The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 04, 1898, Image 6

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FftlOAY THE AUGUST! HERUO «*• t*»* ' •• j ?**•* *•«**• S>»»|Ml UIMIMI MMWI *" : ** ******' **«* • *** - ft ftwifti — 6 Pm., ** **— •*•• * l,r * 1-ftuaa HllAiO W«|N» ' s4#** / ifwt 00N"* to—f MW*mr • Mill mm» mu hwuui l» am— m»** *** ***♦*• •** •* •** •mJSS» *•— I* ! %•*—•—■ ** ®* **** ... a, n-ir* fu««i i« —• »-#* on#- «;,”» ——* #»• wi rtoh *•—** "■** Mhm MBMttft* M **• * » * TW ■- r- - ■»-- .apMjS mrnUnt- 1 * ■ jiMt Jto *tt9 *okfTfmP *•* - •hm M g—ift* tag **• *•* ** **** 00ft. - - : rn *ii!i:irtist*^ i »#..rii«**» m**m •**■**•* **' .1 ..nftiirr »• *•*•»“ ••" ■Mn to )• *•* •■""■■* •“•**•* **“ jwt mm* by —* ftto**- EACH DAY HE* "“HERALD h., {»4ti» mmm HMRAI.It -MK VMNIRS. Ant one *ee*#«tlnf at Tito MnmW Oftkx the Smivenlr Coupon which hi printed helot, will Meat** a Mat lit tle Sou. rnlr Hntlon Ira*. It yow wanton* appi> early. Mall order, will he filled when at.ompaaled by etaatpa to pay postage. PRI.I. DISTRIBUTION SOUVENIR COUPONSI ThU Coup a. preaented at The Herald (Hike, will b* **- ' chanted for a neat and hand i tome Herald Soutenlr Button. , lilt* dlatrlhutlon I* limited and | will laat only a Jew daya ••Out shaved on Saturday, or wear whiskers to rhurrh on Sunday," la the ahlhboleth of thn Philadrlphtn Uarliera' Union. Not the Icaat of the many nice things that have been told of Misa Helen Gould la that ahe want* her brother Howard to get hla ten million dollar* and hit bride, too. The recent report* tu The Herald'* columns of lynching* and attempted lynching* of negroes In this auction wilt give the rue to certain northern papers for the usual rhodomontade on a subject they either do not or will not understand. The Herald s regard* to The adeem ed Macon Telegraph, anil, referring to Jt* (The Telegraph's) recent quip concerning the color of our eyes, we rise to stat* (even at the risk of again being aectised of "throwing bouquets" at ourselves) that there is nothing green about thetu. neither are they purblind. Three of the leading New York pa per:. The Herald, The World and The Journal have utilised their cor rc-rpondSng and reporting forces In mal.lng estimute* of the result of the election oil Tuesday next. The Her ald figures out that Vau Wyek will liev* 7.100 majority; The World's esti mate is that It will be. <7.000; The Journal's figure* are 72.000. The lat ter paper gives the democrat* a ma jority on joint ballot In tha New York legislature, The World does the same, while The Herald give* the republicans o majority on Joint bat- mm smmm mm mm mmmmmm m fmmm* m-Wm mm , am-mmrn * ; £##pmmi ■■• 90mm mmm mmtm \ mm 9mm mmmmmm “ i%# n mm • o** ** :4b * jtiitfn mm? $ «# tip- 0# mm** MUM M* * sftftWft UN ■—*M— mm p aftftlftft**RM #• ITill —to# ■ an* pM* AMR* ItfL pMMPM* *•*• ■ | Atm ■* 11 Tl I MM* ***** MR* *» «•*• •—*—* '* ft* tofts *• ftxftatau M |TT i, tir MPI || "tt" Til "1 — —if «•»* MM tfMt'V pp |ft,t 040®i#p00l0 ** *0 UrNP pf <|p flp» «tIIMN| §lo*o4l #Ml* 4*oo# |pi»* ft*** *4*| I* ft*** At*** «** it—ft •» ftp •*•• ‘ N ft** ftp •ft* Iftp* *1 m ftotoafthata