The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 05, 1898, Image 1

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SATURDAY LIVINGSTON UNOPPOSED |ii»« IfIMM Ml* VNMMWtf ff*H tii I##*. %'©■© I ©to ©* I tote©©#*** tHM»e *© © ©■*<©©-» %%©■*•s •«t pnwTr T- - tw© © in»»»»! mm M *•» 4§* ***,.-•*»##. aw |k * g©©^*©©**©* $© © IM Mi'—HHl «H UN* fip^iril * *©mi *# *%© #*4s* 41* 11, r-jTii ft© 4©** «Hf n*rs© #r* ?©•*- |4Np# t|n f Hjir ' ninfit*l IS I#© ©© •flMi! ***»* •** *4 |*» #**% #** §»«a«MMftt ll—flli ©f M#l' **©► «t ip r* • **4 »«4fct«tlMa** «■»©© WMMI i * pp (pimrii. ##-» <©%*% § t*4 ©♦•. pl'T t< a iwp |p *©M«*t pp 4 ft#!# IP ten. a #s * gs| &a# f PMPNp ■ Ipf | v ■«■«* in ipiffliiiwp | 4M IK I ©©ft©** Am imp «pft.f pmMp pmp| lip' ©**©§© t**® s |n # iMNMfcMNfc-' to*© Ipp I MM t 4* * PPPPPII fllpf t fppppi pMNMppMII Pi# <» r| wi U* pi* fprt.f it IP s©*w»4f ip i pPK»> ©* pj I PPPi j j. # M tik i* ©fV S * >tl pi »1 V* PP pi* *** j pf \t * H** ©© DIO VT LIKE HIS VIEW*. Mky >'M" I'tMH' l <>*»»!■ w *♦ M Off* m 4 tniiMfy. Cans, Nxi *4*arti Rn.*rU «*»•*• • ot Cmpt. *»•*■ toj D. Ivim. of ik* l'»liH *!•'*» p Mtf. v#t t» Pi*p PM ooliinH % rlrr|jrm«ii of tl* CiiPpr**rUOP»l rintrrl Imt It H#l4t»§ A •mom*too mm rrwit«# by iM »Kni|> to lift© Irrfi* roppFti*' ll id mh rh iipplt# tit c*‘- I tnonv list tit rootril dtri4?«l Put tit young moo t tiro* «r *» rk'tgftpl PMifttfi wtrt ruth ttuit tfc? .'fcttrrfi *<*l4 pot ttttift Ms*. Tfc* p<mns b>»b to • •«»<<**»* *: T#:t IDiliMty strtioot, ©ml ©tit rapflit* hU coenf titrt Itt tit *pfsP& Our i’H r P ©o ttillt polt ttf-ttlrP V IK othtrt .hare* F. 4- H ory A it<oi ra*h lijltif*. BLRieD FOR THREE HOI RS. Terrible EiyrrlHK* of •» Ohio Workman. * .North Bend. 0., Nov. ». -While dlg k'ok I n » moldin* aand leak at Itii North Bend Coke and Coal Oven*. Wm. Nixon wna yeaterday morolnK burink by the caving In of the banlt. j Kor three houra he lay entirely eov- j ered by the atuff before he was reacoed | by fellow workmen. Although atlll ailve when taken out he !a In a pre eiricua condition and may die a* tb. result of int rnal injuries whUb he I* believed to have sustained. Dr. B. K. j Lehman is at atieodlng him. Nixon Is 40 year* of age, married and Uvee at Bekitan. Large stock new raisins, all varieties, Just received at Lanikln & Co.’a. Thomas & Barton. Thta «e!l known house Is now mak ing unprecedented offers to purrhasns. [ Kverythlng in the music line, bicycles, ; sewing machine*, etc. Attention ia call- ; ed to th.Jr advertisement. It needs no comm.nt. Their large and complete stock Is the finest ever exhibited In the city and la constantly receiving new additions of everything late In their line. A visit to theli establishment will repay one w hen In need of anything In their line. Roll of Honor. Pupils v.ho deserve hanotable men tion for good conduct and perfect les sons In the s-venth grade Central School for the month of October are: Marie Lowe, Fred Rice. Lillian Duke. Gertrude King, Elizabeth Davis, , • Willie* Lnurence, > Jessie Fulshum. Lillie B. Wright, Flewellyn Carter, Annie Bierman. JUST RECEIVED —at— C. H. HOWARD, JR.’S The finest assortment of Hair Brushes the tinest hne of Tooth Brushes and most complete line of toilet ho ips. < ome early and get a first selection* lit will guarantee to please you. c. H. HOWARD, JR., 108 Broad Street. X B.—Our Hot Soda Drinks are a spec iaftv with us. Drop in after theatre and ge j Hot Chocolate or Beef Bouillion. gW~ We are always open. . I,oik> PAIR All Wool Southern Made Blankets Made in Tenneswf** and North Carolina, rangin* from $2 50 a Pair to $5. You Save one-third coat of material. 