The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, November 05, 1898, Image 6

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IATU”° AV •MOWING TALKING About The Suits we Sell at wmmi n mm W#H, th*y may. Imkaum H i b#r«ly SI O 00 cost of th# Cloth under u»u«l coodl- . Hon*. In all our #*p#rt#nc# w# n«v#r * IiUU mw to much v#lu# for to llttlo SI S 00 mort#y. Th#r#*ft comfort and Mtlv* f Action to put ivtcoa of d#p«ndabl« S lB 00 Clothing within tha aaay roach of - •Jl. Coma today and axamina tha oiUUU of faring*. wew.v TTMirt-H "-'I Mot * tW Hmot IhgNi IhiirTH <4 At ibssUb 0»OT*»S >—fl !«■ 1 I t>< 4 Ms OTOTMVtf !’«•►« |h* «* *w4ay. ll"■■am m 4 Tui l. 1 at AM nA Must *»» A* <*• (MOT A* AmM* O•<■*•<• OOT t*n:* Mr*. BaaHM. «ta> ail* at Hot f*r »*• 4r>*a ItOTu An gus* • IAPMMAU** tbs Mart* o*er*t» t«at«rf« hi A» ah»«f* us Mr* TnM, «f Mot*. *h> I* th* gent, Mrw Oot*»* MaMh#**. t* Ma rn* *wOT4*4 Tha aMOTiac «•» • ■mot ha*OT»al«»w* *ot <m4 highly •* t*nata,s t ■•hy •* •*• otottw i* rhsr** **f th# «*«*h haHm abt* »** An Ml »(*al» '* m 4 thalf alhaa* *r*r# Hraaiif «hsojr*4 Oml a*al t* »**»- Iwml hara I* »f>*** , Mn* A* •“■M** ** •a* ahwwa hr tha llbara! gin* ■*••» w hi. K m (I h rtu' ot!*Mw»l»*>*kl at #!###• fcamdradl dollar* OArrr> artarUNt for th* Masala* »**r • OT* Mr* T»a4*i president Mr* J. A. Otari. Mrw »»ra prrel Mr* R. C. N'*l». •*•"•<» air* |W**- Aral Mrs. Isloaua. lOTftfai ssrrstary Mr* Washington Draaaa. rorra* | •peaA on aarratar*. Mrs. Mary V. Rogrr* treasurer. Ml** finally Alim. organiser. iNsnUni to lh# sloria* that roror from Hwarannab lb* fcildlrr* sow, sts tlom-d In that Ulr etty. ioawaal of hy ing * safeguard ala a "holy terror To tho** who h«mr of tbrtr ItHl* rul- Ikklnx (?> way*. II I* quit* amusing, bul to tb* victim* it I* quit* dlffcr mil. On* story comes to M th»t while th* br*abfa*t »*• being carried to lb* tabla of a certain boarding house in that clflr a few morning* ago. and In tha nbaencr of tb* cook from th* hitched the last dlah to b* **rved mya icrtoiialy dtrapfteared. A anarch *** made, and In ibe lan* not far from th* back gale ant two aoldler* with th* viwael In which th* food wna cook ed b*rw*en them, riling for dear lift. And gnother itory told of these lr rlpresslble wearer* of bras* buttona going to Thundertiolt »nd helping themselves gritultmialy to a tempting and botmll'ul lunch. Min* boat had made no agreement with Uncle Sam to entertain hla follower* without price and when he requeated that they should pay that which they owed they •Imply said: -Remember the Maine.” Mr*. R. A. Templeton entertained the Woman* Guild moet rharmhigiy on Thursday afternoon. Mm. Julia Warren, of Loulsvllte, nr rived Friday to spend tome time with her daughter, Mrs. Fannie W. Wilkins. The member* of the Home Mltydou Society of the South Georgia Confer ence were pleasantly entertained by Mrs. R. C. Neely on Mouday after noon. Mis* Edna Dickinson I* home again after an abaanc* of aeveral weeks. Corp. Wiley Greeham, Privates John Munnerlyn and Frank Uurirt. who have 'been enjoying a thlrvy days fur lough returned to their regiment on Thursday. The Daughters