ft—pP iW R ftftftßMM* «f POP ftf MMPvpMftft *P* | ftipfPMft I ft#* ftpftOP I* Ift* * ■ pfttft p*p*PIMP. ftp ft* P *•** **" I FMlfprr N ftltfc ft MNP ftftrkP —vtip Ms fpMPft M RftftM P M •I— ft* P »»>P* P P PM MR MM MW IHM ft*Mßft ••* (! f— tMft wi PftpMfS*—* MM*— N ft— «t»mtpto —i PR*r PftN pN- 1 ftM *N flM*|R ipM** P toft** Rftto P ft*—* «•»*• Allrr ft* ft*4 ktoftM ftP »"*• •4 ft** imp fftpft •to*** l R*ft < pallet! ftp end iftPMtl eftta. (to* RPi ft«*ft «Mi ftP4 ' | -Qiuigi 4a #•• itoft ftapplf?" ••Tuft," lift r*RJ*M *1 tfttxpM mi,” *kft Pi “Xamr rare to tftft i'iM4h*** ! ftfP* Th eft* M*pto*4. ftp tl *M KW Rm*. tot ft* ttefti aftftf ft»h ft —M. R—*> , Ip— p ftto ftreftp. MftP ortoftft* , TtftM—ttMftcM rat TtftCßlßft r*ni®UWT ftlft llitui If ICBUC KIONi la • rp—t r—f* rpltoa ftlth top* la— H. *»•••. M# aft4p*tow<t hIM | to ms. ftMw—lft* to oar ro—ttorlhm. | (bat while Ih* atltdjr at »l(— tory {>h) «iiilo«y era* umflM ftf toft l« I Moat pfttp 111 lb* pihlto pltoPa. tft* ! Iftprtirlloft Ift (hi* aftbß fta* « than • pn*ration NhlnJ the tlmr*. 'and »•• anything but gractlml It xhooM ft* «Ml*r*UH*l (hat phrototomy ta a combination of merhanlca and eftemtotry aiipli— to th* Mr in* luaty Onr attention ha* been —IIP to three i Intarptln* papra no the anhjert. I»r. J ((verton of New York aiiorilft a few | aimple detnonatrnllona on email ani mal*, ether I ted and treated tenderly, by fthhh the children would net only obtain a far better Id— of the true hearing of itoyatolotiy on one* dally life, hut It would gtoe an eflertlre qmeti in to the antl-ylyltection fu i ror. Dr, Rochester, also of New York. ' thinks that the leaching of phyaiology j In the schools could be protitabla ex tended to the consideration of the means of preventing epidemics of In fectious disease* and kindred aub- Jecta. Or. K. K. Holt of Portland. Me.. consider* that as physician* very fre quently Ignored the common teachings of physiology, a* regard* the care of the eye* and the direction In which the light should strike the book one Is reading. It was obvious thht such truths should be Inculcated Into the young and receptive minds of the pu pils at our schools. A down east paper says the famous works erected to extrnct gold from sea water are to be used as a sardine canning establishment. It ennte very near being that when Jernegan üboil It, only be worked suckers instead of sardines.—Denver Post. US8X1:88 CRITICS. The larger part of newspaper crlt lelsm of music and the drama might t«e useful In two ways. Hirst, by pointing out the faults of playwrights —or according to the latest, apostle of the drama. Israel Zangwell, ploy smith* composers and performers. It might promote the cause of art Second, by faithfully reporting the quality of public entertainments. It might show readers what to choose and what to avoid. But unfortunately, current criticism doe* neither of these. It h»a no accepted standard*. Whether a p!