The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 04, 1898, Image 2

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rmOA % Maim Vows Aft* NOT MORE BINDING HP WSmo^Smtntmm Ten b tbs coieiirn Ml Fill READ THIS: ' H«nptf M WMmA* fef *• |Hw *#* Am** f» ##Mti» <—l MNtot CM MCRMNI f Umpi# (»*-% ♦**# »*&#* .A4Mn* **• (ASA* I mp MiS|"f ItAHO frfr** Tbonias & Barton, SOLE AGENTS. Tl# mt* »a f>W Jk T. AT*LIE*Afr A. dA, I*. %•- n#ns ImM| fry Afltoli Wf NSW AT ALL A 1 MMf Kmkn Aafe. Dw#*» Wwr l Irwnwi In IJMACMirii'f M tfthfi*#% "• n«B it#* | if f * »*# • *Mft* j frlNßltMtf k*A 000004 #*4 t**#l#44HVMl • : lfr||itflffi§il df « jr»***»4l wtlMN* j #*M #l(l#* Ol#l)»«l farfpffiiml ' I^Nti*f •'•MI A «*(*#»'* "•#** % I N# fNftCA |MA|MT- *OTCffIMI Wttfet fMAiRIA* j r (time ? * |*l« t #•# *44N**M****'i t» *'f l»*f j IM* tuytt. Mid ifr write. MhHj (Ikk 1 Mb* **• Milmti to to oitvtol to . tfre mmm ot tm sfeetrfr tfrta Fall (•*« ib* MMfr at «■» liwi wifrfery to buy • it >«• #**# tticfesisfe, 4to pc•% e«( th,t * | oMMNn #hnm»i V«wl4 In kMif j MM9 IM #***«■? Mil »Hil« (** |W»# • j HUM* tic* dCNWiM tfouiwr* »i mn4 l Phrrift-T “"Air# lie* tif***»i*« #talHv4« «T i•» kiting hear'» ' *■ Tit* >MM woman UN k*ol hrr (**< - tur* urn a fuotant** us good faith. I*rt vat* iwiti.n Duval f*lt a hindir in ttdtM til ih* l«M r-<*»C • nui'k and aMoaad It** |>h«> >«raph t* Mr D*. I* « win* ■ ..mlrad is* fair yeun* r«» * IBalM lb* pk'iur* bark ta Mr I>h>*i and MtM that n reminded Mm of a moss, A auAden lt«t»fi»*a# tall t>r*v«ni - ta M* trtliaf lb* attar*. “Mr ftcpew la not rk-b enough |o re al- r, I la all of lb* r>t|a**i« of thia fhamgMr (ha: '•now t# Mm. and h# do** not f**l that tl would h * rtahl to dtarrtminnti la flavor «f a«r partial* lar amm." commented M Duval. To Cur* a Cold In Oo* Day Take Casatlv* Bromo Qulnln* Tablets. »t: druggist* refund the money If It fan* to <iir« Mr. Th* ■•Bum* baa L. ll Q. on rath tablet. LIABLE LO COURTMARTIAL. Copt Reukl *■*> arna Second Georgia Men to Take Mo Action. Cap! Renkl oarna member* of the Saco ml Georgia nol to participate la any action that may be taken by ih* i-lUnana tonight In regard lo any threat mine dlatnrbaneaa. Any aol dlera doing to are liable to a court martial. Old faahloned buckwheat flour for aale by Camkin A Co. Dick Oroker haa derelopetl oratori cal talent with auch velocity a* to make hla fitenda ditty. Hit lust performance was a apeeck to a deaf and dumb audience. go JELL fIU JIB PEOPLE TO ATTEND THE GREAT JUBILEE SALE CALLAHAN & TURPIN'S 818 BROADWAY (FERRIS’ OLD STAND.) A Showing of All That’s Good for MEN’S WEAR AT A SAVING OF 1-3 IN PRICE. LENGTH OF THEIR PASTORATE mi* cifrt H«t fmt lt*n | m Cfr ftlt U*R iCffrfrt tmmmr «fea* *• ißaai fri fr* tfr* Mfr CNMNMfr* Cdk N Hmm**** iniiiiiiNii in aaa m i *# MMKMNM ••**#•#* I# *•* •AfrAfrfrl ** j 9|MM *o*o% #*4 (fr# fMiiM •* A#ifr fp*- mrMmnnmm amnm# cs m * | #•» «Km*' CM# ♦%*»'# P MM •* ' Me** «l'fr*« A jiiMMi «# PNSNP % IP #•# EPCfc tfrrt | A#*# AAA* (PCNNI MpCf OtpeMi PC MH*C pi* fni—iCi' l Ml *MiM* ip* 11j i#fi» * MtM liwti <Mt •%*•* •ft frWPt (Pfrl CMMMI MMM #Pi*CpM P 0 ; mMPcmpmi MPmmwmm p*-« IpPMMP II CMPM* SwPcsrt • ipMPVP,. P MP MMt ip «• PCCIP- I PMC |MWM MMMP PMC PM** *f CMC*P* j at f|y» aMa* * frtatofr law aiMfr MMfr* l * m frw* W> tbatll «M*. lb *** LMgMMNfr. fr* *Mfr »b«tfr** frfra*i*» a-* IV Moat fra** ** fra* **•"*•• fr** IMM IfrMfrfyttf w 4 frb* «b* t»« aI fr* IMAIMAI4»«*e fry**, |)wy NT* TMMfTC t -> MpA' ■M| MBH|| •' m m ; # frfr ■ .-I ■«*> ? fr «'fr*4M9 |#Ml Mr« p 9K PlifPMi.. M PwPP Mmmpm ** r »• •»* ***** ** Ha* Mfrfr II Itbfrtb frf NTlufrlf fra**> naif b»rm afrutfr* tfrtfrt f*frfr**frfr’ .|. I, I* I aaf | Nad MMRN . . iN4lTMN*l*i *P'f •** |w»«4 L pMtPMii PcmlPM tw* Nf* Mt ctrtf c<N<Pn n»4 «Mi N* - frA |m aaaw Ifr «M» *Nt lie W9§fmt*nmi* ww ' |«MMP* *mM* P tp» THf Just ntcfrlVfrd nmw crop Sweet Cider, alto C«or«rl« Syrup. At DERRY A LAW. f*ttCACHt:RS AT OITS. Mrlfrufrtot V*. RapttM «• Ik* Cl** Cfry. Atfr*«* O*. Me I. ■* T»e frfbfrffr ots ofra a Bayt •* ■* tfr* otfr*t • * IfrofriM fra** fr*d n»l**t brr*M*A ott Ifra i bate* of cartytfrfr rfrfrtoaleli NANptMA. Aad that >• «*• *'< T *° •re oat a«al**t tfr* pr«»p«*»»4*f '•* Baptist dwttrfa# He I* charted With assaulting tfrfr MetbndtH p.reo* In additloa to pdlllag hta ga* (or parpore ft rut Gag sfeon tfro fra«»b|y . tie r ft tbfr Mfthodtfl prearher Rev. Rills l*t(a»s» pa*t«r ft tfr* Ia»« I A M K rbwrrh. this city. a*d l*mre«*n Willis fllsft. "ho *• • ■ftk* preacher without a florfr. *ra lbs i p»i»< Ipa Is Th.- men had • f»«w shout Parson Clasp* being blackballed by tbs other prefer bar when (Rsspr applied (or *d mlaatnn to a secret frorlfety. ftiftT iftßfr tfr# '.«dge turtifrd down frit frppll ration, held Utm** reaponil blfr nnd tackled bin about It Accor ding to Pitman’s *«w»on, (Hasp* ll*- t«ncd to f*l«* mcasatlon* end groundlea* rumor* 100 much *nd not only kept In hot armtwr himself, hot annoyed bint pcrslstfrntly, *lw*ys de manding personal satisfactio*. Not withstanding that Psrson Pitman served on thfr Chicago police force for tw* year* and has a record as • scrapper. h« abandoned this kind of Ilf* completely whm he doofefrd the ctotn and for this reason declined st first to give bit wrsthy opponent the Mtiafactlon be appeared *0 much to waat. Matter* rested her# for awhile and last Sunday ihe Odd Fellow# decided to bav* an ln*tallatton an a preacher was wanted to preach the sermon. The candidates for this distinction were Parson Pitman and Rev A. H. Murden, pastor of Hill** Baptist church. The latter Is not a member of the Odd Fellows and Pitman won by a vote of 19 to 2. Murden was Glaspy's 0 ' ■ « * ' iHNPpi jpp Pma pMl:®* [ y-r%r- pp fl lain ii mHmtk v l Ms him pi- mmmis pi vpp cp p §m*m Um nc #• mm* I^mn# I iNpHpMI fi in Niff PKM Mpe « ptanaC f pM* #AMi I Mp» ft* AN* NMiiiMNlNft NCNwpN CM T** ** * cpcMM Ml mm pi mMSP. mpP' ravin a*, a % bltltAOi tfr* frfrfrHH* ft*'fr*« frfr* ***** *♦ frfrttofrfrty *!