of the Confedernev held their regular monthly meeting at the home of MVs. R. C. Neely on Fri day afternoon. ■ L. J. **• MINUTES OF THE SESSION* Happening as the Court of the Re corder. The minutes of this forenoon’s re corder’s court session may be sakl to read as follow*: Louib Johnson, violation of the 18th, $;.50. Jesse Henderson, a soldier, had act ed disorderly on the streets last after noon. He admitted that he was drunk of the time —fined $3.50. Milton Pres*—violation of No. 18— $2.50. Laura Safford. She hud cursed Offi cer Col vert —fined $1.50. Nothing better for chapinst. rough ekin than cucumber and almond cream --sold at Alexander drug store. FAMKT rotl»T«ir*NC. jam«f MM #•*s *»*«• wwi« r»•* OTwwgOT lh#t CltM* Ilf nplliHWl •NNpfe' . fttfVPN'V Nl IGmn t iH«4 0l4ll«a ttWNi #NP* l memi ti Wtm Up**# lgltwpp*i«Pi. ••wn fp* gWMBi ■ l m ilmi fwnm nifli Hi«* «MIM<NN| Il0t« HHtffpytGji • pNffieMl pf lip «nwi(M Hlp ? •! t*pm apN Unm SUM | n* rpft«p ||M p PNKrll, 111 iMiUM CP {WfTKyPPI i>4 ll* «ip*P ■*■• **l ■ ||Pf px>4l»*f PWi WnPNI. *lK> P-'TfiPipKNT : fer# <m Iwr frit**f* Tllip Ip Mf*p Uvltfl’M I if«****«np I |p kWK&rl*'* »M *H* •<»•*• with pH IN Udpt pf iCtimpf ppriNNNi. ip VC**- itu • b*tw ah* w*gt an arhlld trr-m h*r jh*'M* •• Rngland. to brew*** th* OTP** jot Rdward Kamw, th* gsnal gated ’«gn»*triaa «f th* AratrtOTt egpttnl. *nd | vi ih* m#H# lir f Cnrf fr**Pi | Mb# |p til# IM of <N imWl* mk! Nf f »»#*ir»pT ii ptwurft p ioflHm( #»* j frttfMf htf |prf#**#<| of A4n»i«#iott wh## •!»# trft Vi#n«p. tm*r y#*n mi, m m»k<* i tfut of tti# K«r«f#*n U-apltgln. ah* wwt pr*a*ni*d hy th* *tn- I dent* and profeaglogal men of lb* city [with • atlver rrviwn of lagtwla. Upped I with gold, of fin* *nd mqulalt* work ! i-.nshta and bearing th* Inscription In Aa*lr!»n. “To lh* Victor of Hearts tis «hcr* «bt w*«t an a child from her , ! wiittag suhj-cts In Vlenwn " To tb* ‘ incentive of this beautiful trophy Ml*a 11 jvlngstoe ancrlh** much of her *ub senuenl triumph, and *h* carried H with her slway* a* • tntlatnao fa Pari*. Reran, Madrid. t*mdnn. 8t Pe tr rt burg nnd other European cltlea. her remarkable Arsierlty and intrepid feats on tb* unsaddled bock of a spirited hors* won her Intdanl r*cog- j nltion aa a gr*at artist*, and she re turned to Vienna with her fame aattred hy four aeason* of unbroken surcease* abroad. She I* row fresh from a no-, tahly surer**ful sea*on In the Austrian capital, and being young, attractive and accomplished, ha* created a hi- j rore wherever she has been seen. Forepaugh and Sella Brother* array , of rider* I# notably atcong this year, j Including. In addition to Mia* Living ston. dishing Eslella Hobson, atatn- | caque May Davenport, the distinguish ed four-horse equestrienne. Mm*. Du- | pont: and tile world-eminent male epueatrlans, Frank T. Melville. Wll- j llam Gorman. A. M. Davenport. Fran rla Hoed, Homer Hobson. William Lownnde and Sam Bennett All of these famous and fearle** riders, to- j gel her with a myriad otb w marvelous attractions, will be exploited here on the occasion of the forthcoming visit of the combined Forepaugh and Sells Brothers' Cirrus. Plant