purpla prtki ratuol* Round purple prok* It aaila and aroha nitta Inlet* and Uxdr errata! rraaka. High rorkJ throw Through drop* below A duplicated golden glow. While aeated on the airbed portico of the Inn, wrapt In the ruateinplatlon of tba grand and beautiful In nature, my mind revert* to a ataaon not yet blended with the dim paat, and I am overwhelmed with a flood of pleaaant recollection*. There vti here al that time by far the moat brilliant araetnhlage of society folk* (hat It ha* ever been my fortune to behold, although I have made the round of the principal resort* of Sweldom. In cluding "The White," Asheville, Sara toga and Newport. It aeetns a* f n such rltte* a* Augusta, Macon, Atlan ta, Memphl*, Montgomery and New Orleans, there existed a spirited rival ry as to which could ccnd the best contingent of their elite, and conse quently the matrimonial opporttinltlra were exceptional. The assortment of beaux wan all that could Ik- wished for and included everything from the dignified and intellectual eligible In tent on making good use of his time, to the lily-livered dude that llspci? and simpered as be posed in his white tops and gaudy blazer. And as to the ladies, well, when the "Dream of Fair Women" was presented, I thought that If Tennyson could only behold this radiant a ray of comeli ness, he would have to admit that the realization was far superior to the vis ion. Among the celebrities present there were ex-Secretary Herbert and his two daughters. Senator John J. In galls was here, too. at that time. His coming had been noised around and all were on the tiptoe of expectancy to see him. As he alighted from the train I shook hands with him, and on entering the portico he was sur rounded by a bevy of beauties, all anxious to be presented. "Oh, Sen ator Ingalls,” they chorused in a breath, "how could you say such hor rid things about the south." "I knew not what I did,” was his ready re sponse. "Forgive me, and I’ll go in peace and sin no more. I promise you." During bis brief stay, the "lr ridescent dreamer,” as we termed him, so gifted and genial, became quite the toast. There was but one event that oc curred to mar the pleasure of the company and cast a blemish upon the fair picture, and that was the inex pressibly sad d.ath of Mary Toombs Hardeman of Washington, Da. Ae- -1 kg Saw nftgpak, Wise IMW I ttpo i frit amMM» HIM •MkMdPMMHP At I #Nft IWHPMiMiki t#* MWHN* *%» |#» 1 MMMNMS tetJßpt nUMMM # pN*#§ #swM UNm I ti* *a* aga mtOOtt ♦ IPHpMMi Up’*') . ***§ MArii at HiliTi r%N • t iMfeiA kM »l*e MMMMIiA **f ••* t*9*m mumharw, m*4 «fe» rmmt FfttH* ! tfvM'ifMfl it t AtsfA ti'twitwM ! | fgHfl tluH AH mm* tA# Mr jiit hi ktHlt of (lr tar, Aar k»»# ftor fL* ft t *i Utm* If VM iMNH- -*'*♦) fHttl <»■•* ih» ptmwwm a # tit i«r itiitiiy mat m t»* $ r»mlM rt wtm* prtPMtr tm (kt VMI || ft. 'I xmrrri at *la# fur • ntm tli*# *fmftilfrotM mm «*ifitrl, f Omm tT* ikr ittfli of tit SoutA, la t ao •»*> Mr mm ofra Mor. A liltl# cfrtjw tbr bon! ArfM Itif INMitKf ftfiti IMrf b«t)(n)H to tcoMMr iafc*|fr ts ulnnAili a Mltik foe• <*Nieg a ttMl* » gland, that trnnapirod 'la the garden of Ike gwSa Oae lovetv I Miaissei • eve a pate sslgkl bar* bean jvaas—to fart, waa we to mate fnou j ike laa. >•« • lowly saaater aloag be neath the friendly oak* Inward the ganbei. He la a met «bst diailn igtilsbed appro, am- would roanMnd atieutiow wkerveer area; Middle- ag~> I Mtrivly above birdiutrt helsh'. bat I wkoaa piecetng black eye* were ia Mriktag cool mat with hla premature I gray hair. He Is a lawyer by profea uiia. a id kt* legal attainment* bate • icvated hint to the Judgeablp hroWan I which he la wealthy and la regarded a* j decidedly a good catch His com pan - ion ia a tall blende, apparently )u*t past her teens, beautiful of form and feature, a maiden whose movements are grace llaelf and whose every line ament sumps the cast of patiiclaa lineage. It Is an open secret that he Is an ar dent suiter for bey hand and that be has two rivals, both barristers, also from the same city: me a man of mid dle age. who had Inherited a great name In the South, and who has him self achieved sente reputation: the other, a young fellow with the whole world before him and nothing behind him, save a family tree and the deter mination to win success. By this time , Diligence in Business. - CatarrhaJ trouhltt dtltrty tHtrgy and mate suutss dijju utt. -^/ACTIVITY V» is natural to Amrricana A lazy AT, American ia generally a dlaeaaert gUfc jom*ESi \«\ man; more than likely he i* auf ■ V?