•§* i frafray** Ifr* y An ******** «afr**Ht bbofr **frfrv*fr tfr* frMatb***fr <****■*l* frf ffrM* ft*fr. Tfr* fr*o*wa* j tty tfr** a# •■**•**** »*•**■* tfr* frb t«M frfrfr tfr* *“•*•* ***** >frfr atfr tfr* •**ftfr ***** **■**! tfr* frfrfr* «b* *fr* frMtfrt fr* •*frMt*o fr***fr—♦ % ■ai»a •* »■»it ■. «M MM* •*• •*- «*afrfr»*fr tfr* ft**** *# (fr* WIIW fr* •** < 4* fr* frwfrfr* *lf frfr* fra*** fr* frfrfr ftft' j !•* Man* frfryftM* ft*** •*•• *• ***** tuafr tVifrfr 9fri*ba ftfra* Ifrfrifratfrj •Mfr frfrfr >’«fr Rtfrfr ttfrk fr****® «fr I t «*M* *• fr* ***** T fra taafrMfrt H*frN*Ufr*frt fr** fra* , i tfr* **fr» fri* aftbtfrl ta»**t**t.*afr as , tfr* fraaa »tt aMfrfrtwfr fr* **■**• ft*b* | Ml IMHid PWCMiNTf POPPett# cep-? (Pi p Pen jnmhi mi m pmmc* Pot. P tat Mfr tfrta *ba ■*!•** ft* at* tfr* taka* I afrit frt ft* **bifr*t tafrabl tfr* #a**M®frt»' ft tfr# *•**•«•* *,* a* Ifra tala** Mitt tfrfrfr tfr liftr tfta frfrfrfrt *Ma*b<* tfr frotratfrt* tlafta (fry tfr***tiea*b* I* I* ktfrkak** 4 Cufri pft NiP A* * tmr pp fftTNCNCCN f A#'C#r N * NS tpt ttl Jtrl CMttl SfPt (p TNCNfN aft ft* Vabfratfr# frfra* tfr*T fr* ** _ tlMiralift la a «*a»t*t ttfrayua* ft frt* .(.f tfrftMl fr* k* aatutatl t*i tfr* #a*4a ft taftfrftfrltafr frt* fr*t» Ilia* mßvnv ftom e l«U . O*aw*frttofr tv. I* tMfr j #*frtfrata* AH *• at* tft *ftb ta ** Lfrfra tmotfrlfft* ft Ifra n»ta«<t tt Ibta I bMIW raltfrtfrnt Ifra* I* ya* ♦** aar j ..a •«« *■*< friatftt 11 ratal a (fra fra*., tl» w< y»ur Ibfrtaiat **4 ha *••* *•*> I toad tfr* (At* )»H ktba ft rut,. M I.t# a *4 It I* (toft k> Watalbt*. t. ■A. (itiWati Aaftrtbta'a Irui frbao. Al- I »*afr-tar • DTuft *t»»* W* *** *****»• ; , w< i a Tfr, Kta* Fbaf*M*»: ftTbftabtl* i »t» lattnfritl A **btt>ttj BV MEUTOF MVPNOTI3A- Tfr* %*» bark Rftkt At* l *afr«* t* Control PtUobf Now Tori No*. 1.-Or. Wfraalor • IWibtru# frfryalH*a —rraaftaft Utl* morn in* In attbtluin* Ity by Tarot ..m a aatlor *bo. MCarlna front po*t-*plf*t> 'tlr manta, tuft *an iMlfrHy Mtafr* •*• poltramra Tfr* aalto*. *fro I* atlfrrfc- i ft to tfr» rrillarr Hroofrly*. •■* #*l*r*l I with a tt and Or. Wfraalrr batl bratt rail** to ittraft him A* mM a* hr rttroratrd from thr ’ rffrrti ft tfr* tt Ul« **•*«*» with mania a* *!»*» Malrd. Tl** k“- i llrrmrn *ttf t»IW1 Jfril tfr* a*Uo* Wiu ! mom tfr** • taft'lr »«* *fr*». •«*» j tiothlra rottld b* iktr wKh frit* Tfrtat lb Whaabr triad tfr* ftftct ft hi* ft* and ratifrln patw'*- Tfr* man gr*dw*ll* b«*»m* **ltnr* •nd finally aa* tßinird to *otrr tfr* aotbulanr* and to to tfr* fr»»plt*l. Ptarr your ordrr *i o»u* and avotrt ru*h. (lood* ebraprr than »v*r. t. J. Ilrnry A Co.. po|>utar ptir*d tailor*, •'!