*y I* good or bad U largsiy now a matter of Individual opinion. The professional critic sees too many plays, and he criticises accord ing to hie moods or in signe instances i avvoi'tUWt * mmmmrni iammi ih# 10111® #o® jmp* # * 11NMA. 40m IfIHMI * 00 I®' to hw tow ROMP —* *to* f*a* gPft •PI •wtoPtMftft— w ft— to MR —e a— ftp PMHfOftati fttoß town ftft 111 •Ito* PR aPWft PM 'toPtoto ftftto lto«P eaap*— itop If ft fta— tp—• ftp •ft* —ftto* 11— *# M..oto* pfttoto* p< a Pfttoe** to— ftf Otoe paaw tftft* II MPa paftp the toftp pw—ft fl* pitofft ftftd !•* ft— ft—P 'ftft ippftMh. to— *•« • Pwfto • «• •HRft* ' ftftto ftft —RW* • IR*-. toftft M*" •im m ( **TtoW t Ppftaa** tk*l ftp* P toftft ' tp hmr in * ppft • oto—rtfiM" j The ftfnaatoice P lft* f%*«ft|toftP «f t*fp pMPttto «* —P wtofeft If i t ait— to— (IhPtoto ftw— «** «► ’ - * :ti ; * uiroMK or BVWTI , —wp yn f patwp *ft«i <—ft pvamrr hP fV—to. ftp wttft RMto A plat pi nft la rtferl— fw I're* •waft * Tft* neat to pi ft twpnet pep tat» The remittee# re.«pte at MnnlMfta tow Ajnai ft>e hp at laet ftaet the fre raanntMatoawayw M sane. I’nftaP ftp Pah eattot'ee *f heftfttag M Ihe preete P Jftetortft. Th* Herman pea* ta etroftgty nrp..# warfare «a th* MAfrbiet*. The Iteeeten harrat ha ta Nua ate ftOtf Inilli (or pernsaeewt tt**. Rally* —totem In th* Vleaf* «np of the PbtHftpn** ha** WftnMP. Th* I no HPPlott* Itawaon twin* have epereto IP army fmw New Jereey. lYPMent Peore pa etgneto IP toe. ! reee mnetliultag tp new French min* Mrr. pr. lunar Newtae'iPto houae la l/tn* •hoi ta In P Hint from being torn thorn. It I* thought that ftfftln'e rommta atonere are awaiting the rrault of onr election*. Oyrsno toe Ift-rgemt tranalatp Into Orman and fttuduced In tlerttn pa fallen flat. Kaliu-r Wilhelm offereto a prayer at Jeruawlrm iPt peace on earth waa hla ardent hope. The wlvee of Oenerala Broohe, Hher- Idan and Orant have arrived at ton Juan, ftWR Klco. Hr. Nancy tlullford aalla for New Yt«k next week In the custody of a Bridgeport offlter. A lap* money Indemnity for the Philippine* will probably p (tapin'* i-ounter proposition. There ha* not been a case of yellow fever In SenllaKo In IP Inal >to*»y *»•>•*. aaya Oenrral iMwton. An Italian tooth lark picked up an en yflo|m> ronlalnlng *2*.ot*i worth of bonds on Wall street Wednesday. Queen Wllhemtna Is still being both ered by the attentions of the reporter recently arrested for annoying her. The Dowager Fhnpress of China has prohibited the publication of various newspapers that have offended her. The Sultan has presented the Kaiser With the site of whit Is supposed to have been the Virgin Mary's home. The formal demand.for the evacua tion of Cuba by January 1 has been made bv our eommlssloners In Hava na. I.leut. Hobson Is now waiting on or ders from Washington to proceed on the work of raising the Spanish ves sels. Emperor William has replied to Am bassador White's invitation to visit the United Slates, declining for the pres ent. The anti-trust sugar refinery In New York has begun work with a dally out put of three to live thousand barrels a day. Secretary Hay has replied ta the pro test of the Spanish mmister for foreign affairs regarding the despatch of the Oregon and low-a to the Pacific. Canadian life insurance companies from no"' on will decline to Issue poli cies to married women unless they are the family hie«dwinners or