* W ferlng from aome phase of <a \ tarrh. The laaaitnde that makes work impossible is a moat try- VlCfelvA ing thing to cope with. The iviaaesaor of It aym- diligent in huaineaa stands little ahow. Z'"'/ /f ? Normal nerves.clean membranes, puro breath. » good Stoma. h re ssessinn WtsW! !' these sueresa hernmes possible. / •ffsymV Ignorance about catarrh is universal. Ml I 'l iRv » jl' \ 7/*'' Nine-tenths of our people to-day think IvVvciL. ‘ v'llj// ca tarrh in the head is all there is to catarrh. VV \y /// There may be catarrh in any organ of the ' body. Catarrh is an American disease; , ~, , j about it Dr. Hartman s book on Chronic Catarrh JSSaSS by S C IVru - Medictoe Company. Columbua, <>- It tells many new and important things about catarrh, and how the groat prescription, Pe-ru-na, has been curing it for forty years. Write for it. The experience of Mr. J. R Wheatley of Columbua, 0., in trying to get an insurance policy and curing his catarrh with Pe-ru-na » very convmcmg. Here is Mr. Wheatley’s letter and picture. , , . .. , COLL'MBOH, 0., July 17, 1807. Pe-ru-na Medutne Company. Df sh Sirs:—ln the spring of 1896 I applied for a policy with one of our lead • insurance compajiiea and was rejected on account of kidney-trouble. oiiJw thnt tbe trouble originated with catarrh, with which I had been foJ m U»STbepSTg. treat the catarrh, but without success until afflicted tor. nrenaration Pe-ru-na. After u treatment of some three Lon ths I find no traces of catarrh, and the kidnevs are ao much better that mv application for life insurance has been accepted. My health in every way u very much improved, and I feel that I cannot recommend Pe-ru-na too highly. t Very truly, J. B. Whi sixer. Mr Wbeatlev’s experience is no exception. Pe-ru-na’s cures are everywhere. AU druggists sell Pe-ru-na. the national remedy for all phases of catarrh TTTB A.T7GTTBT A. BIBAM $ «HM) !t#*« Mkn g-HMfi AfepMF MMMt : %.-* ■*+% MkM (torn fMPftRWMNIi | Mmmm*m| AH m*» *m*oo^ «nm» MfcM* 1 aMHM tH'tf 'ijur-f m HkNM HMfHp*** #ft"i iWiMNI AM *(MA p ***i * MMMI «MfMI ■» Ail dMMktw * |M| Ha A f WA't* VHVMIMtt iH* §**** «iMMM MW {*%»** t iMiifti ii— at ammm tim% 1 Tliil M 4 ftiitfii-r t HMWtMNi M ApAoa «Ha PAk»* nrMMMM MMHI HI MAMHHi Ik* f aMm! VHa #*•***%*■ 01 AM* tAhfa > a |4 %tmaa4ta ****-■ ia# atm mm§ Otaatm MM lawt'k wwkmg add iaaAsws trsww«» mm IMs Maw the stpwd thaw kptwA nwd 2 tbs rwtsi emMssd as awddewte ha A -w . ska t>w «*• ths rtttd grwaw pvdsrel 1 attod asi Hs earth Icta, tba tsigrs eye* ywauA lenderM I ni«h her wealth at awhuen trwnaaa 1 wow show las ■ hell Titian tints in the I —t—r»g twilight hud he hawt «t*f and ! wkupatad noaa*4hthA that htwaght tk* | raaah to her cheek, had 0* grant Mae* spaa dumped low hsWlb thetr istlkna fringe The pretty ferae auy * Imre rwM ihelr feathery fronds to j • ntrh the ai>e«*< an softly tt <amr I Hot aaa thing ttrlA* the wveevw Irknaa dnmew nt the laa. who dlepleysd each aailety to Hid oat whom bn rhotrr would be bad to wait a rowple of m< ntbe whew It wan nwwwuneed to w llttia town la the beewtadn bait of Ueorgia that the lodge waa the wla ner Thny are aow llvlag la aa ele gant home oa (be await street of a Southern cHy Within a airme n throw lon the sense street are bbt Iwo romper I (tore: the middle-aged gentleman mar I rted a beautiful bel’e from the eastern I portion of the stale, while the young I fellow captured one of the greatest I belreewee in the state, and. withal, a {moat attractive, arcompltailed and ifaeaatiful young woman prVDENS'IB. MAO TEN WIVBA. At Lsttl Ten Women Claim Otto Huff as Husband. Chtrago. 