* and «* Cawittwll *tr*rt. Sl.oo* ON VAN VVYCK. A LotiUvlll* Mao M*k*a *n Offer oa Election bontarlll*. Nor i. A I»ol*rlU* man want* to bet one tbouaand dol lar* or any part ft It, a* *v.>n money, on the New York fleet lon. He want* to take th* Van Wyrk end of the pro poaltton. The I/onlarllle tpana money waa pouted laat night at the Boaton. where It ran be fotiml Ity anyone who want* to bet against Van Wyrk* chance* Tuesday. ftuckleit'* Arnica Salve. THE BENT PALVE Is the world for Cut*, Brut»e*. Sorw, Ulcer*. Salt Hliriiin. Fever Sore*. Tett«r, Chapped Hand*. Chilblain*. Corn*. *ud *ll Skin Eruptions ana po*lttv*ly cure* rile*, er no pay required. It ta guaranteed to give perfect aatlafactlon or money re funded. Price 25 cent* per bo*. FOR SAJ-K BY HOWARD A WILUET. Wlltion In Atlanta. Atlanta. Ga . Nov. S.—Hon. W’llllam L. Wilson, president of the University of Virginia, arrived today and lectures tonight before the Georgia cm territorial expansion. He Is the guest of Hon. Hoke Smith, who will entertain him at diuner tonight, at which Gov. Candler, the president of the Senate, and the speaker pro tern of the House will he present. A Sure Sign of Croup Hoarseness in a child that Is subject to croup la a sure indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is given as soon as the child become* hoarse, or even after the croupy cough ha* appeared. It will pre vent th* attack. Matty mothers who have croupy children always keep this remedy *i hand and find that it saves them muoh trouble and, worry. Ii tan always to* depended upon and is pleas ant to take For sal# by Alexander Drug and Seed Oa.. C. R. Parr of Bell Tower Drug Co. You cap get a line suit cheap for cash at I-:. J. Ilemg a Co.'s, 21t> and 21 s Campbell street. mi: auodeta hkrald. SECESSION Till RITE IN SPUN i (W*tftN§ ft *fttt A* Iftit tip ■BHHk # •a* frmikia la ft** a* ftp* kwgft i Mb* -- ft fta»*ftfra* (t*. fr u*A * 1 . £*«•**•* ft rft, t»m!* wwtaft fr* (fr* j ffre* tfcet tfrfr Iw ft»g a*frftki"*aet*g sftftftfrftMfretM* are frwawft ta tfrft | aaHtaa fraew tk**tgfrt**t l ffrgia aaft r*a*ii*ft aaftaft Mba gwewew Tfr# a« frwi** ft aM eta*M ft (frt* IwMMa fra** fraa agik*«fr4 tfr# wat , wwfc ik# t aw* ftw a#*a*(kab#ad - (tag tfca (as* ikat *k#g fra** wMMttaa* , tft (k**r fbaaaem fr* (frataotfr tm ■ Ofttt* s$ ftkafrfr k**«****a mmm tlw* ***fra**. bad fit a afhwraia* a#d tfr* awit** ba* fr**a aw* a* laa* agitated ftwta i taw ta iMaa. ka* aaa* (fra** wka w#e», . it# (ft kflawaMa , a*p •#*•!* *m i balmy grelartfrg lNft*l»a lfr*»»fr*a j aa ka* ***a g»»a* a# fra t m tm k#M| me-*tag* adfrr**#*fr ba tafiaatamtar* f utafrMa deelartag tk*' t "at*iua4* •*•• !