wholly in ' <4 $hU. |M« thb aAXJOxre tjl hekald THE OB8t!l*V!ilt ABOUT TOWN 4MI# #• Wh* 44N0# 9m 4fw< f 0— 1 10100®-. mm mmm* mmm •#***% *w*s *OO OHM4O I ImMM 00E0 0$ 00 ot|Rp#ooo 4#PR". I A#»00 00K§ 4004 00P k 00#0 ®o#o4o*o*o [ 000 00M 00001 0f 000 4# * * 00*® 00100 0 00M000000W Foooo#' 5 * 100 0000 *OAi 000 o®o • #oo' 004 MM® ftR-f* ■** oftß 00R4 44*» ■ t|»#'to % |—r -- mi f-- -* I toft ftMM— m * *• *• ifttaaMto «toJ awes ft**»<aft s«* aw#« * m t aftftft— t* tto* ftwaft at aa ftft |P«pfftg < 4ft« M» Ito aft# I I—tot ft "Will Rn R**to iflt (ft.* I I ftftVftftM «f I—#»*« •*— to*** **• > tft Mia to «as ftto*— m tt—Ry —* IMr aftft Itoaft Ift sweet a* ftaartft Ito* Raft j a— fttatoe aft at Ito* ttoßh- **RI |toftft*4 Mi Ito* ft*** N fttttatto tto* tftft* ftto *ft* 1 toßtato ft— N** toMato* ***** I tot ** *•*•' 1 «4 m tft* aft etoMft I *«— »to» Mtoto* I aftft toftft g—etUaft ftftfta*to*M%. It ftft* as —a* "Tsmi* • M*r it tto* ftfti«to i R M. I » r W* Magyaafttly art ftft Mill* ftrtoaMft* Mg Ift Ito! Ci*to. cmm taf tto# toy* R Mftfttt* • »**h •• —a ft*#* W>hi— ito Mmsw • tot lar MR afthaUMft ftft— t—*- «—— toft*. Iftftft tastoef* ttoftc ftllto** toftft* sftyitts* nnr at ftMto Mr ft®— rtftto. toftft ft* eta* tad ftftf MftaMMM*. f'*i f N praak* ftl*y*4 «• toMR. Rut I— atfthi to toft •*»» * ■!> *• i r—left, t'poft hvttoft tuttleft fat Ito ( nat mm at lim of ■ to—rty •• a— • bi—la Mr— iftte to ftalto Tlte Mai time I hato* w apto yaawa tor twar mmmsl you ma* laugh a* IM twslletMi of Urn lei lowing to* •rrtpttoa of memory * fcy Icri Roto- Inert ,Hmi at the »*«*• Rome erne mM Maneheery at <M»a*v ahst mem ory wan Memory.’ add he. *to Use t -Wag ShM Steele over Be Wh*W am im teo to our frtrade’ origtoal atorim.*" Year* ago a friend of mine reraised I • boa (oa*emta« • thoamgd im-ttoa* ! Manila rlgara ae g pee seal from a am I • apt air. who gas Harm at beodguaeter* la turn I wan pCaeeeted with a few. 1 and according to rvruUm turn they were ‘ fairly good amok tea weeda. altboogn ! of a Ravor from either pate Havana i* Somdlr tobacco, I arstimmi the fa*« to a Brood ■ etreef tobotvoglei yeateeday and wa I felt to dtarnaalng the eflhet of new ! rule* and regulation* on the price* of Havana and Manila cigar* and alao the dtfferegd qua !it lee of Caban and Tam .pa sMdori«nr* Raid ho "A friend of mine a Cu ban. hoi now in ha* mm— In Tampj waa In August* a abort lime ago an I | I tsmgbt soma good* from him He told me lhal he had even aom* of the 1 cigar* made for the Brine* of Wala*. The Prince'* rigar* are made of the flneet four year etoch by tha moat ex pert cigar maker In Cab#. They are wrapped In gold leaf gnd oiled paper stamped with the Prince* errat gnd packed In mahogany boss*. "Then the Tampa roan went on to aay that thare are quite a number of wealthy American* who regularly buy far more expensive "amokea" than the Prince habitually make* uae of. A certain prominent cigar firm are now having made a lot of the very Uncut Havana rlgara, which will coat when the duly I* placed on them, just $3 50 apiece. They are Intended as present*. In packet* of ten. to thf firm's princi pal patron*, who will then be able