10 Bale Fine u. ’^ T^TT - >T _, y-. A ... >» Wra.rSfe"SJ worth Sl.2b. Nru Jacket*, Now Fur ColUrnt#. n*w And ch«*p. _ award We are selling our last lot of Georgia Made Carpets at 30c. a yard. P. D. HORKAN & CO. IN ASOCIALWAY P~'" "V. /]IK \ 7 V PW. -A i-v / \4m2ty DaaJit ran J j Wto*t» Ml it# 4t0»4 tot J r«Pe i [ TKit (are* «« tto» VM4>*« L«4l* | |AM Ik-At tlt» <4 9*»f*tt *§M in# StoiipMudl *4 PHsfll|W'Tlto4 T**dHt, j AM fto*4 m»Rrff © |*rtMis«r #i* I r«© j Ait«i Ito-wr m* to fpnir «ltl» Rftlte of )>um i <t to mhmt the «t»it4r« n m> f i tL.ifrft ttiiftk* © k<»*e* ©r** • iptjyh to r%ftA*>rri nte. * bright *© soon •• I «m (n*. ! Whih lit iu> riAlmi that ‘ F»{4 1$ m©r* vsiubl© |fi©n that | Am) am the r©#* at eopftik'itm tn> ov^r-J to©t aiH h«’. | Hut h**©rt#d m©keF term© for my r*-!»*©** Wa II tot you go. dear inpa. for Just One kt-« agilece." When I've (old my ransom duly, this valiant rosier band R»cort me tu the table with a guard no either hsnd i There for a blessed hour I fling my I" earea away, | And tro* younger a* S listen to what » the children any. A W«m<n of Fascination It Is not often that a contributor to' ii magaxtne soe-nd* five millions or s*t [of dollars In Siting him* 'if to write; knowingly of a stib|ect. But If popular icport be true, that is. j approximately, the sum Joseph Letter ! exr ended In the acquisition of Infor i matkm necessary to prepare the artl ir 1 ■ which appears over his signature ) In the November Cosmopolitan on' i Wheat." ! This Is Mr. Leiter's fitsl appeuranco l| n literature, but he handles the pen j | with a bold, firm hand thut show* him j a mao of resource*. j Another Cosmopolitan contribution i ! which will at peal to every man and wo man I* the attempt of Harry Thutston Peck to analyze the component port* of Hu? modern woman of fascination. . Hy what does woman fascinate? Is it beauty? grace? si Irlt? charm of man ner? whut? Evasive question! But Mr. Peck goes at it a* a- man who has stud ied and has had experience. Lady Churchill's (jowrs Fashionable London seems to be di vided between the taring at the various country towns, the theatres and the skating rink. There Ih much admiration expressed at the different costumes worn by Lady Randolph Churchill, who s -ems to have any number of gowns and hats. At Newmarket she wore black with a black velvet Jacket and a purple velvet [ hat, while Lily. Duchess of Matll>or-| ouch, had on a long gray coat and a veil with extremely unbecoming gold j spots. i Lady Colebrook, who had Just lost her house and jewels by fire, wore a long: blue coat and blue toque. At the end of the week there was the. Opening at the skating season at Nl agara, at which Lady Randolph Chur chill wae most becomingly gowned In ! red and brown, and then there was the unveiling of a bust of her late husband, and she relapsed into the proper mourn ing again. American Wedding in Spain. A Spanish town would just at pres ent seem to be a rather curious place for an American girl to choose for her marriage, and yet Miss Ida Sickles, the XHIC AUOUBTA HFHAIJ3 [ M e.ctikP tp| efen-s Hsnk-lsi«**tr UlMf ppM* l 4MI #®**l*P*H»l Pi lA## L| tr r j irtiirStT 1 Inil us I«*t* •• T*lmd»«|tf'«* Nlf, Y#«i»v|r If%r . mm* kf Rrr. IMr Wahtrp. tv mji j>. ini ,», -1 a r,, ittM!*** Am Jr** «»s*•' ! , -n. oat- h. t*M the mast W I,M a< Ike amrer ikne tom Might, ' 1 lanstfd l« have the »»4dtMg YS** pft* ?