* withdraw tlw* Ik* tt —lad** ft tka ftyaaMt kiagdnai aad ally h*g-, j seif wMb a tmt* ftftftnaftaa <uw . I try mm trait- it l* awt Jtaaw* that aa* I step* bat* beats tafrea ta atebe ak j arawd sa»l«<■*«» ta tfr# ar***re(gat.y ft (Ayala y*( Apata I# ta aa ratfrtlaa ta , frwpQffrfr* e**a a asaalt etsed dot. It *t* >1 nakfai tan. If tfr* prwvtaea eaaid jbe brwagfrt lata arawd #afr)e»(b»* •baald H fetralt. It aaty resaaifr* far 1 M.*a* deftatt* aritoa ta fr* *»ben oa tfr* pari ft tfr* pr.*pi» (» ptaaa* «aai» I tato a itruggifr wfrfefr am* reaalt la ! dividing tfrfr kingdom a# tala a awm | tier ft wail efrgamtfr govern**.*!* Flysr* Fa* Saturday I Jiih to keep thing* humming we will •pM imuntrn* tfr* rb«app«t Int ft m*ti . tlafr frtMM peer iftervd. la color* bta. k •ad tan. band w#U »ud M< K«y a>w«d. all from our tl mad 0 M tone*, for *J. j Al»> | avi til lot ft taka' floe bid k*». rrmuiaf W.s* •Iwkl 'i || Ms iStay are fratalMisc* and nfrrMt.v | width*. WM. Vt't.HKllfVg HONg * CO. A HOOK 1)01 5K r 4 Flayed ta By Recafftar Thi* Morn* lag* Tfr* recorder pig'.-d to a ■auGl lion** ihi* morning The pruemd* of til* emerutumrui was# very email in* deed. Henry Chllde. Co. H., Pint 8. C. Regiment. He had been eery drunk and it coat him tfr-M. Belton Jackson. Jan* Baaton. It wa* a fua* The evidence *howed that one party wa* about as guilty at the other. 91 50 aplere. Mary Johnson. John Johnson. They had fussed. Tt wa* said that neither had said anything out or tht way to each other—that ia what Mary and John satd. Witnesses said different. tt wa* a 92 Bite for Mary and $l5O for John. A case against Willie Green waa dis missed. Likewise one against George Ta tum. New Maple, New Orleans and Geor gia Syrups received at Lam kin A Co.'s. EDOEPIELD. What la Going on Among Our Friends There. Edgefield, S. C., Nov. 4.—Miss Soph ie Gwaltney is home again from Ten nessee. Her health, which is not very robust, was not so good while away, hence her return to Edgetleld, which has been extremely beneficial to her. It takes us hack to days long since passed away these bright, clear and de lightful mornings, to meet the groups snd squads of little tots ladened with one book, one scratch pad. a broken pencil and a wagon Toad of lunch —the biggest part of going to school—pranc ing and skipping along to the Institute. Mr*. G. C. Badhum. who tante uvu hum Columbia to attend the fafter* I of her grandmother, the venerable Mrs. Sarah Wtgfall. reUirned home on Monday. Mrs. tv. P. Oslhbtttt. of Atlanta. Is with her. auqj. Miss Marie Abney over I NM* 0 *os : Ml Httf H V 3 40 ' [ fr 4 .