to boast of having smoked the costliest cigars ever made.” Mrs. Malapmp and Mr*. Partington were the subjects of discussion laat night at the club agd’after several an oedote* with a distinctly chestnntty flavor had been told It wus a relief lo listen to the following; The pastor of u church not so far from August a, on leaving his study, which U In the rear of the chureh. one <l»y recently, saw a little girl friend of his talking to a stranger. "What waa that man sav lng to you. Madge?" he asked as came up to her. “Oilshe said, “he just wanted to know if Dr. C wasn't the preacher of this church.” "And what did you tell him?" asked the pas tor. The girl drew herself up with sn air of great pride. “I told hint." she said, "that you were the present In cumbrance.” Israel Zangwell, the apostle of the Ghetto, lectured In Buffalo one night last week on "The Drama as a Fine Art.” From The Buffalo Times report or the lecture we glean the following co ruscating excerpts: "Sin, sorrow and chestnuts make a play, the manager will tell you. "Fun is all the funnier for standing on the legs of logic. "Simulation without stimulation Is the secret of the dreariness of many modem novels and plays. "Utility, llfe-Ukenees and vitalizing power are the three element* of a drama. “Between Shakespeare's time and ! out's, only two plays have been writ ten 'School for Scandal,’ and 'hue 1 VVRt: URAtt- m MARAftrtmj t® i®o |OO 00040041 s**mwm* A o#f * I mm* m mi ****** m m m** I | . mkik OROO m* gij g- **m* flip fiiffft I [ »T->t wNO § iftijtru. 4# 000004MM# 04 #• 1 I fh rynr 00# 94mm0 •■****. »» * ***9t 4%» #•> *" 1 I ini* totato aftita *ta*»fti«si h ta totn ta* I •ift— aaaft apeftfhtaWMift sftftft toftft [ efttos toftMft* RM ftftft* has. iriftail «h*a* »—H* tow — _ itosaiy *rft«ft.*i i to—# ito <— •*•— —• I ha*»l lawfttfta tto* »»sft*-r*»*M I *ftMia.| <OP tfft#oMMMoi 000400# #*'ooolfoi*'* j I Hr# too#»i4M»i ®di >#o4o Mlkrvt m ##4 9*9 j AI III# 9*6 to# I0to» 00HN#. tto#*# «* *o* J %04H 4MMHI 00 00ftoto0»4 0 #o*o * 0 • I •mail 0040010 fifw4»ry ***** f*mmm I 400 40110100 to# ill ##’4ooo*o to# 40** UN J •mat. tta »<— ataav • ttoasw ft* 1— tw m» >r utoNR A ta—’M tft—t ****** tto agaft J tMft* Mast to tN tree* *taw* to. tto ‘ , g is. twSSMfnl gesft* .tty sm hmith -t ta IMS a—ftft— ftp** toto ■*. ft* •»» H. M aa—M •* to an* toast fr—toft, Lafay.ti' e tonal ptaee aftf arsft to to to hta —• ■*—lryM»ft. •**— to ftsrv • *t ftlth aarft total a— lift* MWt "'** ftaeta* tto tywafctaua. fttw—fW twaaa ft Ifte Fv*a< h rreiutwk a— tft tto ead mt hta er* atfal Itftr Mvt though ft* »i|RI hi* «*»**. Ms name a— aiain ars rtoetsfted a— t.**d to •» trai h«—4 Aaertnai Far tto ywftth ftto esuaa arr«M* Ih*] Atlaaur to skt <mr taiß#»* to Mtato j Ito jmhe «f F— • Dm—*4 oft this eoftllfteat a iftaMk aarh a* toj ire aw— of and I— to *** la hta. waa toto*e4 Fra a.