vour Fall Bulbs now. Hya cinths. tulips, nnd Chinese sacred lilies; quality nur aim at mod crate prices. The Huss Floral Nurseir. MARK SOLDIERS GRAVES. Capt. F. E. Eve Returned From An Important Meeting in Atlanta. Capt. F. E. Eve has returned from Atlanta, where he went to meet the committee appointed by the Legisla ture to see to the marking of the graves of Confederate soldiers who died In Federal prisons. The committee consisted of Hon. Clement A. Evan*, chairman, Atlanta; Capt. F. E. Eve, Augusta; Capt. R. K. Park. Macon; Hon. M. Newman, Sandersville; Hon. A. W. Foute. Car tersvllle. Ua.; M. A. Sorrell. Savan neh.Ga. A quorum of the committee was present and It Is jslnrecely hoped that the Legislature will soon find Itself In a position to make the desired appro priations for this noble cause. Hephzibah Notes. Hephsibalt, Ga.. Nov. s.—Uncle Chas. Williams, an attoil colored man, U quite 111 and is not expected to live. Lewis Hardrtck. who was shot Sat urday night, is testing well today Miss Annie King is a new pupil et the High School today. The protracted meeting now in pro gress in the Baptist church is attract ing much attention. Elegant line of toilet soaps at Alex ander drug store; you should see them, T»J£ jLXJOTJmYJk* M3dtAIJD PUTTING IN THE FLOORS ’lmNt V«rt p (•••lit CMf Ntm Taiif. qpwtdl %*N| flat 9mmm *o9****s Ctffp M l» mm MM mmm&* mm m I*** ■ || ggtft % tiT*Hn|f jpwiillli'# Mpp tpw K»iipi'ii**>ipt>ii< Id :'f PP#Nf4dNNMP pfp |MMI MpMM» • M p#4 |p *mim* ## pfed > * iwpif ip *ip* dip id# * Vlpi •'«dMd tdNd mm ld*d •'dud* 9 **-# n * |M m§ idddip# mm p fldMTv *■ I id# id* * l aH Hi *d» mmm*** mm§ mmmm #mm : pnmpppt id#it i**4 d*##p ddd tflMNdk, . dNat pptldg • m** l d mi mi mm*** t %'*#* ppnai pifr i pup l, pKssi : tp fd# dp*'#* put «d» *di pf.fydw>d Td# dm##* Jiff *m h* nf smrn *>4 Ivdddv «d 4 did mm m • mm&- dNPi Id fewdldd #dM, Ml •t 4 dNdddMd mm mi %9m ddi dUi | NdNdwp MdNd d dMMI 4wdl dddd f*>dMN#i Jldp | Itb# dPd did MMdd lpfit*#f*ii#d" op ip* iddf vd#d' dPI df ddM id U mhm Am* m dddf nt td#di mm *•» - idM* Id d» dll smm mim* tApt 1 did *9 pi it * IfMpfMP *'4 ill# t* M*r I f Nf* r % --*t d ?m tM**#*# (g% ig* m-f% J fi f W>iii| ~ i »’ ■ • pp«f iP#y prld Id ®d mm tNtd dff»t# Dhi fftP# Idm id# ** d* d##y d#l* mvm Id t»dl t* did v.. tilhf# PfM Jk# ImMNH »# ,#-r ftt r*i*v t h* v***#**#ft##» Mdd? pitvp fepv# • NH dd * MUMpp Ip 4 df m tm fife# nird mm* hm* m>t l Yd# #*irli id# dWdidtPdfy »d 4 • d#|Ndfdddi IP i#kit>« m tr A lilt. P» Id# ikon w* d#dtt* pldd id prrt%» pi Cr#it IH »ii old [tr rspip odder id#tr rhm§* Td# tfiPPttff of id# dfitt *wj(P .pt# #dfpp |Nifd t<*bii yiHir iiMrf (nr 9dfl ♦of? vlllk R ||. lirnry A Cm .. d«|Wil*i |nl##4 tditotd 1 IT AYOR OF CH ARLESTON. He Writes a teller oa a United Coaalry. I \Vr»t Superior Nov &. i rived by Mayor DleWteh of West So periov ’ Mayor Went Superior. Wisconsin Dear Sir: I h-v* th* honor to ae knowledgr receipt of resolutions adopied by your common rvmacll on lh* tenth of October Our city coun cil will not mew until th* ninth of November, but 1 will take pleasure in bringing your communication then . hyfore