*•■ *■# frfr ■■■ % * AN% ® W WMUP m | Nynv4 w j mlirr ifrftt 111 11 NfH jTi, mi* |mn#i« **4 attafri (4 1-2 A friawitk Sl i tftti I ■>T | kftftl»k IN#<lNßfrL InNM fN#4f Wisc •«**! frhN%* frMN* p4NNMf INftNi m . [ in* lAniUAH of all rtNU'tHli— I%*| | IhnM m inNiy »*•! IMN - UNN ' • frrN (f|*Jt*U**k# ■li Aftfrf tm N»Nlt»lHI «rs IHr ptUv* f>fN* %Nt9iNji *• iHfttf INN In «fr)l»»N I# iNitni r«w nn4 iMfttii •« « \ *mt frrtWN | m *9* gt%*m fMM» «*# Ifrp*#' r NOfUfrAf CNfl IfrPNtNN, wHIr-H, IN tINN 1 » nIM firt f*m *m* Nf tMf lANNfIAMINKr AA | «®N- i HI ftTi'Awmt# ((*#, NNMttfrfrKi Nf itN|N. ! rltua i-MNHr Art*, l«N »*••* NNINf «fi4 «liNlf * TH*'*#* NftlrHwi Bt9 *m ktMMHNi u (Mir Inn plnta l *. w%*r* jrufi art lNi%lt#4 to rNW *oi Aiaalw tlmn. REV. J. t. W REN. ft* W Itt Wrmatn a* Paetoe ft W aad lawa Itaptut Church. Rev J, K I hit »a wtU not leave the paatorate At tfr* Woodlawa Baptist rfrurrfr for the preseet. His resigna tion has been withdrawn. At a meet ing of the board ft dearoa* laai sight It wa* dei'tdfrd not to *cc, pt the resig natloa and to aak the pastor to re main with the ebutt-b. which be baa agreed to do Wicker A Ptkrher. We take pleasure In calling * Item ion ! of our reader* to the advertisement of the above named ttrm Their «tmk of: yrocerie# I* Inrge, varied and freeN, embracing all the delicacies, etc., found In a Aret < laa* eeUbllehnu nt. Theae gciitli m< n are fully up with the time* In Uieir business, hence they have in more supplies from which the must pre- 1 else can select. Give them a call and he convinced aa to prices and quality ft goods. The Nation* Capital. Buffalo Courier. The City of Washington, capital of thr United States of America, and one of the most Important seat* of govern ment In the world, is fast approaching its one hundredth birthday. Though the site waa selected by the Father of bis country, he did not llva to see the federal government established there. That event, from which the beginning of the city properly dates, did not oc cur till 1800, Congress assembling for the first time on November 17 of that year. Two Kinds of Rations. San Francisco, Cal.. Nov. 3. — Capt. Lee Linn, chief commissary of the ar my in the Philippines, who arrived her* on the Peru, says It Is probable that In the future the government will have two kinds of rations, one for men of the temperate zone and anothi - for the soldiers of the tropics. He thinks more vegetables and meat (practically no fat) should he provided for men doing military duty in the Philiplnes. Indoor Baseball. The second championship game of In door baseball takes place tonight at 9 o’clock between the St. Patrick’s C. It. A.'s and the Sacred Heart Cadets. The Cadets will put In the game their cy clone pitcher and are determined to turn the tables on the L. A. hoys for the unmerciful drubbing given them last Tuesday night. Game called promptly at s o'clock Stealing. Felix Alpin was arrested by Offi cer Chambers last afternoon on a charge of stealing. Felix is a colored titan. | WANT ADSL IITVATION WANTED HELP WANTED FOR SALE" pu»|m »» «««•* a Wfrkdted frt* »l >*',»#re watt* #■ #et | rest a *l, BOM MUI- ta* ACW* FARM. <»>• aft* ferrea rety IMaMa, a frsrgwM Ay ] ft* w. e. f-artr. M«. Ut Jut bare at ore 9 riMM < HUM AT M JACKSON FT. FWH MtA d*AFK.It yV»W WRAP f* IMW9 NN'TywnNMB C'Hftdl I'ftWk* Nl f lt I i*NN r#N« • frvM Arm •* H«tiH H«*t|» N tkt(# «*fr4 If* •- >N4 »f. rent “ - HI UKST r»»H TkUM IM CHIMXT (*i*J>!