*, stand next ta WalMtfttM I* Ito hearts of Ih * Aftft taaa | »to*s ■ America tot* fteyyr ftoftal left and are* j ar *MI forget him •ho imps lend hta far- ! tun* a— (settled hta Hf* to make us , free. Twenty-four loans they bar* j naaftd for Uafayette. OMSMer a mofttat Row ualft** *nd aoht* his «l»ae**-tee waa. A aoftl wa* as gTral and a id*-heart* I that It gale *l«»*e tto lisa «ft htedrod and country t« eanuua* the estas of j kMi-Rtft. untitled farmers, ahopfteep era. psopta of all ■ ■mdllh.iia and later ••« to advocate la Era ns e tto atodltlon of arbitrary Impctaontwent. trial t*y Ju-j ry. the gradual eman« tpattan at stave# j th* ahcdttlMi of title# and nobility, ■ freedom of thw i resa amt the right at the iwoftle to genera tbeta*Hv*w. Ail these great prlnclptaa a— lave at Uta-rty ta ft man ltorn and *daeat*d i aa on* of tto highest n .bh-» in Frane*' j Tnily few men aho ever lived t-ver • showed stab pyerlcss, true nubility a* the Marquis of Iftfayettr Just now our own short war with Brain wtll teach ua tto full vaiuo of the fact attested by reeynt htalortans In Pranee that the hug.- sum# I»uts XVI ral— to help th* Atnrrtcana finally east him tits head. It will touch ua how to think what It meant to th* common people of France, j Impoverished and ground do» n by the; Immense sum# sp«-nt for wars, for th*' luxury and splendor of the oouit ftftdor' Louis XIV snd XV. to lie heavily taxed i to IB opt warships and arm mm for a long Voyage across the Atlantic, to j light the battle* of another race and country. All honor and gratitude to our ancient, steadfast friend and ally. France, end Its warm-hearted |ieople! It would to- well If Americans would raise over Iftfayette'a grave In Parts a rhaste, beautiful, artistic monument —a marble statue of the gallant, heroic figure of Marie Jean Paul lloch Yv.-s Motter, Marquis of T-afayette.—M. B. Carret, In Boston Transcript. Departed Greatness. Washington Star. *•! was thinking.” said the man who gave a deep sigh, “of the departed days of youth.” "Ah, yes," answered ]il» companion. “I suppose that when a man gets a little along In years, say—er—like yourself, he would give a great deal if he could only turn the dock back a decade or so.” “He would. He can t help feeling gloomy over what he has lost: those days when he thought that he could give Bismarck points on statesmanship. If he'd only take the trouble to etudy a little; when he was certalu he could give Itubenstein music lessons, if hf decided to turn his attention to the piano; when he didn’t doubt his abil ity to show Booth where his reading of Shakespeare might be improved: and when he looked up at night and saw a sky that teemed with undiscov ered planets, waiting for him to turn astronomer. He may have more sense when he gets older and not an noy the neighbors so much, but 1 dno's it’s worth what he has given up." Mrs. M. Mitchell Wolfe CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PRACTITIONER 937 Broad Street. 1 uw'iiSMgys w *1 THIS IS IT ,V n »♦<«#* ftftto AMR* c \Umm f \(rjVt POR EARLY FALL STIFFS INO IIPINES ALL SHADES $3.00 Jur( Arrived. DORR’S TailorEnf. Hit*. Furimhmf*. ) Poitmh ) l Tow HftVtfcft. I % Out l*i «■ »ta4 ws«a* Mask \ / taaas* toMbi * Rftfcl HftSM # J / ftratat a*a Mastfta toe taifta. % ! / Dos t Coufh 7 f Oftf iftsM »»*« ftaft Ta' >uim f ft CRaftto mwl Cwfta. -aft* Min \ / Hot Water Bags \ % sad r*»t*y ftyrtaftis «f ***ry V C taafta—• htaft. Maw aa* MRk*. / ( Our Household ? v Ammonia, a C tvaifts Mys r (to baa* aa4 f 1 MmaftSM ta tto city. Ift* haftß, 1 s Hot Chocolate ) / Wilh Whipped Oeam. J r R tto talk of tto tawa. a* S V asrvsft by us. It can't to Btafts ( ft bettor. 