111.. Nev. S. Behind the (lira at the Cblcagu bridewell la a mysterious prisoner. Ten women have claimed him aa husband. In Capt. Coi- Isran’a »mt«*‘nt detecttve headquar ters la a photagfwph. It la that of Ot to Huff, once a resident of Kenwood. W. Va., who, by the autbnriilea of that place, la believed to have poisoned hla wife three years ago. burled her tbe day after her death, taken fdou of her money, left hla rtothlug on the bank of the Ohio river and dlst,p,»e»r- I 1 aami wmmmammmmmmmmrn S I r* ■* * * *; I ■ ifcpr MAArttTIl 1 I WormwT le'Vftah I •gsiedUiaklir Hull’ f tetlewH MniaSsa* «d miO?, iMBEE ij M,w voim iaact u*f ftf wwsepcn. L_ , _____ i THE BEASON IS UPON US. Clothlrui n*ed* mu*t b* *upplied now- Fur lh*r delays are impractlcabl*. These *arly frosts and th* sharp nip In th* *v*nlng air sub* g**t Winter Suit* and Overcoat*. W* glva th* b**t valu* and afford the safest **rvlc*. Don’t think alt Clothing store* are alike. There is a difference- Comp Are Intelligently Examine of* ferings elsewhere. Then come here- Notice our •tyle*, notice our qualities, notice our variety. You need not be a veteran judge to decide that our Stock is matchless. The merest no m vice admits our claims of supremacy. I. C. Levy’s Son & Co., TAILOR FIT CLOTHIERS, AUGUSTA, GEORGI/ ad. Ymtrrtiay two dMOrtlyfa <hrclar«l that ih* bridewell prlaourr- waa th oilpncl of The ptoilrgraph. If (ha prlaonar la takan lo w<i»t Vlr | Sluiaa for trial oo the charao q( murder he and tha lan ahiroau who m*d claim Uiii, „ huaband may lhatik Ilia mem or> of a minlaiar. Tha authorlllaa of ('til.ago and Btfvwood arc nuUua av t-ry effort to lhal and. The minlaiar ia the Rev. Harman Haaaa, of Wliaalln*. W. Va. Mr. Haaaa rnada tha newapaiiara. Several days ago ne aaw In a Chicago paper m account of tbe rlolnga of Kr.-d Dosing, alias Martin Doly. alias Martin <!it uing. alias Jacob Adolph lluff. ali.ia Hoh, alleged bigamist, coo lined In the hi use of correct lot . "Huff. Hoh, Atlilph.” muaeil th preacher. "The namca aeam fantlllar.” Than ha perused hla niarriaga records and there found that on April 15, 1X95, he had made Mrs. Adolpli Hoh tind Ot to Huff wan and wife- Hla mind re verted to Banwood, and he remember ed that two months after tha ceremony at the eltar thp bride had died sud denly. The brjtfegroom. who waa a *a loop keener ii Kenwood, had disap peared iha daY of tha burial. His clothes had been found on the river bctik. The residents had supposed (hat ha had comnitted suicide be,-»«se of grief until thfff discovered that the wife’s money «»rs g me. Then avary brdy had tulkod because the body of the dr-ad woman had turned black within a fe-v hours. Some entertain ed a theory of niurtV-r. but no trace of Huff could hr obtained. "Fr?d Doting, alias Martin Doty, alias Martin (illn’tig. alias Jacob Huff, alias H< h. may be Otto Huff.” reasoned the Rev. Mr. Haase. Straightway he hunted arrund until he secured a pho tograph of the mlsßlrg saloonkeeper. This he, sent to the chief of police in Chicago, and Capt. Colleran’s detec tives- Framer and Kelly fashioned the missing link. Huff or Hoh, or whatever his name !s, denies that he has ever been In Wheeling. He Is wanted in Milwaukee on a charge of bigamy. $49,000 For a Horse. Ex-Secretery Whitney paid $19,000 for a horse lftsf week. A man who Is able to pay that much for a horse should be abie to keep up repairs on a bicycle. large raisins, all varieties. Just received nt l.amklu -t- s. GASTORIA fVfJUJW The Kind You Have Always Bought Bearn the / % Stgnaturv / J&v* fv Jft* The (Xf Kind vjr You Have Always Bought. CASTORS Gas Light Cohp] AUGUSTA, GA. CHEAPEST FUEL EVER OFFERED IN AUGUST/ 5 Having accumulated large stock of Coke v will sell and deliver san. In the city for 30 da.v during tha month of Nt vember at the followin exceedingly low prices: 25 Bushels for $!.5( equivalent to $3 per toi or 6 cents per bushel. 