«‘*m %'*NfTT i' f,i ill**l SSHPm* >undm\ Jklftuol I pfrflPPMt. I TV i u»*ii» «f Ihr Flr«rt tteiXM Run* J <tny «h n«**l *»r* my pl«i»*ntljr »« l»*»**l iHftiail « )4«t « V ftllAf *t (B tit i Inf mil | TV m*rl f«HM* •»*! irnnpw# by Ml** Mkiph Jontlnn Mi«n i-miMltir Wriichi Mlnt* t*tnrv juarirrh <)uttb# ih<* * ktirr. and Mr«. W. A. IgMlfiHrt !• IV iwrmaiirnl ihnlf* inuti for |V *r»m)Mn Mr. CUrk I'ntciialnn. t Antoni Ihr iu<jiM rnjo)»M# of (hr no* • Ml rrirptr «*f «h** ««*rk u*»* th« iun* l»- Icon given try Mr*. Frank Clark Tuea j lay. at which thee were pr-sent Mix Irleorge Fuller. Mra. Louie Fuller. Mra. j Hat< her, Mi* James Both veil. Mia. Ij.ihn le-e Mr*. W A. Latimer. Mi* |Th»tita» Wright. Mr*. J*me* Weight. Mi** Maty Emtlv W'right. Mtaw CVatg i and Mra Wtll Hulling** urth, l-ngagrment Announced. The engagentent t* announ* ed of Ml** Marie I/ralw Oliver to Mr. Hugh Ward j iVndletuM. of Chaltameiga. the mar : iluge In ..<-(-ur the middle of X>.< -m- Uebvr Concert. | The Verdery Music Cluh'B Walter concert will be given thla afternoon fol ; lowed by a bu«ine*» meeting of the | Club. Nine O'clock OermanClub. The first g'-rman of tin* wmn of the Nine O'clock German Club will be given November 15th. Mr*. Alice Wiggins, formerly of Au gusta end later of Atlanta, Is now matting her home In Burke cou«ty. near Waynesboro. Ml*. W. S. Richardson, of Atlanta, and Miss Wlllve Roney will leave on the 16th For a visit to friend* In Amer icas. Miss Isabelle Graham has returned from a visit to Atlanta. Wedding Cards. Mr. and Mrs. il. W. Scott of White Pond, S. C., have sent out invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss L-dla Henry Scott, to Mr Arthur A. Eubanks, which occurs December 6th at their home. An Exclusive SEED STORE, 682 BROAD STREET. Carrying a full line of everything in the Seed 1 irte—fresti Seeds and prit e aa reasonable av Good Seed# can be sold Ut. it is not economy to buy Cheap Seed*. Native Bent Proof Oats, Georgia See,t Rye. R d May and Blue Stent \\ beat, Vetch and Giovers.. Yellow Danvers and White Silver Skin Onion Sots. FREE. One ounce of Choice Mixed Sweet Peas to cveiy costumer who purchases One Dollars worth of Flowers cash. ALEXANDER SEED CO. (32 Broad Street. Bell Telephone 2075. M'W5 | ROM HI It'. MU VU. ft. naatri a■>«*»*« C F »•*••• waJ an awMMM Mlwati UtWNt ts-, i r j|j |g, 'f'% ||«d ft . i ! ft+MpANM*. # C a jMla % - IN» Ca rrurn; I mh#P9 tmkfm*** H* • A fippinYk a ; Mr Oiitif ••• kmm ***• tot *• W* Hrwrt °'«f f« *« r»-i« Pi |W l» umrm 4 Ob ******* »*> Hr to %km rM liVtirlr*—IiVtirlr*— I* % * tiiiFf, tup# I |* % Jr . $m •*» •Iwtotu tof I #*. m a*aCVtiMttbJi 4kf< a*- l 9MMk ,-nvnt * wolarv '• *,iw«r k* *tv. Ivfter lb* eifOlMhw* «f >•* term of wr ites he it—»4 <•* m*a»'tant»t»rw B. If and >■ e—ed lbs lewl*» «d tow. it’ihou «t tertantowg etoeft ***• j-n» h »i* »a<tu>« - • <• tv » I rat Frank C IMiMr tbe rltk lent ,wdl-titon agent f*w the l'ti<4lta Mid land raHnay. ba* h—n gall* »u—f»l [this » awe. I« g* ttln* wittan and oth- Ls «tr*r ito I»em ; ru«i4. I I I Hiring tPr p»«*niit of mor ■ ;#*• tabs ut ret ton nets shlre-ed <a> the t'atollna Midtomt tails ay lr-*nv the towns -d Hatewleirg stsl laeavills I‘atrt ns airs nsll p|. uri with the *ef ’ vice* rt n-hAed h» the vend. To iwtter I m. < omltiodate the trawling letldl- an ■ddllhHWl train has hsv-n rtthhittg eh the -ne w tvwd *l»* e gept (:i! i».t 16th This r iin train ilio torrUn matl ftod nwkni j «d»nfiito tlt»n with fratinu N»*u. ST him! M of th# t*«»uth' rti Pl Hatewhurg In the aftetn<a>n. (VI. Allridge t* lo lae iottgmlulaled on ihe eaeellent service he I* temlerln* to the road, and Ha numerous patr-m*. | Master Boyd (Touch, son of Mr Wade