tb<- n. The city of Charleston I and especially tb* noble w omen of | this old city rejoice to have It In their I powqr in some degree lo a!l«vlal>- an-i sooth* the pains of your sick and suf- [ ferln lx»ya who were stricken down j when on their way to fight the hauler | of our common country. W* warmly , appreciate your gratitude and heartily reciprocate your earnest wish for n| closer l>oud of union between your | people and our*. it was worth all ( this war has cost In money and lnfl-j nltely more precious lives, (f it will. insult in the cementing together for-1 ever the different sections of thisi great country. All that Is needed for such a consummation now Is for us to know each other better and to re-j a!i*e that we are all Americans. Yoars respectfully. ”J Adger Smith, "Mayor, Charleston. S. C.” dirty water in court. Evidence in a Soda Water Bottle Produced By Prosecutor. Mr. John G. Davis appeared before Judge Baxter today in the role of prosecutor against Josephine Wilson, a colored woman who follows the pro fession of a washerwoman. Mr. Da vis charged that Josephine had thrown dirty water under his house. As evidence he produced in court a soda water bottle filled with a sample of the aforesaid fluid. It was of a dark color looking to have been used tu the wasbtub. The judge decided that as the defendant had only acted under orders of her employer in plac ing the water where she did. that she was not guilty, and dismissed tho case. Mr. Davis left court with his soda water bottle. He Is an inventor and may analyze the fluid. THREE LITTLE HERD S A Trio of Little Colored Boys Warn C. & W. C. Train of Danger. The Greenville Index tells of the ac* of three little colored boys at Troy. S. C.. a station on the Charleston and Western Carolina road, that puts the boys in the light of heroes. They saved a train from proljable distraction. The Index says: "A broken rail might have caused a run off Sabbath morning, but the train was flagged down by three little color ed boys, who were given a ride and a few pennies and sent on their way re joicing.” _ . t%* *s*%*«. I |. dogi ot r M m dd» m*mm§ i W . H-. m ommmmk ** d* M i .dddppppppp # t* p H ttpp-f-M ift ■4f «<mh| #d* I | I, tllMMdi, #4 Hd'Uddd# id At UN# A44i# i*f It op r#tiir«#d Iftdd # r|pH to ftdtldi Id Cddrdd* Hr JeJfdfodd f> n»«pf»FM«dr. of IN W K TmgHnfi. fid A- dfdlid iM I A- If Moor#. P M. fllll*#rf and f*T» foddfNdl M«p»r«. Hlmoi» *#**« m*4 U*»t (;oMh#rp, of Aflddia. i»r# Id# C«#«tp of ! (iihW'f (/* f* |n OHdft. W. If , I a • I IrvflS-OT ,»# V. m York. «rt pt «dr Arllngtod. Mm. Jdo. lapdtoo. Jr., pod )itfl# Mi*» Anna ElittbHh Ipiwtoo. of l«Awton «ill#, rt. r., pr# tb# gue«U of Mm Ad up |lprn#p \\t fUMlnry CoH#d'p frl#m!§ will *># dptlihlinl to ifpni that h# hpp h«#n rnUHtmt frv#r for tdo day# and that dtp U v#ry murd Iraprov rvUphtful dot pod poift drink# Pt Al- ] fiitruit-r drop Pt«>fP fountain. BROKER SLiCIDES. Joseph Dooner Fire* a Ball Through His Heart. Columbus. Oa . Nov. s.