*°i-iN % l*J (Nile# fr*ftN AmnMrtN. «N> tfrp ntn ¥ovm*mh r**»4 :i» fvHt <*n two »i TOf( IIKXT A r»frHKAHI«H FIVH* 11imm (t4ifg» |b4 Httli M#. |*l) ‘ Wiltoß tA A#* M3*i**P %*& wwJiWNNCN ft -1 iMfll Mi nodi to iMMfT «• HfrCV rmmr ! tiNTTy iMTf, N«f w roit hwst -nf? oHmos htt.kct, 4 r«frimi ab 4 trH'Hn Al<» Ctor* ! «*CN" V # 1C- C*l*rfc. US HcyNkl ftfAMFI. I Hot I tt i _ -- ■ - - - MISCELLANEOUS WANTKTV-RKGCLAR BOARDER* ; good fare and aret beds, also *# ua* furotafred room to rent. Apply Mrs. A. J Avars, corner Ulis aad Washington, or **3 Klita frtrsat. Nor U LOUT—REIT IRISH RKTTKR IJtltl. Answers to name ft “Jess-” Its re turn to *U Reynolds will be reward ed. Nov < BOARDMR* WANTED. ALSO LARGE rooms for rant furnished or unfur nished. Apply ltd Mclntosh street. Now » oo Try iu'sh'h for Sunday MHATS. drrered poultry, good beef, veal, mutton and lest sausage In town, tmtb pure and mixed. O. I*. Rush, lit Centre. , Nov I WANTED A FK'V REGULAR tsiarders by private family, rkssl fare, nice rtsima at low rai**s. Apply SSS Walker street. Nov I During • Scottish tour which th# poet Wordsworth took with hi* sitter, he was greatly struck by Kileburn Castle, and addressed a solemn poem on it. These verses happened to fall under the eye of a boy who had been asked by ladles to read something aloud. As innocent of Its character as they, he began. In a tone intended to be Impressively solemn, “Skeleton of unfleshed humanity!” But the ef fect of the phrase was more imme diate and more startling than anyone could have imagined. For oDe of the' two listeners, (tor she was certainly very thin), leaped to her feet and ex claimed indignantly: "Well, I am the thinnest woman In Ireland, but I case not approve of personal remarks.” The report of the railway commis sioners of New South .Wales for tha year ending June 30 shows that there are now 2.091 miles of railways open, and of tramways t>s miles. The loial earnings amounted to £3.340.800, showing a nincrease of £20,000 over the previous year. The increase Is largely ijue to mining and agrieuTurul cevrlopment. The Bell Tower Drug Store, CORNER GREENE AND JACKSON STREETS. new management. A new line of Fresh D«W*. Toilet Article*, Brushes, Etc. We make a specialty of Physicians Prescriptions. Bell Telephone T2*Jo PATTERSON & WADE. MOVCMftt* 4 sprciil Notice*; J fcftf tiOflJttj JhrCi m*rtt£k*9 mtt *>■*>, > *Moomm V|«f NOTICE OF ELECTION. ' A«f !