fiouch. of liatisbuig. had the ntlsfor - tune to get hla leg broken a Wt daya 1 ago. The little svilferer la d>dng ad well as could be expected. Rev. A C, Wilkin* allendrd the union meeting at R«-,| Hank chun-h al Saluda courtboui;. He preached t ser- I mon Sunday <fi the unhm from a text which Is familiar to all—" They King dom come. Thy will be done as in heav en. so In earth." It la said that bn sermon was full of gn*|>el thought and given In the preacher'* usual forceful and earnest manner. News ha* Just I wen received of the death of Mr. Brasil Peterson. Jr., which occurred at his home a few miles north »f this town. No better young man lived In Salu da county than young Peterson. H" j had been confined lo hi* lied .'or sev eral weeks with that dreadful disease — typhoid fever. He has been engaged In the lumber business for a long time, and his death Is a severe loss to his community. The sympathy of the entire community Is extended to the bereaved family. Mr. P. Cartey Sullivan, a member of the second Vltglnla regiment. Is s|>en)i ing Hn extended furlough at the home of his fath-r, Mr. W. I’, (’iilluin. He has Just recovered from a recent at tack of fever. Miss Eva Glover, a social favorite us Batesbutg, attended Hi - gala festivities In Charleston last week. She wa* the guest of Miss l.l|ah Murphey while In j thut city. Messrs. Albert C. Jone- and Edwin Folk Strother have been attending court at Aik -n during the present s- s slon: the former as a wlttneas and the latter as attorney. Mis* Mattie Crouch, whe rec-ntly en tered Winlhtop College from this town. Ktood a very creditable examination to enter the Junior class. This is ftatikTac ; tory evidence of her high rank as a 'student and thorough preparation for the work. Cotton is still coming In rapidly, but the low price paid for It makes busi ness exceedingly dull. Batesbutg Is one of the best cotton markets and trade centres in South Carolina. Despite th dull season thousands of dollars’ worth \ot goods are sometimes sold daily In this town. The Batesbutg Institute has now an enrollment of about eighty pupils. The teachers are doing a good work for the school. , K. FRANK KNEICCE. New Maple, w Orleans and Geor gia Syrups received at Lamkln & Co.'s. Nkg tawH* —to— Itot g*v ***** . ***? ***** ** ** *• yuu t**<t* ma into* «*** *»*«<—■l —«>w< | • * **!• ig»*M«M Had— t* M *>» tM • • • „ t 11— IMgfd vatt «• to to g<g*—*. ft «M •** • to toll—a © OR 7 HUNDRED CHAIRS LIKE THIS CUT M ■x* I© jJ| c. tyr JW I i m in.* v m TM* beautiful Bedroom Not*, not a little small 5wH. tort a Oreal Blf one one that anttotoy could »*•«» with pride worth Hi- Wa sell a lew of them next week tor *14.7»- We haven't got lour or live hundred hulls at Ihla prke, hut wa havt more than we have room lor and must move them out. SEE THIS BEADTIFOL OAK RACK - ‘ - e -. *" PADGETT FURNITURE CO. lUO and lUlßrosd Bt.. • - Augusta. Ga. An Ovation. An hour after the parade Lieut. Hob son, while talking with a ftT-nd In the lobby ,tr the Walton, says the Phila delphia Record, was accorded on ova tion that was surely not d<Avn on the program, and one that noticeably ent harra*H«‘(] him. “There's Hob#on,” some one ex claimed, und the big crowd which filled tbe lobby crowded about him. •'Speech, speech.”