—Joseph Doo- , n«r, a pawnbroker of this city, com- j ntlited suicide this morning at hla room in the Version hotel. He fired a pistol ball through hie heart. Dooner has been 111 for quite a while and ha* been very despondent recently. He ta a brother of J. K. Dooner, of Bovannah. where his mother and other relatives reside, and was about 4« year* of age and unmarried. He was a native of Savannah. NOTICE. Subscribers of the Southern Bell Telephone AND Telegraph Company. Telephones have been placed at. the -following offices and warehouses of the U. S. Army : No 250, Office Depot Quartermaster, Capt W. C- R. Colquham. No. 253, Office Purcha sing and Shipping Com missary. No. 107, Commissary Department Warehouse, Central of Georgia Rail way. No. 290, Commissary Department Warehouse, Charleston and Western Carolina Railway. No. 72, Commissary De partment, Doolittle Ware house No. 66, Commissary Department Warehouse, Southern Railway. W. H. ADKINS, .Manager. CREDIT FOR THE POLICE. i ijNfYY* At Mi ftfCdut Id Tiki it d ttltfcfdi Hid , i Ait*# wind— t# t imma itMMi m *v td c f AIM % 0 mmmtm t #tt#<» 1 ppy. mm 4 I ph M a fts4!ibt* ft# CdlAf HwkTi A< Ii bop |>li <ip At fpk#P bv td# BOlif# Ip td# rpnf»r# of n» ,<f «p |srptp#it for tork Jrn* dy it»**n» DimiCIHHl thrill you fill rc#t pppur#l highly than to pp#pk of Ids tailpfac tory prrftjriopnr# of th# pollcm fnrm at which I am conn#«i#a with •• lw chief. “Youm truly. •*GKO M HOOP. * Chief of Police." HfMPt P#pp. Now la the time to plant seed saved from mir superb Urw crina varieties. •» much admired last [spring. The Hus* Fl%>ral Nursery. THE WEATHER. Augusta. G*.. Saturday. Nor. R, ;isps. om e In rolled States Govern ment building; telephone No. 1572. Forecast for 38 hours ending 8 p. m , 1 Nov. 6. 1888 I Washington forecast for South Caro lllna: Ratn and warmer tonight; | clearing and colder Sunday; brisk to [southerly winds. Washington forecast for Georgia: Rain tonight with warmer in northern portion; Sunday cleuring and cooler. THE RIVER The river at 8 a. m. was 7.6 feci, t» fall of 0.2 feet In the past 24 hours. WEATHER CONDITIONS. Tile storm has drifted slowly east ward sinco yesterday nloqihig with stightly Increased energy an 3 is now central over upper Michigan, where tho barometer stands 29.42 Inches, while the highest pressure is located over the upper Atlantic ccast. The barometer Is also high over the central Rocky mountain region. Light rains have fallen In the past 24 ' hours over tho central valleys and ad joining states with thunderstorms oc curring at Detroit and Chicago. Temperatures have fallen decidedly in Kansas, the upper Mississippi val ley and upper Michigan, but have lie come higher over the interior of the country and the eastern portion. A maximum wind velocity of 28 mites per hour from the northwest is reported from Kansas City. They are kept busy in the prescrip tion department of Alexander drug store; they sell the purest and only the purest drugs there. There seems to lie some mystery as to the whereabouts of Dr. Morits Busch, the Boswell of Prince Bismarck, whose biography of his hefo was pub lished by Messrs. Macmillan two weeks ago. It Is not surmised that the em peror has risen In his wrath and had the German Pepys placed under loch and key. but none the less the doctor’s usual haunts know him not, and even his publishers cannot trace him. A realty good wheel ought to last for several centuries. r» mi p SURPRISING! [3 p#i Hi* iWnuft* I# Mum* Mptriiar Nmi 4 m*4* <>• Pm p**w 4mmm * <M*|ariMM L*v | haw uritr> *4 Haw hot** <*riw**h ((7#,##! !