«nlm» Cfi# of >|tr*i mp f a «**»*•. ta* . frt 1 tan . tftl f i fa* iHTifmi AiMtnu t# >f • h*. »% 9MIHMH ( |Mfr tm m mmmtm «t \c*mm*r tm *■*> * ««i4 m «Ao cut * Aa>*«»MA M tNH A Alsfltirt of IMrii* ABfutla SftA tm *#rA lift i riafmn ms t(*f %«(t aH duf #m-*«.9ii#. ffr I# ftpflNl mtp**o (tNftifrft** ** *t (fri f flnTtm o»* flUft-wAffti Wurtt fVtvrt H lift n>#» r II (i T If. TaitA w«ii, c*li»pi«i tctmuH- H ibba J «f* «ii *>« t » : Mn Viulu, J fr,; C A Ytawintt*' fr. i 11. : tLt T IVtniHl, fr. H r<mm% W«fA So S Miirns# [ frr—if ftrvvi An n <** f M« H Tl#* |t fc#r, fr H„ J«* fr. H. W. V. j a##»<**(* A A (>*»»B f, J. fr-; tko. { So*'*., fr. If.; J. • WAttft. fr. H j ihhn T Hwfrt*t I), II . A*. A. Itotffr loft tin i»11 Mimurn fr, A. curb, r H i H taufford. r. H i i tttot snd lOftk te. O. M . Hisn-trei's CnuD (Irouad -M*ns«-r« U U*. M-Cv). J. P.. J-d>n A. TVwwbrldge, 'F. H Ovorgr J Cawley. F 11. M.nfrgrr* H H. V. Mwr. 1. F . N-tl IU.I U. Itmre. F H.; W K S.imm. F H. I t:«lh Dtstrtct. *». M . Court Gr«*unl Managers: W. R. Kusfesrdt. F. II.: Itfrii rf-ng- F. II.; W. W. Hack. F. H I2g»th District. G M City Hall.Rum mm llte- Manager. John A. J. I*.; Chart*** J- fttinn.w. F. H ; Lewis A H-Id. F H. gtanwiftgwiHfr. Ilf Hall—Manager* : lift*. C. Beckmans. F. H ; Jrnwoh iTanahl, F. H.; liw. J. HeckW. r. H. Hephaibah. J. B Fryer's store—Man agers' John II- Haynle. J. P : J. B. Fryer. F. H.: R. L Ithivles. F. H Registered voters ft esi h ward, Vll isge and IM*tri« t. sre required to vnt* at tlwir respective voting precincts, (tarty three persist whose names sp tear on the registry list will b« *!•■•« - led to vote. The polls will be open from *a. m. to 3p. m. sun time The man agers must send their certificates and all thetr paper* ft the eleetlim. Includ ing ballots, under seal, snd thr registry list, to the county site, l»y 12 o'clock m.. of the next day. Blank* for holding election will be furnished at thin office. WILLIAM F EVE. Judge City Court and Ex-Offi<lo Com missioner' Roads and Revenue,Ktcn mond Countv. Ga Wm. E. Keener, Clerk. The fruit growing i**asants of ono of the districts not far from Bern a recently petitioned the railway com pany that carried their produce to re duce the fre'ght rates on the fruit that was daily shipped to various parts of Switzerland, knd also to pro vide more cars as the increased amount of shipments demanded it. The president of the railway said in reply that it would be impossible for the company to reduce the rates for many reasons, and one of them was that a tariff card had recently been printed and distributed and a reduction would necessitate having new ones printed and distributed, and it was rather late in the season, anyway, to have this done. Regard ing the petition for extra cars, he said that if they must have more caj-y for their shipments, it would add to the rates Instead of causing them to be reduced. Oakwoods. Texas. No damage by frost.