100 bushels for ss.ot equivalent to $2.50 pe. ton, or 5 cents per bushel. 500 bushels for $20.00, equivalent to $2 per ton, or 4 cents per bushel. We will deliver in Sum merville at 50 cents extra per cart load, or will make correspondingly low rates with parties who will do their own hauling. Break up your Coke be fore using. First come first served. H. B. ADAM, Secretary CATARRH A LOCAL Disease A Climatic Affection Nothin;? but a local remedy or change of climate will cure it. Get a well known Specific, Ely’s Cream Balm 80 Jbed. q aiv« y hc- COLD 'n H EAD ;ief at once Open* nun demises the Nana f J a«sages. Allays Inflammation, Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores tbe Senses of Taste and fjmcll. Xo Cocaine, ho Mer cury. Xo Injurious drug. Fnlt sizesoc : Trial size 10e at Druggist* or by mail. KJ,y lIJROTHKRS, 66 Warren St., New York JHE [JERALD JTANDARO yyAR fITLAS It Ui popular bocauto it it ‘u«t what tha Croat nowhpApof-roaclmg pubMc winti. ih# tap* ara larta and, ami HiHy dmibl# «ha at/o of any oihor* publiwhod. Thoy aro baautl | fully pHniod In flvt colon on hoavy map pap* r IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WAR GEO6RAPHY you will find tho Atta« an ndlopontabfo olds It will help you to obaarvr tho daily chango* in tho oltuat-on. and onablo you to koep paco with history. You Need An ATLAS! ' (kt tho Latest and Bout x Coniems of The Herald Standard War Atlas: Cub* w ea as • 14x21 inch*i Th* World as • • 21x28knch«0 Wftftt IndlM ... 14x21 inchM North America - 2 i x2B iood* South America - - 14x21 Inch** , Nwaft* mUi *wea- Philippine Island* - - 11x14 Inch** Hawaiian Islands - - llxl4»ncf»** Europe ... 21x28 Inch** Spain and Portugal - - 14x21 inch** Asia ... - 14x21 inch** Africa ... 14x21 Inch** Oceania and Carotin* Islands 21 x2B Inch** China .... 14x21 Inch** Harbor Charts, showing Matanzas, Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Cienfuagos, Manila and San Juan; also Cardonas and Santa Clara Baya, and Island of Porto Rico. Do not confound this Atlas with the cheap smaller Atlases now on the market It is just out, and entirely new. The Maps are clear and distinct, and twice the size of any others published. Rand-McNally Maps are Standard of the World. You can be sure that you are setting the best when you buy The Herald Standard War Atlas. Remember the Hain Point The Herald Standard War Atlas cannot be purchased at any store in Augusta. HOW TO GET IT—City subscribers may call at our office, or may order the Atlas through your regular carrier. Out-of-town subscribers may obtain a copy by remitting 35 cents to the Atias Department. Address Augusta Herald, Augusta, Ga. PRICE 30 cents—PßlCE 30 cents [V ---===^l [ A Frank C.lvtts / \ / \ fimou® j / \ / \ 9 Cushion \/ \ Shoh 1 / Y Possible \ / \only to 8 V 1 / \hardH»tter\ Xf \ Centre Q \ Very fine \ \ RightTwltf^k r A NEW BOOK ON BILLIARDS By JOHN A. THATCHttft Cii*iilon Carom Cbeieploii of 01d.• ’84- ’xi, %flnnf‘r «»f Ft. I.oul* Hnndkttp S 7, thr lotifnxf tournament un rworn, sihl i|m only player who orer Inmi Nrliot*f»*r, Flo Mon, end lv« In tho wmo tournament OF INTEREST TO EVERY BILLIARD PLAYER PARTIAL CONTENT®. 100 OtAORAMS OP 3-CUSHION fHOTS. SCHAEFER'S STRAIGHT RAIL NURBK. EVERT BTTLE OP BALK-LINE GAME. ALL NURSING POSITIONS. PRINOH CORNER GAME. STORY OP CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES AND INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS. LIST OP CHAMPIONS OP AMERICA AND TOURNAMENT RECORDS. ETC. The author rlt<*h rmny valuable Buggeatlona to novlcca which nerve to render clear the method* tun ployed by the world's expert*. It will ahow you HOW TO PLAY Cloth, 75 cents. Flexible Leather, SI.OO. ZMpagrn Size, 9xlnohi-s. Sent, prepaid, to any address oo receipt of price. Aapsta Eveuiiii Herald 7