• flfl Lj **Mfei* in* to «*pf# #*■•* I*#*' **Ko «M**ca«|* P#4 k*| #w Mto tw Kid ototl *m*«N*. MOwl aotMKforv, DM Pill* t.*oO Pm Wr4 It# W ■# ' i HAiS t £>t iI \ §Af kft# Pn itiffiiijaq'jiinidPrfc. a I 1 tTrTiTsTiYxYxmmTiYx J INK CIHIKItCL Wen’s Meeting. to it, ir the *is skers and Ik* *olxl *r Is lh* ti**t lo tm procured la tb* Tomorrow * meeting will be of spe- I r | a | interest to lb* men of tb* City. I [ no dotihl on* of th* targes' su-1 dlence* of the seaaoa will be pres Rer T F. Speneer will spmk upon [Sucres* and handle thin subject la his peculiar and fore hi* atyl* Mwsra Haiti*. Stovall. Rusjetl and Wallace., . th* male quartet, will render a beauti ful number, lmad Kindly Ugh!, and [ tbry will be at their beat, and tbla la raying a great deal, for they are one |of the best quartette* th* city ever \ bad. R.-member th* time. 3:30 tomorrow i j afternoon, and t>* present. Special Meeting For Bo>*. Th* frst meeting of the season for ' boys will b« held tomorrow afternoon at five o'clock, and will be led by Mr. Jameson. All the hoys love Mr. Jameson and no doubt they will (urn out In num | hers to hear him. He will have some t very Interesting things to say to them about the work for hoys this winter., and every boy should he present to j j hear h’.tn. i |j# BEAUTIFUL VVOiTEN know the value of perfect teeth. The loss or discoloration of the teeth lessen the charms and cause poor health- _ We make examinations free and can give an estimate of the amount of work necessary, the probable number of settings and the cost. All our work is thoroughly reliable. The most improved instruments and best materials in all operations Our prices are very reasonable- AMERICAN' DENTAL PARLORS, Augusta, Georgia, DR. CHAS. NEEDHAM. NAVVMPir* ft Today*# *i ark i;t .a A###*' # #l# % -- ,r * k Y*w '•#«*.'#4L i €mmmmrnm ** *• m •« M ♦ * m Mmrnmmm mm»*m *• *#*# »« i t ip t ip I JPRMnMpIAK# «• •• •• •* •« *”*“**’ I xi«r *»•••* *• •*■»* ** ’p I Hay S3%*Ak 10#r»«lMrr .. M .. •• •• •« I JPWPPfT 7. ** r..V. 111 4PI ijtui# *• .♦ .. •« •• #»H K 34 Auiunti •••• •• •• •• ** ■* (h-tobfr —— | H 13 • | h-ipmlm .» st .* •• S-H *.¥• ™ —Qtil**t. Middling S Ml. Stw YOHX flYOCyi. | Hucar .. 11. H f. ««4 ||. O ...a lit '« 1)1^4 ! and Kaaftvtlk . &T% i»T% people # *"•# .•*!. V. !! .* H4A i' 111* • m P*< m- Ht. raul .• .* Houth*.rn Hallway. r*fd .. Vfiftrri Union ‘••'i ft’ 1 # UIVBJIPOOI* COTTON. [January an»l February 3-W 2.V [ February and March •• £.•»' 3.^^ ! March and April 25* 3 *' l 59 [April and May r ; 1 3.5» 60 I May and June .... -’.St .‘.SOS. June and July .... .. 7.-1 2.« t 62 July and Aug 2.62 2.62 TO RENT-THREE OR FOUR Fl it- NIHHKiD or ujnfurnlKhC'd room*, new* ly papered. Apply to 420 Kotlock St. : Nov 7 WANTED AT ONCE —COMPETENT ( white servant with good reference. Apply 1107 Greene street. Nov 6