. th«y yelled, and they refused to tie contented with any thing else. Hobson egged back toward the staircase, and the people followed him. Cheers In triplets were given him - lilt a will. He tried to silence the crowd, hut It was useless. "Your welcome,” said h-‘. "Is of such a nature that I scarcely know what to say.” "You knew what to do when you were on the Merrimac,” some pip ed in. and the crowd yelled as if It were mad. "The little matter you refer to, and lieutenant continued, —was merely an Incident of the war. one which might occur In any war. It was nothing but a handful of men of your navy who were called upon to perform a duty; a duty that almost any one of you would have done. I feel that you exaggerate the Imporuemoe-uf Lius .incident, lor that. Is what It is.” But the crowd took a different view Women waved their handkerchiefs to the gallant young lieutenant, and the men cheered themselves hoarse. Fi.n- Solid Oak and Strong Scats 49c Large Arm Rocker to m*tch the chair at $1.25 Each. These price* are | made to sell goods and sell a lot of them qu ck. j3^g' Pull Size Beveled Mirror Only $4.49! We have Everything needed in a House. Come and see us. ally lie broke away from the crowd and sought the seclusion of his room. A choice foliage plant or palm Is an appropriate gift at any time. In our large assortment such tan lie selected at n price suited to any purse. The Hues Floral Nursery. Good Hunting Grounds. Tlfton, Ga., Nov. 5.—C01, C. W. FUI - has a farm five miles southeast of Tlfton and has had rather an unusual experience this fall. The deer have been depredating on his crops, and have caused him much trouble. He says they go into Ills Helds every night and have eaten his peas and sweet po tato vines, and have broken open all his late watermelons looking for ripe ones, and tear down his corn everv night, and shuck and eat it, paw up the ground and wallow promiscuously. He and several friends have hunted them a number of times and one large nuou ■ was killed, but the colonel did not get a shot, and is disconsolate. He also says the coons and skunks raid his peanut field nightly and scratch up his "goobers” and he lias no bound with which to trail them to their dens. He is now offering n good stun for a hound that will keep the “vatmints" out of his fields. Just received new crop Sweet Cider, also Georgia Syrup, at DERRY & LAW. NovrMurw s Gas Light Coipaor, AUGUSTA, OA. CHEAPEST FUEL EVER OFFERED IN AUGUSTA. Hftving nccurmilaUKl ft lartfw Mock of Cofci wo will Mil and dolivwr <u»mo in th« city for 30 days during th« month of No vember at the followlnc exceedin«iy low price*: 25 Buuhel* for 51.50, equivalent to $3 per ton, or ©cent* per bu»hel. 100 bushel* for SS.OO, equivalent to $2.50 per ton. or 5 cent* per bushel. 500 bushel* for $20.00, equivalent to S 2 oer ton, or 4 cents per bushel. We will deliver in Sum ‘mervilie at 50 cents extra per cart load, or will make correspondingly low rates with parties who will do their own haullm?. Break up your Coke be fore us n«r. First comi first ssrve t. H. B ADAM, Secretary WILSON'S IMPROVED MR TIGHT HESTERS - , jill Congome* lea* than one-half the fuel other stove* require tu neat your room; It -rMi re more economical. It will tiCl'l lire thirty-six hour* ami with care Mould never go out. Will burn Chips. Hhnv'ngs, Hark, llools. Corn Coha or r ,r<l Wood, and give mot ; heat In legs tltne and retain It lonee" than any glove ever made. Por Sale By Tls Aiipsla Mantel & Supply Co. tieneral Builder* Pnpplias, 851 Broad Bt., Augusta, Ga. Koff-Knot Will Cure Any COUGH. ONLY 25 CENTS. Made and sold only -BY- R. H. LAND, 522 Ninth Street. Lord Crawford nml Balcarres has just celebrated the five hundredth an niversary of the creation of the earl dom of Crawford in the peerage of Scotland. There Is always a poor account of anything that beggars description,....