1 S To Onr Patrons. j \ Tto ttaad ItofartMeat having S # toast twayaft fe a oar alary, # # brrtwflsr >(<V whol* tiai* and as* ft i S tae'loa Win b* gir.a ta the Pta- V t aertaftna aftft Drug huMasta. I t NoS< toil lb* rh-.icesi and I J punat l*hsrssary(iHaa R and (to- f C mtests ars bandied tor*: a»n« \ 1 but (tit. class as I*rug» *ntar (ks J C piMrrtfgtons ws sand ml. I*at- J / run. can new toisnid on my i*r- \ S («nal servtca. ». C. Ilnur. J ) ilnasder Dru Cenpn? / ? M BROAD rr. f PATRONIZE ‘•The Barber Shop of the South.” HICKEY’S is the Place Five Barbers, all first-class artists. 212 and 214 Bth Street A MAN WITH A LARGE HEART Who will give you big values for your money. Best Unlaundered Shirts at .. .. ~6oc 60c Busnemlern at 25e All Wool Undershirts or Drawer# ..50c Good Umbrellas at .. .. 760 Woolen and other Sock# from 10c to 25c Suits. Trousers and Overcoats at rea sonable prices. F. O. MERTINS, Tailor and Gents' Furnisher, opposite Flantcrs Hotel. Money to Loan ON REAL ESTATE. AFPLY TO Clarence E. Clark 832 Broad Street. One o* the Brightest, The Augusta Sunday Herald I? one of the brightest and most readable papers puWishi d in Georgia.* Koine l4^w^ftto»t4taot4tadto^(UU*Mhei# NOVEMBER 4 Cl*ii4N YOUR tilMJi® I ftoiVft •*•»« i ftwd ft»*4 |hv.* tv *lvh# M* 1 0 taftol ’jbtS mm Nr 1101009 ofMf ft fta! ttaMlAl «0 •» hltalh 1 fft*C<Mtam<taH! IN>»I (RFO pm* mm%mm L I. Camilla. Druggisi TOOTH BRUSHBS. t Hf*v*» IHib (M»cl>f«t#d 0, 0. W, Knt'-'b ofw*»» and va >i> mabs «»»**! «v«fy Ciftal Uta»l *»>• bftißlhftt UtaU owl. L I. Cardella. Oruggtsi. I bftftp llw »«*•%! w*4 mom! ••fiortttivft Drug* R»wf M *K«tc inft* tnot con b# for* nifttwM t»y any drutglu in l)o nos >d. and my t>f>c«* •r« modoralß. L I. Gaidelle, Druggist. Tbe iHpsia Herald ai«. tHUai ul 0) B it SiftitJper PilluW U Tta Sttiln. unntKST m ronbrn :**er a TUS .VF.WfI Or TIIF WOIL9 mm e rr is nwi» IS TO i« HOVtt** ahead or OTiIER GEOSOIA AND SOITfH CAROLINA PAFKRA m-l TOIL WILL COkTSCf TW PROF. P. M. WHITMAN, 204 7lb St.. Awfctt. Oa •t v CS PIKE m TftTß to* an dstorts <ft wght, grtad. tto #*■**. *!«■■— aad WAft> ■AJflft tto-a. laoses cut into your hr*-* while you WSJL FREE OF CKARUE. —OKDI K YOf K COAL and WOOD FROM THR—— North August* Coal A Supply Co Quantitv amt QaalUy Ousraat— F. W. SCOFIELD, PRESIDENT hell 'Phone 2164 btrowgar Mt Eastman’s KODAKS. We sell Eastman’s Kodaks and all size FILMS. Call and see how cheap we can supply your wants. We have a full stock of latest styles of Stationery. All goods finest made. Richards & Slaver, 827 Broad St., City. Paine, Murphy & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 803 Reynolds Irivatir L. sera V, ire* In ret to New Yor* Chicago and New Orleans. Order* executed over our wine* for Ctoiton. Stock*, Bouds, Grain and Pro. visions for rash or on margins. Local securities bought and sold. References -National Exchange Beak of August^ v mm tf*. 4*«l4»J*>**|**M*.